Ancient Greece Student Study Guide

Study Guide - Greek Unit
Vocabulary – Word Wall Words
Chapter 25
peninsula, p. 272
Aegean Sea, p. 272
colony, p. 274
Chapter 26
Monarchy, p. 278
aristocrat, p. 278
oligarchy, p. 279
tyranny, p. 279
democracy, p. 280
citizen, p. 280
assembly, p. 280
Chapter 27
Athens, p. 284
Sparta, p. 284
Peloponnesus, p. 284
Council of 500, p. 285
agora, p. 286
Council of Elders, p. 289
Chapter 28
Persian Empire, p. 296
Darius, p. 296
Persian wars, p. 296
cavalry, p. 297
Xerxes, p. 298
Hellespont, p. 298
Chapter 29
Pericles, p. 304
Parthenon, p. 304
acropolis, p. 304
myth, p. 305
drama, p. 308
Socrates, p. 309
Panathenaic Games, p. 310
Chapter 30
Peloponnesian War, p. 314
Macedonia, p. 314
Aristotle, p. 314
Alexander the Great, p. 315
Custom, p. 315
Alexandria, p. 316
Chapter 31
geometry, p. 324
latitude, p. 325
longitude, p. 325
biology, p. 325
Ancient Greece Study Guide
Chapter 25 – Geography and the Settlement of Greece
1. Mainland Greece is a _________________________, which means a landform
surrounded by water on three sides, and is located on the continent of
2. Greece is surrounded by which four bodies of water?
3. Greek farm and villages were _________________________, or separated, by
_________________________, which prevented
_________________________ between settlements.
4. Name three reasons travel in ancient Greece was difficult:
Chapter 25 – Geography and the Settlement of Greece
5. Greeks mostly farmed to survive. They faced problems farming because
_____________________________________________ and
6. Crops grown in ancient Greece included:
7. Bees were kept in Greece to make _________________________, which was
the ancient world’s best known _________________________.
8. Instead of cattle, ancient Greeks raised _________________________ and
_________________________ for their ability to grace on the sides of
mountains, and because they provided _________________________,
_________________________, and _________________________.
9. The scarcity of land led to _________________________ between Greece
settlements and eventually led to settlements in distant places, also known as
Chapter 25 – Geography and the Settlement of Greece
10. The order of tasks that Greek colonists followed to relocate to new lands was:
11. Colonies helped to spread Greek _________________________.
12. Greeks with too little land to grow food relied on
_________________________ to get the things they needed.
13. Merchant ships used the _________________________ to navigate.
Chapter 26 – The Rise of Democracy
14. Separate Greek settlements resulted in the formation of
_________________________ - _________________________.
15. City-states had their own:
Chapter 26 – The Rise of Democracy
16. City-states developed four different forms of governments:
Who maintained the ruling power?
17. Kings in a monarchy had several duties such as:
18. Oligarchs, also known as _________________________, were wealthy land
owners or merchants, who ruled Greek city-states in 800 B.C.E. They often
and __________________________________________________________.
19. Name two differences between a tyrant and a monarch:
20. List and explain the two types of democracy:
Chapter 27 – Life in Two City-States: Athens and Sparta
21. For most of their histories the two city-states of ____________________
and ____________________ were bitter rivals.
22. How was the geography different between Athens and Sparta?
Athens: ___________________________________________________
Sparta: ___________________________________________________
23. Athenians valued ____________________and ____________________,
while Spartans valued ____________________ and ____________________.
24. In Athens, the ____________________ of _________________________
was made up of randomly chosen Athenian citizens for the purpose of running
government businesses and proposing laws.
25. As in Athens, the Spartan government consisted of an __________________
of citizens to vote on laws, but unlike Athens, members couldn’t ______________.
26. Athenians bought and sold goods, including slaves at a huge marketplace called
the _________________________.
27. The economy of Athens used _______________ made of _______________,
____________________, and ____________________ to make trade easier.
28. Sparta’s economy was built on _________________________ and
Chapter 27 – Life in Two City-States: Athens and Sparta
29. Who were the only people considered citizens in Athens?
30. What three areas were tested in order to become a Spartan soldier and full
Chapter 28 – Fighting the Persian Wars
31. The biggest enemy and threat to ancient Greece was the
32. In order to defeat the Persians, Athens and Sparta had to band together and
become _________________________.
33. The Persian wars started with the _________________________, in
present-day _________________________, and ended after 20 years of
fighting with the _________________________.
34. Who was the brilliant Greek general who defeated Persian troops in the Battle
of Marathon for an early victory? _________________________
35. The _________________________ of _________________________
was a surprising naval victory for the Greeks over the Persians because they were
greatly outmanned and overmatched.
Chapter 29 – The Golden Age of Athens
36. After the Persian Wars, Athens lay in ruins until a great leader,
_________________________, orchestrated a major rebuild of the city. He
was responsible for the building of one of the most beautiful temples in Greece,
the _________________________ to honor the goddess, Athena.
37. The period of growth, peace and prosperity between 479 and 431 B.C.E. is
referred to as Greek’s ____________________
38. Greek temples were not places of ____________________, but were instead
thought to be ____________________ for the gods and goddesses.
39. Greeks’ idea of beauty in architecture focused on the importance of
___________________ and ____________________.
40. What were the three kinds of columns Greeks used and how did they look like?
41. Triangles created by the slanted roof at the front and back of Greek buildings
are called _________________________. The ________________________
were bands of sculptures at the top of the buildings, and the individual sculpture
was a _________________________.
42. Greek statues were _________________________ and
_________________________, with detailed muscles, hair, and clothing.
Chapter 29 – The Golden Age of Athens
43. What was the name of the theater that introduced drama to the Greeks?
_________________________ of _________________________.
44. The open-air theaters had the following characteristics:
45. Out of the Greek’s love of debate sprung _________________________, or
the search for wisdom or knowledge. One of the greatest thinkers of his time,
_________________________ encouraged people to ask questions.
Chapter 30 – Alexander the Great and His Empire
46. After Athens and Sparta came together to defeat the Persians, years of
jealousy and fear caused them to quarrel again. This touched off the
47. Philip II, King of Macedonia, had a son who became an important ruler of
Greece in 336 B.C.E. after his death. Who was he?
_________________________ the _________________________.
48. What were the components of Alexander’s plan to unite so many different
people and cultures after expanding his empire?
Chapter 30 – Alexander the Great and His Empire
49. _________________________ was a Greek-style city built in Egypt by
Alexander to promote cultural integration and unify his massive empire. It became
one of the most important centers of trade and learning.
50. Who did Alexander marry to promote the practice of blending cultures?
Chapter 31 – The Legacy of Ancient Greece
Name the ways in which ancient Greece continues to influence the modern world
and give an example of each:
51. _________________________
52. _________________________
53. _________________________
54. _________________________
55. _________________________
56. _________________________
57. _________________________
58. _________________________
59. _________________________ and _________________________ are
two of the contributions ancient Greeks made to science.
60. The _________________________, an athletic contest that included a
footrace, discus throw, long jump, javelin throw, and wresting, is a modern event
that grew out of the Greek Olympics.