Chapter 5 – Sensation Top–Down vs. Bottom Up Processing The 7 Senses; Energy vs. Chemical vs. Body Position Senses Absolute Thresholds Subliminal messaging – modern definition of and whether there is any evidence of it? Conscious vs. Unconscious processing o What was backward masking (the music)? How did top-down processing affect your perception of what you heard? Blindsight vs. Change Blindness Difference Thresholds o What is a “jnd”? o How does Weber’s Law fit in here? (How does it determine jnds? How is signal detection theory affected by top-down processing & how is it related to thresholds? Sensory Adaptation / how/why? Cite Movement Aftereffects (MAEs) / how? Transduction – what is it, where, what parts, how / all senses What is color? / Electromagnetic Spectrum The Eye – parts and their functions (cornea, pupil, iris, lens, retina, rods, cones, fovea, bipolar cells, ganglion cells, optic nerve, thalamus, occipital lobe); o Blindspot explanation o Acuity – near vs. far sightedness o Color Vision: Young-Helmholtz Trichromatic Theory, RGB, problems Opponent Process Theory – how does this explain afterimages and colorblindness better than the RGB theory? Cones = color, Rods = dim light …why / how (relationship to bipolar cells) / explanation of maximum firing Explanation of respective size of visual fields & acuity Prosopagnosia Parallel Processing vs Serial Processing The Ear – parts and their functions (outer, middle, inner; pinna, auditory canal, eardrum, ossicles: hammer, anvil, stirrup, oval window of cochlea, basilar membrane, tectorial membrane, outer duct and inner duct, hair cells (cilia) o How does transduction actually occur? What releases NTs? o Amplitude vs. Frequency / Wavelength (sound & vision) Know the physical properties and the corresponding perceptual interpretations (amplitude, frequency, pitch) o Place vs. Frequency Theory o Sound Localization o Conduction vs. Sensorineural Deafness – what parts are broken? o tinnitus o High frequencies explained by which one? o Low frequencies explained by which one, aided by the volley principle What are the 5 types of touch receptors? How is pain different? Gate Control Theory of Pain – small diameter vs large diameter, open vs. closed gate, Top Down vs. Bottom Up; Nociceptors? What are the 5 types of taste receptors? What is flavor? Kinesthesis vs. Vestibular – where are the receptor cells for these senses? Smell – structural evidence of why it’s old (below cerebral cortex); link to memory Synesethesia Chapter 6 – Perception Selective Attention – Conscious vs. Unconscious Illusions to explain: Ponzo, Muller-Lyer, Ames Room, Moon, St. Louis Archway Visual capture Visual agnosia / prosopagnosia Figure Ground Relationship Gestalt Groupings: o Proximity o Continuity o Similarity o Closure o Connectedness Depth Perception: o Monocular Cues: Relative Size Relative Clarity Interposition Texture Gradient Relative Height Relative Motion Linear Perspective Relative Brightness o Binocular Cues: Retinal disparity, convergence o Visual Cliff & Babies Motion Perception: Phi Phenomenon, Stroboscopic Movement Constancies: shape, size, lightness, color Size-Distance Relationships Sensory Deprivation Perceptual Adaptation Perceptual Set & Schemas, Context, Culture effects Human Factors Psychology Parapsychology / ESP: telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, telekinesis