God our Father, Help us to be more like you in the things that we do

Weekly Theme
Week Commencing
10th September 2010
“Keeping your eyes
and ears open”
God our Father, Help us to be more like you in the
things that we do and say , so that our eyes may be
opened to the wonders of this life that you give us.
St John Plessington
Pray for us
Loving Father, we pray for the
courage to speak out for
those who find it difficult to
speak for themselves.
St John Plessington
Pray for us
Loving Father, we pray for the courage to
speak out for the poor who have no voice.
Help us in the small actions we take to
improve the quality of their lives.
St John Plessington
Pray for us
God our loving Father, help
me always to remember that
you love everybody exactly
the same, forgive us when we
get things wrong.
St John Plessington
Pray for us.
Lord, help me to be more aware
of the people around me who
share my life. Let me not be
blind to the help that they need.
St John Plessington
Pray for us
Lord Jesus,
I ask you to open my eyes
as you did with the blind man, Jn 9
so that I may really see.
Tune my ears
as you did with the man who was deaf and dumb, Mk
so that I may really hear
what you are saying to me.
May the many experiences of my senses
remind me to be aware of others
and of all that is around me.
May all that I experience
lead me closer to you.
God of love, open our ears to hear
your word and open our hearts that
we may always speak up for what is
We pray for peace in our world: that
all people may live without fear and
have the opportunity to reach their
full potential.
We pray for the courage to stand up
& make our voices heard, to speak
out for a world where all people may
live free from poverty
Open my senses, God,
to understand and answer the
needs of others.
Keep my ears attuned to the
laughter of children,
my eyes to the needs of the
Let my nose smell the beauty of
flowers .
May my touch be gentle in raising
up those who live under a heavy
May I savour the taste of your
abundance and make the earth
sustainable for all.
Open my senses, God.
I dream of a world
filled with peace and harmony
where humans and creation really live as one
where the sun of justice shines
on all the children of the Creator Father and Mother Earth.
I dream of a world
where there are no exploiters and exploited,
no slaves and masters,
no very rich and very poor,
no oppressors and oppressed.
I dream of a world
where governments are on the side of the poor, those without land,
the homeless and the unemployed;
those in society who are
not considered to be children of God and Mother Earth.
I dream of a world
where chemicals, herbicides, fungicides, pesticides
and other deathly substances
disappear from the earth forever.
I dream of a world where the richness of forests,
the fresh air, fields and rivers
can, with humanity, live life to the full and praise God the creator.
I dream of a world where the reign of God
would also be a reign of justice and peace and love
for the whole of creation.
If we all dream
The dream will become a reality...