Name that Tissue Display Case Project

Name that Tissue Display Case Project!
Your task is to work in groups of 2-3 to design a bulletin board display based on a picture of a
specific tissue type. The concept of this bulletin board will be a “game”--- “Name that Tissue!”.
You should include:
1. A large color photo of your tissue (an actual microscope photo, not a drawing).
2. Location of tissue in the body
3. Function of tissue in the body
4. # of layers (1, or 1+…. Stratified vs. Simple)
5. Importance of cell structure (shape) to cell function.
6. Any cell types found in the tissue + Label them! (i.e. Osteocytes are found in Bone tissue
Myocytes= muscle cells).
7. Any fibers found in the tissue (i.e. Collagen fibers found in Areolar tissue).
8. Any other “fun facts” you would like to add (for example, adipose tissue is involved in heat
production to help maintain body temperature!).
9. A card at the bottom that tells the viewer the identity of the tissue. (Could be something you have
to flip over for the answer).
10. Explain a disease/disorder that could have an effect on your cell/tissue type. (For example, do a
google search: “cuboidal tissue diseases”).
11. Works Cited
12. P.S. Be ready to give a short 1-2 minute synopsis of your work to the class.
Resources to use: pdf textbook, Anatomy Coloring Book, Tissues ppt, Reputable websites.
Types of Tissues to choose from:
Epithelial Tissues (textbook p. 142-148):
Simple Squamous (textbook p. 145)
Simple Cuboidal (textbook p. 145)
Simple Columnar (textbook p. 145)
Stratified Squamous (textbook p. 147-148)
Stratified Cuboidal (textbook p. 147-148)
Stratified Columnar (textbook p. 147-148)
Pseudostratified (textbook p. 146)
Connective Tissues (starting on p. 152 of textbook) Make sure to mention Nature of ground
Areolar (textbook p. 155)
Adipose (textbook p. 154)
Reticular (textbook p. 155)
Regular Dense Connective (textbook p. 155-156)
Irregular Dense Connective (textbook p. 155-156)
Hyaline Cartilage (textbook p. 157-158)
Fibrocartilage (textbook p. 157-158)
Elastic Cartilage (textbook p. 157-158)
Bone (textbook p. 158-159)
Blood (textbook p. 159). (label erythrocytes, lymphocytes, macrophages, neutrophils).
Muscle Tissue (Textbook p. 160-161) Make sure to talk about Striations or lack of striations, # of
nuclei, etc.:
Nervous Tissue (textbook p. 162-163):
Neurons (label parts of neuron—(axon, nucleus, dendrites and functions).
Neuroglia (label each type of neuroglial cell: Astrocytes, Oligodendrocyte, Schwann Cell, Microglial and
give functions).
This project is worth 24 points! Good luck!
Grading Rubric:
6-8 pts
3-5 pts
0-2 pts
Includes all 10 points.
Information is accurate and
Easy to read, large font. Short
sentences, proper grammar,
and no spelling mistakes.
Bulleted lists for ease of
All members participated
equally in the research and
the design stages.
Includes 7-8 points.
Most information is
accurate, missing some
Easy to read font. Some
short sentences, not as
many bulleted lists.
Some grammar and
spelling mistakes.
Some members
participated equally in
the research and
design stages.
Includes less than 6
points. Information is
missing, inaccurate and
not thorough
Hard to
read/understand. Many
spelling and grammar
Group Work
Works Cited
Very interesting design.
Colorful, incorporating
unique design elements.
Properly cited reputable
sources (.edu, .org)
Interesting design
incorporating some
unique elements.
Some reputable
sources properly cited.
1 member completed
the majority of the work.
The other member(s)
did not participate
Standard design.
Overall, not unique.
reputable sources.