I teach social studies. What is your superpower? Julie Hyman, M.Ed. Secondary Coordinator of Advanced Academics Julia.hyman@birdvilleschools.net Extension 5807 Cell Phone (817)235-5274 Welcome to Our Team The primary purpose of social studies education in BISD is to help young people develop the ability to make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good, as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world. Quick Write K-W-L Chart What do you KNOW? WHAT do you want to learn? What did you LEARN? Round Robin Divide students into groups of four. Assign each group member a number. Give the group a question. Give the students think time. Students respond aloud to their group within a limited time. Pg.6.33 Kagan Cooperative Learning Round Robin Question What do you want to learn about social studies instruction in BISD? Online Timer Graduation Requirements What social studies courses does BISD offer? 2014-15 World Cultures Texas History (OL/PAP) American History (OL/PAP) World Geography (OL/PAP) World History (OL/PAP/AP) U.S. History (OL/AP) Government (OL/AP) Economics (OL/AP) Sociology Psychology (OL/AP) 2015-16 Adding the following courses AP Human Geography AP European History Who can help you? Support Staff Each campus has a department chair/lead teacher Bridge between campus/district leadership and faculty Help manage budgets, supplies, resources, etc. Help with professional learning Help with building the master schedule Problem solver Assistant Principals By subject matter Help with textbooks/resources PDAS / T-TESS evaluators Build Master Schedule Help with hiring Instructional leaders Academic Deans/Instructional Coaches Help with data analysis Mentor teachers Help with Eduphoria set up Provide instructional support and coaching for Tier 1 instruction _____?_____ Secondary Social Studies Coordinator Facilitate BISD Curriculum (Design and Delivery and Online System) Textbook Committees Work with Department Chairs Provide professional learning Help facilitate resource acquisition (Manage District Budget) Curriculum walk-throughs Designs curriculum based assessments (CBAs) Work with Administrators and Teachers to support teachers/students District Problem Solver Maintain District Website Assist Community Members BISD Learning Platform What are PLC’s? Professional Learning Communities: SS in BISD Middle School Meet daily with subject alike team members Meet periodically with vertical subject teachers Primary Purpose: Planning for Learning High School U.S. History meets daily with subject alike team members All other subjects meet as designated by your campus (i.e. two times weekly, etc.) Meet as a department as called by the department chair Standards Based Curriculum Written Curriculum Taught Curriculum Fenwick English, Deciding What to Teach and Test, 2010 Tested Curriculum Social Studies Curriculum Eduphoria Forethought District User name/ password to access the curriculum You will set up your lesson planner TOMORROW in training All teachers must use the lesson planner to post daily lessons Format Posted Learning Outcomes (Lead Standard) Birdville Web Page Social Studies Resources Instructional Materials ALL social studies subjects are getting new textbooks! Classroom sets for on-level and pre-AP; 1-to-1 print for AP ALL students will have access to online textbooks All teachers will have a print teacher’s edition and online access to a teacher’s edition and all instructional support materials Training will be: August 19 for Middle School August 20 for High School Social Studies Updates Curriculum Previews Will be available prior to the six weeks Focus will be on key points, recommended strategies, content connections Stay tuned for more information from the new coordinator Assessment Use Formative/Summative Assessments District gives Curriculum Based Assessments three times a year PLC’s determine what standards to assess and which formative/summative assessments to use in common CBA Blueprint Windows of administration Track information in AWARE Test banks available for American History, World Geography, World History, and U.S. History (under unit documents) Use formative assessments to determine where the learning is and adjust instruction as needed Use variety: multiple choice, open-ended responses, essays, projects, performances, etc. Check for rigor and relevance Instructional Strategy Building Academic Vocabulary Instructional Strategy Word Walls Ongoing, organized display of key words that provides visual reference for students throughout a unit of study. Serve Multiple Purposes: Support the teaching of academic vocabulary Promotes independent reading/writing Provides visual clues and references Helps students make and remember connections between words and concepts Possible variations: A picture or photograph adds further clarification for visual learners/ELL students Word + Definitions Back of the word can be used to display both verbal and visual word associations, graphics, definitions, and characteristics of the term Marzano, Robert J. Building Background Knowledge for Academic Achievement: Research on What Works in Schools. Alexandria, Virginia: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2004. (pages 68 and 69) ISBN 0-87120-972-1 Instructional Strategy Ideas for Display Instructional Strategy Word Walls: Interactive Quick Write Self-select three words from the word wall Write a summary sentence using three words Total Physical Response Games Bounce Back: throw a ball at the words Class defines the words; check for understanding Share the terms with a shoulder partner in an academic sentence Demonstrate a physical memory hook for the terms on the word wall Call/response Exit Tickets Use one word from the word wall in an academic sentence to get out/in class Instructional Strategy Word Walls: Don’t start from scratch Where to find them? Flash card (words, illustrations, definitions) and word wall files for grades 6, 7, 8, WG, WH, and US on Eduphoria Use the template to add words you need Eduphoria: Yearly Walls Content Documents>Resources>Word LRE Biography Cards Focus Areas BISD Social Studies Classrooms: Base instruction upon the BISD curriculum (TEKS, Scope/Sequence, Pacing Guide, Resources, etc.) Utilize best practice/research based strategies which provide opportunities for students to practice the skills of the discipline: Differentiate between, locate, use, and analyze valid primary and secondary sources Identify bias, propaganda and point of view in written, oral, and visual material Use of academic vocabulary Locate significant societies or places on maps/globes using absolute and relative location Demonstrate critical reading/thinking skills: sequence, categorize, identify cause and effect relationships, compare, contrast, find the main idea, summarize, make generalizations and predictions, and draw inferences and conclusions Create and interpret visual maps, charts, graphs, photos, cartoons, and graphic illustrations Use problem solving/decision making skills Assess student learning with the use of frequent formative assessments and wellcrafted summative assessments Utilize flexible grouping structures within the lesson cycle: whole group, small group, partners, and individual structures. Utilize class time effectively: Bell to bell instruction which incorporates whole-partwhole delivery options Utilize district resources Professional Learning All professional staff in Birdville ISD is required to attend at least 6 hours of professional development outside of contract time each year. This learning should be instruction-based and focus on staff’s assigned content area(s). Over the span of 5 years, each professional staff member should receive a total of 30 hours of learning within the four categories below: Children of Your Heart On the back of your K-W-L Chart write the names of (select one) Grandchildren Children Nieces or Nephews Child with whom you are very close M E R R I T T M I T C H Mix-Pair-Share Hands UP; Pair UP Tell your partner about the children of your heart Describe the type of teacher you want for the children of your heart Are you the teacher you want for your children? Quick Write K-W-L Chart What do you KNOW? WHAT do you want to learn? What did you LEARN? Exit Ticket EXIT TICKET Before you leave day one of the New Teacher Orientation, please jot down your response to the following and leave it with the facilitator of your session. What is the one thing you learned today that affirms your decisions to join the BISD team? Was the orientation on Day One organized in a way that facilitated your learning? If yes, how did it help? If no, what could have been done differently to make the day more beneficial? What’s Next? What’s up for Day Two? All meetings at Birdville HS; begin in theater Sign in and pick up room assignment cards for rotation sessions 7:45-8:20 Breakfast provided by the Birdville Council of PTAs 8:20 Welcome from the Board of Trustees A.M./P.M. Rotation Sessions Pick up room assignment cards when you sign in on Thursday morning. Lunch provided by district