21-Ezra, Nehemiah, Malachi

Nehemiah, Ezra,
Nehemiah, Ezra, & Malachi in History
invasion #2
587 B.C.
Cyrus allows
Jews to return to
promised land
537 B.C.
575 B.C. 550 B.C.
Nehemiah rebuilds
Jerusalem’s walls
Ezra’s Reforms
Temple Dedicated
Esther’s Story
516 B.C.
525 B.C.
500 B.C.
Zechariah & Haggai
475 B.C.
440 B.C.
450 B.C.
Malachi’s Message
The Ezra-Nehemiah
Chronological Integration
Nehemiah 1-7
Ezra 1-6
Ezra 7-8
Nehemiah 8-10
Ezra 9-10
Ezra 1-6
These are introductory chapters which recount
the historical events 60-80 years prior to the
arrival of Ezra in Jerusalem, such as:
• Cyrus’ decree in 537 B.C.
• The return of the Jews under Zerubbabel
• Their attempt to build a temple and
opposition faced by the Samaritans
• The preaching of the prophets Zechariah
and Haggai urging their temple building
• The completion of the temple in 516 B.C.
The Ezra-Nehemiah
Chronological Integration
Nehemiah 1-7
Ezra 1-6
Ezra 7-8
Nehemiah 8-10
Ezra 9-10
Nehemiah 1-7
Nehemiah 2:1-6
Nehemiah 2:12-17
Why Build Walls?
Building Walls
1. What are your sacred things?
2. How are they under attack?
3. What are you doing to build walls?
Building Walls
What to Expect
Nehemiah 2:19
Nehemiah 4:1-3
Nehemiah 4:7-8
Nehemiah 4:11
Nehemiah 6:1-2
How to Respond
Nehemiah 2:20
Nehemiah 4:6
Nehemiah 4:9
Nehemiah 4:13-18
Nehemiah 6:3-4
Nehemiah 4:13-18
Building Walls
What to Expect
Nehemiah 2:19
Nehemiah 4:1-3
Nehemiah 4:7-8
Nehemiah 4:11
Nehemiah 6:1-2
How to Respond
Nehemiah 2:20
Nehemiah 4:6
Nehemiah 4:9
Nehemiah 4:13-18
Nehemiah 6:3-4
Alma 47 Parallel
The Hill Antipas
The Hill Antipas
The Hill Antipas
The Hill Antipas
Dieter F. Uchtdorf
First Presidency
(“We Are Doing a Great Work and Cannot Come Down,” Ensign May 2009)
The Ezra-Nehemiah
Chronological Integration
Nehemiah 1-7
Ezra 1-6
Ezra 7-8
Nehemiah 8-10
Ezra 9-10
Ezra, the Scribe
Scribe: a teacher of
the Law (scriptures)
Ezra 7-8
The Ezra-Nehemiah
Chronological Integration
Nehemiah 1-7
Ezra 1-6
Ezra 7-8
Nehemiah 8-10
Ezra 9-10
Nehemiah 8
Bruce R. McConkie
Quorum of the Twelve
(CES Symposium on
the New Testament, 17
August 1984)
“[T]he Jews in the days of Jesus
spoke Aramaic and not Hebrew, but
their scriptures were written in
Hebrew. Hence, it was the practice
in their synagogue worship for one
teacher to read texts from the
Hebrew and for another to translate
or paraphrase these passages into
Aramaic—or as they said, make
these passages targums—so they
could be understood by the people.
Bruce R. McConkie
Quorum of the Twelve
(CES Symposium on
the New Testament, 17
August 1984)
“When these Targums were made
by Jesus and the Apostles, all of
whom taught regularly and
consistently in the synagogues, they
were inspired and hence throw
great floods of light upon whatever
scripture is involved. Many Old
Testament passages take on new
meanings because of the way they
are quoted in the New Testament….
Bruce R. McConkie
Quorum of the Twelve
(CES Symposium on
the New Testament, 17
August 1984)
“As a matter of fact, Moroni did this
same thing in his 1823 appearances
to Joseph Smith. For instance, he so
improved upon the promise of
Elijah’s return that it is like
stepping from a pleasant twilight
into the brilliance of the noonday
sun. And yet years later, with a full
knowledge of the more perfect
translation, Joseph Smith retained
the King James language in the
Book of Mormon and the Doctrine
and Covenants and his inspired
rendition of the Bible.
“Surely there is a message here. For
one thing, it means that the same
passage of scripture can be
translated correctly in more ways
than one and that the translation
used depends upon the spiritual
maturity of the people.”
Bruce R. McConkie
Quorum of the Twelve
(CES Symposium on
the New Testament, 17
August 1984)
Do the prophets still
“targum” today?
Malachi = messenger
Nehemiah, Ezra, & Malachi in History
invasion #2
587 B.C.
Cyrus allows
Jews to return to
promised land
537 B.C.
575 B.C. 550 B.C.
Nehemiah rebuilds
Jerusalem’s walls
Ezra’s Reforms
Temple Dedicated
Esther’s Story
516 B.C.
525 B.C.
500 B.C.
Zechariah & Haggai
475 B.C.
440 B.C.
450 B.C.
Malachi’s Message
The Q&A Format of Malachi
a. The Lord Makes an Accusation
b. The People ask Incredulous Questions
c. The Lord Provides Evidence
Malachi 1:6-8, 12-14
Malachi 2:11-16
Malachi 2:17
Malachi 3-4
Malachi 3:1
Jeffrey R. Holland
Quorum of the Twelve
(Christ and the New
Covenant, p. 293-294)
“The most obvious messenger
to come preparing the way
before the Lord was John the
Baptist. Not only did John
serve as a forerunner to the
Lord in New Testament times,
but he has also played that
role in these latter days.
Jeffrey R. Holland
Quorum of the Twelve
(Christ and the New
Covenant, p. 293-294)
“On May 15, 1829, he
appeared to Joseph Smith and
Oliver Cowdery and restored
the Aaronic Priesthood in
preparation for greater
priesthood powers to follow,
including the keys and
ordinances of the holy temple
and the Savior's appearance
Jeffrey R. Holland
Quorum of the Twelve
(Christ and the New
Covenant, p. 293-294)
“In a moment of great spiritual
manifestation when many keys
and dispensational powers were
returned to the earth, Christ, who
is the great ‘messenger of the
covenant,’ did come to the first
temple in this dispensation, in
Kirtland, Ohio, on April 3,
1836. He has, of course, come to
other temples and will yet do so—
particularly in Jerusalem and
Jackson County, Missouri—as
part of the culmination of his
majestic second coming.”
Malachi 3:1
Elias #2
Elias #1
“Behold, I will send my messenger and he shall
prepare the way before me…”
The Messengers Who Prepared the
Messenger to Prepare for THE Messenger
the Baptist
Peter, James,
and John
Malachi 3:2-3
What is “the offering” which is to be made
in righteousness by the sons of Levi?
1. Animal Sacrifice
2. A book of the “records of our dead”
Jeffrey R. Holland
Quorum of the Twelve
(Christ and the New
Covenant, p. 294-295)
One of their "offerings," as
taught by the Prophet Joseph
Smith, is a book of
remembrance, to be presented
to the Lord "in his holy
temple, ... a book containing
the records of our dead, which
shall be worthy of all
acceptation" (D&C 128:24).
Jeffrey R. Holland
Quorum of the Twelve
(Christ and the New
Covenant, p. 294-295)
The Prophet also taught that
these Levitical duties would
include blood [animal]
sacrifice as "an offering in
righteousness" to the Lord in
the temple of the New
Jerusalem, perhaps as part of
a final exercise in which the
various elements and
ordinances of all earlier
dispensations will be brought
together, at least symbolically,
Jeffrey R. Holland
Quorum of the Twelve
(Christ and the New
Covenant, p. 294-295)
in this triumphant, concluding
moment of the dispensation of
the fulness of times in which
the completion of this world
and its work is presented to its
rightful Lord of lords and King
of kings.
Malachi 3:5
Malachi 3:7-12
D&C 64:23-24
23 Behold, now it is called today until
the coming of the Son of Man, and verily it is a day
of sacrifice, and a day for the tithing of my people;
for he that is tithed shall not be burned at his
24 For after today cometh the burning—this is
speaking after the manner of the Lord—for verily I
say, tomorrow all the proud and they that do
wickedly shall be as stubble; and I will burn them
up, for I am the Lord of Hosts; and I will
not spare any that remain in Babylon.
Whence the protective
power of tithe-paying?
Joseph F. Smith
(Teachings of Presidents of the
Church: Joseph F. Smith, 275)
“No man will ever apostatize
so long as he will pay his
tithing. It is reasonable. Why?
Because as long as he has faith
to pay his tithing he has faith
in the Church and in the
principles of the Gospel, and
there is some good in him, and
there is some light in him. As
long as he will do this the
tempter will not overcome him
and will not lead him astray.”
A Challenging Dilemma for Many
Malachi 3:13-15
Thomas S. Monson
("Believe, Obey,
Endure," Ensign, May 2012)
“Magazines and television shows
portray the stars of the movie
screen, the heroes of the athletic
field—those whom many young
people long to emulate—as
disregarding the laws of God and
flaunting sinful practices, seemingly
with no ill effect. Don’t you believe
it! There is a time of reckoning—
even a balancing of the ledger.
Every Cinderella has her midnight—
if not in this life, then in the next.
Judgment Day will come for all. Are
you prepared?”
Spencer W. Kimball
Quorum of the Twelve
(The Miracle of
Forgiveness, p.133)
“Some are deceived by the
prosperity of the wicked. They
argue that many people gain
their riches through crime,
and that by ignoring the
Lord's commandments they
show a constant profit. This
concept wrongly focuses on
the short-term. The wicked
may appear to be temporarily
triumphant, as those seemed
who crucified the Master.”
What is the Lord’s promise to
those who are faithful to Him?
Malachi 3:17-18
How long will the wicked prosper?
Malachi 4:1-3
Moroni’s Version
“For behold, the day cometh that shall burn as an oven,
and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly shall
burn as stubble; for they that come shall burn them,
saith the Lord of Hosts, that it shall leave them neither
root nor branch.” (JS—H 1:37)
“It will take no faith
to renounce worldly
things when these
are among the ashes
of a melted planet.”
Neal A. Maxwell
Quorum of the Twelve
(Not My Will, But
Thine, p.12)
Malachi 4:5-6
Behold, I
will send
you Elijah
coming of
the great
day of the
Behold, I
will reveal the
unto you
coming of
the great
Priesthood, and
by the
hand of
day of the
Elijah the Lord.
And he shall turn
the heart of the
fathers to the
children, and the
heart of the
children to their
lest I come
and smite
the earth
with a
And he shall
plant in the
hearts of the
children the
Promises made
to the fathers,
and the hearts of
the children
shall turn to
their fathers.
If it were
not so, the
would be
wasted at
his coming
Now, the word turn here
should be translated
bind, or seal.
Joseph Smith
(History of the Church,
What is this office and work of
Elijah? It is one of the greatest
and most important subjects
that God has revealed. He
should send Elijah to seal the
children to the fathers, and the
fathers to the children.
Joseph Smith
("Elias, Elijah, Messiah,"
10 March 1844, Messages
of the First Presidency,
Joseph Smith
(Words of Joseph Smith,
13 August 1843, p.240;
punctuation modernized;
see also History of the
Church, 5:530)
[I]n the end, [the earth] shall
be burned and few men left—
but before that, God shall send
unto them Elijah the prophet,
and he shall reveal unto them
the covenants of the
fathers with relation to the
children, and the covenants of
the children in relation to the
Fathers, that they may have
the priviledge of entering into
the same in order to effect
their mutual salvation.
How shall God come to the
rescue of this generation? He
will send Elijah the prophet....
Elijah shall reveal the
covenants to seal the hearts of
the fathers to the children, and
the children to the fathers.
Joseph Smith
(History of the Church,
5:555; see also "Three
Orders of the Priesthood")
Sunday, April 3, 1836
and Branches
and Branches
Roots and Branches
Jeffrey R. Holland
Quorum of the Twelve
(Christ and the New
Covenant, p. 297-298)
“Elijah restored the sealing
powers whereby ordinances
that were sealed on earth were
also sealed in heaven….
“[W]ithout that link no family
ties would exist in the
eternities, and indeed the
family of man would have
been left in eternity with
‘neither root [ancestors] nor
branch [descendants].’”
Joseph Fielding Smith
Quorum of the Twelve
(Doctrines of Salvation, 3
Vols., ed. Bruce R.
McConkie [1954-56], 2:67)
“Through the restoration of
the priesthood held by Elijah,
knowledge has been given to
the Church that each family
unit, where the parents have
been married for time and for
eternity, shall remain intact
through all eternity….
Joseph Fielding Smith
Quorum of the Twelve
(Doctrines of Salvation, 3
Vols., ed. Bruce R.
McConkie [1954-56], 2:67)
“Moreover, each family unit is to
be linked to the generation which
went before, until all the faithful,
who have proved their title to
family membership through
obedience to the gospel, shall be
joined in one grand family from
the beginning to the end of time,
and shall find place in the celestial
kingdom of God. In this way all
who receive the exaltation become
heirs of God, and joint-heirs with
Jesus Christ in the possession of
eternal family relationships.”
Joseph Fielding Smith
Quorum of the Twelve
(Doctrines of Salvation, 3
Vols., ed. Bruce R.
McConkie [1954-56], 2:6768)
“Eventually, when this work is
perfected, and Christ delivers
up to his Father the keys and
makes his report, and death is
destroyed, then that great
family from the days of Adam
down, of all the righteous,
those who have kept the
commandments of God, will
find that they are one family,
the family of God, entitled to
all the blessings that pertain to
the exaltation.”
Malachi 4:5-6
Hearts are turning …