POLLUTION AND THE WETLANDS Introduction • Seventeen percent of North Carolina’s 5.7 million acres are wetlands. Ninety-five percent of North Carolina’s wetlands are found in the coastal plains. A wetland is part of a watershed (geographic are that drains to a single body of water) or a drainage basin. They are covered by shallow water and have soils waterlogged to the surface. Over time the wetlands have been drained and transformed into industrial facilities, as well as, a use for waste disposal. The wetlands are effected by the biosphere, lithosphere, atmosphere, and the hydrosphere. Problem • What is polluting the Great Dismal Swamp? Invasive Species • Erosion causes increases in the amount of inorganic sediment in the water, inviting foreign species of sponge and diatom that need less light to take over water habitats. Asterionella formosa Invasive Species: Fish and Animals • Invasive fish, such as the Northern Snakehead, destroy underwater ecosystems. • Animals, such as pets that can no longer be cared for, can become invasive if enough are released. Invasive Species: Plant World • Plant species such as • • Purple Loosestrife, Mile-a-Minute, and Tree-of-Heaven displace and destroy native foliage. Even native plants can become invasive. Good examples are sweet gums and maples. Water plants such as water hyacinth spread quickly and reduce water quality. Pollution • Swamps act as sinkholes, grabbing any contaminants in water and sucking them in. • Pollution from sewage, dump sites, spills, and storage areas are problems. What is Soil Erosion? * movement of soil particles by wind, gravity, or water Soil Erosion (cont.) • Wind & Water • Fertilizers & Sediments • Algae Production Cause/Effect Relationships • Precipitation • Erosion • Runoff Fertilizers • Organic Fertilizers • Mixed Fertilizers • Chemical Fertilizers Purpose of Wetlands • Protection • Soil THE ATMOSPHERE Principle Gases of Dry Air •What is the Atmosphere made of? 0.93% Carbon Dioxide, 0.04% 20.95% Nitrogen Oxygen Argon Carbon Dioxide 78.08% Recycling of Atmospheric Materials • The amount of a given substance leaving the atmosphere = the amount of the same substance entering the atmosphere over the same period of time Atmosphere to other spheres • Biosphere Atmosphere • Atmosphere Biosphere • Atmosphere Lithosphere Air Pollutants Air Pollutant Major Sources Effects Carbon Monoxide Automobile Exhaust Reduces delivery of oxygen to body tissues; impairs vision reflexes Nitrogen Dioxide Burning of fossil fuels in power plants & automobiles Irritates lungs & contributes to acid rain and smog Sulfur Dioxide Burning of fossil fuels in power plants, oil refineries, paper mills, volcanoes Irritates respiratory system contributing to acid rain Particulate Matter (dust, smoke, soot, ash) Factories, power plants, oil refineries, paper mills, volcanoes Contributes to respiratory problems linked to cancers Lead Smelters, Battery Plants Damages nervous & digestive systems Ozone Reactions of nitrogen oxides & hydrocarbons in the presence of sunlight Reduces lungs functions & causes inflammation Acid Rain • How does Acid Rain form? – Forms when pollutants such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides react with water vapor in the air • The resulting acid precipitation can fall as rain or snow Acid Rain (Cont.) • Unlike normal rain, which has a pH of 6, Acid Rain has a pH of 5 – It harms both plant and animal life – It also harms forest by stripping away vital nutrients from the soil. THE WATER CYCLE What is the Water Cycle? What are the processes? Where does the water go? Contaminated Groundwater •Groundwater contamination is any addition of undesirable substances to groundwater by human activities. •Contaminant sources in urban areas include gas stations, dry cleaners, garbage dumps, snow-disposal dumps, and industrial sites. RUNOFF • Surface runoff is one of the • • causes of erosion of the earth's surface. It is instead forced directly into streams or storm water runoff drains, where erosion and siltation can be major problems, even when flooding is not. Increased runoff reduces groundwater recharge, thus lowering the water table and making droughts worse, especially for farmers and others who depend on water wells. Floodwater • Major storms, such as hurricanes, fill streets with flooded water. • This will contaminate the water, harming the plants and animals. • Humans depend on plants and animals for food. Conclusions • Our wetlands are affected by many forms of pollution. We need to find ways to prevent, or restrict this. • We need our wetlands to filter our waters, keep soil in place, and provide fish and game. Recommendations • Heavy fines on businesses and farms that • • • • pollute our wetlands, water, and air. Plant vegetation in areas where erosion is a problem. Ensure that boats coming in to port are cleaned of plant matter right away. Prevent the sale of invasive plants/animals. Use prescribed burns to destroy invasive plants and bring back native species. Reflections • We learned that Earth System Science involves the interaction between the spheres and that pollution relates to every sphere group. • We learned that group work is important in Problem Based Learning, and that each person must do their share of the work. One person cannot do all the work. 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