ECOMUNDO CENTRO DE ESTUDIO Internal Assessment of business and management How to carry out a change of behavior on Ecomundo instructors to align them to the IB ideology? Ariadna Ampuño IB CODE: 3ro de baccalaureate “C” July 2011 Research Proposal Research question: How to carry out a change of behavior on Ecomundo instructors to align them to the IB ideology? Theorical framework Since 2002 Ecomundo serves the community with the education of their students in the field of early childhood education, basic science and high schools nationally and internationally. Since December 2008, Ecomundo is authorized by the International Baccalaureate Organization to offer the diploma program for students who choose to obtain their International Baccalaureate. The problem is that their teachers Ecomundo that are part of the BI, is struggling to continue this program and its rigid directives have not taken the appropriate decisions to avoid such problems, which affect the institution. This will be done by an analysis of the problem is to operate a survey to teachers and former teacher Ecomundo, whether they are part of the BI about the work they do, whether they like it or not, we feel can improve the Ecomundo to provide better service than is currently taking place. Methodology Primary resource Survey teachers IB and professors not IB and your opinion of the IB and its adaptation to changing the school faced in adopting the IB. interviewing managers about the change Secondary resource Investigate the school’s web page on certain information Possible difficulties and solutions Difficulties That when present our plan of action the teacher does not accept this proposal and wish to withdraw At the time of the interviews, some explain that the reasons for which are waived by the student discipline Solutions Explain and demonstrate that this new plan of action will benefit and improve working conditions Discard this information and analyze the reasons that do not involve students, or if they are several who have the same reasons, discipline, interviewing students to give us a reason to bother the teacher Plan of action April May June July August Research proposal and data collection Study of factors and the work that teachers do Analysis of advantages and disadvantages. Report Draft Definitive work Acknowledgements I thank the directors of Ecomundo Centro de estudios for the support they gave me in interviews and in the approval polls. I thank all the teachers who assisted with the survey giving their opinion about the project. Index Executive summary Introduction Methodology and processes Main data and results Analysis Conclusions and recommendations Annexes Executive Summary The aim of this paper is to resolve the internal difficulties of change in methodology applied in Ecomundo study center. Change is the national high school international baccalaureate, with all the requirements that the BI requires, which has had to reform its educational profile, their facilities and the mode change of teachers' work Ecomundo. To obtain information about the company, its beginnings, the school change, to start the project, conduct a survey to teachers Ecomundo, who will be part of BI, which do not participate in BI (especially the arts, sports and Christian formation), and primary teachers, also conducted interviews with managers Ecomundo. It analyzes the factors, difficulties and problems faced Ecomundo and how they solved those problems, whether they improved or worsened the situation or if it suited them or not take such decisions to address these problems and is having problems and that have not yet resolved. Approaches will apply the change six for the change that is crossing Ecomundo favorable, not because more difficulties and problems not yet resolved are resolved so that the BI will develop normally and smoothly. After the results, comparing the two situations, for the change is successful and has no problems develop. Introduction Ecomundo study center is an educational institution in Ecuador, which consists of preschool, primary school and college. Ecomundo has an infrastructure to be a modern educational institution and the country green. Facilities as a whole are designed to create the right atmosphere in which students develop their potential leaders, both in academia as in science, bilingual, sports and deep ecological consciousness. But during the process of changing the Ecomundo has had several problems and difficulties with the change of school, such as having to train their teachers to achieve the requirements to obtain the required BI which cost them a lot of money because the school was the one who paid trainings and many of these were done outside the city and / or the country which the school agreed to pay fare, lodging, etc., except that during such training, the absence of many teachers miss school courses for almost all day and others were ordered not to attend classes delaying planning consequently failed to take all the subjects had to die and the lack of preparation for exams. Ecomundo had to hire new teachers trained in IB subjects and that their solution was to reduce staff in certain teachers who worked in the field of high school majors, reducing working hours and reduced school Quito school hours of lesser import certain subjects as art, sports, Christian formation and education for life in order to complete the required hours of BI materials but along with that, these teachers had less access to students who worked on these matters by the simple fact that all subjects of class time students were important and who agreed to lose important class hours causing poor performance in the subjects, many of these teachers were frustrated by this situation, some adapted to change to strength and support the school decided to change, but others resisted the change and gave Ecomundo causing controversy, so how to carry out a change of Behavior on Ecomundo instructors to align to the IB Ideology Them? For our project we will use various tools of information such as interviews, analysis of advantages and disadvantages within the theory we use the change six Approaches analysis will allow us to project the possible outcomes of the implementation of this project within the company so that can avoid these problems. Procedure and methods The company has several procedural problems of the change in it, a "chain reaction" of some decisions that caused several problems, find the risk factors and consequences and implement an adequate solution to these problems without affecting the BI program. Among these problems are: the training of teachers, the schedule change, new staff, changing facilities, resistance to change The system consists that all must learn the same high school curriculum only in science, with 6 subjects in the BI and 6 subjects in the national program, appropriate to bilingualism (50% and 50% English Castilian). All tests will be given to our national school and those who resolve to participate in the evaluation of BI, to voluntarily pay whatever fees it demands of the International Baccalaureate Organization. Students are not required to apply the tests of the diploma, that's all 6 subjects, whether it will necessarily need to be certified in two subjects, for which cover the share rights to the International Baccalaureate. If the tests applied to the IB Diploma must meet the rates quoted by the OBI. The basics of the program is that it trains students in critical thinking and logical reasoning skills and skills to function in a globalized society, with responsibilities for advancement and entrepreneurship, with investigative spirit, ethical values and moral principles, social awareness, defender of the environment and our planet. It plans to develop programs in different subjects, in English or Spanish, provided by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) which allow us to deliver a title to access internationally accepted without entrance examinations or pre-university courses, hundreds of universities distributed worldwide. This schedule will allow us to meet the academic areas proposed by the BI without prejudice to our educational traditions (the humanities and sciences), or sacrificing corporate objectives. For this project, we begin with a survey for teachers and interviews with managers Ecomundo, Doc Ivo Orellana academic vice-rector, Psi. Ligia Cedeno director of secondary education to obtain information about the changes that have been through Ecomundo to meet the requirements of BI, just as the difficulties encountered and how they have been solving the. Similarly there will be an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of implementing the change six Approaches to see what aspects of the change improves the application and solves the problems currently facing the company. Main data and results The survey results showed that teachers knowing that the Ecomundo credited for the IB was excited but thought that he was not ready for this school, high school, most said to be adapted to the program, consider that the institution must provide better pay and benefits policies but at the same time enable them, consider that most students are not adapted to the manner of IB and therefore believe that the institution should provide training and improve the policy for selection of candidates for diploma, most said that the school have had difficulty, the main, the requirement, compliance and level of commitment, adaptation, difficulty with homework, pass other students to other schools among others, and suggested the high school division of IB and IB, curriculum reform from elementary school, time for the leaders of course. The result of interviews, stressed that the institution provides training, but motivation, ease of students, the restructuring of pensums academics, physical part of the school regarding the building has been completed, courses at lower levels Analysis The projection by the forces of change 6 shows details on the points raised by the bare and interviews can be applied. • Education and communication: Teachers should be in constant training. If a new teacher integrates communication and should be trained immediately with all information in the BI needs. • Participation and engagement: all must be fully involved, to be partners in change, which makes the resistance is less, it takes time, some are quick to adapt and others will cost more so we must have patience as long as willing to change. • Facilitation and support: the directors and management should encourage and support their teachers in the change, the institution's help for them to assimilate this change in the best way, training, orientation. • Negotiation and agreement: If a teacher or multiple teachers or others who resist change, we can motivate, ensure job stability and / or give them more vacation prefaces as part of the institution given in exchange for an excellent performance. • Manipulation and cooptation: This is a strategy that should be used with care since it has to appoint a leader of the opposition to help his classmates cope with the change, but the risk involved is that this leader insists more resistance to change. • Explicit and implicit coercion: it is to be used as a last resort, which means loss of employment to workers who resist. The analysis was based not only on the advantages and disadvantages but that based on the results of that compares the current situation with the situation Ecomundo projecting the forces of change and how we can improve or diminish the disadvantages. Advantage • Increased awareness, integration and a good development program with less difficulty. • Teachers have a greater commitment to their students and the institution. • Managers will have greater knowledge about the work you do and have the opportunity to interact more with teachers. • Teachers will have the security and stability of the load of hours and responsibility will not vary so much easier to assimilate the change. • Understand the concerns of teachers and try to solve the collaboration of all Disadvantages • the leader must help others to change, resist change and opposition grows larger • That if there are no positive results and have to resort to layoffs that's what you want to stop this project. This analysis of the pros and cons about current conditions and presents the six forces of change. Currently, each teacher has motivated the school does not give it, so if the teacher is not motivated will not perform properly in the classroom, with the application of the 6 forces of change the school gives its teachers motivation of which have themselves to perform better in the classroom if the teacher motivates the institution, the teacher will be an example of motivation for students in other words, the school encourages teachers and motivate them to step students, the school" kill two birds with one stone." According to the survey, to be clear that the commitment to the successful development of IB is all (administrators, teachers, and students) and the school must take the appropriate action. This in a process in which we must all change, the motivation does not affect the IB program but it helps to not fall behind or not develop properly, and in the end everyone has to run to keep up with the program established IB. With the implementation of the 6 forces of change, one could say that change is all, the institution must provide everything necessary for their teachers are prepared for the IB as well as students, but also provide motivation, teacher has its own motivation, but there are cases in which teachers are discouraged for reasons that are unknown and these teachers discourage students, unmotivated students without winning a work disincentive to teaching the next class, causing it to develop an excellent class students can take advantage of. The idea of having a specific time for the leader is necessary, leaders cannot spend all his time deciding whether to continue with their class or listening to their target with a question and be losing uneven classes to students in their knowledge with the 6 forces change the time of the ruling would not affect the IB, which consist in about 10-15 minutes before school or college requires convenient. Conclusions and recommendations Improving the process of change that is taking Ecomundo, the change has been quickly but taking all the parameters and appropriate action, but gave them confidence in themselves, both managers and teachers who fear insecurity to change, comes to a stand or change is getting slower and do not take the proper process. With the application of Six Approaches change, we are smoothing the change, provide motivation and confidence of teachers and managers, making them fair treatment for them to accept change positively, without having to use threats or other negative incentives as shown in the last two forces of change in the resistance to change is so strong that the best thing to suit the company is to fire those employees, so a negative factor as to dismiss a teacher is not easy let alone find a replacement that fits quickly and we would be repeating the same process of change which in many cases like this could be a waste of time and money generated by troubles at all. The recommendations that we might provide are as follows, managers could be part of the motivation of teachers, selection of candidates for the diploma must be taken into account his record and resume academic discipline and tell if the student is ready to diploma, resume time they are offered by the course leaders to talk with their target and not miss important classes for them, emphasizing the need and responsibility of teachers and students. In conclusion, the six forces of change was much easier to bring in change, and helped us to realize certain details, which are helpful to employers or in this case teachers to cope with change and provide us with useful recommendations for change. Annexes Sample survey of teachers 1. How did you feel when Ecomundo was accredited to offer the IB program? a. enthusiasm b. Concern for the doubts to the program c. To receive more responsibilities d. That was not even time for begin the process Ecomundo 2. Do you feel that as a professor Ecomundo has adapted to the change demanded by the International Baccalaureate? a. if b. not 3. What do you consider the institution must provide its faculty to better assimilate the requirements and procedural changes required by the International Baccalaureate Organization a. training b. Cooperation with other college professors friends BI c. Greater involvement of line managers in members of the educational community to Ecomundo BI requirements d. Improving pay and benefits policy 4. Do you feel that Ecomundo students have adapted to the level of demands required by the International Baccalaureate program? a. if b. not 5. What do you consider the institution must provide their students to better as simulate the requirements and procedural changes required by the International Baccalaureate Organization a. training b. Cooperation with other BI college students friends c. Greater involvement of managers in students Ecomundo align with the requirements of BI d. Improving the admission of students e. Improving student selection policy Diplomas candidates 6. Do you think the school has struggled with IB? a. if b. not 7. Name some 8. Do you think that currently the school has changed from high school or q aspects need to improve?