Conditioning Project Rubric 5 4 3 Re

Conditioning Project Rubric
Part 1
One example from all three learning
theories is thoroughly discussed.
One example from all three learning
theories is thoroughly discussed.
One example from all three learning
theories is briefly discussed.
Missing one or more examples
Within each section, student has identified the following:
UCS, NS, UCR, CS and CR are all correctly identified within the example provided for Classical Conditioning.
Relevant factors such as higher order conditioning, extinction, spontaneous recovery, generalization or discrimination are discussed.
Type of consequence, schedule of reinforcement and any other relevant factors, such as shaping, primary and secondary reinforcers, or extinction are
discussed in the Operant Conditioning example.
Attention, retention, reproduction and reinforcement are all discussed within the example for Social Learning Theory.
Part 2
The paper has developed a carefully
The paper has developed a plan for
The paper has developed a plan for
Plan is not fully developed or missing
thought out plan for teaching or
teaching or conditioning a willing
teaching or conditioning a willing
several steps within protocol.
conditioning a willing participant to
participant to learn a behavior using
participant to learn a behavior using
learn a behavior using Operant
Operant Conditioning, Classical
Operant Conditioning, Classical
Conditioning, Classical Conditioning
Conditioning or Social Learning
Conditioning or Social Learning
or Social Learning Theory. The plan
Theory. The plan details the protocol Theory. The plan briefly explains the
details the protocol being used and
being used.
protocol being used.
has considered contingencies and
alternative strategies to proactively
**Protocol must be submitted and
**Protocol must be submitted and
address possible issues.
approved via Google Classroom
approved via Google Classroom
before beginning the project!**
before beginning the project!**
**Protocol must be submitted and
approved via Google Classroom
before beginning the project!**
The protocol used reflects consideration of ethics and correct use of the conditioning technique and correctly identifies ALL variables used in conditioning or
learning theory. (see above criteria from examples in Part 1 for list of relevant terms).
The student has written a summary
The student has written a summary
The student has written a summary
Missing three or more criteria
of their results and experience,
of their results and experience,
of their results and experience,
analyzing possible errors in
analyzing possible errors in
reflecting possible errors in
conditioning and considering
conditioning that influenced their
conditioning, the response to the
extraneous variables that influenced
participant’s learning. The student
conditioning from the participant and
their participant’s learning. The
had discussed the response the
what the student learned from the
student had discussed the response
participant had to conditioning and
the participant had to conditioning
what the student learned from the
and implications for further use.