The Great Gatsby Test Review

The Great Gatsby Test Review
Know who the following characters are and characteristics of each. Also know their
connections to other characters.
Nick Carraway
George Wilson
Jay Gatsby
Myrtle Wilson
Jordan Baker
Meyer Wolfshiem
Henry C. Gatz
Tom Buchanan
Owl Eyes
Important Quotations
Know who said each of the following quotes. Use the online book to help you find these
quotes. – Link on Wikispace. Use (Ctrl F) to find.
“Everyone suspects himself of at least one of the
cardinal virtues, and this is mine: I am one of the
few honest people that I have ever known.”
“God knows what you’ve been doing, everything
you’ve been doing. You may fool me, but you can’t
fool God!”
“He ran over Myrtle like you’d run over a dog and
never even stopped his car.”
“I did love him once – but I loved you too.”
“I hate careless people. That’s why I like you.”
“Let us learn to show our friendship for a man
when he is alive and not after he is dead. . . After
that my own rule is to let everything alone.”
“-That’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a
beautiful little fool.”
Can’t repeat the past?” he cried incredulously.
“Why of course you can!”
Know where important places are on the map. Know who lives in which areas of Long Island.
Quack Vocab Final Review
1. an award or honor
4. a new word or phrase
7. yielding to supervision; direction or
10. to stress or emphasize
11. listless; torpor; weariness
13. distant, reserved in manner
14. hard, difficult, tiresome
16. face or facial expression
17. extremely bad; flagrant
2. at the same time; acting in
3. circle of close friends
5. physically or mentally destructive
6. an excessive amount
7. adroit or skillful in the use of hands
or body
8. of or relating to the brain
9. to scold severely
10. horrified
12. stern in manner; without excess
15. to decrease gradually
18. dead end