Chapter 8 Section 3 NOTEBOOK GUIDE WORLD HISTORY____________________________________________________ Early Japan and Korea Main Idea: Japan’s history has been marked by power struggles between rulers and independent families. Key Content Terms Samurai Bushido Zen Code Kyoto Shinto Yi Song-gye Geography Skills Please look at the map on page 279 of your text & respond to the following questions. Thank you. Shogun daimyo Revenue Osaka Shotoku Taishi Murasaki Shikibu 1. 2. 3. Preview 4. Please respond to each of the following in a complete sentence. Thank you. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Please explain the facts of the Onin War. (P. 281) Please explain why was important for the Japanese people to continue to have an emperor even though he had no real power. (P. 281) Please explain why most of Japan’s imports came from China and Korea. (P. 281) Please provide one example of each of these aspects of life in Japan: social, religious, and cultural. (P. 281-282) Please explain which Asian country had a greatest influence on Korean political institutions. (P. 283) Please explain how the tang dynasty supported the kingdom of Silla in gaining control of Korea. (P. 282) 5. Please list the four major islands and makeup Japan. Please explain on which island the major cities of early Japan are located. Please explain what geographic features contributed to the importance of Japan’s major cities. Please explain what bodies of water separate Japan from Korea. Please explain what the distance is from Japan to Korea. Summarizing Please read the section entitled “The Heian Period” on page 280 of your text and write a summary of the changes in Japan during this period. Thank you. Turning Point Please read the turning point article on page to leave your text and respond to each of the following in a complete sentence. Thank you. 1. 2. 3. Please explain how the Mongol attacks changed Japan. Please explain how Japan’s policy of isolation helped the country. Please explain how Japan’s policy of isolation was detrimental to the country. Collins In Collins format please describe and discuss the role of women in early Japan. Thank you. The Big Idea 1. Please list the reforms in government made by Shotoku Taishi and his successors. 2. Please explain what China has such a large role in Korea’s history. 3. Please explain its Korea had been an island instead of a peninsula, how might its history have been different. 4. Please explain how the samurai and the shogun affected the government of early Japan. 5. Please explain how isolationism affected Japan.