The Revolution of 1800

Hale, Shyann
Edwards, Brianna
Levi, Manuia
Douglas, Ejeanee
The election of 1800 was named the Revolution
of 1800 because it signified the restoration of
America’s Revolutionary vision; both politics and
foreign policies were dramatically revolutionized
by this one choice.
Thomas Jefferson brought about the nations first
international involvement. Before the Jefferson was
elected Washington and Adam; which were the
previous presidents worked to keep the nation’s
neutrality. In there presidency the bases the
proclamation of neutrality and the xyz affair to retain
neutrality. But the election changed all that. Jefferson
made it his mission to being internationally involved.
He passed the embargo act and also the Barbary war
were some of the ways foreign policy was changed. That
is one of the reasons it is known as the revolution of
Jefferson was a demo-republic so he was for the
common people. He brought but the shopkeepers,
workers, and farmers who before his presidency were
other wise alienated and suppressed. Being that
Washington and Adams were Federalist they apposed
the poor common groups. Also Jefferson had both a
demo-republic view and a federalist view. So those
opposed of demo-republics liked Jefferson because he
kept some Federalist ideas intact. Because of this
election federalist lost all power and were ultimately
Showed a flaw in the nation's systems
For a tie be fell the electoral college
Leaving Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr to play the victims
The House of Representatives held the most knowledge
Though it took them 36 times
Thomas Jefferson won the prize
He revolutionized the nation as he climbs
The foreign and political hurdles restoring intentional ties
Ended the state of neutrality that Washington and Adam held
Groups like farmers and shopkeepers were noticed
No longer alienated these people no longer rebelled
Jefferson revolutionized the nation and It caused us to be focused
The nation changed due to this election
That is why it is know as a revolution
“To achieve this bold objective would
require foreign allies, not to mention
compromises mad to secure them. To
create an ‘empire of liberty’ and
spread American institutions beyond
the Mississippi Jefferson was willing
to prevaricate, deceive, and deal.”
This shows how foreign policy
drastically changed after the election.
How Thomas Jefferson
revolutionized the nation’s foreign
ties. Thomas Jefferson had big plans
to build up the nation and to achieve
his plans he had to get out of that
state off neutrality that Washington
was so adamant to keep. He brought
up international involvement to
further the nation’s standing.
“The difficulties of selecting the
president in 1800 resulted in passage
of the Twelfth Amendment in 1804,
which provides for separate balloting
for the vice president and president.”
This amendment provides the
members of the electoral college to
vote for one person as president and
one for vice. The amendment
resulted from the election of 1800
fixing the flaw of the constitution in
turn revolutionizing the way
presidents were put into office. The
flaw that arose was a tie between
Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr.
Causing the vote to be thrust upon
the House of Representatives.
 “We are all republicans-We are all
-Thomas Jefferson
 This quote relates to the prompt
because it shows how Thomas
Jefferson wanted to minimize the
political and ideological differences
between the DemocraticRepublicans and the Federalists in
order to calm the controversy and
the hard feelings that the election
arose. He assured Federalists that
his policies would not be that much
different then federalist parties.
 “The electoral crisis marked a
triumph of level heads in both
parties, Who put the orderly
succession and continuity of
government first. This Revolution
of 1800, as Jefferson called it, was a
bloodless one, but its impact was
real. The federalist party was all but
guillotined, it lost both the
presidency and congress.”
 This quote relates to the prompt
because it shows how much
political parties changed after the
election. The federalist were no
longer viewed as a party. They lost
all power over the nation. The
election revolutionized political
parties drastically.
“I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole
American people which declared that their legislature would
"make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of
separation between Church and State.”
 Thomas Jefferson’s witty response to Danburry’s letter
represented not only him, but also America. His choice of words
directed towards Danbury was expressed with recognition, and
of high respect. This relates to the “the Revolution of 1800”
through his exact words, “wall of separation between Church
and State.” Statements, and final conclusions such as, Jefferson’s,
contributed greatly by shaping our views and beliefs.In addition,
the clash of Church and State would result in severe conflicts
 The Louisiana purchase was
made in the early eighteenth
century, This land may have
seemed as the cheapest, yet
luckiest bargain in the whole
entire history. However this
significant event affected
American culture drastically,
extremely benefiting America.
With more land, brought much
more opportunities for the
expansion of this land we love.
The Revolution of 1800 would
have not been a successful
Revolution or even a revolution
at that, if we did not have land to
accomplish the change that we
sought for as one.
 This pictures shows
how Jefferson
through out the
contusion to do
what he thought was
right he
revolutionized what
people thought of
the constitution and
how to interpret it.
And I think it also
shows how he ended
On December 22, 1807
President Thomas Jefferson
Signed the Embargo Act,
prohibiting ships that were
destined for foreign ports
from leaving the U.S. This
relates to the prompt
because it is one of the
many things that changed
after the Revolution of
1800. This is an example of
the revolution that foreign
policy took after the
Doc A: Appleby, Joyce. Thomas Jefferson. New York, New York: Henry Hold and
Company, 2003.
Doc B: Davis, Kenneth. “Don’t Know Much About History.” What was the Revolution of
1800? New York, New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 2003.
Doc C: “Thomas Jefferson”. Brainy Quotes.2001.November 28,
Doc D: Davis, Kenneth. “Don’t Know Much About History.” What was the Revolution of
1800? New York, New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 2003.
Doc E: Jefferson,Thomas.Writings of Thomas Jefferson. Excerpt from “The Letter To
Danbury Baptist Association”.
Doc F: Parker, Matthew.”The Losiana Purchase Agreement.”Thomas Legion.5 July.2009.26
Nov.2010. U.S State Department, Library of Congress,National Archives. <>
Doc G: Kennedy, David. “The American Pageant: Thirteenth Edition”. Page 212 Chapter 11
The Triumphs and Travails of the Jeffersonian Republic. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin
Company, 2006.
Doc H: Craughwell, Thomas. “Thomas Jefferson’s Embargo.” Encyclopedia Britannica
Blog. January 15, 2009. November 28, 2010<>