Lesson 2 Los Números Objectivo: To recap from last lesson and learn numbers up to 100 in Spanish. Tip:You may know the numbers but pronunciation is key. Recap (Introduction) What did we do last lesson? Discuss in pairs. What did you learn last lesson? Discuss and write down in pairs. Task 1: Recap of Listening Exercise. The numbers: 0 cero (Thero) The numbers: 1 uno/a (oo-no) The numbers: 2 dos (dos) The numbers: 3 tres (tres) The numbers: 4 cuatro (kwat-ro) The numbers: 5 cinco (theen-ko) The numbers: 6 seis (seys) The numbers: 7 siete (syet-ay) The numbers: 8 ocho (o-cho) The numbers: 9 nueve (nwe-bay) The numbers: 10 diez (dyeth) Task 2 – Higher Numbers Do you know any numbers above 10 in Spanish? In pairs, write down on paper some of the Spanish numbers you know. Can you write them correctly? Can you pronounce them correctly? Copy these numbers on the next slide. Task 3 : Numbers to 30 11once (on-thay) The numbers: 12 doce (doth-ay) The numbers: 13 trece (treth-ay) The numbers: 14 catorce (kat-or-thay) The numbers: 15 quince (keen-thay) The numbers: 16 dieciséis (dyeth-ee-seys) The numbers: 17 diecisiete (dyeth-ee-syet-ay) The numbers: 18 dieciocho (dyeth-ee-o-cho) The numbers: 19 diecinueve (dyeth-ee-nwe-bay) The numbers: 20 veinte (beyn-tay) The numbers: 21 veintiuno (beyn-tay-oo-no) The numbers: 22 veintidós (beyn-tay-dos) The numbers: 23 veintitres (beyn-tay-tres) The numbers: 24 veinticuatro (beyn-tay-kwat-ro) The numbers: 25 veinticinco (beyn-tay-theen-ko) The numbers: 26 veintiseis (beyn-tay-seys) The numbers: 27 veintisiete (beyn-tay-syet-ay) The numbers: 28 veintiocho (beyn-tay-o-cho) The numbers: 29 veintinueve (beyn-tay-nwe-bay) Summary. No. 11 12 Spanish Once Doce 13 14 15 Trece Catorce Quince 16 17 18 Dieciséis Diecisiete Dieciocho 19 20 Diecinueve Veinte No. 21 Spanish Veintiuno 22 23 24 Veintidós Veintitres Veinticuatro 25 26 27 Veinticinco Veintiseis Veintisiete 28 Veintiocho 29 Veintinueve Task 4 – Click and say in pairs (numbers to 29) • http://www.123teachme.com/games/click_n_say/n umbers Videos Watch these videos. Numbers to 30. Numbers Song Task 5 – The rule for more than 1 digits: In most cases to remember the numbers in Spanish it is useful to follow a simple rule. Try to spot the rule in the example: We have the number 26. We have to partition the number e.g. 26 becomes…. Then we use the numbers for both sections e.g. the number for 20 and the number for 6 in Spanish. Task 5 – The rule for more than 1 digits: After we have found the numbers we simply ‘squish’ them together to form one word. (Notice here the ‘e’ from ‘Veinte’ is replaced with an ‘i’). Task 6 - Applying the rule. Use the rule to find out these numbers: 18 (Lets go through the first one together). 22 16 29 21 Answers 18 = 22 = 16 = 29 = 21 = Dieciocho Veintidós Dieciséis Veintinueve Veintiuno Task 7 – Numbers to 100 (from 30) Do you know any numbers to 100 in Spanish? In pairs, write down on paper some of the Spanish numbers you know. Can you write them correctly? Can you pronounce them correctly? Task 8 – Even more numbers…. The numbers: 30 treinta (treyn-ta) The numbers: 40 cuarenta (kwa-ren-ta) The numbers: 50 cincuenta (beyn-tay-nwe-bay) The numbers: 60 sesenta (beyn-tay-nwe-bay) The numbers: 70 setenta (beyn-tay-nwe-bay) The numbers: 80 ochenta (beyn-tay-nwe-bay) The numbers: 90 noventa (beyn-tay-nwe-bay) The numbers: 100 cien (beyn-tay-nwe-bay) Summary. No. 30 40 Spanish Treinta Cuarenta 50 60 70 Cincuenta Sesenta Setenta 80 90 100 Ochenta Noventa Cien Task 9 – Recap materials What are these numbers in Spanish? Use everything you have learnt to try to figure out these numbers in Spanish. Task 10 – Number Match http://www.spanishrevision.co.uk/ks3/listos1/mod1 _numbers_q1.htm Task 11 – Spanish Bingo! You will have to choose a bingo grid. Spanish numbers will be called out. Whoever crosses out all of their numbers first will get prize. Teaching note: If you don’t have a bingo sheet, create your own and write random numbers on these to enable students to still experience the enjoyment of Spanish Bingo. Have you met the lesson objective? Can you pronounce and write the numbers to 100 in Spanish? Task 12 – Student Feedback You may not be aware, but end of each lesson you will have to provide feedback to the teacher about how you thought the lesson went. This will help to improve other lessons and your suggestions will be used! Please answer the questions on the next slide: Questions for you: How did you find the work in the lesson? Easy, Medium, Hard?............ How was the lesson overall and what did you learn? Well I thought the lesson was…………and I learnt that… What could we have done better to improve the lesson? Well you could ……………to improve the lesson. Any other feedback/suggestions: I would like to suggest that………………….. Would you like to rate the lesson?.... Rate the lesson out of 10 to help the teacher.