CONSTITUTION of THE CONNACHT BRANCH of THE IRISH HOCKEY ASSOCIATION (As amended at a General Meeting of the Branch on Monday 20 April th 2015) 1. TITLE The governing body for hockey in Connacht shall be called the Connacht Branch (hereinafter referred to as the "Branch") of the Irish Hockey Association. The constitution of the Branch shall be in accordance with the Constitution and Rules of the Irish Hockey Association 2. OBJECTIVES The objectives of the Branch shall be: a) to encourage, promote, develop, manage and control all hockey in Connacht; b) to administer the funds of the Branch; c) to appoint employee(s) and/or contractors for the efficient administration of the objectives of the Branch; d) to make, maintain and publish rules and regulations for the proper running of the Branch; e) to do all such other things as may be necessary or conducive for the attainment of the above objectives. 3. MEMBERSHIP a) (i) Membership of the Branch shall be open to any club or school or third level college situated in Connacht wishing to participate in the game of hockey and any such club or school or third level college shall agree to be bound by the Constitution of the Branch. (ii) The decision to grant membership shall be taken at the Annual General Meeting on the recommendation of The Management Committee. Notice of such recommendation for membership shall appear on the agenda of that AGM for approval. A club or school or third level college wishing to become a member of the Branch must complete the formal application to The Management Committee who can approve membership subject to ratification at the following AGM. b) Membership shall be by affiliation as explained in Article 5. 4. HONORARY LIFE MEMBERS Honorary Life Membership of the Branch may be conferred on a person whose services to the Branch are such that entitle that person to that distinction. Nominations shall be proposed at the Management Committee meeting immediately prior to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and notice of such nominations shall appear on the agenda of that AGM for ratification. 5. AFFILIATION FEES a) Each club or school or third level college shall pay annually to the Branch such Branch affiliation fees as may be determined at the AGM. b) The Branch shall, on behalf of the Irish Hockey Association, collect IHA affiliation fees from each club or school or third level college as determined by the IHA. c) The amount of all such affiliation fees shall be forwarded to the Honorary Treasurer not later than one month after being billed by the Branch. d) The Management Committee shall have the power to discipline and/or fine any club or school or third level college for late payment. 6. TRUSTEES a) The Branch shall have no more than three (3) Trustees. The Trustees shall be deemed to be Trustees within the meaning of the Trustees Acts 1893 as amended. b) The Trustees, on nomination by the Management Committee, shall be appointed by resolution on notice and supported by not less than two thirds of those present, entitled to vote and voting at a general meeting. c) Trustees will be appointed annually at the AGM. d) The property of the Branch shall be vested in the Trustees who shall deal with the property and assets of the Branch as directed by resolution of the Annual General Meeting. The Trustees, in carrying out such duties, will not be held personally liable. e) The Trustees, with the sanction of the Management Committee, shall have the right to sell, lease, or otherwise acquire land, buildings or other real or personal property or interest therein, in trust for the Branch and to borrow or raise money on the security on any land, buildings or property so acquired provided always that such decisions shall be passed by a two thirds majority at a general meeting. The Trustees, in carrying out such duties,. will not be held personally liable. f) A Trustee, on giving notice to the Honorary Secretary of the Branch, shall be entitled to attend and speak at any meeting of the Management Committee only in relation to his/her responsibilities as a Trustee but in such capacity shall not be entitled to vote. Trustees shall be entitled to receive all agenda, notices and minutes of the Management Committee meetings. g) The Branch shall have power by resolution on notice, and supported by not less than two thirds of those present, entitled to vote and voting at a general meeting, to remove from such office any Trustee if the Management Committee, in its absolute discretion shall consider it either necessary or desirable in the interest of the Branch to so do. h) If a vacancy shall occur in the number of Trustees by removal, resignation or death the number of Trustees shall be restored to three (3) at the next General Meeting. i) The surviving or continuing Trustees shall have power to act notwithstanding any casual vacancy or vacancies in the number of Trustees. 7. OFFICERS a) The Officers of the Branch shall be the President, Vice President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Honorory Fixtures Secretary and a Public Relations Officer. b) The President and Vice President, shall each be elected for one year at the Annual General Meeting and each shall be eligible for re election up to a maximum of two consecutive years, after which the person shall not fill that office for a minimum period of eleven months. c) Other Officers shall be elected for one year at the AGM and shall be eligible for reelection for further one year periods. d) The President shall represent the Branch and in his/her absence the Vice President shall represent the Branch. In the absence of both the President and the Vice President the President shall nominate a representative from the other officers of the Branch. e) Any vacancy arising amongst the Officers of the Branch shall be filled as soon as may be practical by an appointment by the Management Committee and the person so appointed shall hold office until the next AGM. f) The Branch shall indemnify each of its Officers, officials and employees, when acting in good faith, against claims by third parties for liabilities arising out of their official duties for, or on behalf of, the Branch. 8. MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE The Branch shall be governed by the Management Committee. The Management Committee shall consist of six (6) members as follows: President (Chairperson), Vice President, Past President, (No voting rights) Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Fixtures Secretary 9. MEETINGS OF THE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE a) The Management Committee shall hold at least six (6) meetings in each year. b) The President shall chair the Management Committee Meetings and in his/her absence the Vice-President shall chair the Meetings. In the absence of both, a chairperson shall be elected from those present and entitled to vote. c) The Management Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancy arising on the Management Committee during the year. I. A special Meeting of the Management Committee shall be held when a request is made in writing to the Honorary Secretary by a majority of the Officers of the Branch outlining the purpose of the proposed meeting. The meeting must be held within seven (7) days of the making of the request, with at least three days notice given to all entitled to receive same. II. A special Meeting of the Management Committee shall also be held when a request is made in writing to the Honorary Secretary by any two affiliated clubs, schools or third level colleges or a combination of same. Any such request by the latter, shall express the purpose of the proposed meeting and, upon receipt of the request plus a fee of one hundred Euros (€ 100), the Honorary Secretary shall immediately call a Special Meeting of the Management Committee. The meeting has to take place within seven (7) days of the making of the request, with at least seven days notice given to all entitled to receive same. III. In the notice of any special meeting of the Management Committee, the Honorary Secretary shall specify the date, time and place of the meeting and the agenda for the meeting. d) The quorum for meetings of the Management Committee shall be a fifty percent (50%) plus one of the members entitled to vote. e) Every resolution validly proposed and seconded at Management Committee meetings shall be decided by a simple majority of votes of those present, entitled to vote and voting. Except as provided in (f) below, no person shall cast more than one vote. f) In the case of equality of votes, the Chairperson of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote. 10. EMERGENCY COMMITTEE a) There shall be a committee of the Branch known as the Emergency Committee which shall consist of the President of the Management Committee, Hon. Secretary, Honorary Treasurer. b) The Emergency Committee shall meet formally and shall have the power to transact urgent business on behalf of the Branch Management Committee between meetings but shall not have any greater powers than those vested in the Branch Management Committee. c) The Management Committee may, by a two-thirds majority vote, decide to vary or rescind decisions by the Emergency Committee. d) Notice required for a meeting of the Emergency Committee shall be at least 24 hours and the quorum shall be three. 11. ADJOURNMENT OF MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETINGS The Chairperson of a meeting may with the consent of a simple majority of those present, entitled to vote and actually voting, adjourn such meeting from time to time and from place to place. 12. POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE a) Subject to the overall authority of a General Meeting, the Management Committee shall be the executive authority of the Branch in all matters The role shall include, but shall not be limited to:I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. Defining policy and development plans and ensuring they are carried out; Keeping the financial position of the Branch under constant review and approving and monitoring budgets as submitted by the Treasurer; Appointing or nominating members to represent the Branch at Irish Hockey Association Meetings and also on relevant outside bodies; Filling vacancies in, and removing members from, Interpro Teams: Nominating Trustees for appointment by General Meetings; Appointing staff as required and managing the employees of the Branch, including the provision of day to day guidance; Nominating Honorary Life Members as provided for in Section 4; Appointing sub committees and other working groups as appropriate; Deciding upon matters not specifically covered in these Rules and Constitution; Appointing such Disciplinary and Appeals Tribunals as may be required; Framing, amending or interpreting the Branch Competition Rules. b) The Connacht Hockey Umpires Association is responsible and subject to the overall authority of the Management Committee of the Branch. 13. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Branch shall hold an AGM each year at a time and place to be fixed by Management Committee before the date of the AGM of the IHA. At this Meeting the following business shall be transacted: I. II. III. IV. Apologies; Confirmation of the Minutes of the previous AGM; Matters arising; Honorary Secretary's Report (to include the Reports from the Schools, Fixtures Secretaries, Umpires.); V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. Honorary Treasurer's Report with Accounts prepared by the Treasurer and reviewed by the Management Committee; Proposals; Election of Officers, consent must be received from all nominees before they can be nominated. All nominees must be proposed and seconded by a bona fide member of an affiliated club; · President · Vice President · Honorary Secretary · Honorary Treasurer Honorary Fixtures Secretary · Public Relations Officer; Ratification of Chairperson of Connacht Hockey Umpires Association; Election of Provincial Coaches, Assistants and Managers; Election of Selection Committees: · Senior (Men and Women) · Under 21 (Men and Women) · Junior (Men and Women) · Under 18 (Boys and Girls) · Under 16 (Boys and Girls); Confirmation of Three Branch Representatives to the Annual General Meeting of the IHA; Proposals for fixing of annual affiliation fees, and penalties; General Business. 14. SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING a) A Special General Meeting may be convened at any time by the Management Committee. A Special General Meeting shall also be held when a request is made in writing to the Honorary Secretary by any three (3) affiliated clubs, schools or third level colleges or a combination of same, and is accompanied by a cheque for one hundred Euro (€100). b) Each request shall include full written details of all business to be transacted at the proposed meeting. Upon receipt of the request the Honorary Secretary shall proceed to call a Special General Meeting within fourteen (14) days giving at least seven (7) days notice of the meeting, specifying the date, time and place. c) No business shall be transacted at a Special General Meeting other than that which is specified in the notice calling for the meeting circulated beforehand. 15. ANNUAL AND SPECIAL GENERAL MEETINGS a) The Honorary Secretary shall give at least twenty-eight (28) days initial notice of the date and time of the AGM to all entitled to receive same, and seven (7) days notice in writing of the AGM specifying the date, time and place of the Meeting and including the agenda, details of any resolution(s) being proposed. b) The notice shall be sent to the Officers, Honorary Life Members, members of the Management Committee, the Trustees, the Honorary Secretaries of each Club and of third level colleges. It shall also be sent to the Chairpersons of the Umpires Association. The notice shall be sent to the Branch Schools Representative who shall send a copy of the notice to schools affiliated to the Branch. c) The President shall chair Annual and Special General Meetings. In his/her absence, the Vice-President shall chair the Meetings. In the absence of both, the President shall nominate a chair from the Management Committee. d) Ten (10) people present and entitled to vote shall constitute a quorum. e) Voting shall be by show of hands and there shall be no proxy voting. f) Every resolution at Annual and Special General Meetings shall be decided by a simple majority of votes of those present, entitled to vote and voting except for resolutions concerning amendments to the Constitution. Except as provided in (g) below, no person shall cast more than one vote. g) In the case of equality of votes, the Chairperson of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote. h) No amendments to the Constitution shall be made except by a resolution validly proposed and seconded at an Annual or a Special General Meeting supported by not less than two thirds of those present, entitled to vote and voting. Such changes shall come into force immediately unless the Meeting shall decide otherwise. i) The accidental ommission to give notice of a meeting, or the non-receipt of such notie, to any person or body entitled to reeceive notice thereof shall not invalidate any resolution passed at any meeting. 16. PROPOSALS TO ANNUAL AND SPECIAL GENERAL MEETINGS Any proposal for a resolution for consideration, and voting thereupon, at any General Meeting shall be submitted in full, in writing, to the Honorary Secretary so as to arrive with him/her not less than 14 days prior to the meeting at which the proposal is to be considered and voted upon. Proposals may be submitted by members of the Branch, the Trustees, the Branch Officers, and may include proposed changes to the Constitution of the Branch, resolutions, and nominations for positions. 17. VOTING ENTITLEMENT AT MANAGEMENT, ANNUAL AND SPECIAL GENERAL MEETINGS a) Those entitled to vote at Management, Annual and Special General Meetings shall be: 1. The Officers; 2. Two (2) delegates from each affiliated Senior Club or third level college 3. One (1) delegate from the Connacht Hockey Umpires Association. b) Such delegates shall be nominated by their respective Club, Committee or Association and notified to the Honorary Secretary seven days (7) prior to the Special or AGM. No prior notice is required for Management meetings. c) If any nominated delegate(s) in (b) or (c) above cannot attend, they may be substituted, provided the name(s) of the substitute(s) are sent in writing to the Honorary Secretary not later than 4.00 p.m. on the evening prior to the day of the scheduled Meeting. 18. CLUB COLOURS Each club shall have distinguishing colours which shall be worn by players during matches. No club shall adopt the colours of a club already affiliated. The colours of each club shall be presented to the Branch for ratification at each AGM. No club shall be entitled to change their uniforms without the consent of the branch. Proper playing uniform consisting of shirt, skirt(ladies)/shorts(men) and knee length socks must be worn for all branch matches. Tracksuit legs are not permitted as part of playing uniform, however underarmour(long sleeved shirts or tights) that are black or club colours are permitted. For Senior matchs all shirts must be numbered. 19. FINANCE a) The financial year of the Branch shall end on the last day of April in each year. b) A Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Account shall be prepared in respect of each financial year as soon as possible after the end of that financial year. c) A copy of the accounts for the previous financial year shall be presented to those present at the AGM. d) The Honorary Treasurer shall be responsible for the current accounts, deposit accounts or other accounts as may be authorised from time to time in the name of the Branch. Cheques shall be signed by the Hon. Treasurer. All cheques over two hundred Euro (€200) and other documents relating to such accounts shall be signed by the Hon. Treasurer and one (1) of the specified authorised signatories to the Accounts. e) Payments in excess of five thousand Euro (€5000) shall require prior approval by Management Committee. 20. Fixture Rules. Any changes to be made to the Fixture Rules must be made at a General Meeting. Notice of proposals to make repeal or revise Rules together with the names of the proposer and seconder shall be sent to the Honorary Secretary fourteen days before the General Meeting and the Honorary Secretary shall give at least seven days notice of every such proposal to each club, to the School’s Representative and the Branch Honorary officers. Amendments to proposals shall be allowed at the General Meeting and shall be taken first. 21. COMPETITIONS FOR CUPS AND LEAGUES. All competitions for Cups, Badges and Leagues shall be graded in accordance with Branch and IHA rules. 22. CONNACHT INTERPROVINCIAL TEAMS Expenses incurred by players at Interprovincial level be subsidised by clubs and fundraising. Where the Interprovincial competition is at U16 and U18 schools are also required to contribute towards the cost. 23. DISCIPLINE a) In the event of any affiliated club, school, third level college, Association, official, player, coach, umpire or member of an affiliated club, school third level college, Association on being reported to the Hon. Secretary for an alleged breach of the Rules and Constitution, or misconduct which is alleged to have brought the game into disrepute, the Management Committee shall appoint a Disciplinary Committee of not less than three persons to enquire into the alleged offence b) If after fully investigating the alleged breach of misconduct and if the allegation is proven the Disciplinary Committee shall have the authority to expel a team or player from a competion, suspend or impose a fine on the offending club, school, third level college, official, player, coach, umpire or club member or to deal with the matter in such manner as the Committee considers fit. The decision of the Disciplinary Committee shall be conveyed in writing by the Honorary Secretary to the offending club, school, third level college, player, coach, umpire or club member within seven (7) days of the hearing. c) Any club, school, third level college, official, player, coach, umpire or club member found guilty by the Disciplinary Committee shall have the right to appeal to an Appeal Tribunal appointed by the Management Committee against any decision or punishment imposed by the Disciplinary Committee but such appeal must be lodged in writing with the Honorary Secretary within seven (7) days of the notification of the decision or punishment. The appellant(s) shall have the right to be accompanied at the appeal hearing by a person or persons of their choice but the names and details of such person or persons must be included in the letter of appeal The decision of the Appeal Tribunal shall be final. The appeal must be heard within seven (7) days of its receipt by the Honorary Secretary. No member of the Disciplinary Committee shall be a member of the Appeal Tribunal. 24. APPEALS In the event of an appeal in a matter, other than a disciplinary matter, any affiliate, club, school,, official, player, coach, umpire or a member of any affiliated club or school, wishing to appeal shall do so in writing to the Honorary Secretary of the Association. The Honorary Secretary who must receive the appeal within fourteen (14) days of the date of the notice of the original decision shall then convene an Appeal Commission. The Appeal Commission shall consist of three (3) officers of the Management Committee who may be accompanied by advisors where necessary but it shall not include any person who has had a prior involvement in the matter being appealed. In the event of there not being three (3) officers eligible or available to form the Appeal Commission, the Chair of the Management Committee shall have the power to select an appropriate person or persons to complete the Appeal Commission. The Appeal Commission shall meet within fourteen (14) days of the date of the receipt of the notice of the appeal. The letter of appeal shall state the reason or reasons for the appeal and shall be supported by an appeal fee of €200. The appellant(s) shall have the right to be accompanied at the appeal hearing by a person or persons of their choice but the names and details of such person or persons must be included in the letter of appeal. Both parties to the Appeal shall have the right to be accompanied at the appeal hearing by a person or persons of their choice but the names and details of such person or persons shall be notified in advance of the hearing to the Appeal Commission. Each party to the Appeal shall not exceed three (3) in number and shall have a nominated spokesperson. The Procedure for the Appeal Hearing shall be as follows: · An Appeal Hearing must be held once the procedures outlined above have been complied with. · The Appeal Commission give both parties four (4) days notice of the Appeal Hearing and in addition will notify both parties the names of all those who will be attending. · The Appeal Commission shall hear in the presence of both parties unless otherwise agreed by all parties the case presented by each party in the following sequence: 1. The appellant 2. The original decision maker (s) · Both parties will have the right to respond to each others' case · The Appeal Commission will then discuss the Appeal in the absence of both parties, · The Appeal Commission may if they wish recall each or both parties individually or jointly for further clarification should they wish, · The relevant parties shall be notified of the decision in writing by the Honorary Secretary within seven (7) days of the hearing. 3. The Appeal Commission may decide to either (a) uphold the original decision of the Disciplinary Committee or (b) decide on a more severe penalty or (c) decide on a lesser penalty (d) replace the original penalty with an alternate penalty (e) overturn the decision of the Disciplinary Committee. In the event of the appeal being unsuccessful the appeal fee shall be forfeited to the funds of the Association unless the Appeal Commission decides otherwise. The decision of the Appeal Commission shall be final. The original decision of the Disciplinary Committee shall stand until it is either confirmed or replaced by the Appeals Commission. 25. DOPING CONTROL The Branch accepts and adheres to The Anti - Doping Rules of the Irish Hockey Association which are the Irish Anti - Doping Rules as amended from time to time. 26. CODE OF ETHICS AND GOOD PRACTICE FOR CHILDREN'S SPORT IN IRELAND The Branch is bound by the Code of Ethics for Children's Sport in Ireland as set out by the Irish Sports Council. 27. NOTICES All notices required to be given pursuant to this Constitution must be in writing and shall be deemed to have been received if either: (a) delivered personally; or (b) sent by ordinary prepaid post or (c) sent by e-mail. Confirmation of receipt of such notices should be sent by the Honorory Secretary or where this is not possible by the receiving officer. 28. DISSOLUTION No resolution for the dissolution of the Branch shall be passed except at an Annual or Special General Meeting and supported by not less than two-thirds of those present, entitled to vote and voting. In the event of such a resolution being passed, the Trustees shall realise the property of the Branch and shall make provision for its liabilities. The remaining assets at the date of dissolution shall be distributed in such a manner as shall be determined by an Annual or Special General Meeting, or if such a meeting so decides, by the Management Committee.