United States Constitution


“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this

Constitution for the United States of America.”

Section 1 – Legislative Power, the Congress

Section 2 – House of Representatives

Section 3 – Senate

Section 4 – Elections and Meetings

Section 5 – Legislative Proceedings

Section 6 – Compensation, Immunities, and

Disabilities of Members

Section 7 – Revenue Bills; President’s Veto

Section 8 – Powers of Congress

Section 9 – Powers Denied to Congress

Section 10 – Powers Denied to States

Section 1 – Executive Power; The President;

Term; Election: Qualifications;

Compensation; Oath of Office

Section 2 – President’s Powers and Duties

Section 3 – President’s Powers and Duties

Section 4 – Impeachment

Section 1 – Judicial Power; Courts;

Terms of Office

Section 2 – Jurisdiction

Section 3 – Treason

Section 1 – Full Faith and Credit

Section 2 – Privileges and Immunities of


Section 3 – New States, Territories

Section 4 – Protection Afforded to States by the Nation

Amendments can be proposed in two ways: by a two-thirds vote in each house of Congress, or by a national convention called by congress at the request of two-thirds of State legislatures.

Amendments may be ratified in one of two ways: by three-fourths of the State legislatures, or by three-fourths of the States in conventions called for that purpose.

Section 1 – Validity of Debts

Section 2 – Supremacy of National Law

Section 3 – Oaths of Office

The ratification of the Conventions of nine

States, shall be sufficient for the Establishment of this Constitution between the States so ratifying the same.

Signed on September 17, 1787.

Process by which over time many changes have been made in the Constitution which have not involved any changes in its written words.

Result of the day-to-day, year-to-year experiences of government under the


There are 5 ways in which informal amendments can be put forth.

Congress has passed a number of laws to spell out several of the Constitution’s brief provisions

Added details and meanings to the Constitution

Article III, Section II

 One Supreme Court

 Judiciary Act of 1789

 Congress sets up federal courts, not the Supreme Court

Article II

 Only sets up offices of President and Vice President

 Various offices, (SEC, FDA) set up by congress

Various Presidents have used their powers to produce changes

Only Congress can declare war

 Presidents can make war, even when war is not declared by congress

 Vietnam

Only Congress can enter into formal treaties

 Presidents can enter into executive agreements directly with the heads of foreign nations.

The US Supreme Court may interpret and apply the Constitution in many ways.

Marbury V. Madison , 1803

First time the Supreme Court declared an act by a governmental official unconstitutional

Legislation for basic Judicial Review

 Courts may oversee and overrule actions of the other branches of government

Political parties, though thought of as dangerous by framers, especially Washington, continue to shape the constitution

No law or Constitutional statement provides for the nomination of candidates for presidency

The President is elected by the electoral college

 The group that makes the formal selection of President

 Electoral college and national party conventions are

“rubber stamps” for selection.

 US government is party government

Unwritten customs may be as strong as written law

The heads of the 14 executive departments make up the Cabinet – presidential advisory board

Presidential succession before the 25 th Amendment

Senatorial Courtesy – The Senate will only approve those presidential appointees that are acceptable to the senator or senators of the President’s party from the State involved. – Federal judge

2 term Presidencies – 22 Amendment
