Course Expectations - Houston Independent School District

AP Psychology!
Kris Casperson:
Welcome to Carnegie Vanguard’s “AP Psych” course! In this course we will cover a gigantic amount of
information – while learning about ourselves and each other along the way. The primary purpose of the
Advanced Placement course in Psychology is to prepare the students for success on the AP Psych exam so that
they may enjoy college credit for their time spent here. Additionally, this course will introduce students to the
systematic and scientific study of behavior and mental processes of both human beings and animals. Students
will also be introduced to the many psychological facts, principles, and phenomena associated with the
plethora of subfields within Psychology. And, to fully appreciate its origins and continual evolution, we will
also learn about the primary research methods, leading psychologists/theorists, and be able to consider how
their perspective has contributed to the science and the philosophy behind this field.
Primary Course Objectives
Students will prepare throughout the year to be successful on the Advanced Placement examination in Psychology.
Students will study the major core concepts and theories of psychology. And, they will be able to use the key terms in their
everyday applications and vocabulary.
Students will learn the essential skills of psychological research. They will be able to devise research projects, interpret and
generalize results and be able to evaluate the validity of research reports.
Students will be able to identify, investigate & apply psychological concepts within controlled applications. And, students will
also be able to consider how these concepts apply to their own lives. Additionally, they will be able to actively recognize
psychological principles when they are encountered in everyday situations.
Students will develop enhanced critical thinking skills. They will become aware of the inherent danger of blindly accepting or
rejecting any potential psychological theory without careful, objective evaluation.
Students will use cross-curricular applications to further develop their reading, writing, listening and discussion skills.
Course Expectations: Although our class time will often allow students to openly discuss & participate in labs or
activities to test the ideas and theories we will discuss, the foundation of their knowledge will come from their outside reading and
study group sessions. [Students must participate in a peer study group from either the 6 th or 7th period classes. Periodically, all
students will be expected to complete reflective activities or study-sessions in class or during lunch.] Students will be required to do
their textbook reading outside of class. In addition, students will be expected to maintain their materials (class notes/handouts/lab
results) throughout the year for future reference. Students will also be required to complete flashcards as we go through the units
of the textbook in order to create study resources for themselves. Additionally, each semester, the students will select 1
independent reading text to help supplement their experiences in AP Psych. It is absolutely paramount that students keep up with
the textual content of the course. If students keep up with the reading and are present for class lectures/activities, they will have no
problem succeeding in the course (& on the AP exam). {Please note: excessive absences (& the subsequent amount of make-up work that is
generated by these absences) could become a significant barrier in a student’s pursuit of success. As seniors, it is exclusively your responsibility to
do your best to make-up any/all missed work. However, be advised that not all in-class activities and labs can be recreated in a one-on-one setting
after-the-fact, so there is some potential for missed experiences if an absence is unavoidable.} I am always available to assist/advise any
student that feels he/she is falling behind. And, I will encourage all students to have at least one “classroom buddy” that can help
them keep up with the reading/studying. You are each other’s greatest resource! Help each other out.
AP PSYCH COURSE TEXTBOOK: primary resource
Myers, David G. Psychology for AP. 2nd ed. New York: Worth Publishers, 2014. Print.
Additional Course Activities/Resources:
AP Psych study guide (class set)
Student Workbook (to accompany the textbook)
Interactive/Kinesthetic Labs (in-class)
Student-conducted observation/research/experimentation (in both: individual & group projects)
Collegeboard materials (released exams, essay prompts, scored essays, etc.)
Classroom lectures/Documentaries/Crash Course videos/TED Talks/Guest Speakers
Independent reading assignment (students will select a book to read each semester)
AP Psychology: Course Content
Each textbook unit topic is listed, along with the predicted percentage for how each category will be represented on the
AP Psychology exam. (*percentages provided by Collegeboard)
Semester 1
Semester 2______________
Unit 1: History and Approaches
Unit 9: Developmental Psychology
Unit 2: Research Methods
Unit 10: Personality
Unit 3: Biological Bases of Behavior
Unit 11: Testing and Individual Differences
Unit 4: Sensation and Perception
Unit 12: Abnormal Psychology
Unit 5: States of Consciousness
Unit 13: Treatment of Disorders
Unit 6: Learning
Unit 14: Social Psychology
Unit 7: Cognition
AP Test Prep and Review
Unit 8: Motivation and Emotion
AP Psych Exam: Monday, May 4th @ Noon
Final Exam & Review
Post-AP Test Activities/Final Exam Review
Semester 1 Final Exam (Units 1-8)
Semester 2 Final Exam (Units 9-14)
What you can expect:
Course Content Assessments: 50%
Unit Tests: At the conclusion of most of our units, a unit test will be given. Often, these tests will be in a similar
format of the AP Psychology Test, consisting of multiple choice questions (with 5 answer choices) and –
occasionally – also free response questions.
Projects: Students will have to occasionally complete individual & group projects to reinforce their classroom
learning. These projects will be extended over multiple days/weeks and will always be accompanied with a
Independent Reading Assignment: Students will select one text each semester and complete an assigned
project or activity that is associated with their text.
Labs/Quizzes/U-book: 35%
Quizzes: Announced or unannounced quizzes may be given at any time throughout the year. Usually quizzes are
based upon the reading or the activities from the previous day(s). However, occasionally, the quizzes will be
covering cumulative information.
Labs: Students will actively & responsibly participate in labs which will allow them to explore/apply the concepts
that they are learning in each unit.
U-book: Students will be asked to maintain an “active notebook” to record their own individual
responses/inquiries to what is being taught/discussed in class. Assignments can range from year-long
(journaling) to short & specific (respond to a particular lab/assignment).
Minor Grades: 15%
Homework: In addition to the outside reading, students will occasionally be asked to complete short
assignments to help reinforce the reading.
Class work: Students will often have small in-class activities or tasks to complete. In addition, as part of the class
work grade, all students are expected to actively participate in classroom discussions.
Notebook checks: Students will occasionally be asked to produce a specific item from their notebook or to turn
them in for a quick spot-check to ensure that they are taking notes. This is meant to encourage them to keep up
with their course materials and resources.
Peer Study-Group Sessions: To help students create and maintain a supportive study structure, they will
periodically be asked to complete reflective assignments or hold study-group sessions during class time or lunch.
Semester Final Exams: At the end of each semester, a final exam will be given consisting of multiple choice questions
taken from the previous quizzes and unit tests.
AP Psychology Exam: The AP Exam will be on Monday May 4th, 2015 at noon.
Specific Items ~ you will need 1 dedicated “AP Psych” binder (or bound notebook & folder) to collect & maintain all of
the materials that we generate in class. You will also need a notebook (like a composition book or spiral). You will need
at least 1 large pack of notecards and a pack of post-its (any color/size).
And, for the more general items, you will need notebook paper, pens, pencils, a basic calculator & highlighters.
Student Notebooks:
Students will need to maintain two notebooks for this course.
The first notebook should be brought to class every day for note-taking/labs/daily activities/etc. In addition, you
will need to keep up with multiple handouts and reference materials throughout the year. Please make every
attempt to be organized enough to have these materials at the ready. It is absolutely critical that you are able to
collect & maintain your materials from one semester to the next. You will take complete and detailed notes in
class (and on your own – in the case of homework assignments). Review the notes often. If you are absent, it is
your responsibility to get the class notes from a classmate.
The second notebook (called your “U-book”) & it will be used exclusively for recording your own
observations/experiences. You will be asked – periodically – to be specifically cognizant of certain aspects of
your daily life. In these instances, you will record your response in your U-book. You will occasionally be asked
to turn this in for a grade, but it is first & foremost a record of your own account/experiences within this course.
[I recommend using a medium-to-large hardbacked-journal or a composition notebook.]
Late Work:
You are seniors. All assignments will be turned in on time.
This is an AP class, and in line with a college course and – as such - late work is unacceptable.
However, since I do realize that emergencies and problems do arise, once per cycle students will have the ability
to use a “late homework pass.” You may use this pass to turn in a minor assignment (homework/class work
assignment/ or notebook check) one day late.
You will only get one late work pass per cycle. {And, all passes are non-transferrable.}
If you do not use your late work pass for the cycle, you will be awarded with an additional 5 extra credit points
on your lowest exam score.
Late work, without a “pass” attached to it, will not be accepted. AND You must have your original pass to turn
in at the end of the cycle in order to receive the extra credit.
Please note that major projects/labs/quizzes & U-book assignments are not included in this opportunity. Late projects
will lose 20 points for each additional day that they are delayed past the due date.
Attendance/Tardies/Retake Policy = please see your student handbook
Please refer to the class webpage often to refer to the course calendar and to access
electronic copies of handouts
Please take care of your textbook. It is brand new.  (I recommend a book cover.)
CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS: Due to the candid discussions that we will be having in class, you are expected
to be fully considerate and respectful of your peers’ opinions. Aspects of Psychology often touch each family
differently, so students are expected to be open-minded and considerate of the varying perspectives that
might arise as we discuss all of the facets that we examine. Students are encouraged to learn from the
perspectives of others. And, above all, students will maintain a positive and supportive classroom for all
students so that they may feel comfortable in sharing their views.
Teacher’s Note: I am so excited to finally have this course, and I hope that you are too! This year will be a
lot of work (for all of us), but I hope that it will soon become a labor of love. I am also hoping that – no
matter what you plan to study in college – this course broadens your personal perspective and helps you
learn about the amazing power of the human mind.
Thank you for joining me on this journey!
~ Ms. Casperson
AP Psychology!
(Please return this form by Monday, September 8th)
STUDENT NAME: (printed) _________________________________________________________
PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME: (printed) _________________________________________________________
Cell Phone:
Home Phone: ______________________________________ (*if different from your cell #)
Email Address: _____________________________________ Preferred method of contact: Phone or Email
PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME: (printed) _________________________________________________________
Cell Phone:
Home Phone: ______________________________________ (*if different from your cell #)
Email Address: _____________________________________ Preferred method of contact: Phone or Email
Hello, AP Psych parents. Thank you for taking the time to read my syllabus; I know that you have a lot of papers coming to you at
the beginning of the year. I wanted to take this opportunity to establish a connection with you as your child might have some
interesting stories to tell you based upon our in-class activities and labs. In addition, I wanted to invite you to share any information
that you may have that might help me to better guide your child through this course.
If you believe that your child or family history might contribute to his/her having an emotional sensitivity towards any subject area,
please use the area below to share that information with me. [Please feel free to include any additional concerns you might want to
share: like vision, hearing, academic, socio-emotional, general behavioral issues or any relevant medical issues, etc.]
Please know that I will follow-up with you regarding your listed concerns as early as possible.
This parent form will be kept completely confidential and will only be shared with the Carnegie Vanguard High School guidance or
administration teams in the event that it becomes necessary. The intent of this form is solely to give you an opportunity to express
any information that will benefit me in best-approaching the topics with the class. Thank you for sharing.
[Please feel free to return this form in a sealed envelope in order to ensure your privacy.]
Please read & sign the back of this form before your child turns it in.
By signing this form, you confirm that you:
o Have read the provided 2014-2015 AP Psych course syllabus
o Have knowledge of how to contact me through HISD email (and know that you can contact
me at any time regarding your student’s academic, social, and emotional concerns) at:
o Have knowledge of the course webpage on the current CVHS website
o Have knowledge of how to access your child’s grades & attendance on GradeSpeed
Student’s Name (printed): _________________________________________
Parent/Guardian #1*
PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME: (printed) _________________________________________________________
Signature: ____________________________________Date: ______________
Parent/Guardian #2
PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME: (printed) _________________________________________________________
Signature: ____________________________________Date: ______________
[* Only 1 parent/guardian is required. However, contact information or course acknowledgement from an
additional parent or guardian is always welcome.]