
Chapter 10- Launching the New Ship of State
Washington for President
 First Cabinet
 Sec. of State- Thomas Jefferson
 Sec. of the Treasury- Alexander Hamilton
 Sec. of War- Henry Knox
Bill of Rights
 Passed in 1791
 Judiciary Act of 1789
 John Jay
Hamilton Revives the Corpse of Public Credit
 Support of the wealthy
 Trickle Down Effect
 The Debt Plan
 The Deal
Customs, Duties, and Excise Taxes
 Creditors take a personal stake
 Tariffs
 Excise Tax- Whiskey
Hamilton Battles Jefferson for a Bank
 Bank of the United States
o Print money
o Deposit money
 Unconstitutional/Constitutional
 Strict/Loose interpretation of the Constitution
Mutinous Moonshiners in Pennsylvania
o The Whiskey Rebellion
o Response
o Difference between Shay’s Rebellion
The Emergence of Political Parties
o Hamilton vs. Jefferson
o Federalists vs. Democratic-Republicans
The Impact of the French Rebellion
o Support then not so much
Washington's Neutrality Proclamation
o Neutrality Proclamation
o Self Interest
Embroilments with Britain
o Posts on American soil
o Arming of Native Americans
o Impressment of sailors
Jay's Treaty and Washington's Farewell
o Jay’s Treaty
o Pinckney’s Treaty
John Adams Becomes President
o Elected 2nd President
Unofficial Fighting with France
o French seizure of ships
o XYZ Affair
o Navy and Marines created
Adams Puts Patriotism Above Party
o John Jay
o Convention of 1800
The Federalist Witch Hunt
o Alien Acts
o Restricted Immigration
o Sedition Acts
o Imprisonment and fines for ill speak of the government
The Virginia (Madison) and Kentucky (Jefferson) Resolutions
o Compact Theory
o Broken agreement
o Nullification
Federalists versus Democratic-Republicans
o Central government vs. States Rights