BARRIER 1 - University of Texas

Lack of knowledge of Diabetes as a disease.
Blue Ribbon week on
wellness/health awareness in local
schools in April or November.
Potential Solution #2:
Agenda of activities for schools to
implement thru PTA,
superintendents, legislators, local
govt. leaders.
Social media campaign ex:
Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin.
Next Steps for Solution #1:
Next Steps for Solution #2:
Next Steps for Solution #3:
Potential Solution #1:
• Advocate knowledge of Diabetes
as a disease.
• Educate family, friends, and coworkers about Diabetes.
• Teach healthy cooking habits/
portion control on meals.
• Implement physical activity
• Generate positive research in the
Rio Grande Valley and for their
Groups Involved Solution #1:
Potential Solution #3:
• Promotional campaign
• Bret Michael s concert.
• Raffle for users of social media.
Groups Involved Solution #3:
Groups Involved Solution #2:
Lack of knowledge of Diabetes as a disease.
Potential Solution #4:
Publicity thru govt. proclamations,
legislative days/agenda, weekly
article on diabetes, a Spanish TV
Next Steps for Solution #4:
Groups Involved Solution #4:
1. Community buy in.
2. Create networks and
partnerships among
community stakeholders.
3. Communicate on issues.
4. Empower with knowledge.
BARRIER 1: Lack of South Texas Bilingual/Bicultural Educational Programs
Potential Solution #1:
Reaching Children in the
School System
Potential Solution #2:
Educate the Professionals
Potential Solution #3:
Reach Adults
Next Steps for Solution #1:
Next Steps for Solution #2:
Next Steps for Solution #3:
• Target Audience and Age Appropriate
• Legislative Changes to Require Hours for
Diabetes Education
• Adult Day Cares/ Community
• Financial Incentives through discounts /
Research other Markets
• Media/ PSA / Radio
• Policy Change in Schools
• Implement Social Media Campaign
•Require Health and Education Classes
• Workshops/Conferences/Seminars
•Local PSA/Media Stunt for Healthy
Groups Involved Solution #1:
Groups Involved Solution #2:
School Board – Policy Change
Public Health
School Districts
South Texas Juvenile Diabetes Association
Elected Officials
Corporate Business
American Association of Diabetes
Other Public/Private Entities
•Integrating Social Health Workers/
Promotoras in the Community
Groups Involved Solution #3:
Medicare Expansion Agencies
Local Radio/TV
Faith Based Organizations
BARRIER 2: Accessibility to Public Exercise and Health Programs
Potential Solution #1:
Potential Solution #2:
Community Exercise
Potential Solution #3:
Next Steps for Solution #1:
Next Steps for Solution #2:
Next Steps for Solution #3:
• Raise awareness of
current/existing programs
• Financial incentive to schools for
use of facilities
• Centralized website/app/211 for
public access w/ calendar of
• Security/Lighting
• Legislation to allow school
districts to use the facilities
Groups Involved Solution #1:
Private Philanthropic Groups
Groups Involved Solution #2:
Local 211 Provider
Council of Governments
Sports Related Businesses
Local Hospitals
Groups Involved Solution #3:
BARRIER 3: Poor Nutrition Education and Accessibility to Healthy Food Products
Potential Solution #2:
Potential Solution #1:
Enhance current nutritional
educational programs
Work with Local Business to
provide incentives for SNAP
users and community members
Next Steps for Solution #1:
Next Steps for Solution #2:
• Develop a basic education program
Potential Solution #3:
Next Steps for Solution #3:
• Encourage local participation
• Expand children and adolescent
involvement in nutrition education
with businesses that promote
healthy lifestyle
• Standardized employee education video
on nutrition
Groups Involved Solution #1:
American Association of
Diabetes Educators
Dieticians/ UTPA /STC
Groups Involved Solution #2:
Local Businesses
Chamber of Commerce
Food Bank
Local Farmer’s Markets/AgraLife
Groups Involved Solution #3:
BARRIER 4: Lack of Funding for Sustaining Programs and/or other Funding
Potential Solution #1:
Empower program
participants to sustain the
Potential Solution #2:
Low Cost/No Cost Youth
Involvement Programs
Potential Solution #3:
Next Steps for Solution #1:
Next Steps for Solution #2:
Next Steps for Solution #3:
• Educate participants to expand
• Develop referral materials
• Supporting secondary facilities
• Develop a health/nutrition
youth mentoring program
• Community recognition of current
participants and developing a
program for future leaders
• UTPA/STCC practicum
the program
Groups Involved Solution #1:
Migrant Health Promotion
Public Health Department
Groups Involved Solution #2:
Boys/Girls Scouts
Boys/Girls Clubs
Faith Based Groups
4H Clubs
Groups Involved Solution #3:
BARRIER: Lack of intra/inter professional collaboration
Potential Solution #1:
Potential Solution #2:
Creation of an electronic
database/registry to share
ongoing efforts in research.
Potential Solution #3:
Disseminate results to the
general public (all sectors).
Next Steps for Solution #1:
Next Steps for Solution #2:
Next Steps for Solution #3:
• Projects to generate first-hand
• Build on diabetes care
project website.
• Create mentoring program
Groups Involved Solution #1:
Groups Involved Solution #2:
Groups Involved Solution #3:
Community partners.
Academic institutions (UTPA, UTB,
AM SPH, UT SPH etc.), clinics,
hospitals, researchers
Future health care profession
students, researches, clinics, work
sites and policy makers.
• Form community advisory
•Create community based
participatory research project
• Create public forums for
• Design innovative dissemination
strategies beyond publishing
BARRIER: Participation-Employer and Employee
Potential Solution #1:
Identify best practices
among local employers (510)
Potential Solution #2:
Help employers plan and
run a successful Health Fair
as a starting point
Potential Solution #3:
Engage members to
participate in their care
Next Steps for Solution #1:
Next Steps for Solution #2:
Next Steps for Solution #3:
• Create employee task force
• Customize for each employer
based on employee feedback
•Team focused challengesweight loss?
• Provide incentives for
•Set timelines
•Measure progress
• Identify employers that are
• Decide what works best for
offering a wellness/disease
management program
your company(costs v benefits)
• Provide basic health
• Highlight current employee
wellness resources and benefits
Groups Involved Solution #1:
•Public employers
•Private employers
Groups Involved Solution #2:
• Local providers
• Local Non-profits
• Industry related partners
Groups Involved Solution #3:
• Local education partners
• Gyms and fitness centers
• Sports leagues
BARRIERS: Lack of Education, food choices, sedentary lifestyles. Stereotyping Diabetics as
different. Cause & Effect – behavior modification. Cost of healthy food? Access to
adequate healthcare. Poverty, Patient Engagement Underinsured/Uninsured.
Potential Solutions #1:
Educate children at home
Parents must enforce healthy
Need cultural sensitive ED. To our
region. Take message to patient in
their own language for direct
communication – 1 on 1(Colonias)
Modify the way children & adults
are educated (tech)
• How do we coordinate &
collaborate with interest groups.
•Portable healthcare/ID card with
patient medical record
•Educate healthcare providers (refer
patients to free seminars)
Groups Involved Solution #1:
Weight Watchers
Support Groups, School Administrators
Dieticians – Food Exchanges
Certified Diabetes Educator
Pharmaceutical Co’s.
Potential Solutions #2:
Choose food selections wisely
Potential Solutions #3:
Next Steps for Solution #2:
Next Steps for Solution #3:
• Teach food exchanges/ choices
• Instead of an extra shot of insulin,
including starches and decrease
empty calories, soda, sugar.
• Appropriate calorie intake a day.
Portion control
• Organic produce, nuts,
•More community involvement
(HEB, Farmers Market)
• Awareness Campaign -Muevete
• Media coverage on the
Groups Involved Solution #2:
Physicians, Research Centers,
Family members must be
accountable to each other
Reward good behavior
Groups Involved Solution #3:
Local T.V., Print, Diabetes Assn.,
City, County, State &
Washington D.C.