Mitosis and The Cell Cycle

Mitosis and The Cell Cycle
reproducing cell after
The definition of mitosis is part of cellular
division in which the nucleus divides
It occurs in somatic cells
Somatic cells (body cells) are all the cells that are
not associated with gametes (sex cells).
The 4 Stages of Mitosis
In order, they are:
PMAT (Please Make Another Taco) 
There is a longer phase that takes place before
mitosis—this phase is called interphase.
The 4 Stages of Mitosis
What happens during Prophase:
Chromatin condenses into chromosomes
Centrioles begin to separate
Spindle fibers begin to form
Nuclear membrane begins to break down
Prophase “Prepare”
The 4 Stages of Mitosis
What happens during Metaphase:
The chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell
Each chromosome is attached to a spindle fiber
Metaphase “Middle”
The 4 Stages of Mitosis
What happens during Anaphase:
Chromosomes separate to form sister chromatids,
they pull apart
Sister chromatids begin to migrate to the poles of
the cell
Anaphase “Apart”
The 4 Stages of Mitosis
What happens during Telophase:
Chromosomes gather at opposite ends of the cell
They lose their distinct shape
Spindle fibers disappear
A new Nuclear Membrane begins to reform at
each pole
The cell is about to tear apart! (Peanut shape)
Telophase “Tear”
After the cell goes through mitosis, it is
quickly followed by cytokinesis
This is the division of the cytoplasm
What actually makes 1 cell into 2 new cells
The new cells are called daughter cells.
Mitosis plus Cytokinesis make up the M phase of
the cell cycle.
The Cell Cycle
Phases of the Cell Cycle
There are 4 phases to the Cell Cycle:
G1 phase
S phase
G2 phase
M phase
Lets take a closer look at each stage..
G1 Phase of Cell Cycle
G1 phase is the beginning of Interphase.
It is characterized by cell growth
The cell does the majority of its growth during this
Cells actually divide because they become too
large to function at an optimal level. Becoming too
large would cause a “DNA overload”
The cell’s DNA would no longer be able to serve the
increasing needs of the growing cell
S Phase of the Cell Cycle
The S phase is characterized by DNA
Before the cell splits, it must make a copy of it’s
This is to ensure that both new daughter cells will
have exact copies of that particular organism’s
The S phase is the 2nd part of Interphase
G2 Phase of the Cell Cycle
The G2 phase is the last stage of Interphase.
It is characterized by the preparation for mitosis.
Here the cell has grown to a maximum size, made
a copy of it’s DNA
Now the organelles needed for cellular division
are produced as the cell prepares for mitosis
M phase of the Cell Cycle
The M phase is not a part of Interphase, it is
classified under Cell Division
The cell first goes through the 4 stages of mitosis:
Cytokinesis takes place shortly after telophase and the cell division
is complete and the cycle begins again.
M phase includes all the steps of mitosis and cytokinesis.
Picture in book…
Can be found on page 245!
There will be a quiz on this exact picture
coming up soon!
The End