The Mythological Social Network Western Literature Literary Analysis Pre-Assessment Today, you will be taking a Literary Analysis Pre-Assessment to determine what you know about diction, syntax, figurative language, tone, and mood. To take the pre-assessment, go to the following link on your chromebooks: Mythological Story Project Instructions You are going to design a Facebook page for one of the gods/goddesses from Edith Hamilton’s Mythology. Your Facebook page should show me that you understand the god/goddess through including friends, family, status, wall posts, etc. that paint a clear picture of your god/goddess. You will sign up for a Greek/Roman god or goddess featured in Edith Hamilton’s Mythology. To complete the project, you will need to download the Facebook template from my website or go to FakeBook’s webpage. Wall facebook Photos Flair Wall Boxes Zeus Zeus is refusing to judge who is the fairest. Info Photos Boxes Write something… Share View photos of Zeus (6) You should be satisfied with your part of creation! You have the sky. Hades has the underworld, I have the sea. I will obey you, but we are equals! Send Zeus a message Poke message Do you propose to deliver a man from death that Fate has doomed? Information Networks: Mount Olympus, Rain Gods, Supreme, Gods Let’s go out. I’m bored since Persephone is gone. You cannot escape Fate, as I could not escape Fate. Friends Dad, I left your aegis and thunderbolt on your throne in Olympus. Poseidon Hades Hera Zeus, most glorious, most great, God of the storm-cloud, thou that dwellest in the heavens… Cronus Thetis Agammenon Logout Wall facebook Photos Flair Wall Boxes Zeus Zeus is refusing to judge who is the fairest. Info Photos Boxes Basic Information Networks: Mount Olympus, Rain Gods , Supreme Gods Sex: Male Relationship Status: Married View photos of Zeus (6) Send Zeus a message Poke message Personal Information Activities: Rain making, womanizing, Ruling supremely Information Interests: Networks: Women, thunder, lightening Favorite Music: Mount Olympus, Rain Gods, Supreme Gods Favorite Movies: Hercules, Gods Behaving Badly, Clash of the Titans Favorite TV Shows: The Weather Channel, The Bachelorette, Favorite Books: Paradise Lost, Anasai Boys, American Gods, anything by Shakespeare Contact Information Photos 2 Albums Address: Mount Olympus Phone Number: The Family Updated last Tuesday Mt. Olympus Updated two months ago Logout Wall facebook Photos Flair Boxes Zeus is refusing to judge who is the fairest. Wall Info Photos Boxes Photos of Zeus The Innocent’s Albums 2 Photo Alums The Family 3 photos Mount Olympus 7 photos Profile Pictures 3 photos Logout http://www.cla 1049-LtLDQr Step One of the Project Choose one of the god/goddesses from Edith Hamilton’s Mythology. Think about who that god/goddess is. Think about the following questions: Who hangs out with this type of person? Are they typically single or in a relationship? What is their realm? What is their symbol? What kinds of stories do you find your god/goddess in? Your Profile Page Should Include: A Facebook status from your god/goddess At least six friends with six wall posts, At least one network. At least four activities, three interests, two favorite music listings, favorite TV shows, favorite movies, and favorite books. (Think about these. They should somehow relate to your god/goddess), IT SHOULD BE CREATIVE—but still accurate! How to Submit & Present Your Project Save your Facebook page as your first name and last name. (Example: Alexa Brooks.ppt) Your Facebook page must be emailed to me by 8:00 a.m. Friday, November 2nd at In addition to submitting an electronic copy, you will also present your Facebook project to the class. Your presentation will be factored into your grade. PROJECT RUBRIC Project Components Facebook Status 6 Friends with Photographs 6 Appropriate Wall Posts 1 Original Network 3 Activities 3 Interests 2 Music Artists/Songs 2 Movies 2 TV shows 2 Books Creativity (and accuracy) Presentation PROJECT TOTAL Points Earned Points Total 4 points 6 points 6 points 2 points 3 points 3 points 2 points 2 points 2 points 2 points 10 points 8 points 50 points