Advanced Placement United States History

Advanced Placement United States History
Syllabus-Fall and Spring 2013-2014
Lake Norman High School
Mr. Busch/Mr. Carson/Mr. Tinucci
Timeline-Textbook will be The American Pageant (It will take approx. 2 days per Chapter)
Unit I
Colonial Era to 1763
The American Pageant
Chapters 1-2-3
The American Pageant
Chapters 4-5
Exam 1-Multiple Choice Exam and Essay
1 1/2 weeks
2 weeks
2 days
Unit II
The French and Indian War to Revolution
The American Pageant
Chapters 6-7
2 weeks
The American Pageant
Chapter 8
1 week
Exam 2-Multiple Choice Exam and Essay
September 26, 2013: Progress Reports
Unit III
New Nation to 1812
The American Pageant
Chapter 9
The American Pageant
Chapters 10-11
Exam 3-Multiple Choice Exam and Essay
1 week
1 week
2 days
Unit IV
War of 1812-Jacksonian Democracy/Reform Movements
The American Pageant
Chapter 12-13
1 week
The American Pageant
Chapters 14-15
1 week
Exam 4-Multiple Choice Exam and Essay
2 days
October 25, 2013: End of the First 9 Weeks-Report Cards
Unit V
Manifest Destiny and Sectionalism
The American Pageant
Chapter 16-17
1 week
The American Pageant
Chapters 18-19
1 week
Exam 5-Multiple Choice Exam and Essay
2 days
Unit VI
Conflict and War to 1865 and Reconstruction Through 1877
The American Pageant
Chapters 20-22
2 weeks
Exam 6-Multiple Choice Exam and Essay
2 days
Unit VII
Gilded Age-Populism-2nd Industrial Revolution-ImmigrationWest
The American Pageant
Chapter 23-24
1 week
The American Pageant
Chapters 25-27
2 weeks
Exam 7-Multiple Choice and Essay
2 days
End of the First Semester and Midterm Exams
American Empire, Progressivism and World War I
The American Pageant
Chapter 28
1 week
The American Pageant
Chapters 29-30
1 week
Exam 8-Multiple Choice and Essay
2 days
Unit IX
1920s and the Great Depression
The American Pageant
Chapters 31-32
The American Pageant
Chapter 33
Exam 9-Multiple Choice and Essay
1 week
1 week
2 days
Unit X
World War II and The Cold War
The American Pageant
Chapters 34-35
The American Pageant
Chapter 36
Exam 10-Multiple Choice and Essay
1 week
1 week
2 days
Spring Break and Progress Reports
Unit XI
The American Pageant
Chapter 37
The American Pageant
Chapter 38
Exam 11-Multiple Choice and Essay
1 week
1 week
2 days
Unit XII
The American Pageant
Chapter 39
The American Pageant
Chapter 40-41
Exam 11-Multiple Choice and Essay
1 week
1 week
2 days
Final Weeks of School
AP United States Exam-May 14th Wednesday, 7: 30 am
College Planning
Student Resumes
AP United States Final Exam-June
Mr. Richard Tinucci 704-799-8555 (1508) Mr. Mark Carson: (704) 799-8555 (1507)
Mr. Jonathan C. Busch: 704-799-8555 (1505) Cell- 704-652-1836
Objective: To gain a comprehensive understanding of the history of the United States and
complete preparation for the Advanced Placement Exam which takes place in May and the
Final Exam in June.
All course work is divided into twelve units and within each unit the following assignments are
1. ****Homework – various assignments such as reading guides, online primary source
readings etc… are mandatory, if not turned in on time and complete… there are points
taken off your test grade…. Points depend on length and difficulty of assignment…. From 5
to 50 points (out of 400).
2. Multiple Choice Test (Questions are directly from the textbook AND from past AP exams)
a. Exam questions are ongoing
b. Value-400 points
3. In Class Free Response Essays
a. Value- 400 points
4. Quizzes based on the Text
a. Value 10-20 points
b. 2 per chapter
5. Significant Events and Political Cartoons
a. Value-50-100 points
What is Required Per Unit?
1. Most units consist of 150 pages of reading from the textbook. We cover a Unit every 2-3
weeks. Students average about 10 pages of reading per night. Primary documents will also
be analyzed. There will be a quiz for each reading assignment.
2. An 80 question multiple choice exam will be given each unit. All tests will be
3. Assignments: Terms, Reading Guides, quizzes, classroom analysis work will also be graded.
4. Free Response or Document Based Question will be written for each unit. All writing will be
in class and will be timed.
5. Each unit will include 10 significant events or cartoons of the time period-you must have a
written paragraph that includes identification, description, point of view and effectiveness 2
pieces of evidence that supports your claim that it is significant. These will NOT be
returned to you.
****Opportunities to improve your grade
You have several opportunities to improve your grade through extra credit activities. Points will be
allotted under the teacher’s discretion. You are encouraged to seek out opportunities from your
Class Rules:
Be in your seat when class begins.
Come prepared to learn and participate
Follow directions the first time they are given
Do not sleep in class
No food, drinks, electronic devices ( unless the device is being used within the framework of
the lesson), or other classes’ work during the lesson. These items will be confiscated.
Do not cheat. (Cheating, including plagiarism, at any time on any assignment will result in
zero credit for the assignment)
Do the work! No late or incomplete work will be accepted and will result on points being
deducted from the specific unit test grade. The number of points is relative to the assignment and is
at the teachers discretion based on the nature of the assignment.
There are test corrections but NO Re-Tests in AP US History.
Respect everyone
Availability for extra help:
Mr. Tinucci
Tutoring is available every morning when I am not on bus duty. I am also available for tutoring in
the afternoon in the Fall and Spring seasons due to coaching Girls Basketball in the Winter. It can
be also be set up by an appointment with me.
Mr. Carson
I am available to tutor students after school from 3:20-4:00.
Mr. Busch
Tutoring is available in the mornings by appointment and after school until 4:00, however I will
have after school duty in the commons… so it will be best to check with me so I can make sure I will
be available.
Communication with Parents:
We are available by a variety of methods (page 3 of this syllabus). We will contact parents or
guardians by phone and/or email for negative AND positive work in the classroom. If you have any
concerns or questions do not hesitate to contact us at any time .
The AP Exam: All students must take the AP US History Exam in May. All students must pay the fee
to take the exam. The exam is 3 hours and 5 minutes and consists of two sections: a 55 minute
multiple choice section and a 130 minute free response section. There is a mandatory 15 minute
reading period. Suggested writing times are 45 minutes for the DBQ-worth 45% of the free
response section, 30 minutes for the last two free response questions.
Topic Outline
1. Pre-Columbian Societies
Early inhabitants of the Americas
American Indian empires in Mesoamerica, the Southwest, and the Mississippi Valley
American Indian cultures of North America at the time of European contact
2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492–1690
First European contacts with American Indians
Spain’s empire in North America
French colonization of Canada
English settlement of New England, the Mid-Atlantic region, and the South
From servitude to slavery in the Chesapeake region
Religious diversity in the American colonies
Resistance to colonial authority: Bacon’s Rebellion, the Glorious Revolution, and the
Pueblo Revolt
Topics 1-2 include Chapters 1-5
3. Colonial North America, 1690–1754
Population growth and immigration
Transatlantic trade and the growth of seaports
The eighteenth-century back country
Growth of plantation economies and slave societies
The Enlightenment and the Great Awakening
Colonial governments and imperial policy in British North America
4. The American Revolutionary Era, 1754–1789
The French and Indian War
The Imperial Crisis and resistance to Britain
The War for Independence
State constitutions and the Articles of Confederation
The federal Constitution
Topics 3-4 include Chapters 6-8
5. The Early Republic, 1789–1815
Washington, Hamilton, and shaping of the national government
Emergence of political parties: Federalists and Republicans
Republican Motherhood and education for women
Beginnings of the Second Great Awakening
Significance of Jefferson’s presidency
Expansion into the trans-Appalachian West; American Indian resistance
Growth of slavery and free Black communities
The War of 1812 and its consequences
6. Transformation of the Economy and Society in Antebellum America
The transportation revolution and creation of a national market economy
Beginnings of industrialization and changes in social and class structures
Immigration and nativist reaction
Planters, yeoman farmers, and slaves in the cotton South
Topics 5-6 Include Chapters 9-11
7. The Transformation of Politics in Antebellum America
Emergence of the second party system
Federal authority and its opponents: judicial federalism, the Bank War, tariff
controversy, and states’ rights debates
Jacksonian democracy and its successes and limitations
8. Religion, Reform, and Renaissance in Antebellum America
Evangelical Protestant revivalism
Social reforms
Ideals of domesticity
Transcendentalism and utopian communities
American Renaissance: literary and artistic expressions
Topic 7-8 Include Chapters 12-15
9. Territorial Expansion and Manifest Destiny
Forced removal of American Indians to the trans-Mississippi West
Western migration and cultural interactions
Territorial acquisitions
Early U .S . imperialism: the Mexican War
10. The Crisis of the Union
Pro- and antislavery arguments and conflicts
Compromise of 1850 and popular sovereignty
The Kansas–Nebraska Act and the emergence of the Republican Party
Abraham Lincoln, the election of 1860, and secession
Topics 9-10 Include Chapters 16-19
11. Civil War
Two societies at war: mobilization, resources, and internal dissent
Military strategies and foreign diplomacy
Emancipation and the role of African Americans in the war
Social, political, and economic effects of war in the North, South, and West
12. Reconstruction
Presidential and Radical Reconstruction
Southern state governments: aspirations, achievements, failures
Role of African Americans in politics, education, and the economy
Compromise of 1877
Impact of Reconstruction
Topics 11-12 Include Chapters 20-22
13. The Origins of the New South
Reconfiguration of southern agriculture: sharecropping and crop-lien system
Expansion of manufacturing and industrialization
The politics of segregation: Jim Crow and disfranchisement
14. Development of the West in the Late Nineteenth Century
Expansion and development of western railroads
Competitors for the West: miners, ranchers, homesteaders, and American Indians
Government policy toward American Indians
Gender, race, and ethnicity in the far West
Environmental impacts of western settlement
15. Industrial America in the Late Nineteenth Century
Corporate consolidation of industry
Effects of technological development on the worker and workplace
Labor and unions
National politics and influence of corporate power
Migration and immigration: the changing face of the nation
Proponents and opponents of the new order, e .g ., Social Darwinism and Social Gospel
Topics 13-15 Include Chapters 23-27
16. Urban Society in the Late Nineteenth Century
Urbanization and the lure of the city
City problems and machine politics
Intellectual and cultural movements and popular entertainment
17. Populism and Progressivism
Agrarian discontent and political issues of the late nineteenth century
Origins of Progressive reform: municipal, state, and national
Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson as Progressive presidents
Women’s roles: family, workplace, education, politics, and reform
Black America: urban migration and civil rights initiatives
18. The Emergence of America as a World Power
American imperialism: political and economic expansion
War in Europe and American neutrality
The First World War at home and abroad
Treaty of Versailles
Society and economy in the postwar years
Topics 16-18 Include Chapters 28-30
19. The New Era: 1920s
The business of America and the consumer economy
Republican politics: Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover
The culture of Modernism: science, the arts, and entertainment
Responses to Modernism: religious fundamentalism, nativism, and Prohibition
The ongoing struggle for equality: African Americans and women
20. The Great Depression and the New Deal
Causes of the Great Depression
The Hoover administration’s response
Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the New Deal
Labor and union recognition
The New Deal coalition and its critics from the Right and the Left
Surviving hard times: American society during the Great Depression
Topics 19-20 Include Chapters 31-33
21. The Second World War
The rise of fascism and militarism in Japan, Italy, and Germany
Prelude to war: policy of neutrality
The attack on Pearl Harbor and United States declaration of war
Fighting a multifront war
Diplomacy, war aims, and wartime conferences
The United States as a global power in the Atomic Age
22. The Home Front During the War
Wartime mobilization of the economy
Urban migration and demographic changes
Women, work, and family during the war
Civil liberties and civil rights during wartime
War and regional development
Expansion of government power
23. The United States and the Early Cold War
Origins of the Cold War
Truman and containment
The Cold War in Asia: China, Korea, Vietnam, and Japan
Diplomatic strategies and policies of the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations
The Red Scare and McCarthyism
Impact of the Cold War on American society
Topics 21-23 Include Chapters 34-36
24. The 1950s
Emergence of the modern civil rights movement
The affluent society and “the other America”
Consensus and conformity: suburbia and middle-class America
Social critics, nonconformists, and cultural rebels
Impact of changes in science, technology, and medicine
25. The Turbulent 1960s
From the New Frontier to the Great Society
Expanding movements for civil rights
Cold War confrontations: Asia, Latin America, and Europe
Beginning of Détente
The antiwar movement and the counterculture
Topics 24-25 Include Chapters 37-38
26. Politics and Economics at the End of the Twentieth Century
The election of 1968 and the “Silent Majority”
Nixon’s challenges: Vietnam, China, and Watergate
Changes in the American economy: the energy crisis, deindustrialization, and the
service economy
The New Right and the Reagan revolution
End of the Cold War
27. Society and Culture at the End of the Twentieth Century
Demographic changes: surge of immigration after 1965, Sunbelt migration, and the
graying of America
Revolutions in biotechnology, mass communication, and computers
Politics in a multicultural society
28. The United States in the Post–Cold War World
Globalization and the American economy
Unilateralism vs . multilateralism in foreign policy
Domestic and foreign terrorism
Environmental issues in a global context
Topics 26-28 Include Chapters 39-42