Synthesis Essay - White Plains Public Schools

Task 2: Argumentative Essay
SWBAT review the formatting of the
synthesis essay
Remember Task 2 is an Argumentative essay that
synthesizes at least 3 sources.
Go to the poster by the door and with your notebook,
take notes on the format of this essay.
Establish your claim regarding whether or not Abigail is
to be blamed for the Salem Witch Trials
 • Distinguish your claim from alternate or opposing claims
 • Use specific, relevant, and sufficient evidence from at least
three of the texts to develop your argument
• Identify each source that you reference by text number and line
number(s) or graphic (for example: Text 1,
line 4 or Text 2, graphic)
• Organize your ideas in a cohesive and coherent manner
• Maintain a formal style of writing
• Follow the conventions of standard written English
As in any essay, the introduction of your
argument essay should contain a brief
explanation of your topic, some background
information, and a thesis statement In this
case, your thesis will be a statement of your
position on whether or not Abigail is
responsible for the Salem Witch Trials and
Body Paragraphs (1) (2)
 Topic sentence: States your main point in relation to the topic. If you
are writing an essay, this is the 1st point you made in your thesis
Concrete Detail/Quote #1: Support topic sentence with a strong
quote and cite properly.
Concrete Detail/Quote #1:
Support topic sentence with a strong quote and cite properly.
Concrete Detail/Quote #2:
Support topic sentence with a strong quote and cite properly.
Commentary/ Analysis: Explain why or how the concrete detail
supports your topic sentence. Typically 2-3 sentences in length.
Format-Body 3
 Body 3: Concession/Refutation Paragraph
 Introduce the opposing argument.
Acknowledge what part of the opposing
argument that might be valid. Counter the
 Don't simply summarize your essay. A brief summary of your
argument may be useful,--shorter essays tend not to require a
restatement of your main ideas.
 Avoid phrases like "in conclusion," "to conclude," "in
summary," and "to sum up." These phrases can be useful-even welcome--in oral presentations. But readers can see, by
the tell-tale compression of the pages, when an essay is about
to end.You'll irritate your audience if you belabor the
 Make sure you proved your claim and thesis.
The Texts
 Spend time now working on connecting the following texts
to the question.
 How and in what way will you be able to use…
 On Revenge
 Lessons Learned from Salem
 The Crucible
 The Subject and Power
 Come in prepared
 You may have a sheet with quotes that you plan on using from
the book.
 You may not come in with an outline.
 You will have 2 days to write this in class.