I have access to both - Riverdale High School

La tarea del verano – español 1 pre-IB
This work is for those students that will be in
Spanish 2 in August 2015.
Spanish 1 freshman becoming Spanish 2 IB sophomores
This website is designed to review all the essential vocabulary,
grammar and syntax that you learned in Spanish 1.
You are expected to complete activities listed 1-100 on this
You will need to follow the steps as outlined in this
presentation and have all work completed before the first day
of school in August.
All work is automatically saved in the system – you need to
have a minimum of 10 attempts on each activity with an
average grade of 80% or higher
Log on to http://conjuguemos.com
If you already have an account, you may sign in and
begin working… if you forgot your sign in information
follow this link Forgot Password
If you are new to this site or have trouble retrieving your
old information you may click on the Not a member?
Join Us! link
Click on the button for student registration and you will
create a new account
Create a new user account with your own personal
The ID number is my # 73384, you need to enter this to
access my course work for you
Make a username and password that you will remember
but is school appropriate
(I have access to both)
Enter your full name and be sure to select Florida as your
Create a username
Your password
Your full name
Find Edison State College in the list
(I know you are Riverdale Students)
Make sure Michael A. Bourbina Jr. is listed as the teacher
Now select Riverdale Spanish as your class
Edison State College
Michael A. Bourbina
Riverdale Spanish
Once your registration is complete, you need to click on the
student zone tab at the top of the page
You will need to complete activities 1-100 listed under the
practice tab
Complete activities #71-181
Click on the start button
You can turn the timer off if you’d like
There is a vocab chart if you need it
To add an accent mark, type the letter and directly
following that letter hit ‘add accent’ and it will appear in
the word
You need a minimum grade of 80% on all activities
You need to have at least 10 attempts so a minimum of
8/10. You may exceed this number but you must have at
least 10 attempts.
• Make sure that you Record/Send results
• The grade will automatically save in the system
• I have disabled the ability to email the grade, but the website
gradebook is still recording when you hit the Record/Send
results link
• Although you may not have me as your teacher next year, you
are my students now and are expected to completed this
work during the summer
• Please pace yourself as this will take you between 12-14
hours to complete. Do not wait until the last day of the
summer to start this work.