Bone Flashcards for 10a CLAVICLE (collar bone) 1. Sternal extremity (end) –flat end 1 2. Acromial extremity (end) rounded end 2 1. SCAPULA (shoulder blade). Right or left scapula? 2 1. Superior border (superior margin) 2. Medial border (vertebral margin) 1 3. Lateral border (axillary margin) 3 7 7. Acromion 8. Coracoid process 10. Glenoid fossa 10 8 2. 1 Bone Flashcards for 10a SCAPULA (shoulder blade). Right or left scapula? 10 1. Superior border (superior margin) 7 2. Medial border (vertebral margin) 3 6 3. Lateral border (axillary margin) 6. spine 1 7. Acromion 10. Glenoid fossa 2 3. 1. Acromion process 2. Coracoid process 3. Glenoid fossa 1 2 3 4. 1 5 7 4 HUMERUS. Right or left? 3 1. Head 2. Greater tubercle 3. Lesser tubercle 6 2 4. Surgical neck 5. Anatomical neck 5. 6.Intertubercular groove 7. Shaft 2 Bone Flashcards for 10a HUMERUS. Right or left? 2 1 1. Head 2. Greater tubercle 3. Lesser tubercle 3 6. HUMERUS. Right or left? 2. Medial epicondyle 3. Coronoid fossa 5 2 6 3 4. Trochlea 5. Radial fossa 6. Lateral epicondyle 7 7. 7. Capitulum 4 3 Bone Flashcards for 10a HUMERUS. Right or left? 1 1. Olecranon fossa 8. ULNA Right or left? 1. Olecranon process 4 2 2. Coronoid process 3. Radial notch 4. Semilunar notch (trochlear notch) 1 3 9. 4 Bone Flashcards for 10a ULNA 5. Styloid process 5 10. RADIUS 1. Head 3 3. Radial tuberosity 1 11. 5 Bone Flashcards for 10a RADIUS 4. Styloid process 4 5. Ulnar notch 5 12. 3 1 RADIUS 1. Head 2. Radial tuberosity 13. 3. Styloid process 2 RADIUS 2 1 1. Ulnar notch 2. Styloid process 14. 6 Bone Flashcards for 10a C B A 3 1 2 A. CARPALS B. METACARPALS; They are numbered 1-5. (eg, Metacarpal 5 is labeled as ”B”) A. C. PHALANGES: Proximal (labeled #1), intermediate (#2), distal (#3) Label them like this: 1. 2nd Proximal phalanx 2. 2nd Intermediate phalanx 3. 3rd Distal phalanx 15. CARPALS 5 6 4 1. TRAPEZIUM (by the thumb) 2. TRAPEZOID (right beside thumb) 7 3 2 8 3. CAPITATE (base of 3rd met) 4. HAMATE (base of 45th mets) 5. TRIANGULAR (lateral-most) 1 16. 6. PISIFORM (on palmar side, under triangular) 7. LUNATE (the one next to scaphoid) 8. SCAPHOID (the largest; at the wrist on thumb side) 7 Bone Flashcards for 10a OS COXA: The fusion of 3 bones (Ilium, ischium, pubis) during childhood: 1 1. Acetabulum 2. Obturator foramen 2 17. ILIUM (Right or left?) 1 1. Iliac crest 2. Greater sciatic notch 2 18. 8 Bone Flashcards for 10a ILIUM (Left) 1 1. Iliac crest 2. Greater sciatic notch 2 19. ISCHIUM 1. Ischial spine 2. Ischial tuberosity 1 2 20. 9 Bone Flashcards for 10a 1. PUBIS 2. Pubic symphysis 1 2 21. FEMUR 6 5 3 1. Head 2. Anatomical Neck 3. Greater trochanter 2 4. Lesser trochanter 5. Shaft 4 1 6. Surgical neck 7. 22. 1 2 4 5 3 FEMUR 1. Linea aspera 2. Medial condyle 3. Lateral condyle 4. Intercondylar notch 5. Popliteal surface 23. 10 Bone Flashcards for 10a FEMUR 1 1. Greater trochanter 2. Lesser trochanter 2 24. FEMUR 1. Patellar surface 2. Medial condyle 3. Lateral condyle 1 3 2 25. 2 26. TIBIA 1. Tibial tuberosity 1 2. Medial malleolus 11 Bone Flashcards for 10a TIBIA 1. Medial malleolus 1 2. Fibular notch 2 27. TIBIA 1 1. Intercondylar eminence 28. FIBULA 3 1. Head 2 1 2. Lateral malleolus 3. Shaft 12 Bone Flashcards for 10a FIBULA 1. Head 2. Lateral malleolus 2 1 29. The Knee 1 1. PATELLA 1 30. 7 1 3 6 5 8 9 2 4 TARSALS: 1. TALUS 2. CALCANEUS 3. NAVICULAR 4. CUBOID 5. MEDIAL CUNEIFORM 6. INTERMEDIATE CUNEIFORM 7. LATERAL CUNEIFORM 8. METATARSALS (1-5; 1ST is big toe) 9. PHALANGES (proximal, intermediate, distal) 31. 13 Bone Flashcards for 10a SKULL 2 Frontal bone 1 1. Supraorbital foramen 2. Coronal suture 32. A. Parietal bones 1 1. Sagittal suture 2. Squamosal suture 2 A 33. 14 Bone Flashcards for 10a Occipital bone 1. Lambdoidal suture 4 1 34. Occipital bone 1. Occipital condyles 2. Foramen magnum 1 2 35. 15 Bone Flashcards for 10a Temporal bones 1. External auditory meatus 2. Mandibular fossa 4 3. Styloid process 2 4. Zygomatic process 1 3 36. Temporal bones 1. Internal auditory meatus 2. Jugular foramen 1 2 37. 16 Bone Flashcards for 10a Sphenoid bone 3 1. Sella turcica 1 8 2 2. Greater wing 3. Lesser wing 7 5. Optic groove 5 6 6. Foramen ovale 9 7. Foramen rotundum 8. Superior orbital fissure 38. 9. Foramen spinosom Sphenoid bone 2 1. Sella turcica 2. Optic foramen 1 3 3. Foramen rotundum 4 4. Foramen ovale 7 5 5. Foramen spinosom 6. Carotid canal 6 7. Foramen lacerum 39. 17 Bone Flashcards for 10a Sphenoid bone 1. Optic foramen (for optic nerve) 2 1 2. Superior orbital fissure 3. Inferior orbital fissure 3 40. Sphenoid bone 1. Foramen rotundum 2. Foramen spinosom 3. Foramen ovale 1 2 3 41. 18 Bone Flashcards for 10a 2 3 4 Sphenoid bone 1. Sella turcica 2. Greater wings 3. Optic foramen 4. Lesser wings 5 5. Superior orbital fissure 6 7 7 6. Foramen rotundum 1 7. Foramen ovale 8 8. Foramen spinosom 42. 2 1 Ethmoid bone 1. Crista galli 2. Cribiform plate 3 3. Ethmoid sinuses 43. 19 Bone Flashcards for 10a Ethmoid bone 2 1. Cribiform plate 2. Crista galli 1 44. Ethmoid bone 1. Perpendicular plate 2. Middle nasal conchae 1 2 45. 20 Bone Flashcards for 10a Ethmoid bone 1. Cribiform plate 2. Crista galli 2 1 46. Ethmoid bone 1 1. Middle nasal conchae 2 2. Perpendicular plate 3. Vomer Inferior nasal conchae 3 (separate bone) (separate bone) 47. 21 Bone Flashcards for 10a Mandible 1. Ramus 2. Body 3. Mental foramen 3 1 2 48. Mandible 1. Mandibular foramen 1 49. 22 Bone Flashcards for 10a Maxilla 1. Infraorbital foramen 1 50. 2 3 Other skull bones: 1. Zygomatic bones (has temporal process) 2. Nasal bones Perpendicular plate of ethmoid 7 1 6 5 3. Lacrimal bones (hole in this bone is lacrimal canal) 4. Palatine bones 5. Vomer bone 6. Inferior nasal concha 51. 4 7. Middle nasal concha on the ethmoid bone 23 Bone Flashcards for 10a 1. Vomer bone You can see the vomer in two places: the lower 1/3 of the plate in the nose, and here. Do not get the vomer mixed up with the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone, which is not visible in this view. 1 52. 1. Temporal process of zygomatic bone 1 53. 1. Lacrimal bone 2. Lacrimal canal 1 2 54. 24 Bone Flashcards for 10a FETAL SKULL 1 2 1. Anterior fontanel 2. Posterior fontanel 55. FETAL SKULL 3. Sphenoidal fontanel 3 4. Mastoidal fontanel 4 56. 25 Bone Flashcards for 10a EAR BONES 1. Malleus 2. Incus 3. Stapes 1 2 3 57. HYOID BONE 1 2 Name this bone 1. Body 2. Lesser horns 3. Greater horns 3 58. 26 Bone Flashcards for 10a CERVICAL VERTEBRAE 1 3 All cervical vertebrae have a pair of TRANSVERSE FORAMINA. 2 1. Spinous process 4 2. Transverse processes 3. Lamina 7 6 5 4. Pedicle 5. Body 6. Vertebral foramen 59. 7. Transverse foramina 1. Name this bone 1. ATLAS 60. 27 Bone Flashcards for 10a 1. Name this bone 2 1. AXIS 2. Dens 61. 1 2 3 THORACIC VERTEBRAE Each one articulates with a rib. 5 1. Spinous process 2. Transverse processes 6 3. Lamina 4. Body 4 5. Pedicle 6. Vertebral foramen 62. 28 Bone Flashcards for 10a 6 4 2 3 7 1 5 THORACIC VERTEBRAE Each one articulates with a rib. 1. Spinous process 2. Transverse processes with costal facet 3. Body 4. Superior articular processes and facet 5. Inferior articular processes and facet 6. Superior notch 7. Inferior notch 63. THORACIC VERTEBRAE 1 1. Superior demifacet 2. Inferior demifacet 1 64. LUMBAR VERTEBRAE 2 1 3 1. Spinous process 2. Transverse processes 3. Lamina 5 4. Body 5. Pedicle 4 6 6. Vertebral foramen 65. 29 Bone Flashcards for 10a 1. Cervical vertebrae 2. Thoracic vertebrae 3. Lumbar vertebrae 1 2 3 66. 1. Sacrum 2. Coccyx 1 1 2 2 67. 1. Sacrum 2. Coccyx 1 2 68. 30 Bone Flashcards for 10a STERNUM 1. MANUBRIUM 3 a. Jugular notch 2. BODY 2 1 3. XIPHOID PROCESS a 69. A single rib 4 1. Head 2. Neck 5 3 3. Tubercle 4. Angle 5. Groove 2 1 70. 31