Quiz 4 Review

Quiz 4 Review – Worth 35 pts
Name, Date, Mod in Header – (3 pts)
Save in Classwork DropBox with your name in File Name – (5 pts)
Quiz 4 Topics
(Activity 6) – Decision-Making Process
(Activity 7) –Business Letter to Banker –financial planning strategies
(Activity 10 – Part 1) Analyze Pay Stub– worksheet
(Activity 10 – Part 2) W-2 & W-4 forms– bulleted list
(Activity 11) Power of Compounding– bankrate.com (compound interest calculator)
(Activity 13) Rule of 72– Excel spreadsheet,
1. What is the equation for Net Income? (1 pt)
2. What are the margins for a Block Style Format for a Business Letter? (3 pts)
a. Top:
b. Sides:
c. Bottom:
3. Name the 6 steps of the Decision-Making Process (6 pts)
a. Step 1:
b. Step 2:
c. Step 3:
d. Step 4:
e. step 5:
f. step 6:
4. What type of information is found on a Paycheck Stub? (use your notes for this) (10 pts)
5. What is the purpose of a W-2 form and when do you get this form? (2 pts)
a. Purpose:
b. When:
6. What is the purpose of a W-4 form and when do you get this form? (2 pts)
a. Purpose:
b. When:
7. What does the term “Time Value of Money” mean? (1 pt)
8. What is the formula for “Rule of 72”? (1 pt)
9. What is the purpose of the “Rule of 72”? (1 pt)