Almighty God Our Creator and Guide, may we accept Jesus who

Weekly Theme
Week Commencing
17th September 2010
“Who is Jesus?”
Almighty God
Our Creator and Guide, may we
accept Jesus who speaks in your
name, and serve you in
everything that we do and say.
God our Father, Help us to see your Son Jesus
in the face of each person we meet, even if
they are really hard to get on with.
St John Plessington
Pray for us
Loving Father, help me
not to be afraid of what
others will think or say
about me when I stand up
for what is right
St John Plessington
Pray for us
Dear Jesus Help me to look for
you in others, even when I really
feel like giving up.
St John Plessington
Pray for us.
Lord, help me to be like you
in all the situations that I find
myself in.
St John Plessington
Pray for us
God our Father,
until the time of the printing press,
people copied the Gospel,
writing it by hand.
Slowly the Gospel took shape
- both on the page
and deep within themselves.
I ask that the Gospel
- the Good News of your love may be written in me
not with ink
but with the Spirit of God.
Only then will I grow as a credible witness
of the wealth of your love.
Day by day,
as the pages of my own life turn over,
remind me
that you write my name
on the palm of your hand.
I ask this prayer through Jesus,
who is your Word,
living amongst us.
Loving Father,
when all is uncertain
and we feel our weakness and helplessness,
give us the sense of Your presence,
Your love, and Your strength.
Help us to have perfect trust
in Your protecting love
and strengthening power,
so that nothing may frighten or worry us,
for, living close to You,
we shall see Your hand,
Your purpose, Your will through all things.
God our Father,
extend our horizons,
widen our vision,
and remind us how inter-connected we are
as your sons and daughters.
Breathe your Spirit into us
that we may live more truly
as brothers and sisters of one another
Lord, we ask you to open our eyes
that we may value and appreciate all people,
recognising what we have in common
rather than focusing
on what our differences might be.
Inspire us to distinguish
between what is important
and what is not,
and open our minds and hearts
that we may always be people of good will
who bring life and joy to others. Amen.