Stewardship Prayers of the Faithful Parishes are encouraged to include a Stewardship theme petition in the Prayers of the Faithful each week. Please feel free to edit or rewrite in a style that is familiar to your parish community. General Stewardship Petitions: Father, help us to see the accepting and raising of our children in the faith as the ultimate act of Stewardship. A manner in which we recognize and receive them as gifts, and eventually sharing them with the world…We pray to the Lord. The following petition can be adjusted to reflect a different ministry or activity: For the members of our parish who serve in our <<insert ministry>>, may our Lord bless and sustain them in their work…We pray to the Lord. For Bishop Michael Olson, shepherding our Diocese, may his faith, working through love, be joy filled and fruitful… We pray to the Lord For our pastor, _____________________ , may his Stewardship of priesthood; his forgiving of our sins, making Christ present at the altar, and the many other ways he brings Christ to us, may Father ______________ also receive the joy of the gospel as he shares his faith in love…We pray to the Lord. Father, help us to see those who are estranged from the sacramental life of the Church as members in need of the joy of the Gospel. Give us Stewardship opportunities to share our faith in love with them…We pray to the Lord. For all the members of our parish, especially those who are now homebound, unable to serve others as they did in the past. May they now see their stewardship as an openness to allow others to serve them…We pray to the Lord. That we remember all that we have comes from the Lord, especially our faith…We pray to the Lord. For parish Pastoral, Stewardship, Finance, School Council members, that through their giving of their leadership, they grow in faith and receive guidance from the Holy Spirit…We pray to the Lord. For all parishioners serving as ushers and greeters, that through their giving of time and talent, they may find a deeper relationship with God and other members of the community…We pray to the Lord. For all of our parish’s Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, sacristans and altar servers, that through their gift of time, they may be nourished by the Bread of Life…We pray to the Lord. For all members of our parish who share their talents through our music ministries, that God continues to bless them with the gift of music…We pray to the Lord. Petitions by Month This is a compilation of Prayers of the Faithful from many dioceses throughout the country. January May we resolve during the coming year to live as better stewards by sharing more generously of our time, talents, and treasure in gratitude to God… We pray to the Lord. February For our parishioners who are in need. May we recognize and receive their need as a manner in which we can share our gifts in love of God and neighbor…We pray to the Lord. March Recognizing our need for Jesus, may we find His Presence in our service of others….We pray to the Lord. Lenten During this season of Lent, may we open our hearts to the needs of the poor and the oppressed and use our gifts to ease their burdens … We pray to the Lord. Palm Sunday - Holy Week Father, you are the giver of every gift, including the most precious gift of your son Jesus in the Eucharist. Help us to see the reception of Holy Communion as an act of stewardship, gratefully recognizing and receiving Jesus, and then sharing Him joyfully with others…We pray to the Lord. April – Easter Season As we celebrate the Easter Season, may we remember that we are called like the first disciples to spread the Good News of salvation through the gifts that God has given us…We pray to the Lord. May May we imitate the example of the Blessed Mother and always be open to following God’s plan for us no matter what the personal cost… We pray to the Lord. June That we remember the generosity of past generations who built our Church and continue to be generous for future generations…We pray to the Lord. July May the Holy Spirit grant our leaders the wisdom to be good stewards of all that has been entrusted to them… We pray to the Lord. August That we seek to see God in all whom we encounter, especially the poor and distressed … We pray to the Lord. September May we always remember - “all that we are” and “all that we have” is gift from a loving God…We pray to the Lord. October During this season of harvest, may we remember that God is the source of all our blessings… We pray to the Lord. November We pray that we as good stewards of God’s many blessings will remember the most important work of our lives is to be a disciple of Jesus…We pray to the Lord. December That we follow the example of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the first disciple and model for Christian stewards, by responding with a “Yes” to God’s call…We pray to the Lord. Recognizing that faithful stewards always await the return of the Master, may we be faithful and vigilant as we prepare for the coming of Jesus… We pray to the Lord.