Chapter 10 Section 3 & Section 5 (p. 376

Chapter 10 Section 3 & Section 5 (p. 376-393)
Nativism Resurges
(p. 376-378)
1.) Rise in ___________________________________________________________________________________
Nativism = a belief that one’s native land needs to be protected against immigrants
Germans, communists and all immigrants
Immigrants were blamed for bombings, strikes and the recession (lack of jobs for returning soldiers)
See “Hostility Toward Immigrants” on p. 377
2.) __________________________________________________________________________________ in 1915
 Began after the Civil War to intimidate newly freed African Americans (late 1800s)
a.) Targeted ______________________________________________________________________________
Claimed to be fighting for “Americanism”
White Protestant Americans
b.) __________________________________________________________________________ in late 1920s
Scandals and power struggles
New restrictions on immigrations took away their main issue
3.) _________________________________________________________________________________________
“Keep America American”
a.) ______________________________________________ Act (1924) = _______ of ethnic group in the US
restricted annual admission to the US to 3% of the total number of people in any ethnic group
already living in the nation
Ethnic identity and national origin determined if a person was admitted to the US
Signed by Harding
b.) _____________________________________________________________ Act (1924) = _______ of
ethnic group in US during _________________
Set quotas at 2% of each national group represented in the US Census of 1890
Quotas based on ethnic composition of the US more than 30 years earlier before increased
immigration from SE Europe
Favored immigrants from NW Europe
Exempted natives of the Western Hemisphere (Mexicans)
Made immigration restriction a permanent policy and set the framework for immigration for the
next 40 years
4.) ______________________________________________________________________________ Immigration
a.) _____________________________________________________________________________________
b.) Came to ______________________________________________________________________________
Newlands Reclamation Act of 1902 = funded irrigation project in the SW
Large factory farms were set up that needed workers
 By end of 1920s, nearly 700,000 Mexicans had migrated to the US
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Chapter 10 Section 3 & Section 5 (p. 376-393)
A Clash of Cultures
“Roaring Twenties”
(p. 378-381)
 Urban Americans celebrated the new modern culture
 Rural Americans believed traditional society and morality were under attack
1.) _________________________________________________________________in the 1920s
a.) ____________________ Amendment (1920) = _______________________________________________
 Change in attitudes toward marriage
Focus on love and romance
Cars allowed young couples to “go out”
b.) Single women _________________________________________________________________________
Broke away from parental control and gain financial independence
 Fashion
“bobbed” hair
Flesh-colored stockings
Flappers = smoked, drank, wore makeup, sleeveless dress with short skirts
c.) _____________________________________________________________________________________
Science, medicine, law, literature
 American Birth Control League (1921)
Believed families could improve their standard of living by limiting the number of children they had
2.) _________________________________________________________________________________________
a.) A ________________________________ movement to keep ____________________________________
 Believed the Bible was literally true and without error
b.) _____________________________________________________________________________________
 Rejected the Theory of Evolution
3.) ________________________________________________________________ – _______ Amendment (1919)
 Reasons for prohibition of alcohol
Reduce unemployment
Stop domestic violence
Reduce poverty
 Volstead Act – made the US Treasury Dept. responsible for enforcing the law
Made more than 540,000 arrests
More than 70 federal agents were killed enforcing Prohibition in the 1920s
a.) _____________________________________________________________________________________
secret bars
b.) _____________________________________________________________________________________
illegal production and smuggling of alcohol
c.) _____________________________________________________________________________________
Al Capone
d.) ______________ Amendment – ____________________________________________________ (1933)
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Chapter 10 Section 3 & Section 5 (p. 376-393)
African American
in the 1920s
(p. 388-393)
 Great Migration = blacks moved from South to North during WWI and the 1920s
to find jobs and escape segregation
faced discrimination in the North
Lived in black neighborhoods, such as Harlem in NYC
 WWI vets had experienced equality in France but faced racism when they returned to the US
1.) __________________________________________________________________ = pride in African American
culture and arts
a.) _____________________________________________________________________________________
 improvisational form of music influenced by Dixieland blues and ragtime
b.) _____________________________________________________________________________________
 Evolved from African American spirituals
2.) _________________________________________________________________________________________
a.) ___________________________________________________________________________ in the North
b.) Influenced the _________________________________________________________________________
c.) Voted mostly __________________________________________________________________________
3.) NAACP fought ____________________________________________________________________________
 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
 Fought segregation and lynching
 Used lobbying and court cases
4.) Marcus Garvey – ___________________________________________________________________________
a.) Helped to create ________________________________________________________________________
b.) Gave ________________________________________________________________________________
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Said blacks could gain economic and political power by education
Wanted to separate blacks from whites
Founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) to promote black pride and unity
FBI saw the UNIA as dangerous and a possible cause for riots