AP Bio Jan 7-10 Tues: New seats Lab 5 Cell Respiration: Collect

AP Bio Jan 7-10
New seats
Lab 5 Cell Respiration: Collect data, graph answer questions (Due Friday)
Exams back, file in test folders
Get Enzyme Lab back- file in Lab binder
Analyze grades
HW- Review Molecular Biology terms, Chapter 16 reading notes
Set goals for 2nd Semester
Talk about AP Exam in May
Latin Root Words packet (quiz each Wednesday)
Chapter 16 notes- DNA is the genetic material (Hershey and Chase)
HW- Complete Ch 16 reading notes
Chapter 16- DNA replication, Chromosome structure- DNA and proteins
Computer activities- DNA replication
HW- Complete Cell Respiration Lab
Turn in Cell Respiration Lab
Reading quiz Ch 16
Ch 17 notes- Central Dogma, Cracking the Genetic Code, Transcription
Transcription Computer activities
NEXT TEST- Chapters 16 The Molecular Basis of Inheritance, 17 From Gene to
Protein, 19 Viruses