Final exam review - Sewanhaka Central High School District

Social Studies
Final exam review
Exam dates:
June 11- 40 multiple choice questions (40%)
June 9 – one essay (60%)
Contents of final exam
40 multiple choice questions- May 29
One essay – 60 points – May 30
1. Why did people move
Better life
 Opportunities
 Homestead Act
2. Reasons for immigration
Push – why they left their homeland;
war, poverty, oppression
Pull- America- Land of Opportunity; lots
of jobs here
3- immigrate
To come to a new land to settle
4. emigrate
Exit; exodus
 To leave your homeland
5. Theories of immigration
A. old theory – melting pot
 Immigrants erase heritage and adopt
new, American culture.
 B. new theory – salad bowl
 Immigrants add features of their culture
to become part of a new American
Dislike of foreigners
 Wanted quotas or restrictions on
immigration (1920s)
 Some immigrants were discriminated
against when they arrived
7- muckrakers
Goal- to expose problems caused by
 Jacob Riis – How the Other Half Lives –
tenement life
 Upton Sinclair – The Jungle – horrors of
meatpacking industry and immigrant life
 Ida Tarbell – History of Standard Oil –
unfair business practices of Rockefeller
8- Progressive Movement
Goals- to fix the problems caused by
the Industrial Era
 Wanted to end unfair business practices
such as monopolies, unsafe working
conditions, monopolies, child labor etc.
9- suffrage
Right to vote
Women – 19th amendment
African American Males – 15th
amendment (but with restrictions)
10- laissez-faire
Little or no government regulation or
interference in the economy or business
Led to growth of monopolies
11. Changes caused by
Industrial Revolution
Economic growth due to:
Assembly line- more consumer goods
produced at a lower/cheaper cost
More efficiently produced goods
More jobs in factories
More monopolies and corporations
Urban- city
 Suburban – outside city
 Rural- countryside
13- labor union
Goal-Workers joined together to fight
for better working conditions and
Unions help employees/workers
14-assembly line
Production is faster and cheaper
Mass production of goods was more
15. Jane Addams and
Settlement houses
Jane Addams- social reformer who set
up settlement houses to help poor
people and immigrants
focused on education, health, job
16- Big Stick Policy
President Teddy Roosevelt
U.S. “Policeman of the World” especially Latin America
17 A.- imperialism
Take over a nation making it a colony
Due to the nation’s need for resources
and markets during Industrial era
17B – Manifest Destiny
America’s destiny to be a land from sea
to sea.
Desire for expansion
17 C – Monroe Doctrine
The U.S. declares it’s right to deal with
matters in the Western Hemisphere
 Told Europeans to stay out of the
affairs of the West
 Doctrine was expanded under Teddy
Roosevelt (Roosevelt Corollary)
17 D- Spanish American War
 Imperialism
 Yellow journalism
 DeLome Letter
 Humanitarian concern for Cuba
 Sinking of the USS Maine ship
U.S. becomes and imperialist nation with colonies
(Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines)
17 E- Open Door Policy with
Industrial Age
More trade with China
18 A-World War I
Causes – 1914 (M.A.N.I.A)
 Assassination of Archduke of AustriaHungary
 Germany attacks U.S. ships then we declare
war in 1917.
 Map of Europe changed
18B- U.S. at beginning of
U.S. Neutral in 1914- “did not affect us”
 U.S. Declares war- 1917
 War ends- 1918
19. Fourteen Points
Woodrow Wilson’s plan for peace
 No more wars
 No secret treaties
 No colonies
 League of Nations- use
diplomacy/talking to settle disputes
20-Treaty of Versailles
Senate refuses to ratify treaty because
of League of Nations
Senate believed League might cause us
to be involved in another conflict
Harsh conditions on Germanyreparations
21. League of Nations
Senate refuses to ratify Treaty of
Versailles bec. of the League. Believed
it might get us more involved in wars.
Wilson wanted it – believed it would
end conflicts; bring peaceful settlement
of problems
22-Roaring Twenties
Era of changes (social, political,
 Eco- Easy credit meant people could
afford to buy more goods
 Social – New freedoms/ fashions for
 Political- Reduced civil liberties; Red Scare
23. Harlem Renaissance
Rebirth of African American culture
centered in Harlem, NY in the 1920s
Poetry/ literature celebrating African
American culture
24. Sacco and Vanzetti
Italian immigrants (anarchists)
convicted of murder with little evidence.
 Lessons:
Nativism – dislike of immigrants
1920’s Red Scare era- fear of different
Civil liberties can be denied due to fears
25. Quotas- Immigration Acts
Restrictions on immigration - fewer
from Asia and Eastern Europe.
Nativists supported quotas (limits)
26. Scopes (monkey) Trial
1920s- Religious fundamentalism rises
Scopes taught about evolution though it
was banned
27. Red Scare 1920s
Fear communism would spread to USA
 Fear of people who may support
 Fear of immigrants
28- Red Scare 1950s
Cold War era
Fear of Communism
29. Dust bowl
Drought (no rain) conditions in Great
Massive dust storms
30. Farmers in the 1920s
Lost farms due to dust bowl
Low crop prices
Moved West
31-Great Depression
Mechanization -lost jobs
High tariffs on imports
Easy credit -debt
Stock market crash and panic – 1929
High unemployment; banks fail, slow
economy; little money to buy goods
32. FDR vs. Hoover
Help business help people
Indirect help
New Deal
Direct help; jobs, loans, aid
33. Hoovervilles
Shanty towns
 People were evicted
 homeless
 Lived in shacks
34. The New Deal
Purpose- Relief, Recover, Reform
Provided jobs, faith in banking
Result-Increased size and responsibility
of government.
35. WWII causes
Germany invades Poland-1939
Japan bombs Pearl Harbor- US enters
war in 1941
36. WWII - results
During the War
War leads to more jobs- Depression ends
More women working
Atom bombs dropped on Japan leads to
war’s end
Now-nuclear age; two superpowers
Arms race; Cold War begins
37. Iron Curtain
Phrase from Winston Churchill
describing the separation between
Western (free) Europe and Eastern
(communist-controlled) Europe.
Post War period
38-Marshall Plan
USA sends financial or economic aid to
help rebuild Western Europe
Keep Europe strong to resist
39-Berlin Blockade
U.S. helps West Berlin which was
blockaded during Cold War
40. Cold War
Tensions between US and USSR after WWII
Korean War, Vietnam War happened during
Cold War
11/9/89 – fall of Berlin Wall – symbolized end
of Cold War.
41- containment
Foreign policy to stop the spread of
During the Cold War
42- NATO
Defensive alliance for the West to provide
security to fight the East (Communists)
NATO vs. Warsaw Pact
43. McCarthyism
Anti-communist Senator McCarthy–
 Ruined careers of people accusing them
of being communist; people’s rights
 Red Scare era
44. Korean War
 U.N. (with U.S. support) tries to stop
communist from spreading to South
 Border remains at 38 parallel
 Containment – Cold War
 Domino theory
44- Communism
Political system of Soviet Union
45- Cuban Missile Crisis
JFK success
 Nearly a nuclear war
 Soviets had missiles in Cuba (near
46. Domino theory
Fear that communism will spread to
neighboring countries especially in
Southeast Asia i.e. Korea and Vietnam
Led to our involvement in two wars
47. Civil Rights Movement
1950s and 1960s
 Sought equal rights for African
 Used non-violence
 Leader: Dr. King
48. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Equal voting rights
Passive resistance
Sit-ins; marches, boycotts
49-March on Washington
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr
 “I Have a Dream” speech highlights
inequality and struggles of African
50. Brown Vs. Board of Ed
No more segregation
 States did not follow this immediately
 Led to desegregation (integration) of
schools and facilities
51- Women’s Rights
Career choices
Equal pay
Equal treatment
52. detente
Try to end or ease Cold War tensions
Use diplomacy (negotiations)
Essay (60%)
Write about the contributions of two
individuals discussed in this course.
Which people should you choose?
Focus on their contributions and how
they impacted our nation.
Some examples?
Write the names of five people you
might write about in your final exam