Sec. 10.4

Chapter 10 : The Mole
Sec. 10.4: Empirical &
Molecular Formulas
• Explain what is mean by the percent
composition of a compound.
• Determine the empirical and molecular
formulas for a compound from mass
percent and actual mass data.
• Synthetic chemists
are often involved in
developing new
compounds for
pharmaceutical and
home uses.
• It is the analytical
chemist’s job to
identify the elements
that a compound
contains and
determine its
chemical formula.
Percent Composition
• The first step in this chemist’s job is to
determine the percent by mass of the
elements in the compound.
• Recall that the percent by mass of any
element in a compound is found by:
Mass of Element
x 100
Mass of Compound
The percent by mass of each element in a
compound is the percent composition of
a compound.
Percent composition can be determined
•experimental data
•the chemical formula
From Experimental Data
A chemist has a 100.0 g sample of XY. The
sample contains 55.0 g X and 45.0 g Y.
Percent of X = 55.0 g/100.0 g x 100 = 55%
Percent of Y = 100 – 55 = 45%
From the Formula
Assume you have 1 mol of the compound.
1 mol of H2O = 18.0 g
In 1 mol of H2O, there are 2 moles of H atoms and 1
mol O atoms
2 mole H atoms x
1.0 g
= 2.0 g H
1 mol H atoms
1 mol O atoms = 16.0 g
% H = 2.0g/18.0g = 11 %
% O = 100 – 11 = 89%
Practice Problems
• Calculate the percent composition of
sodium sulfate (Na2SO4).
• Which has the larger percent by mass of
sulfur, H2SO3 or H2S2O8?
• What is the percent composition of a
compound that contains 2.644 g of gold
and 0.476 g of chlorine?
Empirical Formula
• The empirical formula is the simplest
formula for a compound.
• A molecular formula is the same as the
empirical formula or it is a multiple of
the empirical formula; it is the actual
number of atoms of each element in one
molecule or formula unit of the
Empirical Formula
formula C6H6
Empirical Formula
Empirical Formula
Molecular Formula C2H2
Empirical Formula ?
Empirical Formula
Formula C6H12O6
Formula ?
Empirical Formula
Carbon Dioxide
Molecular Formula CO2
Empirical Formula ?
Empirical Formula
• The empirical formula may or may not be
the same as the molecular formula.
• If they are different, the molecular
formula will be a multiple of the
empirical formula.
To Determine Empirical Formula
Empirical Formula
• The percent composition of a compound
was found to be 40.05% S and 59.95% O.
What is the empirical formula for the
Empirical Formula
• Step One: Assume you have 100 g of the
compound**; Step Two: use molar mass to
determine moles of each element.
• 40.05 g S x 1 mol S = 1.248 mol S
32. 1 g
• 59.95 g O x 1 mol O = 3.747 mol O
16 g
** If you are given mass data instead of %
composition, determine moles directly from
the grams.
Empirical Formula
• Step 3: Divide both mole values by the
smaller of the two to get the mole ratio of
the elements.
1.248 mol S = 1 mol S
3.747 mol O = 3 mol O
Empirical Formula
• Now use the simplest, whole number mole
ratio as subscripts in the empirical
1 mol S: 3 mol O
Practice Problems
• What is the empirical formula for a
compound that contains 10.89% Mg, 31.77%
Cl, and 57.34% O?
• Determine the empirical formula for a
compound that contains 74.19% Na and
25.81% O.
• When an oxide of potassium is
decomposed, 19.55 g of K and 4.00 g of O
are obtained. What is the empirical
formula of the compound?
Honors Practice Problem
• Determine the empirical formula for a
compound that contains 35.98%
aluminum and 64.02% sulfur.
• The chemical analysis of aspirin
indicates that the molecule is 60.00% C,
4.44% H, and 35.56% O. Determine the
empirical formulas for aspirin.
Molecular Formula
• Compounds with the same empirical
formula can have very different properties.
• Remember, the empirical formula does not
always indicate the actual number of moles
in the compound. So, different compounds
can have the same empirical formula.
• Acetylene (C2H2) and benzene (C6H6) are
different compounds with the same
empirical formula, CH.
Molecular Formula
• In order to distinguish between different
compounds with the same empirical
formula, a chemist must go one step further
and determine the compound’s molecular
• The molar mass of the compound is
determined through experimentation and
compared with the molar mass
represented by the empirical formula.
Molecular Formula
• Suppose a compound has an empirical
formula of ClCH2 and a molar mass of 98.96
g/mol. How can its molecular formula be
• Step One: Find the molar mass of the
empirical formula.
ClCH2 = 35.5 + 12.0 + 2(1.0) = 49.5 g/mol
Molecular Formula
• Step 2: Divide the molar mass of the
compound by the molar mass of the
empirical formula.
98.96 g/mol = 1.999 = 2
49.5 g/mol
The molecular formula is this multiple of
the empirical formula.
Molecular Formula
Step 3: Multiply the subscripts in the
empirical formula by this multiple.
ClCH2 becomes Cl2C2H4. This is the
molecular formula of the compound.
Practice Problems
The empirical formula of a compound is
found to be C2H3O2. It has a molar mass of
118.1 g/mol. Determine the molecular
formula for the compound.
The molar mass for a compound having
the empirical formula of CH is found to be
78.1 g/mol. What is the molecular formula
for the compound?
Honors Practice Problem
• A colorless liquid composed of 46.68%
nitrogen and 53.32% oxygen has a molar
mass of 60.01 g/mol. What is the molecular
• A compound was found to contain 49.98 g C
and 10.47 g H. The molar mass of the
compound is 58.12 g/mol. Determine the
molecular formula.