Chapter 1 -

Chapter 1
The Basics of
Ask Yourself:
True or False?
1. It is possible to have an appetite without
being hungry.
2. Most people obtain information about
nutrition from health professionals.
3. The way people choose to live and eat can
affect their health and quality of life as they
4. Vitamins and minerals supply calories
5. You can order a low-fat, balanced meal at a
fast-food outlet.
Ask Yourself:
True or False?
6. Healthful diets cost more than relatively
7. When a person suffers from malnutrition, it
means he or she is taking in too few
8. A nutritionist is a professional who is
certified to advise people on nutrition.
9. The notion of eating insects repels people
around the world.
10. The more current a dietary claim, the more
you can trust its accuracy and reliability.
The Field of Nutrition
• Nutrition
 The study of foods, their nutrients and other
chemical components, their actions and
interactions in the body, and their influence
on health and disease.
• About Nutrition:
 Newcomer on the scientific block
 Scientific discoveries of nutrients have mainly
occurred in past one hundred years
 Billions of dollars spent each year to
investigate the many aspects of nutrition
The Field of Nutrition
• Understanding the impact food has on
our bodies by examining research in
chemistry, physics, biology,
biochemistry, genetics, immunology
• Nutrition-related fields include
psychology, anthropology,
epidemiology, geography, agriculture,
ethics, economics, sociology, and
Translating Nutrition
• Health fraud:
Conscious deceit
practiced for profit,
such as the promotion
of a false or an
unproven product or
• Quackery: Fraud.
• A quack is a person
who practices health
 Quack = to boast
Some stores sell pills &
potions touted as fat
melters, energy
boosters, & muscle
The Nutrients in Foods
6 classes of
• Nutrients: Substances
obtained from food and
used in the body to
promote growth,
maintenance, and repair.
• Essential nutrients:
Nutrients that must be
obtained from food
because the body cannot
make them for itself.
• Nonessential nutrients:
Nutrients that the body
needs, but is able to make
in sufficient quantities
when needed; do not need
to be obtained from food.
The Nutrients in Foods
• The energy-yielding nutrients:
 Carbohydrate
 Fat
 Protein
• Energy: the capacity to do work, such as
moving or heating something.
• Calorie: the unit used to measure energy.
• Alcohol is not a nutrient but it does contain
Caloric Values of Carbohydrate, Protein,
Fat, and Alcohol
Vitamins, Minerals, and Water
• Vitamins
 Organic, or carbon-containing, essential
nutrients vital to life and needed in minute
• vita = life
• amine = containing nitrogen
• Minerals:
 Inorganic compounds, some of which are
essential nutrients.
• Water:
 Provides the medium for life processes.
Calorie Values
Remember this
Calorie value of carbohydrate, fat, & protein
If you know the number of grams of carbohydrate,
fat, and protein in a food, you can calculate the
number of calories in it. For example, a deluxe
fast food hamburger contains about 45 g of
carbohydrate, 27 g of protein, and 39 g of fat
Percentage of Total Energy Intake
The percentage of your total energy intake from
carbohydrate, fat, and protein can then be
determined by dividing the number of calories
from each energy nutrient by the total calories,
and then multiplying your answer by 100 to get
the percentage
Nutrition and Health Promotion
Past History:
• Malnutrition:
Any condition caused by an excess, deficiency,
or imbalance of calories or nutrients.
• Diseases of Deficiency:
Caused by taking in too little of one nutrient
or another.
 Diseases of deficiency have virtually been
eliminated in the U.S. due to an abundant
food supply and fortification.
Nutrition and Health Promotion
Present Problems:
• Overnutrition
Calorie or nutrient over-consumption severe
enough to cause disease or increased risk of
disease; a form of malnutrition.
• Degenerative disease
Chronic disease characterized by deterioration
of body organs as a result of misuse and
neglect; poor eating habits, smoking, lack of
exercise, and other lifestyle habits often
contribute to degenerative diseases, including
heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, and
Not all diseases are equally influenced by diet.
Lifestyle Elements Associated with Longevity
Avoiding excess alcohol
Not smoking
Maintaining a healthy weight
Exercising regularly
Sleeping 7 to 8 hours a night
Eating breakfast
Eating nutritious, regular meals
Eat Well Be Well
Okinawans enjoy one of the
longest life spans on earth.
1. Enough is Enough
2. Moderation and a
Healthful Lifestyle Are
Key Cultural Values
3. Psychological and
Spiritual Health Matters.
• Okinawan twin
sisters at age 106
A National Agenda for Improving
Health & Nutrition
Health Promotion:
Helping people achieve
their maximum potential
for good health
1. Getting people to eat healthful
2. Be physically active
3. Get regular rest
4. Develop leisure-time hobbies
for relaxation
5. Strengthen social networks
with family and friends
6. Achieve a balance among
family, work, and play
The Longevity Game – page 14
Start at the top line—age
78, the average life
expectancy for adults
in the United States
For each of the 11
lifestyle areas add or
subtract years as
instructed. If an area
doesn’t apply, go on
to the next one.
If you are not sure of the
exact number to add
or subtract, make a
1. Exercise
2. Relaxation
3. Driving
4. Blood Pressure
5. 65 and working
6. Family History
7. Smoking
8. Drinking
9. Gender
10. Weight
11. Age
12. Seatbelts
Your Final Score:
Understanding Our Food Choices
• Numerous factors influence
 Hunger, appetite, and food habits
 Nutrition knowledge, health
beliefs/concerns, and practices
 Availability, convenience, and
 Advertising and the media
 Early experiences, social
interactions, and cultural traditions
 Personal preference, taste, and
psychological needs
 Values, such as political views,
environmental concerns, and
religious beliefs
Understanding Our Food Choices
• Hunger
The physiological
need for food.
• Appetite
The psychological
desire to eat, which
is often but not
always accompanied
by hunger.
Understanding Our Food Choices
• Availability
• Americans enjoy an abundant food supply
Resources to maintain a large
agricultural industry and import a wide
variety of foods
An abundant food supply has been
linked to degenerative diseases
Degenerative diseases are sometimes
referred to as diseases of affluence
Understanding Our Food Choices
• Income, Food Prices, and Convenience
 Low incomes make it difficult to buy enough
food to meet minimum nutritional needs
 Undernutrition
• Severe under-consumption of calories or
nutrients leading to disease or increased
susceptibility to disease; a form of
 Many people perceive that a healthy diet
costs more.
• Does it cost more than convenience
Perceived Barriers to Healthful Eating
1. Healthy foods are not always available from
fast-food and take-out restaurants
2. It costs more to eat healthy foods
3. Too busy to take the time to eat healthfully
4. Too much conflicting information about
which foods are healthy and which foods
are not
5. Healthy foods don’t taste as good
6. The people I usually eat with do not eat
healthy foods
The Savvy Diner
1. Buy local and in season
2. Shop from a list
3. Read ingredients & Nutrition Facts
4. Use “sell by” or “best if used by”
5. Shop the perimeter of the grocery
Understanding Our Food Choices
Advertising and the Media
• Television and radio commercials, magazines
and newspapers rank among the most
influential sources of diet and nutrition
• This, in turn affects our food choices
• Advertising is not always created with the
consumer’s best interest in mind
• Media information can vary in its reliability
Understanding Our Food Choices
Social & Cultural Factors
• Social group
A group of people, such as
a family, who depend on
one another and share a
set of norms, beliefs,
values, and behaviors.
• Culture
Knowledge, beliefs,
customs, laws, morals, art,
and literature acquired by
members of a society and
passed along to succeeding
• Ethnic cuisine
The traditional foods eaten
by the people of a
particular culture.
Understanding Our Food Choices
• Personal Values or Beliefs
 Making choices based on a larger world
 Environmentally conscious
 Boycott certain manufacturers for political
 Sustainability
• A society’s ability to shape its economic
and social systems to maintain both
natural resources and human life, and it
involves building locally based, selfreliant food systems.
Understanding Our Food Choices
• Food Preferences are Personal…
Related to positive experiences
Aversions to certain foods
Tied to psychological needs
•Yearnings, cravings, addictions and
response to stress
Reflect our own unique cultural
legacies, philosophies and beliefs
Nutrition Action
690 calories, 24 g fat,
8 g saturated fat
1,350 calories, 43 g fat,
13 g saturated fat
Nutrition Action
 Strategy 1: Don’t supersize.
 Strategy 2: Think grilled, not
 Strategy 3: Hold the mayo.
 Strategy 4: Avoid all-you-can-eat
 Strategy 5: “Just say no.”
Nutrition Action
 Strategy 6: Balance fast-food
meals with other food choices
during the day.
 Strategy 7: Split your order—share
with a friend.
 Strategy 8: Bring your lunch.
 Strategy 9: Choose grab-and-go
 Strategy 10: If all else fails, go for
the obvious low-calorie choices.
Nutrition Fact or Nutrition Fiction?
• It is not always easy to recognize
accurate nutrition information from
• Some fraudulent claims about nutrition
can cause direct harm or build false
hope and prevent sound medical
• It is crucial to know how to protect
ourselves from nutrition misinformation.
Legitimate Nutrition Claims
ASK: Where was the study published?
• Should be published in a peer-reviewed journal that uses
current experts in that field of study.
ASK: How recent is the study?
• Should be from recent research.
ASK: What research methods were used to
obtain the data?
• Should be from one of two types of scientific studies:
 Epidemiologic - examines populations over time
 Intervention - examine the effects of a specific treatment
or intervention randomized with an experimental group
and a control group
Why doesn’t the government do
something to prevent the media from
delivering misleading nutrition
• The First Amendment guarantees
freedom of the press whether sound,
unsound or even dangerous
• Publishing misinformation cannot be
punished by law unless it can be proven
in court that the information has caused
bodily harm
Is the Internet a reliable source of
nutrition and health information?
• Use the CARS checklist! Ask if it is:
• Credible
Check their credentials!
• Accurate
Check if it is current, factual and
• Reasonable
Is it fair, balanced and consistent?
• Support
Is there supporting documentation?
How can I tell whether a
product is bogus?
• It is not always easy!
• If it sounds too good to be true it
probably is. Red flags are:
Medical establishment won’t accept it
Uses testimonials and anecdotes
Computer scored questionnaires for deficiencies
Product will make weight loss easy
Secret formula only available from one place
Available only through back pages of magazines,
over the phone, or by mail-order ads in the form
of news stories or infomercials
If I do buy a product, say, to help me
lose weight, but I still need some
advice about dieting, should I check
with a nutritionist?
BUYER BEWARE: Charlie and Sassafras display their
professional credentials. Easy to obtain through diploma
mills or irresponsible correspondence schools.
How can I check a nutritionist’s
• Call the institution the person claims has
awarded the degree.
• Check the existence or reputation of an
institution of higher learning
 Accredited Institutions of Postsecondary
• A directory published by the American
Council on Education
• Be suspicious if not accredited or cannot prove
accreditation by The Council on Education
• Find out if they are a Registered Dietitian (RD)
What is the difference between a
RD and a Nutritionist?
• Registered Dietitian (RD)
 Fulfilled coursework by the American Dietetic
Association (ADA)
 Completed on the job training (internship)
 Passed national registration exam
 Maintains Continuing Education Credits
• Nutritionist
 Claims to be capable of advising people about
 Can be an RD
 Can be a person with little to no scientific training