GJHS Spanish AP Summer Assignment for 2015-16 School Year Teacher: Raquel Falcon Contact: raquel.falcon@polk-fl.net If you are taking the Spanish Language AP Exam in May 2016, there are several suggestions I have to help you begin your preparation for this exam: 1. Become familiar with EVERYTHING that is published on the AP website about this exam. http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/ap/spanish_lang/exam.html?spanlang 2. Look at the tips that the College Board suggests for you: http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/ap/prep_lang.html ASSIGNMENT #1: Due July 15th 3. When you have reviewed the sites, please send me an e-mail with a short summary (60-100 words) in Spanish of what you have learned about this exam. Include some ideas of how you will be able to study best over the course of the year. You can also include your hopes, plans, areas of concern, etc. Send me the e-mail to: raquel.falcon@polk-fl.net *** E-mail the assignment, BUT ALSO make a copy to turn in with the documentation due on the first class OR no later than September 30th, 2015! Once you have completed these steps, you have a better idea on how to prepare yourself for this exam. Here are some websites to help you: 1. You know that you have grammar issues to deal with (especially verb forms!) here is a site to provide you with much needed practice: http://www.colby.edu/~bknelson/SLC/index.php There is also another recommended site: A concise outline of Spanish structures. http://www.bowdoin.edu/~eyepes/newgr/ats/index.htm 2. To listen and improve your comprehension of native speakers, on the opening page of the site, you will find a pull-down window option for the level of speech to listen. They go from beginners to more advanced level. If you scroll all the way over to the right, after you select a topic to listen to, you will find vocabulary help, useful phrases and grammar practices to accompany your choice. Then you can listen to a series of people talking about the same topic. In the upper right-hand corner, there are three boxes S, E, N. If you hit the S button, you can read along with the speaker. The E button gives you the English translation. If you hit the N button, you can watch and listen to the speaker without any text appearing. Try practicing first with all text turned off. You KNOW you will read along if the text is there! Feel free to play the clips more than once. At this point, you are just getting your ear attuned. Look at the faces as they speak. Look at the translations ONLY as a last resort. Keep track of the tasks you listen to. http://www.laits.utexas.edu/spe/index.html 3. Practice grammar and vocabulary by using these reading resources from the BBC Mundo website. Make this website a favorite on your computer. It has a wealth of information in Spanish that you will be using throughout the year! http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/spanish/ Michelle Bachelet http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/spanish/latin_america/newsid_4523000/4523336.stm G-8 & Lat Am http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/spanish/international/newsid_6720000/6720873.stm For all levels: Test your language level http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/spanish/gauge/ Imperfect practice: http://www.bbc.co.uk/apps/ifl/languages/spanish/news/quizengine?quiz=spnews_journey_1 Preterite practice: http://www.bbc.co.uk/apps/ifl/languages/spanish/news/quizengine?quiz=spnews_planet_1 Ser v Estar: http://www.bbc.co.uk/apps/ifl/languages/spanish/news/quizengine?quiz=spnews_telenovel a_1 Preterite and Imperfect Tenses: http://www.bbc.co.uk/apps/ifl/languages/spanish/news/quizengine?quiz=spnews_immigrati on_1 Preterite v. Imperfect: http://www.bbc.co.uk/apps/ifl/languages/spanish/news/quizengine?quiz=spnews_moncada _1 Infinitive, Indicative or Subjunctive: http://www.bbc.co.uk/apps/ifl/languages/spanish/news/quizengine?quiz=spnews_commerc ecuba_1 --or— http://www.bbc.co.uk/apps/ifl/languages/spanish/news/quizengine?quiz=spnews_us_hispan ic_1 Present Subjunctive: http://www.bbc.co.uk/apps/ifl/languages/spanish/news/quizengine?quiz=spnews_latinosusa _1 ASSIGNMENT #2 [E-MAILED copy due no later than August 7th 2015 Paper Copy Due August 19th) You need to make sure to follow the guidelines and forms listed in this packet. Start NOW to learn the most efficient way for you to work and DON’T leave everything to the last minute. E-mail the form BUT make a copy to turn in with the documentation to bring to our first class. AP Practice In order to receive credit for the work, it must physically accompany the tally sheet. Work accounted for on the tally sheet but is not physically present, will NOT count towards the 200 pts. of AP Practice. If you did a speaking exercise, you must record it and place it on a flashdrive. As for a listening exercise, write a brief summary describing exactly what you did to complete the activity. All writing must be in Spanish! You must divide your practice into the following areas: Grammar exercises (Must Complete at least 4 different ones) Grammar exercises must be written/printed and attached to receive credit Grammar exercises should be checked for correctness against an answer key, if possible. All exercises should be printed and marked right or wrong and then explained if wrong. http://www.learnalanguage.org/apspanish/ http://www2.niles-hs.k12.il.us/davmal/Clases/AP/AP.htm http://www.colby.edu/~bknelson/SLC/index.php. 1. Listening(Must complete at least 4 different ones) Get creative here! You can use songs, movies, radio (see links below), listening to native speakers having conversation, AP practice books. You must write a summary of what you did and what you got out of it-in Spanish! Washington: http://www.losblogueros.net/ Short videos with scripts for filling in cloze-style dictations. http://www.ashcombe.surrey.sch.uk/Curriculum/modlang/spanish/index_sp_vid eo. http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/spanish/ http://langmedia.fivecolleges.edu/lm_collection.html http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/spanish/news/topic/ On-line radio: Radio UN: http://radio.un.org/es/ Radio Sources: http://www.latinworld.com/radio/ Nuevos Horizontes: http://www.nuevoshorizontes.org/ Yabla: http://home.yabla.com/ BBC: http://www.bbcmundo.com 2. Writing: Must Complete two Different three paragraph essays in Spanish) by choosing ANY two of the topics below: 1. How I see our country (Como veo a mi país) 2. Tourists (Los turistas) 3. The ideal man or woman (El hombre/la mujer ideal) 4. I want to go to _____ because…(Quiero ir a _____ porque…) 5. The television in my house (La television en mi casa) 6. My plans for the future (Mis planes para el futuro) 7. Sports at my school (Los deportes en mi escuela) 8. An ideal friend (Un amigo ideal) 9. The people in my life (Las personas en mi vida) 10. A trip I recently took (Un viaje que tome recientemente) 11. In my free time I… (En mi tiempo libre yo…) 12. Why I like animals (Por qué me gustan los animals) 13. Some books and magazines I like are _____ because… (Algunos libros y revistas que me gustan son _____ porque…) 14. Family problems (Problemas de la familia) 15. Why it is interesting to study in foreign countries (Por qué es interesante estudiar en un país extranjero) 16. The movies (El cine) 17. A person I admire (Una persona a quien yo admiro) 18. How I see myself (Como yo me veo) 19. Why school is important (La escuela es importante porque…) 20. I like (don’t like) living in Florida (Me gusta/no me gusta vivir en la Florida) 3. Reading: You must read and summarize in Spanish EACH of the stories below and also complete the exercises listed next to each: A. El tiempo Borra- Answer all of the comprensión questions 1-15 B. Leyenda C. Una Sortija para mi Novia- Answer all of the comprensión questions 122 D. La Camisa de Margarita- Answer all of the comprensión questions 1-9 then go to 17-23 E. Bernardino-Answer all of the comprensión questions 1-14 F. La Conciencia- Answer all of the comprensión questions 1-20 G. No Oyes Ladrar los Perros H. Casa Tomada- Answer all of the comprensión questions 18-35 and Transformaciones You must write a summary in Spanish of your reading in order to count towards your grade. 4. Speaking: Must choose a minimum of four topics to record a one minute speech. In order to get credit for your speaking portion, please choose ANY four topics below and record a one minute speech answering the question or elaborating on the subject. You will have to make sure to speak for one minute on each of the four. Place your recordings on a flash drive and bring them to our first class session. Spanish AP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 minute A special day for me would be... (Un día especial para mi sería...) I had a dream that... (Soñé que...) When I get home... (Cuando llego a casa...) My family doesn’t understand... (Mi familia no comprende...) I dream of going to... (Sueño con ir a...) Describe the hobbies and interests of each member of your family. (Describa los pasatiempos e intereses de cada miembro de su familia.) 7. Memories of my childhood (Recuerdos de mi niñez) 8. Describe a good party. (Describa una buena fiesta.) 9. The news on television (Las noticias de la televisión) 10. What is the ideal age to get married and why? (¿Cuál es la edad ideal para casarse y por qué?) HORAS DE PRÁCTICA PARA EL EXAMEN DE A.P. ESPAÑOL HOJA PARA PLASMAR MI TRABAJO Due: September 30th, 2015 Me llamo ___________________________________________ Tema Gramática 1. 2. 3. 4. Escuchar 1. 2. 3. 4. Escritura 1. 2. Lectura 1&2 3&4 5&6 7&8 Hablar 1. 2. 3. 4. Fecha/ Horas Evidencia [¿Qué hiciste? ¿Dónde?] Complete ONE of these charts for EACH of the stories that you read Story #_____ Title_________________________________________ palabra dibujo descripción oración completa The due date for this work is August 19th. In the event that you are not able to complete all the work by the above date, your absolute deadline is September 30th, 2015. No work will be accepted beyond that point. I will highly recommend that you start early as this work is worth 200 pts. Have a great summer! Sra. Falcón