Quantitative Decision Making

1. Wayland Baptist University, Virtual Campus, School of Business
2. Mission Statement: Wayland Baptist University exists to educate students in an academically challenging,
learning-focused and distinctively Christian environment for professional success and service to God and
3. Course: BUAD 4335 – VC01, Quantitative Decision Making
4. Term: Fall 2015
5. Instructor: Eric V. Darnell, M.B.A
6. Office email: eric.darnell@wayland.wbu.edu
7. Office Hours, Building, and Location: Not applicable
8. Class Meeting Time and Location: Not applicable
Catalog Description: Students will develop competency in problem solving and decision making techniques
through the solving of complex quantitative decision problems. The course provides an understanding of theoretical
concepts and demonstrates practical management science applications currently used in business. The student is
challenged to master the application of mathematical techniques as a tool in the solution of business problems.
10. Prerequisites: Math 1306
11. Required Textbook and Resources:
Business Statistics: A First Course,
chapters 9 through 14
12. Optional Materials:
13. Course Outcome Competencies:
Identify and describe four sources of data and four types of data.
Compile a set of data that will enhance data interpretation and analyses.
Describe, calculate and interpret the numerical descriptive measures.
Identify and apply principles of binomial distribution and normal distribution.
Summarize the relationship between the standard error of the mean and sample size.
Describe the sampling distribution of the mean.
Convert scores to standardized z-scores.
Calculate and interpret confidence intervals.
Formulate and test one tail and two tail hypothesis for
o Sample mean vs. population mean (σ known)
o Sample mean vs. population mean (σ unknown)
o Sample proportion vs. population proportion
o Tests for differences in two means
o Tests for differences in two variances
o Tests for differences in more than two mean
o Tests for differences between two or more population proportions
Calculate and apply the linear regression model.
Interpret the slope and coefficient of correlation and deduce statistical inferences about them.
Spring 09
Calculate and interpret six sigma tools.
14. Attendance Requirements: Not applicable
15. Disability Statement: “It is university policy that no otherwise qualified disabled person be excluded from
participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any educational program or activity in
the university.”
16: Course Requirements and Grading Criteria:
It may seem like there is a lot of weekly work in this class. However, I have decided to require more weekly work
and not give exams in this course. This means that you have more control over your grade in this class. Submitting
carefully written and analyzed work, on time, will give you the best possible chance for a good grade. However, you
are meant to put all answers to questions about the meaning and use of the techniques we will study in your own
words. Work that merely copies passages from the text will not be rewarded with full points. In using these
assignments, I am attempting to see what you are learning, not what the text authors know. So be certain to take time
to write clear and thoughtful responses to the questions posed. Also, you are meant to put your answers in your
own words, not some other student’s words. If I receive duplicate answers from several students, I will divide
the points earned for one of the responses by the total number of students submitting that response and that
will be the grade each student receives. Also note, this will be a very difficult course. It is a difficult course
when taken face-to-face and, for most students, it will be even more difficult taken in an online format. Please
consider carefully whether you have the math and computer skills necessary to do well in this course. You will
need to use a software program to do your problems, so it will be a great help if you have good knowledge of
Excel and/or SPSS or Minitab. Finally, you should expect to spend considerable time each week working
through (not just reading) the chapters and working through examples and problems.
Weekly Text Questions: You will be responsible for answering questions from the Text Questions in Blackboard. To
earn credit, you must answer all the weekly text questions for 8 of the 9 weeks in which text questions are posted.
These questions are meant to assess your understanding of the concepts in the chapter. You must answer all the
questions for a week to receive full credit for that week, and your answers must be essentially correct. So prepare
your responses thoughtfully and carefully. These questions will be posted on the Text Questions Tab and must be
submitted there. Again, this is meant to be your understanding of the concepts, not the understanding of the
authors of the text or your fellow students.
Weekly Assignments: You will also be responsible for submitting six weekly assignments from the Assignments tab
in Blackboard. These assignments will require you to perform various statistical analyses and interpret the results. .
You must complete both these assignments and the weekly discussion board assignments during the week for
which they are assigned. Late work will not be graded. Both these assignments and the weekly discussion board
assignments are individual assignments and should not reflect other students’ work. You will submit assignments via
blackboard as attachments. Please do not email them.
Running Case Assignments: In certain weeks of the term, the Weekly Assignments (but not necessarily the
Discussion Board) will be replaced by Running Case Assignments. These assignments are more involved than the
weekly assignments and allow you to practice your skills at analyzing a realistic series of problems involving a
newspaper. These assignments include elements of statistical analysis as well as questions about the interpretation of
the data. Again, responses to the Running Case assignments will only be accepted and graded during the week
for which they are assigned. Late work will not be graded. Again, this is meant to be your analysis of the
Running Case, not the analysis of the authors of the text or your fellow students.
Grading System
Weekly Discussion Board
Weekly Assignments
Running Analysis
8 (5 points each)
6 (10 points each)
5 (20 points each)
17. Tentative Schedule: (Calendar, Topics, Assignments)
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Fundamentals of Hypothesis Testing: One Sample Tests
See Text Questions tab for this weeks Text Questions
See Assignments Tab for assigned problems
Fundamentals of Hypothesis Testing: One Sample Tests
See Text Questions tab for this weeks Text Questions
See Assignments Tab for assigned problems
Two-Sample Tests and One-Way ANOVA
See Text Questions tab for this weeks Text Questions
See Assignments Tab for assigned problems
Two-Sample Tests and One-Way ANOVA
See Text Questions tab for this weeks Text Questions
See Assignments Tab for assigned problems
Chi-Square Tests
See Text Questions tab for this weeks Text Questions
Running Case, see Assignments Tab
Simple Linear Regression
See Text Questions tab for this weeks Text Questions
See Assignments Tab for assigned problems
Simple Linear Regression
See Text Questions tab for this weeks Text Questions
See Assignments Tab for assigned problems
Multiple Regression
See Text Questions tab for this weeks Text Questions
See Assignments Tab for assigned problems
Multiple Regression
Running Case, see Assignments Tab
No Discussion topics this week
Statistical Applications in Quality and Productivity Management
See Text Questions tab for this weeks Text Questions
Running Case, see Assignments Tab
Statistical Applications in Quality and Productivity Management
Running Case, see Assignments Tab
No Discussion topics this week
Note: This is a short week, work is due on Saturday night