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Číslo šablony: III/2
Tematická oblast: Festivals and Celebrations
April Fool´s Day
Typ: DUM - kombinovaný
Předmět: AJ
Ročník: 1. - 4. r. (6leté)
Zpracováno v rámci projektu
EU peníze školám
Mgr. Petra Bruková
Gymnázium, Třinec, příspěvková organizace
Datum vytvoření: duben 2013
Metodický list
DUM seznamuje studenty se základními informacemi
o Aprílu, jak se slaví v anglicky mluvících zemích, zejména
ve Velké Británii a USA. DUM je zpracován formou prezentace
a procvičuje získané vědomosti pomocí cvičení
v závěru prezentace. Součástí DUM je i řešení cvičení.
Jedno ze cvičení je zaměřeno na práci ve dvojicích, žáci mají
odpovídat na otázky týkající se Apríla. Poslední cvičení je možno
časově limitovat a zadat jako práci v menších skupinách.
Inovativnost materiálu spočívá ve využití ICT techniky.
Klíčová slova:
Fool April, hoax, pull practical jokes, fools, the Gregorian Calendar.
• The history is uncertain.
• It probably began in
France in 1582.
• Charles IX reformed the
calendar then.
• He introduced the
Gregorian Calendar.
• New Year´s Day was
moved from March 25 –
April 1 (new year´s week)
to January 1.
• Some people refused
the change.
obr. 2
• They continued to celebrate New Year´s Day on
April 1.
• They were called “fools“ by the others.
• People sent them invitations to nonexisting
• They also played practical jokes on them.
“April Fish“ Or “Noodle“
• It is an expression for a young naive who
believes in pranks and hoaxes.
• A common practise was to hook a paper
fish on the back of someone as a joke.
• Now people all over the world play
practical jokes on friends.
• Many newspapers, radios, television
channels and Internet web sites participate
in the celebration.
Best Hoaxes
obr. 3
• In 1957 the BBC television news announced that
Swiss farmers had grown a “spaghetti tree“ and
showed a video of farmers picking spahgetti from
• In 1998 Burger King advertised its new LeftHanded Whopper on April Fool´s Day.
• These practical jokes fooled
lots of people.
Obr. 4
April Fool´s Food
• People serve the dishes in the reverse order.
• They mix up the utensils and the containers (e.g.
salads are served in glasses, appetizers in soup
• They prepare super sour candies, pizza with silly
face toppings…
• They eat everything with chopsticks.
• They tie their hands behind their backs during
Multiple Choice Questions
Choose the correct answer.
What day is April Fool´s Day?
April 30
May 1
April 1
2. King Charles IX changed the first day of the
New Year to
a) January 1
b) April 1
c) April 30.
3. People who did not follow the King´s
changes were considered
a) smart
b) stubborn
c) fools.
4. On April Fool´s Day people usually
a) stay home
b) have parties
c) play practical jokes.
5. The BBC show told viewers what was grown on
a) cookies
b) spaghetti
c) sandwiches
6. Burger King told people that their new sandwich
a) a left-handed Whopper
b) a hamburger made of vegetables
c) an upside-down Whopper.
My April Fool Joke
Work in pairs. Answer the questions.
1. Who would you like to play an April
Fool´s Day joke on?
2. Why would you like to do this?
3. What would you like to do?
Word Hunt
How many words can you make
using the letters from
Multiple choice questions.
1C, 2A, 3C, 4C, 5B, 6A
Word hunt.
Sample answers: flood, drill, play, lay, dip,
rip, sip, solid, told, old, pool, doll, rail, sail,
lady, pad, said, paid, raid, laid, aid, food,
pod, rod, lip, slap, lap, ray, lay, say, pay, if,
so, do, of, as …
Obr. 1 [online]. [cit. 2013-04-06]. Dostupné z:
Obr. 2 Apríl. [online]. 5 April 2013 [cit. 2013-04-07]. Dostupné z:
Obr. 3 April Fools' Day. [online]. [cit. 2013-04-07]. Dostupné z:
Obr. 4 Hamburger. [online]. 5 April 2013 [cit. 2013-04-07]. Dostupné z:
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