Study Guide Unit 6 Imperialism


Unit 6 Imperialism Study Guide Name _______________________


The test will be on ______KEY____________________


List the four reasons for the United State being imperialistic during the late 1800s and early 1900s. a.

Military b.

Economic c.

Political d.

Social superiority


What country did the United States help Panama gain its independence from?



Why did the United States want Panama to be an independent country?

To gain permission to build the Panama Canal


What did the Panama Canal do?

It made it possible for ships to travel from the oceans (Atlantic and Pacific) faster, cheaper, safer.


How do the locks of the Panama Canal work if you are going from sea level to lake level?

The ship enters the lock at sea level. The lock then fills up with water to the level of the next lock. The lock doors open and the ship moves forward into the next lock. The processes is repeated until the ship is at lake level.


What is a Jingo? A

person who professes their patriotism loudly and excessively for war and aggressive foreign policy


Who was General Valeriano Weyler and what did he do? He was a military commander who was sent by Spain to Cuba to deal with the upraising of the Cuban people. He put people in concentration camps, causing 400,000 people to die in 2 years of starvation and poor treatment


Who was Emilio Aquinaldo and what did he do? He was a rebel leader who assisted the

US in the takeover of the city of Manila from Spain. He then declared war against the US for independence in the Philippines.


How did Pulitzer and Hearst use Yellow Journalism in their newspapers? What was their topic?

a style of journalism that exaggerates and sensationalizes the news.

The used Yellow Journalism to draw attention to the problems in Cuban and to promote war with Spain.


Unit 6 Imperialism Study Guide Name _______________________


What two events lead to the start of the Spanish-American War?

The de Lome letter scandal and the explosion of the USS Maine


What did Commodore Dewey do at Manila Bay in the Philippines?

He defeated the Spanish Fleet in the Philippines


Who created the Rough Riders and what did they do?

Teddy Roosevelt. They were a volunteer cavalry unit who took control of San Juan Hill in Cuba


As a result of the Spanish-American War what did the United States get?

Guam, Puerto Rico and the Philippines


The Platt Amendment allowed the United States to intervene in Cuba affairs if what was threatened? Life, property or personal liberty


Who did the planters in Hawaii overthrow in 1893? Queen Lili


What did the secret society in China rebel against? Western Influences


The Roosevelt Corollary of 1904 allows the U.S. to act as what in Latin America? police men


Who did the United States buy the territory of Alaska from? Russia

Interpreting a Map

Color the map.

Use the map above answer the following questions.

Which country is missing from the map as a country that has interest in China? United States


Unit 6 Imperialism Study Guide

Which country has the most territory in China? Britain

Which country has the least territory in China? Germany

Name _______________________


List the three figures/people and what do they symbolize? a.

The Doctors –The anti-expansionist (anti-imperialists) b.

Uncle Sam-The United States c.

The tailor – President McKinley


Why are there states and territories on the stripes of the pants?

Each time the United States added a territory it grew larger.


Is the artist for or against expansionism/imperialism by the United States? Why?

Various answers from the students


Unit 6 Imperialism Study Guide Name _______________________

Complete the chart by filling in the spaces with the reason(s) why the United States expanded

into these countries?






Military x x x

Political x x x

Economical x x x x

Cultural x


Put the following items on the timeline.

The Spanish-American War

President’s terms; McKinley,

Roosevelt, Taft and Wilson

 The de Lome letter

 Sinking of the U.S.S. Maine in the

Havana Harbor

Philippine War

Purchase of Alaska and annexation of Hawaii

 Open Door Policy in China

 Building of the Panama Canal 1903-


1865 1875 1885 1895 1905 1915 1925

