Unit 5 Review Guide

AP US History
Unit 5 Review Guide
“Struggling for Justice at Home and Abroad”
Part I: Multiple Choice – The Unit Exam will contain 50+ multiple choice questions
derived from Chapters 28-35. Careful review and analysis of your American Pageant
textbook; your notes from class lectures, discussions, wiki notes; assignments; and your
review handbook will be paramount to your success on this section. To better enable you
to complete the exam within 45 minutes, no review time will be offered at the beginning
of class.
Part II: Identifications – Six of the following will be on the exam. You will write on two
of the six. In your exam preparation, try to connect some of the following people, terms,
legislation, etc. This will help your studying significantly as well as aid in
conceptualizing the social, political, and economic changes of this dramatic period. As
always, the most important part of your answer should be on the historical significance
of the term.
New Deal
Schenk v. U.S. (1919)
Glass-Steagall Act
Square Deal
Samuel Gompers
Upton Sinclair
Red Scare
John Muir
Eugene Debs
Charles Lindbergh
Muller v. Oregon (1908)
Cultural pluralism
Jane Addams
Marcus Garvey
Neutrality Acts
Woodrow Wilson
Warren Harding
Lend-Lease Act
Federal Reserve Act
Calvin Coolidge
Fourteen Points
Hawley-Smoot Tariff
America First
Amendments 16-19
Treaty of Versailles
Pact of Paris
Espionage/Sedition Acts
Dawes Plan
Herbert Hoover
Eleanor Roosevelt
Manhattan Project
Battle of the Bulge
League of Nations
The Scopes Trial
AP US History
Part III: Essay – The following are your three essays for the Unit 5 exam. In your
preparation for each essay, draw on examples from all available sources (American
Pageant, AP review handbook, handouts, lectures, notes, etc.). We will eliminate one
the day prior to the test. The final essay will be drawn at random before the test.
1. How successful were the programs of the New Deal in solving the problems of the
Great Depression? Assess with respect to TWO of the following.
2. Analyze the ways in which TWO of the following contributed to the changes in
women’s lives in the United States in the mid-twentieth century.
Literature and/or popular culture
Medical and/or technological advances
3. Historians have argued that Progressive reform lost momentum in the 1920’s.
Evaluate this statement with respect to TWO of the following.
Regulation of business