Earth's Climate System Today

General Circulation of the Atmosphere
Tropical heating drives
Hadley cell circulation
Warm wet air rises
along the equator
 Transfers water
vapor from tropical
oceans to higher
 Transfers heat
from low to high
The Hadley Cell
Along equator, strong solar heating causes
air to expand upward and diverge to poles
 Creates a zone of low pressure at the
equator called
 Equatorial low
 Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)
 The upward motions that dominate the
region favor formation of heavy rainfall
 ITCZ is rainiest latitude zone on Earth
 Rains 200 days a year – aka. doldrums
General Circulation
Air parcels rise creating low pressure
 Heat and expand
 Become humid
 Transfer heat (sensible & latent) to poles
 Transfer of moisture towards poles
 In mid latitudes
 Dry air sinks creating high pressure
 Air flows away from high pressure
General Circulation
Hadley cell circulation creates trade winds
 Dry trade winds move from subtropics
to tropics and pick up moisture
 Trade winds from both hemispheres
converge in the ITCZ
 Trade winds warm and rise
 Contribute to low pressure and high
rainfall in the ITCZ
Monsoons – Circulation in ITCZ
ITCZ shifts with seasons
 Circulation driven by solar heating
 Circulation affected by seasonal heat
transfer between tropical ocean and land
 Heat capacity and thermal inertia of
land < water
Summer Monsoon
Air over land heats and rises drawing
moist air in from tropical oceans
Winter Monsoon
Air over land cools and sinks drawing dry
air in over the tropical oceans
Circulation at Mid & High Latitudes
Sinking air from Hadley circulation creates
high pressure in subtropics
 Circulation modified
 Coriolis effect
 Monsoons
 Flow of cold air from high latitudes
Coriolis Effect
Air moving from high to low pressure is deflected by
Earth’s rotation
 Clockwise rotation in the northern hemisphere
 Counterclockwise rotation in the southern hemisphere
Ocean Circulation?
Circulation in the troposphere is caused by
atmospheric pressure gradients
 Result from vertical or horizontal
temperature differences
 Temperature variations caused by
latitudinal differences in solar heating
 Ocean surfaces are heated by incoming
surface radiation
 Do the oceans circulate for the same
reason as the atmosphere?
90% of solar radiation that penetrates oceans
absorbed in upper 100 m
Warm water at surface is less dense than the
colder water below
 Water column is inherently stable
 Very little vertical mixing
Water has a high heat capacity
 Lots of heat required for a small change in
 Lateral temperature and salinity differences
are small over large areas
Ocean Circulation
Ultimately driven by solar energy
 Distribution of solar energy drives global winds
 Latitudinal wind belts produce ocean currents
 Determine circulation patterns in upper ocean
 Distribution of surface ocean temperatures
strongly influence density structure
 Density structure of oceans drives deep ocean
Negative feedback
 Surface temperature gradients drive circulation
 Net effect is to move warm water to poles and
cold water towards tropics
Heat Transfer in Oceans
Heating occurs in upper ocean
 Vertical mixing is minimal
 Average mixed layer depth ~100 m
 Heat transfer from equator to pole by
ocean currents
 Oceans redistribute about half as much
heat at the atmosphere
Surface Currents
Surface circulation driven by winds
 As a result of friction, winds drag ocean
Water movement confined to upper ~100 m
 Although well-developed currents ~1-2 km
 Examples, Gulf Stream, Kuroshiro Current
Coriolis effect influences ocean currents
 Water deflected to right in N. hemisphere
 Water deflected to left in S. hemisphere
Eckman Spiral
Eckman theory predicts
 1) surface currents will flow at 45° to
the surface wind path
 2) flow will be reversed at ~100 m below
the surface
 3) flow at depth will be considerably
reduced in speed
 Few observations of true Eckman Spiral
 Surface flow <45°, but still to an angle
Eckman Transport
Observations confirm net transport of
surface water is at a right angle to wind
 Net movement of water referred to as
Eckman Transport
Gyre Circulation
Wind driven and large scale
 Sea level in center 2 m higher than edge
 Eckman transport producing convergence
 Circulation extends to 600-1000 m
 Volume of water moved is 100 x transport of
all Earth’s rivers
 Flow towards equator balanced by flow toward
pole on westward margin
 In Atlantic, by Gulf Stream and North
Atlantic Drift
In areas of convergence
 Surface water piles up in center of gyre
 Sea level in the center of gyre increases
 Surface layer of water thickens
 Accumulation of water causes it to
 Process known as downwelling
Equatorial Divergence
Areas of the ocean where divergence of
surface currents occurs
 Equatorial divergence (e.g., Atlantic)
 In N. hemisphere, NW trades result in
westward flowing N. equatorial current
 Eckman transport moves water to N
 In S. hemisphere, SW trades result in
westward flowing S. equatorial current
 Eckman transport moves water to S
 Divergence occurs along the equator
Equatorial Upwelling
As surface water diverges, sea level falls,
surface layer thins and cold water “upwells”
Eckman Transport Along Coasts
Winds along a coast may result in Eckman
transport that moves water towards or
away from the coast
 Divergence from easterly winds and
southward moving currents
 SW coast of N. America
 W coast of N. Africa
 Divergence from northward moving
 West coasts of S. America and S. Africa
Coastal Upwelling
Coastal divergence results in upwelling as
cold water rises to replace surface water
Geostrophic Currents
Eckman transport from wind-driven
currents piles water up in gyre center
 Gravity pulls water down slope
 Slope is opposite to Coriolis effect
 Net effect is flow 90° to slope
 Result is a geostrophic current
 Geostrophic currents push water in the
same direction as the wind-driven flow
Boundary Currents
Gyre circulation pushes water to the west
 Flow of water around gyres is asymmetric
 In the western part of gyre water is
confined to a narrow fast-moving flow
 Western boundary current
 In the eastern part of gyre flow is
diffuse, spread out and slow
 Eastern boundary current
 Eastern currents tend to be divergent
 Eckman transport away from continent
Gulf Stream
Western boundary current
in Atlantic
 Narrow, fast-moving
from Cuba to Cape
 Decreases speed across
N. Atlantic
 Flow broadens and slows
becoming N. Atlantic
 Movement to the south
along the Canary Current
is very slow, shallow and
Deep Ocean Circulation
Driven by differences in density
Density of seawater is a function of
 Water temperature
 Salinity
 Quantity of dissolved salts
• Chlorine
• Sodium
• Magnesium
• Calcium
• Potassium
Thermohaline Circulation
Deep ocean circulation depends on temperature (thermo)
& salinity (hals)
 Controls seawater density
 Density increases as:
• Salinity increases
• Temperature decreases
Horizontal density changes small
Vertical changes not quite as small
 Water column is stable
 Densest water on bottom
 Flow of water in deep ocean is slow
 However, still important in shaping Earth’s climate
Vertical Structure of Ocean
Surface mixed layer
 Interacts with
 Exchanges kinetic
energy (wind,
friction) and heat
 Typically well
mixed (20-100 m)
Vertical Structure of Ocean
Pychnocline (~1 km)
 Zone of transition
between surface and
deep water
 Characterized by rapid
increase in density
 Some regions density
change due to salinity
changes – halocline
 Most regions density
change due to
temperature change –
 Steep density gradient
stabilizes layer
Bottom Water Formation
Deep-ocean circulation begins with
production of dense (cold and/or salty)
water at high latitudes
 Ice formation in Polar oceans excludes salt
 Combination of cold water and high
salinity produces very dense water
 Dense water sinks and flows down the
slopes of the basin towards equator
Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW)
Weddell Sea major site of AABW
 AABW circles Antarctica and flow
northward as deepest layer in Atlantic,
Pacific and Indian Ocean basins
 AABW flow extensive
 45°N in Atlantic
 50°N in Pacific
 10,000 km at 0.03-0.06 km h-1; 250 y
North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW)
Coastal Greenland (Labrador Sea) site of NADW
NADW comprises about 50% of the deep water
to worlds oceans
NADW in the Labrador Sea sinks directly into
the western Atlantic
 NADW forms in Norwegian Basins
 Sinks and is dammed behind sills
• Between Greenland and Iceland and
Iceland and the British Isles
 NADW periodically spills over sills into the
North Atlantic
Deep Atlantic Water Masses
Deep Atlantic water comes from high
latitude N. Atlantic, Southern Ocean and
at shallower depth, the Mediterranean Sea
AABW and NADW Interact
NADW flowing south in the Atlantic joins
the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
 NADW and AABW combine
 Spin around Antarctica
 Eventually branch off into the Pacific,
Indian and Atlantic ocean basins
Ocean Circulation
Surface water at high latitudes forms
deep water
 Deep water sinks and flows at depth
throughout the major ocean basins
 Deep water upwells to replace the surface
water that sinks in polar regions
 Surface waters must flow to high latitudes
to replace water sinking in polar regions
 Idealized circulation – Thermohaline
Conveyer Belt
Thermohaline Conveyor Belt
NADW sinks, flows south to ACC and branches
into Indian and Pacific Basins
Upwelling brings cold water to surface where it
eventually returns to N. Atlantic
Ocean Circulation and Climate
Warm surface waters move from equator to
poles transferring heat pole-ward and into the
deep oceans
Oceans vast reservoir of heat
 Water heats and cools slowly
 Pools of water warmer than normal heat the
 Pools of water colder than normal cool the
 Timescale of months to years
 Time needed for heating/cooling of water
Ocean Circulation and Climate
On long timescales, average ocean temperature
affects climate
Most water is in deep ocean
 Average temperature of ocean is a function
 Process of bottom-water formation
 Transport of water around ocean basins
Deep water recycle times is ~1000 y
 Thermohaline circulation moderates climate
over time periods of ~ 1000 y
Ice on Earth
Important component of climate system
 Ice properties are different from water,
air and land
 Two important factors affecting climate
 High albedo
 Latent heat stored in ice
Sea Ice
Salt rejection during sea ice formation
 Important for bottom water formation
 Sea ice stops atmosphere from interacting
with surface mixed layer
Sea Ice Distribution
Most sea ice in Southern Ocean
 Enormous amount form and melt each
 Average thickness ~1 m
 Landmasses in Arctic prevent sea ice
 Arctic sea ice persists for 4-5 years
 Reach thickness of 4 m in central Arctic
and 1 m on margins
Glacial Ice
Mountain glaciers
 Equatorial high altitude or polar lower altitude
 Few km long, 100’s m wide and 100’s m thick
Glacial Ice
Continental ice sheets
 Large ice cube
 Existing ice sheets
 Antarctica and
• ~3% of Earth’s
surface or 11%
of land surface
• 32 million km3
(= 70 m of sea