Any Questions on Ben Franklin Assignment? All but which of the following statements are descriptive of Benjamin Franklin? A) he was one of the leading printers in the American colonies B) he was a founding member of the American Philosophical Society C) he founded the Academy of Philadelphia with a focus on theology D) he was a successful inventor of bifocals, an efficient stove, and the lightning rod, among other items E) he organized the first lending library in the colonies Answer: C) he founded the Academy of Philadelphia with a focus on theology Explanation: Besides his pivotal roles in both the Revolutionary War and the Constitutional Convention, Benjamin Franklin was an accomplished inventor, philosopher, scientist, printer, and public servant. The College of Philadelphia, unlike Harvard and Yale, did not focus on theology or religion. Franklin "favored an education that stressed practical skills that would serve students regardless of what line of work they took up." (University of Pennsylvania website) Read, analyze chart and answer the questions In 1790, the first U.S. census was taken, as required by the Constitution…The count was necessary in order to determine taxation and representation in Congress. All free people were counted, as well as “three-fifths of all other Persons.” Indians were excluded. 1. 2. 3. 4. City 1790 1800 1810 Boston New York Philadelphia Baltimore Charleston 18,038 33,131 45,529 13,503 16,359 24,937 60,489 69,403 26,114 20,473 33,250 96,373 91,874 35,583 24,711 What is a Census check, why was it needed and when does it occur? What does it mean when it states 3/5’s of all other persons? Which city grew the most during the 20 years shown? Which city grew the least during the 20 years shown? 1. Washington’s Presidency Served 2 terms---1789 to 1797 VP: John Adams 2. US Problems = Solutions Government on paper but not in practice Precedents Develops first Cabinet----Hamilton vs Jefferson Supreme Court Debt Farmers refuse to Excise taxes and tariffs Bank of United States (BUS) in 1792 pay Whiskey tax to US Govt. Confidence in new Constitution “Mobocracy” Whiskey Rebellion Successfully put down by Washington, 1794 notes1 The Possibility of War Jay’s Treaty—1793---Great Britain Forts for debts Picnkney’s Treaty—1795---Spain Open up the Mississippi River French Revolution---1789 to 1800---US US asked to help France in war with England Neutrality Act---Washington warns US to stay neutral and not side with the French. 4. Washington’s Farewell Speech: 1796 Two ways the US can stay unified Avoid political parties Military alliances with Europe Neutrality----Isolation notes2 Achievements: •Sound economic foundation •westward expansion •Kept us out of war Election Results of 1788 Presidential election results map. Numbers indicate the number of electoral votes allotted to each state. (Note: North Carolina and Rhode Island had not yet ratified the Constitution, the New York legislature was deadlocked, and Vermont was operating as a de facto unrecognized state.) 1792 Election Results (16 states in the Union) George Washington Virginia Federalist 132 97.8% John Adams Massachusetts Federalist 77 57.0% George Clinton New York DemocraticRepublican 50 37.0% Thomas Jefferson Virginia DemocraticRepublican 4 3.0% Aaron Burr New York Federalist 1 0.7% 6 4.4% Electoral Votes Not Cast --- ----- Total Number of Electors 132 Total Electoral Votes Cast 264 Number of Votes for a Majority 67 1792 Election Results Wash inaugural •New Constitution and Government take effect on April 30, 1789. •Washington begins his presidency in New York City and alternates between there and Philadelphia. •Capital city at this time was New York City. Precedents are models, examples or influences other Presidents would follow What to call the President? Mr. President President sets their own personal style Cabinet appointed by President and advises him VP—John Adams-- has no official duties President acts independent from Congress Congress relies on the advice of the President Served 2 terms and stepped aside for someone else edents prec cabinet Cabinet advises the President and heads up an agency of the government Department of State-----Foreign affairs •Thomas Jefferson----Secretary of State Department of Treasury---Financial affairs •Alexander Hamilton—Secretary of the Treasury Department of War-------------------Military affairs •Henry Knox----Secretary of War Attorney General----------------------Legal affairs •Edmund Randolph---Department of Justice Postmaster General-------------------Postal system •Samuel Osgood •Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson played a valuable role in the beginning of our nation. •Both were visionaries and influenced the direction our country would go economically, politically and socially. •President Washington was stuck in the middle of these two men as they argued over our country’s beginnings. political Federalist Beliefs Leader Appealed to Ideas of Government Domestic Policy Foreign Policy Alexander Hamilton John Adams Manufacturers, merchants, wealthy and educated…. Favored seaboard cities Strong government over states Loose Construction of Constitution •Implied powers Wealthy and educated involved Limit freedoms of speech & press Preferred govt. similar to a king Supported National Bank—BUS Supported excise tax National debt good for country National govt. assume state debts Tariffs should be high Opposed French Revolution Wanted war with French Favored the British (former Anti-Federalists) Democratic-Republicans Thomas Jefferson James Madison Farmers and Planters common man Favored the South and West State’s rights over National Govt. Strict construction of Constitution •Expressed/Enumerated powers Common man but educated Bill of Rights is sacred Lesser government the better Against National Bank—BUS Against excise tax Against National debt States pay their own debts Tariffs should be low Supported French Revolution Opposed war with French Favored the French •President Washington appoints 6 justices to the Supreme Court •3 from North and 3 from South •Judiciary Act of 1789, Congress created lower courts to assist the Supreme Court. John Jay first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court precedents •President Washington faced several Indian problems. •British were supplying the tribes with arms and ammunition to attack US settlers. •Washington sent General “Mad Anthony” Wayne to defeat the Indian tribes. War in the Old Northwest Territory Several tribes, led by Little Turtle of the Miamis, scored early victories (1790–91) The Miamis were defeated at Fallen Timbers by General Mad Anthony Wayne (1794) War in the Old Northwest Territory Treaty of Greenville • (1795) gave USA right to settle most of Ohio • First formal recognition of Indian sovereignty over land not ceded by treaty Map 13 of 45 Problems with Diplomacy British forts on U.S. soil. Still haven’t removed troops and supplying Indians with weapons Disputed land claims with Spain. Cut off Mississippi River Territorial issues with Great Britain Jays Conflicts with Britain •British made neutrality difficult: maintained trading posts on US soil, sold firearms to Indians. •Collaborated with Indians to check US expansion to frontier. Conflicts with Britain • 1793- War broke out between France and Great Britain • British expected Americans to defend French West Indies, so attacked US merchant ships, seizing about 300 – Impressed and imprisoned American sailors. – What was the policy of impressment? impressment Impressment: an act of kidnapping a ship, its contents, men and forcing them into your navy Jay’s Treaty • Jeffersonians called for war while the Federalists resisted • To avoid war, Washington sent Chief Justice John Jay to London (1794). • Jeffersonian’s concerned about Jay’s loyalty. • Hamilton feared war with England Jay’s Treaty • British remove forts from US soil (should have been done in 1783 • British agreed but required US to pay old debts on pre-Revolution accounts. John Jay is burnt in effigy because Americans believed he sold out to the British. • Allowed US to negotiate separate treaties with Indian tribes • Opened westward expansion for US settlers. Jay’s Treaty • US guaranteed favored treatment to British imported goods • Did not stop impressment nor did it protect the rights of “American Shipping” John Jay is burnt in effigy because Americans believed he sold out to the British. • Reality- canceled AmericanFrench alliance Reaction to Jay’s Treaty • Jeffersonian’s felt treaty was surrender to Britain, betrayal of South • Jay’s Treaty gave life to new opposition partyDemocratic-Republican party, tarnished Wash.’s popularity. • Critics –aligned with Monarchical GB over Republican France • Spain, fearing US-British alliance, gives US free use of Mississippi, disputed territory north of FL. Spain cut off our farmers right to use the Mississippi River and deposit their crops in New Orleans. Picnkneys Pinckney’s Treaty: Spain gave US the free use of the Mississippi River for 5 yrs. and the boundary was set at 31st parallel between Spanish Florida and US…… The Pinckney Treaty Pinckney's Treaty (A) helped prevent a naval war with France (B) awarded all of Spanish Florida to the U.S. (C) provided for the removal of British forces from forts in American territory (D) opened up the Northwest to white settlement by forcing Indian tribes to give up lands north of the Ohio River (E) granted Americans the right to use New Orleans as a port for shipping Answer: (E) granted Americans the right to use New Orleans as a port for shipping Thomas Pinckney Explanation: Spain's control of Florida and the mouth of the Mississippi River at New Orleans presented a western and southern challenge to the Washington administration. The agreement between Spain and the U.S. ratified in 1796, set the southern border of the U.S. at the 31st parallel and granted Americans navigation rights on the Mississippi River. Congress & Sec. of Treasury Alexander Hamilton solve debt problems (5 parts): Foreign Debt $11,710,000 Federal Domestic Debt $42,414,000 State Debt $21,500,000 •Establish good credit with foreign nations, credit worthiness, sell bonds to people (loan to govt.) •Pay off $80 million debt, creation of a new national debt •Create a national bank with a national currency, Bank of the US, “financial agent” •Excise Tax: Raise money for govt backed by gold silver, tax on producers of whiskey Misc. Revenue Excise Tax on Whiskey Custom Duties (Tariffs) Compromise with Thomas Jefferson called the Assumption Act led to the creation of Washington, D.C. debt •Tariff: a tax on imports, then govt. subsidies for factories BUS HAMILTON JEFFERSON •Safe place to deposit and transfer money •Against the Constitution •Provide loans to government and state banks •A national currency---$$$$$ •An investment by people to buy stock into US bank •State banks would collapse •Only wealthy could invest in bank and would control bank than control the government •Hurt the common man •Constitution did not forbid a national bank….Loose construction of Constitution •Strict construction…If it is not mentioned in the Constitution than there can’t be a national bank. •National debt good for country •Against a national debt Jefferson-Hamilton Bargain • Strongly opposed in South • Famous dinner 1790 • Agreed to accept Hamilton’s fiscal plans (exception of subsidies to manufacturing) • Agreed to a permanent national capital on Potomac River between Maryland and Virginia “Federal City” Hamilton's Financial Plans Secretary of Treasury Alexander Hamilton advocated all but which of the following in establishing a firm national economic base? (A) protective tariffs for domestic industries (B) assuming the debts of the individual states (C) a tax on exported tobacco and cotton (D) assuming the debts of the Confederation Congress (E) establishment of a national bank Answer: The Report on Manufactures, one of Hamilton's grand economic plans (C) a tax on exported tobacco and cotton Explanation: Part of the Commerce Compromise of the 1787 Constitutional Convention was a restriction on taxing exports, a concession to the Southern agricultural states. All of the other choices were elements of Hamilton's financial plans. All but which of the following were elements of Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton's financial plans: Hamilton's Financial Plans A) establish the creditworthiness of the U.S. to encourage loans to the government B) assume the responsibility for the debt accrued during the Revolutionary War by paying it off at full face value C) creation of local or "pet" banks to distribute the government's money throughout the regions of the U.S D) the imposition of a tariff to support American industries E) a tax on the producers of whiskey Answer: C) creation of local or "pet" banks to distribute the government's money throughout the regions of the U.S. Explanation: Hamilton's goal of establishing the U.S. as a nation deserving of loans proved to be an important source of economic development in the early years of the Republic. One of his chief proposals was a national bank, the Bank of the U.S., which was modeled on the Bank of England and created as a private corporation and not a branch of the federal government. Local or "pet" banks were part of Andrew Jackson's scheme to kill the Bank of the U.S. in the 1830s. Whiskey Rebellion Whiskey Rebels refused to pay the excise tax that was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Washington….Believed this tax was unfair because it was taxing their income…… •Farmer’s revolt in western Pennsylvania. •Refused to pay Hamilton’ s excise tax •Believed it was an unfair tax. •Were called the “Whiskey Rebels” Whiskey •Issue at hand was testing the power of the new Constitution Outcome: •Demonstrated to the people that this new constitution was powerful enough to put down domestic rebellions, “mobocracy” •Showed the power of President Washington reviews 13,000 troops of the the national Western Army assembled at Fort Cumberland, government Maryland, to crush the Whiskey Rebellion. French Revolution in America The execution of French Queen Marie Antoinette, one of the French Revolution's key events Reaction to the French Revolution in the United States included all of the following except (A) concern from Hamilton's supporters about the breakdown in authority (B) enthusiasm from Jefferson's supporters who saw this as a natural extension of the spirit of the American Revolution (C) Citizen Genet travelling through the U.S. and building support for the restoration of the French monarchy (D) Washington adopting a neutral course with the issuance of a proclamation of neutrality (E) early popular enthusiasm for the uprising replaced with a cooling of support as executions mounted Answer: (C) Citizen Genet travelling through the U.S. and building support for the restoration of the French monarchy Explanation: Early support and enthusiasm as a result of the reports of the popular uprising in France faded as news reached the U.S. of numerous executions and the passage of radical laws. Hamilton's supporters were appalled by the excesses, while Jeffersonian’s tended to side with the revolutionaries. Washington steered a middle course. Citizen Genet enlisted the support of American privateers to harass British shipping after the new French Republic declared war on Britain and sought official U.S. support and recognition of the revolutionaries. Washington, this time supported by both Hamilton and Jefferson, refused. French Rev •Began in 1790’s, unfair taxation and inequality---worldwide crisis •Overthrow King Louis 16th and Marie Antoniete •similar to King George •Americans believed we should help the French----similar to ours French Rev •Executions of King Louis the 16th and Marie Antoniette in 1793. •Begins “Reign of Terror” during French Revolution where 40,000 opponents of the new govt. were beheaded. •France goes to war against European kings •France requested US ships to block West Indies from the British •President Washington declared Neutrality and ordered Americans to avoid this war farewell Whereas it appears that a state of war exists between Austria, Prussia, Sardinia, Great Britain and the United Netherlands, of the one part and France on the other; and the duty and interest of the U.S. require, that they should with sincerity and good faith adopt and pursue a conduct friendly and impartial toward the belligerent powers. farewell neutrality I have therefore thought fit by these presents to declare the disposition of the U.S. to observe the conduct aforesaid towards those Powers respectfully; and to exhort and warn the citizens of the U.S. carefully to avoid all acts and proceedings whatsoever, which may in any manner tend to contravene such disposition….April 1793 •President Washington’s response to the French was to warn Americans to stay out these European conflicts and remain neutral or avoid. •Why? •Most Americans (Jefferson and Paine) were upset with Washington’s Neutrality. •Washington’s Neutrality decision was based on the long term U.S. self interest. •Preserve and protect the infant nation Thomas Paine On Washington’s Neutrality “And as to you, sir, treacherous in private friendship (for so you have been to me, and that in the day of danger) and a hypocrite in public life, the world will be puzzled to decide, whether you are an apostate or an importer; whether you have abandoned good principles, or whether you ever had any.” Response to frenchrev farewell •Washington warned of the dangers of political parties and permanent alliances with other nations. •Washington’s warning against “entangling alliances” became a principle of U.S. foreign policy. “Europe has a set of primary interests which to us have none or a very remote relation….Our detached and distant situation invites and enables us to pursue a different course…..It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world……Taking care always to keep ourselves by suitable establishments on a respectable defensive posture, we may safely trust to temporary alliances for extraordinary emergencies”…..1796 Washington is convinced that Americans must stay neutral and avoid foreign affairs associated with all the British and foreign continents--- ”GOOD HISTORIAN” Washington displayed this in 1793 by the Proclamation of Neutrality and his Farewell Address in 1796. No entangling alliances…….US should avoid military alliances with Europe…….continue to trade with Europe Neutrality = Isolation Washington's Farewell Address In his 1797 Farewell Address, George Washington warns of all the following except A) partisan party politics B) regional loyalties displacing loyalty to the United States C) building the national debt by unnecessary borrowing by the government D) the danger of religion having too great an effect on public life E) entangling foreign alliances Answer: D) the danger of religion having too great an effect on public life Explanation: Originally intended to be given when Washington planned to retire in 1793 after one term, his Farewell Address was eventually delivered in 1797 when he was succeeded by John Adams. Washington gave a number of warnings, including the danger of ignoring the value of religion and morality to the continued success of the Republic. In contrast to the view of Thomas Jefferson, who valued secular education much more highly than religion, Washington wrote "Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle."