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“History is much more the product of
“The Sun does not revolve around the Earth.”
-John Lear
In 1610, Galileo published his Sidereus Nuncius (Starry Messenger), describing the surprising
observations that he had made with the new telescope, namely the phases of Venus and the Galilean
moons of Jupiter. He went on to propose a theory of tides in 1616, and of comets in 1619. He argued
that the tides were evidence for the motion of the Earth, and promoted the heliocentric theory of
Copernicus (published in De revolutionibus orbium coelestium in 1543). These ideas created conflicts
with other scientists and Catholic scholars. Galileo's part in the controversies over theology,
astronomy, and philosophy culminated in his trial and sentencing by the Roman Inquisition in 1633
on a grave suspicion of heresy.
On February 19, 1616, the Inquisition asked a commission of theologians, known as qualifiers, about the
propositions of the heliocentric view of the universe. Historians of the Galileo affair have offered
different accounts of why the matter was referred to the qualifiers at this time. Beretta points out that the
Inquisition had taken a deposition from Gianozzi Attavanti in November, 1611, as part of its investigation
into the denunciations of Galileo by Lorini and Caccini. In this deposition, Attavanti confirmed that
Galileo had advocated the Copernican doctrines of a stationary Sun and a mobile Earth, and as a
consequence the Tribunal of the Inquisition would have eventually needed to determine the theological
status of those doctrines. It is however possible, as surmised by the Tuscan ambassador, Piero
Guiccardini, in a letter to the Grand Duke, that the actual referral may have been precipitated by Galileo's
aggressive campaign to prevent the condemnation of Copernicanism.
On February 24 the Qualifiers delivered their unanimous report: the idea that the Sun is stationary is
"foolish and absurd in philosophy, and formally heretical since it explicitly contradicts in many places the
sense of Holy Scripture..."; while the Earth's movement "receives the same judgment in philosophy and ...
in regard to theological truth it is at least erroneous in faith."
At a meeting of the cardinals of the Inquisition on the following day, Pope Paul V instructed Bellarmine
to deliver this result to Galileo, and to order him to abandon the Copernican opinions; should Galileo
resist the decree, stronger action would be taken. On February 26, Galileo was called to Bellarmine's
residence, and accepted the orders. On March 5, the decree was issued by the Congregation of the Index,
prohibiting, condemning, or suspending various books which advocated the truth of the Copernican
Galileo met again with Bellarmine, apparently on friendly terms; and on March 11 he met with the Pope,
who assured him that he was safe from persecution so long as he, the Pope, should live. Nonetheless,
Galileo's friends Sagredo and Castelli reported that there were rumors that Galileo had been forced to
recant and do penance. To protect his good name, Galileo requested a letter from Bellarmine stating the
truth of the matter. This letter assumed great importance in 1633, as did the question whether Galileo had
been ordered not to "hold or defend" Copernican ideas (which would have allowed their hypothetical
treatment) or not to teach them in any way. If the Inquisition had issued the order not to teach
heliocentrism at all, it would have been ignoring Bellarmine's position.
In the end, Galileo did not persuade the Church to stay out of the controversy, but instead saw
heliocentrism formally declared as an idea that could not be held as truth, for lack of evidence. It was
consequently termed heretical by the Qualifiers, since it contradicted the literal meaning of the Scriptures,
though this position was not binding on the Church. Foscarini's book was banned; while Copernicus' De
Revolutionibus, though not formally banned, was removed from circulation pending revisions, and in fact
was not fully cleared until the 19th century. Galileo was personally safe and his works had not been
banned, but there was doubt (felt by other astronomers as far away as Germany) whether it was possible
to do serious work in Copernican astronomy.
In September or October 1610 Galileo began viewing Venus with his telescope in a systematic,
scientific way. He observed the planet in the evening and by the middle of November he noticed
that the size and shape of the planet gradually changed as the nights passed. By the end of the year,
he had made drawings of these changes, which we now call the phases of Venus.
When Galileo observed the planet in late 1610, he saw it as a small, fully illuminated sphere. As the
evenings passed, it gradually became a half-sphere and then a crescent. As Venus changed from sphere to
crescent, it seemed to grow larger. Galileo correctly thought that this apparent growth of the planet meant
that it was coming closer to earth. And the fact that it went through a variety of phases meant that it
orbited the sun.
If instead Venus were orbiting the earth, it would never be seen here on earth as a completely lit sphere
because the sun would be beyond the orbit of Venus. In this position Venus would receive diminished
sunlight, which would severely limit the variety of its phases. (In the heliocentric theory of the universe,
the relative positions of the celestial bodies discussed here as seen from earth are the earth, the sun and
Venus. In the earth-centered theory, the order is the earth, Venus and the sun.)
When Galileo observed Venus go "from gibbous (more than half illuminated) to crescent (less than half
illuminated)...this was proof that Venus was shining by reflected light and that it (had ) passed from
beyond (or on the far side of) the sun to closer to the sun," said the article Venus Through the Galilean
Telescope. In other words, Venus orbited the sun.
On this new champion, Galileo, the whole war was at last concentrated. His discoveries had clearly taken
the Copernican theory out of the list of hypotheses, and had placed it before the world as a truth. Against
him, then, the war was long and bitter. The supporters of what was called ``sound learning'' declared his
discoveries deceptions and his announcements blasphemy. Semi-scientific professors, endeavoring to
curry favour with the Church, attacked him with sham science; earnest preachers attacked him with
perverted Scripture; theologians, inquisitors, congregations of cardinals, and at last two popes dealt with
him, and, as was supposed, silenced his impious doctrine forever.
I shall present this warfare at some length because, so far as I can find, no careful summary of it has been
given in our language, since the whole history was placed in a new light by the revelations of the trial
documents in the Vatican Library, honestly published for the first time by L'Epinois in 1867, and since
that by Gebler, Berti, Favaro, and others.
The first important attack on Galileo began in 1610, when he announced that his telescope had revealed
the moons of the planet Jupiter. The enemy saw that this took the Copernican theory out of the realm of
hypothesis, and they gave battle immediately. They denounced both his method and its results as absurd
and impious. As to his method, professors bred in the ``safe science'' favoured by the Church argued that
the divinely appointed way of arriving at the truth in astronomy was by theological reasoning on texts of
Scripture; and, as to his results, they insisted, first, that Aristotle knew nothing of these new revelations;
and, next, that the Bible showed by all applicable types that there could be only seven planets; that this
was proved by the seven golden candlesticks of the Apocalypse, by the seven-branched candlestick of the
tabernacle, and by the seven churches of Asia; that from Galileo's doctrine consequences must logically
result destructive to Christian truth. Bishops and priests therefore warned their flocks, and multitudes of
the faithful besought the Inquisition to deal speedily and sharply with the heretic.
In vain did Galileo try to prove the existence of satellites by showing them to the doubters through his
telescope: they either declared it impious to look, or, if they did look, denounced the satellites as illusions
from the devil. Good Father Clavius declared that ``to see satellites of Jupiter, men had to make an
instrument which would create them.'' In vain did Galileo try to save the great truths he had discovered by
his letters to the Benedictine Castelli and the Grand-Duchess Christine, in which he argued that literal
biblical interpretation should not be applied to science; it was answered that such an argument only made
his heresy more detestable; that he was ``worse than Luther or Calvin.''
The war on the Copernican theory, which up to that time had been carried on quietly, now flamed forth. It
was declared that the doctrine was proved false by the standing still of the sun for Joshua, by the
declarations that ``the foundations of the earth are fixed so firm that they cannot be moved,'' and that the
sun ``runneth about from one end of the heavens to the other.''
But the little telescope of Galileo still swept the heavens, and another revelation was announced - the
mountains and valleys in the moon. This brought on another attack. It was declared that this, and the
statement that the moon shines by light reflected from the sun, directly contradict the statement in Genesis
that the moon is ``a great light.'' To make the matter worse, a painter, placing the moon in a religious
picture in its usual position beneath the feet of the Blessed Virgin, outlined on its surface mountains and
valleys; this was denounced as a sacrilege logically resulting from the astronomer's heresy.
Still another struggle was aroused when the hated telescope revealed spots upon the sun, and their motion
indicating the sun's rotation. Monsignor Elci, head of the University of Pisa, forbade the astronomer
Castelli to mention these spots to his students. Father Busaeus, at the University of Innspruck, forbade the
astronomer Scheiner, who had also discovered the spots and proposed a safe explanation of them, to allow
the new discovery to be known there. At the College of Douay and the University of Louvain this
discovery was expressly placed under the ban, and this became the general rule among the Catholic
universities and colleges of Europe. The Spanish universities were especially intolerant of this and similar
ideas, and up to a recent period their presentation was strictly forbidden in the most important university
of all - that of Salamanca.
Such are the consequences of placing the instruction of men's minds in the hands of those mainly
absorbed in saving men's souls. Nothing could be more in accordance with the idea recently put forth by
sundry ecclesiastics, Catholic and Protestant, that the Church alone is empowered to promulgate scientific
truth or direct university instruction. But science gained a victory here also. Observations of the solar
spots were reported not only from Galileo in Italy, but from Fabricius in Holland. Father Scheiner then
endeavoured to make the usual compromise between theology and science. He promulgated a pseudoscientific theory, which only provoked derision.
The war became more and more bitter. The Dominican Father Caccini preached a sermon from the text,
``Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven?'' and this wretched pun upon the great
astronomer's name ushered in sharper weapons; for, before Caccini ended, he insisted that ``geometry is
of the devil,'' and that ``mathematicians should be banished as the authors of all heresies.'' The Church
authorities gave Caccini promotion.
Father Lorini proved that Galileo's doctrine was not only heretical but ``atheistic,'' and besought the
Inquisition to intervene. The Bishop of Fiesole screamed in rage against the Copernican system, publicly
insulted Galileo, and denounced him to the Grand-Duke. The Archbishop of Pisa secretly sought to entrap
Galileo and deliver him to the Inquisition at Rome. The Archbishop of Florence solenmnly condemned
the new doctrines as unscriptural; and Paul V, while petting Galileo, and inviting him as the greatest
astronomer of the world to visit Rome, was secretly moving the Archbishop of Pisa to pick up evidence
against the astronomer.
But by far the most terrible champion who now appeared was Cardinal Bellarmin, one of the greatest
theologians the world has known. He was earnest, sincere, and learned, but insisted on making science
conform to Scripture. The weapons which men of Bellarmin's stamp used were purely theological. They
held up before the world the dreadful consequences which must result to Christian theology were the
heavenly bodies proved to revolve about the sun and not about the earth. Their most tremendous dogmatic
engine was the statement that ``his pretended discovery vitiates the whole Christian plan of salvation.''
Father Lecazre declared ``it casts suspicion on the doctrine of the incarnation.'' Others declared, ``It upsets
the whole basis of theology. If the earth is a planet, and only one among several planets, it cannot be that
any such great things have been done specially for it as the Christian doctrine teaches. If there are other
planets, since God makes nothing in vain, they must be inhabited; but how can their inhabitants be
descended from Adam? How can they trace back their origin to Noah's ark? How can they have been
redeemed by the Saviour?'' Nor was this argument confined to the theologians of the Roman Church;
Melanchthon, Protestant as he was, had already used it in his attacks on Copernicus and his school.
In addition to this prodigious theological engine of war there was kept up a fire of smaller artillery in the
shape of texts and scriptural extracts.
But the war grew still more bitter, and some weapons used in it are worth examining. They are very easily
examined, for they are to be found on all the battlefields of science; but on that field they were used with
more effect than on almost any other. These weapons are the epithets ``infidel'' and ``atheist.'' They have
been used against almost every man who has ever done anything new for his fellow-men. The list of those
who have been denounced as ``infidel'' and ``atheist'' includes almost all great men of science, general
scholars, inventors, and philanthropists. The purest Christian life, the noblest Christian character, have not
availed to shield combatants. Christians like Isaac Newton, Pascal, Locke, Milton, and even Fenelon and
Howard, have had this weapon hurled against them. Of all proofs of the existence of a God, those of
Descartes have been wrought most thoroughly into the minds of modern men; yet the Protestant
theologians of Holland sought to bring him to torture and to death by the charge of atheism, and the
Roman Catholic theologians of France thwarted him during his life and prevented any due honours to him
after his death.
These epithets can hardly be classed with civilized weapons. They are burning arrows; they set fire to
masses of popular prejudice, always obscuring the real question, sometimes destroying the attacking
party. They are poisoned weapons. They pierce the hearts of loving women; they alienate dear children;
they injure a man after life is ended, for they leave poisoned wounds in the hearts of those who loved him
best - fears for his eternal salvation, dread of the Divine wrath upon him. Of course, in these days these
weapons, though often effective in vexing good men and in scaring good women, are somewhat blunted;
indeed, they not infrequently injure the assailants more than the assailed. So it was not in the days of
Galileo; they were then in all their sharpness and venom.
Yet a baser warfare was waged by the Archbishop of Pisa. This man, whose cathedral derives its most
enduring fame from Galileo's deduction of a great natural law from the swinging lamp before its altar,
was not an archbishop after the noble mould of Borromeo and Fenelon and Cheverus. Sadly enough for
the Church and humanity, he was simply a zealot and intriguer: he perfected the plan for entrapping the
great astronomer.
Galileo, after his discoveries had been denounced, had written to his friend Castelli and to the GrandDuchess Christine two letters to show that his discoveries might be reconciled with Scripture. On a hint
from the Inquisition at Rome, the archbishop sought to get hold of these letters and exhibit them as proofs
that Galileo had uttered heretical views of theology and of Scripture, and thus to bring him into the clutch
of the Inquisition. The archbishop begs Castelli, therefore, to let him see the original letter in the
handwriting of Galileo. Castelli declines. The archbishop then, while, as is now revealed, writing
constantly and bitterly to the Inquisition against Galileo, professes to Castelli the greatest admiration of
Galileo's genius and a sincere desire to know more of his discoveries. This not succeeding, the archbishop
at last throws off the mask and resorts to open attack.
The whole struggle to crush Galileo and to save him would be amusing were it not so fraught with evil.
There were intrigues and counter-intrigues, plots and counter-plots, lying and spying; and in the thickest
of this seething, squabbling, screaming mass of priests, bishops, archbishops, and cardinals, appear two
popes, Paul V and Urban VIII. It is most suggestive to see in this crisis of the Church, at the tomb of the
prince of the apostles, on the eve of the greatest errors in Church policy the world has known, in all the
intrigues and deliberations of these consecrated leaders of the Church, no more evidence of the guidance
or presence of the Holy Spirit than in a caucus of New York politicians at Tammany Hall.
But the opposing powers were too strong. In 1615 Galileo was summoned before the Inquisition at Rome,
and the mine which had been so long preparing was sprung. Sundry theologians of the Inquisition having
been ordered to examine two propositions which had been extracted from Galileo's letters on the solar
spots, solemnly considered these points during about a month and rendered their unanimous decision as
``The first proposition, that the sun is the centre and does not revolve about the earth, is foolish,
absurd, false in theology, and heretical, because expressly contrary to Holy Scripture''; and ``the
second proposition, that the earth is not the centre but revolves about the sun, is absurd, false in
philosophy, and, from a theological point of view at least, opposed to the true faith.''
The Pope himself, Paul V, now intervened again: he ordered that Galileo be brought before the
Inquisition. Then the greatest man of science in that age was brought face to face with the greatest
theologian - Galileo was confronted by Bellarmin. Bellarmin shows Galileo the error of his opinion and
orders him to renounce it. De Lauda, fortified by a letter from the Pope, gives orders that the astronomer
be placed in the dungeons of the Inquisition should he refuse to yield. Bellarmin now commands Galileo,
``in the name of His Holiness the Pope and the whole Congregation of the Holy Office, to relinquish
altogether the opinion that the sun is the centre of the world and immovable, and that the earth moves, nor
henceforth to hold, teach, or defend it in any way whatsoever, verbally or in writing.'' This injunction
Galileo acquiesces in and promises to obey.
This was on the 26th of February, 1616. About a fortnight later the Congregation of the Index, moved
thereto, as the letters and documents now brought to light show, by Pope Paul, V solemnly rendered a
decree that ``the doctrine of the double motion of the earth about its axis and about the sun is false, and
entirely contrary to Holy Scripture''; and that this opinion must neither be taught nor advocated. The same
decree condemned all writings of Copernicus and ``all writings which affirm the motion of the earth.'' The
great work of Copernicus was interdicted until corrected in accordance with the views of the Inquisition;
and the works of Galileo and Kepler, though not mentioned by name at that time, were included among
those implicitly condemned as ``affirming the motion of the earth.''
The condemnations were inscribed upon the index; and, finally, the papacy committed itself as an
infallible judge and teacher to the world by prefixing to the Index the usual papal bull giving its monitions
the most solemn papal sanction. To teach or even read the works denounced or passages condemned was
to risk persecution in this world and damnation in the next. Science had apparently lost the decisive battle.
For a time after this judgment Galileo remained in Rome, apparently hoping to find some way out of this
difficulty; but he soon discovered the hollowness of the protestations made to him by ecclesiastics, and,
being recalled to Florence, remained in his hermitage near the city in silence, working steadily, indeed,
but not publishing anything save by private letters to friends in various parts of Europe.
But at last a better vista seemed to open for him. Cardinal Barberini, who had seemed liberal and friendly,
became pope under the name of Urban VIII. Galileo at this conceived new hopes, and allowed his
continued allegiance to the Copernican system to be known. New troubles ensued. Galileo was induced to
visit Rome again, and Pope Urban tried to cajole him into silence, personally taking the trouble to show
him his errors by argument. Other opponents were less considerate, for works appeared attacking his
ideas - works all the more unmanly, since their authors knew that Galileo was restrained by force from
defending himself. Then, too, as if to accumulate proofs of the unfitness of the Church to take charge of
advanced instruction, his salary as a professor at the University of Pisa was taken from him, and sapping
and mining began. Just as the Archbishop of Pisa some years before had tried to betray him with honeyed
words to the Inquisition, so now Father Grassi tried it, and, after various attempts to draw him out by
flattery, suddenly denounced his scientific ideas as ``leading to a denial of the Real Presence in the
For the final assault upon him a park of heavy artillery was at last wheeled into place. It may be seen on
all the scientific battlefields. It consists of general denunciation; and in 1631 Father Melchior Inchofer, of
the Jesuits, brought his artillery to bear upon Galileo with this declaration: ``The opinion of the earth's
motion is of all heresies the most abominable, the most pernicious, the most scandalous; the immovability
of the earth is thrice sacred; argument against the immortality of the soul, the existence of God, and the
incarnation, should be tolerated sooner than an argument to prove that the earth moves.'' From the other
end of Europe came a powerful echo.
From the shadow of the Cathedral of Antwerp, the noted theologian Fromundus gave forth his famous
treatise, the Ant-Aristarchius. It’s very title-page was a contemptuous insult to the memory of Copernicus,
since it paraded the assumption that the new truth was only an exploded theory of a pagan astronomer.
Fromundus declares that ``sacred Scripture fights against the Copernicans.'' To prove that the sun revolves
about the earth, he cites the passage in the Psalms which speaks of the sun ``which cometh forth as a
bridegroom out of his chamber.'' To prove that the earth stands still, he quotes a passage from
Ecclesiastes, ``The earth standeth fast forever.'' To show the utter futility of the Copernican theory, he
declares that, if it were true, ``the wind would constantly blow from the east''; and that ``buildings and the
earth itself would fly off with such a rapid motion that men would have to be provided with claws like
cats to enable them to hold fast to the earth's surface.'' Greatest weapon of all, he works up, by the use of
Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas, a demonstration from theology and science combined, that the earth
must stand in the centre, and that the sun must revolve about it.
Nor was it merely fanatics who opposed the truth revealed by Copernicus; such strong men as Jean
Bodin, in France, and Sir Thomas Browne, in England, declared against it as evidently contrary to
Holy Scripture.
AFOSI : US Air Force Office of Special Investigations.
We are a federal law enforcement and investigative agency operating throughout the full spectrum of conflict,
seamlessly within any domain; conducting criminal investigations and providing counterintelligence services.
To Identify, exploit and neutralize criminal, terrorist and intelligence threats to the Air Force, Department of Defense
and U.S. Government.
AFOSI provides five robust capabilities; they are:
· Protect critical technologies and information
· Detect and mitigate threats
· Provide global specialized Services
· Conduct major criminal investigations
· Engage foreign adversaries and threats offensively
AFOSI investigates a wide variety of serious offenses - espionage, terrorism, crimes against property, violence
against people, larceny, computer hacking, acquisition fraud, drug use and distribution, financial misdeeds, military
desertion, corruption of the contracting process, and any other illegal activity that undermines the mission of the U.S.
Air Force or the Department of Defense.
AFOSI units are located at most Air Force bases wordwide. If you need to contact AFOSI, either to provide a tip or
share a concern, consult your base phone book or call your base operator for the telephone number of your base's
AFOSI unit. If you do not have a base telephone book and don't know the number to the base operator, call toll free
1-877-246-1453 for the phone number of the AFOSI unit nearest you.
The Special Activities Division (SAD) is a division of the United States Central Intelligence Agency's
National Clandestine Service, responsible for covert action and "special activities". These special
activities include covert political influence and paramilitary operations. Within SAD there are two
separate groups: one for paramilitary operations and another for political influence. Special Operations
Group (SOG) is the element within SAD responsible for paramilitary operations. These operations
include the collection of intelligence in hostile and/or denied areas and all high threat military and/or
intelligence operations when the US government does not wish to be overtly associated with such
activities. As such, members of the unit (called Paramilitary Operations Officers) when on missions,
normally do not carry any objects or clothing (e.g., military uniforms) that would associate them with the
United States. If compromised during a mission, the government of the United States may legally deny
their status and all knowledge of their mission. SAD/SOG Paramilitary Operations Officers are a majority
of the recipients of the coveted Distinguished Intelligence Cross and the Intelligence Star, the two highest
medals for valor in the CIA. Not surprisingly, they also make up the majority of those memorialized on
the CIA Memorial Wall.
As the National Clandestine Service's action arm, SAD/SOG conducts military direct action missions
such as raids, ambushes, sabotage, targeted assassinations, unconventional warfare (e.g. training and
leading guerrilla and military units of other countries in combat). SAD/SOG also conducts Special
reconnaissance, that can be under either military or intelligence, but is carried out by Paramilitary
Operations Officers when in denied areas.
There remains some conflict between the National Clandestine Service and the more clandestine parts of
the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), such as the Joint Special Operations
Command. This is usually confined to the civilian/political heads of the respective Department/Agency.
The combination of SAD and USSOCOM units has resulted in some of the most notable successes of the
wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. SAD/SOG has several missions. One of these missions is the recruiting,
training, and leading of indigenous forces in combat operations. SAD/SOG and its successors have been
used when it was considered desirable to have plausible deniability about US support of the force (this is
called a covert operation or "covert action"). Only SAD is authorized by law to conduct this kind of
mission. Unlike other special missions units, SAD operatives combine special operations and clandestine
intelligence capabilities in one individual. These individuals can operate in any environment (Sea, Air or
Ground) with limited to no support. These Paramilitary Operations Officer are from the Special
Operations Group (SOG) of SAD, which is considered the world's most elite special operations unit.
The CIA's authorities to collect intelligence, conduct counterintelligence and to conduct Covert Action
comes from the National Security Act of 1947. President Ronald Reagan issued Executive Order 12333
titled "United States Intelligence Activities" in 1984. This order defined covert action as "special
activities", both political and military, that the US Government could legally deny and granted them
exclusively to the CIA. The CIA was also designated as the sole authority under the 1991 Intelligence
Authorization Act and mirrored in Title 50 of the United States Code Section 413(e). The CIA must have
a "Presidential Finding" issued by the President of the United States in order to conduct these activities
under the Hughes-Ryan amendment to the 1991 Intelligence Authorization Act. These finding are then
monitored by the oversight committees in both the US Senate, called the Senate Select Committee on
Intelligence (SSCI) and the House of Representatives, called the House Permanent Select Committee on
Intelligence (HPSCI). As a result of this framework, the CIA has the most oversight of any of the
government agencies.
Some of the most controversial "covert action" programs, such as the Iran-Contra, were neither covert
action nor executed by the CIA. Covert action programs are also much less expensive than overt political
or military actions. The Pentagon commissioned a study to determine whether the CIA or the Department
of Defense (DoD) should conduct covert action paramilitary operations. Their study determined that the
CIA should maintain this capability and be the "sole government agency conducting covert action". The
DoD found that it does not have the legal authority to conduct covert action, nor the agility to carry out
these types of missions.
(via skype transcription, 7/1/12)
“AVIARY was a total, unobstructed off-shoot of the mainstream AFOSI via
Special Activities Division…that was and probably still is the operative
workflow…Doty…Moore…those guys, directly organized into the AFOSI
shuffle, paychecks, benefits, all that…Bob Collins, and myself, were ECHESAD…The rest of them, even former Company ( Puthoff, Green…) were all
supposed to report every significant avenue of info and correlated findings directly
up via Bob Collins to AFOSI ECHELON itself, who would then pass analysis and
pass up all relevance to SAD, but… let me be honest…only the stooge’s ever
complied….AVIARY is 1989, was like Vietnam before the goddamn British
showed up…it was the wild west...”
April 4, 1989
Robert G. Todd
2528 Belmont Ave
Ardmore, PA 19003-2617
Mr. Todd;
This is in response to your March 2 and 28 letters.
During the conversation with Mr. Klass in January 1988, I merely
expressed opinions regarding your association with certain documents.
I never stated I actually knew you retyped the documents you
mentioned. Regarding the statement you sent forged documents to the
government. That again was an opinion. You sent me a document
that you yourself said was forged.
Regarding the Ellsworth AFB incident. I have told Peter Gersten
and a number of other people the incident never happened. I never
was involved in any investigations regarding UFOs at Ellsworth AFB.
I have never interfered with the processing of FOIA requested
during my assignment with AFOSI. I never handled an FOIA requests.
They were handled by the Commander, who forwarded them to HQ AFOSI
for special processing.
I have never attempted to discredit you.
I have won two legal actions against UFO researchers who made
statements regarding my character. I am more that willing to pursue
legal actions against you. In your March 2 and 28 letter, you made
a number of statements that could be considered libel and slanderous.
I have no intentions of sending you a notarized statement.
I merely stated opinions to Mr. Klass during the January 1988
conversation. The opinions I made during that telephone conversation
are no different than the opinions you made to Peter Gersten and Mr.
Greenwood in 1987, 1988 and early 1989. I know of several statements
you made about me to those individuals and certain others. You must
be more careful what you say.
I have been exonerated by Government investigators regarding the
Ellsworth AFB incident, the Kirtland AFB incident, the Falcon affair,
the document to MUFON and the Linda Howe affair. I went through a lot
of time, trouble, expense and pain clearing myself of those
allegations. I will now concentrate my efforts on clearing my name
within the research community.
Regarding the book due out this fall. I was not the author of
the book. A researcher in Seattle, WA did the research and a writer
in New York wrote the book. I actually had very little to do with
the book. In fact the manuscript was written before I knew anything
about the book. The writer presented the manuscript to me for my
comments. I must say there are a lot of truths about my career with
AFOSI that was told, some against my wishes. However, the truths
about the Kirtland AFB incident, the Ellsworth AFB incidents, the
Linda Howe affair, and many other allegations made against me were
answered in the book. Once you read the book, you will find out
the real truths about those incidents I mentioned earlier. My uncle
contributed a great deal to the last two chapters of the book. He
gives a detailed history of UFO investigations from 1953 until 1969.
The Seattle researcher did a lot of good work on the book. He found
some, yet to be released, Government documents relating to the UFO
questions. I can honestly say, I don't know how he got them. He
also obtained some, never before released, Government documents
through FOIA regarding UFOs. I must admit the book doesn't paint
me as a saint, but it does tell the truth.
In closing, I don't know you personally. I don't make comments
about a person’s character that I don't know. I'm sure you are
sincere in your research work. There is a lot of information out
there regarding UFOs that needs to be sorted out. There are also
a lot of unexplained questions that needs to be answered. If you
wish to pursue the answers to the many UFO related questions, so
be it. I truly wish you luck. It won't be easy.
signed: Richard Doty
Richard Doty
P.O. Box 973
Grants, NM 87020
Dear Sir:
This is a response to your Jan 9, 1989 letter.
I am the Richard C. Doty mentioned by Barry Greenwood of
Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS). I did retire from Government
Service last year. I spent eight years with the Air Force Office
of Special Investigations at Kirtland AFB, NM. I was also assigned
duty in West Germany. My last two years of service was in the Services
career field, but not as a cook. I never lost my top secret security
clearance. In fact my current position requires the clearance. I did
do something wrong. While assigned to the AFOSI District 70
Headquarters, Weisbaden, West Germany, I performed duties as a
counterespionage specialist. In 1986, I was involved in a sensitive
operation where I attempted to perform certain duties which would
enable our team to trap possible foreign agents working against the
interests of the United States. My supervisors, however, seen my
actions as being unauthorized. Therefore, I was asked to leave AFOSI,
which I did voluntarily. I accepted a position at Kirtland AFB, in
Albuquerque, NM, where my son was residing with my former spouse.
While assigned to duties with AFOSI at Kirtland AFB, NM, I did
investigate a number of UFO sightings. However, my normal duties were
that of a counterintelligence investigator. I did not devote my
entire time to the conduct of UFO investigations.
At present, my job deals with investigations and I do work for a
Government agency. However, I do not have anything to do with UFO
research or investigations.
My own personal beliefs regarding the subject of UFO is this.
I think Earth is not the only planet in the Universe that supports
intelligent life. Whether Earth has been visited in the past by
visitors from other planets I simply don't have enough information
to make a personal decision. If I should base my decision on
information that I had access to during my Government Service, I would
have to say, yes, Earth has been visited. However, I am not 100
percent certain that the information I had access to was entirely
My father was never an investigator for Blue Book. That was an
uncle. He will be prominently mentioned in a book due out this fall.
This book will also discuss a number of inaccurate statements made by
CAUS regarding me, the Kirtland and Ellsworth AFBs incidents. This
book will name people who CAUS says do not exist.
The last thing I would like to mention is the story that I am the
Falcon mentioned in the Television program last October. I have been
exonerated by Government Investigative Agencies regarding that matter.
I am not that person.
I presently no longer reside in New Mexico, but I do have a
forwarding service in New Mexico. If you should respond to this letter
please allow approximately one month for my reply.
Richard Doty
Sgt. Richard Doty. Grants, NM State Police.
Nov. 10, 1995
Mr. Kevin Randle
POB 264
Marion, IA 52402
Dear Kevin:
Thank you very much for taking the time and trouble to respond
in detail to my listing of 38 FALSE claims you have made about
Roswell. Life might have been simpler if you had replied to my
earlier 22 item list of FALSE claims or to the very polite
questions I posed to you last year seeking a basis for some of
these same FALSE claims. But done is done.
I also wish to thank you for providing numerous additional
examples of your apparent inability to distinguish between
various fascinating, but fictional, scenarios you have created
in your mind, from what is happening in the real world outside.
I am not surprised based on our discussions in Roswell in early
To refresh your memory:
l. When I asked you about your strange unbelievable scene of
Frank Kaufmann being assigned to watch a radar scope for 24
hours and even using mirrors to maintain his watch from the
latrine, you graciously indicated that was a mistake on your
part. Michael Hesseman tells me you told him you had confused a
science fiction scene with Frank's activities.
2. After our meeting with Frank and Don, you told me that you
could refute all 38 of my list of your FALSE claims. I first
brought up your FALSE claim that Larry Henning of Albuquerque
High School had stated that Gerald Anderson was in his class
with Dr. Buskirk. As I told you, and also your attorney in
response to his threatening letter alleging "actionable
allegations" on my part about you, that simply wasn't true. I
spoke with Larry after your original charge at a meeting in
Chicago. He had a vague recollection of a Jerry Anderson, could
not recall what he looked like. Neither he nor 5 others in Dr.
Buskirk's class could recall Gerald even after seeing his
distinctive Yearbook picture. I checked again in July and this
past week. He did not tell you or anyone else Gerald was in the
class. This is clearly a FALSE claim. As it happens, Larry does
know two other Jerry Andersons.
You spend 4 paragraphs and claim you spoke with 5 class members,
yet are now NOT saying any said Gerald was in the class.
Buskirk's response was initially that he didn't recall Anderson
at all. Buskirk was, despite your comments about
anthropologists, even anonymous callers, the closest to the
Plains of all the anthropologists in early July, 1947. He was a
military officer in WW 2 and in the reserves for about 20 years.
Of course he would have lied, and rightly so, if instructed by
the military. The students are much younger than Buskirk and
clearly knew each other well. They recalled the other
3. Next I brought up your FALSE claim (my #34) in your new book
that your article in the Encyclopedia of UFOs had noted that
there was no evidence for a crashed saucer at Spitsbergen,
Aztec, or Roswell. I pointed out that neither your article nor
any other in the 1980 Encyclopedia even mentions Roswell. You
insisted I was in error about my claim and pulled out a copy of
the book to prove it. You read page one and said "See, I didn't
say that." I said "Please, read it again. You did make the
claim." You read it again and said "No, I didn't make that
claim". I pressed you to read it yet again. To your credit you
did and quietly said. "Well, I can see where somebody might
think I said that." I demanded that you read it again. Your
comment, after being kind enough to do so, was "Well, that
wasn't what was in my head at the time". I pointed out that I am
a physicist, not a psychic, and have to go by what is out in the
world and not what it is in your head.
You are now (#34) claiming you didn't say in the book what I
said you said. I gave the quote, written by you, not by me,
which speaking of your article on Hidden Alien Bodies was "In it
I made clear that none of the reports of crashed saucers had
ever withstood objective investigation. The road was strewn with
the remains of those stories starting with the Aztec, New
Mexico, case and working its way to the Spitzbergen report and
the events near Roswell, New Mexico." Read it again. You made
the FALSE claim that you had referred to Roswell. You did not
refer to Roswell. Wishful thinking is no substitute for Truth.
In your MUFON J. article you comment correctly that Roswell had
been mentioned previously by Ted Bloecher and Frank Edwards. I,
was, of course, well aware of their mentions. I hadn't said that
Roswell had never been mentioned before I got involved, only
that there was nothing about it in your article or in the
Encyclopedia, which is true. I do maintain that I was the first
investigator to talk to Jesse Marcel and many others as you so
generously acknowledged in "UFO Crash at Roswell" but withdrew
in The Truth about "The UFO Crash at Roswell". Your claim about
having dismissed Roswell in 1980 was FALSE. I don't doubt that
you believed it. It was wishful thinking, NOT reality.
In your critique, there are other examples of FALSE claims:
In your response to my #2 you seem to be ready to make FALSE
claims about what Ruth Barnett's diary says. Perhaps you have
forgotten that I have a copy? entry on July 2: "Barney went to
the high country near Datil... Barney came home from Datil at 6
O'clock" Entry July 3 "Barney was in office most of the day".
Datil is the closest "town" to the Plains crash site and he
could have been out there again the morning of July 3 since the
office was in Magdalena perhaps a third of the way there from
Socorro. We don't know exactly what date either it or the Corona
crash occurred, other than the Corona crash was several days
before July 8 according to the Daily Record and before the July
5 trip to Corona by Brazel. The diary suggests July 2 for the
Plains crash. Re. my #4. Neither niece Alice Knight nor the
Maltais were told where the crash was. Barney did tell Fleck
Danley in the Plains and we found out only a few years ago that
he had told Harold Baca "in the Plains". The claim that he had
told everyone "in the Plains" is FALSE. I wish he had told the
Maltais and Alice. He did, of course, also tell retired officer
Bill Leed about the crash in the early 1960s. Rancher Johnny
Foard had heard about it as well.
re my #5. You told me that Barney's district included the Corona
site. It did not. FALSE claim. Not a big deal. Apparently it was
made to justify your claim that Barney must have been at the
Corona site. As I am sure you recall there were no mentions in
Ruth's Diary of Barney working anywhere East of Socorro in 1947.
Re item 6. The anthropologists were not there at the time and
said they knew nothing about a crash. You wish to believe that
is the same as saying "I was there then, and nothing happened."
It is NOT. Absence of evidence is not evidence for absence.
7. You have vilified Drake, and Gerald Anderson repeatedly
apparently because they don't say what you want them to say.
Drake did talk about flying saucers with his companions during
the car ride back to Albuquerque. He did NOT mention the ranch
hand's tale about bodies. Gerald has admitted changing a phone
bill trying to trap you after the vilification.
Selected topics
#10. I sent Gerald information about my professional background
so he would know I was a scientist, not a fiction writer. I
certainly didn't write anything about a red haired officer and
black sergeant. Glenn had just mentioned the redhead to me a
couple of weeks earlier in Roswell. One more wishful thinking
FALSE claim.
#11. Yes, Buskirk suggests he was too busy. But if he was told
to lie, he would have. He was working in Eastern Arizona near
the New Mexico border less than 2 hours from the crash site.
Remember that I called him well before you, while looking for
Adrian Buskirk. He is the only one I have spoken to who
immediately stated he wasn't in the Plains in 1947. Everybody
else had to think about where they were that many years ago.
#12,13, 14. You have repeatedly cited the testimony of the nun's
log, Sgt. Pyles, and Jim Ragsdale as overthrowing the
conventional wisdom. Ragsdale insisted to me and others (with NO
financial inducement in sight) that he was with his lady love 53
miles WNW of Roswell in a heavily wooded area, certainly a more
sensible place for a weekend romp than the barren country north
of Roswell. Neither the nun's log nor Sgt Pyles testified to a
saucer in the sky, nor to a crash, or, obviously, a crash
location. Pyles didn't recall the date or direction of flight of
the fireball. No connection of any kind has been established
between the log entry, or Pyles testimony, both about fireballs,
and the supposed disc crash at a new crash site. This is wishful
thinking and more FALSE claims.
15. Gerald Anderson passed a polygraph test about his crashed
saucer witnessing. No questions were asked about phone bills.
Where is Kaufmann's polygraph result? Surely you don't believe
the story he told us about the radar screen near Alamogordo
being filled with light, meaning there was a crash north of
Roswell, and his sending a man from Roswell to check it out.
That man saw a glow towards the West, drove back to the Base.
Frank was notified, rushed back (more than 100 miles over a
mountain pass), woke Colonel Blanchard and Jesse Marcel in the
middle of the night, and they all immediately dashed north
without waiting for the morning, or a spotter plane report, and
not knowing what was there, and found the bodies!! Nobody, least
of all Blanchard and Marcel, would go cross country in that
terrain in the middle of the night in ignorance. Neither would
Marcel and Blanchard have been so casual in response to the
Sheriff's notification to Marcel about strange wreckage later
that same day. Kaufmann was out of the service in 1945, he said.
You said in 1946. He said he was in the "Paramilitary". Just
what authority did he have to direct anybody anywhere? He is in
civilian clothes in the yearbook and showed us two pictures with
him in a suit, one with important civilians and the other with
military people. Was he a guard? Driver? Guide? Hospitality
chairman? I can see why he wouldn't let me tape the interview
nor give out his middle name.
16. Re anonymous callers. You lavished praise (UCAR) about a
report from an anonymous caller supposedly an anthropologist.
Drake is NOT anonymous. I met with him. Another FALSE claim .
Now you claim you know who the caller was... Why does that
absolve you from the stigma of praising anonymous testimony?
17. I was told you told a third party that I knew all about your
having a tissue sample. If you didn't say that, I apologize.
18. Jerry Clark says I suggested you and Don were government
agents. I offered that as a possibility, but did not claim you
were. Can't you as a successful writer of fiction recognize a
19,20. While I certainly appreciate the fact that neither you,
nor Phil Klass, have claimed I faked the MJ-12 papers, you have
repeatedly FALSELY claimed that, because I made the following
statement, I had enough information to fake them had I wanted
to: "The simple fact of the matter is that Moore, Shandera, and
I had already picked up on all the names on the list prior to
the receipt of the film (except for Dr. Donald Menzel) as a
result of the many days spent in historical archival research."
There are far more details (dates places, format, etc etc) than
merely names in the MJ-12 documents. The Menzel exception is, of
course, an incredibly important one. In my list of more than 30
pieces of information unknown before the roll of film was
received (always ignored by you) but which turned out to be
true, I mentioned dates and many format details. I can see why
you never deal with the list. It seems strange that I should
have to point out to a very successful fiction writer that a
plot takes more than a list of characters. Your claim is FALSE
and wishful thinking. Moore also didn't know about Menzel and
the other details, such as Cutler being out of the country.
Another FALSE claim.
21. As I recall, the FALSE claim was made, on a radio show, that
the nurse had been found. If I am wrong, I apologize.
22. Re bodies. You hadn't talked to Gonzales or Holden when the
claim was made about bodies. You have not provided anything
demonstrating that Easley says he saw bodies. His daughter did
tell me that on his death bed, he said "Creatures." I asked you
about this several times. No new interviews were listed for him,
but you certainly expanded his supposed testimony. FALSE claim.
If there is any basis for Kaufmann's (or Osborne's or
McKenzie's) many claims, please put it on the table. I have been
politely asking for some time and asked Frank as well. Looks to
me like he watched Unsolved Mysteries and the Sightings show
with Gerald Anderson's testimony, and decided to enjoy a little
23. You used the term doctor in conjunction with Glenn Dennis's
testimony NOT with regard to Rickett's testimony. Glenn never
said the mortuary officer was a doctor, though that would have
been more impressive. Surely Glenn dealt more with him than did
24. You stated that the nurses records weren't available. This
was a FALSE claim. Absence of evidence is not evidence for
absence. Based on the OMNI article, the search was inadequate. I
found nurses.. not very helpfully.
25. I have met with General Exon and had several discussions
with him. You FALSELY converted his reporting of probably
reliable scuttlebutt to a claim of firsthand knowledge. He spoke
of who would have known of Majestic-12 NOT whom he knew to be on
it. FALSE CLAIM. He did return my phone calls, if not yours and
26.I did misspell Marshal. My mistake. You still have not
provided a basis for your claims about Easley. His daughter was
at his death bed, you were not. More wishful thinking and FALSE
claims. I don't doubt he said he couldn't talk about things that
happened. How can you justify FALSELY putting words you wish he
had said in his mouth?
27. Having directly discussed the flying wing question with
Pflock, way back when, because of my knowing wing inventor John
Northrop, your claim that Pflock accepted the flying wing
explanation is FALSE. As a good investigator, he checked it out.
28. Here is your quote from UFO Universe, Spring 1992 p.32 :
"But Friedman, and Bill Moore, overlook the fact that this was a
report prepared according to the document itself, by one
military officer for a president-elect who was also a military
officer". Here is my earlier 1990 statement p.54 in "Final
Report on Operation Majestic 12" ." One has to remember that the
briefing was done, if it's genuine, for a military man by a
military man." Clearly your claim was FALSE since I explicitly
noted the fact rather than ignoring it.
29. Since I have found other examples of the MJ-12 date formats
and many others, the date format isn't wrong and does not
establish the document is a fraud. Different or uncommon, maybe.
I found 7 different date formats in one Office of the Secretary
of Defense file folder. Surely 6 of these documents weren't
forgeries or frauds. The claim is FALSE.
30. The use of the date for filing purposes in the numbering of
the special classified executive order is common practice in the
State Department with examples provided by me in my "Operation
Majestic 12? YES!" report which you have. Special classified
executive order is NOT the same as Executive Order.
31,32, You are on record as saying that if the Plains crash
happened, the MJ-12 documents must be fraudulent since they
don't mention it and that if the documents are legitimate, since
they don't mention the Plains crash, it must not have happened.
Both are FALSE claims. The Briefing is explicitly described as
preliminary NOT as complete. Ike did not become President until
2 months after the briefing date. The Plains crash was more
important (intact saucer , intact bodies), and got no publicity,
and would have been very highly compartmentalized.
33. Re rank of Hillenkoetter. In a group of 6 civilians and 6
military people, generic rank is perfectly OK according to
General Exon, Commander Deuley, Colonel Marcel. Do recall that
at one time you requested other items signed with the wrong rank
from Hillenkoetter.. despite the fact that the briefing is NOT
signed by him. More wishful thinking to fulfill your own
imaginative scenario, but a FALSE claim
34. I discussed item 34 above. You FALSELY claimed you had
dismissed Roswell. You did not mention Roswell in your
encyclopedia article, no matter how much you wish to believe you
had. Read page one of your book A history of UFO Crashes again,
35. Re Time and Newsweek, there was no better cover story than
Aztec hundreds of miles from Roswell. No point in FALSELY
suggesting that Barnett was programmed to distract with a Plains
story that never had public telling at that time. Letting people
know about the successfully covered up crash would have been
utterly foolish.
36.I don't see what the FALSE claim about Forrestal had to do
with Brazel, and appreciate your acknowledging your mistake. Don
Berliner claims he heard Brazel speak of the sergeant in less
flattering terminology than "Black". I asked Don as well.
37. According to the pilot logs of both General Twining and his
pilot, they flew to New Mexico on July 7, 1947, from Wright
Field. I have shown copies of the logs and discussed the trip
with the pilot, though Twining himself flew part of the trip.
Chalk up another FALSE claim. Twining was NOT in NM when the
Roswell events took place, unless you are changing the date yet
again, much as you might wish that he was. I think it is
hilarious that you claim that I ignore the Alamogordo News
articles. I was the one who hired the local researcher to find
relevant articles in that paper. Your copies came from me to Don
Schmitt. These included the July 10 headline piece "Fantasy of
Flying Disc Explained Here" and the article about the supposedly
routine inspection on Friday, July 11. It was not planned in
advance, had much too high powered a group of specialists and
there were no pictures taken.. hardly routine. The exact quote
from a July 17, 1947, letter (published in my Final Report on
Operation Majestic-12, pg. B-2, which you have) from Twining to
J.E. Schaefer of Boeing, Wichita, states "With deepest regrets
we had to cancel our trip to the Boeing factory due to a very
important and sudden matter that developed here." Schaeffer had
wanted him to stop by on his way to Seattle.
38. You were FALSELY claiming over 400 WITNESSES years ago when
the number of real witnesses was far lower than that.
I noted the opinion about the typewriter for the TrumanForrestal memo being from the 1960s on p. 58 of my final report
rather than ignoring it. Of course, I also pointed out that the
typeface of the "24,1947." portion of the date matches the one
used by Vannevar Bush's office at that time including the use of
the period. I mentioned my being airbrushed out of the movie
because having a plot line that has Jesse Marcel trying to
vindicate himself 31 years later is misleading just as the USAF
report using your repeatedly FALSELY listed date (1978) for the
National Enquirer article tabloidizes the story. The article was
actually in 1980. Jesse never sought attention. I was referred
to him by an old ham radio buddy of his, and Bill Moore and I
did an enormous amount of research. Scientist seeks truth about
saucer is a much stronger pitch than angry old man seeks
vindication or courts tabloid.
I won't dignify the false charge that I tried to stop your book.
I will say that Don Berliner used the quotes from your witness
interviews, apparently without proper attribution, presumably
because the interviews were funded by FUFOR, even if its
$10,000. contribution to your research wasn't acknowledged. I
apologize for Don for this oversight, since my name is also on
the book.
I think it is hilarious that you state (I presume with a big
grin ) that you don't reference my "self-published" papers so
you won't have to count your references. So what is the excuse
for not listing all the ones published for example, by MUFON, in
the Proceedings of a number of annual Mutual UFO Network
If it is easy to verify your many footnoted claims, why have you
been unable to provide the requested verification, as previously
politely requested, with regard to Easley, Kaufmann, Frankie
Rowe, etc? Are the CUFOS files of tapes open to me or am I
considered an interested party?
You are correct that I had originally suggested that my 1995
MUFON paper be titled "Deceit in Ufology". I would have covered
FALSE claims such as those put forth by William Spaulding,
Robert Lazar, Frank Stranges, Guy Kirkwood, Milton William
Cooper, yourself, etc. However I was requested to do a Roswell
update. So I did. Maybe next year for the Deceit paper.
Actually, I think we would probably agree on much of it.
In summary then, it seems very clear to me that you have been
unable to differentiate between the exciting stimulating even
fascinating scenarios, which you have created in your mind, from
what is really happening in the world outside. This makes for
fine fiction writing and helps explain your truly outstanding
ability to produce more than 78 novels. But it really doesn't
cut it for investigative journalism. I wish I could suggest a
cure for this malady, but I cannot. Pity.
Most cordially,
Stan Friedman
I had hoped that it would never be necessary for me to write a
letter like this; however, in light of numerous allegations, rumors
and accusations presently being circulated about me and my work, and
in direct response to a vicious guilt-by-innuendo article on the
MJ-12 matter which I am reliably informed is currently being
prepared by CSICOP spokesman Kendrick Frazier in close concert
with Phil Klass, it seems appropriate to make some sort of statement
which will clear the air.
First of all, let me begin by stating for the record that I am not a
"forger", a "hoaxer", a "fabricator" or a "counterfeiter"; nor, to
the best of my knowledge, have I ever participated in any illegal or
un-American activity in connection with my more than eight-year
involvement with the MJ-12 controversy. Furthermore, to the best of
my knowledge and belief, none of my colleagues and associates has
participated in any such activities either.
Rumors circulating to the effect that I am some sort of government
agent or "disinformation" expert are totally false. In spite of
pronouncements made principally by John Lear and others associated
with him, I am not on the US Government's (or any other
government's) payroll. Nor did I enjoy any sort of "control
position" with respect to the recent "UFO Cover-up?...Live!"
television documentary.
Whether the MJ-12 and associated documents are authentic, and
indeed, whether the entire MJ-12 story has any truth to it at all
remains an entirely open question. I and my colleagues have
conducted our investigation into this matter in our own way and
essentially outside of the UFO-community at large. The information
which we have made available concerning this process has been
entirely in keeping with our own methods and objectives. What has
been withheld has been withheld for good reason. It is no secret
that many of you who read this letter have voiced strong objections
to the way things have been done. Some, having raised valid
questions which remain unanswered, have wrongly assumed that there
are no answers and have seen fit to vent their frustrations by
pointing an accusing finger. Others, perhaps seeing the controversy
surrounding MJ-12 as some sort of threat to their own stature as
self-styled "UFO experts", or "skeptics", have chosen the
convenience of dismissing the entire matter out-of-hand rather than
the prudence of withholding judgment until all of the facts are in.
To individuals in both of these rush-to-judgment groups, my advice
is simply be calm and be patient. We have every intention of getting
to the bottom of this matter, and we have every intention of making
a full and complete disclosure once this process is complete. Until
that time, I and my colleagues are going to continue to follow our
own counsel and to do things in our own way -- preferably with the
support of the UFO community, but if necessary without it. Once the
entire story comes out, it is our firm conviction that all of the
dark spots in this very strange picture puzzle will become clear and
we will all have answers to many of the questions which now exist
about the true nature of our government's involvement with the UFO
Meanwhile, it seems completely inappropriate at this time for
members of the UFO community and skeptics alike to continue to
assail my methods or to cast aspersions upon my integrity and
honesty through grape-vine gossip and the typically half-baked,
poorly researched journalism of the Skeptical Inquirer. Equally
inappropriate is the continuing high level of sheer speculation
concerning the true identities of the two sources who appeared on
the "UFO Cover-up?...Live" show under the codenames "Falcon" and
"Condor". In the eight weeks since the airing of this show, the
controversy has grown to such outrageous proportions that, to date,
"Flacon" has been "reliably identified" as no less than three
different people and "Condor" as five! For obvious reasons, my
position continues to be one of "no comment" with respect to who ANY
of my sources might be.
Indeed, the identity of any or all of the TEN "inside" contacts I
and my colleagues have developed is ultimately of FAR LESS
IMPORTANCE than the fact that, to date, FOUR of them have agreed to
tell their story before members of Congress! As of this writing,
commitments are currently being sought from the others, and
negotiations are under way with two members of Congress who have
expressed an interest in the matter. If we are successful in these
efforts, then the entire matter of the credibility of sources and
the authenticity of documents will have been placed in a forum
entirely out of our hands, and the question of Bill Moore's, or
Jaime Shandera's, or Stan Friedman's motives, methods and
credibility will no longer be an issue. It is toward such an end
that we actively seek the unity and support of the entire UFO
At the Washington, D.C. MUFON UFO Symposium in June of 1987, when we
first brought the essence of this matter to the attention of the UFO
community and the public, I asked for assistance and support from
anyone interested in helping us get to the bottom of it. Some of
you joined that effort-- most did not. Many of you remained
properly skeptical, and in so doing put the lie to oft repeated
charges of a few hard-line UFO-bashers that most UFOlogists are much
too gullible or credulous for their own good. Others, who disagreed
with our way of doing things and apparently saw us as some sort of
threat to the well-being of UFOlogy in general and themselves in
particular, saw fit to throw as many rocks in our direction as they
possibly could.
It is now time to put those emotions aside and pull together in an
effort to bring this matter to a conclusion. As Jerry Clark noted
in an International UFO Reporter editorial over a year ago, the
MJ-12 affair, unlike most other aspects of UFOlogy, is one where it
is possible to obtain answers-- one way or the other. If this
information is real and the sources providing it are bona fide, then
we have a major story on our hands. If, on the other hand, it turns
out to be some sort of eight-year-long, elaborate disinformation
scheme, or even an outright hoax, then we have an equally important
story of another type. In either case, the truth will ultimately be
made known and, once that happens, UFOlogy will go on. Petty
bickering and emotional tirades have no place in this search for the
truth, and they are unbecoming to a field of study which is well on
its way to becoming a recognized area of scientific and journalistic
endeavor. We have every intention of seeing our work through to its
conclusion, what your role will be in that process is entirely up to
This letter, then, is intended as an olive branch from me and my
associates to you-- UFOlogist, skeptic and UFO-basher alike. Our
goal, like yours, is to ultimately get to the bottom of this very
important matter. It is our belief that progress towards this end
will be better served by a united effort than by continued
animosity. If you agree, please let me hear from you in the near
Yours very truly,
William L. Moore
Facts, Questions, Comments
Robert Hastings
March 1, 1989
----First, it has been established that "Falcon", one of the
principle sources of the MJ-12 material, is Richard C. Doty,
formerly attached to District 17 Air Force Office of Special
Investigations (AFOSI) at Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque,
New Mexico. Sgt. Doty retired from the U.S. Air Force on
October 1, 1988.
How do I know that Doty is "Falcon"? During a recent telephone
conversation, Linda Moulton Howe told me that when Sgt. Doty
invited her to his office at Kirtland AFB in early April 1983,
and showed her a purportedly authentic U.S. Government document
on UFOs, he identified himself as code-name "Falcon" and stated
that it was Bill Moore who had given him that name.
Also, in early December 1988, a ranking member of the production
team responsible for the "UFO Cover Up? -- Live" television
documentary confirmed that Doty is "Falcon". This same individual
also identified the second MJ-12 source who appeared on the
program, "Condor", as Robert Collins who was, until recently, a
Captain in the U.S. Air Force. Like Doty, he was stationed at
KAFB when he left the service late last year.
Both Doty and Collins deny any involvement in the MJ-12 affair.
However, Linda Howe has issued a sworn affidavit, agreeing to
testify under penalty of perjury, relating to the events during
the course of her meeting with Richard "Falcon" Doty at KAFB in
1983 (Enclosures A and B). Thus far, Doty has *not* issued a
sworn affidavit, or agreed to testify under penalty of perjury,
to re-enforce his denial that the events of his meeting with
Howe occurred as she has described them.
For the moment, I will not identify the "UFO Cover-up? -- Live"
source who identified Doty as "Falcon" and Collins as "Condor".
I do, however, encourage others to independently attempt to
secure confirmation of the statements that he has already made.
At least two producers connected with the documentary know the
--------Now that "Falcon" and "Condor" have been identified, it seems
prudent to examine the past activities of Richard Doty and Bob
Collins to see whether those activities tend to add to, or
detract from, the credibility of the MJ-12 scenario that they
have so vigorously promoted within the ufological community.
That is, do their actions reflect a genuine attempt to release
authentic above top secret information to the public or, on the
other hand, suggest a disinformation campaign designed to
confuse and mislead?
Let's begin with Doty. Sgt. Richard Charles Doty first received
widespread attention after he wrote the now well-known AFOSI
Complaint Form relating to UFO sightings near Kirtland AFB in
1980 (Enclosure C). This document, typed and signed by Doty,
takes on new significance in the light of an incident known as
the "Weitzel Hoax". Briefly summarized, this odd tale unfolded
as follows: In 1981, the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization
received an anonymous letter from an individual who claimed to
be a USAF airman assigned to the 1550th Aircrew Training and
Testing Wing at Kirtland AFB (Enclosure D). The writer further
claimed to have had a rather dramatic UFO sighting, together
with a Craig Weitzel and others. The letter relates that Weitzel
reported the sighting to a "Mr. Dody" (sic) at Kirtland AFB OSI.
Researcher Benton Jamison located and contacted Weitzel in 1985
(Enclosure E). Weitzel stated that he did indeed report a UFO
sighting to Sgt. Richard Doty in 1980, but that the actual
incident in no way resembled the CEIII experience described in
the anonymous letter. Weitzel also denies that he was subsequently
contacted by a mysterious individual who demanded that he turn
over any photographs that he might have taken of the UFO, as the
letter claims.
So, it would appear that the writer of the anonymous letter,
whomever he was, took a real event and greatly embellished it
for some reason.
And why is this letter so significant as regards questions about
Sgt. Richard Doty's credibility as a source for allegedly secret
government documents? Simply because careful analysis of the
anonymous letter reveals that it was almost certainly typed on
the same typewriter used by Doty to complete the 1980 OSI
Complaint Form.
Enclosure F is a report by researcher Brad Sparks which address
typeface irregularities and stylistic traits that are identical
in both the anonymous airman's letter and Sgt. Doty's report.
Actually, Spark's typeface analysis is incomplete. In addition
to the irregular "u" that he identifies, it can be seen that the
letters "gh", as in the word "sighting", are jammed together in
identical fashion in both the letter and the report. Lower case
"o" is also jammed against various letters that follow it in
the "Weitzel" letter and Doty's Complaint Form.
A professionally-conducted analysis of these flaws should be
able to determine, with a reasonable degree of certainty, whether
an "anonymous airman" used Doty's typewriter to compose his
overdrawn tale. If this fact can be established then two obvious
questions arise: 1) How and why did the unidentified airman
from the 1550th Aircrew Training and Testing Wing gain access to
Sgt. Doty's writer at OSI? 2) On the other hand, did Doty himself
type the letter and, therefore, attempt to perpetrate a hoax for
some unknown reason?
Because it has been established that Richard Doty is "Falcon",
the chief source for the MJ-12 material, it now seems imperative
thoroughly investigate this incident to resolve these unanswered
questions. The second question, in particular, is of obvious
importance. Perhaps the Fund For UFO Research, which has recently
solicited contributions to further investigate the MJ-12 affair,
would consider funding an expert typographical analysis of both
the anonymous letter and Doty's Complaint Form to determine
whether or not there is a link between the two.
Even more disturbing than the implications of the "Weitzel Hoax"
is an incident that raises the strongest doubts about Richard
Doty's credibility as a source of information and documents
relating to the U.S. Government's involvement with UFOs. Information about this incident comes from Dr. Bruce Maccabee and
links Doty to the so-called Ellsworth AFB hoax. According to
Maccabee, Bill Moore has acknowledged that Richard Doty confessed
to forging the document that describes the alleged events
connected with the Ellsworth case (Enclosure G). Doty apparently
claims that the UFO incident there actually occurred, just as
described in the document, and that he only wanted to bring it
to the public attention. He, therefore, proceeded to type the
"document" himself, incorporating the "facts" that he claimed
to know to be true, and then released the bogus report to
various researchers. Enclosure H is an expose written by Bob
Pratt, and published in the January 1984 issues of the *MUFON
Journal*, describing his investigation of this hoax.
If it can be established, beyond any doubt, that Richard Doty
forged the Ellsworth AFB document, what would that say about
his credibility as a chief source for the MJ-12 material, under
the guise of "Falcon"?
-------------In addition to the serious questions raised by the "Weitzel"
letter and the Ellsworth AFB hoax, there also exist fundamental
discrepancies between information provided by "Falcon" and the
"facts" contained in the so-called Eisenhower briefing paper.
The Briefing Document (Enclosure I) was purportedly written by
alleged MJ-12 member Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter, in November
1952, for presentation to then President Elect Dwight D.
Eisenhower. Among other things, it states that two UFOs had
crashed, one in July 1947, near Roswell, New Mexico; the other
in December 1950, on the Texas-Mexico border.
Linda Howe states, however, that when Sgt. Doty invited her to
his office at Kirtland AFB OSI, in April 1983, he provided her
with information that contradicts this version of events. Howe
states that Doty confirmed the existence of a secret government
group called MJ-12 and then opened a desk drawer and produced
a document entitled "Briefing Paper for the President for the
President of the United States". (*Not* the Eisenhower document).
Howe states that she was allowed to look through the alleged
"Briefing Paper" but told not to take notes. She states that a
part of the document was a catalog of crashed UFO cases,
including one near Aztec, New Mexico in 1948 (or '49).
Now, if the *Eisenhower* briefing paper is genuine and was
indeed presented to Ike in November 1952, why was no mention
of the Aztec crash contained in it? Is it plausible that the
soon-to-be president would be let in on a secret of paramount
importance --that of alien visitation-- but not be given this
important information? Why would he be told about two UFO
crashes but not about a third? Why would the Aztec crash, if
it did occur, be any less significant than the other two
cases mentioned in the briefing paper?
In short, if the briefing paper that Sgt. Doty showed to
Linda Howe was genuine, what does that say about the accuracy
(and authenticity) of the Eisenhower document? If, on the
other hand the former was bogus and was meant to mislead
Howe for some reason, what does that say about Richard "Falcon"
Doty's reliability as a source for MJ-12 material as a whole?
At the risk of being redundant, may I again point out that
Linda Howe has sworn out an affidavit indicating a willingness
to testify under penalty of perjury, as to the truthfulness of
her statement relating to her meeting with "Falcon" at Kirtland
About Robert "Bob" Collins, I know very little. I have
established at the time of his departure from the U.S. Air
Force, he was assigned to the Plasma Physics group at Sandia
National Laboratory located at Kirtland AFB. Linda Howe
states that in November 1987, Collins was "frantically" trying
to get her to meet with him in Albuquerque. At that meeting,
also attended by John Lear, Collins showed the two some MJ-12
documents, primarily relating to a live alien allegedly held
captive by the U.S. Government. According to Howe, Collins
stated that he had worked "behind the scenes" with Bill Moore
for years.
--------------So, how does Mr. Moore fit into the MJ-12 jigsaw puzzle?
the face of it, he appears to be just a UFO researcher who has
been approached by questionable government sources. I have
information, however, that raises doubts about his public image
as merely a "civilian" researcher. Indeed, it appears as if he
may be working (or have worked) for one of the U.S. intelligence
agencies. I base this statement on the following information:
In December 1985, I read an article by Barry Greenwood about an
allegedly ultra-secret government group called "MJ-12". The
article was based on information provided by researcher Lee
Graham. In March 1986, I met with Mr. Graham at his home, in
the hope that he would elaborate on the information contained
in Greenwood's article. I found Graham to be open, honest, and
sincere. While I do not agree with many of his conclusions
regarding MJ-12, I know that he is definitely not the "kook" or
"space cadet" that some have branded him. On the contrary, his
statements to me that evening were logical and down-to-earth.
I simply disagree with some of his premises.
As we talked, Lee provided me with copies of some of the
"documents" that have come to be associated with the MJ-12
affair, including the "Project Snowbird" paper and the
"Project Aquarius" TWX. When I asked who had given him the
documents, he would only say that the person worked for the
government, as an intelligence operative or information
Over the next fifteen months I called Graham several times,
to ask whether there had been any developments regarding the
MJ-12 material. Perhaps the most noteworthy event during that
period was the visit to Graham by two agents from the Defense
Investigative Services (DIS). The agents were apparently sent
to find out why Graham, who holds a "Q" security clearance,
was in possession of alleged secret government documents that
had not been properly declassified.
In early June, 1987, I called Lee again. This was shortly
before Bill Moore's press conference in Burbank, during which
he intended to unveil the "Eisenhower briefing paper" and other
MJ-12 material. During this call, without any prompting from
me, Graham revealed that the person who had given him the
documents was in fact Bill Moore. I was puzzled. Graham had
previously said, on several occasions, that he had gotten the
documents from an individual who worked for the U.S. Government,
presumably in an intelligence capacity. As far as I knew, Bill
Moore did not work for the government in *any* capacity.
I asked Graham to explain this discrepancy. He unhesitatingly
replied that when Moore first approached him with the documents
he (Moore) showed him some kind of government ID card, with Bill
Moore's picture on it but an alias typed beneath it. According
to Graham, Moore indicated that he was working for the U.S.
Government for the purpose of releasing sensitive UFO-related
documents to the public.
I began to take notes. So incredulous was I about all of this
that I asked Lee to repeat his statements, which he did. I then
asked him which agency Moore claimed to work for. He responded
that Bill Moore's ID badge was identical to the badge shown him
by the two DIS agents. When I was skeptically retorted, "You
mean to tell me that Moore's badge looked like the DIS badges?",
he replied, "No, it was identical to them."
Graham went on to state that Moore claimed that he (Moore) had
been "flagged" in U.S. intelligence agencies' computer files so
that other operatives would not stumble over and inadvertently
expose his operations. Lee went on to say that he had once been
introduced to Moore's "superior" whom Moore would only identify
as "Richard".
At the conclusion of this rather baffling phone conversation
with Graham, I specifically asked him whether there was anything
that we had discussed that I should not repeat. He answered,
"No", and indicated that he would send me materials relating to
his investigation by the DIS, Bill Moore's first approach to
him, and other, related matters. A week later, I received the
items that Graham had promised and found that references to
Moore, by name, had been censored by Lee. By this time,
however, I had already spoken to Barry Greenwood, Peter Gersten,
Bob Todd, and others about the details of Moore's approach to
Graham. Apparently word got back to Moore about these
conversations because I later heard that he had vehemently
denied that he was a government operative and claimed that he
was only playing a "joke" on a gullible Lee Graham. The
"government ID", according to Moore, was a laminated MUFON card.
Enclosure J is a letter, dated May 8, 1986, that Graham sent
to the DIS in which he discusses Moore's first approach to him.
Graham mentions that when he was interviewed by the two DIS
agents, he told them about Moore and his ID card. Graham then
goes on to ask why Moore had not been interrogated about his
possession of allegedly secret government documents, copies of
which he had given to Graham. (One might also ask why Moore had
not been questioned about his impersonating a government agent,
if in fact his ID card was bogus as he now claims.)
Enclosure K is a second letter from Graham to the DIS, dated
October 19, 1986, exactly seven months after Lee was interviewed
by the two DIS agents. In it, Graham again mentions that Moore
has not been interrogated by the DIS over this lengthy period.
He concludes that it is because Moore does indeed work for the
U.S. Government, just as he had been told by Moore himself.
Graham has a point. If Moore was only "joking" when he showed
Lee the bogus ID card (an ID that looked so authentic that
Graham calls it "identical") to a DIS badge) one would think
that Moore would have been questioned by the DIS about this
potentially serious matter. If Moore was impersonating a
government intelligence operative as he disseminated "documents",
then surely an intelligence agency would be interested in
pursuing the matter. And yet, according to Lee Graham, seven
months after he had told the DIS about Moore and his badge, no
one had apparently approached Moore about this incident. Why?
One might reasonably postulate that this apparent lack of
follow-up by the DIS suggests that Moore does (or did) work for
the U.S. Government, just as he claimed to Lee Graham. If this
turns out to be true, however, given the highly questionable
track record of one of Moore's chief sources, "Falcon", one
must ask whether information, or disinformation, that he has
been disseminating in this regard, one might also ask why did
Moore not immediately dis-associate himself from Richard Doty
once he had discovered that he had forged the Ellsworth AFB
document? Instead, Moore later presented Richard "Falcon"
Doty on national television as a reliable intelligence source
of information about UFOs. Why?
Another serious issue involving Bill Moore that needs to be
reviewed concerns the so-called "Project Aquarius" document
(Enclosure L). This paper contains the first reference to
"MJ-12" to be widely circulated within the ufological community.
On the face of it, the Project Aquarius document is a teletype
message, sent by AFOSI Headquarters to Kirtland AFB OSI, dealing
with analyses of UFO photographs and films taken by Dr. Paul
Bennewitz. However, AFOSI HQ denies that it sent the message
and calls it a forgery. It now appears that, in this case,
AFOSI is telling the truth.
In a letter to attorney Peter Gersten, dated April 4, 1983,
D. Hall states that Bill Moore privately admitted that it was
*he* who did a "cut and paste job" and then "retyped" the
document (Enclosure M). If this is true, why would Moore do
such a thing? If a genuine message was sent to Kirtland AFB
OSI, dealing with Bennewitz' photos, MJ-12, and the rest, why
didn't Moore disseminate it in its original form? Wouldn't
the "retyped" version of if, if discovered to be such, raise
doubts about the credibility of the information contained in
If Moore did "retype" the document, can he now produce the
original to substantiate the accuracy of the information
contained in "his" version? If so, it will be interesting to
see whether the "original" document will be confirmed as
authentic by AFOSI Headquarters.
I should point out that I possess additional information about
the Project Aquarius document that I intend to withhold until
Moore has produced (or failed to produce) the "original".
-------------------------------------Just as I was concluding this missive, I received a copy of
Bill Moore's open letter to those who would question his
activities. In response to his criticisms and pleas, I would
like to make the following points:
First, Moore states that he is not a "forger", a "hoaxer", a
"fabricator", or a "counterfeiter". Whether he is any of
those things, I will leave to others to decide. I would ask,
however, if he could suggest an appropriate word to describe
his actions when he did a cut/paste/retype job on the Aquarius
document? If Moore believed that he was "the only one on the
right track", as Doty flattered him, then that's his problem.
If, however, he has engaged in the altering of government
documents before releasing them to an unsuspecting public,
then that becomes a problem for all of us. The credibility
of *any* document, even when released via the Freedom of
Information Act, will come into question in the minds of many
once it has been learned that a "leading ufologist" has
tampered with this or that document. And yet, Moore has the
absolute nerve to rail against those who would question his
Second, Moore feigns self-righteous indignation when he denies
that he is "some sort of government agent". But clearly, he
has only himself to blame for this "rumor". *If* the ID badge
that he showed Lee Graham was fake, and *if* he was lying when
he claimed to be an intelligence operative, does he now have
any right to bemoan the fact that his escapade has finally
come to light? I, for one, do not believe for an instant
Moore's laminated MUFON card story. That explanation smacks
of the ridiculous "red herring" about there being *two* Dotys
that Moore offered up when the "Falcon"/Doty connection was
first suggested publicly by Barry Greenwood in 1987. While
I am sure that there are *plenty* of Richard Dotys in this
world, only *one* is the MJ-12 source "Falcon".
Third, Moore calls efforts by researchers to learn the identity
of his MJ-12 sources "inappropriate" and states that for
"obvious reasons" his response to these inquiries will be
"no comment". This posture, of course, also conveniently
shields from scrutiny the fact that his "primary" source for
the MJ-12 material, Richard Doty, has apparently acknowledged
forging the Ellsworth AFB document -- a fact that Moore himself
knew *at least* as early as March, 1988. In view of this
revelation, the attempt by Moore to project the appearance
that he is merely protecting a confidential government
source rings hollow. Indeed, it seems likely that his desire
to avoid embarrassment and well-deserved recriminations is
a chief motive for his "no comment" stance.
------So, what does the MJ-12 affair add up to? I agree with Bill
Moore it would be premature at this time to draw conclusions.
It would not, however, be premature to carefully consider the
following facts:
1) A handful of "documents" have mysteriously surfaced
relating to an allegedly ultra-secret UFO policy group,
code-name "MJ-12". No government agency will confirm the
papers' authenticity and the National Archives has noted
several discrepancies about one of them, the so-called
"Cutler memo" (Enclosures N and O).
2) Another of the documents, the "Project Aquarius" message,
has been discovered to be fake, in the sense that it has been
altered by Bill Moore before being released to the public.
As I write, there is no publicly available evidence that the
original document Moore "retyped" was itself authentic.
3) The primary source for orally-transmitted MJ-12 material,
code-name "Falcon", has been determined to be Richard C. Doty.
According to Dr. Bruce Maccabee, Bill Moore has acknowledged
that Doty confessed to forging the Ellsworth AFB document.
Further, Doty's typewriter at Kirtland AFB OSI has been
implicated in the "Weitzel" hoax, and he has provided information to Linda Howe that contradicts the "facts" contained
in the Eisenhower briefing paper.
4) The primary researcher involved in the MJ-12 affair, Bill
Moore, has, by his own account, faked a government ID card and
passed himself off as an intelligence operative to at least
one individual for a period of over two years. Whether Moore
showed Lee Graham a laminated MUFON card, as he now claims,
or a genuine government badge, of some type remains open to
At the beginning of this letter, I asked whether the actions
of those involved with the MJ-12 affair tended to suggest a
genuine release of authentic UFO-related information to the
public or, on the other hand, a disinformation campaign ( or
for that matter, a simple hoax). I hope that those who are
truly committed to finding the answer to this question will
now renew their efforts. Hard questions must be put to Moore.
Evasive answers and self-serving pronouncements from him
should no longer be tolerated. I trust that those who have
acted in good faith, including Jamie Shandera and Stanton
Friedman, will be among his toughest questioners.
I may reached at:
6200 Eubank Boulevard NE
Apt. 833
Albuquerque, NM 87111
(505) 291-9335
signed: R. Hastings
Walt Andrus
Robert Bletchman
Larry Bryant
Paul Cerny
Marge Christensen
Jerry Clark
T. Scott Crain
Tom Deuley
Ann Druffel
Larry Fawcett
Raymond Fowler
Stanton Friedman
Peter Gersten
Timothy Good
Lee Graham
Barry Greenwood
Loren Gross
Richard Haines
Richard Hall
Budd Hopkins
Linda Howe
David Jacobs
Ben Jamison
John Lear
Bruce Maccabee
Bill Moore
Jim Moseley
Ted Phillips
Robert Pratt
Jenny Randles
Mark Rodeghier
Jamie Shandera
Brad Sparks
Dennis Stacy
William Steinman
Whitley Strieber
Len Stringfield
Michael Swords
Bob Todd
Ron Westrum
Fred Whiting
Jo Ann Williamson
Todd Zechel
In Las Vegas at this time a radio program hosted by Billy Goodman aired Monday through
Friday on KVEG radio. Broadcast from a powerhouse 50,000-watt station, Goodman's show
was heard all over the western United States. As more public interest was displayed on the
subject of UFOs, Goodman's program began to take a decided interest in UFOs.
Eventually, both John Lear and Bill Cooper appeared on Goodman's program. The
sensational nature of their information further heated public interest.
In May of 1989, Lear and Cooper were asked to appear on a tabloid television
program, "PM Magazine." The TV crew showed up at Lear's home to interview both
Lear and Cooper. Later, Lear heard Cooper telling the interviewer that while he
was on the Naval briefing team in Hawaii, he saw the "O.H. Krill" documents in
secret files, documents I received from John Lear in his original package of material
in early 1988. I knew that the documents were written by one John Grace, a thenactive duty U.S. Air force NCO who had a UFO interest.
The name Krill was an inside joke taken from a late 1950s case where the U.S.
Navy had interviewed a woman who claimed to channel an alien named Cyrll. Lear
and Grace made up the initials O.H. out of thin air.
John Grace did not want his name on these papers, because he was still in the Air
Force and did not want adverse publicity. The actual O.H. Krill papers were only a
little over a year old at the time of this television program, and would have been
totally impossible for Cooper to have seen them in 1972 or 1973.
Lear said:
"When I heard Bill tell the interviewer he saw the Krill papers
while he was in the Navy, I motioned him over and asked him,
‘What in the hell are you doing?’ He said, ‘What do you mean?’
I said, ‘Bill, John Grace and I did the Krill papers. We named
them after a 1950s case, and we pulled the O.H. out of thin
air.’ Well, Cooper insisted he saw them in the Navy…
…that is when I really began to wonder about Cooper."
an introduction
by Bill Cooper
by Kidd 11/2000
The KRILL papers seemingly came out of nowhere and have stirred up a small hornets
nest of speculation. Who is O. H. Krill? Is the information correct? Are parts of the text
correct and parts incorrect? Where did the papers come from? I am going to answer
SOME of those questions in this file.
When the aliens landed at Holloman AFB in the 60's a basic communication was
established between the United States Government and the aliens. During this
communication a basic agreement was reached which was the precursor for the formal
treaty and the diplomatic relations which followed.
The aliens left a hostage with the United States as a pledge of fulfillment of their part of
the agreement. The name of that hostage was KRLL and was sometimes spelled KRYL.
I will refer to him as KRLL as this was the spelling used in the MAJESTY documents
which I saw. This hostage furnished much information about the aliens which became
the foundation of the "YELLOW BOOK" that was completed from information obtained
from the "GUESTS" at a later date. In order that this information could be circulated and
discussed among the military and the scientific community a pseudonym was coined as
a code for information which had originated from KRLL. The code name for KRLL was
Cril. The initials O. H. stand for "ORIGINAL HOSTAGE"
All information thus circulated from the source KRLL was said to be authored by O. H.
Cril. The information was usually of scientific or seemingly occult nature and was
sanitized so that no inference to an alien race or culture occurred. This was done so
that feedback and recommendations could be gleaned from those experts who were not
privy to the secret. It was also used to pass technology from the aliens into the defense
contracting community and the U. S. Space program.
KRLL became ill after a few years and almost died but was nursed by a physician who
eventually became the government expert on alien medicine and pathology. My
information is that KRLL did at some later date die. The pseudonym continued to be
used for the same purpose for many years and may or may not be in use at this time.
The KRILL papers must have been authored by someone in the government or military
who knew this information because the author O. H. Krill is an obvious take-off on O. H.
Cril and thus on KRLL. I do not know who the author is and I do not know if the material
MAY BE HE DID KNOW THE STORY OF KRLL. In my opinion the origin of the material
will most probably be the object of much speculation. I cannot comment on the material
which covers information that I have never seen before, however I can and will say that
much of it is correct and agrees with the information that I have already released.
I never saw the KRILL papers before in my life until the Sysop of Paranet RHO called
my attention to them in a file on that board. This occurred only a few days before
Christmas and I uploaded them to Ted Markley as soon as I could. He informed me
however that he had already obtained them from another source.
Bill Cooper
The Krill Report
-- Part I
Throughout the forty year period when UFO have been actively observed in our civilization, a lot
of data has been gathered -- data which has often pointed to aspects of the phenomena that have
been supressed. As a result of the suppression and compartmentalization of the information, our
culture has been fragmented into several levels of "reality" which both co-exist and oppose each
other. Part of our culture does not or will not believe in the existence of other species; part of our
culture acknowledges their existence or the probability of their existence; part of our culture is
actually interacting with the other species. These simultaneous realities contribute to the
condition of extreme confusion in which we find ourselves.
Research into UFO's follows a similar pattern. Some view the matter in a completely empirical
perspective; others search for patterns and functional relationships in events; still others go out
and ask the right questions at the right time and get answers. Some of those answers that have
appeared are, to some people, quite disturbing and fantastic.
All in all, we are dealing with new concepts in physics, new concepts in psychology, and the
gradually growing awareness that we are not only not alone here, but we have never been alone
here. As if that were not enough, it turns out that factions of our society have known this, and
apparently have been interacting with some of these alien species for quite a while.
The bottom line is that all along, humanity has been led down a false path, a path that has been
plagued by layer upon layer of conspiracies and disinformation. Technological knowledge and
absolute power have been the motives on the human side. Survival has been the motive on the
alien side, or at least as far as the predominant alien visitors are concerned.
The intent of this paper is to bring much of the details regarding this into the open. You are not
being asked to believe it, but to consider it in the light of what has happened, what is happening,
and what may be developing right under our very noses. If you find that you cannot stomach
such thoughts, or that you cannot deal with it, read no further.
It is quite evident, or it should be, that the UFO situation is both complex and dangerous. The
UFO problem is a multi- situational and multi-dimensional phenomena. We have established the
following as having a basis in fact:
Craft from other worlds have crashed on Earth.
Alien craft are from both ultra-dimensional sources
and sources within this dimension.
Early U.S. government efforts at acquiring alien
technology were successful.
The U.S. government has had live alien hostages at
some point in time.
The government has conducted autopsies on alien
U.S. intelligence agencies, security agencies, and
public agencies are involved in the cover-up of facts
pertaining to the situation.
People have been and are currently abducted,
mutilated, murdered and kidnapped as a result of the
UFO situation.
There is a current active alien presence on this
planet among us that controls difference elements of
our society.
Alien forces maintain bases on Earth and on the Moon.
The U.S. government has had a working relationship
with alien forces for some time, with the express
purpose of gaining technology in gravitational
propulsion, beam weaponry and mind control.
Millions of cattle have been killed in the process
of acquiring biological materials.
Both aliens and the U.S. government are responsible
for mutilations, but for different reasons.
We live in a multi-dimensional world that is
overlapped and visited by entities from other
dimensions. Many of these entities are hostile.
Many are not hostile.
The basis of our genetic development and religions
lies in intervention by non-terrestrial and
terrestrial forces.
Actual technology far exceeds that perceived by
the public.
The United States space program is a cover operation
that exists for public relations purposes.
People are being actively killed in order to suppress
the facts about the situation. The CIA and the NSA
are involved so deeply that exposure would cause
collapse of their overt structure.
Facts indicate alien overt presence within five to
ten years.
Our civilization is one of many that have existed in
the last billion years.
You will probably have more conclusions. To see, just read on....
Animal Mutilations and UFOs
General Chronology
In the middle of 1963, a series of livestock attacks occurred in Haskell County, Texas. In a
typical case, an Angus bull was found with its throat slashed and a saucer-sized wound in its
stomach. The citizenry attributed the attacks to a wild beast of some sort, a "vanishing varmint."
As it continued its furtive forays through the Haskell County outback, the bloodluster assumed
somewhat more mythic proportions and a new name was destined to endure: The Haskell Rascal.
Throughout the following decade, there would be sporadic reports of similar attacks on livestock.
These attacks were occasionally described as "mutilations." The most prominent of these
infrequent reports was the mutilation death of "Snippy" the horse in southern Colorado in 1967,
accompanied by area UFO sightings, a Condon Committee investigation and worldwide press
It was in 1973 that the modern animal mutilation wave can be said to have begun in earnest. That
year is generally thought of as the year of the last concerted UFO flap, although there may be
reason to question that contention, given the events of two years later.
In 1973 and 1974 the majority of the classic mutilation reports originated in the central United
In 1975, an unprecedented onslaught spread across the western two-thirds of the United States.
Mutilation reports peaked in that year, accompanied by accounts of UFOs and unidentified
helicopters. In 1978, the attacks increased.
By 1979, numerous livestock mutilations were occurring in Canada, primarily in Alberta and
Saskatchewan. Attacks in the United States leveled off.
In 1980, there was an increase in activity in the United States. Mutilations have been reported
less frequently since that year, though this may be due in part to an increased reluctance to report
mutilations on the part of ranchers and farmers. The mutilations still continue. Over ten thousand
animals have died in the United States; although the mutilations have been occurring worldwide,
the same circumstances are always present.
General Observations
Any investigation which intends to probe the systematic occurrence of the mutilation attacks
upon livestock and other animals must include within its purview certain factors which may or
may not be directly related to the acts of mutilation themselves. These mutilations -- the killing
and furtive removal of external or internal parts -- have been directed at literally thousands of
animals (primarily livestock) since the 1960s. The surgery on these animals is primarily
conducted with uncanny precision, suggesting the use of highly sophisticated implements and
techniques. The numbing and persistent regularity of the mutilations and the seemingly casual
disposal of the useless carcasses all hint at extreme confidence -- even arrogance -- of the
mutilators. It is an arrogance which appears to be justified by the freedom and impunity with
which these acts have been carried out.
The pertinence of a specific element of the problem is shortly revealed in the course of any
thorough investigation into the mutilations. I refer to the appearance of unmarked and otherwise
unidentified helicopters within a spatial and temporal proximity of animal mutilation sites. The
occurrence of the two has been persistent enough to supercede coincidence.
These mystery helicopters are almost always without identifying markings, or markings may
appear to have been painted over or covered with something. The helicopters are frequently
reported flying at abnormal, unsafe or illegal altitudes. They may shy away if witnesses of law
officers try to approach.
There are several accounts of aggressive behavior on the part of the helicopter occupants, with
witnesses chased, "buzzed," hovered over or even fired upon. At times these choppers appear
very near mutilation sites, even hovering over a pasture where a mutilated carcass is later found.
They may be observed shortly before or after mutilations occur -- or within days of a mutilation.
The intention here is merely to stress that the "mystery helicopter" element is a part of the issue
which deserves scrutiny.
The idea of "mystery helicopters" did not develop concurrently with the animal mutilations
themselves. Such helicopters -- unmarked, flying at low levels, soundless (or sounding like
helicopters) -- have been reported for years, and have been linked to an even more widespread
phenomenon -- the "phantom" (fixed wing) aircraft. The helicopters themselves have been seen
in area where UFOs were reported, in many countries. In some of the more interesting accounts,
the mystery helicopters were seen with UFOs, or shortly after the UFOs were sighted.
The most apt case I can think of, but certainly not the most isolated, is a case described by Virgil
Armstrong in his lecture on "What NASA Didn't Tell Us About the Moon." He discusses
helicopters and UFOs in general.
Armstrong describes a friend of his that had invented a special camera arrangement with the idea
that it would increase the chances of getting good pictures of UFOs. The camera was mounted on
a gunstock along with a laser. The idea was to fire the laser at the UFO, if one appeared, and
hopefully the UFO would come to a halt, enabling him to take some quality pictures.
Not too long after they were set up in the desert, a UFO did in fact appear, and they fired the
laser and the disk stopped in a hovering mode. They took quite a few good pictures of it. Shortly
thereafter, the disk flew away. Within minutes, they heard the unmistakable sound of helicopters
coming their way. The helicopters landed strategically around their group, and out of the
choppers came a group of Black Berets, which are strategic Air Force security forces. The
commander of the Berets walked up to the group and said, "What are you doing here?"
"Obviously, we are photographing flying objects, and we just saw a flying saucer and we got
some very very good pictures of it." The commander then asked the leader of the group if he
knew where he was. The group leader replied "No." The commander then said, "We suggest you
get out of here right now!" The group leader then asked, "What right do you have to tell us to get
out of here? Is this government land?" The commander of the Black Berets replied, "Indeed it is.
It is Andrews Air Force Base, and if you are not out of here in ten minutes, you are under arrest."
With that, the Berets removed the film from the camera, and the group left.
Not only does this illustrate one kind of instance where UFOs are seen in relationship to
helicopters, but it also illustrates the fact that either some of the disks are ours, or we have a
military/government relationship with those who fly them. The helicopters mentioned above are
not the mystery ones, but were United States military ones.
Another case of military helicopters and United States-owned disks comes from the book "UFO
Crash at Aztec," by Wendell Stevens. In the book he relates the incident where an Indian was
backpacking in the mountains in the vicinity of Area 51, Groom Lake, on the Nellis AFB range
north of Las Vegas. He heard approaching helicopters and hid out of sight. The helicopters were
broadcasting a warning over public address systems for anyone in the area to show themselves
because they were going to conduct a "dangerous military test." The Indian maintained his
hidden posture, and the helicopters flew overhead and back down toward the Groom Lake
facility. Minutes later, two helicopters were seen flying up the canyon with a black disk flying
between them and slightly above them. They flew overhead and then the helicopters turned
around and flew back towards the base, followed shortly afterward by the disk. The individual's
name and how to contact him for further details is given in the book.
The Mystery Choppers
Situations involving the mystery helicopters appear to be a little more insidious. A good example
is an event which occurred in Madison County, Montana, between June and October of 1976.
Twenty-two confirmed cattle mutilations had occurred during that period, and they were
accompanied by reports throughout the county of silent, unmarked, jet-black helicopters, flashing
or steady anomalous lights in the air and near the ground, unmarked fixed- wing aircraft and
white vans in remote and previously inaccessible areas.
Toward the latter part of this period, in early autumn of 1976, a hunter from Bozeman, Montana,
was out alone around 3:00pm one day in the Red Mountain area near Norris. He watched as a
black helicopter without markings flew overhead and disappeared below a small hill. The curious
hunter climbed to the top of the hill. There was the black chopper (a Bell Jet Ranger, he thought)
on the ground, the engine still running. Seven men had apparently exited from the craft and were
walking up the hill toward the observer. As the hunter advanced toward the seven, he waved and
shouted congenial greetings. It was then that he realized there was something about the men -they were all Oriental. They had slanted eyes and olive skin and were jabbering among
themselves in some indecipherable language. They wore "everyday" clothes, not uniforms.
Suddenly they began to return to the helicopter. The hunter, still waving and shouting friendly
greetings, started after them. The Orientals quickened their pace. When the hunter approached
within five or six feet, they broke into a dead run, crowded into the chopper and took off.
In a documented "mystery helicopter" wave in England, accounts place Oriental-appearing
occupants in an unidentified chopper. Slant-eyed, olive skinned, Oriental-seeming occupants
have been a staple at the heart and at the periphery of UFO accounts for years. Significant
numbers of the infamous "men-in- black" (MIB) have a similar appearance, but very often they
are seen as very pale and gaunt men who are sensitive to light.
In STIGMATA No. 5 (Fall-Winter 1978) Tom Adams outlined the most prominent speculative
explanations accounting for the mutilation/helicopter link, including the following:
The helicopters are themselves UFOs, disguised to
appear as terrestrial craft.
The choppers originate from within the U.S.
government/military and are directly involved in
conducting the actual mutilations.
The helicopters are government/military and are not
involved in the mutilations but are investigating them.
The helicopters are government/military, and they
know about the identity and motives of the
mutilators and by their presence, they are trying to
divert attention to the possibility of involvement
by the military.
The answer, as far as Tom Adams is concerned, could be a combination of the above
explanations. There also has been speculation that they are involved in biological experiments
with chemical or biological warfare or the geobotanical pursuit of petroleum and mineral
deposits. On one occasion, an army standard-type scalpel was found at a mutilation site. Since
the disks have been mostly involved with the mutilations, it is thought that this was a
diversionary event.
These events, or the discussion of them, is just the precursor to the actual revelations of what is
behind the mutilations: alien acquisition of biological materials for their own use. To discuss this
in a logical and sequential manner, we must review what has been really happening right under
our noses: direct interaction with extraterrestrial biological entities (EBE's). To discuss that,
however, we must attempt to start at the beginning with what we now know to be true.
The Saga Begins
It seemingly all began thousands of years ago, but for the purposes of this discussion, let's start
with some events that we all are familiar with. In 1947, two years after we set off the first
nuclear explosion that our current civilization detonated, came the Mantell episode, where we
had the first recorded incident of a military confrontation with extraterrestrials that resulted in the
death of a military pilot. It is quite evident now that our government did not know quite how to
handle the situation. In 1952, the nation's capital was overflown by a series of disks. It was this
event which led to the involvement of United States security forces (CIA, NSA, DIA, FBI) to try
to keep the situation under control until they could understand what was happening. During this
period, the government established a working group, known as Majestic Twelve (MJ-12). The
original members were: Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, Dr. Vannevar Bush, Secretary James
Forrestal, General Nathan P. Twining, General Hoyt S. Vandenburg, Dr. Detlev Bronk, Dr.
Jerome Hunsaker, Mr. Sidney W. Souers, Mr. Gordon Gray, Dr. Donald Menzel, General Robert
M. Montague, and Dr. Lloyd V. Berkner.
The MJ-12 group has been a continuously existing group since it was created, with new members
replacing others that die. For example, when Secretary Forrestal was upset at seeing the United
States sold out in World War II, he wound up being sent to a Naval hospital for emotional strain.
Before relatives could get to him, he "jumped out a 16th story window." Most persons close to
him consider his suicide contrived. When Forrestal died, he was replaced by General Walter B.
In December of 1947, Project Sign was created to acquire as much information as possible about
UFOs, their performance characteristics and their purposes. In order to preserve security, liaison
between Project Sign and MJ-12 was limited to two individuals within the intelligence division
of the Air Materiel Command whose role it was to pass along certain types of information
through channels. Project Sign evolved into Project Grudge in December, 1948. Project Grudge
had an over civilian counterpart named Project Bluebook, with which we are all familiar. Only
"safe" reports were passed to Bluebook. In 1949, MJ-12 evolved an initial plan of contingency
called MJ-1949-04P/78 that was to make allowance for public disclosure of some data should the
necessity present itself.
Majestic Twelve was originally organized by General George C. Marshall in July, 1947, to study
the Roswell-Magdalena UFO crash recovery and debris. Admiral Hillenkoetter, director of the
CIA from May 1, 1947, until September, 1950, decided to activate the "Robertson Panel," which
was designed to monitor civilian UFO study groups that were appearing all over the country. He
also joined NICAP in 1956 and was chosen as a member of its board of directors. It was from
this position that he was able to act as the MJ-12 "mole," along with his team of other covert
experts. They were able to steer NICAP in any direction they wanted to go. With the "Flying
Saucer Program" under complete control of MJ-12 and with the physical evidence hidden away,
General Marshall felt more at ease with this very bizarre situation. These men and their
successors have most successfully kept most of the public fooled for 39 years, including much of
the western world, by setting up false experts and throwing their influence behind them to make
their plan work, with considerable success. Until now.
Within six months of the Roswell crash on 2 July 1947 and the finding of another crashed UFO
at San Augustine Flats near Magdalena, New Mexico, on 3 July 1947, a great deal of
reorganization of agencies and shuffling of people took place. The main thrust behind the
original "security lid," and the very reason for its construction, was the analysis and attempted
duplication of the technologies of the disks. That activity is headed up by the following groups:
The Research and Development Board (R&DB)
Air Force Research and Development (AFRD)
The Office of Naval Research (ONR)
CIA Office of Scientific Intelligence (CIA-OSI)
NSA Office Of Scientific Intelligence (NSA-OSI)
No single one of these groups was supposed to know the whole story. Each group was to know
only the parts that MJ-12 allowed them to know. MJ-12 also operates through the various
civilian intelligence and investigative groups. The CIA and the FBI are manipulated by MJ-12 to
carry out their purposes. The NSA was created in the first place to protect the secret of the
recovered flying disks, and eventually got complete control over all communications
This control allows the NSA to monitor any individual through mail, telephone, telexes,
telegrams, and now through online computers, monitoring private and personal communications
as they choose. In fact, the present-day NSA is the current main extension of MJ-12 pertaining to
the "Flying Saucer Program." Vast amounts of disinformation are spread throughout the UFO
research field. Any witnesses to any aspect of the program have their lives monitored in every
detail, for each has signed a security oath. For people who have worked in the program,
including military members, breaking that oath could have any of the following direct
A verbal warning accompanied by a review of the
security oath.
A stronger warning, sometimes accompanied by a browbeating and intimidation.
Psychologically working on an individual to bring on
depression that will lead to suicide.
Murder of the person made to appear as a suicide or
Strange and sudden accidents, always fatal.
Confinement in special "detention centers."
Confinement in "insane asylums" where they are
"treated" by mind-control and deprogramming
techniques. Individuals are released with changed
personalities, identities, and altered memories.
Bringing the individual into the "inside," where he is employed and works for "them," and where
he can be watched. This is usually in closed facilities with little contact with the outside world.
Underground facilities are the usual place for this.
Any individual who they perceive to be "too close to the truth" will be treated in the same
manner. MJ-12 will go to any length to preserve and protect the ultimate secret. As we will see
later, the characteristics of what this ultimate secret would turn out to be would change
drastically, for it was something even MJ- 12 could not predict -- actual contact with alien
How the actual contact between the government and aliens was initially made is not known, but
the government was made aware that it could be done by a civilian using the right equipment.
Dr. Paul Bennewitz, civilian scientist, did so using computer equipment and informed the
government he had done so, not realizing that by then, in 1983, that the government was in truth
as deep into dealing with the aliens as his communications with them revealed. Dr. Bennewitz
lives next to Manzano Weapons Storage Area in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He observed UFOs
constantly over the area and initially decided that they were a threat to the installation. He
proceeded to figure out a coding system and attempted and was successful in communicating
with the aliens that were flying over that area.
What he found out is that after initial contacts with the aliens years ago, we agreed to provide
them with bases underground in the United States in return for certain technological secrets
which the aliens would reveal to us. The aliens would also be allowed to carry out certain
operations, abductions, and mutilations without intervention.
The original contact between the government and the extraterrestrial biological entities, who are
grey in color and about 3.5 to 4.5 feet high (hereafter referred to as the Greys), was achieved
between 1947 and 1951. We knew that the Greys were instrumental in performing the
mutilations of animals (and some humans) and that they were using the glandular substances
derived from these materials for food (absorbed through the skin) and to clone more Greys in
their underground laboratories. The government was also aware that the Greys performed some
of the abductions to secure genetic materials. The government insisted that the Greys provide
them with a list that would be presented to the National Security Council.
Through all this, the government thought that the Greys were basically tolerable creatures,
although a bit distasteful. They presumed at the time that it was not unreasonable to assume that
the public would and could get used to their presence. Between 1968 and 1969 a plan was
formulated to make the public aware of their existence over the succeeding twenty years. This
time period would culminate with a series of documentaries that would explain the history and
intentions of the Greys.
The Greys assured us that the real purpose of the abductions was for monitoring of our
civilization, and when we learned that the abductions were a lot more frequent and insidious than
we were led to believe, the government became concerned. Their concern was also based on
additional information regarding the purposes for the abductions:
Insertion of a 3mm spherical biological monitoring
device through the nasal cavity into the brain of the
Implementing subliminal post-hypnotic suggestions
that would compel the abductee to perform some
specific act at a time to be within the next two
to five years.
Genetic crossbreeding between the Greys and human beings.
Insertion of discoid monitoring devices into the
muscle tissue of the abductees. Presence of these has
been verified by x-ray.
By the time we had found out the truth about the intentions of the Greys (they intend to stay here
and stay in control of our world) it was too late. We had already "sold out" humanity. Not that it
would have made any difference, because they were here doing what they were doing anyway.
In 1983, a story was outlined by government sources that said that the Greys are responsible for
our biological evolution through manipulation of the DNA of already evolving primates on this
planet. Various time intervals of the DNA manipulation were specified for 25,000, 15,000,
5,000, and 2,500 years ago. Originally, the government thought that the Greys meant us no harm,
but today, in 1988, the picture that is emerging is exactly the opposite. The story now is one of
great deception at several different levels: the Greys Trojan Horse-style manipulation and lying
which allied MJ-12 forces with them four decades ago; the government's disinformation of the
subject of UFOs in order to perpetuate the agreement with the Greys free of public scrutiny; the
lies to the abductees; the Greys on-going abduction of people and mutilation of animals in order
to harvest enzymes, blood and other tissues for their own survival needs; and a genetic blend of
the Grey race and a tall Nordic race to enable Grey interface with humans to be done with greater
Information from a source at a southwest Army base reveals that these multiple levels of
deception are true. It is also indicated that the goal of SDI (Star Wars) is actually to follow
through with an attack, proposed by the Greys, on the Nordics when they arrive en masse
between now and 1992. This time schedule seems to match with the post-hypnotic programming
of many abductees for actions between the next two to five years.
This same source sees the world dominated and controlled by the Greys in a way similar to that
portrayed in the "V" television series -- they are concerned only for their own survival agenda,
and this agenda requires biological substances from other life forms on our planet.
The apparent reasoning for the Grey preoccupation with this is due to their lack of a formal
digestive tract and the fact that they absorb nutrients and excrete waste directly through the skin.
The substances that they acquire are mixed with hydrogen peroxide and "painted" on their skin,
allowing absorption of the required nutrients. It is construed from this that some weaponry
against them might be geared in this direction.
Message #7181 - ASK_UFO
Date : 30-Aug-91
From : Don Ecker
To : ALL
Subject : EXPOSE
The following message may seem a bit obtuse at first, but please
read on for a moment and you will catch what is going on.
In my job as Director of Research for UFO Magazine, I get to meet
sometimes strange but also very interesting people. Also as
Director, I oft times get documents, books, and papers for the mag
that I can peruse before most of the public. Also, having been
involved with ParaNet since the end of 1987 the beginning of 1988,
I have seen a lot happen in the field and with ParaNet both good
and bad. Late in 1987 Jim Speiser, the founder of ParaNet was at
the helm as Director. I was Co-Sysop with the old ParaNet RHO, now
no longer in service. In late December 1987, Jim Speiser received
the now famous, or perhaps more to the point, infamous *LEAR.DOC*
that set parts of the UFO field on fire. For any of you that were
not around then, for months and finally years, and now even, people
have read Lears paper, and the turmoil continued.
Months later, after Lear "surfaced", another character
hit the field. This guy’s name is now also famous, or more to the
point, infamous ** Milton William Cooper. Cooper, now known for his
attacks on most researchers, accusing them of being govt. agents,
etc. was much more restrained in those days. After Lear had his
paper posted, many of the then ParaNet users, had many questions
for "Lear and Co." As time went on, Lear grew tired of people
asking him about sources, etc. and more often than not would fire
back. Cooper then began to ally himself with Lear.
Cooper came on the seen with a report about having sighted a UFO
while a crew member on a U. S. Sub, the TIRU. A short while later,
after covertly sending a file to Speiser to be forwarded to Stanton
Friedman, and then also sending a file to me to send to Friedman,
( without Speiser or me knowing about the other ) Cooper began to
upload all kinds of wondrous files with some outrageous claims and
documents. Of course he also came under some fire here because he
could not prove one damn thing that he claimed either. AND, OF
COURSE ONE HELL OF A LOT MORE HAPPENED. But we will leave that for
another day.
What is all of this, and why is it here? Well, one of Coopers big
drawing cards at his $25.00 and $35.00 per head lectures has been
the Kennedy Murder. Cooper has been showing a VERY POOR COPY of the
famous Zapruder film that "looks as if" the driver of Kennedy's car
turns around and shoots him with a pistol. The film was originally
worked on by a Kennedy researcher by the name of Lars Hansson. For
any of you that read my two parter on Cooper in UFO Magazine, in
part two Hansson discussed this entire sorry episode. But you are
still asking what is this about? Ok.......
During all this business with Lear, Cooper, etc. Hansson was off
and on in Las Vegas, and spent a great deal of time with Lear.
Hansson lived for a while in Lears guest house, did odd jobs for
Lear while working on his research, and Lears UFO stuff. Hansson
was right in the middle of Lear, Cooper, Lazar, and many other
things, and for a number of reasons, Hansson and Lear "fell out".
Hansson also has been a very active researcher in illegal
government covert operations, arms trade, Iran-Contra, etc., and
has just finished an explosive expose entitled "UFOs, ALIENS, and
`Ex'-intelligence Agents: Who's Fooling Whom?" The Inside Story of
John Lear, Bill Cooper, and The Greatest Cover-up in Human History.
This is a 300 page AFFIDAVIT by Lars Hansson, and is available for
$25.00 plus 3.00 postage and handling. If you are interested you
can send for it at;
Paragon Research & Publications
P.O. Bx 981
Orlando, FL.
I have gone through my files, and the next several messages go back
to those days in 1988 and 1989. After I get those messages up, read
them and then in a couple days I will
upload sections from Hansson's book. If you are interested in the
real story ( other than UFO Magazine of course ) of what went on
with Lear, Cooper, the U.S. Govt. and what may have been behind
Lear, et. al, this is one that you will not want to miss.
Documents, phone calls, arms shipments, alleged involvement in the
Marcos Gold shipments, Iran-Contra, CIA airlines, CIA pilots, folks
like G. Gordon Liddy, Gordon Novel, they are all here and a part of
the story. UFOs? Yep, they are here to. The inside story on what
may have been going on at S-4, Lazar, etc. How Cooper took all
these stories and wove his tale from whole cloth. Prostitutes, bad
cops, the A.I.D.s virus, and a possible cure that had been
discovered, the whole damn thing is incredible. At any rate, the
book will give pause for thought. Ok, let’s go on a short time trip
back to 1988.
Don Ecker
PS It is late, so if parts of the above do not make much sense, remember, I
knew what it was that I wanted to say........
Message #7182 - ASK_UFO
Date : 30-Aug-91
From : Don Ecker
To : All
Subject : Expose II
This is from October 1988
The question is often asked, why don't more military UFO
witnesses come forward publicly, and provide names, dates
and places? Surely they aren't REALLY intimidated by such
empty threats as JANAP 146-E, which provides for hefty fines
and jail sentences for breaking silence on a military UFO
sighting. Surely they realize the scientific import of
their sighting transcends any nationalist or military
considerations. If more military witnesses don't come forth
publicly, isn't it possible that there aren't really as many
as hardcore ufologists would have us believe? It’s a question
I've often asked myself.
ParaNet is deeply indebted to, and a little honored by, user Bill
Cooper of Fullerton, California, for this, the first known report
of a multiple military witness sighting that occurred onboard the
submarine USS Tiru in 1966.
--Jim Speiser
------------------------------------------------------------In 1966 during the month of the Rose Festival in the Pacific
Northwest United States, the USS Tiru SS-416 left Pearl
Harbor bound for Seattle Washington.
The sub moored to a
civilian pier near the downtown Seattle area and thousands
of people toured the sub during its stay in Seattle.
its duty as "showboat" it proceeded to a back bay area
where it underwent torpedo trials.
I believe the area was
called dabob bay [pronounced day-bob] but I am not sure of
the spelling.
I include the above information because it
should be easy to research.
During the cruise from Pearl
to Seattle five of the crew had a very unusual experience.
During one late afternoon the sub was cruising on the
surface at approx. 10 knots when the port lookout reported
a strange contact at a range of 2 miles bearing 315 degrees
The lookout refused to tell the OOD what it was
that he had seen and instead insisted that the starboard
lookout and the OOD both look at that area.
The three men
looked through their binoculars toward the area reported
and were astounded to see a metal craft larger than a
football field tumble from the clouds into the ocean.
actually tumbled end over end and when it hit the water and
sank beneath the ocean huge geysers of water rose into the
When the port lookout was sure that the others had
seen it he then told the OOD that he had seen it tumble
from the ocean up into the clouds.
The OOD and the
starboard lookout were speechless.
Within a few minutes,
however, they all became excited when it again rose from
the water and tumbled up into the cloud layer.
At about
the same time a crew member below queried the bridge about
a radar contact at the same range and bearing.
Sonar also
reported strange echoes.
The OOD called for the Captain to
come to the bridge at that time. He also called for the
camera to be sent to the bridge.
The Captain arrived on
the bridge within 2 minutes and the Chief Quartermaster was
right behind him with the camera. At about the same time
the object emerged from the clouds and fell down into the
All five men witnessed this.
The QMC took pictures
as it rose up into the clouds and then back down into the
ocean once again.
The five men watched for quite a while
longer but nothing else happened.
Soon the sub had moved
out of visual range and the Captain told all witnesses that
they were never to discuss what they had seen with anyone
under any circumstances.
classified information.
sent a radio msg.
He stated that the incident was
The Captain then went below and
There was no doubt as to what we had
It was a metal craft with machinery on and around
the outside of it.
It appeared to have windows or lenses
placed around its perimeter.
could hear.
It made no noise that we
It did not disturb the subs electrical systems
nor did it affect the gyro compass.
It looked very much
like a round flying "ship" as in sea going ship.
It had
the shape and form of a saucer with a bowl inverted in the
saucer and it was huge.
I will never forget it as long as
I live. When I first saw this craft I believe that my heart
literally stopped beating and I was terrified.
the OOD was Ensign Ball.
The name of
The starboard lookout was an
American Indian seaman that the crew called Geronimo. The
port lookout was a new man who left the sub soon after the
return to Pearl Harbor and his name was Cooper.
I do not
remember the Captain's name nor the Chief Quartermaster's
This is the first time I have ever mentioned it
since the moment that the Captain told me that it was
classified. As far as I know it has never been reported to
the public before this instant.
It should be easy to
verify the facts if you can get a copy of the log and/or
contact the other witnesses.
The names should not be too
hard to find in the ships records/logs.
I was the port
“I must say that I feel a great uneasiness in
posting this, much like the way I felt in Vietnam when my
life was in great danger…”
In his book of 1957, entitled, "The Flying Saucer Conspiracy", Donald
Keyhoe also mentioned some rather indicting news on pages 200-201:
On 2nd February, while visiting Bogota, Columbia, William P. Lear,
manufacturer of aircraft and electronic equipment, told a news conference
that the flying saucers are real.
When Lear's story was flashed to the United States by the AP, it was
a hard blow for the UFO censors. But this was only the beginning. Within
twenty-four hours Lear amplified his first statement:
“I feel the flying saucers are real’ he said, 'because of four
points'. “First”, he said, “there have been numerous manifestations over
long periods of time. Second, many observations have been made simultaneously
by reliable observers. Third, there are great possibilities linked with the
theory of gravitational fields. Fourth, there are now serious efforts in
progress to prove the existence of anti-gravitational forces and to convert
atomic energy directly to electricity".
This new AP story dismayed the Pentagon, for it could easily disclose
our top-secret research to duplicate the UFO's propulsion. There had
already been one hint despite Pentagon precautions. During a meeting of
aviation leaders in New York, on the 25th of January, G.S. Trimble, vicepresident of advance design for the Glenn L. Martin Aircraft Company, had
made an amazing disclosure:
"Unlimited power, freedom form gravitational attraction, and infinitely
short travel time are now becoming feasible”, he told the press. Then he
added that eventually all commercial air transportation would be in vehicles
operating on “these fantastic principles".
One almost fantastic possibility is that if gravity can be understood
scientifically and negated or neutralized in some relatively inexpensive
manner, it will be possible to build aircraft, earth satellites, and even
space ships that will move swiftly into outer space, without strain, beyond
the pull of earth's gravity field. They would not have to wrench themselves
away through the brute force of powerful rockets and through expenditure of
expensive chemical fuels.
Centers where pure research on gravity now is in progress in some form
include the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, N.J. and also at
Princeton University: the University of Indiana's School of Advanced
Mathematical Studies and the Purdue University Research Foundation.
A scientific group from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which
encourages original research in pure and applied science, recently attended
a seminar at the Roger Babson Gravity Research Institute of New Boston,
N.H., at which Clarence Birdseye, inventor and industrialist, also was
present. Mr. Birdseye gave the world its first packaged quick-frozen foods
and laid the foundation for today’s frozen food Industry: more recently he
has become interested in gravitational studies.
A proposal to establish at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
N.C., an 'Institute of Pure Physics' primarily to carry on theoretical
research on gravity was approved earlier this month by the University's
board of trustees. This had the approval of Dr. Gordon Gray who has since
retired as president of the University. Dr. Gray has been Secretary of the
Army, Assistant Secretary of Defense, and special assistant to the
President of the United States.
FUNDS COLLECTED: Funds to make the institute possible were collected by
Agnew H. Bahnson jr., an industrialist of Winston Salem, N.C. The new
University of North Carolina administration is now deciding on the
institute's scope and personnel. The directorship has been offered to Dr.
Bryce S. Dewitt of the Radiation Laboratories at the University of
California at Berkeley, who is the author of a Roger Babson prize-winning
scientific study entitled, 'New Directions for Research in the Theory of
The same type of scientific disagreement which occurred in connection with
the first proposals to build the hydrogen bomb and an artificial earth
satellite -now under construction - is in progress over anti-gravity
research. Many scientists of repute are sure that gravity can be overcome
in comparatively few years if sufficient resources are put behind the
project. Others believe it may take a quarter of a century or more.
REFUSE TO PREDICT: Some pure physicists, while backing the general program
to try to discover how gravity is propagated, refuse to make predictions of
any kind. Aircraft industry firms now participating or actively interested
in gravity include Glenn L. Martin Co. of Baltimore, builders of the
nation's first giant jet-powered flying boat; Convair of San Diego,
designers and builders of the giant B-36 intercontinental bomber and the
world's first successful vertical take-off fighter; Bell Aircraft of
Buffalo, builders of the first piloted airplane to fly faster than sound
and a current jet take-off and landing airplane, and Sikorsky Division of
United Aircraft, pioneer helicopter builders.
Lear, Inc., of Santa Monica, one of the world's largest builders of
automatic pilots for airplanes; Clarke Electronics of Palm Springs,
California, a pioneer in its field, and the Sperry Gyroscope Division of
Sperry-Rand Corp., of Great Neck, L.I., which is doing important work on
guided missiles and earth satellites, also have scientists investigating
the gravity problem.
On the morning of June 4, 1964, the unthinkable happened; Learjet prototype 001 crashed and
burned on takeoff, with a Federal Aviation Administration test pilot as pilot-in-command, and one of Lear's
pilots as second-in-command. Bill Lear, who never had much love for the FAA, turned this fiasco around
to his advantage.
"Jeep Halaby was FAA administrator at the time," Bill Lear Jr. explained. "Dad really lit into him for
sending such an incompetent FAA test pilot to fly his aircraft. Jeeb was justifiably embarrassed. The Old
Man made the FAA responsible for the loss of his Learjet; he put the onus on them to get his airplane
With friends in high places, Bill Lear was quickly on the phone to Senator Barry Goldwater.
"The FAA pulled out all the stops after that phone call," Lear Jr. laughed. "The Learjet Model 23 received
its FAA certification on July 31, 1964—just seven weeks after the FAA crashed our first prototype, only 10
months after first flight and four months before our competitor, the Jet Commander, became certified."
Stories have always circulated around Lear and his aircraft. For instance, it's been reported that Lear Sr.
imported a team of midgets from California to work inside the slender fuselages of the first Learjets built in
Wichita, saying, "If it takes midgets, that's what we'll use." Lear Jr. says that's outrageously false.
"During WWII, I believe Lockheed used midgets, to crawl into small areas to buck rivets," he said. "How it
got from Lockheed to Learjets is pure fantasy. The Learjet fuselage isn't slender; a six-footer can work
inside of it! My father may have done what appeared by some to be peculiar things, but he never involved
himself in any 'crazy antics.'"
William Powell Lear, the only child of Reuben Marion and Gertrude Elizabeth (Powell) Lear, was born on
June 26, 1902, in Hannibal, Mo. He endured a lonely, miserable and unstable childhood. After his mother
and father separated when he was 6 years old, he lived in Chicago with his mother, who was both
verbally and physically abusive to him, causing him to feel "faithless and worthless."
"My father's mother, Gertrude, was a Bible-thumping, tyrannical, child-beating, flaming redheaded bitch,"
Bill Lear Jr. said frankly.
He said he understood why his father would later run away from home, particularly after he spent a horrid
three-week summer vacation with his grandmother, when he was 8. He described the conditions as
"appalling." There wasn't running water or electricity, and he recalls the stench from a slop-bucket the
pigs ate from, which was kept on the floor next to the kitchen sink.
Bill Lear took refuge from his mother reading books about electricity. By age 12, he had built a radio set
with earphones, mastered Morse code, and had pieced together a crude telegraph. He later said Horatio
Alger books helped him go from faithless to fearless.
"It was always situations where the young man had no real reason to expect opportunities in life," he said
of what he read. "He always found opportunities by virtues of his willingness to 'do and to dare.' This was
a physiological stimulus for someone in my position, as my mother was always trying to drill it into me that
I would never be anything: Once a poor boy, always a poor boy."
Reading Tom Swift adventure stories helped him decide to drop out of high school, after attending eighth
grade for only eight weeks. He didn't need school; he knew more about electronics than his teachers did.
He took odd jobs, mostly working with electronics, and at 18, he joined the Navy for six months and
became a wireless instructor. After WWI, Lear learned how to fly; he applied his knowledge of electronics
to aviation.
One of his customers was Paul Galvin, president of Galvin Manufacturing Co., which built radios. Galvin
bought Lear's coils and hired him as chief engineer. Another Galvin product was a B-battery eliminator
that Lear designed and patented; it adapted battery-operated radios to household current. Lear also
convinced Galvin to start designing and manufacturing car radios, and helped come up with Motorola for
the radio name.
Shortly after that, Lear founded Lear Developments, which became Lear Inc., and later, Lear-Siegler Inc.,
with its core business in aerospace instruments and electronics.
"Dad became somewhat successful; we lived in a rented mansion," said Bill Lear Jr.
The author of the autobiography, "Fly Fast, Sin Boldly; Flying, Spying & Surviving," explained that his
mother wasn't Lear's first wife. During the early 1920s, "Willy" Lear married Ethel Peterson. In 1925, he
fell in love with 17-year-old Madeline Murphy.
"Dad was still married to his first wife," Lear Jr. said.
Lear was arrested in 1926, when the FBI caught up with him in Buffalo, N.Y., for taking the under-aged
Murphy across the state line; he was indicted with a felony violation of the Mann Act (trafficking in white
"But Dad and Mom married in October of that year," Lear said. "The marriage nullified the government's
Bill Lear Jr., born May 24, 1928, wasn't the first William P. Lear Jr.
"My half-brother, from Dad's first marriage, died five and half months after birth in 1924, from a congenital
heart defect," he said. Thirteen months after the birth of the second Bill Lear Jr., Madeline Lear gave birth
to a girl, Patti.
"According to Mom, Dad was absolutely livid," Lear said. "He blamed her for getting pregnant."
He said that moving into the rented mansion was a way to try to save his faltering marriage.
"Dad was trying to woo Mom back to the nest with all this display of wealth and grandeur," he said. "He
had been fooling around, and she knew it."
By 1933, their marriage ended; a very sad 5-year-old Bill Lear Jr. didn't understand why only he, his sister
and mother would be "exiled to Miami" from Chicago, to live in a small, rented house. Madeline Lear
never remarried.
Lear, who said his father wasn't close to any of his kids, because "he was too much of a perfectionist,"
rarely saw his father—yearly, if he was lucky. Courtesy of the Lear gene, he didn't have much of an
interest in anything except electronics. Meanwhile, back in Chicago, his father was running his electronics
factory. He would receive penny postcards from his son telling him of his passion for electronics, but he
was too busy to respond. He had no idea that his son was a "do or dare" guy, too, working two to three
part-time jobs after school, so he could purchase parts to construct his own one - and two-tube radio
This is the second in a series on new pure and applied research into the
mysteries of gravity and efforts to devise ways to counteract it. written
by Ansel E. Talbert, military and Aviation editor, N.Y.H.T.
"Scientists today regard the earth as a giant magnet. Many in America's
aircraft & electronics industries are excited over the possibility of using
its magnetic and gravitational fields as a medium of support for amazing
'flying vehicles' which will not depend on the air for lift.
Space ships capable of accelerating in a few seconds to speeds many
thousands of miles an hour and making sudden changes of course at these
speeds without subjecting their passengers to the so-called 'G-forces'
caused by gravity's pull also are envisioned. These concepts are part of a
new program to solve the secret of gravity and universal gravitation
already in progress in many top scientific laboratories and
long-established industrial firms of the nation.
William P. Lear, inventor and chairman of the board of Lear, Inc., one of
the nation's largest electronics firms specializing in aviation, for months
has been going over new developments and theories relating to gravity with
his chief scientists and engineers.
Mr. Lear in 1950 received the Collier Trophy from the President of the
United States 'for the greatest achievement in aviation in America' through
developing a light-weight automatic pilot and approach control system for
jet fighter planes.
He is convinced that it will be possible to create artificial
'electro-gravitational fields whose huge polarity can be controlled to cancel
out gravity.'
He told this correspondent:
'All the (mass) materials and human beings
within these fields will be part of them. They will be adjustable so as to
increase or decrease the weight of any object in its surroundings. They
won't be affected by the earth's gravity or that of any celestial body.
'This means that if any person was in an anti-gravitational airplane or
space ship that carried along its own gravitational field - no matter how
fast you accelerated or changed course - your body wouldn't any more feel
it than it now feels the speed of the earth.'
Lear recalls when his father flew to Miami in his Beechcraft Model 17 Staggerwing, in 1938, to participate
in the Miami All-American Air Maneuvers. Excited to see his estranged father, 10-year-old Lear also
anticipated the arrival of a "huge box of old radio parts" from his father's factory, which was promised to
arrive before the event.
"The only thing I cared about at the time was getting that box," he said. "I started to hate my father for
making false promises. Months went by; after Mom called him, I got the box. It was full of 'useless' wires
and cables. It wasn't easy having a famous dad; he didn't understand how much a kid needed him, his
love and his word.
"Dad was so busy with the things that he wanted to do that he just didn't think to spend time with his
children. He always underestimated himself; he always had that little problem, where he was trying to be
better than the next guy. He was successful at doing it, but he always had a little inferiority complex. He
made up for that by becoming such an extrovert."
By 1940, Bill Lear had invented the Learmatic Navigator, an automatic pilot system that kept aircraft on
course by locking into radio broadcast signals. It earned him the prestigious Frank M. Hawks Memorial
That year, his namesake, who had been failing public school, entered Howe Military School, in Howe,
Ind., which he would attend for two years. Away from his mom for the first time, he was extremely lonely.
Two new women would enter his life after Bill and Madeline Lear divorced.
"After Dad divorced Mom, he married Margaret Radel, but it didn't last long," Lear said, recalling she was
a "cheap, easy, gold-digging but sexy babe."
Bill Lear married again in January 1942. Moya Olsen was the daughter of Broadway's famous stage
comedian Ole Olsen, of Olsen & Johnston in New York's "Hellzapoppin" fame.
"Moya not only won Dad's heart, but mine too," Lear said. "Mom was in Missouri, so I couldn't see her
much, but Moya took me under her wing. She'd drive up to be with me at Howe for every major ceremony
and was always there to pick me up at vacation times."
Bill and Moya Lear would have four children together: John Lear was born in 1942, Shanda in 1944,
David in 1948 and Tina in 1954. Later, Lear Jr. lived with his father and Moya in Piqua, Ohio, where he
worked after school at Lear Inc., which made fighter and bomber aircraft electric actuators.
In 1949, Bill Lear relocated his plant to Grand Rapids, Mich., where he developed and tested the F-5
autopilot. During WWII, he became a major supplier of technological equipment to the Allied forces. After
WWII, he perfected his autopilots for fighter jets, and added a system for fully automatic landings in lowvisibility conditions.
When Bill Lear Jr. decided to join the military, he knew he didn't want to be in the Navy.
"All of my life I've been fearful of water—swimming in it or drinking it," he said. "I nearly drowned as a
In 1948, at age 20, he was accepted for Air Force pilot training, subject to passing a college equivalence
test and a physical. He reported to March Field in California, where he aced the equivalency test, but
flunked the physical exam. His right nasal passage was 80-percent blocked as a result of breaking his
nose as a child. After undergoing painful nasal surgery, he passed the physical.
He said he thought his dad was proud of him for joining up, but that he didn't believe he'd be able to cut it.
"He used to say that the only thing I ever finished that I had started was a bottle of beer," Lear said. "But I
knew I could prove him wrong."
Assigned to Randolph Field in Texas, Lear graduated flight training with the class of 49-C, but not before
coming close to losing his flight privileges or being thrown out of the program. He lied about his piloting
experience, telling his flight instructor he only had 50 hours in a Piper Cub.
True, on May 27, 1944, three days after turning 16, he soloed in a 50-hp Piper J-3 Cub, after eight hours,
10 minutes of dual instruction time. But when he joined the military, he had over 1,000 flight hours,
including time in the P-38, AT-6 and BT-13, as well as a wooden-fabric Stinson JRSR and a Cessna T50. And he had earned his instrument and multi-engine ratings in August 1946.
"But there I was, signed up to 'learn how to fly' in an AT-6," he laughed. Fearing "more hazing," he lied
because he didn't want to appear as a "smart-ass, know-it-all" pilot.
Lear was assigned to Las Vegas Air Force Base (now Nellis AFB) for advanced flight training. In the
second class to occupy the base since WWII, he would learn the basics of the P-51D Mustang.
"The afternoon sun produced furnace-like temperatures up to 120 F; the planes got so hot sitting on the
ramp, we had to wear gloves so we wouldn't burn our hands," he said. "Inside the cockpit, it got up to 150
degrees; we were severely dehydrated. And those low-level missions were hell—sitting under Plexiglas
He believed that was one of the reasons his flying class had such a high accident rate—the highest of
any previous class.
"We were killing a student every few weeks, plus having an extremely high incidence of survivable
crashes," he said. "We were constantly attending funeral services. In fact, our flying class of 49-C became
known as '49-Crash!"
On Sept. 20, 1949, 10 days to graduation and getting his wings, he flew the number-two position in a
high-altitude, formation flight of three during a Vee exercise from the base. The leader leveled off at
30,000 feet; as Lear and another cadet followed his direction, he began giving signals for them to change
"There were usually about 60 Mustangs in the air at any given time, and it was impossible for all of us to
use the radio, as our ARC-3 VHF radios only had eight frequencies back then," he said. "We did have a
common training frequency, to use in the event of an emergency, but we used hand or aircraft movement
signals while we were simulating combat radio silence."
"I was designated to fly in the number two position, so I dropped down and under Murray's aircraft and
waited for Andy Wilcox (the other cadet) to move out so I could take his place, then Andy would move
back, flying on my wing," he explained.
That didn't happen; Wilcox, who hadn't seen Lear, decided that he must be number two, and began to
slide back into his original position, but as Lear moved up into position, the two aircraft collided.
"The next thing I knew, his 16-foot prop came down through the top of my canopy, right behind me, slicing
the back of my seat rails off," he said. "When you're at 30,000 feet, your helmet and mask blown off, and
with only a half a plane left, it's damn cold and windy!"
When their aircraft collided, both planes popped up vertically, and locked together. Wilcox bailed out of
his plane at about 25,000 feet and immediately opened his chute.
"Our instructor thought I was dead; he only saw Andy's chute," Lear said. "Both aircraft hit the ground and
exploded, but they didn't see my chute because I had managed to bail out and was freefalling."
He said that before he bailed out, the front end of his plane was spinning down like a top.
"I was stuck; my face was on the instrument panel because my seat was pressing against me," he said.
"The only thing I could see through my peripheral vision was a lot of rotating sky. I smelled raw fuel; being
trapped in a fire is every pilot's worst fear, and when you're spinning like that, G forces are trying to keep
you in place."
Lear tried to kick his seat away, but it wasn't an easy task.
"I was hanging outside the ass-end of the aircraft, and the wind was trying to drag me out," he said.
Similar to a surfer catching a wave, he rolled his body to the right, catching the inside of the turning spin,
and freefell downward. He joked at least he had presence of mind to wait to deploy his chute.
"I guessed that I was about 500 feet from the mountainous terrain, but I delayed because the tail-end of
my aircraft was chasing me; I was fearful it might hit my chute when I pulled the ripcord," he said.
Miraculously, neither men suffered serious injuries. Even after that experience he didn't think about
"The thought of quitting never occurred to me," he said. "The next day I was flying again without any fear
In September 1949, Lear graduated flight training as a second lieutenant in the Air Force. His mother
attended the ceremonies and pinned his silver wings on his uniform.
Lear moved the project from Switzerland to Wichita in 1962; the Lear Jet Model 23 was the first to roll off
the new assembly line. Why did Lear leave Switzerland, when labor was half the price?
"Because it took too long to get anything done there," Bill Lear Jr. said. "We didn't have the money or time
to waste. Wichita was very good to us. Cessna, Beechcraft and Boeing were all there with a highly
experienced aircraft construction workforce. Wichita welcomed us with open arms. City fathers agreed to
float a bond issue to finance the construction of the production and test facilities on land adjacent to the
airport. They built a taxiway connecting these new facilities to the main airport infrastructure."
Prior to Lear building the Learjet, he approached his board of directors to build the plane, but they flatly
refused him. They laughed at his idea, believing it was impossible. In true Bill Lear fashion, he funded the
project himself.
In 1962, the French government honored Lear for making automatic blind landings possible in passenger
airplanes. That same year, he moved the Learjet project to Wichita.
"On Jan. 7, 1963, within six months of construction, the first Wichita building was completed, and Dad and
75 employees moved in to begin a remarkable achievement," he said. "The Old Man pulled off a miracle."
On October 7 of that year, Lear's first prototype 23-001 took to the air, "just 10 impossibly short months
after moving into the Wichita facility."
"It was a mammoth undertaking for one man to have achieved, and the only time in aviation history that a
project of this magnitude had been designed, driven and solely financed by a single individual," he said.
"It will probably never be repeated."
The entire Learjet program from inception to certification cost Lear Sr. $12 million. The Learjet yielded
$52 million in sales its first year.
When Lear sold his aircraft company to Denver-based Gates Rubber Co. on April 10, 1967, 146 Learjets
had been sold. Today, Bombardier Aerospace produces the Learjet. Sometime earlier, the Lear Star 600,
a 12-place business jet, was designed. Canadair purchased the manufacturing rights and renamed it the
Lear was now a very rich man, but that turned out to be a problem. He felt useless without having any
problems to fix.
"We moved to Beverly Hills and bought this fabulous house," Moya Lear said, in 1967. "I thought it was
going to be forever."
But one night, they went to dinner with friends, in the rain, and Lear slipped and fell.
"Shortly thereafter, he began to have nosebleeds; both of his eyes were black and his leg was broken and
in a cast," she said. "He was in despair; he didn't want to live anymore. At one point, he thought about
getting a plane—not a Learjet; he was too practical for that—but a nice cheap plane, and flying out over
the Pacific and ending it all. He even left me a note...saying he loved me, but he couldn't live like that."
As she caught him trying to leave, she told him, "You're behaving like an idiot; you have so much to be
grateful for. You have a good head; there's a need, more you can do. We'll start over tomorrow."
She said they "were fat in the bank," but he was right; he couldn't live like that.
"He needed a challenge, a world to conquer—an impossible dream to pursue," she said.
Then, a friend told Lear there was a need for an alternate source to the internal combustion engine.
America needed a more environmentally friendly means of locomotion, and Lear found a reason to live.
John Lear's speaking engagements are becoming quite popular. That's because he's brutally honest
about his career mistakes—and he admits there are many—and about the venomous relationship he had
with his father. It helps that he injects humor into his talks.
"One of the greatest laughs I get when I make speeches is when I talk about my father passing
away," he said. "I know he thought highly of me; he mentioned me 60 times—more than any of his
children—in his will. After each paragraph, his will stated '...except John Olsen Lear.'"
"I believe that Mom forced him to cut me out because I was non-supportive of the Lear Fan project," he
He said his father signed a "new" will while heavily sedated a few days before he died, and that his two
sisters sued to bifurcate, which was successful in 1983. Monies that would've gone to him went to his
"I'm happy that my children received the money," he said.
It's been 27 years since Bill Lear died; John Lear says that "time
passes and feelings soften."
"If I could just take him in my arms and hold
him for 15 seconds, I'd say, ‘Dad, I still think
you were an asshole’.”
EG&G, formally known as Edgerton, Germeshausen, and Grier, Inc., is a United States
national defense contractor and provider of management and technical services. The
company was involved in contracting services to the United States government during
World War II, and conducted weapons research and development after the war. Its
close involvement with some of the government's most sensitive technologies has led to
its being cited in conspiracy theories related to Defense Department black projects.
In 1931 MIT professor Harold Edgerton (a pioneer of high speed photography)
partnered with his graduate student Kenneth Germeshausen to found a small technical
consulting firm. The two were joined by fellow MIT graduate student Herbert Grier in
1934. Bernard "Barney" O'Keefe became the fourth member of their fledgling
technology group.
The group's high-speed photography was used to image implosion tests during the
Manhattan Project. The same skills in precisely timed high-power electrical pulses also
formed a key enabling technology for nuclear weapon triggers. After the war the group
continued their association with the burgeoning military nuclear effort, and formally
incorporated Edgerton, Germeshausen, and Grier, Inc. in 1947.
1950s and 1960s
During the 1950s and 1960s, EG&G was involved in nuclear tests as a major contractor
for the Atomic Energy Commission. EG&G made extensive use of the Nevada Test Site
(NTS) for weapons development and high-technology military testing, at Nellis AFB.
EG&G has shared operations responsibility for the NTS with Livermore Labs, Raytheon
Services Nevada, Reynolds Electrical and Engineering (REECO) and others.
Subsequently EG&G expanded its range of services, providing facilities management,
technical services, security, and pilot training for the U.S. military and other government
departments. EG&G builds a variety of sensing, detection and imaging products
including night vision equipment, sensors used to detect nuclear material and chemical
and biological weapons agents, and a variety of acoustic sensors. The company also
supplies microwave and electronic components to the government, security systems,
and systems for electronic warfare and mine countermeasures.
1970s and 1980s
During the 1970s and 1980s, the company, then led by O'Keefe, diversified by
acquisition into the fields of paper making, instrumentation for scientific, marine,
environmental and geophysical users, automotive testing, fans and blowers, frequency
control devices and other components including BBD and CCD technology via their
Reticon division. In the late 1980s and early 1990s most of these divisions were sold,
and on 28 May 1999, the non-government side of EG&G Inc. (formerly NYSE: EGG)
purchased the Analytical Instruments Division of PerkinElmer for US$425 million, also
assuming the PerkinElmer name (NYSE: PKI). At the time EG&G was based in
Wellesley, Massachusetts, and made products for diverse industries including
automotive, medical, aerospace and photography.
1999 - Present
From 1999 until 2001 EG&G was wholly owned by The Carlyle Group.[5]
In August 2002, the defense and services sector of the company was acquired by
defense technical services giant URS Corporation. URS' EG&G division is
headquartered in Gaithersburg, Maryland and employs over 11,000 people. During its
heyday in the 1980s EG&G had some 35,000 employees.
In December 2009 URS announced its decision to discontinue the use of "EG&G" as a
division name. The headquarters issued a press release which stated that by 1 January
2010 it would discontinue using secondary corporate brands, including the EG&G name
and logo. In the same press release, URS stated that it would also retire other acquired
brands, Washington Group and Lear Siegler.
URS Chief Executive Officer Martin Koffel explained the change in an e-mail transmitted
to employees: "In today’s marketplace, it is essential we present a consistent, unified
brand to our customers and achieve the competitive advantages enjoyed by our peers
in the industry. ... This change will allow us to present a single brand that is easily
understood by our clients."
Koffel indicated the move to a single corporate brand neither would affect the internal
organization nor the existing reporting structure. However, EG&G Division will become
URS Federal Services.
In September 1997, Lear Siegler Services (LSI) was purchased by The Carlyle Group,
a Washington-based investment banking group, whose other defense industry
interests included EG&G Technical Services, Inc. In 2002, Carlyle decided to
consolidate the complementary capabilities of LSI and EG&G under common
management. The combined company, under the name EG&G Technical Services,
Inc., was subsequently purchased by URS Corporation, an industry leader in
architecture and engineering services.
EG&G Technical Services, Inc. and LSI consolidated to become the premier provider of
outsourced management and technical support services to the federal government. EG&G
is a global technology company based in Germantown, Maryland with annual sales of more
than $950M and approximately 10,000 employees. EG&G provides a full range of
management, scientific, technical, operational and support services to both government
and commercial customers. LSI began providing maintenance services to large fleets of
aircraft in 1961, followed by its training services to the U.S. military and international
On 1 January 2010, in order to present a single brand to our customers, the long standing
EG&G, Lear Siegler, and Washington Group names have been retired and all operations
will be exclusively URS.
URS Corporation is a market leader in operations, maintenance, modification,
overhaul, systems integration, logistics support and training services to government
agencies and commercial customers in the United States and worldwide.
Altogether, URS has more than 40 years’ experience with an uninterrupted record of
distinguished contract performance.
Lear Siegler Services, Inc.
EG&G Technical Services, Inc. and Lear Siegler Services, Inc. consolidated becoming one
of the nation's leading U.S. federal government contractors providing operations and
maintenance, systems engineering and technical assistance, and program management,
primarily to the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security. The companies are
separate legal entities, but share a common management.
Janet Airlines
EG&G's "Special Projects" division was the notable operator of the Janet Terminal at McCarran
International Airport in Las Vegas, NV, a service used to transport employees to remote government
locations in Nevada and California. EG&G also had a joint venture with Raytheon Technical Services,
creating JT3 LLC in 2000, which operates the Joint Range Technical Services contract.
In December 2009 URS announced its decision to
discontinue the Lear - Siegler name for this division.
The Big Guys Work For The Carlyle Group
What exactly does it do?
By Melanie Warner
Are you the sort of person who believes in conspiracies--the Trilateral Commission secretly runs the
world, that sort of thing? Well, then, here's a company for you. The Carlyle Group, a Washington, D.C.,
buyout firm, is one of the nation's largest defense contractors. It has billions of dollars at its disposal and
employs a few important people. Maybe you've heard of them: former Secretary of State Jim Baker,
former Secretary of Defense Frank Carlucci, and former White House budget director Dick Darman.
Wait, we're just getting warmed up. William Kennard, who recently headed the FCC, and Arthur Levitt,
who just left the SEC, also work for Carlyle. As do former British Prime Minister John Major and former
Philippines President Fidel Ramos. Let's see, are we forgetting anyone? Oh, right, former President
George Herbert Walker Bush is on the payroll too.
The firm also has about a dozen investors from Saudi Arabia, including, until recently, the bin Laden
family. Yes, those bin Ladens. Is it any wonder that Internet sites with names like paranoiamagazine.com
are rife with stories about Carlyle's shadowy, corrupt global network? And it's not just wackos. "Be
careful," a tech entrepreneur in Silicon Valley wrote in an e-mail when he learned I was doing a story on
Carlyle. "The rabbit hole runs really deep on this one.''
Leaving aside the conspiracies for a moment, what exactly does the Carlyle Group do? Start with the
basics: It's one of the world's largest and most powerful private-equity investment firms, meaning it buys
and sells privately held companies and divisions of large public companies for big profits. Founded in
1987 (and named after the favorite New York hotel of the firm's first investors, the Mellon family),
Carlyle has raised a total of $14 billion from investors in just the past five years--more than any other
private-equity firm has attracted in the same period, except the Blackstone Group and CSFB Private
Equity. Profits, too, have been pretty terrific. Not counting the standard 20% cut that goes to Carlyle's
partners and managing directors, the firm's average annual rate of return has been 36%.
It's quite a success story, and to understand how Carlyle pulled it off, FORTUNE spent a month and a half
peeking down that rabbit hole. One conclusion seems clear: While most of the conspiracy theories are
amusingly overblown, this is a firm that's been built on the backs of Bush and other big shots who have
lent Carlyle their names, their golden networks of friends in high places, and their insights into how
government works. It wasn't until Carlucci joined, for instance, that Carlyle really took off. Founded by
David Rubenstein, a lawyer who worked as an aide in the Carter White House, Bill Conway, a former
CFO at MCI, and Dan D'Aniello, a former finance executive for Marriott, Carlyle early on invested in a
motley assortment of deals--buying an airline-catering business, a health-food chain, and a biotech firm,
for example. In 1990, Carlucci got the trio interested in the $150-billion-a-year U.S. defense industry,
making introductions to companies that would turn into some of Carlyle's most lucrative investments.
Rubenstein quickly realized the wisdom of recruiting a former Secretary of Defense and followed it up
with a former Secretary of State, then a former White House budget director, and on and on.
The revolving door has long been a fact of life in Washington, but Carlyle has given it a new spin. Instead
of toiling away for a trade organization or consulting firm for a measly $250,000 a year, former
government officials can rake in serious cash by getting equity cuts on corporate deals. Several of the
onetime government officials who have hooked up with Carlyle--Carlucci, Baker, and Darman, in
particular--have made millions. Carlyle isn't the only organization doing it: Metropolitan West Financial
in Los Angeles recently hired Al Gore to help with tech deals and make introductions overseas, for
example. But Carlyle, which pioneered the idea, seems more adept at it than any other firm.
Unlike other private-equity groups, Carlyle concentrates on companies funded by the government, such as
defense contractors, or those affected by government regulation, such as telecommunications firms, and
then hires people with relevant government experience. As the company once put it in a brochure, "We
invest in niche opportunities created in industries heavily affected by changes in governmental policies."
Doing so, of course, raises the ultimate rabbit-hole question: Is Carlyle's approach just a smart twist on
good old business networking or a step over the line into an ethical twilight zone in which the public trust
is broken?
Half a mile from the White House, inside nondescript offices sparsely adorned with generic depictions of
ships and ducks, co-founder Rubenstein sits with his hands folded on a table so shiny you can see your
reflection. Next to him sits Chris Ullman, Carlyle's first-ever full-time PR person. Habitually wary of
media attention, Rubenstein and his partners agreed to rare interviews with FORTUNE. That's because
since Sept. 11 the firm has been under unusual fire. First there was the bin Laden thing. Shafig bin Laden,
one of Osama's many brothers and a Carlyle investor, was in attendance at a Carlyle conference at a
Washington hotel on that infamous day. As the media were quick to point out, this meant that George
H.W. Bush was working for a firm that was helping to make the bin Ladens money. Even though the
wealthy Saudi family has reportedly cut all ties to Osama, the press lambasted Carlyle.
The firm has since given the bin Ladens back their money, some $2 million, but controversy lingers. Sept.
11 and its aftermath also created the appearance of further conflicts of interest--namely, that while his son
is in the Oval Office directing the war effort and proposing the largest increase in defense spending since
Ronald Reagan, Bush is working for a firm that, through various investments, has become the nation's
14th-largest defense contractor. "It destroys the office of the presidency no less, in my view, than having
sex with an intern," says Larry Klayman, director of the watchdog group Judicial Watch. On top of all
that, there's the unfolding Enron saga and the likely passage of the campaign-finance-reform bill, which
suddenly make it look bad for businesses to have too many friends in Washington.
It's no surprise, then, that Rubenstein is anxious to downplay the roles of Carlyle's famous people and to
dispel the aura of mystery surrounding the firm. "The word I hate most is 'secretive,' " says Rubenstein,
whose wry countenance and shock of white hair suggest a less rubbery version of Steve Martin.
Rubenstein insists that all Bush does for Carlyle is give speeches to investors and that it is silly to think of
him whispering in his son's ear about how to help Carlyle's companies.
On the whole, Rubenstein says, the big names at Carlyle do a lot less than most people think. "We don't
lobby the government," he says, echoing a claim made by other partners interviewed by FORTUNE. He
insists that if Carlyle is at all remarkable, it's because of the firm's innovative approach to private equity,
its great returns, and its global ambitions--not because it happens to employ a few famous people. "Out of
the 500 people at the firm, we have maybe eight or nine who served in government. The rest are your
typical Harvard, Stanford, or Wharton MBAs, who do all the same things they do at other firms,'' says
Rubenstein. (In fact, the number of former government big shots is 12, but who's counting?)
The conspiracy theorists like to imagine that Bush, Baker, and Major are jetting around the world cutting
deals and making money for companies owned by Carlyle, but after nearly two dozen interviews with
CEOs of current and former Carlyle companies and people familiar with Carlyle's business, it seems clear
that this really isn't happening. What Bush & Co. actually do is far less pernicious but clearly valuable to
Carlyle--they help raise money. Every year Rubenstein sets up scores of lunches and dinners around the
world intended to woo new investors and gratify existing ones. As you might imagine, people like Bush,
Baker, and Major are a huge draw. "If you call and say you're doing a dinner with Jim Baker or with
George Bush, and could they please attend, chances are people are going to show up," explains a former
employee, who, like all ex-Carlyle staffers I talked to, didn't want his name used. In the mid-'90s, for
instance, Baker introduced Rubenstein to members of the royal family in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait; since
he left Parliament last year, Major has been opening doors to big money in Europe and Canada. The allure
of a former President is particularly irresistible. At Carlyle's annual investor meetings, CEOs and money
managers line up to have their pictures taken with Bush.
For his camera mugging and speech giving, Bush is paid "in line with market rates,'' says Rubenstein.
That would mean about $100,000 per speech, so if Bush makes five or six speeches a year, as Rubenstein
claims, then the former President is earning at least $500,000 annually from Carlyle, not including the
money he makes investing in deals. Rubenstein declines to specify which companies Bush has put money
into, except to say that as a rule, they have nothing to do with the U.S. government.
There's no doubt that without these stars Carlyle would not have been able to raise as much money as it
has. The firm's impressive returns and Rubenstein's seemingly inexhaustible energy and willingness to
spend 300 days a year traveling have certainly played a role, but it's the bigwigs who draw crowds and
really leave an impression. Their names on Carlyle brochures and their faces at Carlyle events give the
firm a patina of power and credibility. "David's a brilliant fundraiser," says a source formerly associated
with Carlyle. "What he's done so masterfully is traffic on the impression that the connections they have
from these guys can bring them many valuable deals."
In the case of Carlucci, that impression happens to be true. The deals he's brought in total close to $2
billion in profits. There were Magnavox and GDE, makers of top-secret electronics gear, and Vought, an
aircraft-parts manufacturer, all of which Carlyle bought and sold within two years, netting $300 million,
$109 million, and $140 million, respectively.
Carlyle today is mostly associated with the defense industry, and one of the things Rubenstein and his
partners would like to get across is that they invest in other things too. In fact, the firm owns stakes in
everything from European automotive-parts manufacturers to Silicon Valley startups and Japanese DSL
companies; roughly 25% of its profits last year came from real estate. But if you follow the money, it
leads straight back to defense, which is where the greatest chunk of Carlyle's profits have come from.
Today defense accounts for about 10% of the firm's total investments, but in the early days it was 60%.
The firm's biggest score to date also involved a military contractor--United Defense, which went public in
November, turning Carlyle's $130 million investment into $900 million. But the story of United Defense's
latest coup also shows why Carlyle will probably never be seen as just another shrewd investment firm.
Last spring, when United Defense was feverishly pitching the Crusader, one of its new products, to the
Department of Defense, Jacques Gansler, then in charge of acquisitions at the Pentagon, got a call from
across the Potomac. It was Frank Carlucci, and according to Gansler, he wanted to know how Gansler felt
about the Crusader, a controversial self-propelled artillery system that many inside the Pentagon felt was
out of sync with plans for a lighter, more mobile Army. "I think he [Carlucci] wanted to make sure I was
personally involved and that it wasn't going to be one of these things that got pushed down the bowels of
the system,'' says Gansler, who has known Carlucci since the Reagan Administration and occasionally
sees him at D.C. social events. As it turned out, Gansler was no fan of the Crusader and told Carlucci as
much, ending that conversation. But Gansler thinks that had he been a fan, Carlucci "definitely would
have wanted to make sure I was involved.'' It wasn't the first time Carlucci had had a conversation with a
member of the Pentagon brass on behalf of a Carlyle company. In the early '90s, when Carlyle owned
GDE, Carlucci drove over to Bethesda, Md., and met with, among others, Major General Raymund
O'Mara, who was head of the Defense Department's Defense Mapping Agency, then a big GDE customer.
Carlucci acknowledges both conversations but asserts that neither constitutes lobbying. In O'Mara's case,
he points out that GDE already had business from the mapping agency; in the case of Gansler, Carlucci
says his call did nothing to advance the Crusader's cause. Nor, he says, did any of his interactions with
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld during that time. The two men have known each other since their
days on Princeton's wrestling team. The Rumsfelds have been to the Carluccis' for dinner and on several
occasions have offered their ski house in Taos, N.M., to Carlucci and his wife, Marsha. It certainly would
be easy for Carlucci to strike up a conversation over cocktails about the Crusader or some other Carlylerelated matter, but Carlucci says he never does that. "In light of our friendship, I'm particularly cautious
about not discussing Carlyle business with him. In fact, I have never mentioned the word 'Crusader' in his
presence," he says. All this may well be true. Yet it certainly can't hurt if it's known throughout the
Pentagon that you are good friends with the Secretary of Defense. The Crusader, incidentally, is on the
2003 defense budget, making it likely that the Pentagon will ultimately buy 480 of the artillery systems
for $5 billion.
There's no question that Carlyle does occasionally make calls to the government on behalf of its
companies. They may not be hard-sell lobbying calls, but making introductions to influential people is
often just as effective. One company Carlyle funded recently through its venture fund hopes to tap into
the firm's government connections. Indigo Systems, a maker of infrared-camera technology in Santa
Barbara, has an interest in seeing the laws restricting exports of U.S.-made infrared technology lifted or
amended. Indigo's technology goes into tiny cameras that manufacturers are starting to place in cars.
These cameras "see'' objects out of the range of the headlights and display them on a digital monitor. "The
automotive industry is not centered on the U.S. today, and if our product is going to become a standard
item on cars, I've got to have access to a global marketplace,'' says CEO Tim Fitzgibbons. During the five
months it took Indigo and Carlyle to put together a deal, the two sides talked about ways Carlyle could
help open doors within the government. "If somebody at Carlyle says to whoever is chairing a committee,
'We wish you would listen to these guys, we're invested in them, and they've got a good point,' then that
says a lot. As opposed to me landing in D.C. and trying to get appointments, which is damn near
impossible,'' says Fitzgibbons. Indigo's camera technology also has lots of security applications, and the
company would like to get a slice of next year's $38 billion federal budget allocated for homeland
security. "Carlyle certainly can't influence the outcome, but they can at least get us an audience,'' says
Besides opening doors, fundraising, and marketing, there is another advantage to getting ex-government
honchos to join your firm, and that's investment insight. Carlucci didn't help companies like Magnavox,
GDE, and Vought win any defense business, but he brought these firms to Carlyle because of connections
he'd made with defense contractors while at the Pentagon. And as a former Defense Secretary just a few
years out of the job, he knew how to evaluate the companies. It was the end of the Cold War and
Pentagon budgets were way down, but Carlucci knew big money was still going to be spent on certain
programs. He figured that highly classified electronic equipment--such as the boxes for analyzing radar
imagery and the battlefield radios made by Magnavox, as well as the digital mapping technology for
cruise missiles made by GDE--was going to be very valuable as the Pentagon tried to make the Armed
Forces smarter. Later, when Carlyle invested in Elgar Electronics in 1996, Carlucci looked favorably on
something that scared off other investors. Says Elgar CEO Ken Kilpatrick: "Other people questioned what
would happen if our business of selling automatic testing equipment to the Navy would go away. But
Carlyle understood that the Navy was committed to this program and that it was just in the middle of it."
Carlyle sold Elgar in 1998 for a profit of $100 million.
Carlucci downplays the extent of his insight by saying that top analysts like Loren Thompson at the
Lexington Institute know just as much as he does about defense spending, and maybe more. Certainly
people like Thompson are quite knowledgeable and have networks of contacts at the Pentagon, but they
don't belong to the same high-level coterie that a former Secretary of Defense does. They don't, for
instance, go to lunches like the one Rumsfeld gave a little over a year ago where former Pentagon
heavyweights like Carlucci, William Cohen, Caspar Weinberger, William Perry, and Dick Cheney all
chatted and mingled. "Cabinet-level people are a small fraternity who all stay in touch,'' says a former
Carlyle staffer. "Once they've reached that global 50,000-foot view, they tend to stay there.''
Though defense has been Carlyle's most fruitful area to date, Carlucci and the firm's current head of
defense investing, Alan Holt, don't have plans to do many deals this year. Wars are such an obvious
bonanza for defense contractors that prices get bid up, and Carlyle thinks they're too high now.
Fortunately, there are lots of other opportunities on the horizon. Carlyle recently launched its first energy
fund in partnership with Riverstone Holdings; it is also in the process of putting together an assetmanagement group, headed by the former treasurer of the World Bank, that will invest in other privateequity funds. With the help of former SEC chief Levitt, Rubenstein is setting up a financial services fund.
There's also telecom, which has the biggest team of people devoted to it of any area at Carlyle. "There are
dramatic restructurings in the telecom and media business going on right now, and the one thing they
have in common is that they're all driven at some point by government action,'' says former FCC boss
Kennard--who, like Levitt, is a Democrat, which shows that Carlyle can be bipartisan.
Rubenstein started recruiting Kennard to be a managing director in Carlyle's telecom group as soon as he
left the commission last year, and ultimately won out over lots of other bidders. He was quite a catch.
Kennard knows everyone who's anyone in telecom and has extensive contacts at regulatory agencies
around the world. Could telecom be Carlyle's new defense? Rubenstein doesn't like to put in it those
terms, but he's hoping for big returns. Looking at what Carlyle and its star-studded team have been able to
do in the past, would you bet against him?
Kevin Ryan - 09/03/2010 – CARLYLE GROUP.
World Trade Center (WTC) security company Stratesec has been a topic of considerable discussion
among independent 9/11 investigators. One point of discussion has been the possible familial relationship
between Stratesec’s CEO, Wirt Dexter Walker III, and its director Marvin Bush, whose brother was
President of the United States on 9/11. Although Wirt and Marvin are distant relatives, these ties are
inconsequential relative to each man’s family connections to old drug money, deep state operatives, and
the wealthy, powerful people who have controlled such money and operatives over the last two centuries.
Stratesec was a company that provided security services for several facilities that were central to the
crimes of 9/11. In the years leading up to 9/11, the company had security contracts with the organization
that managed Dulles Airport, where Flight 77 took off that day, and with United Airlines, which owned
two of the other three hijacked planes. Stratesec had also run security for Los Alamos National
Laboratories, where, at the time, scientists were developing super-thermite explosives of the type that
have been found in the WTC dust, Stratesec worked at the WTC and was developing the security system
for the buildings in the period leading up to, and including, the day of 9/11. These connections are
important considering the substantial evidence that insiders were involved in the 9/11 attacks.
Investigation into this company has revealed that the Chief Operating Officer, Barry McDaniel, came
to Stratesec from a subsidiary of The Carlyle Group called BDM International, which specialized in
“black projects.” The Carlyle Group was managed by several Bush cabal insiders including James Baker
and former deputy director of the CIA, Frank Carluccci. Carlyle was funded by investors that included the
bin Laden family. Prior to working for BDM, McDaniel had worked as a military ordnance distributor at
Fort Belvoir, a facility with many links to 9/11 including the terrorist tracking program Able Danger and
the terrorist trainer Ali Mohammed.
WTC Security
Companies that Provided Security at the World Trade Center
A company named Stratesec had an ongoing contractor to handle security at the World Trade Center
"up to the day the buildings fell down" according to CEO Barry McDaniel. The company, formerly named
Securacom, acquired an $8.3 million World Trade Center contract in October 1996, according to SEC
filings. The company also provided security for Dulles International Airport and United Airlines between
1995 and 2001. Two of the commandeered flights on September 11th were United Airlines', and one
took off from Dulles. 1
Marvin P. Bush, brother of George W. Bush, was a principal in the company between 1993 and 2000. A
private Kuwaiti-American investment firm with ties to the Bush family was one of the company's
In the company's own words, Stratesec has "an open-ended contract with the General Services
Administration (GSA) and a Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) with the agency that allows the
government to purchase materials and services from the Company without having to go through a full
competition." It promotes its services to clients such as the armed services and Department of Justice
for projects that "often require state-of-the-art security solutions for classified or high-risk government
The role of Stratesec in providing security to the targets of the September 11th attacks has apparently
not been investigated. Asked if FBI or other agents had questioned anyone at Stratesec about the
company's security work in connection with the 9/11 attack, CEO Barry McDaniel said no.
By M. Asif Ismail
A dozen companies in which Carlyle had a controlling interest netted more than $9.3 billion
in contracts.
Overall, six private investment firms, including Carlyle, received nearly $14 billion in
Pentagon deals between 1998 and 2003.
From its founding in 1987, the Carlyle Group has pioneered investing in the defense and
national security markets, and through its takeover of companies with billions of dollars in
defense contracts became one of the U.S. military's top vendors, ranking among better
known defense firms like Lockheed Martin, Boeing Co., Raytheon Co., Northrop Grumman
and General Dynamics.
Unlike those firms, however, the Carlyle Group itself is not a manufacturer. It offers no
services directly to the Pentagon, and has no defense contracts. Rather, it manages
investments—some $18.4 billion from 600 individuals and entities in 55 countries, according
to its Web site. The firm's business is making money for these investors, the vast majority of
whose identities are not disclosed to the Securities and Exchange Commission or other
government bodies.
Though Carlyle itself has won no contracts, the companies it has owned or controlled have
done billions of dollars’ worth of business with the Pentagon. The Carlyle unit that brought in
the largest share—$5.8 billion—was United Defense Inc., which manufactures combat
vehicles, artillery, naval guns, missile launchers and precision munitions. United Defense
also owns the country's largest non-nuclear ship repair, modernization, overhaul and
conversion company, United States Marine Repair Inc. Its most famous product may well be
the Bradley fighting vehicle. United Defense brought in more than 60 percent of Carlyle's
defense business.
Carlyle took United Defense public in 2001; by April 2004 it had sold all its shares in the
Lear Siegler Services, a leading contractor in aircraft logistics support, maintenance, pilot
training and ground support, received contracts worth more than $1 billion. Carlyle sold the
company in August 2002.
Southwest Marine Inc. also received contracts worth more than $1 billion since 1998, and
Norfolk Shipbuilding & Drydock received contracts worth $827 million. In 1998, Carlyle
merged these two companies into United States Marine Repair.
Vought Aircraft Industries, a large subcontractor doing work for military cargo planes,
bombers, and fighters, received contracts worth $85 million. Vought is among the few
defense contractors that the Carlyle Group has not sold.
Among other private equity firms, New York-based Veritas Capital Management firm that
employs many former high-ranking military officials received Pentagon contracts to the tune
of more than $2.2 billion. Veritas is the 41st ranked defense contractor.
Companies under the ownership of Vectura Holding Co., another New York-based group,
got deals to the tune of $1 billion, while companies controlled by Berkshire Hathaway, led
by billionaire investor Warren Buffett, won contracts worth $688 million. Companies owned
by Green Equity Investors II LP ($275 million) and Gores Technology Group ($153 million)
also received substantial defense money.
New market
Private equity firms did not have any significant presence in the defense industry until the
end of the Cold War. Traditionally, the Defense Department depended on mega contractors
such as Boeing Corp., Lockheed Martin and Raytheon for weapons and services. But since
the 1990s, the military has increasingly outsourced to private contractors a variety of jobs
and services, ranging from planning of operations to the supply of linguistic services. A U.S.
government decision in the 1990s to encourage small-business participation in contracts
also contributed to the expansion of the market for smaller, privately-owned companies.
The Carlyle Group acquired controlling interests in several underperforming defense
contractors, installed its own management teams and revitalized the companies, in part by
landing big Pentagon contracts. Then, they sold the contractors to other investors for a
large profit.
"There have always been [private equities] that went in with management and bankrolled
management," said Stuart McCutchan, editor of Defense Mergers & Acquisitions. "What
Carlyle has done differently is they have taken it to a new level both in terms of size and in
terms of being committed to an entire sector."
"Carlyle is the biggest single success in Washington of a venture capital firm," Dr. Loren B.
Thompson Jr., a national security expert at the libertarian Lexington Institute, said.
In 1997, for example, the group made a 650-percent profit when it sold BDM International
Inc., a McLean, Va., defense contractor. And in December 2001, Carlyle sold off the
majority of its holdings in United Defense Inc. Altogether, Carlyle earned $1 billion in profit
from the United Defense investment.
A windfall of war
The group cashed out many of its investments when the stock of defense companies rose
dramatically in the aftermath of September 11 and the buildups to the Afghanistan and Iraq
"Defense properties are too expensive these days," explained Carlyle spokesman Chris
In 1997, Carlyle liked the price of United Defense, and beat out General Dynamics and
Alliant Techsystems, which also coveted the underperforming artillery firm. General
Dynamics bid more than Carlyle offered for the company, but potentially faced a lengthy,
drawn out antitrust battle if it acquired United Defense. Carlyle ended up winning the bid.
Carlyle finally sold its stakes in United after taking it public in the aftermath of the
September 11 attacks. The Washington Post called the hugely successful public offering
"one of the most successful single venture investments of recent years."
But United did not seem all that lucrative before September 11.
"They [Carlyle] were really kind of in a pickle with United Defense," McCutchan said. "They
wanted to cash out on the equity. There wasn't much money to be made... When 9/11
happened and the defense budget took off, suddenly they had a winner on their hands."
Even Carlyle, which typically does not disclose its financial and operational details, crowed
over the sale.
"It was one of Carlyle's best investments," Carlyle's Ullman told the Center. "We did make
more than a billion dollars on that deal, and we are very pleased that we served our
investors quite well."
The reason Carlyle's defense portfolio is lean at the moment is the high value of defense
firms, thanks in part to the ongoing U.S. wars. "If there comes a time when defense
properties are priced in a way that we think makes sense for private equity investors, then
we will certainly consider investing more of our dollars in that sector," Ullman told the
Investment expertise
Carlyle has a diversified portfolio, focusing its investments in sectors that have heavy
government regulation and contracting—defense, telecommunications and banking. Carlyle
has matched its investments with the expertise of high ranking government officials, whom
the firm has courted almost from its inception.
It was under the leadership of former Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci—first as a
managing director, from 1989 to 1993, and as chairman from 1993 to 2003—that Carlyle
grew from a small private equity to a global investment giant, and became a major player
among defense contractors.
Other former government officials who have recent or current ties to the firm include former
British Prime Minister John Major and former Philippines President Fidel Ramos; former
Office of Management and Budget director Richard Darman; former Clinton chief of staff
Thomas F. "Mack" McLarty; former Securities and Exchange Commission chairman Arthur
Levitt and former Federal Communications Commission chairman William E. Kennard.
Former Secretary of State James Baker works for the firm, as did his former boss, President
George H.W. Bush, who was an adviser for the firm's Asian investment funds until he left
Carlyle in 2003.
Critics have long denounced Carlyle's practice of recruiting former high-ranking government
officials at the same time as it invests in companies regulated by their former agencies,
dubbing it "access capitalism." For example, Kennard, who served as Bill Clinton's FCC
chairman, is now managing director for Carlyle's global telecommunications and media
group, directing the firm's business investments in companies he regulated.
"Carlyle would never have gotten to the level that it is at today had it not been for this
premeditated commingling of business and politics," said Dan Briody, author of The Iron
Triangle: Inside the Secret World of the Carlyle Group, a book that takes a critical look at
the rise of the firm.
One of Carlyle's most controversial hiring’s was of former president Bush to serve as a
senior adviser for its "Asia advisory board."
"The fact that George H.W. Bush was working for them while his son was president, while
his son, in fact, was dramatically increasing defense spending—that seems to me one of
the most blatant conflicts of interests in history," Briody said.
Bush—who joined Carlyle in 1998, before his son, George W. Bush, became president—
ended his relationship with the firm in October 2003, Ullman told the Center. But that hasn't
stopped the former president from continuing to give speeches for Carlyle, which he did at a
Shanghai event sponsored by the firm in April 2004.
Ullman refused to disclose the remuneration Bush received for his services. "That's not
information that we disclose," he said. "That's his personal business. You are certainly
welcome to ask him."
Bush's office did not respond to the Center's request for an interview. Written questions
faxed to the former president's Houston office, at an aide's request, did not elicit any
Though none are placed as closely as the president's father, Carlyle's other Washington
insiders have ties to current Bush administration officials. Current Defense Secretary
Donald Rumsfeld and Carlucci went to college together, for example, and Secretary of State
Colin Powell was Carlucci's deputy on the National Security Council in the mid-1980s.
The continued presence of Baker and Carlucci riles critics such as Briody. "If you look at the
relationship that Frank Carlucci still maintains with Don Rumsfeld and Colin Powell and the
reach that he has to those folks—and he has in fact used that reach in the past and tried to
influence decisions those folks were making, decisions that could directly or indirectly affect
Carlyle's fortune," Briody said.
Carlyle dismisses the notion that Carlucci or any other former government or military leader
on its payroll has any conflicts of interest. "Are you aware of any solicitations from [Carlucci]
to Secretary Rumsfeld to ask for any particular benefits to United Defense or any of our
other portfolio companies?" Ullman said. "All they [Carlyle critics] do is, they say: 'Oh,
Carlucci used to work in the government and he went to college with Donald Rumsfeld, and
Carlyle has defense investments, and now Secretary Rumsfeld is secretary of defense.
Therefore, there is a conflict of interest.'"
Despite Ullman's assertions, media accounts have noted occasions when former
government officials working for Carlyle have approached the Pentagon brass. For
example, Fortune magazine reported in March 2002 that Carlucci had contacted at least
two senior Pentagon officials, though Carlyle claimed these contacts did not constitute
Ullman added that all former government officials working for Carlyle abide by "all of the
conflict of interests rules related to lobbying former colleagues for a year." He pointed out
that the Pentagon had cancelled the Crusader artillery system, produced by United
Defense, adding, "So if we are as powerful as everyone thinks, why did they cancel it?"
Rumsfeld announced in May 2002 the termination of the artillery system; until then, the
Pentagon had paid United Defense some $2 billion to develop the Crusader.
1997 June 3 — Members of the Project For a New American Century (PNAC) sign a statement of
principles based on Militarism, and the use of force as a primary tool of foreign policy.
"We seem to have forgotten the essential elements of the Reagan Administration's success: a military
that is strong and ready to meet both present and future challenges; a foreign policy that boldly and
purposefully promotes American principles abroad; and national leadership that accepts the United
States' global responsibilities."
"Such a Reaganite policy of military strength and moral clarity may not be fashionable today. But it is
necessary if the United States is to build on the successes of this past century and to ensure our security
and our greatness in the next."
They also shape Bush's policy of pre-emption in their statement:
"The history of the 20th century should have taught us that it is important to shape circumstances
before crises emerge, and to meet threats before they become dire. The history of this century should
have taught us to embrace the cause of American leadership."
From this point on, PNAC begins the process of demanding regime change in Iraq through their
publications. Signing this letter are names most of us are familiar with. Jeb Bush. Dan Quayle. Dick
Cheney. Elliot Abrams. Steven Forbes. Donald Rumsfeld. Paul Wolfowitz. Zalmay Khalilzad (former
Rand and Unocal employee).
The language used in this statement and in PNAC's publications signals a clear intent to return to the days
of Manifest Destiny, which is the code word used in our history books for the American genocide one
million or more Philippinos during the Spanish American War.
It's also of note that modern day concentration camps, where torture, mutilation, slave labor and atrocities
on a mass scale took place, were first used by Americans in the Philippines. The overseer of these camps
was William Howard Taft, who later became President. Taft also wrote the paper Dollar Diplomacy, in
which he describes a model for US foreign policy that is eerily similar to Bush's policies of today.
Taft's camps became the model for Cecil Rhodes, Stalin, and Adolph Hitler.
We should not forget that it was American eugenicists from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory who sent a
team of scientists to Germany in 1933 to teach Hitler how to legislate and run a forced sterilization
Nor should we forget the degree to which American financiers collaborated with the Nazis throughout the
Union Banking Corporation, of which Prescott Bush was managing director, owned Consolidated Silesian
Steel in Poland. The Bush family used slave labor from Auschwitz to make steel for the Nazis even after
America entered the war. They made at least US$3m, which they kept. They have never apologized for
their use of Jewish slaves, nor have they offered to place the money in a victim's compensation fund.
In fact, in a NY Times interview on 4/14/1990 George H W Bush insisted that we "forgive the Nazi war
Hitler could not have invaded Poland in 1939 without the help of the Rockefeller family's Ethyl
Corporation, and others. Similarly, Saddam Hussein could never have invaded Kuwait in 1991 had it not
"In July 1998, Indonesia's government announced that it would postpone exploration at the giant 42
trillion cubic feet (Tcf) Natuna natural gas field operated by Exxon (Mobil holds a 26% stake as well,
with Indonesia's Pertamina holding 24%). The project's chairman, Faisal Abdou, said that "if
prospects are good in the future, maybe the Natuna project could be restarted in 2007...."
1998 — Osama Bin Laden releases his Fatwah, a declaration of war on America and Americans.
August 1998 — After the US Embassy bombings in Africa, Clinton, under heavy pressure to invade
Afghanistan from the Rand Corporation and other Republican think tanks, chooses not to invade. Instead,
he lobs missiles at Sudan and Afghanistan, destroying the only pharmaceutical factory in the Sudan.
The result of Clinton's refusal to invade Afghanistan is that the Enron Dhabol project, which would have
been profitable ONLY with a natural gas pipelines from the Caspian, is now officially a dead duck. Enron
engages in massive fraud to cover their losses, which continues until December 2001.
After Clinton's refusal to invade Afghanistan, impeachment pressure and scandal after scandal begin to hit
Clinton harder than ever before, as the GOP and neo-conservatives try to have him forcibly removed from
office to save Enron and the oil companies.
May 2000 — CIA begins operating in Afghanistan, according to the Washington Post's Bob Woodward,
the man who broke Watergate.
"In addition to its paramilitary units, the CIA's Special Activities Division has inserted into
Afghanistan specialized CIA case officers from the agency's Near East Division who know the local
languages and had previous covert relationships with the Northern Alliance going back years.
For the last 18 months, the CIA has been working with tribes and warlords in southern Afghanistan,
and the division's units have helped create a significant new network in the region of the Taliban's
greatest strength."
2000 — Project for a New American Century publishes a report talking about the need to secure Caspian
and Iraqi oil, and about the need for a "Pearl Harbor type event" to sway public opinion toward an
aggressive US foreign policy. Similar policies are put forth by the Rand Corporation the Brookings
Institution, and others. PNAC
January 2001 — According to French Journalists Brisard and Dasquie in their book "Bin Ladin: La Verite
Interdite", FBI NY Counter-Terrorism Chief John O'Neill is ordered by the White House to back off all
investigations of Al-Qaeda and the Bin Laden family while pipeline negotiations are underway with the
January 2001 — The Brookings Institute publishes a paper on the need for Homeland Defense.
February 2001 — The Carlyle Group's subsidiary EG&G sets up a Homeland Defense page on their
website (now deleted), stressing the importance of Homeland Defense against Weapons of Mass
Destruction and Terrorism.
June 2001 — Saudi Aramco signs preliminary agreements with Royal Dutch Shell and Exxon for gas
exploration in Saudi Arabia.
July 2001 — According to Agence France Presse, the White House broke off pipeline negotiations with
the Taliban in July 2001, after negotiators from the Bush administration told the Taliban "accept our
carpet of gold, or you will receive a carpet of bombs."
This statement was also made to Brisard and Dasquie by John O'Neill sometime between July and August
2001, after O'Neill was once again ordered to 'back off' investigations into Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda.
July 2001 — Phoenix FBI agent Kevin Williams writes a memo warning of al Qaeda operatives in flight
schools seeking flight training for terrorist purposes. The warning is ignored.
July 2001 — US attorney John Ashcroft stops flying on commercial airlines. He also pulls 200 FBI
agents off counter-terrorism duty and puts them onto drug and child pornography cases. George W Bush
appoints Robert Mueller as new FBI director.
August 2001 — Robert Mueller, cover up artist of BCCI, BNL, and Noriega prosecution fame, becomes
head of the FBI.
August 2001 — Coleen Rowley of the Minnesota FBI office, warns her superiors of the activities of
Zacarias Moussaoui, the alleged '20th hijacker', and his possible connections to Al-Qaeda. She requests a
FISA warrant for surveillance on Moussaoui.
Before passing the report on to the FISA court, Rowley's superior removes all references to Al-Qaeda
from the report. The warrant is refused by the FISA court. an unprecedented event.
September 11, 2001 — Almost 3000 people are killed in NYC, Washington, and Pennsylvania. John
O'Neill, who quit the FBI out of frustration with the Bush administration, dies in the WTC, where he was
working as head of security. Original files into the Enron Dhabol investigation that were at the FBI office
in the WTC are destroyed. The event is immediately called a "Pearl Harbor", providing the pretext for
war which was called for by the Project For a New American Century in 2000.
September 2001 — US oil and gas interests continue negotiations with the Saudis to renew deals with
Saudi Aramco. The US companies want the Saudis to give them rights to new unexploited gas reserves,
while the Saudis don't want to put new mineral rights on the table.
September 28, 2001 — The UN lifts sanctions against the Sudan. US companies begin negotiations with
the Sudanese government for oil and gas rights.
October 2001 — John Ashcroft uses the FISA court's rejection of the Minnesota warrant request as
evidence that the FBI needs more power in conducting surveillance. This is the same warrant request
based on Coleen Rowley's report that was tampered with by her superior, who removed all references to
Al-Qaeda before giving the report to the FISA court.
September-October 2001 — A number of news sources including BBC report that Washington had told
India that US troops would be in Afghanistan, "before the snow falls", as early as JULY 2001, two
months before the so-called 'surprise attack' on 9/11.
October 2001 — The US invades Afghanistan, on schedule, "before the snow falls."
October 2001 — Zalmay Khalilzad, former employee of Unocal, is appointed Special Envoy to
Afghanistan by George W Bush.
October 2001 — The Anthrax attacks begin. Key news people and Democrats are sent Anthrax in the
mail, which we now know was Fort Detrick/Battelle Anthrax. EG&G, a Carlyle Group Subsidiary, has
access to Battelle and Fort Detrick Anthrax by way of their service contract with Battelle, but to date
there's been no investigation of EG&G by Robert Mueller and the FBI.
October 2001 — Under cover of the Anthrax attacks, EG&G receives a billion
dollar Hazmat Disposal contract from the White House. Meanwhile, EG&G
employees at Area 51 are on strike, where EG&G has a security contract,
among other contracts. EG&G has enjoyed this contract since Area 51 was
opened. The guards are on strike because they hadn't received a raise since
the 1970's.
November 2001 — Somalia is accused of having terrorist training camps connected to Osama Bin Laden.
December 2001 — Enron officially goes broke, after bankrupting employees 401k's while executives
cashed out for $650 million.
December 2001 — The 'War' in Afghanistan is 'over', but Bin Laden has mysteriously disappeared.
Again. Just like in '91 after the US got their military presence in Saudi Arabia, and just like in '96 after the
US got their sanctions regime against the Sudan.
December 2001 — After the first vote in Afghanistan in decades, the Afghan warlords choose
Berhanudeen Rabbani as President of Afghanistan. This choice is vetoed by the United States, who forces
the congregation to vote again. Under duress, and with controversy over whether or not a legitimate vote
actually took place, former Unocal employee Hamid Zarzai is approved by Bush as the new Afghan
Both the US Ambassador to Afghanistan and the new Afghan President are now former Unocal
October 2001 — June 2002 — The Bush administration refuses to set up a proper investigation of 9/11.
Finally, under public pressure, they agree to set up a commission.
January 2002 — Thomas Kean, Director of Amerada Hess, buys an additional 500 shares in Amerada
January 2002 — December 2002 — Delta Hess, subsidiary of Amerada Hess and Delta Oil, finalizes
several Caspian exploration deals, primarily in Azerbaijan.
June 2002 — G W Bush refuses to sign the Homeland Security Bill. He warns that he will veto ANY
Homeland Security Bill that doesn't include strong anti-union legislation giving the White House the
ability to fire any government employees under Homeland Security's jurisdiction.
July 21, 2002 — The Carlyle Group sells EG&G, where they had union
problems in 2001, for a tidy profit.
URS manages and operates government installations, military bases and laboratories. At
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Joint Test, Tactics, and Training (JT3), a joint venture with Raytheon, manages four large, open-air training ranges in
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As the operating contractor for the Defense Logistics Agency’s (DLA) Defense Distribution Depots at Hill AFB, Utah,
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Our partnerships with the military result in well-functioning and cost-effective facilities—creating the best possible
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Iran/Contra Connections to 9/11
By Alex Constantine
"the presence of Secord in Best's Azerbaijani oil venture
ought to have raised blood red flags around the world..."
"Aid for Terrorists" CounterSpy, vol. 6, no. 2 Feb 1982
In spite of repeated attempts at unification, the Afghan rebel' groups are as divided as ever.
Infighting was pushed to a new peak recently by Sayed Ahmad Gailand, the head of the "National Islamic
front of Afghanistan." Gailani confirmed statements made by the Afghan government, when he told a
press conference in London, England in early November 1981 that it is incomprehensible and
unforgivable' that the West is aiding certain rebel groups who are terrorizing the Afghan population.'
Gailani, who likes to style himself as a moderate and who is asking for Western aid himself, singled out
Gulbuddin Hekmatyar's Islamic Party which has shot villagers who had refused to pay them taxes, and
sometimes burnt down villages which supported other resistance groups.' Kekmatyar received U.S. and
Pakistani support as early as 1973 when Pakistan clandestinely trained some 5,000 Afghan "rebels" to
destabilize the government of Muhammad Daoud.
"God Save the Shah: American Guns,
Oil and Spies in Azerbaijan" by Mark Irkali, Tengiz Kodrarian and Cali Ruchala
GARY BEST HAS made it his business not to be found.
A self-described electronics importer,' he has left a long trail of anecdote and innuendo of past misdeeds
but few testifying witnesses.
He was a marginal figure in one of the many subplots of the Iran-Contra Scandal, though how exactly he
was related to the activities of Oliver North and his co-conspirators is unclear.
His importing business was concentrated primarily in Southeast Asia, but somehow brought him into
contact with the Afghan Mujahedin, Iran-Contra conspirator Richard Secord and legendary Air Force
special operations commander Brigadier General Harry Heinie' Aderholt. His current mailing address,
and his current profession, are unknown.
"In 1985, Gary's business was headquartered in Marietta, Georgia. What exactly his company did, and
how he spent his days, is a mystery. Bob Fletcher, another figure on the periphery of Iran-Contra, claims
that in 1985, Gary Best became a partner in his toy company, which he and other Iran-Contra figures
planned to use as a cover for illicit weapons transfers of the sort that made Ollie (and Secord) famous....
He allegedly made several visits to the USSR as well as to Mujahedin headquarters in Afghanistan and
Pakistan, and former associates say that Best bragged about his friendship with sometime-Afghan Prime
Minister Gulbuddin Hekmatyar who, like many former Mujahedin, is now a sworn enemy of the United
At the time of writing, Hekmatyar had just been placed on a terrorist list by the State Department, and a
staffer contacted at his movement's headquarters in Pakistan was understandably reluctant to discuss too
many things with outsiders that spoke English. A week later, the staffer, who claimed to be Hekmatyar's
son-in-law, told us that no one in the organization had ever heard of Gary Best....
"According to Andrew, Best has a warrant out for his arrest in the United States and is probably traveling
under a false passport.... The "crowd" expanded in 1991 to include another ghost from America's past:
prominent Iran-Contra co-conspirator Richard Secord. Whereas the partnership of Best and Aderholt
could be written off as a curious pairing, the presence of Secord in Best's Azerbaijani oil venture ought to
have raised blood red flags around the world.
"Secord is a man that many people believe should have been in jail in 1991 - just two years after copping
a plea to a count of lying to Congress (he was facing trial on eleven other felony charges).
Instead, we are to believe that this former mastermind of arms shipments and shady deals with guerrillas
and Ayatollahs was taken by the possibilities of dead oil wells in Azerbaijan.
"Best, Aderholt and Secord, with their lack of background in public relations, might be forgiven for
picking such an Orwellian name for their venture as "MEGA Oil."
Assuming that Aderholt and Secord were, as they say they are, accidental patsies in Best's devious
schemes, it's still difficult to believe the atrocious due diligence that two men with extensive backgrounds
in intelligence executed.
Conducting a post-mortem on MEGA Oil - noting its birthdate and vital statistics - is almost as difficult
as tracking down Gary Best.
"MEGA Oil's American partners wrote in press releases that the company was based in either Marietta or
Atlanta, Georgia.
A search of public records finds not one but two companies known as "MEGA Oil USA."
One is called "MEGA Oil USA/Vista Joint Ventures," and was incorporated in 1985. "MEGA Oil USA"
on the other hand wasn't incorporated until 1993.
There is, moreover, a third MEGA Oil involved in the food processing business. None of these Georgia
companies could be definitively traced to Best.
"To make up for MEGA Oil's lack of experience in the industry, Best contracted a company which
specialized in rehabilitating and servicing existing oil wells.
Ponder Industries, registered in Delaware but conducting business in Alice, Texas, entered into
partnership with MEGA Oil in Azerbaijan feeling like they had trumped an entire industry.
Later, an Securities and Exchange Commission panel expressed astonishment that Ponder had done even
less due diligence on MEGA than they would have with any Texas partner - almost as little as Aderholt
and Secord.
Gary Best, insiders say, led Ponder to believe that his connections with the Azeri government would take
care of any problems.
As a result, Ponder agreed to fund and staff the oil wells in Azerbaijan by themselves, as well as
providing unspecified "operating costs" to MEGA.
All MEGA had to do was bring them the contract with SOCAR, the Azeri state oil company.
Best promptly faxed it over.
It was written in Russian, and no one in Ponder's office could read it.
Incredibly, they took Best's word that the fax was exactly what he said it was: a joint venture agreement
between MEGA Oil and SOCAR to service the abandoned oil wells.
"Ponder began flying their equipment and staff into Azerbaijan in late 1991 and January of 1992.
The latter was the date when the conflict in Karabakh, which had hitherto been fought by guerrillas and
militias, exploded into a full-scale war as Azeri soldiers pounded the Karabakh Armenians' "capital,"
Stepanakert, with thousands of rounds of artillery fire.
It was intended to soften the Armenians' position, with thousands of fresh troops following the path of
"The hopes of the Azeris for a quick and decisive thrust into Karabakh were bolstered when their
American friends offered to help train-and-equip their beleaguered armed forces, and even bring in some
of their old special forces friends to lend a hand in drilling and structural reorganization.
MEGA Oil, a company in Azerbaijan which was created in order to fund a farcical search for POWs in
Vietnam, was now hiring mercenaries.
Deterring Democracy
Excerpt, Noam Chomsky South End Press, 1991
“... the CIA shifted its attention to the terrorist war against Nicaragua and the Afghan resistance against
Soviet occupation. The complicity of the Reagan-Bush administrations in the drug rackets in Central
America as part of their contra support operations is by now well known. Pakistan is reported to have
become one of the major international centers of the heroin trade when Afghan manufacturers and dealers
found their operations restricted after the Soviet invasion in 1979,' and moved the enterprise across the
borders (South). The U.S. government has for several years received, but declined to investigate, reports
of heroin trafficking by some Afghan guerrillas and Pakistani military officers with whom it cooperates,"
the Washington Post reported well after the drug war was charging full steam ahead. U.S. officials have
received first-hand accounts of extensive heroin smuggling' by the leading Afghan recipients of U.S. aid
and the Pakistani military establishment, who gave detailed information to the press in Pakistan and
Washington. Nevertheless, according to U.S. officials, the United States has failed to investigate or take
action against some [read any'] of those suspected.' U.S. favorite Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, the terrorist
leader of the fundamentalist Hizbe-Islami party, is reported to be deeply implicated in drug trafficking.
Other reports indicate that the Aghan rebels are being debilitated by increasingly fierce local battles for
the lucrative heroin trade.'"
"How to Unseat the War Criminals and Reverse the Tide of War "
Exposing the Links between Al Qaeda and the Bush Administration
by Michel Chossudovsky
Colin Powell's Role: From Iran-Contra to September 11
"Both Colin Powell and his Deputy Richard Armitage, who casually accuse Baghdad and other foreign
governments of "harboring" Al Qaeda, played a direct role, at different points in their careers, in
supporting terrorist organizations.
"Although Colin Powell was not directly involved in the arms' transfer negotiations, which had been
entrusted to Oliver North, he was among at least five men within the Pentagon who knew arms were
being transferred to the CIA.' Lieutenant General Powell was directly instrumental in giving the green
light' to lower-level Irangate officials in blatant violation of Congressional procedures.
According to the New York Times, Colin Powell took the decision (at the level of military procurement),
to allow the delivery of weapons to Iran:
"Hurriedly, one of the men closest to Secretary of Defense Weinberger, Maj. Gen. Colin Powell,
bypassed the written "focal point system" procedures and ordered the Defense Logistics Agency
[responsible for procurement] to turn over the first of 2,008 TOW missiles to the C.I.A.,
which acted as cutout for delivery to Iran”.
Both Colin Powell and his Deputy Richard Armitage, who casually accuse Baghdad and other foreign
governments of "harboring" Al Qaeda, played a direct role, at different points in their careers, in
supporting terrorist organizations. Both men were implicated --operating behind the scenes-- in the
Irangate Contra scandal during the Reagan Administration, which involved the illegal sale of weapons to
Iran to finance the Nicaraguan Contra paramilitary army.
Colonel Oliver North
North set up a team including [Richard] Secord; Noel Koch [Armitage's deputy] , then assistant secretary
at the Pentagon responsible for special operations; George Cave, a former CIA station chief in Tehran,
and Colin Powell, military assistant to U.S. Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger...Colin Powell [was]
was among "at least five men within the Pentagon who knew arms were being transferred to the CIA."
Lieutenant General Powell was directly instrumental in giving the "green light" to lower-level Irangate
officials in blatant violation of Congressional procedures. According to the New York Times, Colin
Powell took the decision (at the level of military procurement), to allow the delivery of weapons to Iran:
Hurriedly, one of the men closest toSecretary of Defense Weinberger, Maj. Gen. Colin Powell, bypassed
the written "focal point system" procedures and ordered the Defense Logistics Agency
[responsible for procurement] to turn over the first of 2,008 TOW missiles to the C.I.A., which acted as
cutout for delivery to Iran"
The warnings about the Carlyle Group, the nation's 11th largest defense contractor, and the Bushes came
long before the World Trade Center attacks.
The Carlyle Group is a closely held corporation, exempt, for that reason, from reporting its affairs to the
Securities and Exchange Commission.
As of October 4, 2001, it has removed its corporate web site from the World Wide Web making further
investigation through that channel impossible.
Its Directors include Frank Carlucci, former Reagan Secretary of Defense; James Baker, former
Bush Secretary of State; and Richard Darman,
a former White House aide to Ronald Reagan and Republican Party operative.
Armitage received Pakistan's highest award available to a civilian by virtue of his assistance to the
mujahideen in Afghanistan during the 1980s,
in part, by supplying the fighters with shoulder-launched Stinger missles, that have not yet been recovered
by the U.S..
Currently, Carlyle's Frank Carlucci and the re-emerged Richard Armitage, are board members of the
influential Washington think tank,
the Middle East Policy Council.
The Sultan of Brunei and Elliot Abrams, current National Security Council special assistant for
democracy, human rights and international operations.
Another Iran-Contra conspirator is Elliot Abrams.
As the Assistant Secretary of State during the Reagan-Bush administration, Abrams was charged with
contempt of Congress by Iran-contra Special Prosecutor Lawrence Walsh after evading questions about
Oliver North's secret mission to extract 10 million dollars from the Sultan of Brunei and about the Contra
supply plane shot down.
Abrams gave the Sultan of Brunei the number of the bank account owned by InterMaritime Bank
president, Bruce Rappaport, a golfing friend of then CIA director, William Casey.
General Secord was the subsequent recipient of the $10 million cash, which was used for distribution to
the contras.
Elliot Abrams, the current National Security Advisor, earlier had pleaded guilty for withholding
information from Congress and was pardoned by the former President Bush in 1992.
JOHN LEAR, of full age, being duly sworn, deposes and says:
1. I am 65 years of age, a retired airline captain and former CIA pilot with over 19,000 hours of flight
time, over 11,000 of which are in command of 3 or 4 engine jet transports, have flown over 100
different types of aircraft in 60 different countries around the world. I retired in 2001 after 40 years
of flying.
2. I am the son of Learjet inventor, Bill Lear, and hold more FAA airman certificates than any other
FAA certificated airman. These include the Airline Transport Pilot certificate with 23 type ratings,
Flight Instructor, Flight Engineer, Flight Navigator, Ground Instructor, Aircraft Dispatcher, Control
Tower Operator and Parachute Rigger.
3. I flew secret missions for the CIA in Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa
between 1967 and 1983.
4. During the last 17 years of my career I worked for several passenger and cargo airlines as
Captain, Check Airman and Instructor. I was certificated by the FAA as a North Atlantic
(MNPS) Check Airman. I have extensive experience as command pilot and instructor in the
Boeing 707, Douglas DC-8 and Lockheed L-1011.
5. I checked out as Captain on a Boeing 707 in 1973 and Captain on the Lockheed L-1011 in 1985.
6. I hold 17 world records including Speed Around the World in a Lear Jet Model 24 set in 1966 and
was presented the PATCO (Professional Air Traffic Controllers Association) award for Outstanding
Airmanship in 1968. I am a Senior Vice-Commander of the China Post 1, the American
Legions Post for “Soldiers of Fortune”, a 24 year member of the Special Operations Association and
member of Pilotfor911truth.org.
7. I have 4 daughters, 3 grandchildren and live with my wife of 37 years, Las Vegas business woman
Marilee Lear in Las Vegas, Nevada.
8. No Boeing 767 airliners hit the Twin Towers as fraudulently alleged by the government, media,
NIST and its contractors. Such crashes did not occur because they are physically impossible as
depicted for the following reasons:
A. In the case of UAL 175 going into the south tower, a real Boeing 767 would have begun
‘telescoping’ when the nose hit the 14 inch steel columns which are 39 inches on center. The vertical
and horizontal tail would have instantaneously separated from the aircraft, hit the steel box columns
and fallen to the ground.
B. The engines when impacting the steel columns would have maintained their general shape and
either fallen to the ground or been recovered in the debris of the collapsed building. One alleged
engine part was found on Murray Street but there should be three other engine cores weighing over
9000 pounds each. Normal operating temperatures for these engines are 650°C so they could not
possibly have burned up. This is a photo of a similar sized engine from a McDonnell-Douglas MD11 which impacted the ocean at a high rate of speed. You can see that the engine remains generally
C. When and if the nose of an airplane came in contact with the buildings 14 inch by 14 inch steel
box columns and then, 37 feet beyond, the steel box columns of the building core the momentum of
the wings would have slowed drastically depriving them of the energy to penetrate the exterior steel
box columns. The spars of the wing, which extend outward, could not possibly have penetrated the
14 inch by 14 inch steel box columns placed 39 inches on center and would have crashed to the
D. The argument that the energy of the mass of the Boeing 767 at a speed of 540 mph fails because:
a. No Boeing 767 could attain that speed at 1000 feet above sea level because of parasite drag which
doubles with velocity and parasite power which cubes with velocity.
b. The fan portion of the engine is not designed to accept the volume of dense air at that altitude and
E. The piece of alleged external fuselage containing 3 or 4 window cutouts is inconsistent with an
airplane that hit 14 inch steel box columns, placed 39 inches in center, at over 500 mph. This
fuselage section would be telescopically crumpled had it actually penetrated the building as depicted
in the CNN video. It is impossible for it to have then re-emerged from the building and then fallen
intact and unburned as depicted.
F. The Purdue video fails because no significant part of the Boeing 767 or engine thereon could have
penetrated the 14 inch steel columns and 37 feet beyond the massive core of the tower without part of
it falling to the ground. The Purdue video misrepresents the construction of the core of the building
and depicts unidentified parts of the airplane snapping the core columns which were 12″x36″. The
Purdue video also misrepresents what would happen to the tail when the alleged fuselage contacted
the core. The tail would instantaneously separate from the empennage (aft fuselage). Further, the
Purdue video misrepresents, indeed it fails to show, the wing box or center section of the wing in the
collision with the core. The wing box is a very strong unit designed to hold the wings together and is
an integral portion of the fuselage. The wing box is designed to help distribute the loads of the wings
up-and-down flexing in flight.
G. My analysis of the alleged cutout made by the Boeing 767 shows that many of the 14-inch
exterior steel box columns which are shown as severed horizontally, do not match up with the
position of the wings. Further, several of the columns through which the horizontal tail allegedly
disappeared are not severed or broken. In addition, the wing tips of the Boeing 767 being of less
robust construction than the inner portions of the wings could not possibly have made the cookiecutter pattern as shown in the aftermath photos. The wing tips would have been stopped by the 14
inch steel box columns and fallen to the ground.
H. The debris of the Boeing 767, as found after the collapse, was not consistent with actual debris
had there really been a crash. Massive forgings, spars from both the wing and horizontal and vertical
stabilizers, landing gear retract cylinders, landing gear struts, hydraulic reservoirs and bogeys oxygen
bottles, a massive keel beam, bulkheads and the wing box itself could not possibly have ‘evaporated’
even in a high intensity fire. The debris of the collapse should have contained massive sections of the
Boeing 767, including 3 engine cores weighing approximately 9000 pounds apiece which could not
have been hidden. Yet there is no evidence of any of these massive structural components from either
767 at the WTC. Such complete disappearance of 767s is impossible.
9. My opinion, based on extensive flight experience both as captain and instructor in large 3 and 4
engine aircraft is that it would have been impossible for an alleged hijacker with little or no time in
the Boeing 767 to have taken over, then flown a Boeing 767 at high speed, descending to below 1000
feet above mean sea level and flown a course to impact the twin towers at high speed for these
A. As soon as the alleged hijackers sat in the pilot’s seat of the Boeing 767 they would be looking at
an EFIS (Electronic Flight Instrumentation System) display panel comprised of six large multi-mode
LCDs interspersed with clusters of ‘hard’ instruments. These displays process the raw aircraft system
and flight data into an integrated picture of the aircraft situation, position and progress, not only in
the horizontal and vertical dimensions, but also with regard to time and speed as well.
Had they murdered the pilot with a box knife as alleged there would be blood all over the seat, the
controls, the center pedestal, the instrument panel and floor of the cockpit. The hijacker would have
had to remove the dead pilot from his seat which means he would have had electrically or manually
place the seat in its rearmost position and then lifted the murdered pilot from his seat, further
distributing blood, making the controls including the throttles wet, sticky and difficult to hold onto.
Even on a clear day a novice pilot would be wholly incapable of taking control and turning a Boeing
767 towards New York because of his total lack of experience and situational awareness under these
conditions. The alleged hijackers were not ‘instrument rated’ and controlled high altitude flight
requires experience in constantly referring to and cross-checking attitude, altitude and speed
instruments. Using the distant horizon to fly ‘visually’ under controlled conditions is virtually
impossible particularly at the cruising speed of the Boeing 767 of .80 Mach.
The alleged ‘controlled’ descent into New York on a relatively straight course by a novice pilot in
unlikely in the extreme because of the difficulty of controlling heading, descent rate and descent
speed within the parameters of ‘controlled’ flight.
Its takes a highly skilled pilot to interpret the “EFIS” (Electronic Flight Instrument Display)
display, with which none of the hijacker pilots would have been familiar or received training on,
and use his controls, including the ailerons, rudder, elevators, spoilers and throttles to effect,
control and maintain a descent. The Boeing 767 does not fly itself nor does it automatically
correct any misuse of the controls.
The October Surprise conspiracy theory refers to an alleged plot to influence the
outcome of the 1980 United States presidential election between incumbent Jimmy Carter (D–
GA) and opponent Ronald Reagan (R–CA).
One of the leading, national issues during that year was the release of 52 Americans being held
hostage in Iran since November 4, 1979. Reagan won the election. On the day of his
inauguration, in fact, 20 min after he concluded his inaugural address, the Islamic Republic of
Iran announced the release of the hostages. The timing gave rise to an allegation that
representatives of Reagan's presidential campaign had conspired with Iran to delay the release
until after the election to thwart President Carter from pulling off an "October surprise".
According to the allegation, the Reagan Administration rewarded Iran for its participation in the
plot by supplying Iran with weapons via Israel and by unblocking Iranian government monetary
assets in US banks.
After twelve years of mixed media attention, both houses of the US Congress held separate
inquiries and concluded that the allegations lacked supporting documentation.
Nevertheless, several individuals—most notably former Iranian President Abulhassan Banisadr,
former Naval intelligence officer and National Security Council member Gary Sick; and former
Reagan/Bush campaign and White House staffer Barbara Honegger—have stood by the
allegation. There have been allegations that the plane crash that killed the Portuguese Prime
Minister, Francisco de Sá Carneiro, in 1980 was in fact an assassination of the Defence Minister,
Adelino Amaro da Costa, who had said that he had documents concerning the October surprise
conspiracy theory and was planning on taking them to the United Nations General Assembly.
The issue of an "October Surprise" was brought up during an investigation by a House of
Representatives Subcommittee into how the 1980 Reagan Campaign obtained debate briefing
materials of then-President Carter. During the investigation (a.k.a. Debategate), the
Subcommittee on Human Resources of the House Post Office and Civil Service Committee
obtained access to Reagan Campaign documents and discovered numerous instances of
documents and memorandum referencing a monitoring effort for any such October Surprise. The
Subcommittee, chaired by former U.S. Rep. Donald Albosta (D–MI) issued a comprehensive
report on May 17, 1984, describing each type of information that was detected and its possible
source. There is a section in the report dedicated to the October Surprise issue.[
Alleged players
Richard Allen was the Reagan campaign's foreign policy chief. In 1980, he penned a note
claiming that George H.W. Bush had asked him to look into a rumor about the hostages. A
"plane-load of former CIA officers" had taken up residence in campaign headquarters, he said in
1980. The "nutballs", he said, made him decide to work in a separate office.
Theodore Shackley was an agent fired by the Carter Administration. During the Bay of Pigs
Invasion, he had been Miami station chief.
Donald Gregg and Robert Gates were National Security Council officials. Shackley and Gregg
had reported to Bush Sr. in the past, and would do so again. After losing the race in 1980, Carter
suggested that Gregg might have leaked classified information to Bush during the campaign.
Interesting mention of 1980 "October Surprise" in CIA pilot's '04 speech.
Edited on Tue Aug-01-06 12:23 PM by DemoTex
And now that our beloved 40th president has passed on I can tell you that in fact
(with my apologies to Michael Reagan) the October Surprise was true. The October
surprise, for those of you that don't remember, happened during October of 1980
when Reagan and Bush were running against Carter and Mondale. George Bush
was flown in a BAC-111 one Saturday night to Paris to meet with the Ayatollah
Khomeini. Bush offered the Khomeini a deal whereby if he would delay the release
of the hostages held in Tehran until Reagan's inauguration, the administration
would supply unlimited guns and ammunition to the Iranians.
In order to get Bush back for a Sunday morning brunch, so that nobody
would be alerted to his absence, he was flown back in an SR-71 from
Rheims field near Paris to McGuire AFB. (My emphasis)
If true .. well, if true. This is from a speech given in Las Vegas by John Lear (son of
Learjet founder Bill Lear, and CIA pilot from the Air America days in Laos) on July
9, 2004. It is a long speech, so I posted only the section germane to the
Reagan/Bu$h alleged contact with the Iranians prior to the 1980 elections. I
received this by email this morning.
If not true, the whole speech/email is a clever hoax. My biggest problem with this
scenario is Bu$h-1's access to a Lockheed SR-71. If the scenario is accurate and
the SR-71 belonged to the US military, then a bunch of folks are guilty of treason.
If the SR-71 was clandestine property of the CIA (stranger things have happened),
then a bunch of folks are guilty of treason.
If the October Surprise indeed happened, but by other mechanisms, a bunch of
folks are still guilty of treason.
It is possible that John Lear is as credible as the infamous CIA Iraq WMD
informant, "Curve-Ball." Lear was fired from so many pilot jobs (he was even
fired by his father, Bill Lear) that I suspect he had a problem with substance abuse.
But who knows. John Lear also claims to have flown CIA Boeing-707s into Tehran
with the arms-for-hostage booty for the Iranians.
Faulty Intel Source "Curve Ball" Revealed
60 Minutes: Iraqi's Fabricated Story Of Biological Weapons Aided U.S. Arguments For
(CBS) 60 Minutes has identified the man whose fabricated story of Iraqi biological weapons drove the
U.S. argument for invading Iraq. It has also obtained video of "Curve Ball," as he was known in
intelligence circles, and discovered he was not only a liar, but also a thief and a poor student instead of
the chemical engineering whiz he claimed to be.
Curve Ball is an Iraqi defector named Rafid Ahmed Alwan, who arrived at a German refugee center in
1999. To bolster his asylum case and increase his importance, he told officials he was a star chemical
engineer who had been in charge of a facility at Djerf al Nadaf that was making mobile biological
60 Minutes has learned that Alwan’s university records indicate he did study chemical engineering
but earned nearly all low marks, mostly 50s. Simon’s investigation also uncovered an arrest warrant for
theft from the Babel television production company in Baghdad where he once worked.
He eventually wound up in the care of German intelligence officials to whom he continued to spin his tale
of biological weapons. His plan succeeded partially because he had worked briefly at the plant outside
Baghdad and his descriptions of it were mostly accurate. He embellished his account by saying 12
workers had been killed by biological agents in an accident at the plant.
More than a hundred summaries of his debriefings were sent to the CIA, which then became a pillar along with the now-disproved Iraqi quest for uranium for nuclear weapons - for the U.S. decision to bomb
and then invade Iraq. The CIA-director George Tenet gave Alwan’s information to Secretary of State
Colin Powell to use at the U.N. in his speech justifying military action against Iraq.
Tenet gave the information to Powell despite a letter - a copy of which 60 Minutes obtained - addressed to
him by the head of German intelligence stating that Alwan appeared to be believable, but there was no
evidence to verify his story.
Through a spokesman, Tenet denies ever seeing the letter. "[Tenet] needs to talk to his special assistants if
he didn’t see it," says Tyler Drumheller, a former CIA senior official. "I am sure they showed it to him
and I am sure ... it wasn’t what they wanted to see," he tells Simon.
Other CIA officials doubted Curve Ball’s authenticity, including former Central Group Chief Margaret
Henoch, who speaks publicly for the first time, telling Simon she openly refuted Alwan’s story. "And it
was like 'Whack a Mole.' He just popped right back up. It was unbelievable."
Alwan was caught when CIA interrogators were finally allowed to question him and confronted him with
evidence that his story could not be as he described it. Weapons inspectors had examined the plant at
Djerf al Nadaf before the fall of Baghdad and found no evidence of biological agents.
In the end, however, Alwan got what he wanted. He is believed to be in Germany, free and probably
living under an assumed name.
Why did he do it?
"It was a guy trying to get his green card essentially, in Germany, and playing the system for what it was
worth," says Drumheller. "It just shows ... the law of unintended consequences," he tells Simon."
By Harry V. Martin
A BAC 111 aircraft, which had been reconfigured to carry a sufficient amount of fuel to travel
3,600 miles, left Andrews Air Force Base in the late afternoon of October 19, 1980. The
aircraft's destination: Paris, France. The Passengers aboard the aircraft included the command
pilot U.S. Navy Captain Gunther Russbacher, Richard Brenneke and Heinrick Rupp, on the
flight deck; and in the cabin was William Casey, soon to be the Director of the Central
Intelligence Agency; Donald Greggs, soon to be the ambassador to South Korea; and George
Bush, the future Vice President and President of the United States and former director of the
Central Intelligence Agency. There were also Secret Service agents aboard the aircraft.
This is the weekend - three weeks before the November 1980 Presidential Election, that Bush has
claimed he spent at Andrews Air Force Base.
Testifying to this flight is Russbacher, the pilot. The Navy pilot is currently at Terminal Island, a
federal prison, awaiting an appeal on a charge of misuse and misappropriation of government
properties, misuse of government jets, and misuse of government purchase orders for purchase of
He was also a member of the Office of Naval Intelligence and worked with the Central
Intelligence Agency. Russbacher's alias is Robert A. Walker. Russbacher now becomes the
second crew member of that flight to testify to this clandestine episode that may have changed
the politics of this nation and which has been labeled the "October Surprise". Brenneke was
upheld by a Federal jury when he testified about the flight. After his testimony he was charged
by the Federal Government with perjury, but a Federal jury acquitted him upholding his
testimony that the flight actually took place. The trial was held in Portland, Oregon last year.
Russbacher, in an exclusive interview, states that Bush stayed at the Hotel Crillion in Paris.
Russbacher has stated that more than one flight was involved, but that this was the initial flight at
which time an agreement was made between Bush and Casey and the Government of Iran to
delay the release of American hostages in Iran until after the November 1980 election. Former
President Jimmy Carter and several Congressmen are now asking for an investigation into the
"October Surprise".
According to Russbacher statements, Bush stayed only a couple of hours. He attended a meeting
at the Hotel Crillion and at the Hotel George V. Russbacher, Brenneke, and Rupp stayed at the
Hotel Florida. Bush did not return on the same BAC 111 aircraft or return with some of the
people he had flown with to Paris, but instead Russbacher flew him back in the SR71. The
aircraft was refueled about 1800 to 1900 nautical miles into the Atlantic by a KCl35.
The returning flight with Bush landed at McGuire Air Force base at approximately 2 a.m. on
October 20. Russbacher states that Bush, while in Paris, met with Hashemi Rafsanjani, the
second in command to the Ayatollah and now the president of Iran, and Adnan Khashoggi, a
Saudi Arabian businessman who was extremely powerful. Arrangements were apparently made
to pay Iran $40 million to delay the release of hostages in order to thwart President Jimmy
Carter's re-election bid. The $40 million was the beginning of terms that created the Iran-Contra
scandal that is now being reopened by Congress.
Russbacher is concerned for his life, but feels that the other pilots will now come forward in a
new Congressional investigation. He indicates that there is a growing division within the Central
Intelligence Agency. ÒThere is no one higher than the CIA, but there are groups within the
company (term used by insiders for the CIA) that are very, very strong. And the group or clique
that I belonged to, in my opinion, was probably the strongest but there are other factions that are
at war with themselves,Ó Russbacher states. “You have these groups that are answerable to no
one. Well, they are answerable to one man, on top, and he doesn't seem to care how the problems
are resolved, just as long as they are taken care of." The man Russbacher is referring to is
President Bush.
On the eve of an announcement of a Congressional investigation into the October Surprise,
Russbacher was to have taken a helicopter trip with Navy Intelligence officers, but he did not
take the trip. The helicopter carrying several Naval Intelligence officers was reported to have
crashed near or on Fort Ord in California. Russbacher, who was willing to tape this interview,
states that had he been on the helicopter he would be dead right now. In fact, because of that
crash, Russbacher wanted this interview taped for safety reasons.
He believes that the other aircrew members are in danger, as well, but feels that they are ready to
come forward and testify, as did Brenneke last year.
By Harry V. Martin
The thread is unwinding and the deeds and misdeeds of high U.S. Government officials
are beginning to surface. But why has so much information concerning George Bush's
trip to Paris, the Iran-Contra scandal, the growing INSLAW scandal all suddenly
There have been too many double crosses involving the Central Intelligence Agency
and Bush - international double crosses. At the heart of the problem are three nations,
Iran, Iraq and Israel. The Bush Administration has been pushing a pro-Arab stance at
the cost of Israel. In fact, according to court documents, the United States supported the
manufacturing of chemical weapons by Iraq as a counterforce against Israel in the
Middle East. The Bush Administration links to oil favored a more pro-Arab stand.
It began in early 1980, when pollsters for presidential candidate Ronald Reagan
reported that if President Jimmy Carter was able to obtain freedom for 52 American
hostages held in Iran, he would win the election. The Carter Administration was in
negotiations with Iran at the time and a release looked promising. The Reagan-Bush
campaign was wary of a possible "October Surprise" by the Carter Administration that
would result in the early release of the American hostages. Actually, the Iranian
government was tired of the hostage issue and wanted to have an early release. They
were bickering over release of frozen assets or military replacement parts to support
their squadrons of American fighters. At the same time, Iraq was threatening war
against Iran. Carter also considered the possibility of a second rescue attempt, but
American officials leaked that information to the Iranian government and they dispersed
the hostages to many different locations.
Concerned with the possible election turnaround, officials of the Reagan-Bush
campaign, notably John McFarland and William Casey, held meetings in Washington,
D.C. at the Mayflower Hotel and in Madrid, Spain with representatives of the Iranian
government. The concept of an arms-for-hostages deal was consummated. According
to Israeli testimony, the Iranians were ready in September 1980 to release the
hostages, but the Republican contingent did not want release until after the November
1980 elections. The meeting in Spain were sufficiently productive to warrant a final
meeting in Paris between October 18 and October 22. It was at this meeting that
agreement was reached on the hostage question and a payment of $40 million was
made to the Iranian government through a Luxembourg bank.
Two pilots have now stated that Casey, Donald Gregg, who worked for the CIA under
Bush, and Bush attended the meeting. They were flown out of Andrews Air Force Base
late in the afternoon of October 19, 1980 Bush was returned, according to Navy pilot
Captain Gunther Russbacher, after a few hours in Paris. Russbacher states he flew the
SR71, the Blackbird, from Paris to McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey, arriving on
October 20. Refueling was done 1800 to 1900 nautical miles over the Atlantic by a
Strangely enough, Bush made no public appearances during that time, three weeks
before the election, and has yet to prove where he was during the "missing" 21 hours.
According to the pilot, Bush only stayed a few hours in Paris and was flown back to the
United States. On October 21, the Iranians changed their entire negotiating position with
the Carter Administration, the results of a completed deal with the Republicans.
The Israelis were the go-betweens, helping to establish the links between the ReaganBush people and the Iranians. The Israelis were used to ferry equipment to Iran, and in
one case, an Argentine aircraft was shot down by the Soviet Union in Russian airspace.
The aircraft, flown by Israelis, was carrying U.S. military equipment to Iran. Much of the
equipment shipped to Iran, began weeks after Reagan took office, was stripped from
NATO units in Europe and not from U.S. bases within the United States. The U.S. did
not have a sufficient stockpile of arms in the country and resorted to taking weapons
from the Reforger stockpile. Reforger was a massive military exercise (war game)
staged in Europe with all NATO participating.
But once the Reagan-Bush team came to power, Bush began to push a pro-Arab
position within the government, or, in essence, a pro-oil position. This irritated the
Israelis and they felt the United States was beginning to betray them. Israel made a deal
with the Soviet Union for closer relationships and also sought more Soviet Jews for
immigration, thus keeping the Lukid Party in power. Israeli agents are the ones who
broke the story of the Iran-Contra scandal in a Lebonese newspaper, as a retaliation
against Bush. It is also the Israelis who witnessed arms deals, including the transfer of
INSLAW's PROMIS software, in a Chilian meeting. The same names, Dr. Earl Brian and
Donald Greggs come up in those testimonies.
The U.S. had also selected Iraq as the stabilizing or balancing Arab force in the Middle
East. Israel and Iraq had a good working relationship, as did Iran and Israel. The U.S.
also assisted in building up Iraq's chemical warfare base as a counter to Israeli military
might. But Saddam Hussein began to show that he was not going to "follow orders" and
thus the scenario of the recent Iraqi war unwound. But the U.S. does not want Hussein
out of power.
Iran, in the meantime, is anti-Arab and anti-Jew, but has made accommodations with
both segments of the Middle East.
The code word for George Bush in Iran is Bosch Batteries - a name used often
when the United States was clandestinely engaged in illegal arms shipments to
Iran. It was also used to herald his brief presence in Paris on October 19, 1980. Though
the President denies that he ever went to Paris to make arrangements for the detention
of 52 American hostages until after the U.S. elections in November 1980, more
testimony is coming forth from people who claim to have been there and were part of
the sophisticated plot.
Navy Captain Gunther Russbacher broke "radio silence" last week in an exclusive
Sentinel article which has been picked up by some newspapers and news services, and
national radio. Russbacher, who is in Terminal Island awaiting an appeal on charges of
misuse and misappropriation of government properties, misuse of government jets, and
misuse of government purchase orders to purchase fuel. These charges stem from his
position with the U.S. Navy Intelligence and a CIA mission involving a government Lear
Jet. Despite his imprisonment, he has continual contact with Naval Intelligence.
Russbacher's intelligence background coincides with his story. He says he piloted the
BAC-111 that flew Bush, William Casey and Donald Gregg to Paris to meet with Iranian
officials to arrange a $40 million transaction and arms shipments to Iran in exchange for
delay of any hostage release prior to the election. Russbacher also stated that he flew
Bush back to McGuire Air Force Base hours later in the SR71, the Blackbird.
But Russbacher is not the only one to come out of the woodwork to claim Bush went to
Paris. From a jail cell in Tacoma, Washington, former CIA operative Michael
Riconoscuito, told Congressional investigators that he was the man who transferred the
$40 million to a Luxembourg Bank. Why is Riconoscuito in jail? Early this year he
signed an affidavit testifying that the U.S. Justice Department did reconfigure INSLAW's
PROMIS software to be used by the CIA and Dr. Earl Brian, a very close associate of
former Attorney General Edwin Meese, and also a former cabinet member of Ronald
Reagan's California cabinet. He claims in the affidavit that members of the U.S.
Department of Justice warned him that if he testified before the House Judiciary
Committee investigating the theft of the sensitive PROMIS software, that he would be
arrested. Within a week of his affidavit, and after it was published in the St. Louis Post
Dispatch and The Napa Sentinel, he was arrested by Drug Enforcement agents in the
state of Washington and held without bail. Most of his records have been seized.
According to Riconoscuito, the theft of the PROMIS software grew out of a need to
obtain funds to reward Dr. Brian for his work in arranging the hostage agreement.
Among other things, Dr. Brian also owns United Press International.
Richard Brenneke, an international arms dealer and former CIA operative and pilot for
Air America, testified before a Federal Court that he took part in the Paris flight. The
Federal Government tried Brenneke for perjury, attempting to disprove his claims. A jury
acquitted Brenneke of the charges. At the trial, former CIA agent and now South Korean
Ambassador Donald Gregg who both Brenneke and Russbacher claim to have
participated in the 1980 Paris meeting, said he was never in Paris for the alleged
meeting. However, he presented testimony to the court that he and his wife were at
Rahoboth Beach in Delaware on the date of the Paris meeting. He produced
photographs of his family on the sunny beach. But an expert technical witness said the
cloud formations in the photograph could not have been recorded over that beach at the
time, the weather was far from sunny that day. Gregg was brought into the CIA while
George Bush was its director under the Richard Nixon administration. Gregg is believed
to have been one of several moles within the CIA under President Jimmy Carter that
staged the "October Surprise" in an effort to defeat Carter's re-election bid.
Also, Gary Sick, an Iranian expert of Carter's National Security council, has outlined the
history, actions and interactions, of the "October Surprise". Barbara Honegger, a former
Reagan White House aide, has written a book called "October Surprise" in which she
details the meetings prior to and in Paris, the names of people who attended and the
results of those meeting that Bush said he never attended. Aboihassan Bani-Sadr, who
was president of Iran when the hostages were being held, is coming to the United
States to promote his book, "My Turn to Speak". It also contains the same general
allegations that the Reagan-Bush team paid to block the release of 52 American
hostages in order to assure victory at the polls.
Bush has released copies of his 1980 campaign schedule, but there is about an 21 hour
gap (Nixon's Watergate tape had an 18 minute gap) in his whereabouts. The trip to and
from Paris involved about that amount of time.
Before the revelations about the October Surprise, in which George Bush is alleged to
have flown to Paris in 1980 to delay release of 52 American hostages from Iran, the
American public almost learned the truth. In the first years of the Ronald Reagan
Administration a small tempest was created over the Reagan campaign camp allegedly
obtaining President Jimmy Carter's briefing book to be used as debate notes. The
national new media was unsuccessful in arousing public attention to the situation. Even
John Stockwell, a former CIA operative, boasted on the air that Reagan would win the
election because of "filched material".
But that episode, as small as it appeared, was only the surface of an iceberg. Actually,
the media had focused on the wrong problem. The Reagan-Bush campaign drew a lot
of information from the Carter White House during the 1980 election campaign. The
Reagan-Bush campaign was so worried that President Carter might do something to
obtain the release of the hostages before the election, that William Casey, with the
involvement of people active in the Former Intelligence Officer's Association,
systematically set up spy networks in the White House, itself. Key members of the CIA
from Bush's tenure as director, were left in place-though President Carter had been
warned to purge the CIA of Bush and Nixon men. Several moles within the White House
and the National Security Council reported directly to Casey, who in turn reported to
Reagan and Bush, but mainly Bush. Reagan was not totally informed of all the details.
One of the pieces of information that the moles inside the White House learned was that
Carter had planned a rescue mission, a mission that ended in a desert disaster.
According to several books and the San Jose Mercury News, among others, three
retired Air Force officers, who were overseers to the Contras, also planned the desert
rescue operation. The same people involved in the Iran-Contra scandal, which grew out
of the alleged October 1980 deal in Paris made between the Reagan-Bush team and
the Iranians, were tied into the rescue mission. Reports that have surfaced from the
intelligence community indicate that the rescue attempt may have been sabotaged.
Eight American servicemen died in the fiasco. The Iranians were also informed of the
rescue attempt through the moles at the White House. The Director of the Center for
Strategic and International Studies and Association of Former Intelligence Officers,
Stephen Halper, had "far reaching access to the most sensitive materials". Richard
Allen, to become Reagan's National Security Advisor and later disgraced, was
circulating the day-to-day memos of President Carter. The CIA had virtually vetoed
Carter's first choice for CIA chief and successfully pushed for the appointment of
Stansfield Turner. Turner is believed to have played a key role in the October Surprise.
He believed he would be reappointed CIA head under the new Reagan Administration.
The future of American politics, the Iran-Contra deals, arms for drugs shipments, and
even the war in Iraq, all had their embryo in the 1980 election campaign. Close to the
election, Reagan's own pollsters showed the election was too close to call. Richard
Wirthlin, the pollster for the Reagan-Bush campaign, said that if the hostages were
released before the election Carter would gain a boost of 5 or 6 percentage points in the
polls, or even as much as 10 percent, giving him a sure victory for that election?
Navy Captain Gunther Russbacher, who worked with Naval Intelligence and the Central
intelligence Agency, received a phone call at his home in St. Louis, in mid-October
1980. He was told to meet a TWA flight and take it to Washington, D.C. From there he
was met by a car and brought to the Base Hospital at Andrews Air Force Base. At 1900
hours (7 p.m.) he was greeted by two military personnel in flight suits, handed flight
papers and boarded a BAC-111 aircraft. Destination? Paris. Purpose of the mission?
Unknown at the time.
Richard Brenneke was doing a preflight check when Russbacher closed the cockpit
door. He had no knowledge of who else was aboard the aircraft. Brenneke has already
testified that he was on the aircraft and his testimony was held up by a federal jury.
Russbacher testifies that he did not look into the passenger cabin until he was over the
Atlantic. The aircraft refueled at Newfoundland. There was also an Air Force officer
aboard, according to Russbacher. It landed at Le Bourget Airport near Paris.
Who did Russbacher see in the cabin?
George Bush,
Donald Gregg,
William Casey,
two security people, and
a woman, believed to be Jennifer Fitzgerald, Bush's Chief of Protocol for the White House.
Heinrich Rupp was not on the BAC-111, but did fly a Gulfstream aircraft to Paris. He
met Brenneke and Russbacher in Paris. Vehicles were waiting for the passengers,
some of these vehicles were from the U.S. Embassy.
The pilots and crew checked into the Hotel Florida and within three hours Russbacher
was called back to duty. He was to fly Bush back in the SR-71, the CIA's Blackbird, from
a French Air Force Base to Dover Air Force Base. But because of security leaks in
Paris, the aircraft was diverted to McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey. The flight of
the Blackbird took one hour and 14-1/2 minutes, being refueled 1800 nautical miles over
the Atlantic.
The SR-17 model was the YF12 A, a two-seater. According to Russbacher, Bush had
few words to say on the return flight. The pilot stated, "Hold on, we're going out." Bush
is reported to have replied, "It's a fast ride." Bush is a former Navy pilot. Bush was met
at McGuire by an Air Force colonel who later became a four-star general.
Brenneke was the first crew member to reveal the trip to Paris and much has been done
to discredit him. At his perjury trial, Brenneke's defense shot holes through Donald
Gregg's testimony that he was not on the flight or in Paris. Gregg showed photographs
of him and his wife on a sunny beach in Maryland, stating he was there and not in Paris.
Weather experts testified that the weather conditions that day did not match the
photograph. Gregg, who has been named by former National Security Advisor Gary
Sick and former President Jimmy Carter, as a mole for Bush in the CIA, was a long-time
CIA operative who has recently been appointed ambassador to South Korea.
A French intelligence memo does exist claiming that Bush did come to Paris in October
1980 and received French assistance. The meeting in Paris was to delay the release of
52 American hostages held by Iranian radicals. The Republicans sought to delay the
release until after the elections in order to prevent President Jimmy Carter from winning
the election should the hostages be released early. A total of $40 million was
transferred from a Mexican account and Bush presented a draft of the transfer to the
Iranians. Within six weeks after Ronald Reagan was inaugurated, covert shipments of
arms were sent to Iran. When the shipments were discovered around 1985, it became
known as the Iran-Contra scandal. But the origins of that scandal began in the flight to
Paris. George Bush has never been able to account for this time and Secret Service
memos about his whereabouts are also conflicting. Casey was never able to prove his
whereabouts either. And Greggs' excuse was shot down in a court of law.
How do we know Russbacher is telling the truth? Obviously, his credibility is critical to
the story. Russbacher is currently in a federal prison on Terminal Island near Long
Beach. A nationwide search for records relating to Russbacher was undertaken by Tom
Valentine of Radio Free America, The Napa Sentinel and other cooperative news
media. The search included public records, classified information and information from
highly reliable sources within the intelligence community.
Russbacher has been directly linked to both Rupp and Brenneke through the Hapsburg
Trust, the Ottokar Trust and the Augsberg Trust. These trusts control billions of dollars
and some of the funds were funneled by Rupp to Aurora Bank, a failed Institution.
Russbacher will not discuss the trust. Independent research has also discovered that
Russbacher may be the "banker" for the CIA, its number three man. This means that he
would have knowledge of various secret accounts the CIA is operating. The search also
revealed that F.B.I. has a great interest in Russbacher because he could possibly lead
them to monies siphoned off Savings and Loans institutions and funneled into secret
CIA accounts, and also used to finance gun and drug running.
CIA and intelligence figures made Russbacher sign a contract that he would not get
married for two years, especially after a divorce from his wife, Peggy, an F.B.I.
informant. Russbacher violated that contract and was married. Russbacher's wife, Rae,
was told by an Army Intelligence Officer in San Francisco that she and Russbacher
would have to separate. Within a few days after their marriage, Russbacher was
arrested on several charges, held in jails for months at a time. Each of the charges were
dropped and in every single case the criminal investigation files and court records were
sealed, which is highly unusual. A fellow prisoner in Terminal Island, Ron Rewald, had
the same problem. He was tried in a state court but the prosecutor came from the U.S.
Justice Department. Rewald was not allowed to introduce evidence showing his CIA
involvement and his records and court case are sealed. Michael Riconosciuto, another
CIA operative, is currently sitting in a Pierce County, Washington jail. All his records
have been seized and he is being held without bail, after testifying to CIA and Justice
Department involvement in the INSLAW case.
Through a special arrangement, Rewald has met with Russbacher and was skeptical at
first of Russbacher's background. But after future exchanges and the matching of
names, dates and places, Rewald is certain Russbacher is who he claims to be. Rewald
was involved in a covert CIA financial institution in Hawaii and had prominent Air Force
generals and high ranking intelligence officers working in the firm.
The most damaging evidence against Russbacher's claim comes from Barbara
Honegger, who wrote October Surprise several years ago. Honegger has been a longtime friend and associate of Rae Russbacher, who married Gunther about two years
ago. Honegger has called several media people, including Valentine and the Sentinel to
say that Russbacher is a "pathological liar". Honegger's work has been challenged by
such people as Phillip Agee, a former CIA officer, and John Stockwell, a CIA agent.
Honegger states that Russbacher is not who he appears to be, that he isn't in the Navy
and that he has a criminal past. After further questioning, Honegger admits her entire
information has come from a Modesto, CA. attorney named Mark Coleman,
Russbacher's appointed public defender when the pilot was charged with misuse of a
government aircraft and misuse of a government purchase order. The case was
declared a mistrial and under threats of sending Rae Russbacher to prison for
unauthorized access to a military base, Russbacher pleaded guilty to a lesser charge
and is serving a short term in Terminal Island, with tremendous freedom within the
institution. Honegger says that Brenneke denied knowing Russbacher.
Mark Coleman admits that Brenneke has admitted knowing Russbacher, but will not
confirm times, places and dates. Coleman also admits, under heavy questioning, that
he couldn't find anything to verify or deny Russbacher's background, including no
employment records. An F.B.I. officer did testify at Russbacher's trial that Russbacher
was doing work for them. Colman finally admits that the basis of his knowledge of
Russbacher comes from Peggy Neil, Russbacher's ex-wife and F.B.I. informant.
A court record in Missouri shows that Russbacher pleaded guilty to four counts of
investment fraud and was sentenced to 28 years in prison. The judge, reviewing a
secret file at the trial, gave Russbacher full probation and allowed him to go to
Hollywood to negotiate a movie call The Last Flight of the Blackbird. The prosecutor in
the case, Mr. Zimmerman, was fired. The F.B.I. had also arrested Russbacher for
kidnapping, his niece, and dropped the charges. He was arrested for impersonating a
U.S. Attorney.
There has been a very swift campaign to immediately discredit Russbacher, a familiar
pattern associated with Ricconosciuto, Rewald, Brenneke, and Anthony Motolese,,
another CIA operative who blew the whistle. The swiftness of the discrediting campaign
has been witnessed by both the Sentinel and Valentine. Moments after the two
separately interviewed Coleman, the U.S. Attorney in Central California called to inquire
about the interview. Honegger also called immediately, stating Coleman had told her
about the calls. Why? The Russbacher case is closed, why the calls?
Honegger writes in her book, "I grew not only to like, but to love Ronald Reagan as an
individual." She indicates that she did not publish her book until after Reagan left office
because of her "love" for him. Yet in 1984, Honegger left the Reagan camp and
campaigned for Jesse Jackson for President. Some specific references in Honegger's
book to a former associate of the publisher if the Napa Sentinel are known to be
seriously incorrect, because of firsthand knowledge of that person's direct
interrelationship to the incident cited.
Honegger's work, however, is excellent in some areas and she was the first to publicly
expose the October Surprise. Her book, unfortunately did not sell well.
The fact there is no history for Russbacher in a nation that tracks every detail of a
person's movements through Social Security cards, and employment records, is not
surprising. A high ranking CIA agent in St. Louis has verified certain aspects of
Russbacher's story, and a senior U.S. Senator has also verified Russbacher as being "a
very good man" and knows of the Hapsburg connection.
Russbacher had several code names, one being Gerhardt MŸller, another Robert A.
Walker and sometimes just Raven. He travelled on a Swiss passport and spent a lot of
time in Europe on assignments. He logged 750 flight hours as the command pilot of the
SR-71. He had some association with the USIS and MI66 intelligence units.
No one has verified Russbacher on the actual aircraft that allegedly flew George Bush
to Paris, but the man and his history are recorded in the more secret annals of
American records. Rae Russbacher had serious doubts about her husband, but she has
close ties to the Naval Post Graduate School in Monterey, California. Her late husband
was the dean of science there, and it was there in 1981 that she met Russbacher in a
hallway, in full uniform, having a sword fight with a fellow Naval officer. The Intelligence
Community opposed Russbacher's marriage to Rae because of her association with
Honegger and her liberal political background, from the early Haight-Ashbury days in
San Francisco, to her campaigns.
The SDECE, the French equivalent to the American CIA or Russian KGB, apparently
monitored George Bush's trip to Paris in October 1980. The monitoring was done
because French officials were also involved in the meetings with the Iranians, as were
the Israelis. The trip is alleged to have been to delay the release of 52 American
hostages held in Iran until after the November 1980 Presidential election.
The man who had the memo was Col. Alexandre de Marenches, head of French
Intelligence or the SDECE. There were other foreign powers involved with the Paris
meeting, directly and indirectly. According to Navy Captain Gunther Russbacher, who
claims to have been the command pilot that flew Bush to and from Paris, the BAC-111
used in the Andrews Air Force Base to Paris flight was retrofitted for the journey and
owned by the government of Saudi Arabia. Russbacher reported that information on
KING radio in Seattle on Friday night. A French Air Force Base outside of Paris was
used for the return flight of Bush to the United States on the SR-71 Blackbird, according
to Russbacher's testimony.
Ironically, the Reagan-Bush team gave the Iranians an advanced check for $40 million,
drawn off of a Mexican bank. Allegedly Maurice Stans was responsible for getting the
money to Mexico and Michael Riconosciuto has told investigators from the House
Judiciary Committee that he made the arrangements for the $40 million payment.
Riconosciuto is currently in a Pierce County Jail in the state of Washington, being held
without bail, after blowing the whistle on the Justice Department's illegal use of
INSLAW's PROMIS software.
Former White House National Security Advisor Gary Sick and former Iranian President
Bani-Sadr also claim the meeting in Paris did take place. Neither George Bush, George
Casey or Donald Gregg have been able to concisely provide information on their
whereabouts during this period of time, and even Secret Service memos on the
whereabouts of Bush are conflicting. Bush remained off the campaign trail at the time,
two and one-half weeks before the election.
Information received by the Sentinel yesterday from the U.S. Department of Justice,
indicates that Russbacher does have legitimate CIA ties. The Justice Department
commented about the Russbacher articles, "You're pointed in the right direction."
Richard Brennecke has testified that he was on the flight to Paris with Bush, William
Casey and Donald Gregg. The government tried him for perjury because of those
statements, and a federal jury in Portland upheld Brennecke's testimony. The
government later tried to indicate that Brennecke did not know Russbacher, and
therefore, he could not have been the pilot of the Paris-bound aircraft. But documents
that have recently surfaced show that Brennecke, Russbacher and Henrich Rupp,
another pilot who claims to have been involved, are all closely related to the Hapsburg
Trust or the Farnham-Ottokar Trust, a vast fund of billions of dollars, some of which
were used in a Savings and Loan Scandal involving Rupp. Not only do these
documents support Russbacher's ties with Brennecke, but tapes in the possession of
Russbacher's wife, verify the close relationship between Russbacher and Brennecke. In
fact, evidence points to the fact they are cousins and basically grew up together.
Brenecke was raised in Winnamucka, Nevada, the same town that Russbacher's father
is buried.
The record of what is happening to known CIA operatives who claim they were
involved in the October 1980 Paris meetings?
Richard Brennecke tried on five counts of false statements to a federal judge.
Heinrick Rupp tried on fraud counts involving the Savings and Loan scandal.
Gunther Russbacher arrested for kidnapping, investment fraud, desertion, impersonating a U.S.
Attorney and a U.S. Marshal. All court records are sealed and he is in Terminal Island for six
Michael Riconosciuto for manufacturing methamphetamines and held without bail.
All enjoyed top security clearances and were involved in multiple CIA-Intelligence
operations from gun running to the sale of Exocet missiles to the Argentine government
for use against the British Navy.
The General Accounting Office has launched an inquiry into the alleged Paris meeting.
Congress is considering conducting an investigation, as well. The GAO is an
investigative arm for Congress.
If Bush went to Paris, the French and U.S. have documents to prove it
If there is a smoking gun in the allegations that George Bush flew to Paris in October
1980 to arrange for the delay of the release of 52 American hostages, it will be found in
a file cabinet in the French SDECE office, or in secure U.S. government computers.
While Bush was allegedly in Paris, the French intelligence service (SDECE) was asked
to make certain the Vice Presidential candidate was not seen. French security
succeeded in that task and wrote a routine memo on the incident. A man who spent 18years in the U.S. intelligence service has testified that he actually saw that memo in
December 1980 in the files of the C.I.A. The file of the Paris meeting was given to the
CIA on November 18, 1980. The agent testifies that Bush had to meet with three
different factions of the Iranian revolution. The meeting took place at the Rafael Hotel.
The agent not only names Bush, but also William Casey, Donald Gregg and Richard
Allen as participants. Bush did not attend the first meeting, only the second.
Afraid that Bush would be recognized by the French press, his aircraft landed at the
military part of Orlee. He was whisked away in a closed car and brought directly to the
Rafael Hotel. He was there for about two hours, the agent states. This agent has the
highest CIA clearance and worked the entire time in the Directorate of Operations in the
CIA and was with the Agency since 1965. The agent also testified that the $40 million
the Iranians received as a "down payment" in the deal was actually funds left over from
a $60 million illegal contribution to the Committee to Reelect the President (Richard
Nixon's 1972 reelection campaign) from the Shah of Iran.
In a taped interview, to be released by the Napa Sentinel to KING Radio in Seattle, the
agent states that Bush was "out of the loop" from midnight, October 18, 1980 to 5 p.m.,
October 19. He states that Bush was in a meeting with Hashemi Rafsanjani,
representatives of the Ayatollah Behisti, and Javad Bahonar. A key figure was also
there for the French SDECE, Robert Benes, the son of Czech President Edward Benes
who died in 1948 when the Communists took over his country.
The agent further testifies that Maurice Stans obtained the funds from Mexico. After
November 20, 1980. Col. Alexandre de Marenches, head of the SDECE met with
President-elect Ronald Reagan in California and presented the Paris meeting report to
him. He did not visit President Jimmy Carter. The French intelligence chief warned
Reagan not to trust the CIA.
The U.S. agent said Bush and the CIA go back to 1959 and 1960. A memo from FBI
Director J. Edgar Hoover was sent in 1963 to CIA agent George Bush addressing the
assassination of John F. Kennedy and the possible reaction of Cubans in Miami who
might have believed Fidel Castro was responsible for the plot.
But that is not the only smoking gun that could prove the Bush trip to Paris, a trip that he
denies. The computers in Washington have codes buried in them, codes that would
identify the Bush-Paris activity. In fact, using the right code name and code number, a
complete history of the trip, the manifest of the aircraft and other details, including
briefing notes, would emerge. According to three separate CIA sources, the operation
was conducted in three stages and had three codes:
Part One was Magdelen.
Part Two was Maggellan.
Part Three was Michaelangelo.
Each has a separate code access. The Maggellan access code is reported to be 0221001-666. Some of the records can be found at Quantico and others at Andrews Air
Force Base. The source of this later information could not be double checked.
Navy Captain Gunther Russbacher, who has been verified by several separate agency
members and intelligence sources, claims he flew Bush to Paris in an aircraft owned by
the Saudi Royal Family, the aircraft was a reconfigured BAC-111, which refueled in
Newfoundland. Russbacher's credibility has been a see-saw for a while because much
of his files are missing, and like many agents has a strange and sometimes silent past.
Russbacher, is currently serving a short sentence in Terminal Island for allegedly
impersonating a U.S. Attorney. The U.S. Defenders Office indicates that the information
published about Russbacher is "on the right track". Others have confirmed the same
But the Sentinel has not been totally satisfied with the complete testimony of
Russbacher and has pressed other sources and Russbacher, himself, for more detail.
Records will now prove that Russbacher is the cousin of Richard Brennecke, who was
acquitted of perjury by a federal jury. He was charged with perjury when he testified that
Bush went to Paris. Brennecke originally denied knowing Russbacher, but now admits
he knows him. They virtually grew up in Nevada together after their families secretly left
Austria after World War II and were recruited by U.S. intelligence. Russbacher
indentified Brennecke as a member of the flight crew.
One of the difficulties in tracing the steps of CIA agents is the smoke screen,
disinformation and attacks on their credibility. The Sentinel has learned that Russbacher
escaped from a U.S. Federal Prison in Secoville, Texas in 1975. On national radio,
Russbacher openly admitted the escape and said he was placed on the escape list and
spent 10 years in Europe and the United States, working with the CIA. The fact that he
has been in the United States and the focus of public attention, he has never been
rearrested for the escape. But sources very high up in the intelligence community verify
his authenticity.
After receiving information from other sources and pressing Russbacher, he has
confirmed the reports of other intelligence officials that Robert Gates was also on the
aircraft that flew Bush to Paris. "Gates had a strong hand in it," Russbacher finally
admitted. Russbacher, who did not originally seek publicity on this case, was very
reluctant to bring in Gates' name. Gates has just been appointed by President Bush to
head the CIA and is facing Senate confirmation. Intelligence sources indicate that
Russbacher is a key figure in CIA financial matters.
The smoking guns are out there, it is a question of whether they will be found or
destroyed. The French have a bitter hatred for the CIA and it is plausible they might use
the French report to blackmail the President, especially on matters related to the new
European Community and Common Market.
Senator Albert Gore has called for a formal investigation into the "October Surprise". A one-time
Democratic presidential candidate, the Tennessee senator is considering a second race for the
Democratic nomination in 1992.
But at the heart of the question of any investigation is: who would be the witnesses? The Sentinel
has published a 13-part series on the allegation that George Bush and his Republican colleagues
made a deal with Iran to delay the release of 52 American hostages in 1980.
As more and more attention is focused on the issue, little attention has focused on who would be
the witnesses and what happened to many of them.
CYRUS HASHEMI, an arms dealer, was approached by William Casey to set up the
meetings with the Republicans and Iranians. He reported the contact to the CIA and died
shortly after that.
JOHN TOWER, a U.S. Senator who was deeply involved in the process through his then
aide Robert McFarlane. Tower was the chief investigator in the Iran-Contra scandal. He
died in a plane crash recently.
ALAN MICHAEL MAY, who managed the funds for Richard Nixon's Committee to Reelect the President. May allegedly transferred $40 million from a Mexican bank to
various U.S. banks to Luxembourg as a "down payment" for the delay of the hostages.
His name came up for the first time in the Napa Sentinel last week and he died of a heart
attack this weekend at age 50. May had indicated a short time before he died that he
feared for his life.
with him during the missing hours in October 1980, is now dead.
WILLIAM CASEY, the former head of the CIA and principle negotiator in the alleged
hostage delay, died on the eve of the Iran-Contra hearings.
HEINRICH RUPP, the man who allegedly flew Casey back from Paris and a long-term
CIA operative, was sentenced to jail for 40 years in a CIA bank scandal. His sentence
was reduced to two years.
RICHARD BRENNEKE, who also claims he was a pilot involved in the October
Surprise and a long time arms dealer for the CIA, went to Rupp's defense and was
charged with five counts of perjury. He was acquitted, but has recently changed his story
saying he did not fly over in the BAC-111. He claims he flew Pan Am to Paris and flew
part of the Paris party back to the United States.
GUNTHER RUSSBACHER, who claims he was the command pilot that flew George
Bush to Paris in October 1980 and a long-time Naval Intelligence and CIA operative, is
finishing a short term in federal prison on charges he impersonated a U.S. attorney.
MICHAEL RICONOSCIUTO, who was allegedly the man who finalized the money
transfers for the deal in Paris and also a long time CIA operative, is being held without
bail in a federal prison in Missouri pending a trial in the State of Washington for drug
manufacturing. Riconoscuito had warned the media and Congress that he would be
arrested if he testified in the INSLAW case. He provided testimony and was arrested
within a week.
DONALD GREGG, who was a principle in the alleged meetings with the Iranians and
former high official in the CIA, is now Ambassador to South Korea. Gregg's testimony in
Brenneke's trial was rejected by a federal jury. Gregg is also supposed to be indicted by a
U.S. Federal Grand Jury in Washington, D.C., soon on charges of perjury. Former
President Jimmy Carter said that Gregg was the mole in the White House.
ROBERT GATES, implicated by Russbacher as having been involved in the deal, is
seeking confirmation from the U.S. Senate as the new CIA director.
DR. EARL BRIAN, said to have been the liaison in setting up the preliminary meetings
between the Republicans and the Iranians, has enjoyed extensive contracts with the U.S.
government, including involvement in the INSLAW case in which he is alleged to have
illegally sold INSLAW's PROMIS software to Israel, Libya, Iraq, Canada, Australia and
South Korea. The INSLAW case is currently under investigation.
ARI BEN-MENASHE, an Israeli Mossad agent, has testified to the meetings in Paris and
the Israeli role as an arms conduit. The Israeli Mossad is known for its disinformation,
and thus Ben-Menashe may not be considered a reliable witness.
RICHARD ALLEN, head of Ronald Reagan's National Security Council, was allegedly
instrumental in the deal. Allen has already been nationally discredited.
GEORGE BUSH, President of the United States and former head of the CIA, denies any
RONALD REAGAN doesn't recall. He also couldn't recall being at any Iran-Contra
MRS. JUSTICE STEWART POTTER, who was supposed to be having lunch with her
husband and Bush at the time of the Paris meeting, does not recall the luncheon, but says
she can't recall yesterday, either.
It isn't going to be easy for the Senate investigators. But there are a lot more
permanent items on the paper trail that might break the case wide open.
THE IRAN--CONTRA HEARINGS : Winning the Hearts and Minds of Many
Countrymen : Consummate Marine: Grit, Grace
July 10, 1987|FRANK CLIFFORD
WASHINGTON — Lt. Col. Oliver L. North, the Marine officer who destroyed evidence
and lied to government officials, is fast winning the hearts and minds of many
Americans, as 60 million television viewers marvel at his forthright admissions of deeds
he said were done for the good of his country and the safety of his family.
In a series of random interviews by Times reporters around the country Thursday, some
people said North should run for President and others said he should win an Oscar for a
compelling on-camera performance.
Although there are those who see the central figure in the Iran- contra affair as a phony
and a throwback to Watergate operative G. Gordon Liddy, most people seem to regard
North as a consummate Marine, with grace and grit under fire, who is taking the heat
for higher-ups in government.
"I think he's magnificent. He can either become a movie actor or a President," said Tom
Ruben, a Chicago advertising salesman. " . . . I think he's schmaltzed it up a little-mother and apple pie--but, at the same time, I admire the way he has come on so
"I think he should have the highest honor in the world," said Angelo Terrinoni, the
operator of a Miami supermarket.
North's presence on TV screens across the country clearly has galvanized public interest.
The hearings Tuesday and Wednesday were at least as popular as the soap operas and
game shows that usually dominate daytime television, according to network spokesmen.
So far this week, the White House received more than 2,000 phone calls "positive to the
testimony" and 83 calls opposed to it, according to spokesman Marlin Fitzwater.
On Capitol Hill, members of Congress who are not taking part in the hearings noted
similar reactions from their constituents.
"All the calls are pro-Ollie," said Republican Robert H. Michel of Illinois, the House
minority leader. Michel noted that three Republican colleagues from California, Idaho
and Ohio with whom he had lunch said that they were getting the same reaction from
their constituents.
"They all said everybody was abuzz about Ollie in their districts, and that he ought to
run for something."
Democrats said they were seeing the same reaction, and some of them sounded
dumbfounded by it.
"We got 75 to 100 calls yesterday--that's a bundle. They feel he's honest," Ohio Sen.
John Glenn said.
"A lot are saying the guy seems so sincere. Yet, here's a fellow who says, 'I lied.' Explain
that (people's positive reaction) to me?" Sen. Alan J. Dixon (D-Ill.) said.
Reactions to North's testimony before the Iran-contra congressional committees were
sought by The Times in interviews Thursday with people in Los Angeles, Miami,
Chicago, Atlanta and Houston. The unscientific poll found that even many people who
disapproved of the operations that North helped direct--the sale of arms to Iran and the
diversion of some of the proceeds to the Nicaraguan rebels--seemed impressed by him.
During the hearings this week, North has readily admitted lying to Congress about the
Administration's role in providing covert aid to the contras. He said he did it to save
lives, presumably those of Nicaraguan resistance fighters who received the assistance.
North has also admitted destroying documents that might have indicated who, among
his superiors, approved plans to divert Iran arms sales proceeds to the contras.
Adamantly and eloquently, North defended those actions as necessary to carry out
worthy foreign policy goals.
North did confess to one breach of his own moral code. He said he regretted trying to
cover up the fact that funds from arms sales to Iran were used to pay for a private
security fence installed around his home.
North came into the hearings under a cloud of suspicion, and some of those interviewed
said they had thought ill of him until they watched him testify.
"As much as I didn't believe him before watching it, from the newspapers and such, I
was surprised by how my thoughts have changed about it. Either he's a good man or a
good actor," Elizabeth A. Raddatz, a sales representative for a Chicago printing
company, said.
Some others remain unconvinced by North's television performance.
"I had a bad impression of him before the hearings, and now I'm even more sure he is a
fanatic. He's so arrogant. But I am convinced he is protecting the President," Marian
Harlow of Los Angeles said.
Dorothy Newton, an office manager in Houston, said that North is beguiling but
ultimately not convincing.
"We get the impression that he's very sincere, that he's so damn sincere that he really
thinks he is protecting all of us idiots. Then, we say: 'Wait a minute, this poor, pitiful guy
is lying. He cheats. He's even profited from all of this,' " Newton said.
"It is really scary that someone like that has gotten into the position he has. It's really
scary that polls show that people think he's innocent and sincere."
Thus Spake The Raven . . .
(A Short Autobiography by Gunther Russbacher of Rumor Mill
[Editor's Note: This article was dictated by Gunther Russbacher, who co-founded Rumor Mill News along
his his wife, Rayellan. Gunther died about a year ago I believe. I'm not sure of the circumstances of his
death, but I have the vague notion that it was a natural death, perhaps cancer, but I can't say for certain.
Gunther worked for the CIA and discovered what all people eventually discover when they work for an
organization that is evil to the core: first they use you, and then they betray you.
The Russbachers, in founding Rumor Mill News, have played an important role in informing the public
about issues that otherwise would never appear in mainstream print. I've also noticed that Rumor Mill
News (RMN) has also been used to promote disinformation, but it's not necessarily by intention or design
of the Russbachers. The intelligence (?) agencies USE people and their assets to promote the Dark
Agenda and they don't necessarily seek your permission or agreement.
I was annoyed for a time with Rayellan for publishing whatever lies and crap that issued from the poison
pen of CIA mind-controlled robot Barbara Hartwell in her unending attempts to smear and discredit the
reputation of Ted Gunderson. Eventually, Rayellan finally caught on to the fact that Hartwell is a mind
controlled robot who does nothing BUT lie and distort the truth about whomever she has targeted.
Naturally, as soon as Rayellan stopped publishing Hartwell's articles, Hartwell instantly turned on her and
began attacking Rayellan with the vitriol that she normally reserved for her 'regular' roster of victims. I
believe that Kenn Thomas of Steam Shovel Press and Uri Dowbenko of Conspiracy Planet have also
suffered similar 'fates' from the poisoned mind of Barbara Hartwell. In fact, Hartwell is so desperate to
have anybody publish her tirades, that she now even sends her stuff to me, despite the fact that she has
attacked me viciously and continuously ever since I began to defend Ted Gunderson against her
outrageous rants.
Mirroring her mentor and controller, the CIA, Hartwell first USES those who publish her drivel and will
immediately BETRAY them whenever they no longer serve her purpose. Hartwell has even turned on
people who have sent her substantial sums of money. I know of one woman in Los Angeles who sent
Hartwell over a thousand dollars a few years ago to buy a new computer. A few months later, Hartwell
was pillorying the same woman over the Internet (because she supported Ted Gunderson), undoubtedly
using the very computer that the lady in Los Angeles had paid for. Another lady who had given Hartwell
a thousand dollars was equally fanged by the Crimson Viper when she ever so politely defended the
honor of Don Stacey, another victim of Hartwell's attack programming. ..Ken]
By Gunther Karl Russbacher (a.k.a. The Raven)
Posted E-Y August 10, 2005
My mother's hand shook me awake. I opened my eyes. "Is it time?" I asked. My mother nodded. Behind
her I could see my grandfather wiping tears from his eyes. We had known for weeks that the call would
come. I didn't fully understand why I had to leave my home. I knew it had something to do with losing the
war, but I was only twelve years old, and the war had been over for ten years. I didn't understand why I
had to leave Austria.
Grandfather drove us to the airport and walked with us across the tarmac to the waiting plane. There were
others gathered there that night. Eighteen of us altogether. We were all being sent into exile. It wasn't
until years later that I understood that the Allies had ordered the highest ranking members of the Austrian
royal family to be sent out of the country. In exchange for our exile, Austria would be allowed to become
a sovereign country once again.
My Grandfather on my father's side joined us at the airport. He took from his coat a small gold lion that
was the symbol of our family. My grandfather was the Lion os Salzburg, and I knew that someday I
would become the Lion. As he pinned the small gold lion to my coat he said, "You come from an old and
noble family. Don't ever forget who you are. You are the Baron von Russbach. Wear your name proudly."
My grandfather held me for a long time, and then my other grandfather hugged me. Finally my mother
pulled me away and we boarded the plane. There were others on the plane that I had met at family
gatherings. Young men and women who I recognized, but didn't know very well.
"Where are we going?" I asked my mother.
"We are going to a place called Oklahoma. There is a man there that I will marry. He is a good man."
"But what about my father?" I asked. "You are still married to my father."
"Your father is officially dead." Mother told me.
"No he isn't. You know he isn't dead." I was ready to fight.
"I know he isn't dead, and you know he isn't dead. But if we want him to stay alive, we have to pretend he
is dead. How many times do you have to be told these things." I could tell that mother was upset. At the
time I didn't realize how much she loved my father. I knew their marriage had been arranged by their
father's. I knew that the house of Russbach and the house of Esterhaszy needed to join and produce an
heir. I was that heir. For the longest time I thought that my mother was indifferent to my father. Then I
realized that she only acted that way because the pain of losing him while he was still alive was too much
for her to handle.
First she lost her husband, then she lost her country, her property, her money, her title, her position, and
finally the victors who had won the war and taken everything she had, would take the last thing she
loved....her son...me.
I was born the first of July, 1942 in Salzburg, Austria. On my birth certificate, I am, Gunther Karl, Baron
von Russbach, Count von Esterhazy. On my father's side I am descended from the Baron who captured
Richard the Lionhearted and held him for ransom. On my mother's side I am descended from Hungarian
royalty. The Esterhaszy's had been advisors to the Emperors of Austria for generations. The marriage
between my mother and father had been arranged to cement family interests.
My Godfather was Ernst Kaltenbrunner, the head of Austrian Intelligence during WWII. Records of this
are kept in the family church in Salzburg. My family was part of the Gehlen group which was also called
the Canaris group.
I began learning the simple aspect of the craft when I was old enough to follow orders. After the war,
several Austrian families had to leave Austria in order to avoid prosecution. Most of these families had
belonged to the Gehlen/Canaris group.
Eighteen members of my family were forced into exile. Moving to the United States, not speaking any
English, I had to learn to be one hundred per cent American within two years. A man I had known as a
child in Austria appeared and took me under his wing. At that time I had a heavy German accent and the
children in Oklahoma were very cruel. This man taught me how to lose the accent and speak just like an
American. He had also lost his accent. This man became my new Godfather. He became responsible for
my training.
I took great interest in math, science, government and survival training, both in Oklahoma and in Nevada.
Instruction in school, at home, in the mountains, and in desert areas were a must. I learned to fly at an
early age, as a matter of fact, at an age before I had a driver's license. Records of this endeavor can be
found at Catlin Aviation, Will Rogers Airport in Oklahoma City, as well as the downtown air park in
Oklahoma City.
I managed to put a business together at the age of fifteen. It was called the Triple A employment agency;
the All American Agency.
In 1961 I entered the United States Army at Ft. Carson, Colorado. After successfully completing basic
training, I was transferred to North American air defense command where I continued my schooling and
was granted all types of security clearances. I earned cryptographic credentials. I was advised to go
through an immediate OCS program. I met with intelligence officers frequently at Ft. Carson, at Norad
and at Ent Air Force Base as well as in Denver, Colorado at their station headquarters.
In 1963 I took a discharge from the military and was buried as far as government records were concerned.
In 1963 I began to work with people from the federal building in Oklahoma City, and was quickly granted
the right to go to the NASA school in Pasadena, Texas. From there I was diverted, moved around, taught
languages at the military language schools, taught photo intelligence evaluation, and aircraft thrust
evaluation. I was also taught thrust dissipation and thrust design.
In 1965 I was transferred to a facility at Langley Center, and initially assigned an ensign rating with a
provision that at a later date the commission would become a permanent position. Most of the training at
that time occurred at Air Force bases throughout the United States, at the Center and in the Vienna area,
that's Vienna, VA. I was transferred to advanced flight schools at Air Force locations at Shepard Air
Force Base, Texas where I learned to aviate with jet aircraft. From there to Carswell Air Force Base, Ft.
Worth, Texas. And then to Nellis Air Force Base, in Las Vegas, Nevada, from there to Cannon Air Force
Base in New Mexico and numerous Naval installations and flight schools.
I arrived in Nam and had one hell of a lot of trouble. I came back through Techakawa, Japan, on medevac
services and was transferred to Fitzsimmons in Denver, Colorado.
In 1968 I was assigned to ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence) with a permanent commission and began
flying again. I was sent to Nellis Air Force Base for updates and from there to Beale for the SR program. I
spent almost seven months in simulator training before having the first loner run. I received the habu
patch. I logged a total time of about 750 hours, front and stick time, and 150 hours RSO time, (radar
service officer). I was at Beale [Air Force base], Cadena, Mildenhall, Akrotiri, as well as in Turkey. The
last runs were out of Ramstein Air Force Base, Kaiserslautern, Germany. All of the last runs were deep
For a resume on the unknowns of the SR, I will now tell you about them. This information has not been
published. Originally the aircraft was to be called the RS 71 for Reconnaissance Strike aircraft. However
through a fluke in the Johnson administration at the time it was unveiled, the person who introduced it to
the public reversed the letters and that's how it became the SR program. The series was titled after the B
70 Valkyrye bomber.
The aircraft is equipped with twin J-58 turbo-ram jet engines which equal 32,500 pounds of thrust per
unit. The speed is regulated by the nacelle spike which are inlets which read 26.125 inches in length and
can be changed from a fore to an aft position, to change the positions of the spikes which will change the
power pack to turbo fans to ram jets. What I am saying in essence, is that the faster the airplane flies, the
faster it wants to go. Caution must be utilized, because if it's not held in check it will go so fast that the
J58 engines would disintegrate through overheating and devour themselves in the process.
The aircraft is a flying time bomb. 93% to 95% of the frame of the aircraft is made out of titanium. At
operational speeds, I'm not talking about top speed, the center of the craft's skin gets anywhere from 510
to 515 degrees Fahrenheit while the temperatures along the engines run anywhere from 1050 to 1100
degrees Fahrenheit. The exhaust areas around the engines are a minimum of 1200 Fahrenheit.
The cockpit glass gets so hot that we can't touch it even with the flame retardant gloves we wear. Tires are
22 ply and contain aluminum pieces and parts in order to Fahrenheit the heat. The air in the tires is not air,
it is nitrogen. The tires retract back into explosion proof shields in the event that there's a blowout at
takeoff or landing to avoid having the aircraft blown out from underneath you. The aircraft weighs
approximately a hundred and forty thousand pounds, carries anywhere from 60 to 80 thousand pounds of
J-7 is the jet propellant that we use. Because it has a higher flash point than the J-4 which is commonly
used in military aircraft. While you are operating the airplane you have to think of a minimum of four
hundred miles ahead at all times because you're traveling at the speeds of thirty two miles per minute. The
aircraft involves continual work, however it is not hand flown. In the transition to monitoring all systems
engines, inlet spikes, and stability augmentation, careful watch has to be taken to manage and to watch
your mock numbers and your altitude as well as the dynamic pressure keys.
Control problems are encountered in upstarts, that's when one inlet causes the aircraft to move faster on
one side than on the other and causes an upstart which brings a lot of yaw. (Turning horizontally on its
axis). At high speeds of any kind, side slips are deadly.
The following information about the airplane is not known. The nose of the airplane is interchangeable to
affix different kinds of sensors. The main sensors that we can run are a pair of 48 inch focal length
technical objective cameras which have a fifteen hundred foot strip of black and white or color film -- it's
a narrow field camera. The second part of the sensor would be a nose mounted optical bar camera which
is also known as OBC. This is for long panoramic oblique shots, and can do a ten thousand five hundred
foot film strip which is about sixteen to seventeen hundred frames, in color or in infrared, in mono or in
stereo photography. Thirdly, we have a high resolution side looking airborne radar (SLAR).
The resolution is ten feet over four thousand miles in length. Lastly, the prior versions of the aircraft
could carry a D-21 drone for a heightened effect. The drone is forty-three feet long and was attached
piggybacked to the SR 71. But it was strictly used for "senior partner". This particular aspect of the
aircraft was only used in Viet Nam. And it was a deadly game of chance because sometimes when you
tried to fire off the drone the engines of the drone would misfire causing the aircraft to crash or
disintegrate in the air.
The aircraft is fueled by a standard KC 135 Q. It takes anywhere from one to three KC 135's which are
military equivalencies of 707's, to refuel the Blackbird. The main stations of the Blackbird are Beale
AFB, near Marysville. That's where the ninth SAC strat recon wing is located. The second is Cadena AFB
which is Air Force Navy, that's where the Habu comes from, the black snake with the side visual view,
that's Okinawa. The third one is Mildenhall which is a Royal Air Force Base in England. The fourth one
is Akrotiri which is in Cyprus. Your average run on the Blackbird was in stints of six weeks of duty and
we rotated three to four times a year.
In 1972 I remained active Navy making the grade, but most of my 201 file was closed due to frequent
TDY to the Company [the CIA]. The objective of a 201 file is that you build a nice good clean record that
you can transfer from military to civilian life and have something to show for it, or within the military
itself. But because of all my black cover operations, I ended up with a lot of gaps in my 201 file.
In 1972 I was loaned directly to the Department of State for Central and Eastern Europe, attached to black
consular operations, a special operations group. Stationed while TDY at Badgodesberg which was the
United States embassy in Bonn.
I was also in Belgrade, Vienna, Rome, Paris, and that was also when I did my first short term at the
Moscow embassy. In Italy I worked with counter revolutionaries and counter terrorists groups in liaison
with Italian intelligence staff and carbinieres. Our objective was lotocontinua. The Brigade Roso, I
infiltrated the groups to review and construct funding for our own purposes so we could use them for our
purposes. However, all that went sour. I was in Milan during the catastrophe, when they blew up the train
station and all those people died. Also I was on the train going north to Trieste as they bombed the train
out from underneath us.
I worked out of the consular general's office in Genoa, held Swiss and German passports under Gerhard
Miller and Wagner. In BadGodesberg, I stayed at the Embassy guesthouse for three months while getting
assigned to the consular general's office in Frankfurt, and from there to the United States information
service in Frankfurt. I worked with and against the Badermeinhoff and the Red Army faction. I sanitized
areas in Germany, Austria and East Berlin, during the pedophile crisis. There were no arrests.
I worked stations in Belgrade, setting up courier routes to Vienna. I utilized an American medical team, a
husband and wife from our government to arrange extractions from Czechoslovakia.
In 1978 I took numerous trips to Budapest. This is where my ex- wife Peggy and my son Butch were
along. Also to Bratislava and Pressburg, Czechoslovakia.
I was recalled to the United States on October 24, 1979. I went back to Beale for updates. Flew three
tours on newer SRs, was command pilot or SRO. I updated the global positioning system and firefly
platforms (This is important), at low darkness and red levels.
February 1980 I returned to SRs Center for instruction and school. I helped translate the first manual into
Spanish. I was then SRs to St. Louis. I became an investment broker and financial SRs over a three year
period. An insurance consultant for Prudential and Connecticut Mutual. As soon as I had enough
experience I opened up a proprietary which was National Brokerage Companies, National SRs Services,
Crystal Shores Development Corporation and so forth.
Through my assistants I funded numerous large projects for the Center. I met with the chief of station and
developed liaison on a large scale to infiltrate labor unions, The Pipefitters, I got in as a broker and
financial planner and continued my flight time logging hours in a diversity of military aircraft. I attended
a convention of the company forces in Centerpoint, Phoenix, and attended Desert sabotage school in Gila
May, 1980 I went to DC to meet on flight scheduling for July and August. and Did numerous US and
Foreign links for the Agency. I returned to Beale for five days of simulator on an improved SR and then
flew back to St. Louis.
In October of 1980 I was command pilot for the flight in which George Bush went to Paris to finalize the
deal to delay the release of the 52 Embassy hostages. The three code names for the operation were
Magdalen, Magellen and Michelangelo.
During the time in October when I was in Paris, I was allegedly attending the Connecticut Mutual School
for advanced financial planning in Hartford, Connecticut. I spent Halloween with the family and drove
them to Honor, Michigan where I began phase two of NBC growth. I talked to Denver groups, Red Hill
Pennsylvania, and Michigan National Bank. We formed Crystal Shores secondary group to build on some
fine lands. We had large credits at our disposal. We bought Crystal Shores resort and rebuilt it, there was
no profit for me.
MDC Denver began looking for financial planner advise for future airport expansion, and we talked to
investors in Miami.
In November of 1980 I buried my mother. In December of 1980 our house was flooded, we moved out
and bought a new home. My wife, Peggy never asked where the money came from. She had never asked
where any of the money came from.
January 1981 I went to Tegucigalpa, Honduras to meet with the resistance and continued the talks in
Costa Rica and Cancun. I funded them with low level black funds channeled from European banks. At
about this same time I attended a number of parties at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey,
California. At several of these parties I met and talked with Rayelan Allan Dyer, the wife of John Dyer,
Dean of Science and Engineering. In 1989 she became my wife.
In February of 1982 I returned to Frankfurt to discuss shipments to Israel after the boats of arms were
prior refused egress from Marseille harbor to Arab contacts. These were boats that we had already
provided arms for. I provided logistical assets to C4 acquisitions for the Libyan crisis. You can check
records for that with the East block aide.
From March to July 1982 I was on Navy duty, in and out of Monterey, TDY to Looking Glass and
operation Michelangelo. I completed the details of operation reforger in July, 1982; wherein we
implemented depletion in the status of reforger arms agreement. I filed an assessment report to the
Company on this. BND, which is the same as the west German intelligence service, the SDCE, which is
the French security service, and the Benelux security services, also filed assessment reports. Transfers of
such funds were transacted from Luxembourg City to Geneva and Zurich.
We met Mossad's people in Alicante for the final pass through deliveries of phase three of the
Michelangelo plan to Iran. We utilized Saudi, French, German, Austrian and Dutch aircraft for further
transport. Other transport was done by rail and truck through central and Eastern Europe, crossing by boat
from Greece to the receiver nations.
In September of 1982 I returned to St. Louis where I stayed on and off, through Labor Day. On Labor
Day, I spent time with the family, vacationed with the kids, and then took them back to school.
October 1982 I was called back to Langley for briefing on the Afghani arms supply.
Met a special operations group at Islamabad and Ralapindi, Pakistan. Agreements were reached with the
resistance people at Seven Rivers Junction in the People's Republic of Afghanistan. We appropriated the
funds through proprietaries and set up the so-called "frequent flyer" programs. The money came out of
proprietary operations located in Washington state, Oregon, Indiana, Florida, and Georgia. Much of the
heavy equipment was moved Frankfurt to receiver nations per reforger depletion agreements.
Intermediate offensive weapons were railed via containers to Cyprus for shipping to Afghani groups. We
had a great deal of trouble in currency receipts. Other commodities were offered. This operative and case
officer declined any such involvement.
January 1983 I was returned to consular operations for East European affairs. We liaison with the FBI in
New York and the US Attorney's office to extract defectors from the Stasi __________(?) [secret police]
in East Berlin. The operation went sour, the target was terminated by East German border guards. One
United States army Major from Heidleberg was left behind. I managed to cross the sector and make for a
safe house in Spandau. A very close associate, a man who I called my friend, gave up his own life to save
mine. I returned to Langley for debriefing and chastisement, after which I went home to St. Louis deeply
troubled by the failure of the mission and the death of my friend. My wife interpreted my mood as trying
to distance myself from her. She thought I was having an affair. I could not tell her the truth. Our
marriage, which was based on a foundation of lies, was rapidly falling apart.
February of 1983 I returned to Eastern Europe, to Czechoslovakia to debrief a potential asset. It was
determined that the asset was a liability and I beat a hasty retreat toward the Austrian frontier in lower
Austria, in Nieder Oesterreich. The jaunt was for acquisition of Czech plastique explosive and small arms.
The actual deal was later consummated by the West German security service and our Company people at
the station's operations headquarters in Vienna, Austria. Many of the shipments passed directly through
Austria. I organized shipments via rail to the receiver nations.
March to August 1983 I worked with the Pipefitters Union in St. Louis. That was infiltrational work.
October 83 to 12-83 I financed packages and financial planning to corporations for major Internal
Revenue Service deductions in the St. Louis area with all companies associated with us.
In March 84 I went back to Afghanistan to finish the last of the initial transactions and to collect
cumulative data from the onset of the operation. From 4-84 to 7-84 I brought Barbara, my stepdaughter,
to St. Louis and I also continued updating my flight training.
7-84 to 11-84 I worked in St. Louis as well as in Paris, back and forth on hostage taking and counter
terrorism resolution. 12-84 I spent with the kids and family, brought Sandra, my other step- daughter, to
St. Louis to be with Peggy. I was trying anything that I could think of to hold the family together. The
situation was now deteriorating more rapidly than I was able to accept. I could not explain any of my
absences and my wife Peggy used her own imagination to explain them.
1-3-85 I proselyted (bought) a DOJ official to open and run the National Business Corporation Dallas
office in Mesquite, Texas. The individual was under high level DOJ attack for money laundering, which
was part of the Nicaraguan business.
3-10-85 I was incarcerated at Segoville, Texas for an escape from federal conviction resulting from 1973
where I was caught with numerous bags of bearer bonds while dressed as a United States Air Force
Major. We were unloading the dufflebags from a military aircraft.
11-85 to 7-86 I was attached to DOS consular operations service with an average assignment ratio
biweekly. I did the Operation Clydesdale in conjunction with St. Louis staff officers. The operation was
deemed a success after having sanitized the Phoenix, Los Angeles and Miami areas. Also early in that
year the divorce was filed.
7-86 to 9-86 I was in New York City with the family. Once again, frequent absences did not make things
very easy. The United States Attorney in New York counts his great successes in RICO prosecutions at
the cost of several operatives' lives.
From 11-86 to 8-90 I was on numerous internal U.S. operations in Deep Black cover.
In June of 1989 I signed an agreement not to marry for two years. Such statements are common after
divorces as many times men get sloppy and talk out of school. In August of 1989 I ran into Rayelan Allan
Dyer. Her husband John had died in 1988. I fell in love with her. It was the first time I had ever been in
love. I think I had loved her from the moment we had met back in 82. She told me about her involvement
in politics and her association with the group of reporters who were trying to expose the October Surprise
deal. I knew I would never be granted permission to marry her. In July of 1989, just weeks prior to our
meeting, she had flown to Washington, D.C. to meet with the head of the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee to lobbying him against Donald Gregg's appointment as Ambassador to South Korea. She had
no idea that Donald Gregg was at that time the head of the CIA discipline committee.
I don't really understand how I talked her into marrying me the day after we met, but I did. We took a
modified Lear jet to Reno and were married. I had been told not to fly commercial jets because my car
had been firebombed by drug lords. Two days after we were married, I was arrested. I was held for three
months on kidnap charges. I was charged with kidnaping my wife's niece. Those were dropped and then I
was charged with check forgery. The FBI told my wife I was on a crime spree from Missouri to California
marrying and defrauding widows. They tried to convince her to annul the marriage.
The station chief from San Francisco told me that my wife was a KGB agent. Then I was told that she was
a State Department mole and possibly FBI too.
I was moved from California to Missouri where I was held on numerous charges until July of 1990. My
wife and the ACLU put so much pressure on the prosecutor that he made a deal to let me go.
I had not seen my wife of two days in eleven months. When I was released I was ordered by my boss to
report to Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska. This is the Lookinglass Command. My wife objected, but
finally agreed to go. We checked in at the gate where I was told that I was expected at temporary base
housing. I was given the key to our suite and told where it was located. My wife and I were met by two of
my men who took our bags and carried them up to our room.
During that time we met with my boss in ONI as well as with numerous of my people. We were invited to
have lunch with William Webster. I was told that I would be asked to fly a mission to Moscow in an SR
71. My wife and I left Offutt and drove to Winnemucca. We stayed at a Company hotel in a room that I
have used frequently.
When we walked in the television was on. A CIA training film was showing.
The next morning we left for Reno. I had to get a flight suit to make the trip. There was only one such suit
in the area. It belonged to a Navy Lt. Commander.
My wife took me to the Reno airport. The modified Lear jet that I had used since Casey died came in and
picked me up. Four Srs also landed and the five of us took off. We stopped at Crow's Landing Naval Air
Station in California to refuel and for me to give my Mother-in-law some things I had bought for her.
I returned to Reno at two in the morning in great pain. The next day I was ordered to go to Fallon Naval
Air Station in Nevada to pick up a set of whites. I was ordered to attend a meeting at Castle Air Force
Base in California. I was being promoted to Admiral. At Castle I was arrested by the FBI for trespassing
and impersonating a Naval officer. These charges were dropped almost immediately.
I was then charged with impersonating a US Attorney and misuse of government purchase orders, jet and
fuel. All these charges stemmed from the flight in which I had used my personal jet to fly Rayelan Allan
to Reno to marry her. At the trial, which took place in November of 1990, the FBI liaisoned with the other
agencies involved in the deep black operations, testified that I was working as an infiltrator in drug money
laundering operations. This is the same man who advised me not to fly commercial airlines after my car
had been firebombed in August of 1989.
After this agent's testimony the judge decided that the trial had been held in the wrong jurisdiction and he
told the defense and the prosecution to meet him in his office the next morning. He was going to dismiss
the case. The next morning the proceedings were declared a mistrial because my son had talked to the
jurors. The prosecutor told me that if I pled guilty he would have me out of jail in March of 1991. If I
decided to go ahead with another trial I wouldn't go to trial until June of 1991 and my wife would be
charged with trespassing on military bases and go to jail for six months.
I pled guilty. The judge gave me 21 months in prison. I am scheduled for release in December of 1991.
In early May, my boss in ONI was trying to have me transferred to Naval custody. He told me that he
needed my signature and my wife's signature on papers to this effect. I was told that he would be signing
me out of Terminal Island so that he could meet with me and my wife at the same time. My wife had met
him earlier at Offutt AFB.
The next thing I knew, a guard was shaking me awake. I was told there was an emergency with my
family. I called my wife. I felt like I had been drugged. She was hysterical. A helicopter had crashed. She
had called the CIA station chief in St. Louis. He had told her three navy men were killed. She thought it
was the Admiral, myself and another ONI man that she knew. She told me quickly what had transpired.
The last thing I remember was the Admiral handing me a glass of orange juice. I called around to find out
what had happened.
My boss and the other man, who had just survived a plane crash where another one of our people had
been killed, were in hiding. To protect myself I dictated information to a friend over the phone. This
friend, Rodney Stich, decided on his own that the best way to protect me was to send this information to
every member of Congress and every newspaper and radio station he knew personally. As a result, my
involvement as the pilot in the October Surprise story came out. I am still incarcerated at Terminal Island.
I have met with a Senator from the Senate Judicial Committee. He has personally assured my safety if I
cooperate with their investigation.
I have dictated this information to my wife who has transcribed it. Understand that I could not proof this
copy for mistakes that resulted from her transcription.
(This was dictated over the telephone. It was recorded. Some of the words were hard to understand, so if
there is a mistake in spelling or in the actual word, it comes from not being able to understand the
recording. [parenthetical notes from Rayellan Russbacher < info@rumormillnews.com> of Rumor Mill
News] )
RMNews P.O. Box 1784 Aptos, CA 95001 info@rumormillnews.com
The Uncensored National Rumor
Ex-CIA Agent Edwin
Wilson Talks About His Mysterious Allegiance to Libya
To the CIA, he is a rogue, an agent for no one but himself. To the FBI, he is a much-wanted
fugitive from justice. But to the fanatical, outlaw regime of Libya’s Col. Muammar Qaddafi,
Edwin P. Wilson, 53, is a precious ally. By his own account, Wilson is nothing more than a very
successful middleman in Libya’s import-export trade. Yet he has also served to whet Qaddafi’s
appetite for military adventure by supplying airplane mechanics and pilots for the Libyan Air
Force. There is mounting evidence, moreover, that his activities have been not only unsavory but
unlawful as well. A four-count federal indictment handed down in Washington last year charges
that Wilson and business partner Frank Terpil, another former CIA agent, supplied Qaddafi’s
government with explosives, in violation of a federal arms shipment statute. They are also
accused of conspiring with a group of Cuban exiles to assassinate an enemy of Qaddafi in Egypt,
“I am innocent of all the charges,” says Wilson, but for the moment he is remaining in Libya,
among friends. “Mr. Wilson is a fine man,” says Libya’s chief of intelligence, Abdullah Sanusi,
Qaddafi’s brother-in-law. “He’s done nothing to hurt the U.S.”
The U.S. government disagrees; the State Department has called Wilson’s mission to Libya
“reprehensible.” One of his former business associates, Kevin Mulcahy, has charged that Wilson
attempted to buy a ground-to-air Redeye missile for Libya. Mulcahy speculates that the weapon
was intended to bring down a jumbo jet as an incontrovertible demonstration of terrorist might.
Another of Wilson’s former employees, ex-Green Beret Eugene Tafoya, is currently on trial in
Colorado for shooting a Libyan dissident there; Tafoya allegedly hid out after the shooting in a
house near London which belongs to Wilson. John Anthony Stubbs, a British pilot hired by
Wilson to fly cargo planes in Libya’s war on Chad, claims that Wilson is the supply linchpin of
Qaddafi’s training program for international terrorists.
Ed Wilson’s background hardly suggests a traitor in the making. A farm boy from Nampa, Idaho,
he graduated from the University of Portland into the Marine Corps during the Korean War. Four
years later he joined the CIA. Until 1971, he says, he served as a “low-level operative,” then
switched to a naval intelligence team monitoring weapons movements around the world.
Somehow, even before leaving government service in 1975, he was doing well enough
financially to buy a 2,000-acre Virginia farm currently valued at some $9 million.
Until now Wilson has never talked at length about the shadowy years that followed. Then last
month he invited free-lance journalist Peter Malatesta to spend 10 days with him in Tripoli.
Malatesta is no stranger to complex men. He has been an aide to Vice-President Spiro Agnew, a
business partner of former Korean lobbyist Tongsun Park and an owner of Pisces, an exclusive
private club in Georgetown. He is the author of Party Politics, an examination of the social side
of Washington to be published this spring by Prentice-Hall. His next project is a book about
Malatesta found his subject’s life to be a lonely one. Wilson’s estranged wife and two sons live
in the U.S., and, given the Islamic prohibitions against drinking and nightclubbing, his main
pleasures are imported American food, novels, history books and videotaped adventure films.
The interview which follows is hardly forthcoming; Wilson’s responses throughout are
rigorously self-serving. Yet in his portrayal of an innocent businessman wrongly accused by
disgruntled employees, Wilson does reveal himself, however unwittingly.
You have been called a traitor. How do you feel about that?
I haven’t done anything to hurt the United States. I have always considered myself to be a loyal
and good American. If there were to be a war between Libya and the U.S., I’d definitely fight on
the United States’ side. The Libyans understand and respect me for that. I don’t think it’s wrong
to work in Libya, and I don’t think that anyone should be considered to be against the United
States because they work here. My import-export company is a legitimate, honest business.
But the U.S. government is clearly at odds with Colonel Qaddafi’s government.
It’s not my problem. I’m a businessman. I don’t care to get into politics. In years past Libya and
the U.S. have been friends. I’m hopeful that this again will be the case. After all, we’re still
buying their oil, aren’t we?
How did you get involved with Libya?
I first came here with Frank Terpil, a former CIA agent who, by the way, I had never known in
the agency. We met at a party in 1976, and he told me about Libya. At the time I was tired of
Washington so I decided to come down here and see what I could do. I broke relations with
Terpil in December ’76 and I’ve not seen him since, except for a chance meeting in a hotel in
Geneva two years ago. I found his personality was definitely on the paranoid side and that he had
tendencies to make bombastic statements that were not true. I saw a potential in Libya to do
business and I set out on my own. I’ve had nothing to do with Terpil since.
Two high-ranking CIA agents were fired in April 1977 because of their association with you and
Terpil. Did your CIA connections help you in business?
I unequivocally deny that. As a matter of fact, in my business that is tantamount to losing any
credibility I have, since the CIA is known to be a leaky organization, where information flows
out as fast as it flows in. The last official contact I had with the agency was when I resigned in
1971. A number of my former associates have asked me for a job or to help them out or loan
them money. Socially I’ve had some contact, but businesswise I have not.
How difficult was it for you to establish a business in Libya?
I didn’t have to do a thing. Terpil already had a contract with the Libyan government to furnish
timers, which were to be used with booby traps. When these timers were purchased, the State
Department had no restrictions on shipment or sale of this kind of electronic equipment.
But you’re accused of supplying Libya with American explosives.
I was involved only with the timers, which were perfectly legal and were to be used only for
training purposes. The newspapers have grossly exaggerated the number, saying the contract
called for 300,000 to 500,000. I never heard of those orders; maybe Terpil did. The actual order
was for 300 to 400.
Jerome Brower—who was indicted with you, pleaded guilty and spent four months in prison—
has testified that you were also involved in the deal to supply explosives to Libya.
I don’t know what Mr. Brower claims. He was contacted by Frank Terpil to provide explosives
for the training projects in Libya. The Libyans gave Brower an import license; after that, it was
his responsibility to clear the shipment in the United States with the proper authorities and to
make any other arrangements necessary for shipping. I introduced him at his request to the
people here who contract for such stuff and he was on his own from that time on.
Your former associate Kevin Mulcahy charges that you not only sold munitions to the Libyans
but also tried to purchase a Redeye missile for them.
That is totally untrue. I never saw a Redeye missile and never sold one or any other arms from
the United States or any equipment embargoed by the United States at any time. It is beyond me
why the press will take some casual, paranoid comment from a disaffected former employee who
was probably terminated for incompetence and print it as the truth.
How many jet and helicopter pilots are you providing to Libya?
We gave up the contracts on both operations retroactive to Oct. 1 because the Libyans are now
quite capable of flying and maintaining their own planes. All the Britons and Americans are now
gone. Over the past five years we have employed somewhere between 150 and 200 people, about
half of them American.
It has been said that without your help, Libya would have been unable to undertake its invasion
of Chad. How do you respond to that?
The Libyans’ problems with Chad have nothing to do with me.
Are other Americans besides your recruits involved in the Libyan government?
I wouldn’t know. I know very few Americans here. Most of my friends are Libyans.
Is it true that you have enlisted Green Berets to train terrorists in Libya?
First of all, let me say I wouldn’t know a terrorist if I saw one. I’ve never seen nor heard of any
kind of that activity, and I’ve traveled freely all over Libya. Since the Justice Department has
interviewed a number of former Green Berets who have worked for me, they know I’ve never
trained anyone to be a terrorist.
Then what takes place in the camp in Benghazi, where ex-Green Berets are training Libyans?
Benghazi is your basic Marine-like boot camp. We take Libyan draftees—raw, young, some
barely teenagers—and we put them through a special 40-to 50-day operations course. It consists
of map reading, how to operate a radio, squad and platoon practices, bayonet drill,
marksmanship, hand-to-hand combat, first aid, aerial delivery of supplies by parachute and that
kind of stuff. There are four or five former Green Berets there. But let me say, I’m sick and tired
of hearing about how I’m training terrorists.
Are the Libyan trainees involved with the use of explosives?
Yes, there’s about 12 hours of training in basic demolition, the kind that would be used to blow
up bridges, roads or trees.
What happens to these Libyans after they are trained? Do they go abroad?
After training they continue in the Libyan Army as soldiers. They go, I guess, wherever the army
How would you describe the business you do here?
Well, I represent OSI-SA, an import-export business in Tripoli. I’m very active in the oil-service
business providing equipment like bits, tools and spare parts. We just signed a large contract to
supply military uniforms. I’m currently dealing with a South Korean construction firm
specializing in international trade—petrochemicals, electronics, textiles and that sort of thing.
I’m also doing business with a large Western European steel and pipe company and an Italian
construction and trading company.
Is this the company that was recruiting pilots and mechanics for the Libyan Air Force?
No, that’s another company which is Swiss-based. The name is SCFMO. It’s owned by Middle
East stockholders, who want to remain anonymous. It takes a lot of capital to operate here, so I
had to have some backers.
Why do foreign companies doing business with Libya come to you as a middleman?
I have the proper staff, the telexes, the phones, and offices available in the villa. It’s pretty
elementary—I’m able to set up the appointments they need. I know how to get things done here,
and that’s what they’re looking for.
Are there many other companies here in the import-export business?
No, not really. Because of nationalization, my company is one of the few that is still doing
business in Libya.
What are your dealings with Qaddafi?
I have never met Colonel Qaddafi, and I have never operated at his level. I admire what he has
done for his people in the way of economic progress in the last 10 years. He has bettered the
standard of living of the common people, even down to the Bedouins. I think he’s improved the
quality of life here a great deal. On every level, whether it’s agricultural, industrial, political or
cultural, the Libyans are a lot better off then they were before. I’ve never seen a beggar here.
What is your current income?
Would any other businessman answer that question? Let me just say this: I’ve paid my income
taxes every year, in the six figures. You know, a guy could get into real trouble if he doesn’t pay
his taxes. That’s serious stuff. You don’t mess around with the IRS. I’ve been lucky in my real
estate deals in Virginia and I suppose that my property is worth somewhere around $9 million or
Frank Terpil says that you and he bribed members of the American military command in Iran to
facilitate arms sales to that country. Did you?
That is absolutely untrue. I paid off nobody. I made one trip to Iran with TerpiL and he
introduced me to a man named David. I heard that he was an agent for the KGB and I dropped
the whole matter quickly.
You have been accused of selling sensitive computer technology to Soviet KGB agents in Iran.
Totally untrue. We have never exported high technology, nor attempted to.
How did you get involved with Eugene Tafoya, who is on trial in Colorado for shooting a Libyan
Tafoya was one of many ex-Green Berets, 75 or so, whom we hired at one time or another to
provide training in Benghazi. He was only with us a couple of months and at the time there was
no training going on. Tafoya didn’t get along with the Libyans; he was kind of a strange
character. In fact, I only talked to him once or twice in the month or so he was here. I asked him
to leave. If he was contacted and hired by the Libyans to assassinate that student in Colorado, I
am unaware of this activity, was not a party to it and in no way would have condoned it.
But the authorities found your business card in his wallet.
That wouldn’t be unusual. Anyone who worked for the Swiss corporation probably would have
my business card, which has on it my telex number and telephone numbers.
One of your pilot recruits, John Anthony Stubbs, charges that he knows for a fact that you are the
arms merchant of Libya. How do you respond?
Stubbs was down here for about a month. He took one test hop in a C-130. We found out that he
wasn’t a qualified pilot, but maybe a copilot at best. He never flew anywhere. The Libyans put
him in their copilots’ school for a couple of weeks, and he flunked out of that. The guy is an outand-out liar. He drank too much, burned his apartment and was released as a total incompetent
after one month. We paid him one month’s salary, which we were never reimbursed by the
Libyans for, and he left.
Kevin Mulcahy gave the grand jury testimony that led to your indictments. Why would your
former colleague have testified against you?
Mulcahy is really a pathetic figure, an alcoholic with mental problems. He wound up taking
$4,500 in cash out of my office the night he left. Because of this, in order to protect himself from
the supposed revenge that Terpil and I would take, he fed Seymour Hersh of the New York
Times the most unbelievable lies, fabrications and untruths.
Mulcahy says that you met with three Cuban exiles in Geneva where you asked them to kill
Umar Muhayshi, a dissident Libyan living in Egypt. Did you?
I have no idea where any discussion about the killing of Muhayshi came up. Terpil and I did
meet with some Cubans in Geneva. I offered them a job to come to Libya to assist in the antibooby trap and mine field school. They turned down the job primarily because they did not like
Terpil. I don’t think I should comment on it any further at this time.
If Stubbs and Mulcahy were drunks and Terpil was paranoid and Tafoya was a “strange
character,” as you allege, what does this say about you as a personnel recruiter?
Four out of 200 isn’t bad.
Since your indictment, how many times have you been out of Libya?
I’ve only been out of here twice in the last couple of years. Once in 1980 to go to Malta to
expand my business operations, and a couple of months ago to go to Rome for a meeting with
the Justice Department and the FBI.
What happened at that meeting?
My case was discussed, but it’s not appropriate for me to go into those details now. Justice has
had no comment, so I won’t either. But I do want to say one thing for certain, that there were no
CIA agents present. I had no meeting there of any kind with the CIA, and as to any discussion
about the reported plan to assassinate Colonel Qaddafi, that’s more preposterous journalism.
Justice knows it, the FBI knows it—ask ‘em.
How does your family feel about your situation?
I have two fine teenage sons. In fact, one visited here last summer and wanted to stay. I made
him go back and told him he had to finish college. They are both very supportive and know I
haven’t done anything wrong. My wife, Barbara, and I are in the midst of a divorce. It’s been
rough on her. She’s had to put up with all kinds of hate phone calls, calling me a traitor, antiSemitic and the like.
Do you think your life is in jeopardy?
I never think about that. As you can see, we never lock our doors here, even at night. It’s never
been my philosophy to look over my shoulder, politically or physically.
Will you return to the United States to stand trial?
Yes, when the climate is right for a fair trial. Right now that would be
impossible. As long as there’s a great deal of anti-Libyan feeling in the
United States, the press is going to continue to give my situation
flamboyant and distorted coverage. The Justice Department has fed the
press a continual diet of half-truths and leaks; I don’t know what they
hope to gain. I will go back when the time is right—but for the moment,
I’m quite happy here.
Plaintiff, §
versus § Criminal Case H-82-139
(Ancillary Civil Action H- 97-831) §
Defendant. §
Opinion on Conviction
1. Introduction.
Twenty years ago, the government tried a former Central Intelligence
officer for exporting explosives to Libya. His defense was simple. He said he was
still working for the Company. The government refused to disclose records of his
continued association with the agency. When he presented witnesses to his
contacts after the end of his formal employment, the government convinced the
judge to admit an affidavit from a principal CIA official to the effect that there
were, with one minor exception, none—zero. There were, in fact, over 80
contacts, including actions parallel to those in the charges.
The government discussed among dozens of its officials and lawyers
whether to correct the testimony. No correction was made—not after trial, not
before sentencing, not on appeal, and not in this review. Confronted with its own
internal memoranda, the government now says that, well, it might have misstated
the truth, but that it was Wilson’s fault, it did not really matter, and it did not
know what it was doing. Because the government knowingly used false evidence
against him and suppressed favorable evidence, his conviction will be vacated.
This opinion refers only to the part of the record that the government has
reluctantly agreed may be made public. It does not attempt to recount even that
limited range of data in its entirety; the governmental deceit mentioned here is
illustrative—not exhaustive.
2. Background.
From 1955 through early 1971, Edwin P. Wilson was employed fulltime—
mostly as an undercover agent—by the United States government through
the Central Intelligence Agency. His assignments sometimes required him to
establish and use “front” companies to gain access to information and to support
CIA operations here and abroad commercially.
Immediately after leaving theca—and with the agency's knowledge and
approval—Wilson began working for Naval Intelligence on a secret unit, Task
Force 157. He again used companies, including one called Consultants
International, to mask his intelligence gathering abroad. He worked for the Navy
through April 1976. Throughout this period and beyond, Wilson had professional
and personal relationships with CIA employees. The CIA even took over one of
his projects.
In January 1978, the United States Attorney for the District of Columbia
began investigating Wilson's activities in Libya. (Wilson Mot. to Vacate, Ex. 15.)
On April 23, 1980, a grand jury indicted him for shipping explosives to Libya; a
jury acquitted him. Following that experience, Wilson took refuge in Libya. He
did not leave until June 1982, when an American agent lured him to the
Dominican Republic. From there, he was taken to New York City and arrested.
A court in the Eastern District of Virginia then convicted him of exporting
firearms to Libya without permission and sentenced him to ten years. See United
States v. Wilson, 721 F.2d 967 (4th Cir. 1983) (affirming conviction). In 1983, he
was convicted in the Southern District of Texas for similar crimes. After that, a
court in the Southern District of NewYork sentenced him to twenty-five years—to
run consecutively with his Virginia and Texas sentences—for attempted murder,
criminal solicitation, obstruction of justice, tampering with witnesses, and
retaliating against witnesses.
This case is the 1983 conviction.
3. Investigations.
A. 1976-1977.
In September 1976, a former CIA employee told the FBI that a U.S.
corporation—possibly controlled by Wilson and another ex-CIA agent—had
contracted to sell Libya “one complete educational and vocational training
laboratory.” The informant believed Libya planned to use the laboratory to train
terrorists. The corporation used another former CIA employee as its supplier.
With the help of a current CIA employee, ten timers that could be used with explosives were
purchased and shipped to Libya. (Wilson Mot. to Vacate, Ex. 13
at 2-3.) When he learned of the allegations, Wilson called Thomas G. Clines, the
deputy director of operations for the CIA, and denied that he negotiated the deal.
Clines suggested that he meet with the government and share information that he
learned while in Libya. (Gov't 0005261-2.) The CIA and the FBI began
investigating. The ATF and the U.S. Customs Service, the latter investigating
Wilson's involvement in manufacturing and selling surveillance vans to Libya,
were soon involved. (Wilson Mot. to Vacate, Ex. 15.)
In April 1977, The Washington Post published an article about “ex-CIA
officer” Wilson's attempts to smuggle 500,000 explosive timers to Libya the
preceding summer. Soon articles appeared on Task Force 157—described as “the
U.S. military's only network of undercover agents and spies operating abroad
using commercial and business 'cover' for their espionage”––and Wilson's
possible knowledge about the murder of Chilean ambassador Orlando Letelier.
See Bob Woodward, Pentagon to Abolish Secret Spy Unit, WASH. POST, May 18,
1977, at A1; Ex-CIA Agent Agrees to Answer Questions in the Letelier Inquiry,WASH.
POST, Apr. 14, 1977, at A3; Bob Woodward with Ben Weiser, Ex-CIA Aide, 3 Cuban
Exiles Focus of Letelier Inquiry, WASH. POST, Apr. 12, 1977, at A1; Gov't 0005516.
CIA representatives were called before the House of Representative's
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence to explain. President Ford and the
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence were also briefed. (Wilson Mot. to
Vacate, Ex. 26.)
Two days after the article about Libya appeared, John Waller, the CIA’s
inspector general, instructed ten officials to “ascertain if the Agency has any
official relationships or contacts with Mr. Wilson within their respective areas of
responsibility” and to “determine if [he] has any unofficial relationships or
contacts with . . . employees which could be construed as providing Mr. Wilson
with official Agency support or assistance.” Waller also asked the deputy director
for administration to describe Wilson's job assignments, including length, use of
front companies, and his employment status. (Wilson Mot. to Vacate, Ex. 11 ¶¶
In response to Waller's request, one director sent his staff a cable in May,
giving them two days to find out if employees had official or unofficial
relationships with Wilson. He ended the request with the advice that “negative
reports [are] desired.” (Gov't 0020191-2.) A few days later, a special assistant
to the deputy director for operations told Waller about four official contacts Wilson had had with
the agency and numerous social contacts with CIA
employees, including annual picnics, hunting, and horseback riding at Wilson's
2,500-acre farm in Virginia. Wilson even “sold” a two-year-old registered
quarterhorse worth $1,500 to a high-ranking CIA official for $100 and stabled it
as his farm. (Wilson Mot. to Vacate, Ex. 12; Gov't 0034818, 0034591; Gov't App.,
Ex. K.)
A reliable source with the FBI told the Department of Justice that the
Wilson was a contract employee of the CIA as recently as summer or early fall of
1976. (Gov't 118990.) At the FBI's request, the CIA suspended its investigation
for several weeks in late 1976. The CIA's inspector general “stood down” in May
1977, having interviewed at least fifty employees and some U.S. company officials.
(Wilson Mot. to Vacate, Ex. 26.)
One employee interviewed, Theodore G. Shackley, the associate deputy
director for operations, said he did not think Wilson was providing support for
terrorist groups in Libya. He mentioned that Wilson had recently provided the
CIA with two “operational leads” in Libya. Actually, Shackley met with Wilson
on a regular basis, reporting on Wilson's revelations and even ordering CIA traces
to see if Wilson's information was of “potential operational interest.” (Gov't
0020955-7, 0020961-4.) He later admitted to the grand jury that he would refer
Wilson's interesting “operational” information about the international weapons
market, the Libyan regime, and other subjects to “the area specialist at the Agency
who worked on those geographic problems.” (Wilson Mot. to Vacate, Ex. 21 at 89.)
As the media's interest increased, Shackley told another CIA employee
that, “Ed's a little hot now” and advised him that, if he was going to use Wilson,
he “shouldn't request a provisional operational approval.” Instead, “he should
use Wilson informally for operational contacts, i.e., using Wilson unofficially for
introductions would be alright but that [he] should not send in any request for
clearances, etc. as it concerned Wilson.” (Gov't 0034620.)
The month after stopping the investigation, the inspector general met with
Thomas Clines, the deputy director of operations. Five employees had described
Wilson as a close friend of Clines. Clines himself had remarked that he could
always count on Wilson to finance agency projects that required immediate
action. Clines acknowledged to the inspector general that his office continued to
have “operational discussions” with Wilson during which it asked for—and
shared—information. The CIA chose to portray these meetings as “informal social dialogue.”
Waller later told the CIA's deputy director that “it is difficult to
believe that Clines, knowingly and on purpose, signified that CIA condoned the
shipment of explosive timers when he knew how upset CIA management was by
this whole subject . . . .” (Gov't 0064557, 112779, 0005515, 0005364, 0064608.)
B. 1981-1983.
In 1981, Wilson was a fugitive in Libya, accused of shipping explosives to
Libya. In October, another scandal broke when the U.S. news media linked
Wilson and Clines, now retired from the CIA, to the surreptitious award of a
lucrative contract to ship U.S. arms to Egypt. One article proclaimed, “CIA
Renegade Lurks Behind Egypt Scandal.” WASH. POST, Oct. 19, 1981, at A13.
When the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence decided to
investigate, Admiral B. R. Inman asked the CIA's inspector general to search its
files about Wilson and conduct follow-up interviews. (Wilson Mot. to Vacate, Ex.
25.) The Department of Justice, ATF, FBI, and United States Attorneys for the
District of Columbia and the Eastern District of Virginia also investigated.
They confirmed that Wilson had continued to work for the CIA after1971.
By September 1981, CIA Director William Casey advised the chairman of the
House Committee that the CIA had “several [inspector general] memoranda
discussing specific allegations of improprieties by three Agency employees and
a summary of known contacts between CIA and Edwin Wilson.” He added,
“These documents, plus relevant Office of Security memoranda to the DCI and
several key memoranda for the record constitute a package of about one linear
inch . . . .” (Wilson Mot. to Vacate, Ex. 22 at 1.)
A memorandum to the inspector general in June 1982 reports that “Agency
personnel maintained a continuing personal/professional relations with Edwin
Wilson after his resignation; in some cases these relationships continued until
Wilson fled the country.” It then describes seventeen “incidents” that “would
help support a Wilson defense that he conducted some or part of his post
resignation activities for CIA, i.e. that he had a role in CIA operations and insider
knowledge of CIA concerns . . . .” The inspector general later cautioned that this
list “is not exhaustive since we found one other problem after it was compiled”
and advised that “we should not expect that any other list that we or anyone else
might compile would be definitive.” (Gov't Supp., Ex. K.)
In October1982, another memorandum summarized the CIA's continuous
“use” of Wilson and his company—as a contact, an expert, a supplier—at least thirteen distinct
times from 1972 through 1977. A different memoranda detailed
at least nine contacts between Wilson and CIA employees between 1973 and 1976,
and described twelve “cover” companies with which Wilson was associated,
including World Marine, Inc., a top secret Navy firm that Wilson managed after
he left the CIA. (Gov't App., Exs. A-C; 0020231.)
Still, this did not scratch the surface. In November 1982, Charles A.
Briggs, the executive director of the CIA, finally appointed a CIA employee to
review records and authorized “access to all records systems of the Agency for
purposes of searching those records for material that in any way pertains to Mr.
Wilson or his activities, and reviewing the results of previous searches done.”
The employee would testify about the records at Wilson's trials. (Gov't 0034558.)
In February 1983, James H. Taylor, the CIA's new inspector general,
complained that listing every official or quasi-official contact between CIA
employees and Wilson since 1971 would require the CIA
“to research approximately three safe drawers of data . . . . [and] a
substantial amount of material that the Office of the General
Counsel holds . . . .” He mentions one or two incomplete lists of at
least 100 agency contacts with Wilson but concludes, “No matter
what we all do, we will never be able to come up with an exact,
complete list of all Agency/Wilson contacts . . . .”
(Gov't App., Ex. K, emphasis added.) The man charged with intra-agency
integrity said that (a) agency contacts were too many to count, (b) counting them
would be too much work, and (c) the result would be unreliable. The affidavit did
not tell Judge Sterling or the jury that the CIA simply did not know whether it had
used Wilson after he left its formal employment. “None” and “Unknown” are
very different answers.
When the inspector general did attempt to count, the magnitude of
Wilson's involvement with the CIA became stark: the CIA found eighty non-social
contacts between Wilson and CIA employees, including almost forty times where
Wilson furnished services to the CIA between 1972 and 1978. (Wilson Mot. to
Vacate, Ex. 101.)
Although the CIA's general counsel said that these numbers accurately
reflected agency records and included everything that could “remotely be
considered ‘business contacts,’” the report did not tell the whole story. (Wilson
Mot. to Vacate, Ex. 100.) Even while investigating—and officially distancing
itself from—Wilson, the government was still gathering intelligence from him. While Wilson
was a fugitive in 1981, the FBI, ATF, and assistant United States
Attorneys from the District of Columbia interviewed him in Rome, Italy, in July
1981. As a show of good faith before the interviews, Wilson produced documents
for the CIA about Libya's nuclear program, including technical plans for
manufacturing an atomic device. He also offered to tell the government the
locations of two fugitives wanted by the United States for assassinating Letelier,
the Chilean diplomat. (Gov't 0020662.)
Over three days in Rome, Wilson provided information about Iran, Russia,
Taiwan, and Libya. He described Libya's military equipment, assassination teams,
intelligence fronts, and identified (a) American, British, and Italian companies
supplying Iran with military parts or servicing Qaddafi's personal aircraft and (b)
Americans assisting or taking bribes from the Libyans. The government asked for
information on forty-one people; Wilson offered information on twenty-nine of
them. (Gov't 0020662-7, 0020419-27.)
Handwritten notes taken by Admiral Daniel Murphy, the Vice President's
chief of staff, in November1981 reveal that Wilson also produced papers to prove
his allegiance to the United States and his innocence of most charges. (Gov't
When the government later decided to “capture” Wilson and bring him to
the United States to face trial, it thought favorably of Wilson's usefulness as a
source of intelligence. As one assistant United States attorney told Attorney
General William French Smith, “[T]he information [Wilson] could provide us
with regard to current activities in Libya could prove of incalculable [sic] value.”
(Wilson Mot. to Vacate, Ex. 29 at 5.)
4. Texas Trial.
In June 1982, the government lured Wilson out of Libya and brought him
to the United States. On July 19th, Wilson was indicted in the Southern District
of Texas for:
Conspiring to ship 20 tons of C-4 plastic explosives to Libya,
Presenting a falsified shipper’s export declaration,
Exporting explosives without a license, and
Transporting explosives by cargo aircraft in October 1977.
After a two-week trial, a jury convicted Wilson on all four counts on
February 5, 1983. He was sentenced on February 18, 1983, to seventeen years and
fined $145,000.
A. Defense.
Wilson defended himself against the charges by saying that he had
acted—at least implicitly—under the direction and authority of the CIA. In
response to a pretrial order, Wilson told the court that he had done work on at
least eight particular projects for a variety of government intelligence agencies
between 1976 and continuing until he left Libya in 1982, including Naval
Intelligence from 1971 through 1976. For example, he said that he was collecting
intelligence for the CIA about Soviet military operations in Libya and about
Qaddafi’s regime. He claimed that from 1976 through 1979, he gave the CIA (a)
profiles of Libyan officials, (b) information about Libya's nuclear capability, (c)
possible coup information, and (d) Libyan military mobilization along the
Egyptian border. (Gov't 005500.) The court allowed Wilson to try to show that
he continued to furnish the government with intelligence that he gathered abroad
after he resigned; however, it did not let him present evidence on particular
projects. Three witnesses testified on Wilson’s behalf: Richard Secord, Roberta
Jean Barnes, and John Keats.
B. Response.
To rebut Wilson’s evidence, on February 4, 1983, the government
introduced an affidavit from Charles A. Briggs. Briggs served as the CIA’s
inspector general until mid-1982 when he became its executive director—the
third highest-ranking official of the CIA. In the affidavit, he swore that—with one
exception—the CIA did not ask Wilson to work for it after he officially stopped
working there. Briggs declared:
“The search [of CIA records] revealed that Mr. Edwin P. Wilson
terminated his employment with the CIA on 28 February 1971, and
was not re-employed thereafter in any capacity. According to Central Intelligence Agency
Records, with one exception while he was employed by Naval Intelligence in 1972,
Mr. Edwin P. Wilson was not asked or requested, directly or
indirectly, to perform or provide any service, directly or indirectly,
for [the] CIA.”
Briggs signed the affidavit under penalty of perjury, and Stanley
Sporkin—the general counsel of the CIA—certified it with his signature and the
agency's seal. The prosecutors introduced the affidavit at trial despite the
expressed reservations of some of the government’s lawyers, including the CIA's
general counsel. (Gov't Answer to Am. Mot. to Vacate at 30.) After deliberating
for one day, the jury asked the judge to re-read the Briggs affidavit to them. An
hour after the re-reading, the jury found Wilson guilty.
5. Post-trial.
Three days after trial but before sentencing, the government admitted
internally that the affidavit was false. A CIA investigator excerpted the untrue
paragraphs from the Briggs affidavit, and then drafted a memorandum titled
“Notes for IG” that listed five solicitations and projects on which Wilson worked
for the CIA after 1971, including a planned trip to Iran with the deputy director
of operations to develop an agent there. The author noted that one CIA report
implies that an agent asked Wilson to establish rapport with a Middle Eastern
source. The employee who drafted the memorandum had conducted most of the
pre-trial investigations on Wilson’s post-employment contacts with the CIA; he
knew the Briggs affidavit was false. (Wilson Mot. to Vacate, Ex. 85.)
Two days later, the CIA forwarded the memorandum to the United States
Attorney's Office. That day, an attorney at the Department of Justice sent the
deputy assistant attorney general of the criminal division a memorandum entitled
“Duty to Disclose Possibly False Testimony” and summarizing case law. A
handwritten note concludes, “Plain meaning of services —> The affid. is
inaccurate.” (Wilson Mot. to Vacate, Ex. 88.)
The government debated what to do about the affidavit's “inaccuracies.”
Later that month, it drafted a letter to Wilson's attorneys, mentioning a few of
Wilson's post-1971 contacts with the CIA but defending the affidavit. Deciding
that the letter would open “the entire universe of questioned contacts [between
Wilson and the CIA],” the government never sent it. It stood by the affidavit.
(Gov't Answer at 40; Wilson Mot. to Vacate, Exs. 90, 92, 97.)
Doubts remained. Mark M. Richard, the deputy assistant attorney general
of the criminal division, urged assistant attorney general, head of the criminal
division, Daniel Lowell Jensen, “I think we must make a disclosure—either to the
judge or the defense attorney (a third option is to disclose to both).” He also suggested that “[i]f
we don't make the disclosure we must first examine what
purports to be the universe of contacts and 'paper' our own files with our findings
. . . .” As the “relevant players” prepared to meet again to discuss what to do,
Richard concluded, “disclosure is, unfortunately, necessary. I suspect that I am
in the minority.” He was. After ten months of researching the law, reviewing
records, and holding inter-agency meetings, the government never told the trial
court or Wilson’s counsel that it had knowingly used false evidence. (Wilson
Mot. to Vacate, Exs. 95 at 2, 97, 110.)
6. Appeal.
In December 1983, the government filed its brief in the court of appeals.
It did not acknowledge directly or indirectly that it knew that the Briggs affidavit
was false. Responding to Wilson's hearsay argument against the affidavit's
admissibility, it mentions two “business transactions” between Wilson and the
CIA in 1974 and 1975: procuring two desalinization plants for Egypt and “house hunting”
for a Laotian general to the United States. (Gov't Answer at 45.)
Mentioning two of the more innocuous uses of Wilson by the CIA did nothing to
correct the record. Attaching the incomplete list of eighty contacts between
Wilson and CIA or including Wilson's use in efforts to buy Soviet military
hardware, like tanks and fighter jets, for the CIA would have given a more
accurate picture of the relationship. Of course, the government could have
produced records supporting Wilson's claim that the CIA knew—even
authorized—the shipment of explosives to Libya. (Gov't 0028896, 0064608.) It
did not.
The court of appeals affirmed Wilson’s conviction. United States v. Wilson,
732 F.2d 404 (5th Cir. 1984). Its ruling says nothing about the falsity of Briggs’s
affidavit or its effect on Wilson’s conviction—most likely because the government
only obliquely referred to its lie. The ruling simply says that the affidavit was
admissible to prove—by certifying an absence of records—that Wilson was not
associated with the CIA. See 732 F.2d at 413; Rule 803(10). Although the
affidavit was admissible to prove a lack of records, it was false; the affidavit
proved nothing but a lie.
The court of appeals read Briggs’s statement to prove that “Wilson was not
directly or indirectly associated with the CIA, or acting with the CIA’s knowledge
and approbation when he arranged and concluded the C-4 shipment from
Houston to Libya.” 732 F.2d at 413-14.
Wilson also requested appellate relief on a discovery violation—that the
government “had information about associations of certain people with the CIA
which would have materially aided Wilson’s defense.” Id. at 414. The court of
appeals found no violation after it reviewed the record; however, it is now clear
that the government withheld from Wilson the memoranda it prepared that listed
his post-employment associations with the CIA as well as all direct documents
generated from his work with the agency.
7. Years later.
Many years after his conviction, Wilson discovered internal government
documents that prove that the Briggs affidavit was false and that the prosecutors
knew about it before they used it at trial.
Confronted with the documents, the government now admits—twenty
years after using the affidavit to convict Wilson—that “With the benefit of
retrospection and in light of all the information now known to the Department, it
appears that the statement was inaccurate.” It now says that “following Wilson’s
termination as a CIA employee, he was asked to perform or did perform what can
be described as services on its behalf.” (Gov't Answer at 52.)
Honesty comes hard to the government. It describes its non-disclosure as
“information allegedly concealed by the Briggs declaration.” (Gov't Answer at
64.) This is a semantic game—the information was not allegedly concealed; it was
actively and actually concealed. The government also justifies its choice to
remain silent by saying that, by the time it finished investigating its perjury, the
case had been appealed and was outside of the district court’s jurisdiction. (Gov't
Answer at 57.) The government could have told the court of appeals.
The investigation is a dodge; there was no need to investigate: it knew the
affidavit was false before it offered it. In November 1977, a “reliable source” in
the FBI told the Department of Justice that Wilson was still a contract employee
with the CIA as recently as summer or early fall of 1976. The department
circulated this information in a November memorandum. (Wilson Mot. to Vacate,
Ex. 13.) Another memorandum from an assistant United States Attorney for the
District of Columbia to the Department of Justice confirms that the lawyers knew on December
6, 1979, that Wilson had worked on Navy projects—with the CIA's
knowledge and coordination—through1976, not 1972 as claimed in the affidavit.
(Wilson Mot. to Vacate, Ex. 15 at 4.) If the lawyers still had doubts, they could
have investigated the scope of Wilson's work for the CIA before they offered the
affidavit, not afterward. Maybe they could have investigated those contacts before
they presented the case to the grand jury. The record hints that some of the
lawyers had misgivings about the position they were putting forth or doubted the
CIA's forthcomingness. In October 1981, assistant United States attorneys Larry
Barcella and Carol Bruce quizzed the CIA about Wilson, cautioning that:
“there are some very real concerns that are born out of what we
have learned over the past four months about the depth of the
relationship that existed and continues to exist between Ed Wilson
and [CIA officials] Theodore Shackley, Tom Clines, and others. .
. . Did the CIA, or to your agency's knowledge, any other U.S.
Agency solicit, collect or receive any information concerning the
activities of Ed Wilson, Frank Terpil and their associates from
January 1, 1976 to date that has not yet been reported to us? In
connection with this, please provide us with a list of what you
believe you have already reported to us concerning their reported
activities.” (Wilson Mot. to Vacate, Ex. 23 at 2-3.)
Similar requests for a “definitive written response”—including questions
about Wilson's role in buying Soviet military equipment for the CIA—were
repeated by the FBI and the Justice Department in at least 41 requests for
information from the CIA in 1981 and 1983. (Wilson Mot. to Vacate, Ex. 68 at 2.)
For its part, the CIA's general counsel warned its employees not to
communicate with Wilson's lawyers as this “may cause them to believe that the
Agency has material relevant to their client's interest. Thus, direct
communication with them may actually trigger inquiries and discovery requests
which the Agency would have to respond to.” (Wilson Mot. to Vacate, Ex. 40.)
8. Burden.
The government shifts the burden to Wilson to explain why he did not
earlier raise the falsity issue. Wilson bears no burden, for his witnesses at the trial
saying the opposite provoked the affidavit. The burden now, instead, is that the government must
justify (a) its use of the affidavit and (b) its failure to disclose
the truth when other people knew it had been false. It alone lied. It alone
possessed—and withheld—the information that documented the falsehoods. The
government alone insisted on the affidavit rather than production of the
underlying records. It alone had the underlying documents.
The government says that Wilson should have spoken up at trial or
immediately afterward to impeach the Briggs affidavit. The government mischaracterizes
its problem. It introduced the Briggs affidavit to rebut Wilson’s
evidence that he continued to work for the CIA after he officially stopped working
for it. By his original evidence Wilson said that the government was wrong.
Repeating himself after the government used the Briggs affidavit would not have
bolstered his argument.
9. Effect.
The government says three reasons prevent Wilson’s claim from
succeeding. First, it says he waived the issue by not objecting to the affidavit’s
contents at trial. Second, it says that the prosecutors did not know or intend to
make a false statement. Third, it says that the statement was not material to the
prosecution and is not material now.
A. Waiver.
The government says that Wilson cannot raise the issue of the false
affidavit now because he did not raise it at trial. This argument is crisply counterfactual
and circular. Wilson was not allowed to present evidence and specifics by
the trial or appellate courts. Wilson sought to defend himself against the
government’s charges by showing that the government tacitly—at least—approved
his activities in Libya. The government introduced the affidavit to contradict
Wilson’s witnesses and theory. Wilson objected to its use—if not its perjury.
Wilson’s entire defense opposed Briggs’s assertions in the affidavit; he could not
have done more to oppose it or to demonstrate its inaccuracy.
Also, Wilson could not have known during the trial that the government
had investigated his continuing contacts with the CIA for several years and
possessed many memoranda that detailed his post-employment activities. He knew, of course,
that the government had files, notes, invoices, and other debris
of modern operations, but it had declined him access to that material. The direct
evidence that proves falsity was not available to him before trial, at trial, or after
trial; it became available—in confusion and pieces—after protracted opposition
by the government in this review.
Wilson could not have proved that the affidavit contained a lie. He had his
word—that he continued to work for the CIA after he officially left it in
1971—and the testimony of several witnesses, not the government’s extensive
documentary evidence. As Wilson explained, his secrecy oath to the government
prohibited his taking or keeping classified documents; he was true to his word.
The government alone had the documents. (Wilson Mot. to Vacate, Ex. G at 3.)
The prosecutors only gave Wilson’s lawyer a copy of the affidavit the day
before they introduced it at trial; they did not tell him that it did not reflect the
records. They did not mention the lists of categorically contradictory information.
Further, Wilson could not have raised the issue on appeal in this form because he
still did not know about the documents government agents had prepared; he did
object to its use at trial, a sufficient preservation of error. Wilson did not waive
his perjury claim.
B. Intent.
The government says that its use of the false affidavit was an innocent
error. It says the law does not require a retrial when a man is convicted on
manufactured evidence as long as the use was not intentional. Under the
Constitution, an argument may be reasonably made that the government should
be responsible for the integrity of the evidence that it presents. The costs of using
unchecked or otherwise unreliable witnesses ought to be borne by the user.
Unless other data contradict the testimony, the government can probably never
know whether a co-defendant is shading his recollection to help himself.
Retractions later by fellow crooks are inherently suspect. In this case, however,
the falsity comes from high public officials with sole access to voluminous
records—not some high-school dropout street-level drug dealer with a memory
of one sale.
Among the people who knew the government—through the CIA and
Department of Justice—was both failing to disclose records of Wilson’s work and
offering a false affidavit was the CIA’s general counsel. Yet the Department of
Justice refused his request to correct or not to use the false affidavit. This person
was no obscure paper-shuffler; he had been director of enforcement at the
Securities and Exchange Commission and, after his CIA tenure, became a federal
judge. Similar careers were had by people at the Department of Justice.
The government must be responsible for its internal fabrication of
evidence. The test is not the ingenuousness of the prosecutor but the integrity of
the government itself. The government would like to restrict the scope of
responsible knowledge to the individual prosecutor in the courtroom, but the
prosecution is brought in the name of the United States of America. The evidence,
now, shows that the hierarchies of both the Justice Department and CIA were as
knowledgeable as was the individual talking to the judge and jury. The
government’s attempt to split the government into the personal belief of the least
informed attorney will not work. The court has identified about two dozen
government lawyers who actively participated in the original non-disclosure to
the defense, the false rebuttal testimony, and the refusal to correct it.
Governmental regularity—due process—requires personal and institutional
CIA attorneys told Assistant U.S. Attorney Ted Greenberg that the Briggs
affidavit should not be used as evidence, as then written, and asked him not
introduce it. He did.
CIA General Counsel Stanley Sporkin advised that, at minimum, the word
“indirectly” should be removed from paragraph four. Deliberately, knowing the
facts, Greenberg ignored the CIA attorneys' requests and used it. (Wilson Mot. to
Vacate, Ex. 98 ¶¶ 3-5.)
Although it admits that it presented false evidence at Wilson’s trial and
now lists solicitations and services he performed post-termination, the
government says that Wilson has not proved that the prosecutors knew that it was
false. Persistence in this contention reveals that consistency is valued higher than
fidelity at the Department of Justice.
First, the government says that the prosecutors meant “taskings related to
the gathering of intelligence” where Briggs’s affidavit reads, “asked or requested
directly or indirectly to perform or provide services.” (Gov't Answer at 54.) The government
claims that none of the prosecutors realized that the phraseology that
they used could be understood broadly. Broadly? At one point, the government
decides that “contact” meant operational—that is, undercover espionage—
assignments that had been formally cleared by the CIA hierarchy. This is a three level,
arcane, bureaucratic, and evasive interpretation of the plain meaning of
Brigg’s words.
Full disclosure would have required personal, commercial, operational,
and other interpersonal exchanges to have been revealed to the defense and court
as a matter of routine pretrial preparations.
Even after the prosecution’s conversion of Briggs’s statement into
Newspeak, the plain implication of his words was that Wilson had had only one
limited contact. That is false. Even with the Washington Jig around the text of
the affidavit, the government cannot make its words coincident with the “truth,
whole truth, and nothing but the truth.”
When the CIA’s general counsel worried to a deputy assistant attorney
general that Wilson was about to be sentenced without the deception’s having
been disclosed, he replied that no harm would come from more delay and that
there was “very little sentiment in DOJ to do anything about the Briggs’ [sic]
affidavit.” Voices accurately recited law and urged compliance, but in the end,
they were overwhelmed by the noise of the others and bureaucratic momentum.
Houston prosecutor Jim Powers participated in lengthy meetings at the
Department of Justice where they discussed the techniques for dodging the plain
meaning of the affidavit and the contradictory material. This is the same attorney
who answers Judge Sterlings’s question “that all Brady is made available?” with
“That is true.” The judge followed with “From whatever source,” and Powers
responded, “If we discover them, we will be the first to let somebody know. . . .”
After the prosecutors choose to ignore the CIA’s own request for correction of the
evidence, some CIA people generated memoranda to reflect their advice and its
timing, preventing the agency being blamed by the prosecutors.
The government even claimed in this review that it did not have evidence
of Wilson's work with the CIA after 1971. It now admits—correcting a
“misstatement” in its response to the motion to vacate—that as early as January
1982 or, at the latest, by July 13, 1982, before Wilson's Texas trial started, the
prosecutors knew that the CIA had employed Wilson in 1974 and 1975 to:
Locate and deliver—through Consultants International—two
desalinization units for Egypt;
Find a residence in the United States for a former Laotian general;
Demonstrate and procure body armor for the Iranian Imperial Guard ;
Trade weapons or explosives for sophisticated Soviet military
equipment—like MiG-25 fighters, tanks, missiles, and ocean
mines—with Libya; and
Get information about Secret Service pistol ranges so Saudi Arabia
could build its own.
The government's “new” information comes, in part, from a prosecutor's
lengthy handwritten notes taken during a meeting with the CIA on July 13, 1982.
Although the government says it just now found the notes in one of the “many
boxes of Wilson-related material,” it insists that Wilson's lawyer had access to the
notes during discovery, although it cannot be certain. (Gov't Answer at 2.) The
government does not even know now what information was included in the
“Wilson file” given to the United States Attorney's Office before trial. (Gov't
Answer at 11, n.3.) Even if they were produced at some point, it is unlikely that
the prosecutor's notes were reasonably obvious to Wilson's lawyer since the
government is just now finding them, years later. The notes may not have been
Equally troubling, the notes are derived from documents that were not
disclosed to Wilson’s trial or appellate lawyers.
Regardless, Wilson's lawyer was entitled to have access to the documents
describing the underlying specifics of his client's work for the CIA, not just
unexplained, jumbled notes. Several pages of the prosecutor's notes mirror a
detailed chronological summary of the CIA's use of Wilson and his businesses
since 1971. That summary, and four others dating from 1973 through 1982, were
circulated within the CIA on October 1, 1982; none was produced. (Gov't App.,
Ex. A.)
Now that the government has admitted that it did have access to the
information, it claims that:
This information concerning the posture of the prosecutors'
possible knowledge of the scope of Wilson's post-employment
activities on behalf of the CIA does not dilute the vitality of our
argument that the prosecution did not engage in deliberate
deception in introducing the Briggs declaration at the conclusion
of Wilson's trial . . . . That argument was based upon the
prosecutors' understanding that the term 'services' embraced only
intelligence-gathering activities on the CIA's behalf and did not
extend to commercial activities.
(Gov't's Supp. Mem. at 6.)
Even if the imagined and twisted meaning of “services” is used, the
affidavit is still false. With their knowledge of the nature of Wilson's work for the
CIA, they deliberately deceived the court. One CIA officer discussed with Wilson
that sending tons—yes, tons—of explosives to a hostile power could be authorized
if this country got good enough information in exchange. This is an exact parallel
to facts of the indictment. (Ex. 73, p. 13.)
The one occasion when the government admitted “contact” with Wilson
was apparently when the CIA paid to send an employee of Wilson’s to Libya.
Again, that is compellingly close to the charges.
Wilson's searches for information about pistol ranges for the Saudis and
attempts to purchase Soviet arms and equipment—with the help of government
bid sheets, ranking weapons and listing acceptable prices—are intelligence gathering
“services” covered by the affidavit, not commercial activities. (Gov't
Supp. Mem., Ex. B at 0035170-71; Wilson Mot. to Vacate, Ex. 102 at 2; Gov't
0035169.) Wilson was not running a Burger King for employees; he was dealing
in arms and information for the CIA—the stuff of both espionage and his
Attempting to downplay the role its knowledge of the affidavit's falsity
played, the government asserts: “Wilson was fully aware of his post-retirement
activities on behalf of the CIA. This information would therefore not have come
as a surprise.” (Gov't Answer at 56, n.15.) This dismissive statement misses the
point; of course, Wilson knew what he had done for the CIA after he stopped
working there. Wilson did not have and was not given the papers that showed
what he knew. Wilson knew the data, so his surprise was not his dealings but the
affidavit—that was a surprise. This position vitiates his right to compulsory
Also, Wilson did not know what government agencies were reporting about
him during their investigations immediately before the trial. Nor did he know
that the government had prepared many reports detailing the work he had done
for the CIA, contradicting the affidavit, and corroborating his witnesses, and
supporting his theory of defense. That information would have been invaluable
to his defense and its credibility.
C. Materiality.
The government says that the information that it concealed by presenting
a false affidavit was irrelevant to Wilson’s defense. It may not arrogate to itself the
trial court’s opportunity to decide that issue. It certainly cannot be said that no
reasonable jurist would have found that evidence admissible. The court heard
Wilson offer three witnesses to testify about some of his interactions with the CIA.
If the trial court had had the opportunity to review the undisclosed information,
it could have ruled on its relevance and admissibility; however, the government
peremptorily and illegally excluded the defendant and court from the process. It
now is bound by its having offered the affidavit and by the ruling of the trial court
that it was relevant; if the affidavit was relevant, the actual facts that it was
supposed to represent cannot be irrelevant. If it was material enough for the
government to represent that it contradicted Wilson’s witnesses and theory, itwas
material to affect the jury’s deliberations. The government’s position is,
hypothetically, that (a) its affidavit from the assistant secretary of the interior that
the park service truck was green is admissible but (b) the department’s receipt for
that truck showing that it was blue is irrelevant.
Among the government’s problems is a contradiction. It says that Wilson’s
contacts were immaterial because they were insignificant non-espionage. Still, at
a 25-year remove, it insists that the information be kept from the public. Wilson’s
work for the agency cannot simultaneously be social-commercial trivia and a state
The government also says that Wilson did not have a valid defense to the
charges; therefore, proof that he continued to work for the CIA would not have led
to an acquittal. Using earlier rulings by the courts of appeals against Wilson, the
government says that Wilson does not deserve a new trial, but if the jury had known of the lie, its
decision would have precluded an appeal at all. Also, the
government did not argue on appeal that it lied in Briggs’s affidavit; it argued that
the affidavit was sufficient to rebut Wilson’s evidence of continued relations. It
cannot, however, use decisions of the courts of appeal based on a meretricious
record to bar the relief that Wilson now seeks.
The court must determine if the perjury reasonably could have affected the
jury’s judgment. A juror’s statements immediately post-trial suggest that the
affidavit affected the jurors’ verdict. A news story reported: “Juror Betty Metzler
said that panel was divided 11-1 almost from the start, and one juror was not
convinced until Saturday morning by [a] rereading of Briggs's affidavit denying
Wilson’s actions had anything to do with the CIA.” She continued, “There were
several of us that thought that possibly the CIA might have something to do with
that, but when they admitted that last affidavit, that convinced me.” UNITED PRESS
INT'L, Feb. 5, 1983, AM cycle.
Without considering the psychology of those particular jurors, a fully
informed, disinterested, reasonable person would know that a high public
official’s swearing that no records supported Wilson’s version of his relationship
with the agency would be material, important, significant, or other similar weight
all the way up to compelling. Because the affidavit was crucial to Wilson’s defense
and it influenced the jury’s decision, it was material.
In the course of American justice, one would have to work hard to conceive
of a more fundamentally unfair process with a consequentially unreliable result
than the fabrication of false data by the government, under oath by a government
official, presented knowingly by the prosecutor in the courtroom with the express
approval of his superiors in Washington.
The government may not excuse its presentation of false testimony by
claiming that (a) it did not know, (b) it did not understand what other agencies
knew, or (c) it believed the testimony. It cannot use these excuses because they
are not the law and the facts do not support them. See Mesarosh, et al. v. United
States, 352 U.S. 1 (1956); Giglio v. United States, 405 U.S. 150 (1972); and United
States v. Mason, et al., 293 F.3d 826 (5th Cir. 2002).
The Supreme Court has dismissed the argument that the federal
government is too unwieldy to require accuracy in its presentation of evidence,
saying, “To the extent this places a burden on the large prosecution offices,
procedures and regulations can be established to carry that burden and to insure communication
of all relevant information on each case to every lawyer who deals
with it.” Giglio v. United States, 405 U.S. 150, 154 (1972)(Berger, C.J.).
Here, it was not that the right hand did not know what the left hand knew.
The right hand knew and still misrepresented the facts. At justice’s blindfolded
eyes, the right hand made a fist, concealing the truth.
10. Exculpating and Impeaching.
Wilson says that the government also violated the Constitution by not
furnishing him with documents that it possessed that would exculpate him. See
Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963); Strickler v. Greene, 119 S.Ct. 1936 (1999).
The elements of a violation are:
C The evidence must be favorable to the accused, either because it
exculpates the defendant or because it impeaches the government;
C The evidence must have been suppressed by the government, either
willfully or inadvertently; and
C Prejudice must have ensued.
Strickler, 119 S.Ct. at 1948.
Incontrovertibly, the government did intentionally not give Wilson the
memoranda that it had listing his contacts with government intelligence agencies
after1971. Equally incontrovertibly, the government furnished Wilson with none
of the direct, operating documents that it used to derive the lists. The information
in the lists and those documents certainly would have impeached the Briggs
affidavit. The government admits this in its later internal analyses about whether
to disclose the falsity of the affidavit shortly after Wilson’s trial concluded.
The government decided not to disclose the memoranda because it was not
“impeachment of the type that has to be disclosed because [Wilson] knew of the
info.” (Wilson Mot. to Vacate, Ex. 112 at 1.) The law does not exempt
information that the defendant knows from disclosure requirements. Although
Wilson knew what he had done for the CIA, impeaching the government’s
witnesses by its own records would prove much more forceful and credible at trial.
To prove prejudice, Wilson must show “whether the favorable evidence
could reasonably taken to put the whole case in such a different light as to
undermine confidence in the verdict.” Kyles, 514 U.S., at 435, Strickler, 119 S.Ct,
at 1952. (Although it had an open file, the state failed to give the defendant statements made by a
witness before trial that weakened, if not contradicted, her
trial testimony.) The defendant must prove that “there is a reasonable probability
that the jury would have returned a different verdict if her testimony had been
either severely impeached or excluded entirely.” 119 S.Ct., at 1955. Probability
does not mean “more likely than not,” a more demanding standard. 119 S.Ct., at
1956 (Souter, J., concurring).
Wilson has shown a reasonable probability of a different result had he been
able to impeach the affidavit with the government’s documentation that, after early
1971, he worked at least 80 additional instances for the CIA.
For example, CIA employees who negotiated a sale of the bomb timers to
a hostile country were fired, but the United States Attorney for the Eastern District
of Virginia declined to prosecute them. Another one was reprimanded for
introducing an employee to Wilson and for meeting with someone supplying
timers abroad. This was in the files, but denied by Briggs’s statement. These
contacts are what Wilson said was happening—his defense.
Still, the files may not be reliable on a different issue: one of the CIA men
told the ATF and CIA officers not to worry about an associate because he would
change his file to show he was going against the agency. (Gov’t 0035208)
Briggs swore that, with only one exception, Wilson stopped working for
the CIA in 1971. If Wilson had had the government’s extensive documentation
that showed that he had contact with the CIA at least 80 more times, the jurors
very likely would have believed Wilson’s theory and acquitted him. (Wilson Mot.
to Vacate, Ex. 101.) With only his word, Wilson could not effectively counter the
public official’s document saying that he had not continued to work for the CIA.
Only an hour after it requested a re-reading of the affidavit, the jury returned its
guilty verdict. Then, a juror reported to the press that the affidavit had played a
critical role in the jury's guilty verdict.
Although it was a different trial on different facts, Wilson had been
acquitted of similar charges, revealing that the government was not necessarily
bringing irrefutable cases.
This sort of behavior is among the reasons that the Constitution allows an
accused to confront the witnesses against him. Instead of a witness whom Wilson
could examine before the jury, in his Texas trial Wilson was contradicted by a
dishonest agency memorandum issued from a bunker in Virginia.
11. Bureaucracy.
Throughout this case's long history, the government has alternated
between being unable and being unwilling to coordinate among its agencies and
to produce timely information about Wilson. It has moved the walnut shells
constantly hoping that the pea will not be found. It has been. At this late date, the
court finds itself sorting through mounds of paper in no order—not by date, by
subject, by agency, by Bates stamp, or even by complete document. Missing pages
and poor quality photocopies, no indices or chronologies. Never mind that
newspapers have done the work already. See, e.g., Wilson Case: A Chronology,
WASH. POST, Nov. 21, 1982, at B5. The government did not even furnish a copy
of that chronology of the many well-organized newspaper articles about Wilson's
case. Instead, its agencies offer differing versions of easily verifiable facts, like
when Wilson left Naval Intelligence or when Consultants International was
The process has been further slowed by requiring (a) the court's clerks to
get top secret clearances so they can wade through the data dump and piece
together what the government has not had the inclination to do and (b) that
Wilson's lawyers review documents in a vault. These security measures were
undermined by the government's own sloppiness; for example, the Department of
Justice admitted that, years into this review, commercial movers found two boxes
of “secret” Wilson materials in an unsecured room.
12. Conclusion.
At the time of trial, some of the information may have still had
significance, but while the government may choose to prosecute, it may not
prosecute without telling the whole truth. If secrets—or errors—are too important
to use in a “speedy and public trial,” the government simply makes the policy
decision not to prosecute. If it chooses the criminal process, it will have to yield
its information about both the offense and defense.
Wilson’s defense obliged the CIA to gather all of the direct and secondary
evidence of his association with the agency and to show it to Wilson’s lawyer. If
some of it might have hurt the interests of the country and if a means could not
have been devised for its presentation in an abstract manner, then the charges
might have to have been dropped.
America did not defeat the Axis because it locked up Japanese Americans.
America did not defeat the Soviet Union because it tried to lock up its philosophic
fellow-travelers here. America will not defeat Libyan terrorism by double-crossing
a part-time, informal government agent.
The government’s preparation, presentation, and preservation of false
evidence are not the process that is due from the government. As Justice
Sutherland observed, while a prosecutor “may strike hard blows, he is not at
liberty to strike foul ones. It is as much his duty to refrain from improper methods
calculated to produce a wrongful conviction as it is to use every legitimate means
to bring about a just one.” Berger v. United States, 295 U.S. 78, 88 (1935)(George
Sutherland). The government has no legitimate interest in buying or presenting
false evidence from outsiders—it has less than none in lying to the court itself.
The government may be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt by legal
evidence that Wilson is guilty of violating the law. It will have that opportunity
because Edwin Paul Wilson’s conviction will be vacated.
Lynn N. Hughes
United States District Judge
Sun, 29 Apr 2001 03:01:53 -0700
By Vernon Loeb
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, April 29, 2001; Page F01
APPLAUSE FILLED THE AUDITORIUM at CIA headquarters as Mike Shanklin strode
across the stage, shook hands with the agency's director and received its
second-highest honor, the Intelligence Star, for bravery in Somalia.
It was a moment Hollywood might have scripted for a spy who made his name
working the back streets in Africa and the Middle East, and learned to talk
his way out of trouble as he looked down the barrel of a gun.
Now cut to seven years later. Shanklin, applause turned to silence, is
walking away from the CIA, dejected and bitter. He'd always been cool under
fire. But the agency's unyielding polygraph examiners shook him in a way no
rebel with an AK-47 ever could.
He tried to come clean about rules he broke along the way. He hoped his
candor -- and his heroics -- would be enough to compensate for what at
bottom were breaches of proper procedure, not betrayals. But in the end, the
CIA showed him the door for "personal conduct, security violations, and
outside activities."
His is an espionage story of our time, written by security bureaucrats on
the gray side of the spy business that Hollywood has no interest in. Far
from the movie hero he seemed to be at the height of his career, Shanklin
today is like a character straight out of a novel by John LeCarre, loyal to
the service but deeply ambivalent about what it has become.
Ever since Aldrich H. Ames was unmasked as a Soviet mole who'd operated for
years inside the CIA despite all sorts of missed warning signals, the agency
has been taking potential security infractions, typically turned up during
routine polygraph examinations, much more seriously.
Indeed, no sooner had Ames been packed off to jail than CIA security began
working its way through a list of 350 officers who had registered
"indications of deception" on the polygraph -- glitches that in the past had
been possible to explain away, without further investigation.
But there would be no more leniency. The agency found one mole in that
group -- former CIA officer Harold J. Nicholson, now serving a 23-year
sentence -- and upended dozens of careers. And with accused spy Robert P.
Hanssen in prison and awaiting indictment sometime next month for alleged
crimes at least as spectacular as those of Ames, the same process has
already begun inside the FBI.
Many veterans of the CIA and the FBI believe that the pendulum may have
swung too far, and the agencies' obsessive focus on security and
counterintelligence will end up muting their own effectiveness, driving some
of the most capable people -- people like Mike Shanklin -- out of the
"Whatever got Mike Shanklin crosswise with 'the process' simply cannot
obscure the role Shanklin and those just like him played when times were
tough," said Milt Bearden, a retired CIA station chief for whom Shanklin
worked in Sudan in the mid-1980s.
"When I'm in the midst of an East African revolution and need someone to
blend into a howling mob with a radio under his robe," Bearden said, "I need
a Mike Shanklin and not some slightly more 'perfected' officer that the
process may seem to seek today."
CIA spokesman Bill Harlow said he could not comment on the specifics of
Shanklin's case. But he did acknowledge Shanklin was a "highly regarded"
operative who did a "terrific job not just in Somalia, but throughout his
"There's nothing we would like better than a highly regarded, heroic case
officer being part of the organization," Harlow said. "We've got to try to
maintain some consistency -- and it is painful when you see good people run
afoul of rules and regulations. But the regulations are not arbitrary and
Shanklin, a former Marine major and Vietnam veteran who grew up poor in the
Watts section of Los Angeles, isn't asking anybody to feel sorry for him. He
prides himself for earning everything he achieved during 13 years at the
CIA. And he remains unwavering in his loyalty to the agency.
Indeed, as one of the few African American case officers there, Shanklin
said he was "never inhibited because of my race -- if anything, I was given
a lot of opportunities to do a lot of unique things" because being black
enabled him to operate in areas his white colleagues could not.
He also recognizes that he brought his problems on himself -- and feels more
than a little guilty about possibly dishonoring the agency. "I have to take
responsibility for breaking the rules -- and I broke the rules," said
Shanklin, whose major transgression seems to have been an unreported affair
with a foreigner -- a woman he ended up marrying.
But he still thinks he deserves a break -- because he still thinks he has
something to offer.
"Are they treating me any differently than they would treat anybody else?
Probably not," Shanklin said. "But I don't think I am anybody else. I'm the
guy who went anywhere they wanted me to go anytime they wanted me to go. But
when I needed them to cut me some slack, they said, 'No, you broke the
rules.' "
Michael Louis Shanklin, 58, still can't say much about his career at the
CIA, which put him in some very tight spots in some very inhospitable
countries -- Sudan, Chad, Algeria, Jordan, Liberia. But he gained the most
notoriety in a country that was probably the most inhospitable of them all,
Shanklin became deputy chief of station in Mogadishu in 1990, when
guerrillas under the leadership of Gen. Mohamed Farah Aideed began closing
in on the brutal 20-year dictatorship of Mohamed Siad Barre.
For months, Shanklin worked night and day cultivating a relationship with a
wealthy businessman in North Mogadishu. The powerful and well-connected young
man with his own private army -- whose name Shanklin cannot reveal -ultimately became a prized CIA "asset," providing valuable information and
insights as civil war engulfed Somalia. The U.S. government didn't pick
sides in the fight, but wanted to avoid any nasty surprises.
Shanklin said he forged an extremely close bond of loyalty with his prized
recruit. As chaos descended on Mogadishu, Shanklin also became acquainted
with the man's close friend and companion, Stefania Pace, an Italian
physician working for a humanitarian organization. Tragedy would ultimately
befall all of them in Somalia. And Pace would come to rely on Shanklin for
solace -- and then, far more.
Shanklin left Somalia the first time in January 1991 as guerrilla factions
finally drove Barre from power and took over Mogadishu before turning their
guns on one another. The U.S. government ordered its embassy evacuated.
With every American in Somalia huddled at the embassy, Shanklin's boss told
him he had left some critical intelligence -- Shanklin can't say exactly
what -- back at his residence. Shanklin bailed him out, driving into the
battle, through small arms fire, to retrieve it. A short time later he was
gone, one of the last Americans out of the country, lifting off in a chopper
carrying the U.S. ambassador.
Shanklin spent all of five days at CIA headquarters before the agency sent
him off to the Persian Gulf War as an intelligence liaison to the U.S.
military, where Scud missile attacks punctuated his days. From there, he
went to Liberia as chief of the CIA's operation there.
When he returned in the fall of 1992, Shanklin told his superiors he just
wanted an assignment where the lights go on when you flick the switch, and
the water runs when you turn the tap.
Nobody could say he hadn't earned some ease. He'd held down company
interests in an African country flooded with assassins hunting CIA officers.
He'd slipped into the Middle East on a tourist visa and driven a fellow
officer to safety through a series of security checkpoints where guards
would have loved nothing more than to execute a couple of American spies.
Shanklin got the milk run he was after, assigned to London as a CIA liaison
with the British intelligence service. It didn't last long.
At Thanksgiving, when then-President George Bush approved sending a division
of Marines to Somalia to assure that relief supplies got to hundreds of
thousands of starving people, the CIA tapped Shanklin to secretly enter the
country with an intelligence force responsible for making sure the troops
could land without casualties. With his top Somali asset providing
logistical support, the Americans flew in on small aircraft and landed at a
remote airstrip far to the north of Mogadishu. Just being in Mogadishu put
them all in danger. It was a crazed, lawless environment where enforcers
prowled the streets in "technicals" -- jeeps with mounted machine guns -and virtually everyone carried weapons they weren't the least bit shy about
When the Marines waded ashore in South Mogadishu on Dec. 9, 1992, Shanklin's
men and their Somali agents had the beach under surveillance and felt
confident Aideed's gunners would not attack. Shanklin wasn't nearly so
confident when a band of armed thugs held up his vehicle in North Mogadishu
a short while later as he drove his boss, the CIA station chief, through
contested terrain to meet an asset.
The marauders stole an automatic weapon from a CIA security guard seated
next to Shanklin. Shanklin got out of the car, looked down the barrel of a
rifle pointing in his face and told the chief bandit to calm down. He was
sure he and his two colleagues were about to be executed. But when the
gun-filcher caused a moment of distraction by running off to admire his
high-tech contraband, Shanklin jumped back in his four-wheel drive and
floored it.
Operation Restore Hope had begun.
Not long after Shanklin returned to his cushy assignment in London, he
realized he hated being someplace where the lights worked and the water ran.
He didn't have long to fret. By the summer of 1993, Mogadishu was again in
turmoil. As the United Nations tried to return a semblance of order to
Somalia, Aideed began increasing his armed presence in Mogadishu and filling
the airwaves with anti-U.N. rhetoric from a radio station he controlled.
When Pakistani peacekeepers went to make an inventory in early June of
weapons Aideed had been allowed to store at the broadcast center, 24 were
killed in an ambush thought to have been carried out by Aideed's men.
The U.N. responded by ordering Aideed's arrest, turning the peacekeeping
operation into a posse. Shanklin's young businessman friend in North
Mogadishu became a key to the manhunt, possessed of the connections
necessary to locate Aideed. It only made sense to summon Shanklin from
London to run his prized recruit.
The destruction in Mogadishu looked like Berlin in 1945. Everything -houses, buildings, hospitals, schools -- was demolished, as if it had been
carpet bombed. Roads were littered with wreckage. The smell of burning
garbage permeated the city.
While he and his contact had both left at the height of the civil war,
Shanklin was amazed to find out that Stefania Pace, the Italian doctor, had
stayed behind and continued to run her aid organization through the worst of
the fighting.
Shanklin didn't frighten easily, but Somalia scared him -- the chaos, the
destruction and the constant eruption of gunfire, now aimed by Aideed's men
at the Americans hunting their chief.
After four American soldiers were killed by a command-detonated mine in
early August, President Clinton ordered 130 Delta Force commandos, 160 Army
Rangers and 16 helicopters to Somalia to capture Aideed.
Shanklin knew capture was unlikely: Aideed was moving every couple of hours
to avoid capture and his men were heavily armed. But he thought that the
CIA's network of spies would be able to at least locate the rogue warlord,
thanks largely to the services of his star asset -- a man so well connected
that after Shanklin told him about the bandits' theft of the CIA rifle, he
went right out and got it back.
But the asset wouldn't be able to help this time. One evening a few weeks
after Shanklin's return, the young businessman stood with a handful of
trusted lieutenants on the front lawn of his villa, playing the ultimate
high-stakes game: Russian roulette. Shanklin had heard rumors that his
friend had done this before -- a crazy test of machismo against the
background of deadly chaos -- but had never been able to confirm it. Until
The man pointed a revolver at the head of one aide and pulled the trigger.
The gun didn't fire. He pointed it at the head of another and pulled the
trigger. Another empty chamber. He pointed it at a third man and pulled.
Empty again. Then he put the gun to his own head -- and fired a bullet into
his brain.
Pace, always terrified by what she called her companion's "passion for
guns," heard the shot and peered down from a balcony to see him lying in a
pool of blood.
Shanklin received a frantic radio call and rushed to the hospital where he
found one of the man's closest confidants wandering the halls in a shirt
soaked with his friend's blood.
"That blood is my blood," Shanklin told the Somali, handing him a new shirt
and taking the stained garment.
By morning, his friend had died.
Shanklin told Pace, who wept in his arms.
As the huge Delta contingent settled in over the next several days, the CIA
took stock of its intelligence assets on the ground and despaired.
"We thought we were screwed, we really did," Shanklin recalled. He and his
agency colleagues believed that with the death of his friend, Shanklin's
ability to organize Somali surveillance teams capable of penetrating South
Mogadishu and finding Aideed had been destroyed.
But Shanklin soon realized the Somali he'd taken the bloody shirt from at
the hospital was nearly as well positioned as his friend had been. So he
pitched a plan to Garrett Jones, the CIA's station chief: He would get down
and dirty, mingling with his dead asset's associates on their turf. At a
time when Americans were being actively hunted by Aideed, Shanklin proposed
taking an agency team 15 miles from the relatively safe CIA station in the
embassy compound into the teeth of the conflict to operate out of a safe
house in North Mogadishu.
The whole operation was predicated on Shanklin's ability to get a large team
of 15 Americans in and out -- fast, if need be -- and manage their own
security in a terrifyingly insecure environment. The team included four
heavily armed Navy SEALs. But those commandos could not have held off a
full-scale assault by Aideed's forces -- and Shanklin never could rule out
the possibility that Aideed had a mole among the asset's men. The risks were
great and Shanklin's cover thin: There were so many antennas sprouting from
the villa's roof that people in the neighborhood started calling it the CNN
After almost three weeks, Shanklin was told by one of his Somali spies that
Aideed knew where he was.
"I called Garrett and said, 'Look, this thing has been compromised, let's
get the [blank] out of here,' " Shanklin said.
That night, U.S. helicopters landed at an abandoned soccer stadium half a
mile from the safe house and evacuated Shanklin and his spy team. But he
maintained contact with Somali lookouts, who would soon prove their value.
When Aideed proved unfindable, the lookouts developed a contact who met
regularly with Osman Ato, a wealthy businessman, arms importer and Aideed
money man whose name was right below Aideed's on the CIA wanted list.
Shanklin remembered a plan, never executed, to give Aideed an ivory-handled
cane with an electronic locator hidden inside. The magic cane was still
around. He had his lookouts give it to their contact to present to Ato. With
a surveillance helicopter monitoring the cane's beacon from above, the
contact climbed into a car in North Mogadishu that was supposed to take him
to meet Ato. But when the car stopped for gas, one of Shanklin's lookouts
radioed him and said Ato was already in the car.
Shanklin immediately called Delta, which launched within minutes.
A Little Bird helicopter found the car and swooped so low that a sniper was
able to lean out of the chopper and fire three clean shots into the
vehicle's engine. The car ground to a halt as Delta Force commandos roped
down from a hovering Blackhawk helicopter and handcuffed Ato -- the first
known helicopter take-down of people in a moving car.
But success in Mogadishu was fleeting. A little less than two weeks later,
on Oct. 3, 1993, a Sunday afternoon, Shanklin was relaxing at his hilltop
base near the airstrip when he heard over his radio that an American
helicopter had been shot down during a large operation aimed at arresting a
cadre of top Aideed lieutenants.
Soon, Mogadishu exploded with the most intense combat engaged in by U.S.
forces since Vietnam. The battle continued throughout the night after a
second Blackhawk was downed and two truck convoys tried and failed to reach
90 American soldiers pinned down deep in Aideed territory. In the end, 18
American soldiers were killed and 84 were wounded. That was the end of this
country's manhunt for Aideed -- and, for all intents and purposes, its
interest in Somalia. Shanklin left a few days later.
"Whatever our policy was, it ended October 3," Shanklin said. "From an
agency standpoint, this thing was over. I wanted to get out of there."
The following July, Shanklin was back in London, bored out of his mind, when
he got a call from a Somali contact who told him that Pace, the Italian
doctor, had returned to Rome but was still depressed and traumatized by her
friend's death. On her motorbike rides to and from work, she found herself
hoping for an accident that would put her out of her misery.
Shanklin got permission from CIA headquarters to visit her.
Pace had carried on in Mogadishu for months, living on emotional autopilot,
working long hours distributing relief supplies and arranging flights of
food and medicine into the country.
"I was trying to cope with it by not coping with it, trying to keep myself
busy, busy, busy," she said. "But I felt the need to leave, because I knew
that I had to mourn, and I hadn't yet."
She found little relief in Rome. "I felt like I was totally isolated. I
didn't want to live, but I knew I had to. My parents had only me. I needed
to talk to somebody who knew Somalia. Nobody, not even my dearest friends,
could relate to what I had done. So Mike came and he really did me a lot of
Purely by coincidence, Pace and Shanklin say, they met again the following
month in Nairobi. By the end of the year, they both realized they were
beginning to fall in love, even though she wasn't sure she was ready for
another serious relationship and Shanklin, while separated, was still
entangled in a failed marriage.
The romance posed a serious career problem. From the start, Shanklin decided
not to tell the CIA about the affair, even though he knew that "close and
continuing" relationships with foreign nationals had to be immediately
reported to security officials empowered to decide whether a particular
relationship was appropriate.
He knew he would be yanked back to headquarters and investigated. With Pace
planning to take a full-time job running a Somalia relief operation out of
Kenya, he wasn't prepared to leave her behind.
"I knew I was screwing up," he said. "But we had become committed to each
Faced with a choice between Pace and the CIA, Shanklin picked Pace, came
back to the United States and retired -- his bosses none the wiser -- even
though he really didn't want to leave the agency.
Because he would be joining Pace in Kenya, the CIA told Shanklin he had to
retire "covert," meaning he was not allowed to tell anyone he had spent 13
years working for the CIA. But Shanklin violated this "covert" arrangement,
telling several large American companies that he approached for employment
as a security consultant about his CIA background.
He finally landed a job in 1997 as a representative for an American armored
car company in Kenya, but that was far from the kind of security consulting
work he had in mind.
Watching Shanklin's frustrations grow, Pace quit her job. "We both have
given up a lot for each other," she said. "This is what happens when two
adult people -- not 20-year-olds -- meet across the oceans."
They moved to Fairfax three years ago; she recently received a master's
degree in public health from George Washington University. And he went back
to the place he knew best, the CIA, hoping to be cleared for work as a
contractor in security or training.
Thousands of former CIA employees go the contractor route and get their
"green badges" -- security passes that give them access to CIA
installations -- as a way to maintain a relationship with the agency.
But to get his badge, Shanklin had to pass a routine polygraph examination.
Before the test began, Shanklin admitted he had failed to divulge his "close
and continuing" relationship with Pace. But that admission, he said, only
seemed to raise suspicions and whet the polygraph operator's appetite for
more. The test went badly. Another was scheduled.
It went even worse, despite Shanklin's decision to be honest. He admitted
talking with a ghostwriter who was helping a colleague write a novel (so far
unpublished). He admitted telling prospective American employers in Kenya
about his CIA employment. He admitted helping a Somali youth whose feet had
been blown off by a land mine get medical attention by stating he was
related to a CIA asset, when he was not.
The more he told, Shanklin said, the more the polygraphers wanted to hear.
At one point, with no evidence, they insinuated he might have been involved
in his asset's gunshot death. That, said Shanklin, pushed him over the edge.
He got into a screaming match with the polygrapher. The test was a disaster.
Another was scheduled a month later. There were more questions about
relationships with foreign nationals and compromises of classified
information. Shanklin says he had nothing left to admit but still felt his
emotions surge, sending the needle on the polygraph jumping.
"They think that I'm holding something back -- and I'm not," Shanklin said.
"And because they can't prove that, the best course of action is, we don't
care what he did in the past or how great he was, we have grounds to get rid
of him. He broke our rules."
With Shanklin's security review still unresolved, he and Pace went to
Fairfax City Hall one day in June 1998 and tied the knot, hoping the CIA
would stop bugging him about their relationship.
One final polygraph test was scheduled. Shanklin said he still felt quite
nervous, but thought he had done okay. The result was inconclusive.
Months passed. He was working as an international security consultant but
had nowhere near the options a green badge would have offered. He started
calling senior CIA officials. They were polite but couldn't help.
Finally in December -- almost three years after that first failed
polygraph -- a two-page letter arrived from the CIA: Green badge denied. His
wife hid it so as not to spoil an upcoming trip to Italy. Just after
Christmas, at her parents' home in Tolfa outside Rome, she finally broke the
bad news.
"I was hurt, disappointed," Shanklin recalled. "I was hoping they would have
said, 'You shouldn't have done these stupid things, and we're going to watch
you, don't do it again.' "
He arrived home in a fighting mood and called a lawyer, who filed a notice
of appeal, but ultimately convinced Shanklin that the process would be long,
expensive and probably fruitless. "He told me, 'Mike, we can do this, but
they'll spin you around for eternity,' " Shanklin said.
On Feb. 21, he withdrew his appeal.
"I am proud of my Agency career and always will be," he wrote. "That said,
there is no longer any requirement on my part to appeal this case or request
a copy of my file."
This weekend, the Shanklins are holding a garage sale at their Northern
Virginia town house. On Thursday they get on a plane bound for Italy, eager
to start anew, away from the long shadow of CIA headquarters.
Shanklin figures he's already lost three years of his life fighting the CIA
and doesn't want to lose any more. "At some point," the ex-spy said, "you've
got to turn the page."
SAD sent in teams of Paramilitary Operations Officers into Somalia prior to the U.S.
intervention in 1992. On December 23, 1992, Paramilitary Officer Larry Freedman became the
first casualty of the conflict in Somalia. Freedman was a former Army Delta Force operator and
Special Forces soldier who had served in every conflict that the U.S. was involved in, both
officially and unofficially, since Vietnam. Freedman was killed while conducting special
reconnaissance in advance of the entry of U.S. military forces. His mission was completely
voluntary, as it required entry into a very hostile area without any support. Freedman was
awarded the Intelligence Star on January 5, 1993 for his "extraordinary heroism".
SAD/SOG teams were key in working with JSOC and tracking high value targets (HVT), known
as "Tier One Personalities." Their efforts, working under extremely dangerous conditions with
little to no support, led to several very successful joint JSOC/CIA operations.
In one specific operation, a CIA Case Officer, Michael Shanklin and
codenamed "Condor," working with a CIA Technical Operations Officer
from the Directorate of Science and Technology, managed to get a cane with a
beacon in it to Osman Ato, a wealthy businessman, arms importer, and
Mohammed Aideed, a money man whose name was right below Mohamed
Farrah Aidid’s on the Tier One list.
Once Condor confirmed that Ato was in a vehicle, JSOC's Delta Force
launched a capture operation.
"a Little Bird helicopter dropped out of the sky and a sniper leaned out
and fired three shots into the car’s engine block. The car ground to a
halt as commandos roped down from hovering Blackhawks, surrounded
the car and handcuffed Ato. It was the first known helicopter takedown
of suspects in a moving car. The next time Jones saw the magic cane, an
hour later, Garrison had it in his hand. “I like this cane,” Jones
remembers the general exclaiming, a big grin on his face. “Let’s use this
again.” Finally, a tier one personality was in custody."
President Bill Clinton withdrew U.S. forces on May 4, 1993.
In June 2006, the Islamic Courts Union seized control of southern Somalia, including the
country's capital Mogadishu, prompting the Ethiopian government to send in troops to try to
protect the transitional government. In December, the Islamic Courts warned Ethiopia they
would declare war if Ethiopia did not remove all its troops from Somalia. Sheikh Sharif Ahmed,
leader of the Islamic Courts, called for a jihad, or holy war, against Ethiopia and encouraged
foreign Muslim fighters to come to Somalia. At that time, the United States accused the group of
being controlled by al-Qaeda, but the Islamic Courts denied that charge.
In 2009, U.S. Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) reported that al-Qaeda had been training
terrorists in Somalia for years. Until December 2006, Somalia's government had no power
outside of the town of Baidoa, 150 miles (240 km) from the capital. The countryside and the
capital were run by warlords and militia groups who could be paid to protect terrorist groups.
CIA officers kept close tabs on the country and paid a group of Somali warlords to help hunt
down members of al-Qaeda according to the New York Times. Meanwhile, Ayman al-Zawahiri,
the deputy to al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, issued a message calling for all Muslims to go
to Somalia. On January 9, 2007, a U.S. official said that ten militants were killed in one airstrike.
On September 14, 2009, Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan, a senior al-Qaeda leader in East Africa as well
as a senior leader in Shabaab, al Qaeda's surrogate in Somalia, was killed by elements of U.S.
Special Operations. According to a witness, at least two AH-6 Little Bird attack helicopters
strafed a two-car convoy. Navy SEALs then seized the body of Nabhan and took two other
wounded fighters captive. JSOC and the CIA had been trying to kill Nabhan for some time
including back in January 2007, when an AC-130 Gunship was called in on one attempt. A U.S.
intelligence source stated that CIA paramilitary teams are directly embedded with Ethiopian
forces in Somalia, allowing for the tactical intelligence to launch these operations. Nabhan was
wanted for his involvement in the 1998 United States embassy bombings, as well as leading the
cell behind the 2002 Mombasa attacks.
An Exclusive Interview with John Lear
By Bret Oldham
John Lear is a well-known UFO researcher who has appeared on numerous television and
radio shows and in magazines around the world. His research has led him to some very
though-provoking and intriguing conclusions concerning the UFO phenomenon and the
alien agenda. John is an accomplished pilot and has flown over 160 different types of
aircraft in over 50 different countries. He holds 17 world speed records in the Lear Jet and
is the only pilot ever to hold every airline certificate issued by the Federal Aviation
Administration. Mr. Lear has flown missions worldwide for the CIA and other government
agencies. A former Nevada State Senator candidate, he is the son of William P. Lear,
designer of the Lear Jet executive airplane, the 8-track stereo, and founder of Lear Siegler
Bret Oldham: John, we met in 1988. You were already doing UFO lectures at that time.
What got you interested in UFO research and when did you begin seriously pursuing it?
John Lear: In 1985, I was over at a friend's house and I saw a book called "Missing Time"
by Budd Hopkins. I picked it up and I thought that it was kind of interesting. I took it home
and read it and it just made the hairs stand up on the back of my head because I knew that
this was true, that this was something that was really going on. At the same time, a friend
of mine used to fly in Southeast Asia uncover. He was currently flying A-10's for the Air
Force. I saw him and asked him what had been going on. He said, "I've been flying A-10's
and was at Bentwaters for a while". I said, "Oh Bentwaters, that's supposedly where that
flying saucer landed in 1980 or 81, isn't it"? He said, "Not supposedly, it did". He said, "I
didn't get to see it because I was confined to quarters but I know the guys who did". So with
those two things I thought I'd better start looking into this thing because as far as I had
been concerned UFO's were just a hoax. There's even a liner circulating around the internet
that I wrote to John Andrews, vice president of Testers, a corporation who made models. He
suggested I look into it and I wrote him back and said, "No, there's nothing to it".
Bret Oldham: Have you ever spoken with any of the officers or witnesses who were involved
in the Bentwaters incident?
John Lear: Only Larry Warren.
Bret Oldham: Your aviation records and experiences are well known. Have you ever had a
UFO sighting while piloting an aircraft?
John Lear: In 1966, descending into Los Angles, about over Palm Springs, an object moved
from between about 35,000 and 41,000 feet. An object moved from left to right and went
from behind me to in front of me. It looked exactly like an M2F2, which was called the
"Flying Bathtub" and was similar to the airplane the Six Million Dollar Man from the TV
show crashed in. When I landed I actually called the key pilot of Lear Jet at the time and
told him I had seen an M2F2.
Only years later, 20 years later, I realized it would have been impossible for an M2F2 to
have gone into the main approach path to Los Angeles. All that testing was done north of
Edwards Air Force base. So that was definitely one that I saw in flight. The other definite
one is I was flying west bound from the east coast to Los Angeles in an L1011. I had just
passed over Chicago, probably about 2 o'clock in the morning, very dark, very quiet. Then
these lights came from the south. They were much higher than me. I was about 31 or 33
thousand feet. Something much, much higher than me came from the south. As it came to
the apparent direction and altitude as I was sitting in the cockpit, it went just straight up.
This happened about every 20 seconds. I watched three of them. I didn't get a good look at
it because I thought it was a case of only one or two of them. After the third one I said, "Hey
guys, look at this". Both the co-pilot and the engineer watched and both said they had never
seen anything like it.
Bret Oldham: I know you've been out to Area 51 and witnessed some unusual things out
John Lear: I've only witnessed one and that was the flying saucer that Bob Lazar took us
up to watch. I saw that through my 8" Celestron telescope and I got a really good view.
What I saw was a flying saucer. It was yellowish or gold in color and it was radiating
something. Something was coming off the saucer in the form of some kind of discharge. It
was also yellow or golden. I don't know what it was.
Bret Oldham: You and George Knapp are instrumental in breaking the whole Bob Lazar
story. How did you meet Bob Lazar?
John Lear: In the summer of 1988, I had given a lecture at the Spring Valley library. I was
getting hundreds of calls. My wife changed my number and took all my UFO stuff because
she tired of it disrupting our family life. A guy named Gene Huff called and asked if would
send him all my tapes, videos and information. I told him I was out of it now but if I ever
got back into it I would give him a call. He told me that he was an appraiser and said if I
ever needed an appraisal for my house that he would trade me an appraisal for all my
information. I happened to need an appraisal for my house right then so I told him, "let's
make a deal". He came over to the house and brought a guy with him who was holding the
measuring tape and that was Bob Lazar. Bob had brought with him his resume which
contained his degrees at MIT and Cal Tech University of Technology. He didn't believe
anything that Gene and I were talking about. He was rolling his eyes and said, "Look guys,
I had a top secret clearance at Los Alamos National Laboratories where I worked and this
couldn't have gotten by me. I would've known about it". So during the next four months,
that would've been July through October or so, we tried to convince Bob that there was
something going on up at Area 51. We got to the point where he thought that maybe there
was something so he called Dr. Keller and got a job up at Groom Lake and the rest is
Bret Oldham: I've never heard that part of the story before. I know they've gone to great
measures to discredit Bob. Do you still believe him after all these years and think his story
still holds up?
John Lear: Yes. 150%. I still talk to him all the time.
Bret Oldham: Let's talk about Area 51. You probably know as much about it as anybody.
What do you think Area 51 was used for in the past and what do you think it's being used
for now?
John Lear: It was always used for the testing of not only secret airplanes but other secret
weapons. The part to the southwest of Area 51 known as Papoose Lake is where they had
the saucers. Now there are two more secret bases. One is Sandia, which is a secret base half
way between the Tonopah test range and Groom Lake and the other, I don't know the name
of, but it's 40 miles south of Wendover, Utah. Bret Oldham: That's where they have moved
part of it?
John Lear: That's where the black triangle's fly out of and all the weird stuff. All the high
performance planes and all that fly out of Groom Lake and all the real secret stuff now flies
out of this other base.
Bret Oldham: Most of it still underground facilities?
John Lear: Oh yeah. Groom Lake has five levels underground. I'm sure Sandia does. I'm
sure the other place does too.
Bret Oldham: You've been at this a long time doing UFO research. From your research, how
many different races of aliens do you believe are currently visiting earth on a regular basis?
John Lear: Probably close to a hundred.
Bret Oldham: Really?
Bret Oldham: I know that there have always been rumors that they had Greys out at Area
John Lear: They have five different types out at Area51. As a matter of fact, there's an
administration building just for aliens on the north part of the dry lake there.
Bret Oldham: So you think they are still in habitation there then?
John Lear: Oh absolutely. Yeah.
Bret Oldham: Do you think that any of the alien races are inhabiting the earth and not just
John Lear: Several of them inhabit the earth. I think the Reptilians are underground. They
were here long before we were. The Tall Whites have a facility up north of Indian Springs
and they're underground.
Bret Oldham: What about alien bases under the oceans?
John Lear: Oh yeah. Many, many, many bases under the oceans.
Bret Oldham: Which alien race do you think presents the biggest threat to mankind and
John Lear: None of them are a threat. They're here either to look at us or work with us or, I
can't say help us because we don't want any of their help. We just want their weapons
Bret Oldham: The Greys are known for reproducing hybrids to save their own race. Do you
still think that's what their agenda is?
John Lear: No. The Greys work for somebody over them. Their job is to see that the human
race develops without any hitches. It's a script that we are living, like a movie and we are
just playing out parts. What we are doing is, in these human costumes that we wear, our
souls are maturing.
Sometimes it takes fifty reincarnations. Sometimes it takes a hundred and sometimes it
takes more. What we are trying to learn is to live with integrity and without envy, hate or
greed. We keep reincarnating until we've learned this lesson and once we learn it we go to a
higher level. The Greys are here to see that we are in reasonably good health, that we die
when we're supposed to, and that we live when we're supposed to. They're just kind of the
Bret Oldham: So you believe that they are here just helping mankind evolve at the pace we
are supposed to without destroying ourselves first?
John Lear: Yeah, that's basically what they want to do. I mean, the people above the Greys
are the ones that manufacture the soul. Once the soul is made it lasts forever. It never dies.
Each soul to mature needs, in this case, a human body.
Bret Oldham: Yes, energy can't be destroyed so it just transforms to another form.
John Lear: Right.
Bret Oldham: Tell me your opinion about an alien moon base and your conclusions on that.
John Lear: My conclusions are that the moon not only has an atmosphere but it has a
gravity 70% of the Earth’s and that the population on the moon is between a billion and two
billion, with people just like us. It is the biggest secret in the history of mankind.
Apparently the Greys also have many, many bases up there. They take every human up
there once when they are 3 years old. Once when they are 7 years old and once when
they're 13 years old. They just see that everything is working properly and that we are
developing normally. Then after 13 years old they pick us up as necessary to do a little
tweaking here and there. They use the underground portion of the moon. The other guys
who live up there, the civilization who are between a billion and two billion are just people
that live there. They're far more technologically and sociologically advanced than us. They
may be in alliance with the Greys in seeing that earth develops. .
Bret Oldham: So have they been up there longer than any civilizations on earth?
John Lear: Mainstream science says the earth is 5 billion years old . It's not. It's over 25
billion years old. The moon was fabricated inside Jupiter and towed here many, many
millions of years ago. They put it in rotational lock mainly so that we can't see all the stuff
that's going on the far side. Now, there is no dark side of the moon. All parts of the moon
get equal light but at different times. The moon makes one complete revolution every 27.4
days around the earth. That puts it in rotational lock and we can only see what we call the
near side. I've found so many towns and cities on the near side and unfortunately NASA
doesn't have a great deal of pictures on the far side but there are extremely revealing
pictures on the far side that were taken by the lunar orbiter series between 1965 and 1967.
Some of those are posted on The Living Moon. Now, anything that they send up to the moon
automatically and digitally erases any signs of life.
Bret Oldham: So it's an obvious cover-up. They've probably known since those early images.
John Lear: Yeah, NASA has known since the beginning.
Bret Oldham: How much do you think our government is in cooperation with alien life
forms and for what reasons?
John Lear: We have allied ourselves with what you would call the evil aliens. They're here
to create war. The earth is a war type planet. We will never have peace here. Our only job is
to mature our souls with integrity and without envy, hate or fear. We don't have to fix the
world. We will never stop the war because that's what this place is. It's a war type planet.
But we shouldn't worry about that. We should worry about ourselves and our family.
Bret Oldham: Do you think there will ever be full disclosure by the US government or any
other government around the world?
John Lear: I think full disclosure will come in the next four or five decades. It won't be a
mass release. We always knew it was there. Everybody knows it now so this is what's going
Bret Oldham: In closing, what advice would you give to anyone doing UFO research?
John Lear: Here's my advice, just live your life with
integrity and without envy, hate or greed and tell your
family you love them each and every day. If you're going
to do UFO research, that's fine. Just don't try and tell
your best friend because he ain't going to believe it.
Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.
This is a summary report on those elements of that clandestine organizational network, (which
we shall label the Shadow Government), which serves as a kind of "parallel government" to the
official elected and appointed government of this country. It includes those elements known to
the author with sufficient certainty that they can be positively identified, and their known or
reliably reported functions described. It is distinctly possible that there are other elements,
(particularly in the realms of the "Black Budget" and "Special Operations",) which have eluded
our study, and are not named here.
Just as with the official government, the Shadow Government has functional branches. However,
unlike the official government, the purpose of the none-executive branches of the Shadow
Government is simply to distribute various functions, but not to achieve a system of checks and
balances, as was supposed to happen constitutionally between the executive, legislative and
judicial branches of the U.S. Government. That is because the Shadow Government is a creature
of a powerful elite, who need not fear being dominated by an instrument of their own creation.
In the Shadow Government five branches may be identified. These branches are: the Executive
Branch, the Intelligence Branch, the War Department, the Weapons Industry Branch, and the
Financial Department.
The reporting lines of the Intelligence Branch and the War Department to the Executive Branch
are straightforward and obvious. Intelligence exists to provide the Executive Branch with
sufficient necessary information to make adequately informed policy decisions. The War
Department exists to provide coercive force to carry out Executive policy decisions which could
meet with public resistance. The Special Operations units within the Intelligence Branch and
War Department exist to carry out policy directives requiring covert action and official
The Weapons Industry Branch reports to the Executive Branch most often indirectly, through the
War Department and/or the Intelligence Branch (for Black Budget weapons systems).
The Financial Department theoretically reports to the Executive Branch for fiscal policy
implementation, but de facto also reports directly to the international power brokers who have
created the Shadow Government. The Financial Department serves at times directly as their
instrument of fiscal policy implementation.
An analysis of the overall purposes of these five branches suggests that the overall purpose of the
Shadow Government is to exercise covert control by: 1) collecting comprehensive institutional
and personal information, 2) by establishing national and international policy independently of
the established Government, 3) by developing high-tech arms and equipment, and, with these,
establishing small, specialized, highly-mobile, elite military units to effect these covert policies,
when need arises, without having to rely on the official (and "unreliable") Armed Services,
(whose subservience to the Shadow Government is reasonably suspect), 4) by developing an
armed capability to repel any threat to the status quo, (including the uncertain ontological, social,
and economic impacts of any revelation of the reality of UFO and extraterrestrial presence)
through the development of a Star Wars/BMDO ground and space-based surveillance and SDI
weapons network, 5) by denying information compromising to the Shadow Government from all
those outside "need-to-know" policymaking levels, and 6) by exercising control on the money
supply, availability of credit, and the worth of money, through policy decisions made outside of
the official Government.
All of these mechanisms of control serve to preserve or advance the agenda of an international
group of pivotal power and influence brokers. That agenda is, according to Senator Barry
Goldwater, that "national boundaries should be obliterated and one world rule established."
[With No Apologies, Berkley Books, New York [[date unknown]].]
These power brokers' most visible unifying instrumentality is the Council on Foreign Relations
(CFR), (which promotes the transition of Earth from a cluster of Nation-States to one global
government), [Chairman: Peter G. Peterson; headquarters: 58 E. 68th Street, New York, NY
10021]. [Cf. In Control, Kerrville, TX: Fund to Restore an Educated Electorate, 1993.] However,
one must not underestimate the influence of the Trilateral Commission (TC), (which coordinates
economic initiatives of the Group of Seven with other "developed countries" vis-a-vis the
"underdeveloped world",) [Chairman: Paul Volcker; headquarters: 345 E. 46th Street, New York,
NY 10017]. Neither should one misjudge the power of the secretive Bilderberg Group (BG),
(which concentrates on the military and strategic considerations of powerful West European and
North American power brokers), [chair rotates, former Chair: Prince Bernhard of Holland;
headquarters unknown: annual meetings rotate, but originally were held at the Hotel de
Bilderberg, Oosterbeck, Holland].
David Rockefeller is the Chairman Emeritus of both the CFR and the TC, and certainly
influences, through proxy representatives (such as Lloyd Bentsen), the Bilderberg Group. [Cf.
Holly Sklar, ed., Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World
Management; Boston: South End Press, 1981.]
What follows is a succinct identification and description of the constituent agencies in each of
the five branches of the Shadow Government.
(This branch contains the effective policymaking and controlling structures behind the veil of
apparent, democratic governmental structures):
a) Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) (includes George Bush, Bill Clinton, all modern CIA
Directors, most modern Joint Chiefs of Staff, most modern Cabinet and top Executive Branch
appointed officeholders, etc.);
b) Tri-Lateral Commission (David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, John D. Rockefeller, Alan
Greenspan, Zbignew Brzezinski, Anthony Lake, John Glenn, David Packard, David Gergen,
Diane Feinstein, Jimmy Carter, Adm. William Crowe, etc.; c) The Bilderberg Group (Prince
Hans-Adam of Liechtenstein, Prince Bernhard of Netherlands, Bill Clinton, Lloyd Bentsen, etc.);
d) National Security Council (NCS), (the military and intelligence policymaking and control
group for national and international security, which reports directly to the President), its secret
5412 Committee (which directs black [covert] operations), and its PI-40 Subcommittee (aka MJ12: which exercises policy direction and control of the UFO Cover-Up);
e) Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)'s Special Operations compartment, (the operations directorate
which implements the orders of the NSC's 5412 Committee, utilizing the U.S. Special Forces
f) National Program Office (NPO), (which operates the Continuity of Government Project
(COG), an ongoing secret project to maintain command, control, communication and intelligence
executive centers during an extreme National Emergency by operating clandestine, secure,
underground cities staffed by surrogates for above-ground national leaders]); and,
h) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)'s black projects compartment, (which
operates federal preventive-detention camps [often located on military bases or federal Bureau of
Land Management lands], secure underground shelters for the elite during cataclysms, etc.).
(Serves functions of domestic and international surveillance and of secret police/enforcers):
a) National Security Agency (NSA), (monitors and screens all telephone, telegraph, computer
modem, radio, television, cellular, microwave, and satellite communications, and
electromagnetic fields "of interest" around the world, and orchestrates information-control and
cover-up activities related to UFO secrecy and surveillance of extraterrestrial operations), Fort
Meade, MD;
b) National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), (controls and collects information from global spy
satellites, monitors UFO traffic entering and leaving Earth's atmosphere, coordinates firing of
energy-beam weapons from orbiting Star Wars satellites at selected human ground and airborne
targets and selectively at extraterrestrial craft), Pentagon basement and Dulles-Airport area, VA;
c) National Reconnaissance Organization (NRO) (aka MJ-TF), (the military/intelligence
operations arm of the PI-40 Subcommittee, conducts surveillance, interdiction, capture and
confiscation of UFOs and their extraterrestrial occupants for intelligence and "International
Security" purposes; surveilles and "interacts" with close-encounter experiencers, including
occasional physically and sexually assaultive mind-control kidnappings disguised as "Alien
abductions" for psychological warfare and disinformational purposes), headquarters unknown,
probably compartmented and dispersed among various elite Delta Force Special Operations
units, such as the USAF Blue Light at Hurlburt Field, Mary Esther, FL and Beale Air Force
Base, Marysville, CA;
d) Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), (commands, often controls, and sometimes coordinates,
the gathering of secret overseas information gathered by spies (HUMINT), electronic
surveillance (SIGINT), and other means; carries out covert unconstitutional paramilitary
counterinsurgency operations and preemptive political pacification projects in violation of
international law, as well as counter-intelligence sting operations against foreign agents; engages
in domestic surveillance, and manipulation of the U.S. political process, "in the National
interest" in direct violation of its congressional charter; operates proprietary "false-front"
companies for profit; conducts a major share of international transshipment of illegal drugs,
using National Security cover and immunity; and cooperates with NSA's UFO cover-up
operations), Langley, VA, and worldwide branches;
e) Federal Bureau of Investigation, Counter-Intelligence Division, (the branch which
investigates, surveilles and neutralizes foreign Intelligence agents operating within the U.S., and
cooperates with the National Reconnaissance Organization in the surveillance of those involved
in close encounters with UFOs and extraterrestrials);
f) Department of Energy Intelligence (DOE-INTEL), (which conducts internal security checks
and external security threat countermeasures, often through its contract civilian instrumentality,
the Wackenhut Corporation);
g) NSA's Central Security Service, and CIA's Special Security Office, (which respectively spy on
the spies, and conduct special operations which cannot be entrusted to line intelligence officers),
Ft. Meade, MD and Langley, VA;
h) U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) (whose assignments include
psychological and psychotronic warfare (PSYOPS), parapsychological intelligence (PSYINT),
and electromagnetic intelligence (ELMINT), Ft. Meade, MD;
i) U.S. Navy Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), which gathers intelligence affecting naval
operations, and has a compartmented unit involved in UFO and USO [Unidentified Submerged
Objects] information gathering;
j) U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI), (which gathers intelligence affecting
aerospace operations, and has a compartmented unit involved in investigating UFO sightings,
extraterrestrial contact reports, as well as IAC [Identified Alien Craft] surveillance, and
coordination with NRO interdiction operations), Bolling Air Force Base, MD;
k) Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), (which coordinates the intelligence data gathered from
the various Armed Services intelligence branches (Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast
Guard and Special Forces), and provides counter-threat measures, which include providing
security at ultra-classified installations by the deployment of U.S. "Thought Police", who
conduct surveillance, by remote-viewing and other parapsychological measures, against
penetrations and scanning by foreign or civilian remote-viewers [clairvoyants/out-of-body
seers]), Pentagon, VA, Fort Meade, MD, and the entire astral plane;
l) NASA Intelligence, (which gathers intelligence data relating to space flights, sabotage threats,
astronaut and reconnaissance satellite encounters with UFOs and Star Visitors, and coordinates
the transfer of Star Visitor technology to U.S. and allies' aerospace operations);
m) Air Force Special Security Service (which is an NSA/USAF joint intelligence operations unit
dealing with possible threats to aerospace operations from foreign powers, terrestrial or
n) Defense Industry Security Command (DISCO), (which conducts intelligence operations
within and on behalf of the civilian defense contractor corporations engaged in classified
research, development, and production);
o) Defense Investigative Service (DIS), (which conducts investigations into people and situations
deemed a possible threat to any operation of the Department of Defense);
p) Naval Investigative Service (NIS), (which conducts investigations against threats to Naval
q) Air Force Electronic Security Command, (which conducts surveillance and interdiction of
threats to the security of Air Force electronic transmissions and telemetry, and to the integrity of
electronic counter-measure (ECM) warfare equipment; r) Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
Intelligence, (which conducts surveillance and interdiction of drug smuggling operations, unless
exempted under "National Security" waivers);
s) Federal Police Agency Intelligence, (which coordinates intelligence relating to threats against
federal property and personnel);
t) Defense Electronic Security Command, (which coordinates intelligence surveillance and
countermeasures against threats to the integrity of military electronic equipment and electronic
battlefield operations), Fort Worth, TX.
u) Project Deep Water (the ongoing effects of the compromised personnel, sources and methods
resulting from the secret importation of Hitler's own Nazi Intelligence chief, Gen. Reinhard
Gehlen, to redesign the U.S.'s Intelligence apparatus);
v) Project Paperclip (the ongoing results of the secret importation of Nazi weapons and
aerospace/UFO scientists into U.S. secret military research and development bases);
w) (Undoubtedly, more clandestine units exist, not identified at this time.)
(High-Technology Weapons Development and Covert Special Forces/Special Operations Units
a) CIA's Directorate for Science and Technology, (which gathers information with promise for
scientific and technological developments which present a superiority advantage for, or a threat
against, the National Security, [also contains the "Weird Desk", which centrally processes
intelligence about UFOs and Star Visitors and their interaction with Earth], current Deputy
Director of Central Intelligence for Science and Technology is Ron Pandolfi);
b) Strategic Defense Initiative Office (SDIO)/ Ballistic Missile [sic] Defense Organization
(BMDO), (which coordinates research, development and deployment of Star Wars
electromagnetic-pulse, killer-laser, particle-beam, plasmoid, and other advanced-technology
aerospace weapons;
c) Department of Energy (DOE) (which, besides its cover-story of researching cleaner-burning
coal and gasoline and more solar power, is principally involved in research and development of:
more specialized nuclear weapons; plus compact, self-sustaining, fusion-powered, particle and
wave weapons, including electromagnetic pulse, gravitational/antigravitational, laser, neutral
particle-beam and plasmoid applied weapons research; high-energy invisibility "cloaking"
technology, etc.);
d) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories (LLNL)/Sandia National Laboratories-West
(SNL-W), (which are involved in nuclear warhead "refinements", development of new transuranic elements for weapons and energy applications, development of anti-matter weapons (the
Teller Bomb: 10,000 times the force of a hydrogen bomb), laser/maser technology applications,
and, reportedly, successful teleportation experiments, among other projects, at this Russiannicknamed "City of Death"), Livermore, CA;
e) Idaho National Engineering Laboratories (INEL), (which houses numerous underground
facilities in an immense desert installations complex larger than Rhode Island, has security
provided by its own secret Navy Base, is involved in nuclear, high-energy electromagnetic, and
other research, and includes Argonne National Laboratory, West), Arco, ID;
f) Sandia National Laboratories (SNL)/Phillips Air Force Laboratory, (which are sequestered on
Kirtland Air Force Base/Sandia Military Reservation, and conduct the translation of theoretical
and experimental nuclear and Star Wars weapons research done at Los Alamos and Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratories into practical, working weapons), Albuquerque, NM;
g) Tonopah Test Range (SNL's DOE weapons-testing facility for operationally testing Star Wars
weapons in realistic target situations, and is adjacent to classified stealth and cloaked aerospace
craft and U.S.-UFO bases at the Groom Lake [USAF/DOE/CIA] Base [Area 51] and Papoose
Lake Base [S-4]), Nevada Test Site/Nellis AFB Range, Tonopah, NV;
h) Haystack USAF Laboratory, Haystack Buttes, Edwards AFB, CA, (a 30-levels deep, extremesecurity facility reportedly engaged in Star Visitor technology retro-engineering;
i) Los Alamos National Laboratories (LANL), (which is the premiere research lab for nuclear,
subatomic particle, high magnetic field, exo-metallurgical, exo-biological and other backengineered extraterrestrial technologies research), Los Alamos County, NM;
j) Area 51 (Groom Lake [USAF/DOE/CIA] Base), and S[Site]-4 (Papoose Lake Base), ultrasecure "nonexistent" deployment bases where extremely classified aerospace vehicles are tested
and operationally flown, including the Aurora [Mach-8] spyplane, the Black Manta [TR-3A]
stealthy fighter follow-on to the F-117A, the Pumpkinseed hyperspeed unmanned aerospace
reconnaissance vehicle, and several variants of antigravitational craft (U.S.-UFOs), including the
"Christmas Tree Ornament" (glowing orange orb) and the "Firefly" (strobing, flitting, bluishwhite lit airframe);
k) U.S. Special Forces Command, Hurlburt Field, Mary Esther, Fl, along with its Western U.S.
Headquarters, Special Forces Command, Beale AFB, Marysville, CA, coordinating: 1) U.S.
Army Delta Forces (Green Berets); 2) U.S. Navy SEALS (Black Berets), Coronado, CA; and 3)
USAF Blue Light (Red Berets) Strike Force;
l) Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), (which coordinates the application of
latest scientific findings to the development of new generations of weapons); (now called
m) the Jason Group (elite weapons-application scientists, developing cutting-edge-science
weapons for DARPA/ARPA, and operating under the cover of the Mitre Corporation);
o) Aquarius Group (UFO technology-application scientists, reportedly working under the
guidance of the Dolphin Society, an elite group of scientists privy to extremely classified science
and technology findings);
p) Defense Science Board, (which serves as the Defense Department's intermediary between
weapons needs and the physical sciences);
q) Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA) (currently concentrating on fusion-powered, high-energy
particle-beam, X-ray laser, and EM forcefield weapons development and deployment);
r) U.S. Space Command, (Space War Headquarters for operating "the next war, which will be
fought and won in space"), jointly coordinated through Peterson AFB, Schreiver AFB, Cheyenne
Mountain AFS, Colorado Springs, and Buckley AFB, Aurora, CO;
s.1) North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), (operating the nuclear-survivable
space surveillance and war command center deep inside Cheyenne Mountain), Colorado Springs,
s.2) Naval Space Command, the secret lead agency in dealing with the mounting of and
operating of space-based warfare "assets" to deal with any perceived threat from space;
t) Air Force Office of Space Systems, (which coordinates the development of future technology
for operating and fighting in space);
u) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) (which operates covert spacedefense, research about extraterrestrial lifeforms, and space-weapons compartments, in addition
to manned Shuttle and unmanned scientific satellite launches);
v) NASA's Ames Research Center, (which conducts the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial
Intelligence) Project, Exobiology (Star Visitor life forms) Division, and "Human Factors" (PSYWarfare) Division), Sunnyvale, CA;
w) Project Cold Empire (SDI weapons research-classified);
x) Project Snowbird (creating pseudo-UFOs, used as disinformation);
y) Project Aquarius (UFO research-classified);
x) Project MILSTAR (development and deployment of WW III [space war] command, control,
communication and intelligence satellites);
z) Project Tacit Rainbow (stealth drones/pseudo-UFO's);
aa) Project Timberwind (nuclear-powered spacecraft);
bb) Project Cobra Mist (SDI energy-beam (plasmoid?) weapon research); and
cc) Project Cold Witness (SDI weapons-classified), etc.
("private" [black project] weapons and covert operations contractors):
a) AT&T (Sandia Labs, Bell Labs, etc. - Star Wars weapons research and NSA
telephone/satellite communications interception facilitation); (Sandia Weapons Lab has now
reportedly being taken over by Batelle Memorial Institute, a proprietary with reported
Intelligence connections);
b) Stanford Research Institute, Inc. (SRI), (an Intelligence contractor involved in psychotronic,
parapsychological and PSY-WAR research);
c) RAND Corporation (CIA-front involved in Intelligence projects, weapons development, and
underground bases development);
d) Edgerton, Germhausen & Greer Corporation (EG&G), (NSA/DOE-contractor involved in Star
Wars weapons development, fusion applications, and security for Area 51 (U.S. UFO-technology
aerospace vehicles base) and nuclear installations, etc.);
e) Wackenhut Corporation (NSA/CIA/DOE cut-out contractor) involved in contract security
operations for Top Secret Ultra and Black Budget surface and underground military reservations,
such as Area S-4 (U.S. UFO base), NV and Sandia National Labs, (Star Wars weapons testing
facility), NM), and, reportedly, "dirty jobs" for CIA and Defense Intelligence agencies;
f) Bechtel Corporation (CIA's "ditch-digger" for covert projects and off-the-books underground
g) United Nuclear Corporation (military nuclear applications);
h) Walsh Construction Company (on the CIA projects dole);
i) Aerojet (Genstar Corp.):( makes DSP-1 Star Wars battle satellites for the NRO);
j) Reynolds Electronics Engineering (on CIA/DoD dole);
k) Lear Aircraft Company (Black Budget technology);
l) Northrop Corporation (makes U.S. antigravity craft, back-engineered from Star Visitor
technology, near Lancaster, CA);
m) Hughes Aircraft (classified projects compartment);
n) Lockheed-Martin Corporation (Black Budget aerospace projects);
o) McDonnell-Douglas Corporation (Black Budget aerospace projects);
p) BDM Corporation (CIA contractor, involved in UFO back-engineering and psychotronic
projects, etc.);
q) General Electric Corporation (electronic warfare and weapons systems); and
r) PSI-TECH Corporation (involved in military/Intelligence-applications of research into
psychotronics, parapsychology, remote viewing, and contacting extraterrestrial consciousness);
s) Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC); "black projects" contractor, reportedly
including psychic warfare.
(Extra-Constitutional funding):
a) Federal Reserve System (cartel of private banks overseen by elite superwealthy financiers,
such as the Rockefellers, Mellons, DuPonts, Rothschilds, etc., which dictates to the Government
the flow of money, worth of money, and the interest rates the government and citizens must pay);
b) CIA self-financing (the operation and/or control of much of the international drug trade in
heroin, cocaine and marijuana, as well as "front" business enterprises, as a source of cash for offthe-books covert operations, and the purchase of exotic munitions and strategic bribe funds);
c) Department of Justice self-financing (the use of confiscated cash and valuables from "targets
of investigation" to finance "special projects");
d) Special Forces self-financing (the self-use of confiscated "booty" from covert military
operations to fund other clandestine operations).
What conclusions can be drawn from this preliminary analysis of the structure, functions and
operations of the Shadow Government?
Foremost, the Shadow Government is a very large, well-organized, skillfully camouflaged,
parallel power structure. History suggests that it has served its masters well, and that its
predilection for operating out of sight and notoriety, if not in an outright clandestine fashion, is
exactly how its masters want it to function -- not drawing attention to itself, manipulating power
behind the scenes, and accomplishing by covert operations what cannot lawfully or politically be
accomplished out in the open.
What should be the attitude of the informed citizen to the Shadow Government?
Since it thrives in the dark, we should shine the light of full disclosure on it. Citizens can
demand: the end of the Congressional practice of allowing "Black Budget" items; the end of
unpublished secret Executive Orders and National Security Directives; the end of the practice of
indefinitely- sustained Presidential Declarations of National Emergency (as is currently in place);
the end of Federal Reserve Notes and the return to the gold standard to back the dollar; the end to
governmental domestic spying on its own citizens; and extremely severe reduction (on the order
of 90%) in the number, staffing and scope of the endlessly proliferating Intelligence agencies,
which are an anachronism since the Cold War ended; and an end to CIA and DEA collusion in
allowing a continuing stream of drugs to pour into this country.
We founded this Country; it's time to take it back.
During 1989, John Lear was the state director for Nevada for the Mutual UFO
Network (MUFON). He hosted MUFON's 1989 symposium in Las Vegas, which
proved to be one of the most hotly debated proceedings in MUFON's existence.
By June of 1989, Lear's paper on the "evil grey aliens," Bill Moore and the MJ-12
paper, and now Bill Cooper’s twist and spin on both subjects caused rifts throughout
all of American ufology. At the very last minute, Walt Andrus, then International
Director of MUFON, disinvited John Lear to speak at his own event. Lear as state
director had invited Bill Cooper, Bill English and Don Ecker to all speak. Because of
the nature of Lear, Cooper and English's papers, MUFON and Andrus had decided
to delete the Sunday event. By Saturday July 1, there was an open revolt within
MUFON. Lear had threatened to take his speakers down the street to another
location, and if he had, most of the conference would have followed him.
That Saturday an even more outrageous event was in the making. William Moore's
speech ran over two hours in length and had the audience calling for his blood.
Moore admitted that he had worked hand in fist with military intelligence during
the 1980s, in an attempt to "get on the inside" of the military's knowledge on UFOs.
During his speech he admitted participating in the disinforming of Paul Bennewitz,
a civilian UFO investigator. Bennewitz later had to be hospitalized for severe
mental problems. When Moore's talk was complete, he refused to take questions
and rushed from the room, leaving the conference and the proceedings in turmoil.
During the conference, Lear seemed under severe stress and was mostly
uncommunicative. Later he was to say,
"Bill Cooper came to my house on Friday before the talk and was drinking heavily.
He demanded to know who I was working for. He said he was afraid that either I or
someone else was setting him up. The more he drank, the louder he became and
started slamming his hand down on my desk. His girlfriend was there and I thought
she might try to temper him but did nothing. He then told me that anyone that
tried to cross him would regret it. I moved to the other side of my desk, not sure
what he might do. Finally his girlfriend led him out, and that was the last time I
spoke to him until after the talks on Sunday."
The 1989 MUFON SYMPOSIUM would go down in the history as ufology as one of
the watershed moments in its history.
Most anyone who’s researched Ufology history for any length of time knows the
story of Bill Moore, and Jaime Shandera. The short version is that following the
publication of his book The Roswell Incident in the summer of 1980, Bill Moore, an
author and UFO researcher, prominent from the late 1970s to the late 1980s, was
contacted by someone claiming to be a Colonel at Offut AFB, as well as from
another individual, Richard Doty, from Kirkland AFB. Those contacting Moore
convinced him that they were "high level government Intelligence" personnel who
were "uncomfortable with the government’s continuing cover-up."
Since September 5, 1980, Moore had communicated with a "mysterious AF Colonel"
through "middleman" Richard Doty (much like Doty also served (and still does) as the
"middleman" for Bob Collins, author of Exempt from Disclosure , and many of Collins’ own
"mysterious" sources. Doty and his "mysterious contacts" recycled information fed to them
by Moore and Stanton Friedman and recycled that information, in the form of allegedly
classified or secret documents and stories, to UFO researchers including Bruce Maccabee
and others.
Before 1987, few people in ufology outside of Bill Moore's circle of associates had heard of
Jaime Shandera. Shandera was not a ufologist, but a producer of video documentaries for
companies like Time-Life and RKO General. That's why it's all the more mysterious as to
why he was chosen to be the recipient of the biggest UFO story of the 1980s.
According to him, he was sitting at home reading Variety on the evening of December 11,
1984, when he heard someone drop something through the mail slot in his front door. Going
to investigate, he found a brown envelope with an Albuquerque, New Mexico postmark
containing a canister of exposed but undeveloped black & white 35mm film. He was
supposed to meet Bill Moore for dinner at the Villa Sunset restaurant, so he took the film
with him. When he showed it to Moore, dinner was postponed indefinitely. They went to
Moore's house and Moore developed the film in his kitchen. Moore, Shandera, and Stanton
Friedman would spend two years trying to verify the authenticity of the documents that
they found on the film.
The documents, which became known as the MJ-12 Documents, were an eight page briefing
paper to President Eisenhower detailing a UFO crash at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947,
another crash at El Indio, Texas in 1950, and listing the members of the government's
special Majestic-12 or "MJ-12" UFO group. It was dated "18 November, 1952", and it gave
Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter as the briefing officer. There was also a memo from
President Harry S Truman to Secretary of Defense James Forrestal that authorized the
creation of the MJ-12 group.
The members of the Majestic twelve group were:
Rear Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, who was the first Director of the CIA from 1947 to
1950. He was also later on the board of directors of NICAP (National Investigation
Committee on Aerial Phenomenon).
Dr. Vannevar Bush, chairman of the National Defense Research Commission and Office of
Scientific Research and Development during World War II. Also Chairman of the National
Advisory Committee on Aeronautics, which became NASA, from 1939 to 1941. Also
chairman of the Joint Research and Development Board from 1945 to 1948. 1947 - made a
Director of AT&T.
James V. Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy from 1945 to 1947 and the first Secretary of
Defense from 1947 to 1949. In 1949, he had a mental breakdown and committed suicide at
Bethesda Naval Hospital.
General Nathan F. Twining, Commander of the USAAF Air Materiel Command at Wright
Field from 1945 to 1947.
General Hoyt Vandenburg, Chief of Military Intelligence during World War II, second
Director of Central Intelligence from 1946 to 1947, Chief of the Air Staff in 1947, Chief of
Staff of the U. S. Air Force from 1948 to 1953.
Dr. Detlev Bronk, member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Brookhaven
National Laboratories, Chairman of the National Research Council from 1946 to 1950,
President of the National Academy of Sciences from 1950 to 1962, President of Johns
Hopkins University. Advisory member of the Atomic Energy Commission.
Dr. Jerome Hunsaker, Chairman of the Departments of Aeronautical and Mechanical
Engineering at M.I.T. from 1933 to 1951, Chairman of the National Advisory Committee on
Aeronautics (later NASA)from 1941 to 1956.
Rear Admiral Sidney Souers(retired), first Director of Central Intelligence (1946), first
Executive Secretary of the National Security Council from 1947 to 1950. Special consultant
to President Truman on intelligence matters.
Gordon Gray, Assistant Secretary of the Army from 1947 to 1949. Secretary of the Army
from 1949 to 1950. Special Assistant to President Harry S Truman. Senior Staff Assistant
to Eisenhower. Chairman of the CIA Psychological Strategy Board. President of the
University of North Carolina. President Eisenhower's Assistant Secretary of Defense for
Security Affairs.
Donald Menzel, professor of astrophysics at Harvard from 1939 to 1971. Chairman,
Department of Astronomy from 1946 to 1949. Notorious debunker of UFO sightings. He led
a double life, having a "top-secret ultra" security clearance, as a consultant for the CIA and
the NSA.
Dr. Lloyd V. Berkner, Executive Secretary of the Research and Development Board from
1946 to 1947. Directed studies of Weapons Systems Evaluations. Also a member of the
CIA's secret "Robertson Panel" on UFOs.
Major General Robert M. Montague, Commanding Officer at White Sands Proving Ground
and later head of a secret project at Sandia Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
The next year, Bill Moore received an unusual postal card that had been sent to his old
address in Dewey, Arizona, then forwarded to Los Angeles. The picture on the front was of
Ethiopia, but the card was postmarked New Zealand. The card was unsigned, but it had a
cryptic message typed on the back, of which Moore and Shandera will only reveal a portion:
Add zest to your trip to Washington
Try Reeses pieces;
For a stylish look
try Suit Land
Supposedly, Stanton Friedman gave them a solution when he mentioned that a large group
of top-secret Air Force Intelligence files were being declassified at the satellite facility of the
National Archives at Suitland, Maryland.
Moore and Shandera went to Suitland and began sifting through the files of Record Group
341, and after three days of searching, Shandera found a memo dated 7/14/54 from Robert
Cutler, who was special assistant to President Eisenhower, to General Nathan Twining.
The memo stated:
The President has decided that the MJ-12/SSP briefing should take place during the
already scheduled White House meeting of July 16 rather than following it as previously
The memo seemed to provide independent verification of the existence of the MJ-12 Group.
December 29 and 30, 1981 – Doty meets Moore at a restaurant and provided him with three
documents, one of which was the "one-page Aquarius Teletype." In 1982, with Doty’s assistance,
Moore tried to get Bob Pratt to help him publish a book centered upon the Aquarius/MJ12 documents.
The book project fizzled out in 1983. Richard Doty cooperated under the pseudonym "Ronald L.
Davis." After Moore told Doty the story of a famous UFO hoax, Doty and his associates used those
story details to create the "Aquarius Executive Briefing" document and a few months later
attempted to pass it off as an authentic document to Ufologist Linda Howe in April of 1983.
Moore’s commentary during this 1989 presentation is quite fascinating, in terms of what might have
possibly motivated members of the intelligence community to put forth outlandish stories about
extraterrestrial visitation:
“In early September, 1980, I was approached by a well-placed individual within the intelligence
community who claimed to be directly connected to a high-level project dealing with UFOs. This
individual told me that he spoke for a small group of similar individuals who were uncomfortable
with the government's continuing cover-up of the truth and indicated that he and his group would
like to help me with my research into the subject in the hope and expectation that I might be able
to help them find a way to change the prevailing policy and get the facts to the public without
breaking any laws in the process. The man who acted as liaison between this group and myself
was an Air Force Office of Special Investigations agent named Richard Doty. I knew I was being
recruited, but at that point I had no idea for what.”
The Majestic-12 papers first came to light in 1984, when a film cassette with photographs of
the papers were mailed to Jaime Shandera. At the time, Shandera was not involved with
UFO research and was a little known producer of documentaries. So one might be quite
curious as why the papers were "leaked" to him, unless you know that one of Shandera's
good friends was UFO researcher and author William Moore.
Together with Stanton Friedman, they eventually released the papers some two years later.
These papers became cornerstones in several books about Roswell, including Stanton
Friedman's Crash at Corona and TOP SECRET/ MAJIK.”
“The term "MJ Twelve" was apparently first used on a one-page "Secret" teletype message
dated Nov. 17, 1980, which Richard Doty provided to Moore in early 1981, who in turn,
showed a copy of the telegram to researchers Brad Sparks and Kal Korff on Jan. 17, 1980.
Doty at this time was an agent for Air Force Intelligence, who had earlier admitted to
forging other UFO documents (the Elsworth Document).
At the time the Shandera received the film canister, Doty was stationed at Kirkland Air
Force Base in Albuquerque, NM. The envelope the film arrived in was postmarked
Albuquerque, NM.
Robert Todd, a very determined and competent UFO researcher, investigated the teletype
message, and showed that it was a hoax in early 1983.
We next hear of the term when William Moore approached former National Enquirer
reporter Bob Pratt in January 1982. Pratt was asked to collaborate on a novel by Moore.
The working title of this novel was to be MAJIK-12(!). Consider that the alleged MJ-12
documents would not be "leaked" to Shandera until 1984, and we see the seeds of suspicion
starting to grow.
Next, we have this:
"According to Friedman, among others, Moore had suggested as early as 1982 that he
wanted to create Roswell documents, thinking that it might open doors that were closed."
Moore, Shandera, and Friedman altered the appearance of the MJ-12 documents in their
first release of the Focus newsletter to give the appearance of government censorship.
They later had to admit that they did it themselves.
At the ON UFO Symposium Proceedings, "MJ-12 and Phil Klass: What are the facts?” by
William L. Moore and Stanton T. Friedman: They included a reproduction of the mail
packet addressed to Jaime Shandera. The bottoms of the postmarks were blackened out on
all three postmarks. This would have shown the state and city that the mail packet was
mailed in. In the presentation, Moore and Friedman stated the package "bore no return
“If they were forged, then who did write them? The documents in the original group all
seem to be centred on Bill Moore and Richard Doty. The Aquarius telex, the proposed novel,
the proposal to "create" government documents. Ultimately, it really does not matter who
did, so long as we understand that someone in the UFO movement felt that it was vitally
necessary to create "proof" where none existed.”
“We have a long "Personal Communication, Confidential" from famed ufologist William
Moore, the gist of which is as follows: He still believes that the MJ-12 documents may be
genuine, and he insists that if they are fabricated, he did not do it, nor does he know who
did. He again discusses the possibility that it was done by Phil Klass, and goes on to discuss
several other "suspects": He entertains the possibility that Richard Doty was an unwitting
tool of higher-ups in the AFOSI hierarchy; He mentions Jaime Shandera (who disappeared
mysteriously over a year ago, according to Moore) as a remotely possible suspect; Ditto in
regard to Stanton Friedman, Bruce Maccabee, and even Whitley Strieber.
He concludes that if the documents are indeed fabrications, the most likely explanation is
that he, Shandera and Doty were all dupes of some Government plan, for reasons that are
“not clear.”
The most significant finding of the MUFON report was that the released MJ-12/Aquarius
documents recycled information Moore, Shandera and Pratt had previously fed Doty. The
Mufon report quotes Friedman in 1996 writing:
"…the simple fact of the matter is the Moore, Shandera, and I had already picked up on all
the names of the [MJ-12] list prior to the receipt of the [MJ-12] film…"
From page 107 of the MUFON report we get a glimpse of the people who appear to be
helping Doty run the scam.
“Some months later, in early 1983, I became aware that Rick was involved with a team of
several others [in AFOSI], including one fellow from Denver that I knew of and at least one
who was working out of Washington, D.C., in playing an elaborate disinformation game
against a prominent UFO researcher [Linda Howe] who, at the time, had close connections
with a major television film company [HBO] interested in doing a UFO documentary…."
The information that Doty was feeding Linda Howe was a story based upon the Aztec
information Moore had fed Doty only months earlier.
On page 116, the author of the 2007 MUFON analysis recognizes the clear philosophy that
was injected by Doty’s group into the material.
"The Aquarius Document contains “philosophy” as well as technical data. In the section
which deals with the philosophy behind the need to maintain a “Top Secret” posture for as
long as possible with respect to the Aquarius data, are the following two startling
conclusions which have been arrived at by the US government with respect to UFOs:
(A) The events surrounding Jesus Christ and the establishment of the Christian religion
were manipulations affected [sic] by beings of an advanced civilization from another world.
(B) Release of this data to the public would not only severely cripple the ability of the
government (indeed any government in the Western world) to effectively govern, but would
also severely damage the very fibre [sic] of Western civilization as we know it."
In fact, MUFON got it exactly right. The philosophy that the creators of the documents
were trying to distribute, by implanting it within stories of crashed aliens and, in 2005,
stories about a human-alien exchange program, remains the same.
Some specific excerpts from those documents, released in the 1980′s, that portray how
specific and how much focus was placed on this ideology is shown below. The common
theme is always the same – (1) Aliens “planting” Christ, (2) Hints of Genetic Manipulation
throughout our evolution (notice the focus on evolution). (3) Alien technology far exceeds
our own but we have the potential to reverse-engineer it. From the MJ-12 documents:
This first section injects the concept of Christ as a "planted" human.
“(TS/ORCON) Most governmental documents pertaining to UFO sightings, incidents and
governmental policies, including Project Blue Book, have been released to the public under
FOIA or under various other release programs. [snip…] There was other information
obtained from EBE that was deemed sensitive and not releasable to the public. Notably,
Project Aquarius Volume IX, which pertains to tracing the Aliens’ first visitation of earth
back some 5,000 years. EBE reported that 2,000 years ago his ancestors planted a human
creature on earth to assist the inhabitants of earth in developing a civilization. This
information was only vague and the exact identity or background information on this homosapien was not obtained. Undoubtfully [sic], if this information was released to the public, it
would cause a worldwide religious panic. MJ3 has developed a plan that will allow release
of Project Aquarius, Volumes I thru III.”
This next section injects the meme suggesting that humans have alien technology in our
possession, and may be able to "reverse engineer" it with appropriate [fringe] scientific
funding and advancement.
“(TS/ORCON) In the 1976 MJ3 report (Atch 6), it was estimated the Aliens’ technology was
many thousands of years ahead of United States technology. Our scientists speculate that
until our technology develops to a level equal to the Aliens’ , we cannot understand the
large volume of scientific information the United States has already gained from the Aliens.
This advancement of United States Technology may take many hundreds of years.”
In fact, countless believers have latched on to this meme through the years, and an entire
fringe scientific cottage industry is now based on alien "propulsion" and reverse engineered
UFO craft.
The next injected meme focuses on genetics.
“1. (TS/ORCON) PROJECT BANDO: (PROWORD: RISK) Originally established in 1949.
Its mission was to collect and evaluate medical information from the surviving Aliens [sic]
creature and the recovered Alien bodies. This Project medically examined EBE and
provided United States medical researchers with certain answers to the evolution theory .
(OPR: CIA) (Terminated in 1974).”
Project Bando was established in 1949, and has to do with studying the alien bodies
and survivors that were found at sites where UFOs had crashed. More specifically, it
dealt with collecting and evaluating the biological information obtained from alien
beings, either survivors, or the bodies. It was said that they were examined to determine
evolutionary information for medical researchers.
Material published on the Serpo site in August 2006 claims that a new such project
exists and is called Project Nomad.
Material published on the Serpo site in August 2006 mentions project NOMAD. It
allegedly is a highly classified project to study alien species. Not much else is known.
Note that other sources mention the existence of a similar project in the past, which was
called the Bando Project.
From : Don Ecker
To : All
Subject : EXPOSE V
From 1988, but since this was uploaded, the author, Milton Cooper has changed
it six or seven times.
MAJESTIC TWELVE, MAJESTIC 12, MAJESTIC-12, MJ-12, MAJIC, are all forms of the
code name for the control group authorized by President Truman on 09/24/47.
The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is the Director of
Majestic Twelve, MJ-1.
The control group was formed to oversee a TOP SECRET
Research and Development & Intelligence Operation and was responsible only to
the President.
The need for this group was dictated by the finding of a
downed FLYING SAUCER scattered over 2 sites near the town of Roswell New
Mexico in July 1947.
also found.
The dead bodies of 4 very small human like ALIENS were
MAJESTIC TWELVE is the most highly classified secret in the
United States and its existence has never been divulged to Congress.
funds for MJ-12 and Aquarius are CIA confidential (non-appropriated).
MAJESTIC TWELVE documents can be identified by the following;
One of the above will appear both at the top and bottom of each page.
will never see one version in a document along with any other version.
on each page will appear; T52-EXEMPT (E) or just EXEMPT.
T52 is the
publication outlining procedures for automatic downgrade of all security
classifications and the time period for declassification of each security
This information is never to be declassified.
Each page of each
document will be numbered consecutively and the number of pages will appear
upon the cover sheet.
are forbidden.
Copies of MAJESTIC TWELVE beyond the original number
The operations listed here were current as late as 1976 with absolute
certainty and are still operational to the best of our knowledge.
The names
of the original operations were changed several times over the years and
eventually evolved into those listed.
The first project under MAJESTIC TWELVE.
The mission of project sign was
essentially the same as that which PROJECT AQUARIUS evolved into.
SIGN referred to aliens as Extraterrestrial Biological Entities.
The reasons
for the absorption of PROJECT SIGN by PROJECT AQUARIUS were mainly of a
political and security nature.
PROJECT AQUARIUS stripped the Air Force and
Army Generals of their historic control of the UFO/IAC projects and placed
most of it under the Intelligence umbrella.
Established in 1953 by President Eisenhower under control of MJ-12 and
The Project contains all information collected by the United States
since it began investigating UFO's (Unidentified Flying Objects) and IAC's
(Identified Alien Craft).
At the time we saw this information it existed in
approximately 15 or 16 volumes.
This project became an independent project
when PROJECT SIGN was eliminated in 1960. PROJECT AQUARIUS referred to aliens
as Alien Life Forms. The mission of PROJECT AQUARIUS was to gather all
scientific, technological, medical, and intelligence information from UFO &
IAC sightings and contacts with Alien Life Forms.
The information was to be
used in the space program.
Established in 1954 as part of PROJECT SIGN. The mission of PROJECT SIGMA was
to establish communication with the aliens. First communication was
established in 1959 through binary computer language. On April 25, 1964 a
(OSI) officer met with aliens at a prearranged desert location in New Mexico.
Information was exchanged and a basic understanding was reached after several
It was learned through this effort that several species of alien
life existed. Communication was eventually established with all of them.
Through communications it was determined that 3 categories existed.
The project has been extremely successful.
PROJECT PLATO (PROWORD) AQUARIUS Established in 1960 after the United States
established communications with the aliens.
The mission of PROJECT PLATO was
to establish diplomatic relations with the aliens. Project Plato made
agreements in order to prevent hostilities between the United States and the
An agreement was made with the MALEVOLENT aliens whereby they could
abduct humans.
The purpose of these abductions were to provide blood and
other biological fluids as food for the aliens. The aliens agreed to furnish
list periodically to MJ-12 of the names of those abducted.
whatever steps necessary to prevent public disclosure.
Established in 1947 after the Roswell incident.
The mission of PROJECT PLUTO
was to recover all crashed or downed alien craft, to recover all evidence of
alien presence or technology, and to recover all alien bodies (alive or
PROJECT PLUTO developed cover stories to satisfy press and civilian
PROJECT PLUTO was authorized use of deadly force and/or relocation to insure
PROJECT PLUTO was responsible for and biological intelligence of
Alien Life Forms.
(PROWORD) AQUARIUS Established in 1968.
The mission of
PROJECT POUNCE was to evaluate all UFO/IAC information pertaining to space
The goal was to duplicate the technology and/or improve upon it.
Ultimate use of the technology would establish the United States as the
dominate world power and close the gap in any confrontation with the aliens.
(PROWORD) AQUARIUS Established in 1954.
REDLIGHT was to test a recovered alien craft.
part only.
The mission
The mission was accomplished
PROJECT REDLIGHT was terminated in 1963 after every (flyable)
recovered craft exploded during test flights. There were no survivors among
the human test pilots.
(PROWORD) AQUARIUS Established in 1972.
PROJECT SNOWBIRD was to test fly a recovered alien craft.
The mission of
The project was on
going the last time I saw this information.
PROJECT ????????
(PROWORD) AQUARIUS (NOTE...We are recall the name of this
project nor have we been able to get response from anyone on it.
we saw the information the project was ongoing.
At the time
It cannot be determined if
this project is still in existence.) The mission of this project was to
develop a low frequency pulsed sound generator.
The energy produced from
generator was to be concentrated so that it could be aimed and used as a
weapon in order to destroy the alien craft and beam weapons.
The alien beam
weapons were described as ange but able to incapacitate or destroy any
weapons system known to date (1972).
The aliens also possess a beam weapon
which is described as being able to paralyze any human within range.
were described as having shown that the alien craft and weapons were
sensitive to low frequency pulsed sound waves.
This weapon was to be used to
incapacitate the alien defenses in order to allow PROJECT EXCALIBUR to
succeed in its mission.
The initial technology used in this project was
capture the Germans during WW- II.
The German sound generators were
described as being able to knock down reinforced concrete buildings and
shatter 4" thick armor from a great range.
This technology is believed to
further substantiate that Germany had recovered alien craft and had possibly
had some dealings with the aliens prior to or during WW-II.
captured during and after WW-II indicated that an alien craft had been
recovered by Germany in 1939.
German built flying saucer was captured
during the last few months of WW-II.
(PROWORD) AQUARIUS Established in 1972.
The mission of
PROJECT EXCALIBUR is to develop a weapons system capable of destroying the
alien underground base after the alien beam weapons have been incapacitated
The alien underground base is located beneath an Indian
reservation near the small town of Dulce, New Mexico.
The device must be
capable of penetrating 1,000 meters of tufa / hard pack soil and sustain no
operational damage.
base is located.
This type is commonly found in New Mexico where the
Missile apogee must not exceed 30,000 feet AGL.
deviation will now exceed 50 meters.
The device will carry a 1 megaton
PROJECT BLUE BOOK A U.S. Air Force project established to determine whether
UFO's pose a threat to the security of the United States and to determine
whether UFO's exhibit any unique scientific information or advanced
which could contribute to scientific or technical research.
successful in its primary mission outlined above.
quite so successful in its secondary mission which was to publicly explain
away the UFO phenomenon as natural or known phenomenon in order to eliminate
public interest.
To completely fulfill the secondary mission it was decided
that an outside commission of distinguished scientists would be convened in
order to permanently lay the issue to rest.
After this 'study' was completed
(Condon Commission) the Air Force state the continuation of Project Blue Book
cannot be justified, either on the ground of national security or in the
interest of science.
PROJECT BLUE BOOK was abandoned and its mission and
information was consolidated under PROJECT AQUARIUS in 1969.
of Colorado in 1966 and Chaired by Dr. Edward U. Condon.
panel were dictated before the first meeting.
The results of the
Despite objections of the
panel members, Dr. Cond le to fulfill the mission.
The general conclusion
that "nothing has come from the study of UFOs in the past 21 years that has
added to scientific knowledge."
A panel from the National Academy of
The press and the public were satisfied. Except for a hard core
element of UFO believers the issue died in the public forum.
Operation UFO was to form intelligence teams versed in all of the knowledge
learned which would be the first on scene of any UFO crash site in order to
secure the technology and prevent it from falling into foreign hands.
teams existed over the world.
The United States was specifically concerned
that it did not fall into Soviet hands.
no matter the country of occurrence.
This mission was to be accomplished
Many subsequent ALIEN CRAFT recoveries
would occur in foreign countries as well as the United States.
UFO was also
used to recover downed space hardware (especially So d to recover nuclear
weapons which became lost (usually by accident).
(SUPPORTED SPACE PROGRAM & UFO) The mission of Operation
Moon dust was to provide a cover which would neutralize public curiosity
recovery of an ALIEN CRAFT was being conducted.
The teams that made up the
compliment of Moondust were the same teams that made up UFO. Moondust was
public and its mission (to the public) was to identify and recover United
States space hardware which might fall to earth as a bonified mission when
circumstances dictated.
(SUPPORTED UFO & MOONDUST) The mission of operation
was to provide QUICK REACTION COMBAT TEAMS known as ALPHA teams (fight for
technology if necessary), mechanical and technological support in recovery,
rapid and secure transport to secure storage and examination areas.
several of these storage and examination areas in order to limit distance
traveled and thus limit the possible chance of an accident that cou e cargo
public knowledge.
Several teams existed over the world.
Recovery and
transport of both EBEs (dead or alive) and Alien craft were accomplished.
Bluefly was also utilized in event of recovery of space objects (of
terrestrial origin), and event of recovery of lost nuclear weapons (usually
due to accident).
NOTE....This account of the history and current status of MAJESTIC TWELVE and
the Alien Life Forms has been kept brief.
The whole story would fill several hundred volumes.
We realize that even
with the combined effort of several memories we have probably made some
We have tried to minimize the mistakes and feel that what is
represented is true and correct to the best of our combined knowledge.
A Covenant With Death
by Bill Cooper
The following document was released by William Cooper to members of various UFO
RESEARCH and PATRIOT RESEARCH organizations. The manuscript, which ties together
certain aspects of the "Secret Government" and the "UFO Phenomena", was titled: THE
SECRET GOVERNMENT (The Origin, Identity, and Purpose of MJ-12. May 23, 1989. Updated
November 21, 1990):
"...I originally wrote this piece as a research paper. It was first delivered at the MUFON
Symposium on July 2, 1989, in Las Vegas, Nevada. Most of this knowledge comes directly from,
or as a result of my own research into the TOP SECRET/MAJIC material WHICH I SAW AND
READ between the years 1970 and 1973 as a member of the Intelligence Briefing Team of the
Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet. Since some of this information was derived from
sources that I cannot divulge for obvious reasons, and from published sources which I cannot
vouch for...(this) must be termed a hypothesis. I firmly believe that if the aliens are real, THIS IS
QUESTIONS and places the various fundamental mysteries in an arena that makes sense. It is
the only explanation which shows the chronology of events and demonstrates that the
chronologies, when assembled, match perfectly. The bulk of this I believe to be true if the
material that I viewed in the Navy is authentic. As for the rest, I do not know, and that is why
this paper must be termed a hypothesis. Most historic and current available evidence supports
this hypothesis.
"During the years following World War II the government of the United States was confronted
with a series of events which were to change beyond prediction its future and with it the future of
humanity. These events were so incredible that they defied belief. A stunned President Truman
and his top military commanders found themselves virtually impotent after having just won the
most devastating and costly war in history.
"The United States had developed, used, and was the only nation on earth in possession of the
atomic bomb. This new weapon had the potential to destroy an enemy, and even the Earth itself.
At that time the United States had the best economy, the most advanced technology, the highest
standard of living, exerted the most influence, and fielded the largest and most powerful military
forces in history. We can only imagine the confusion and concern when the informed elite of the
United States Government discovered that an alien spacecraft piloted by 'insectlike' beings from
a totally incomprehensible culture had crashed in the desert of New Mexico (Note: Some have
alleged that certain 'sauroids' appear 'insect-like'. Other indications suggest that they may be
'para-physical' entities of some sort, perhaps those allegedly released, according to Kenneth
Grant and others, by the Illuminati from another 'dimension' via holes torn in the space-time
fabric by the early atomic tests in the Nevada underground, New Mexico, and elsewhere Branton).
"Between January 1947 and December 1952 at least 16 crashed or downed alien craft, 65 bodies,
and 1 live alien were recovered. An additional alien craft had exploded and nothing was
recovered from that incident. Of these events, 13 occurred within the borders of the United
States, not including the craft which disintegrated in the air. Of these 13, 1 was in Arizona, 11
were in New Mexico, and 1 was in Nevada. Sightings of UFOs were so numerous that serious
investigation and debunking of each report became impossible, utilizing the existing intelligence
"An alien craft was found on February 13, 1948, on a mesa near Aztec, New Mexico. Another
craft was located on March 25, 1948, in White Sands Proving Ground. It was 100 feet in
diameter. A total of 17 alien bodies were recovered from those two crafts. Of even greater
significance was the discovery of a large number of human body parts stored within both of these
vehicles. A demon had reared its head and paranoia quickly took hold of everyone 'in the know.'
The Secret lid immediately became a Top Secret lid and was screwed down tight. THE
MANHATTAN PROJECT. In the coming years these events were to become the most closely
guarded secrets in the history of the world.
"A special group of America's top scientists were organized under the name Project SIGN in
December 1947 to study the phenomena. The whole nasty business was contained. Project SIGN
evolved into Project GRUDGE in December 1948. A low-level collection and disinformation
project named BLUE BOOK was formed under GRUDGE. Sixteen volumes were to come out of
GRUDGE. "Blue Teams" were put together to recover the crashed disks or live aliens. The Blue
Teams were later to evolve into Alpha Teams under Project POUNCE.
'ALIEN SECRET.' In fact, the CIA was formed by Presidential Executive Order first as the
Central Intelligence Group for the express purpose of dealing with the alien presence. Later the
National Security Act was passed, establishing it as the Central Intelligence Agency.
"The National Security Council was established to oversee the intelligence community and
especially the alien endeavor. A series of National Security Council memos and Executive orders
removed the CIA from the sole task of gathering foreign intelligence and slowly but thoroughly
'legalized' direct action in the form of covert activities at home and abroad.
"On December 9, 1947, Truman approved issuance of NSC-4, entitled 'Coordination of Foreign
Intelligence Information Measures' at the urging of the Secretaries Marshall, Forrestal, Patterson,
and the director of the State Department's Policy Planning Staff, George Kennan.
Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities,' United
States Senate, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, Report No. 94-755, April 26, 1976, p. 49. states: 'This
directive empowered the Secretary to coordinate oversees information activities designed to
counter communism.'
"A Top Secret annex to NSC-4, NSC-4A, instructed the director of Central Intelligence to
undertake covert psychological activities in pursuit of the aims set forth in NSC- 4. The initial
authority given the CIA for covert operations under NSC-4A did not establish formal procedures
for either coordinating or approving these operations. It simply directed the DCI to 'undertake
covert actions and to ensure, through liaison with Senate and Defense, that the resulting
operations were consistent with American policy.'
"Later NSC-10/1 and NSC-10/2 were to supersede NSC-4 and NSC-4A and expand the covert
abilities even further. The Office of Policy Coordination (OPC) was chartered to carry out an
expanded program of covert activities. NSC-10/1 and NSC-10/2 validated illegal and extralegal
practices and procedures as being agreeable to the national security leadership. The reaction was
swift. In the eyes of the intelligence community 'no holds were barred.' Under NSC-10/1 an
Executive Coordination Group was established to review, but not approve, covert project
proposals. The ECG was secretly tasked to coordinate the alien projects. NSC-10/1 & /2 were
interpreted to mean that no one at the top wanted to know about anything until it was over and
"These actions established a buffer between the President and the information. It was intended
that this buffer serve as a means for the President to deny knowledge if leaks divulged the true
state of affairs. This buffer was used in later years for the purpose of effectively isolating
succeeding Presidents from any knowledge of the alien presence OTHER THAN WHAT THE
KNOW. NSC-10/2 established a study panel which met secretly and was made up of the
scientific minds of the day. The study panel was not called MJ-12. Another NSC memo, NSC10/5 further outlined the duties of the study panel. These NSC memos and secret Executive
was a very idealistic and religious man. He believed that the public should be told. James
Forrestal was also one of the first known abductees. When he began to talk to leaders of the
opposition party and leaders of the Congress about the alien problem he was asked to resign by
Truman. He expressed his fears to many people. Rightfully, he believed that he was being
watched. This was interpreted by those who were ignorant of the facts as paranoia. Forrestal later
was said to have suffered a mental breakdown. He was ordered to the mental ward of Bethesda
Naval Hospital. In spite of the fact that THE ADMINISTRATION HAD NO AUTHORITY TO
HAVE HIM COMMITTED, the order was carried out. In fact, it was feared that Forrestal would
begin to talk again. He had to be isolated and discredited. His family and friends were denied
permission to visit. Finally, on May 21, 1949, Forrestal's brother made a fateful decision. HE
BETHESDA on May 22. Sometime in the early morning of May 22, 1949, agents of the CIA tied
a sheet around James Forrestal's neck, fastened the other end to a fixture in his room, then threw
James Forrestal out the window. The sheet tore and he plummeted to his death. James Forrestal's
secret diaries were confiscated by the CIA and were kept in the White House for many years.
Due to public demand the diaries were eventually rewritten and published in a sanitized version.
The real diary information was later furnished by the CIA in book form to an agent who
published the material as fiction. THE NAME OF THE AGENT IS WHITLEY STRIEBER and
the book is 'MAJESTIC'. James Forrestal became one of the first victims of the cover-up.
"The live alien that had been found wandering in the desert from the 1949 Roswell crash was
named EBE. The name had been suggested by Dr. Vannevar Bush and was short for
Extraterrestrial Biological Entity. EBE HAD A TENDENCY TO LIE, and for over a year would
give only the desired answer to questions asked. Those questions which would have resulted in
an undesirable answer went unanswered. At one point during the second year of captivity he
began to open up. The information derived from EBE was startling, to say the least. This
compilation of his revelations became the foundation of what would later be called the 'Yellow
Book.' Photographs were taken of EBE which, among others, I was to view years later in Project
"In late 1951 EBE became ill. Medical personnel had been unable to determine the cause of
EBE's illness and had no background from which to draw... Several experts were called in to
study the illness. These specialists included medical doctors, botanists, and entomologists. A
botanist, Dr. Guillermo Mendoza, was brought in to try and help him recover. Dr. Mendoza
worked to save EBE until June 2, 1952, when EBE died. Dr. Mendoza became the expert on at
least this type of alien biology. The movie E.T. is the thinly disguised story of EBE.
"In a futile attempt to save EBE and to gain favor with this technologically superior race, the
United States began broadcasting a call for help early in 1952 into the vast regions of space. The
call went unanswered but the project, dubbed SIGMA, continued as an effort of good faith
(Note: Apparently in this effort to kiss-up to a more technically advanced race of creatures these
government officials forgot EBE's infernal "tendency to lie", and instead continued to believe
what they WANTED to believe... that this was a sure way to satisfy their insatiable appetite for
super technology, and that these creatures were benevolent - in spite of the fact that human body
parts were found on board at least two of their craft. In our opinion these officials deserve
whatever harmful actions may have been taken against them by these creatures as a result of
establishing a 'relationship' with what was obviously a malevolent alien race for mostly selfish
motives. It is not certain whether this particular alien was one of the mantis-like "Infernals" or
one of the reptilian "Sauroids" who apparently are subject to them. However the movie 'CLOSE
ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND,' which whitewashed the actual malevolent nature of
the aliens to an incredible degree, depicted BOTH the small saurian 'gray' type beings and the
long-armed 'mantis' like creatures as working together. As we've said it seems that the desire of
the secret government to obtain the occult-technology of these particular 'aliens' was one of their
main motivations for establishing a WORKING contact with the saurian grays instead of with
the more benevolent though protective human-alien races, even if it meant--as we shall soon see-the sellout of their fellow humans beings to obtain this. This 'forbidden fruit' of supertechnology
would apparently allow the recipients to live like 'gods' over the rest of humanity - Branton).
"President Truman created the super-secret National Security Agency (NSA) by secret Executive
order on November 4, 1952. Its primary purpose was to decipher the alien communications,
language, and establish a dialogue with the extraterrestrials. The most urgent task was a
continuation of the earlier effort. The secondary purpose of the NSA was to monitor all
communications and emissions from any and all electronic devices worldwide for the purpose of
gathering intelligence, both human and alien, AND TO CONTAIN THE SECRET OF THE
ALIEN PRESENCE. Project SIGMA was successful.
SECRET SPACE PROGRAMS (Note: Val Valerian was sent a document which was allegedly a
crew roster for 'Starfleet International U.S.S. Concord NCC-1989' which listed several military
personnel and their ACTUAL service numbers. A U.S.S. Excalibur was also mentioned, piloted
by WO4. Chuck Graham SFMC-8906-0001; CPL. Chuck Fair SCMC-8908-0005; CPL. Jon
Plant SCMC- 8908-0007; and WO3 Mike Wier - no service number given. Branton). By
executive order of the President, the NSA is exempt from all laws which do not specifically
name the NSA in the text of the law as being subject to that law. That means that if the agency is
not spelled out in the text on any and every law passed by the Congress it is not subject to that or
those laws. The NSA now performs many other duties and in fact is the premier agency within
the intelligence network. Today the NSA receives approximately 75 per cent of the monies
allotted to the intelligence community. The old saying 'where the money goes therein the power
resides' is true. The DCI today is a figurehead maintained as a public ruse. The primary task of
the NSA is still alien communications, but now includes other extraterrestrial projects as well.
"President Truman had been keeping our allies, including the Soviet Union, informed of the
TO BE A THREAT TO THE HUMAN RACE (Note: Could this explain the sudden and
unexpected 'fall' of the Soviet Union and 'Communism'? Although Communism still resides to a
large extent in China and elsewhere it's power has been greatly diminished in the Bolshevik
states. The resulting international cooperation may be a two-edged sword, being either good or
bad depending how it is used. For instance a global system might involve INDUSTRIAL
cooperation which could strengthen the planet against an alien threat on the one hand while still
allowing nations to retain their political independence and cultural diversities; or on the other
hand it could involve POLITICAL cooperation which may very well lead to absolute dictatorial
control of the world by a person or small group of persons, which would be devastating to the
"cultural diversities" which add variety to the human race, who would no doubt be pressured
give up their cultural characteristics in order to "conform" to the one-world political "beast" Branton).
difficulty was encountered in maintaining international secrecy. It was decided that an outside
group was necessary to coordinate and control international efforts in order to hide the secret
from the normal scrutiny of governments by the press. The result was the formation of a secret
ruling body which became known as the Bilderberger Group. The group was formed and met for
the first time in 1952. They were named after the first publicly known meeting place, the
Bilderberg Hotel. That public meeting took place in 1954. They were nicknamed the
Bilderbergers. The headquarters of this group is Geneva, Switzerland. The Bilderbergers evolved
into a secret world government that now controls everything. The United Nations was then, and
is now, an international joke.
"Beginning in 1953 a new president occupied the White House. He was a man used to a
structured staff organization with a chain of command. His method was to delegate authority and
rule by committee. He made his decisions, but only when his advisors were unable to come up
with a consensus. His normal method was to read through or listen to several alternatives and
then approve one. Those who worked closely with him have stated that his favorite comment
was, 'Just do whatever it takes.' He spent a lot of time on the golf course. This was not unusual
for a man who had been career Army with the ultimate position of Supreme Allied Commander
during the war, a post which had earned him five stars. The President was General of the Army
Dwight David Eisenhower.
"During his first year in office, 1953, at least 10 more crashed discs were recovered along with
26 dead and 4 live aliens. Of the 10, 4 were found in Arizona, 2 in Texas, 1 in New Mexico, 1 in
Louisiana, 1 in Montana, and 1 in South Africa. There were hundreds of sightings.
"Eisenhower knew that he had to wrestle and beat the alien problem. He knew that he could not
do it by revealing the secret to Congress. Early in 1953 the new President turned to his friend and
fellow member of the Council on Foreign Relations Nelson Rockefeller. EISENHOWER AND
SUPERVISION, which became a reality within one year. Eisenhower and Rockefeller began
planning the secret structure of the alien-task supervision, which was to become a reality within
one year. The idea for MJ- 12 was thus born.
"It was Nelson's uncle Winthrop Aldrich who had been crucial in convincing Eisenhower to run
for President. The whole Rockefeller family and with them, the Rockefeller empire, had solidly
backed Ike. Eisenhower belonged heart and soul to the Council on Foreign Relations and the
"Within a week of Eisenhower's election he had appointed Nelson Rockefeller chairman of a
Presidential Advisory Committee on Government Organization. Rockefeller was responsible for
planning the reorganization of government, something he had dreamed of for many years. New
Deal programs went into one single cabinet position called the Department of Health, Education
and Welfare. When the Congress approved the new Cabinet position in April 1953, Nelson was
named to the post of Undersecretary to Oveta Culp Hobby.
"In 1953 astronomers discovered large objects in space which were tracked moving toward the
Earth. It was first believed that they were asteroids. Later evidence proved that the objects could
only be spaceships (perhaps hollowed-out asteroids from the astroid field between Mars and
Jupiter? - Branton). Project SIGMA intercepted alien radio communications. When the objects
reached the Earth they took up very high geosynchronous orbit around the equator. There were
several huge ships, and their actual intent was unknown. Project SIGMA and a new project,
PLATO, through radio communications using the computer binary language, were able to
arrange a landing that resulted in face- to-face contact with alien beings from another planet. The
landing took place in the desert. The movie, 'CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND' is
a fictionalized version of the actual event. Project PLATO was tasked with establishing
diplomatic relations with this race of space aliens. A hostage was left with us as a pledge that
they would return and formalize a treaty.
"In the meantime, a race of humanoid (Nordic-Blond? - Branton) aliens landed at Homestead Air
Force Base in Florida and successfully communicated with the U.S. government. THIS GROUP
THESE OVERTURES WERE REJECTED on the grounds that it would be foolish to disarm in
the face of such an uncertain future. There was no track record to read from. IT MAY HAVE
"A third landing at Muroc, now Edwards Air Force Base, took place in 1954. The base was
closed for three days and no one was allowed to enter or leave during that time. The historical
event had been planned in advance. Details of a treaty had been agreed upon. Eisenhower
arranged to be in Palm Springs on vacation. On the appointed day the President was spirited to
the base. The excuse was given to the press that he was visiting a dentist. Witnesses to the event
have stated that three UFOs flew over the base and then landed. Antiaircraft batteries were
undergoing live-fire training and the startled personnel actually fired at the crafts as they passed
overhead... the shells missed and no one was injured (Note: These three craft were apparently
from the orbiting "gray" craft that the 'humanoids' warned the government about. This 'meeting'
apparently resulted in one of the major 'U.S. government - Gray' treaties. The fact that the
startled gunners failed to destroy the alien ships may have been unfortunate, as such an event
might have led to an abort of the so-called 'treaty' deal with the grays - Branton).
"President Eisenhower met with the aliens on February 20, 1954, and a formal treaty between the
alien nation and the United States of America was signed. We then received our first alien
ambassador from outer space. He was the hostage that had been left at the first landing in the
desert. His name was 'His Omnipotent Highness Crilll or Krilll,' pronounced Crill or Krill. In the
American tradition of disdain for royal titles he was secretly called 'ORIGINAL HOSTAGE
CRILL, OR KRILL.' Shortly after this meeting President Eisenhower suffered a heart attack (the
judgment of God?).
"Four others present at the meeting were Franklin Allen of the HEARST NEWSPAPERS, Edwin
and CATHOLIC BISHOP MacIntyre of Los Angeles. Their reaction was judged as a microcosm
of what the public reaction might be. Based on this reaction, it was decided that the public could
not be told. Later studies confirmed the decision as sound.
"An emotionally revealing letter written by Gerald Light spells out in chilling detail: 'My dear
friends: I have just returned from Muroc. The report is true -- devastatingly true! I made the
journey in company with Franklin Allen of the Hearst papers and Edwin Nourse of Brookings
Institute (Truman's erstwhile financial advisor) and Bishop MacIntyre of L.A. (confidential
names for the present, please). When we were allowed to enter the restricted section (after about
six hours in which we were checked on every possible item, event, incident and aspect of our
SCIENTIFIC AND POLITICAL GROUP. During my two days' visit I saw five separate and
distinct types of aircraft being studied and handled by our Air Force officials -- with the
assistance and permission of the Etherians!
"'I have no words to express my reactions. It has finally happened. It is now a matter of history.
President Eisenhower, as you may already know, was spirited over to Muroc one night during his
visit to Palm Springs recently. And it is my conviction that he will ignore the terrific conflict
between the various 'authorities' and go directly to the people via radio and television -- if the
impasse continues much longer. FROM WHAT I COULD GATHER, AN OFFICIAL
"We know that no such announcement was ever made. The silence-control group won that day.
We also know that two more ships, for which we can find no witnesses, either landed sometime
after the three or were already at the base before the three landed. Gerald Light specifically states
that five ships were present and were undergoing study by the Air Force. HIS METAPHYSICAL
Light capitalized 'Etherians,' calling attention to the fact that these beings might have been
viewed as gods by Mr. Light (Something which the saurian "Grays" etc., apparently wished all
humans would believe, and we're sure "His Omnipotent Highness Krill" would agree - Branton).
"The alien emblem was known as the 'Trilateral Insignia' and was displayed on the craft and
worn on the alien uniforms. Both of those landings and the second meeting were filmed. These
films exist today.
"The treaty stated that the aliens would not interfere in our affairs and we would not interfere in
us with advanced technology and would help us in our technological development. They would
not make any treaty with any other Earth nation. THEY COULD ABDUCT HUMANS ON A
"It was agreed that each nation would receive the ambassador of the other for as long as the
treaty remained in force. It was further agreed that the alien nation and the United States would
exchange 16 personnel with the purpose of learning of each other. The alien 'guests' would
ORIGIN FOR A SPECIFIED PERIOD OF TIME, then return, at which point a reverse exchange
would be made. A reenactment of this event was dramatized in the movie 'CLOSE
ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND.' A tipoff to who works for whom can be determined
FOR THE FILM. I noticed that the Top Secret report containing the official version of the truth
of the alien question, entitled project GRUDGE, which I read while in the Navy, was coauthored by LT. COL. FRIEND and DR. J. ALLEN HYNEK, WHO WAS CITED AS A CIA
ASSET attached to Project GRUDGE - - Dr. Hynek, the one who debunked many legitimate
UFO incidents when he functioned as the scientific member of the very public Project
BLUEBOOK. Dr. Hynek is the man responsible for the infamous 'it was only swamp gas'
"It was agreed that bases would be constructed underground for the use of the alien nation and
that two bases would be constructed for the joint use of the alien nation and the United States
Government. Exchange of technology would take place in the jointly occupied bases. THESE
would be constructed in an area known as Dreamland (Note: Many sources allege that the reason
the 'aliens' insisted on these underground bases beneath these particular areas was that 'they' in
fact are not exclusively from other planetary bodies, but that they are originally from earth and
have for centuries occupied deep cavern levels beneath the earth, and more recently beneath
these areas of the southwest. The 'bases' then, which most in the government would believe are
of exclusively human construction for use in 'joint' operations, would actually be 'covers' or
'fronts' for actual subterranean systems already largely under the control of this saurian race. This
would explain why many human workers in these 'joint' bases have been kept highly
compartmentalized; why many do not realize what's taking place in the lower levels or even that
such lower levels exist when other deeper-level workers allege that they do; why the 'security'
increases enormously the deeper one descends into these underground bases; and why the human
influence decreases and the saurian-reptoid-gray-etc. influence increases the deeper one descends
into these bases - Branton).
"Dreamland was built in the Mojave desert near, or in, a place called Yucca. I cannot remember
if it was Yucca Valley, Yucca Flat, or Yucca Proving Ground, but Yucca Valley is what I always
that no one even bothers to make reports. Anyone who ventures into the desert to talk to the
residents will be astounded by the frequency of activity and with the degree of acceptance
demonstrated by those who have come to regard UFOs as normal.
"All alien areas are under complete control of the Naval Department (although some may argue
that they are only in control of the uppermost levels of these 'bases' - Branton), according to the
documents I read. All personnel who work in these complexes receive their checks from the
Navy through a subcontractor. The checks never make reference to the government or the Navy.
Construction of the bases began immediately, but progress was slow. LARGE AMOUNTS OF
MONEY WERE MADE AVAILABLE IN 1957. Work continued on the Yellow Book.
"Project REDLIGHT was formed and experiments in test-flying alien craft was begun in earnest.
A super-Top Secret facility was built at Groom Lake in Nevada in the midst of the weapons test
range. It was code-named Area 51. The installation was placed under the Department of the
Navy and all personnel required a 'Q' clearance as well as Executive (Presidential, called
MAJESTIC) approval. This was ironic, due to the fact that the President of the United States
does not have clearance to visit the site. The alien base and exchange of technology actually took
place in an area code-named Dreamland above ground, and the underground portion was dubbed
"The Army was tasked to form a super secret organization to furnish security for the alien-tasked
"A second project code-named SNOWBIRD was promulgated to explain away any sightings of
the REDLIGHT crafts as being Air Force experiments. The SNOWBIRD crafts were
manufactured using conventional technology and were flown for the press on several occasions.
Project SNOWBIRD was also used to debunk legitimate public sightings of alien craft (UFOs to
the public, IACs - Identified Alien Craft - to those in the know). Project SNOWBIRD was very
successful, and reports from the public declined steadily until recent years.
"A multimillion-dollar Secret fund was organized and kept by the Military Office of the White
FACILITIES. Presidents who asked were told the fund was used to build deep underground
shelters for the President in case of war. Only a few were built for the President. Millions of
dollars were funneled through the office of Majesty Twelve and then out to the contractors. It
was used to build Top Secret alien bases as well as Top Secret DUMB (Deep Underground
THROUGHOUT THE NATION. President Johnson used this fund to build a movie theater and
pave the road on his ranch. He had no idea of it's true purpose.
"The secret White House underground-construction fund was set up in 1957 by President
Eisenhower. The funding was obtained from Congress under the guise of 'construction and
maintenance of secret sites where the President could be taken in case of military attack:
Presidential Emergency Sites.' The sites are literally holes in the ground, deep enough to
withstand a nuclear blast, and are outfitted with state-of-the-art communications equipment. To
date there are more than 75 sites spread around the country which were built using money from
this fund. The Atomic Energy Commission has built at least 22 underground sites...
"The location and everything to do with these sites were and are considered and treated as Top
Secret. The money was and is in control of the Military Office of the White House, and was and
is laundered through so circuitous a web that even the most knowledgeable spy or accountant
cannot follow it. As of 1980 only a few at the beginning and end of this web knew what the
money was for. At the beginning were Representative George Mahon of Texas, the chairman of
the House Appropriations Committee and of its Defense Subcommittee, and Representative
Robert Sikes of Florida, chairman of the House Appropriations Military Construction
Subcommittee. Today it is rumored that House Speaker Jim Wright controlled the money in
Congress and that a power struggle removed him. At the end of the line were the President,
Majesty Twelve, the director of the Military Office and a commander at the Washington Navy
"The money was authorized by the Appropriations Committee, who allocated it to the
Department of Defense as a Top Secret item in the Army construction program. The Army,
however, could not spend it and in fact did not even know what it was for. Authorization to
spend the money was in reality given to the Navy. The money was channeled to the Chesapeake
Division of the Navy Engineers, who did not know what is was for, either. Not even the
commanding officer, who was an admiral, knew what the fund was used for. Only one man, a
Navy commander who was assigned to the Chesapeake Division but in reality was responsible
only to the Military Office of the White House, knew of the actual purpose, amount, and ultimate
destination of the Top Secret money. THE TOTAL SECRECY SURROUNDING THE FUND
THE VERY FEW PEOPLE WHO CONTROLLED IT. There has never been and most likely
never will be an audit of the secret money.
"Large amounts of money were transferred from the Top Secret fund to a location at Palm Peach,
Florida, that belongs to the Coast Guard called Peanut Island. The island is adjacent to property
which was owned by Joseph Kennedy. The money was said to have been used for landscaping
and general beautification. Some time ago a TV news special on the Kennedy assassination told
of a Coast Guard officer transferring money in a briefcase to a Kennedy employee across this
property line. Could this have been a secret payment to the Kennedy family for the loss of their
son John F. Kennedy? The payments continued through the year 1967 and then stopped. The
total amount transferred is unknown and the actual use of the money is unknown.
"Meanwhile, Nelson Rockefeller changed positions again. This time he was to take C.D.
Jackson's old position, which had been called the Special Assistant for Psychological Strategy.
With Nelson's appointment the name was changed to the Special Assistant for Cold War
Strategy. This position would evolve over the years into THE SAME POSITION HENRY
was to give 'advice and assistance in the development of increased understanding and
cooperation among all peoples.' The official description was a smoke screen, for SECRETLY
COMMUNITY. In his new post Rockefeller reported directly, and solely, to the President. He
attended meetings of the Cabinet, the Council on Foreign Economic Policy, and THE
"Nelson Rockefeller was also given a second important job as the head of the secret unit called
the Planning Coordination Group, which was formed under NSC 5412/1 in March 1955. The
group consisted of different ad hoc members, depending on the subject of the agenda. The basic
members were Rockefeller, a representative of the Department of Defense, a representative of
the Department of State, and the Director of Central Intelligence. It was soon called the 5412
Committee or the Special Group. NSC 5412/1 established the rule that covert operations were
subject to approval by an executive committee, whereas in the past these operations were
initiated solely on the authority of the Director of Central Intelligence.
"By secret Executive Memorandum NSC 5510, Eisenhower had preceded NSC 5412/1 to
establish a permanent committee (not ad hoc) to be known as Majesty Twelve (MJ-12) TO
QUESTION. NSC 5412/1 was created to explain the purpose of these meetings when Congress
and the press became curious.
"MAJESTY TWELVE was made up of NELSON ROCKEFELLER, Director of Central
Intelligence ALLEN WELSH DULLES, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, Secretary of
Defense Charles E. Wilson, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff ADMIRAL ARTHUR W.
RADFORD, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation J. EDGAR HOOVER, six men from
the executive committee of the COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS known as the 'Wise
Men,' six members from the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE of the JASON Group, and DR.
"The JASON Group is a secret scientific group formed during the Manhattan Project and
administered by the Mitre Corporation. THE INNER CORE OF THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN
of the Council on Foreign Relations and also members of the ORDER OF THE QUEST known
as the JASON Society.
TWELVE. Orders issued by Majesty Twelve became known as Majority Twelve directives.
"This group was made up over the years of the top officers and directors of the Council on
Foreign Relations and later the Trilateral Commission. GORDON DEAN, GEORGE BUSH
AND ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI WERE AMONG THEM. The most important and influential
last well into the decade of the '70's. IT IS SIGNIFICANT THAT PRESIDENT EISENHOWER
"Thorough researchers will soon discover that not all of the Wise Men attended Harvard or Yale
and not all of them were chosen for Skull & Bones or Scroll & Key membership during their
college years. You will be able to quickly clear up the mystery by obtaining the book 'THE
WISE MEN' by Walter Isaacson and Evan Thomas., Simon and Schuster., New York. Under
illustration #9 in the center of the book you will find the caption: 'Lovett with the Yale Unit,
above far right, and on the beach: His initiation into Skull & Bones came at an air base near
Dunkirk.' I have found that members were chosen on an ongoing basis by invitation based upon
merit post-college and were not confined to Harvard and Yale attendees only. Because of this
fact, a complete list of Skull & Bones members can never be compiled from the catalogues or
addresses of the college segment of the Russell Trust, also known as the Brotherhood of Death,
or the Skull & Bones. Now you know why it has been impossible to pinpoint the membership
either by number or by name. I believe that the answer lies hidden in the CFR files, if files exist.
"A chosen few were later initiated into the secret branch of the Order of the Quest known as the
JASON Society. They are all members of the Council on Foreign Relations and at that time were
known as THE EASTERN ESTABLISHMENT. This should give you a clue to the far-reaching
and serious nature of these most secret college societies. The society is alive and well today, but
now includes MEMBERS OF THE TRILATERAL COMMISSION as well. The Trilaterals
Twelve was to survive right up to the present day. Under Eisenhower and Kennedy it was
erroneously called the 5412 Committee, or more correctly, the Special Group. In the Johnson
administration it became the 303 Committee because the name '5412' had been compromised in
the book 'THE SECRET GOVERNMENT.' Actually, NSC 5412/1 was leaked to the author to
hide the existence of NSC 5410. Under Nixon, Ford, and Carter it was called the 40 Committee,
and under Reagan it became known as the PI-40 Committee. Over all those years ONLY THE
was suspected of interacting with them, and this proved to be true. THE ALIENS STATED
RELIGION. You must understand that this claim could also be a manipulation. AFTER
apparent that our weapons were no match against them.
"In November 1955 NSC-5412/2 was issued establishing a study committee to explore 'all
factors which are involved in the making and implementing of foreign policy in the nuclear age.'
This was only a blanket of snow that covered the real subject of study, the alien question.
"By secret Executive Memorandum NSC 5511 in 1954, President Eisenhower had commissioned
that had become necessary when the press began inquiring as to the purpose of regular meetings
of such important men. The first meetings began in 1954 and were called the Quantico meetings
because they met at the Quantico Marine Base. The study group was made up solely of 35
members of the Council on Foreign Relations' secret study group. Dr. Edward Teller was invited
to participate. Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski was the study director for the first 18 months. Dr. Henry
Kissinger was chosen as the group's study director for the second 18 months beginning in
November 1955. Nelson Rockefeller was a frequent visitor during the study.
Gordon Dean, Chairman
Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, Study Director - 1st Phase
Dr. Henry Kissinger, Study Director - 2nd Phase
Edward Teller
Hanson W. Baldwin
Frank C. Nash
Charles P. Noyes
James A. Perkins
David Rockefeller
Gen. James M. Gavin
James T. Hill, Jr.
MeNin J. Kelly
Hamilton Fish Armstrong
Robert R. Bowie
William A.M.Burden
Thomas K. Finletter
I.I. Rabi
N.E. Halaby
Henry DeWolf Smyth
Carrol L. Wilson
Maj.Gen. Richard C. Lindsay
Maj.Gen. James McCormack, Jr.
Mr. Paul H. Nitze
Mr. Frank Pace, Jr.
Mr. Don K. Price
Mr. Oscar M. Ruebhausen
Mr. Caryl P. Haskins
Mr. Joseph E. Johnson
Mr. Frank Altschul
Mr. Lloyd V. Berkner
Mr. McGeorge Bundy
Mr. John C. Campbell
Mr. George S. Franklin, Jr.
Mr. Roswell L. Gilpatric
Mr. Gen. Walter Bedell Smith
Mr. Shields Warren
Mr. Arnold Wolfers
"The second-phase meetings were also held at the Marine base at Quantico, Virginia, and the
group became known as Quantico II. Nelson Rockefeller built a retreat somewhere in Maryland
for Majesty Twelve and the study committee. It could be reached only by air. In this manner they
could meet away from public scrutiny. This secret meeting place is known by the code name 'the
Country Club.' Complete living, eating, recreation, library, and meeting facilities exist at the
location (The Aspen Institute is not the Country Club).
"The study group was publicly terminated in the later months on 1956. Henry Kissinger wrote
what was officially termed the results of 1957 as 'NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND FOREIGN
POLICY,' published for the Council on Foreign Relations by Harper & Brothers, New York. IN
to the seriousness Kissinger attached to the study can be found in statements by his wife and
friends. Many of them stated that Henry would leave home early each morning and return late
each night without speaking to anyone or responding to anyone. It seemed as if he were in
another world which held no room for outsiders.
"These statements are very revealing. The revelations of the alien presence and actions during
the study must have been a great shock. Henry Kissinger was definitely out of character during
this time. He would never again be affected in this manner, no matter the seriousness of any
subsequent event. On many occasions he would work very late into the night after having put in
a full day. This behavior eventually led to divorce.
"A major finding of the alien study WAS THAT THE PUBLIC COULD NOT BE TOLD. IT
WHICH COULD LEAD TO ANARCHY (Note: This was no doubt based largely on the
assumption that the existence of these 'aliens' could not be explained in terms of traditional
Christian religion, which conclusion might have been reached by many, especially in the face of
the saurian grays' persistent attempts to hide their true reptilian nature as it relates to ancient
Biblical history and prophecy. However, based on what we've already covered in these files, it is
evident that such alien activity does in reality conform to Christian theology and was in fact
prophesied in Judeo-Christian scripture thousands of years ago. The ignorance would merely be
an inability to properly interpret these ancient prophecies due to a lack of a foundational
knowledge necessary to make such correct interpretations. Therefore such knowledge, if
presented properly, would probably not bring about a collapse in the 'religious' world. Also, the
realization of the existence of an Almighty Creator-God infinitely more powerful than the 'aliens'
would likely prevent the 'panic' and resulting economic collapse- anarchy which the 'Study
Group' feared - Branton).
"Secrecy thus continued. An offshoot of this finding was that if the public could not be told,
Congress could not be told. Funding for the projects and research would have to come from
outside the Government. In the meantime money was to be obtained from the military budget
and from CIA confidential, non-appropriated funds.
aliens explained these actions as necessary to their survival. They stated that their genetic
structure had deteriorated and that they were no longer able to reproduce. They stated that if they
were unable to improve their genetic structure, their race would soon cease to exist. WE
which we will quote later on, the actual purposes of the mutilations are far different than what
these alien creatures allege them to be. Some groups connected to MJ-12 however seem to have
fallen for this propaganda, such as the top secret 'Yellow Fruit' unit working in Nevada who are,
or at least were at one point, convinced that the 'grays' were incapable of reproducing. In spite of
'their' allegations that they cannot reproduce, certain witnesses have alleged that the saurian
grays are actually reproducing profusely within DEEP underground levels utilizing solar-heat
'egg' hatcheries, polyembryony tanks, cloning, etc. Also, the body fluids according to other
sources are not used exclusively for 'improving their genetic structure' but as sustenance or 'food'
for the saurian grays, etc. Their claims to the contrary, as well as other allegations, should be
studied in the light of their previous known TENDENCIES TO LIE - Branton).
"Since our weapons were literally useless against the aliens, Majesty Twelve decided to continue
friendly diplomatic relations UNTIL SUCH A TIME AS WE WERE ABLE TO DEVELOP A
BASES. Overtures would have to be made to the Soviet Union and other nations to join forces
for the survival of humanity. In the meantime PLANS WERE DEVELOPED TO RESEARCH
"The results of the research were Projects JOSHUA and EXCALIBUR. JOSHUA was a weapon
captured from the Germans which was capable of shattering 4-inch-thick armor plate at a range
of two miles. It used aimed, low-frequency sound waves, and it was believed that this weapon
would be effective against the alien craft and beam weapons. EXCALIBUR was a weapon
carried by a missile not to rise above 30,000 feet above ground level (AGL), not to deviate from
designated target more than 50 meters, able to... penetrate '1,000 METERS OF TUFA, HARDPACKED SOIL SUCH AS THAT FOUND IN NEW MEXICO,' carry a one-megaton warhead,
and intended for use in destroying the aliens in their underground bases (Note: According to
many sources several of the 'alien' underground bases contain humans - human-souled-hybrids,
and human captives both living and in cold storage, who have been the victims of alien
abductions from surface and in some cases subsurface or extra surface communities. Obviously,
EXCALIBUR should not be used against such installations, but the surface- to-subsurface routes
should be sought out and an underground invasion force should be utilized to destroy the aliens
yet spare any surviving humans and take the bases intact. To do otherwise may be in essence
'sacrificing' innocent lives needlessly to get an advantage over the aliens, in which case we
would prove ourselves to be no better than the alien- grays/sauroids themselves! In connection
with the JOSHUA anti- spacecraft weapon, extreme caution should of course be used to
distinguish human-occupied spacecraft from those craft utilized by the saurians - Branton).
"JOSHUA was developed successfully but never used, to my knowledge. EXCALIBUR was not
pushed until recent years and now, we are told, THERE IS AN UNPRECEDENTED EFFORT
TO DEVELOP THIS WEAPON. The public would be told that EXCALIBUR would be needed
to take out Soviet underground command posts. We know that is not true because one rule of war
is that you try not to destroy the leaders. They are needed to ensure peaceful transition of power
and compliance of the populace to all negotiated or dictated terms.
William Cooper continues with his report by stating:
"...A symposium was held in 1957 which was attended by some of the great scientific minds then
living. They reached the conclusion that by, or shortly after, the year 2000 the planet WOULD
self-destruct due to increased population and man's exploitation of the environment WITHOUT
"By secret Executive order of President Eisenhower, the JASON Scholars were ordered to study
this scenario and make recommendations from their findings. The JASON Society
CONFIRMED the findings of the scientists and made three recommendations called
"Alternative 1 was to use nuclear devices to blast holes in the stratosphere from which the heat
and pollution could escape into space. They would then change the human cultures from that of
exploitation into cultures of environmental protection. Of the three this was decided to be the
least likely to succeed due to the inherent nature of man and the additional damage the nuclear
explosions would themselves create. THE EXISTENCE OF A HOLE IN THE OZONE LAYER
THE PLANET. We know that these facilities have been built and are ready and waiting for the
chosen few to be notified.
"Alternative 3 was to exploit the alien and conventional technology in order for a select few to
leave the earth and establish colonies in outer space. I am not able to either confirm or deny the
existence of 'batch consignments' of human slaves, which would be used for the manual labor as
a part of the plan. The Moon, code-named ADAM, was the object of primary interest, followed
by the planet Mars, code-named EVE. I am now in possession of official NASA photographs of
one of the moon bases. I believe that the Mars colony is also a reality (Note: There are some who
suggest that "global warming" may not actually be taking place as believed, and that this "scare"
is based largely on computerized models or simulations which have not always coincided with
actual temperature variations. Is it possible that the earth is attempting to "heal" itself? Could it
be that to some extent "global warming" is more-or-less an "excuse" that is being used to justify
huge expenditures for subterranean and exterran "bases" for secret government use such as in the
"Alternative" scenarios? This is of course, even if true, no reason to destroy this planet, as
pollution of the air, water and earth IS something which could lead to an eventual devastation of
this Earth. - Branton).
"As a delaying action, ALL THREE ALTERNATIVES included BIRTH CONTROL,
plans. It was decided BY THE ELITE that since the population must be reduced and controlled,
it would be in the best interest of the human race to rid ourselves of undesirable elements of our
society. Specific targeted populations included BLACKS, HISPANICS, and HOMOSEXUALS."
(Note: It appears that when they made this decision the elite were on the verge of possessing the
technology to solve the overpopulation, food and energy problems - even to the point of being
able to transport excess populations to other planetary bodies if necessary. Apparently they opted
for mass genocide which they believed would keep the population to a manageable minimum,
not wishing to give up the political and economic control which they possessed and which would
to a large degree be lost if they openly gave this super- technology freely to the masses. Proabortion activist-leader and 'Planned Parenthood' founder Margaret Sanger betrays her own
devotion to the Globalist genocidal policies and insensitivity to women's rights, especially nonAryan women's rights--not to mention the constitutional rights to 'life, liberty and the pursuit of
happiness' on the part of multi-millions of children--in the following words from her first book
'PIVOT OF CIVILIZATION'. In reference to free maternity care for the poor she states: "Instead
of decreasing and aiming to eliminate the stocks that are most detrimental to the future of the
race and the world it tends to render them to a menacing degree dominant." And in reference to
her 'Negro Project' of the late 1930's, which aimed at recruiting black ministers, physicians and
political leaders for birth control and sterilization in the black community, Sanger wrote: "...We
do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is
the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious
members." - Branton). Cooper continues:
"The joint U.S. and Soviet leadership dismissed Alternative 1 BUT ORDERED WORK TO
"In 1959 the Rand Corporation hosted a Deep Underground Construction Symposium. In the
symposium report, machines are pictured and described WHICH COULD BORE A TUNNEL
"The ruling powers decided that one means of funding the alien- connected and other 'black'
projects was to corner the illegal drug market. THE ENGLISH AND THE FRENCH HAD
"A young ambitious member of the Council on Foreign Relations was approached. His name was
George Bush, who at the time was the president and CEO of THE OFFSHORE DIVISION OF
ZAPATA OIL, BASED IN TEXAS. Zapata Oil was experimenting with the new technology of
offshore drilling. It was correctly thought that the drugs could be shipped from South America to
the offshore platforms by fishing boat, to be taken from there to shore by the normal
transportation used for supplies and personnel. By this method no customs or law enforcement
agency would subject the cargo to search.
"George Bush agreed to help, and organized the operation IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE
CIA. The plan worked better than anyone had dreamed. It has since expanded worldwide. There
are now many other methods of bringing illegal drugs into the country. IT MUST ALWAYS BE
CHILDREN. The CIA now controls most of the world's illegal drug markets.
"The official space program was boosted by President Kennedy in his inaugural address when he
mandated that the United States put a man on the Moon before the end of the decade. Although
innocent in its conception, this mandate enabled those in charge to funnel vast amounts of money
AMERICAN PEOPLE. A similar program in the Soviet Union served the same purpose. IN
"On May 22, 1962, a space probe landed on Mars and confirmed the existence of AN
ENVIRONMENT WHICH COULD SUPPORT LIFE (Note: Some may recall many years later
when the first PUBLICIZED probe landed on the surface of Mars and began sending back
pictures of a reddish-brown planet with a light blue sky. Immediately after this we were told
"oops," the blue sky was just a mistake in the programming of the camera, which began sending
the "photos" back to earth in the wrong color. "Fortunately" the problem was "solved" and
subsequent photographs appeared in which the sky was reddish-pink. - Branton). Not long
afterward the construction of a colony on the planet Mars began in earnest. Today I believe a
colony exists on Mars populated by specially selected people from different cultures and
occupations taken from all over the Earth. A PUBLIC CHARADE of antagonism between the
Soviet Union and the United States has been maintained over all these years IN ORDER TO
THE CLOSEST ALLIES. (Note: M.J. of El Paso, TX sent a letter to 'World Watchers
International'--Fall 1989 issue, p. 18-- concerning a woman he'd talked to who worked at JPL in
Pasadena, CA., in 1962, as a classified 'photo interpreter'. Her husband also worked there
designing domed structures capable of resisting 'gale- velocity winds' for 'colonies on the Moon,
and then Mars!' Her husband was sent on a SUPER SECRET mission. Then one day she
received word that her husband had died and no further details, then her 'Q' clearance was pulled.
When asked of his fate she said with dead seriousness: "I think he was drafted to Mars!" Branton).
"At some point President Kennedy discovered portions of the truth concerning the drugs and
aliens. He issued an ultimatum in 1963 to Majesty Twelve. President Kennedy assured them that
if they did not clean up the drug problem, he would. HE INFORMED MAJORITY TWELVE
DEVELOPED TO IMPLEMENT HIS DECISION (Note: We can consider these Files and other
present efforts to inform the public of the alien problem as being nothing less than a Patriotic
duty to fulfill the decree as set out by this former American President - Branton).
"President Kennedy's decision struck fear into the hearts of those in charge. His assassination
was ordered by the Policy Committee and the order was carried out by agents in Dallas.
"During the United States' initial space exploration and the Moon landings every launch was
accompanied by alien craft. ON NOVEMBER 20, 1990, LOS ANGELES TV CHANNEL 2
"The Moon base, Luna, was photographed by the Lunar Orbiter and filmed by the Apollo
astronauts. Domes, spires, tall round structures which look like silos, huge T-shaped mining
vehicles that left stitch like tracks in the lunar surface, and extremely large as well as small alien
craft appear in the official NASA photographs. It is a joint United States and Soviet base. THE
were severely shaken by this experience, and their lives and subsequent statements reflect the
depth of the revelation and the effect of the muzzle order which followed. They were ordered to
remain silent or suffer the extreme penalty, death, which was termed an 'EXPEDIENCY.' One
astronaut actually did talk to the British producers of the TV expose 'ALTERNATIVE 003.' It
was aired on the documentary, NONFICTION program named 'SCIENCE REPORT,' confirming
many of the allegations.
"In the book 'ALTERNATIVE 003' the pseudonym 'Bob Grodin' was used in place of the
astronaut's identity. (The real Bob Grodin is a friend of Leslie Watkins and is a part of the
Kennedy assassination cover-up.) It was also stated that the astronaut 'committed suicide' in
1978. This cannot be validated by any source, and I believe that several so- called facts in the
book are really disinformation. I firmly believe that this disinformation is a result of pressure put
upon the authors and is meant to nullify the effect upon the populace of the British TV expose
KNOWN AS THE BILDERBERG GROUP. The most important and powerful of the three
committees is the Policy Committee. (It is more than interesting to note that the United States
had thirteen original colonies and that 39 delegates from these colonies signed the Constitution
after it was written and adopted in the first Constitutional Convention. Do you believe that is
coincidence?) Policy Committee meetings are held on a nuclear submarine beneath the polar
icecap. A Soviet sub and an American sub join at an airlock and the meeting is convened. The
secrecy is such that this was the only method which would ensure that the meetings could not be
bugged (Note: or in simple terms, the "Illuminati" operating in the highest levels of the American
and Russian governments have for years been cooperating together, all the while keeping up the
"illusion" of two opposing upper powers for the sake of keeping the world's population "divided"
and all the more easily controlled, and probably as a method for justifying huge expenditures for
military and space development. Dr. John Coleman has documented that the former "Communist
Movement" in Russia and the "Eastern Establishment" of America were from their beginnings
both tied-in to the highest levels of Freemasonry - Branton).
"I can say that the book 'ALTERNATIVE 003' is at least 70% true from my own knowledge and
the knowledge of my sources. I believe that the disinformation was an attempt to compromise the
British TV expose with information that could be false, just as the 'Eisenhower Briefing
Document,' which was released here in the United States under the contingency plan Majestic
Twelve, can also be proven false.
"Since our interaction with the aliens began we have come into possession of technology beyond
our wildest dreams. We currently have, and fly, atomic-powered antigravity-type craft in
Nevada. Our pilots have made interplanetary voyages in these craft and have been to the Moon,
Mars, and other planets. We have been lied to about the true nature of the Moon, the planets
Mars and Venus, and the REAL state of technology that we possess today, at this very moment.
"There are areas on the Moon where plant life grows and even changes color with the seasons.
This seasonal effect is because the Moon does not, as claimed, always present the exact same
side to the Earth or the Sun. The Moon has several man-made lakes and ponds upon its surface,
and clouds have been observed and filmed in its atmosphere. It possesses a gravity field -- and
man can walk upon its surface WITHOUT A SPACE SUIT, breathing from an oxygen bottle and
undergoing decompression, the same way as any deep-sea diver!
"I have the official NASA photographs. Some of them were published in the books 'WE
ON THE MOON'. In 1969 a confrontation broke out between the Soviets and Americans at the
lunar base. The Soviets attempted to take control of the base and held American scientists and
personnel hostage (Note: There is evidence that the Luna Base on the Moon, the Dreamland Base
in Nevada-California, and the Dulce-Archuleta Base near the four- corners are all tied-together.
Other sources such as former Dulce security officer "Thomas C." stated that another "altercation"
DID in fact break out in the Dulce Base while he was there, and possibly in the Nevada Base as
well about the same time, although such an altercation in the tunnels beneath the Nevada
Military Complex has not been 'confirmed' to us. Either these two accounts--Luna and Dulce-are based on the same incident, or more than one "altercation" took place, one between
Americans and Russians in Luna, and one between Humans and Saurians in the Dulce Base.
From various sources we can conclude that the trilaterally-connected Luna- ArchuletaDreamland bases are jointly occupied by Americans-Russians- and saurian grays of different
types, as well as possibly "defectors" or "sell outs" from the "Nordic-Blond-or-Aryan" societies.
Although Cooper claims to have seen no documentation on the alleged 'Dulce Wars', he did
claim to have read documents telling of the altercation in the joint CIA-Alien-Russian base
'Luna' - Branton).
"The Soviets were suspended from the program for a period of two years. A reconciliation
eventually took place and once again we began to interact.
"I cannot even begin to outline the entire financial empire controlled by the CIA, the NSA, and
the Council on Foreign Relations, WHICH IN TURN CONTROL AND LAUNDER THE
VENTURES; but I can give you a beginning. THE AMOUNT OF MONEY IS BEYOND
AND HOLDING COMPANIES. You should first begin to look at the J. Henry Schroder
Banking Corporation, the Schroder Trust Company, Schroders Ltd. (London), Helbert Wagg
Holdings Ltd., J. Henry Schroder-Wagg & Co. Ltd., Schroder Gerbruder and Company
(Germany), Schroder Munchmeyer Gengst and Company, Castle Bank and its holding
companies, the Asian Development Bank, and the Nugan Hand octopus of banks and holding
"A contingency plan was formulated by Majesty Twelve to throw every one off the trail should
they come close to the truth. The plan was known as MAJESTIC TWELVE. IT WAS
wrote Executive orders in the 9000 range; Eisenhower's were in the 10,000; Ford was up to the
11,000 bracket; and Reagan reached only into the 12,000s. Executive orders are numbered
consecutively, no matter who occupies the White House, for reasons of continuity, record
keeping, and to prevent confusion. THIS RED HERRING HAS THROWN THE ENTIRE
"...Another plan is in force. It is the plan to prepare the public for eventual confrontation with an
THAT DOES NOT EXIST. The public is being bombarded with movies, radio, advertising, and
TV programs depicting almost every aspect of the "purported" true nature of the alien presence.
This includes the good and bad. Look around and pay attention. SOMEONE IS PLANNING TO
IT. They do not want any panic. The unprecedented number of sightings worldwide indicates
that public exposure is not far off. Never in history have there been so many official
acknowledgements. For many years the Secret Government has been importing drugs and selling
them to the people, mainly the poor and minorities. Social welfare programs were put into place
to create a dependent, nonworking element in our society. The government then began to remove
these programs to force people into a criminal class that did not exist in the '50s and '60s.
The government encouraged the manufacture and importation of military firearms for the
criminals to use. This is intended to foster a feeling of insecurity, which would lead the
American people to voluntarily disarm themselves by passing laws against firearms (in a "disarmed" society, the law-abiding citizens would give up their gun rights, while the "criminals"
who are conditioned to not following the laws anyways would still retain their firearms. They
will be "illegal" of course, but breaking the law would be nothing new to them - Branton). Using
drugs and hypnosis on mental patients in a process called Orion, the CIA inculcated the desire in
these people to open fire on schoolyards and thus inflame the antigun lobby (Note: This aspect of
"hypnosis" has been used in other murders-assassinations. Contrary to popular belief, a person
CAN be forced to commit an act under hypnosis that they would not normally commit in waking
consciousness. For instance they could be told that so-and-so was a threat to civilization, and
they would, while in the trance state, 'see' that person as the monster the hypnotists made them
out to be. There is much evidence, as contained in Sirhan Sirhan's diary and elsewhere, that this
alleged murderer of Robert Kennedy was being psychologically manipulated by a certain group
through hypnosis, that Sirhan Sirhan was an incredibly vulnerable hypnosis victim, and that he
had no memory after the event of firing on Robert Kennedy. Witnesses claimed that a "security
guard" pulled a gun on Kennedy, and that at least 10 bullets were fired, two of which were later
found embedded in a "pantry" doorframe and which could not have been fired by Sirhan Sirhan
as his gun only held a maximum of eight bullets. This has been confirmed by Geraldo Rivera and
several other TV "news magazines" that re-covered the Robert Kennedy assassination shortly
following the interest generated after the release of the movie "J.F.K." - Branton). This plan is
well under way, and so far is working perfectly. The middle class is begging the government to
do away with the 2nd amendment.
William Lear was the designer of the Lear Jet, the 8-track tape deck and founder of Lear- Siegler Corp.
His son, John Lear, was a black sheep, danger junkie and pilot Extraordinaire. Here is his recounting his
life. Wow.
John Lear gave this talk on July 9th, 2004 to a group of fellow pilots in Las Vegas at the "Hangar of Quiet
Birdmen" or QB meeting. Each month one pilot in the group gives a 15 minute talk on his career.
John Lear on John Lear:
One of the anguishes of advancing age is losing old friends. The upside of that, though, is that I get to tell
the story my way because there is nobody still around to say otherwise.
I learned to fly at Clover Field in Santa Monica when I was 14. However before I got to get in an actual
airplane Dad made me take 40 hours of link with Charlie Gress. I can't remember what I did yesterday but
I guarantee you I could still shoot a 90 degree, Fade-out or Parallel radio Range orientation.
When I turned 16 I had endorsements on my student license for an Aero Commander 680E and Cessna
I got my private at 17 and instrument rating shortly thereafter. The Lockheed 18 Lodestar was my first
type rating at age 18. I went to work for my father and brother flying co-pilot on a twin beech out of
Geneva Switzerland after I got out of high school. Dad was over there trying to peddle radios to the
European airlines.
However just after I turned 18 and got my Commercial I was showing off my aerobatic talents in a
Bucker Jungmann to my friends at a Swiss boarding school I had attended. I managed to start a 3 turn
spin from too low an altitude and crashed. I shattered both heels and ankles and broke both legs in 3
places. I crushed my neck, broke both sides of my jaw and lost all of my front teeth. I managed to get
gangrene in one of the open wounds in my ankles and was shipped from Switzerland to the Lovelace
Clinic in Albuquerque where Randy Lovelace made me well.
When I could walk again I worked selling pots and pans door to door in Santa Monica. In late 1962 Dad
had moved from Switzerland to Wichita to build the Lear Jet and I went to Wichita to begin work in
Public relations until November of 1963 about 2 months after the first flight when I moved to Miami and
took over editing an aviation newspaper called Aero News. I moved the newspaper to El Segundo in
California and ran it until it failed.. I then got a job flight instructing at Progressive Air Service in
Hawthorne, California. From there I went to Norman Larson Beechcraft in Van Nuys flight instructing in
In the spring of 1965 I was invited by my Dad back to Wichita to get type rated in the model 23 Learjet. I
then went to work for the executive aircraft division of Flying Tigers in Burbank who had secured a
For the Lear.
In November of 1965 my boss Paul Kelly crashed number 63 into the mountains at Palm Springs killing
everybody on board including Bob Prescott’s 13 years old son and 4 of the major investors in Tigers. I
took over his job as President of Airjet charters a wholly owned subsidiary of FTL and flew charters and
sold Lears. Or rather tried to sell them. It turns out that I never managed to sell one Learjet in my entire
In March of 1966, two Lear factory pilots Hank Beaird, Rick King and myself set 17 world speed records
including speed around the round the world, 65 hours and 38 minutes in the first Lear Jet 24. Shortly after
that flight I got canned from Tigers and moved to Vegas and started the first 3rd level airline in Nevada,
Ambassador Airlines. We operated an Aero Commander and Cherokee 6 on 5 stops from Las Vegas to
LAX. This was about the time Howard Hughes moved to Las Vegas and I was doing some consulting
work for Bob and Peter Maheu.
The money man behind Ambassador was Jack Cleveland who I introduced to John Myers in the Hughes
organization. Cleveland and Myers tried to peddle the 135 certificate to Hughes without success and Jack
ended up selling Howard those phony gold mining claims you all may remember. I went back to Van
Nuys and was flying Lear charter part time for Al Paulson and Clay Lacy at California Airmotive, the
Learjet distributor.
That summer I started a business called Aerospace Flight Research in Van Nuys were I rented aircraft to
Teledyne to flight test their Inertial Guidance Systems. We had a B-26, Super Pinto and Twin Beech. I
think we lasted about 4 months.
I then went to work for World Aviation Services in Ft. Lauderdale ferrying the Cessna O2 FAC airplanes
from Wichita, fresh of the assembly line to Nha Trang in Viet Nam with fellow QB Bill Werstlein. We
were under the 4440th ADG Langley VA. and hooked up with a lot of other military pilots ferrying all
manner and types of aircraft.
Our route was Wichita to Hamilton, Hickam, Midway, Wake, Guam, Clark and then in country. The
longest leg was Hamilton to Hickam an average of 16 hours, no autopilot, no co-pilot, and one ADF. We
also had 3 piddle packs.
Arriving in Nha Trang we would hitch a ride to Saigon and spend 3 days under technical house arrest,
each trip, pay a fine for entering the country illegally, that is being civilians and not coming through a
port of entry, catch an airline up to Hong Kong for a little R and R and
straight back to Wichita for another airplane I flew this contract for 4 years.
During some off time in 1968 I attempted to ferry a Cessna 320 from Oakland to Australia with the first
stop in Honolulu. About 2 hours out from Oakland I lost the right engine and had no provisions for
dumping fuel. I went down into ground effect (T effect for you purists) and for 3 hours and 21 minutes
flew on one engine about 25 feet above the waves and made it into Hamilton AFB after flying under the
Golden Gate and Richmond bridges. An old friend Nick Conte, was officer of the day and gave me the
royal treatment. Why did I go into Hamilton instead of Oakland? I knew exactly where the O club was for
some much needed refreshment.
In September of 1968 between 0-2 deliveries I raced a Douglas B-26 Invader in the Reno Air Races. It
was the largest airplane ever raced at Reno, and I placed 5th in the Bronze passing one Mustang . It was
reported to me after the race by XB-70 project pilot Col. Ted Sturmthal that when I passed the P-51, 3
fighter pilots from Nellis committed suicide off the back of the grandstands. In the summer of 1970 I
helped Darryl Greenamyer and Adam Robbins put on the California 1000 air race in Mojave California.
That's the one where Clay Lacy raced the D7. I flew a B-26 with Wally McDonald.
I then started flying charter in an Aero Commander and Beech Queen Air for
Aero Council a charter service out of Burbank. They went belly up about 3 months later and I went up to
Reno to work for my Dad as safety pilot on his Lear model 25. After my Dad fired me I was personally
escorted to the Nevada/California border by an ex-Los Angeles police detective who worked for Dad and
did the muscle work.
I went back down to Van Nuys and was Chief Pilot for Lacy Aviation and was one of the first pilot
proficiency examiners for the Lear Jet. In the summer of 1973 I moved to Phnom Penh, Cambodia as
Chief Pilot and Director of Operations for Tri Nine Airlines which flew routes throughout Cambodia
forKhmer Akas Air.
I flew a Convair 440 an average of 130 hours a month. We had unlimited quantities of 115/145 fuel and
ADI and were able to use full CB-17 power (which was 62" for any of you R-2800 aficionados). In
November of 1973 I moved to Vientianne, Laos and flew C-46's and Twin Otters for Continental Air
Services Inc. delivering guns and ammo to the Gen. Vang Pao and his CIA supported troops.
We got shot down one day and when I say we, Dave Kouba was the captain. We were flying a twin otter
and got the right engine shot out. Actually the small arms fire had hit the fuel line in the right strut and
fuel was streaming out back around the tail and being sucked into the large cargo opening in the side of
the airplane and filling the cockpit with a fine mist of jet fuel.
I held the mike in my hands, "Should I call Cricket and possibly blow us up or...?" (Some of you may
remember "Cricket".... "This is Cricket on guard with an air strike warning to all aircraft".) But Davy
found us a friendly dirt strip and we were back in the air the next day. When the war came to an end in
1973 I moved back to Van Nuys and started flying Lears for Lacy again until October when I went up to
Seattle and sat in on a Boeing 707 ground school for Air Club International on spec.
3 weeks later I ended up in the left seat of the 707 with a total of 8 hours in type. Air Club begat Aero
America and we flew junkets out of Vegas for the Tropicana and Thunderbird Hotels. I left Aero having
not been fired and in the summer of 1975 I was Director of Ops for Ambassador Airlines flying 707
junkets also out of Vegas. After that airline collapsed I moved to Beirut, Lebanon in September of 1975
and flew 707's for 2 years for Trans Mediterranean Airways a Lebanese cargo carrier.
It was a very interesting job in that they had 65 stations around the world and you would leave Beirut
with a copilot that had maybe 200 hours in airplanes and fortunately a first rate plumber and off you'd go
around the world. My favorite run was Dubai to Kabul, Afghanistan with a stop in Kandahar. Kabul is a
one way strip, land uphill and take off downhill, it was 6000 foot elevation with no navaids.
During those 2 years I made many round the world trips and many over the pole trips. In 1977 I moved
back to Vegas and was Director of Operations for Nevada Airlines flying DC-3's and Twin Beech's to the
Canyon. In September of 77 I was called to Budapest for another CIA operation flying 707's loaded with
arms and ammo to Mogadishu.
Leaving Budapest then refuelling in Jeddah we flew radio silence down the Red Sea trying to avoid the
MiGs based in Aden, whose sole purpose on earth was to force us down. The briefing was simple. If you
guys get into trouble DON'T CALL US. Back to Vegas in December of that year I was hired as Chief
Pilot for Bonanza Airlines operating DC-3's and a Gulfstream 1 from Vegas to Aspen.
After that airline collapsed I was hired by Hilton Hotels to fly their Lear 35A. In my spare time I flew part
time for Dynalectron and the EPA on an underground nuke test monitoring program. I flew their B-26,
OV-10, Volpar Beech and Huey helicopter. I also flew the Tri Motor Ford part time for Scenic Airlines..
In 1978 my Dad passed away and his will left me with one dollar, which incidentally, I never got.
In 1980 I ran for the Nevada State Senate district 4. I lost miserably only because I was uninformed,
unprepared and both of my size 9 triple E's were continually in my mouth.
I got fired from Hilton shortly after that and moved to Cairo, Egypt to fly for Air Trans another CIA
cutout. After the Camp David accords were signed in 1979 each country, Egypt and Israel were required
to operate 4
flights a week into the others country. Of course, El Al pilots didn't mind flying into Cairo but you could
not find an Egyptian pilot that would fly into Tel Aviv. So an Egyptian airline was formed called Nefertiti
Airlines with me as chief pilot to fly the 4 flights a week into Tel Aviv.
On our off time we flew subcontract for Egyptair throughout Europe and Africa. All this, of course was
just a cover for our real missions which was all kinds of nefarious gun running throughout Europe and
Africa which we did in our spare time.
And now that our beloved 40th president has passed on I can tell you that in
fact (with my apologies to Michael Reagan) the October Surprise was true.
The October Surprise for those of you that don't remember happened during
October of 1980 when Reagan and Bush were running against Carter and
Mondale. George Bush was flown in a BAC 111 one Saturday night to Paris to
meet with the Ayatollah Khomeini. Bush offered the Khomeini a deal whereby
if he would delay the release of the hostages held in Tehran until Reagans
inauguration, the administration would supply unlimited guns and
ammunition to the Iranians.
In order to get Bush back for a Sunday morning brunch so that nobody would
be alerted to his absence he was flown back in an SR-71 from Reims field near
Paris to McGuire AFB. Of course Reagan won, the hostages were
released and one of my jobs in Cairo was to deliver those arms from Tel Aviv
to Tehran.
Unfortunately, the first airplane in, an Argentinean CL-44 was shot down by
the Russians just south of Yerevan and Mossad who was running the
operation didn't want to risk sending my 707. The arms where eventually
delivered through Dubai, across the Persian Gulf and directly into Terhan.
During the 2 years I was in Cairo I averaged 180 hours a month with a top month of 236 hours in a 31day
period. I spent a 6 week tour in Khartoum flying cows to Saana, North Yemen in an old Rolls Royce
powered 707.
Back in Las Vegas in December of 1982 I sat on my ass until I was out of money, again, and then went to
work for Global Int'l Airlines in Kansas City, another CIA cutout run by Farhad Azima, an Iranian with a
bonafide Gold Plated Get Out of Jail Free card flying 707's until they collapsed in October of 83.
During the summer of 1983 the FAA celebrated its 25th Anniversary at the Mike Monroney Aeronautical
Center in Oklahoma City. There was much fanfare and speech making and 2 honored guests. Bill Conrad
from Miami, Florida who had the most type ratings, I think over 50. And myself. I had the most
airman certificates issued of any other airman.
After Global's collapse I went to work for American Trans Air flying 707's. I wrote their international
navigation manual as MNPS for North Atlantic operations was just being implemented and became the
first FAA designated check airman for MNPS navigation. ATA then added 727's and then Lockheed L1011's. For a very brief time I was qualified as captain in all three.
After getting fired from ATA in July of 1989 I became a freight dog flying DC-8's for Rosenbalm
Aviation which became Flagship Express and after that airline collapsed I was hired as Chief pilot for
Patriot Airlines out of Stead Field in Reno, flying cargo 727's from Miami to South America. After
getting fired from Patriot I went to work for Connie Kalitta flying DC-8s then the L-1011 on which I was
a check airman. Kalitta sold out to Kitty Hawk International which went bankrupt in May of 2000.
I was 57 at the time and nobody is going to hire an old f*ck for two and a half years except to fly
sideways as a FE so I turned in my stripes and ever present flask of Courvoisier. Except for one last fling
in March of 2001 where I flew the Hadj for a Cambodian Airline flying L-1011's under contract to Air
India. We were based in New Delhi and flew to Jeddah from all throughout India. There was absolutely
no paperwork, no FAA, no BS and for 6 weeks we just moved Hadji's back and forth to Saudi Arabia.
One final note, in October of 1999 I had the honor and extreme pleasure to get checked out in a Lockheed
CF-104D Starfighter. My instructor was Darryl Greenamyer, the airplane was owned by Mark and
Gretchen Sherman of Phoenix. It was the highlight of my aviation career particularly because I survived
my first and only SFO in a high performance fighter.
One other thing, somehow I managed to get the following type ratings:
Boeing 707/720/727, Convair 240/340/440, DC-3, DC-8, B-26, Gulfstream 1, Lockheed Constellation,
Lear Jet series, HS-125, Lockheed L-1011, Lockheed L-18, Lockheed P-38, Martin 202/404, B-17, B-25,
Grumman TBM and Ford Trimotor.
I also have single and multi engine sea, rotorcraft helicopter and gyroplane, and lighter than air free
balloon.. I never got all categories having missed the Airship. And in case you are interested many, many
airmen have lots more type ratings.
What I did get, that no other airman got, was most FAA certificates: These are: the ATP, Flight Instructor
with airplane single and multi engine, instrument, rotorcraft helicopter and gyroplane and glider. Flight
Navigator, Flight Engineer, Senior Parachute Rigger, Control Tower Operator, A&P, Ground Instructor,
Advanced and Instrument and Aircraft Dispatcher.
I have 19,488 hours of Total time of which 15,325 hours is in 1,2,3 or 4 engine jet.
I took a total of 181 FAA (or designated check airman) check rides and failed only 2.
Of the thousands of times I knowingly violated a FAA regulation I was only caught once but never
charged or prosecuted.
The farthest I have ever been off course was 321 miles to the left over the South China Sea in a 707 on
New Year’s day 1977 on a flight from Taipei to Singapore. The deviation was not caught by Hong Kong,
Manila or Singapore radar and I penetrated six different zero to unlimited restricted areas west of the
Philippines. I landed in Singapore 7 minutes late without further incident.
How, you ask, did I get so far off course? The short answer is I was napping at the controls. I have flown
just about everywhere except Russia, China, Mongolia, Korea, Antarctica, Australia or New Zealand.
I am a senior vice-commander of the American Legion Post No1 Shanghai, China (Generals Ward,
Chennault and Helseth) (operating in exile) and a 21 year member of the Special Operations Association.
Now some of you may be asking why so many airlines
collapsed that I worked for and why I got fired so many
times. My excuse is simple. I am not the brightest crayon in
the box, I am extremely lazy…
…I have a smart mouth and a real poor fucking
This file contains the absolute true information regarding the alien
presence on earth and the US Governments involvement with the aliens.
This file contains the information only as I saw it and only my
information. It does not contain information from any other source.
It was necessary for me to issue the information previous to this release
in a manner which would deceive the Government until someone was able to
independently confirm my identity, my employment, my service record, my
intelligence background, the identity of the person to which i gave the
information to in 1972, his acknowledgement of the information and when
it was given to him, that the information is correct, that I have not
seen him since 1974, and that I have not communicated with him in any
form since 1976. This was necessary because this file is my death warrant
If MJ-12 continues to operate in a manner consistent with its history.
All the last paragraph has been independently verified by 2 different
people who have no connection to each other. I will only list one for
obvious reasons.
Tony Pelham, Journalist
Las Vegas Bullet (Newspaper)
300 West Boston
Las Vegas, Nevada 89102
The original information that I first released was not much different
than what you will find here. Only some names were different and just
enough (I hoped) to convince MJ-12 and MAJI that I was not a threat long
enough to have independent verification of the facts before I risked
death. I wish to make it absolutely clear that I do not consider myself
a hero. I believe that most of you would do the same thing if you knew
the truth. I gave an oath that I would uphold the Constitution of the
United States of America and I take that oath very seriously. I am doing
no more now that I did when I fought in Vietnam. I am doing my duty.
Please make copies of this file and send it to your Congressman, your
Senator, the Attorney General of the United States, and to the Supreme
Court. Send it also to everyone you know. Attach copies of the Bill
English file and John Lears file. Send anything else which tends to
support the information.
I Milton William Cooper, 1311 S. Highland #205, Fullerton, California,
92632, (714) 680-9537, do solemnly swear that the information contained
in this file is true to the best of my knowledge. I swear I saw this
information in 1972 in the performance of my duties as a member of the
Intelligence Briefing Team of the Commander in Chief of the Pacific
Fleet as a Petty Officer in the US Navy. I swear that I can and will take
a lie detector test or any other test of any reputable persons choosing
in order to confirm this information. I swear that I can and will undergo
hypnotic regression conducted by any reputable and qualified Doctor of
any reputable persons choosing in order to confirm this information.
I will not, however submit to any test or hypnosis by anyone who is now
or has ever been connected with the Government in any capacity for
obvious reasons.
The following is a brief listing of everything that I personally saw and
know from 1972 and does not contain input from any other source
MAJESTY was listed as the code word for the President of the United
States for communications concerning this information.
OPERATION MAJORITY is the name of the operation responsible for every
aspect, project, and consequence of alien presence on earth.
GRUDGE Contains 16 volumes of documented information collected from the
beginning of the United States investigation of Unidentified Flying
Objects (UFO's) and Identified Alien Crafts (IAC). The project was funded
by CIA confidential funds (non-appropriated) and money from the illicit
drug trade. Participation in the illegal drug trade was justified in that
it would identify and eliminate the weak elements of our society. The
purpose of project GRUDGE was to collect all scientific, technological,
medical and intelligence information from UFO/IAC sightings and contacts
with alien life forms. This orderly file of collected information has
been used to advance the United States Space Program.
MJ-12 is the name of the secret control group. President Eisenhower
commissioned a secret society known as THE JASON SOCIETY (JASON SCHOLARS)
to sift through all the facts, evidence, technology, lies and deception
and find the truth of the alien question. The society was made up of 32
most prominent men in the country in 1972 and the top 12 members were
designated MJ-12. MJ-12 has total control of everything. They are
designated by the code J-1, J-2, J-3, etc. all the way through the
members of the Jason Society. The director of the CIA is appointed J-1
and is the director of MJ-12. MJ-12 is only responsible to the President.
MJ-12 runs most of the world’s illegal drug trade. This was done to hide
funding and thus keep the secret from Congress and the people of the
United States. It was justified in that it would identify and eliminate
the weak elements of our society. The cost of funding the alien connected
projects is higher than anything you can imagine. MJ-12 assassinated
President Kennedy when he informed them that he was going to tell the
public all the facts of the alien presence. He was killed by the Secret
Service agent driving his car and it is plainly visible in the film held
from public view. A secret meeting place was built for MJ-12 in MARYLAND
and it was described as only accessible by air. It contains full living,
recreational, and other facilities for MJ-12 and the JASON SOCIETY.
It is code named "THE COUNTRY CLUB". Only those with TOP SECRET/MAJIC
clearance are allowed to go there.
disinformation, and intelligence is gathered and evaluated by this
agency. The agency is responsible for all disinformation and operates
in conjunction with the CIA, NSA, and the Defense Intelligence Agency.
This is a very powerful organization and all alien projects are under its
control. MAJI is only responsible to MJ-12.
SIGMA is the project which first established communications with the
aliens and is still responsible for communications.
PLATO is the project responsible for Diplomatic relations with the
aliens. This project secured a formal treaty (illegal under the
Constitution) with the aliens. The terms were that the aliens would give
us technology. In return we agreed to keep their presence on earth a
secret, not to interfere in any way their actions, and to allow them to
abduct humans and animals. The aliens agreed to furnish MJ-12 with a list
of abductees on a periodic basis.
MAJIC is a security classification and clearance of all alien connected
material, projects, and information. MAJIC means MAJI controlled.
AQUARIUS is a project which compiled the history of alien presence and
their interaction with Homo Sapiens upon this planet for the last
25,000 years and culminating with the Basque people who live in the
mountainous country on the border of France and Spain and the Syrians.
GARNET is the project responsible for control of all information and
documents regarding this subject and accountability of the information
and documents.
PLUTO is a project to evaluate all UFO/IAC information pertaining to
space technology.
POUNCE is the project formed to recover all downed/crashed craft and
REDLIGHT is the project to test fly recovered alien craft. It is
conducted at AREA 51 (DREAMLAND) in Nevada. It was aided when the aliens
gave us craft and helped us fly them. The initial project was somewhat
successful in that we flew a recovered craft but it blew up in the air
and the pilots were killed. The project was suspended at that time until
the aliens agreed to help us.
SNOWBIRD was established as a cover for project REDLIGHT. Several flying
saucer type craft were built using conventional technology. They were
unveiled to the press and flown in front of the press. The purpose was to
explain accidental sightings or disclosure of REDLIGHT as having been
LUNA is the alien base on the far side of the Moon. It was seen and
filmed by Apollo Astronauts. A base, a mining operation using very large
machines, and a very large alien craft described in sighting reports as
MOTHER SHIPS exist there.
NRO is the National Recon Organization based at Fort Carson, Colorado.
It is responsible for security for all alien or alien craft connected
DELTA is the designation for the specific arm of the NRO which is
especially trained and tasked with security of these projects.
JOSHUA is a project to develop a low frequency pulsed sound generating
weapon. It is said that this weapon would be effective against the
alien craft and beam weapons.
EXCALIBUR is a weapon to destroy the alien underground bases. It is a
missile capable of penetrating 1000 meters of Tufa/hard packed soil such
as that found in New Mexico with no operational damage. Missile apogee
not to exceed 30,000 feet AGL and impact must not deviate in excess of
50 meters from designated target. The device will carry a 1 megaton
nuclear warhead.
ALIENS, there were 4 types of aliens mentioned in the papers. A LARGE
NOSED GREY with whom we have the treaty, the GREY reported in abductee
cases that works for the LARGE NOSED GREY, a blond human like type
described as NORDIC, a red haired human like type called ORANGE. The
home of the aliens were described as being a star in the constellation
of Orion, Barnards star, and Zeta Reticuli 1 and 2. I cannot remember
even under hypnosis which alien belongs to which star.
EBE is the name or designation given to the live alien captured at the
1949 Roswell crash. He died in captivity.
KRLL OR KRLLL OR CRLL OR CRLLL pronounced Crill or Krill was the hostage
left with us at the first Holloman landing as a pledge that the aliens
would carry out their part of the basic agreement that was reached during
that meeting. KRLL gave us the foundation of the yellow book which was
completed by the guests at a later date. KRLL became sick and was nursed
by Dr. G. Mendoza who became an expert in alien biology and medicine.
KRLL later died. His information was disseminated under the pseudonym
O.H. Cril or Crill.
GUESTS were aliens exchanged for humans who gave us the balance of the
yellow book. At the time i saw the information there were only 3 left
alive. They were called (ALF's) Alien Life Forms.
RELIGION The aliens claim to have created Homo Sapiens through
hybridization. The papers said the RH- blood was proof of this. They
further claim to have created all our major religions. The showed a
Hologram of the crucifixion of Christ which the Government filmed.
They claim Jesus was created by them.
ALIEN BASES exist in the four corners area of Utah, Colorado, New Mexico,
and Nevada. Six bases were described in the 1972 papers, all on Indian
reservations and all in the four corners area. The base near Dulce was
one of them.
MURDER The documents stated that many military and government personnel
had been terminated (murdered without due process of law) when they
attempted to reveal the secret.
CRAFT RECOVERYS The documents stated that many craft had been recovered.
The early ones from Roswell, Aztec, Roswell again, Texas, Mexico, and
other places.
GENERAL DOOLITTLE made a prediction that one day we would have to reckon
with the aliens and the document stated that it appeared that General
Doolittle was correct.
ABDUCTIONS were occurring long before 1972. The document stated that
humans and or animals were being abducted and or mutilated. Many
vanished without a trace. They were taking sperm and ova samples,
tissue, performed surgical operations, implanted a spherical device
40 to 80 microns in size near the optic nerve in the brain and all
attempts to remove it resulted in the death of the patient. The document
estimated that 1 out of every 40 people had been implanted. This implant
was said to give the aliens total control of that human.
This plan called for a public announcement that a terrorist group had
entered the United States with an Atomic weapon. It would be announced
that the terrorists planned to detonate the weapon in a major city.
Martial law would be declared and all persons with implants would be
rounded up along with all dissidents and would be placed in concentration
camps. The press, radio, and TV would be nationalized and controlled.
Anyone attempting to resist would be arrested or killed.
This plan called for the use of MAJESTIC TWELVE as a disinformation
ploy to delay and confuse the release of information should anyone get
close to the truth. It was selected because of its similarity to MJ-12.
It was designed to confuse memory and to result is a fruitless search
for material which did not exist.
The source of the material was an ONI counter intelligence operation
against MJ-12 in order for the Navy to find out the truth of what was
really going on. The Navy (at that time or at least the Navy that I
worked for) were not participants in any of this. The different services
and the government conduct this type of operation against each other all
the time. The result of this operation was that the Navy cut themselves
in for a piece of the action (technology) and control of some projects.
As you can see this file is only a little different from my previous
file. Only some names were scrambled previously to confuse the
government long enough for someone to verify that what I have said is
the truth. I have added information in this file that puts my life in
absolute danger. I have sent a copy of this file to people all over
the country and will continue to do so. Please get this file into as
many hands as you can and maybe that will protect me but I doubt it.
I wish to thank all those people who have aided me in reaching this point
and for their patience and understanding. I owe you all more than i can
ever repay.
Finally, it does not matter who is right or who is wrong or if a project
name is in the wrong place. It does not matter who is working for who
or what is really what. It should be obvious that something sinister
and terribly wrong is going on involving the government and the UFO
phenomenon. We must all band together and expose it now. I have done
my part in the best way that I could. I can add nothing else except my
testimony in Congress or a court of law that what I saw and have written
in this file is true and that I saw it.
Everything in my previous file that does not conflict with this file is
true and correct to the best of my knowledge and some of it is from
sources and research. You may combine the files to get the entire
picture. Throw out only that information which conflicts with that
contained in this file.
There will be no further additions or corrections to this information
either now or in the future. My file is complete and stands to be judged
by history. Sometime in the future the exact papers that I saw will
surface and you will all see this exact information contained within
Milton William Cooper
Statement Released By:
John Lear
December 29, 1987
John Lear, a captain for a major US Airline has flown over 160
different types of aircraft in over 50 different countries. He
holds 17 world speed records in the Lear Jet and is the only pilot
ever to hold every airline certificate issued by the FAA. Mr. Lear
has flown missions worldwide for the CIA and other gov't agencies.
A former Nevada State Senator candidate, he is the son of William
P. Lear, designer of the Lear Jet executive airplane, the 8-track
stereo, and founder of Lear Siegler Corporation. Lear became
interested in the subject of UFO's 13 months ago after talking with
United States Air Force Personnel who had witnessed a UFO landing
at Bentwaters AFB, near London, England, and three small aliens
walking up to the Wing Commander.'
Now that you know have a brief biography of John Lear, and read the
disclaimer of ParaNet (presumably some Bitnet service not unlike
skeptic), I will tell you that there is attached a Note to the Press
regarding Mr. Lear's knowledge of UFO's and the gov't's relationship
with "little gray extraterrestrials." I don't have time to reproduce
the entire "press release," but I will reproduce what I can when I can.
Anyone know about this press release? Or care?
The following is a continuation of a previous correspondence. It is
purportedly John Lear's Note to the Press:
The government of the United States continues to rely on your
personal and professional gullibility to suppress the information
contained herein. Your cooperation over the past 40 years has exceeded
our wildest expectations and we salute you.
"The sun does not revolve around the Earth"
"The United States Government has been in business with little gray
extraterrestrials for about 20 years"
The first truth stated here got Giordano Bruno burned at the stake in
AD 1600 for daring to propose that it was real. The second truth has
gotten far more people killed trying to state it publicly than will
ever be known.
But the truth must be told. The fact that the Earth revolves around the
sun was successfully suppressed by the church for over 200 years. It
eventually caused a major upheaval in the church, government, and
thought. A realignment of social and traditional values. That was in the
Now, about 400 years after the first truth was pronounced we must again
face the shocking facts. The "horrible truth" the government has been
hiding from us over 40 years. Unfortunately, the "horrible truth" is
far more horrible than the government ever imagined.
In its effort to protect democracy, our government sold us to the aliens.
And here is how it happened. But before I begin, I'd like to offer a
word in the defense of those who bargained us away. They had the best
of intentions.
"Germany may have recovered a flying saucer as early as 1939. General
James H. Doolittle went to Sweden in 1946 to inspect a flying saucer
that had crashed there in Spitzbergen.
The "horrible truth" was known by only a very few persons: They were
indeed ugly little creatures, shaped like praying mantises and who
were more advanced than us by perhaps a billion years. OF the original
group that were the first to learn the "horrible truth," several
committed suicide, the most prominent of which was General James V.
Forrestal who jumped to his death from a 16th story hospital window.
General Forrestal's medical records are sealed to this day.
President Truman quickly put a lid on the secret and turned the screws
so tight that the general public still thinks that flying saucers are
a joke.
Well, that's all for now. But the story get even better as it provides
an account for all of those mysterious "alien abductions" that are
always being reported on in TV shows such as "Unsolved Mysteries."
More from the John Lear "Press Release," continuing from where I left
"In 1947, President Truman established a group of 12 of the top
military scientific personnel of their time. They were known as MJ-12.
Although the group exists today, none of the original members are
still alive. The last one to die was Gordon Gray, former Secretary of
the Army, in 1984. As each member passed away, the group itself
appointed a new member to fill the position. There is some speculation
that the group known as MJ-12 expanded to at least several members.
There were several more saucer crashes in the late 1940's, one in
Roswell, New Mexico, one Aztec, New Mexico, and one near Laredo,
Texas, about 30 miles inside the Mexican border.
Consider, if you will, the position of the United States Government
at that time. They proudly thought of themselves as the most
powerful nation on Earth, having recently produced the atomic bomb,
an achievement so stupendous, it would take Russia 4 years to catch
up, and only with the help of traitors to the Democracy. They had
built a jet aircraft that had exceeded the speed of sound in flight.
They had built jet bombers with intercontinental range that could
carry weapons of enormous destruction. The post war era, and the
future seemed bright. Now imagine what it was like for those same
leaders, all of whom had witnessed the panic of Orson Wells' radio
broadcast, "The War of the Worlds," in 1938. Thousands of Americans
panicked at a realistically presented invasion of Earth by beings
from another planet. Imagine their horror as they actually viewed
the dead bodies of these frightening looking little creatures with
enormous eyes, reptilian skin and claw like fingers. Imagine their
shock as they attempted to determine how these strange "saucers"
were powered and could discover no part even remotely similar to
components they were familiar with: no cylinders or pistons, no
vacuum tubes or turbines or hydraulic actuators. It is only when
you fully understand the overwhelming helplessness the government
was faced with in the late 40's that you can comprehend their
perceived need for a total, thorough and sweeping cover up, to
include the use of 'deadly force.'"
"The cover-up was so successful that as late as 1985 a senior
scientist with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA,
Dr. Al Hibbs, would look at a video tape of an enormous
flying saucer and state the record, 'I'm not going to assign
anything to that (UFO) phenomena without a lot more data.' Dr.
Hibbs was looking at the naked emperor and saying, 'He certainly
looks naked, but that doesn't prove he's naked'."
Stay tuned 'til next time when we see the U.S. gov't making a
deal with the ugly little creatures...
"In July of 1952, a panicked government watched helplessly as a squadron
of 'flying saucers' flew over Washington, D.C., and buzzed the White
House, the Capitol Building, and the Pentagon. It took all the
imagination and intimidation the government could muster to force the
incident out of the memory of the public.
"Thousands of sightings occurred during the Korean war and several more
saucers were retrieved by the Air Force. Some were stored at WrightPatterson Air Force Base, some were stored at Air Force bases near the
location of the crash site.
"One saucer was so enormous and the logistic problems in transportation
so enormous that it was buried at the crash site and remains there
today. The stories are legendary on transporting crashed saucers over
long distances, moving only at night, purchasing complete farms,
slashing through forests, blocking major highways, sometimes driving
2 and 3 lo-boys in tandem with an extraterrestrial load a hundred feet
in diameter.
"During the period of 1969-1971, MJ-12 (ed. note: MJ-12 is the special
task force for the study of UFO's) representing the U.S. Gov't made a
deal with these creatures, called EBE's (Extraterrestrial Biological
Entities, named by Detley Bronk, original MJ-12 member and 6th
president of Johns Hopkins University). The 'deal' was that in exchange
for 'technology' that they would provide to us, we agreed to 'ignore'
the abductions that were going on and suppress information on the
cattle mutilations. The EBE's assured MJ-12 that the abductions
(usually lasting about 2 hours) were merely the ongoing monitoring of
developing civilizations."
Here things get wild:
"In fact, the purposes for the abduction turned out to be:
(1) The insertion of a 3mm spherical device through the nasal
cavity of the abductee into the brain. The device is used
for the biological monitoring, tracking, and control of the
(2) Implementation of Posthypnotic Suggestion to carry out a
specific activity during a specific time period, the
actuation of which will occur within the next 2 to 5 years.
Editor’s Note: it's already been 2 years.
(3) Termination of some people so that they could function as
living sources for biological materials and substances.
(4) Termination of individuals who represent a threat to the
continuation of their activity.
(5) Effect genetic engineering experiments.
(6) Impregnation of human females and early termination of
pregnancies to secure the crossbreed infant.
"The U.S. Gov't was not initially aware of the far reaching consequences
of their 'deal.' They were led to believe that the abductions were
essentially benign and since they figured the abductions would probably
go on anyway whether they agreed or not, they merely insisted that a
current list of abductees be submitted, on a periodic basis, to MJ-12
and the National Security Council. Does this sound incredible? An
actual list of abductees sent to the National Security Council? Read
on, because I have news for you."
Well, that's all for now.
genetic disorder....
Next time we see that the EBE's have a
Thanks for following so far.
More juice from the Lear "press release," p. 4:
"The EBE's (extraterrestrial biological entities) have a genetic disorder
in that their digestive system is atrophied and not functional. Some
speculate that they were involved in some type of accident or nuclear
war, or possibly on the back side of and evolutionary genetic curve. In
order to sustain themselves they use an enzyme or hormonal secretion
obtained from the tissue that they extract form humans and animals.
Note: Cows and Humans are genetically similar. IN the event of a
national disaster, cow's blood can be used by humans (Editor's note:
does anybody know if this is true?).
The secretions obtained are then mixed with hydrogen peroxide and
applied on the skin by spreading or dipping parts of their bodies
in the solution. the body absorbs the solution, then excretes the
wasted back through the skin. The cattle mutilations that were
prevalent throughout the period from 1973 to 1983 and publicly noted
through newspaper and magazine stories and included a documentary
produced by Linda Howe for the Denver CBS affiliate KMGH-TV, were
for the collection of these tissues by the aliens. The mutilations
included genitals taken, rectums cored out to the colon, eyes,
tongue, and throat all surgically removed with extreme precision.
In some cases the incisions were made by cutting between the cells,
a process we are not yet capable of performing in the field. In
many of the mutilations there was no blood found at all in the
carcass, yet there was no vascular collapse of the internal organs.
This has been also noted in the human mutilations, one of the first
of which was Sgt. Jonathan P. Louette at the White Sands Missile
Test Range in 1956, who was found three days after an Air Force Major
had witnessed his abduction by a 'disk shaped' object at 0300 while
on search for missile debris downrange. His genitals had been removed
, rectum cored out in a surgically precise 'plug' up to the colon,
eyes removed and all blood removed with, again, no vascular collapse.
From some of the evidence it is apparent that this surgery is
accomplished, in most cases, while the victim, animal or human is
still alive.
"The various parts of the body are taken to various underground
laboratories, one of which is known to be near the small New Mexico
town of Dulce. This jointly occupied (CIA-Alien) facility has been
described as enormous, with huge tiled walls that 'go on forever.'
Witnesses have reported huge vats filled with amber liquid with
parts of human being stirred inside (Ed. note: Oooh, gross!).
"After the initial agreement, Groom Lake, one of this nation's most
secret test centers, was closed for a period of about a year,
sometime between about 1972 and 1974, and a huge underground
facility was constructed for and with the help of the EBE's. The
'bargained for' technology was set in place but could only be
operated by the EBE's themselves. Needless to say, the advanced
technology could not be used against the EBE's themselves, event if
"During the period between 1979 and 1983 it became increasingly
obvious to MJ-12 that things were not going as planned. It became
known that many more people (in the thousands) were being abducted
than were listed on the official abduction lists. In addition it
became obvious that some, not all, but some of the nation's missing
children had been used for secretions and other parts required by
the aliens.
"In 1979 there was an altercation of sorts at the Dulce laboratory.
A special armed forces unit was called in to try and free a number
of our people trapped in the facility, who had become aware of what
was really going on. According to one source, 66 of the soldiers
were killed and our people were not freed."
Well, that was the end of page 5.
is/was released to the public.
Next time, we see how this story
Lear's release, p. 6:
"By 1984, MJ-12 must have been in stark terror at the mistake they had
made in dealing with the EBE's. They had subtly promoted 'Close
Encounters of the Third Kind' and 'E.T.' to get the public used to
'odd looking' aliens that were compassionate, benevolent and very much
our 'space brothers.' MJ-12 'sold' the EBE's to the public, and were
now faced with the fact that quite the opposite was true. In addition
a plan was formulated in 1968 to make the public aware of the existence
of aliens on Earth over the next 20 years to be culminated with several
documentaries to be released during 1985-1987 period of time. These
documentaries would explain the history and intentions of the EBE's.
The discovery of the 'Grand Deception' put the entire plans, hopes, and
dreams of MJ-12 into utter confusion and panic.
"Meeting at the 'Country Club,' a remote lodge with private golf course,
comfortable sleeping and working quarters, and its own private airstrip
built by and exclusively for the members of MJ-12, it was a factional
fight of what to do now. Part of MJ-12 wanted to confess
whole scheme and shambles it had become to the public, beg their forgiveness and ask for their support. The other part (and majority) of MJ-12
argued that there was no way they could do that, that the situation was
untenable and there was no use in exciting the public with the 'horrible
truth' and that the best plan was to continue the development of a
weapon that could be used against the EBE's under the guise of 'SDI,'
the Strategic Defense Initiative, which had nothing whatsoever to do
with a defense for inbound Russian nuclear missiles. As these words are
being written, Dr. Edward Teller, 'father' of the H-Bomb is personally
in the test tunnels of the Nevada Test Site, driving his workers and
associates in the words of one, 'like a man possessed.' And well he
should, for Dr. Teller is a member of MJ-12 along with Dr. Kissenger,
Admiral Bobby Inman, and possibly Admiral Poindexter, to name a few
of the current members of MJ-12.
"Before the 'Grand Deception' was discovered and according to a
meticulous plan of metered release of information to the public,
several documentaries and videotapes were made. William Moore, a
Burbank, CA based UFO researcher who wrote 'The Roswell Incident,' a
book published in 1980 that detailed the crash, recovery and
subsequent cover-up of a UFO with 4 alien bodies, has a videotape of
2 newsmen interviewing a military officer associated with MJ-12 and
the cover-up, the recovery of a number of flying saucers and the
existence of a live alien (one of 3 living aliens captured and
designated, or named, EBE-1, EBE-2, and EBE-3, being held in a
facility designated as YY-II at Los Alamos, NM. The only other
facility of this type, which is electromagnetically secure, is at
Edwards AFB in Mojabe, CA). The officer names as previously
mentioned plus a few others: Harold Brown, Richard Helms, Gen.
Vernon Walters, JPL's Dr. Lew Allen and Dr. Theodore von Karman, to
name a few of the current and past members of MJ-12.
Bill Cooper:
"William Moore, Jaime Shandera, and Stanton Friedman are witting (with full knowledge,
understanding, and consent) agents of the Secret Government. William Moore's reported use of a
Defense Investigative Service ID card and his reported self- confession to Lee Graham that he is
an agent of the government confirmed it. (Lee Graham phoned me at my home, and when asked,
SERVICE ID.) Moore's later confession proved it without any doubt.
Some of the self-appointed 'ufologists' still look up to Moore, and still cite his research in their
correspondence, papers, and books. This reflects a degree of ignorance and stupidity in the UFO
community. Bruce Maccabee wrote a letter to CAVEAT EMPTOR citing articles from William
Moore's publication, FOCUS, as proof that I am discredited. Dream on. it is no mystery to me
why mainstream America calls ufologists whackos, loonies, and nuts. In some cases they are.
This is, coincidentally, the method by which Friedman got his $16,000 from another agent,
Bruce Maccabee. We have also found that Moore has received money for research from at least
two CIA front companies. This has been confirmed by the research of Grant Cameron. Others
named on the list were cited as active intelligence agency assets. When I first presented this
paper I gave only a partial list of those named on the Naval Intelligence documents. Following
are as many names as I can remember. (There may be more, but these are all I can recall at this
Stanton Friedman, CIA; John Lear, CIA (Lear's father was named as having participated in
antigravity research); William Moore; John Keel (was he used to trump up the existing through
not-all-inclusive PARAPHYSIAL aspect of UFO's to the exclusion of the physical aspects? Branton); Charles Berlitz; Bruce Maccabee, ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence); Linda Moulton
Howe; Philip Klass, CIA; James Moseley, CIA (Moseley's father was discussed in a very
complimentary manner); Virgil Armstrong, CIA (listed as Postlethwaite); Wendelle Stevens,
CIA; Dr. J. Allen Hynek, CIA.
"That is the list as I remember it. There may have been others, but I cannot recall. I know of
other agents who were not on the list. You must remember that when I first wrote this paper I
thought that Bruce Maccabee might not have been recruited, but then later he proved me wrong
when he gave Stanton Friedman $16,000 to investigate himself.
"There was a two-word code that these people were to use to identify each other. The first word
was a color and the second was a bird. The code was 'Gold Eagle.' When Stanton Friedman first
contacted me he used the code. I pretended ignorance but he asked me several times if I had ever
seen or heard of Gold Eagle. John Lear also asked me if I had ever heard of Gold Eagle. He too
was testing me. They knew that I had access to correct information and were attempting to
determine if I were one of them. As George Bush would say, 'Read my lips.' I was never one of
you. I will NEVER be one of you.
I have discovered that Whitley Strieber is a CIA asset, as is Budd Hopkins. Strieber's book
'MAJESTIC' has convicted him with those of us IN THE KNOW. It is the true story of the
Roswell crash taken from the confiscated diaries of James Forrestal. That is, assuming that the
documents that I saw in the Navy were not a hoax. I do not believe that they were. The names of
people and names of projects and operations have been changed in Strieber's book, but other than
that the information and documentation is true. The autopsy reports are exactly the same that I
saw in Project GRUDGE 18 years ago.
"I have recently come into possession of an affidavit that is signed, notarized, and sworn under
penalty of perjury from an M.D. in New York stating that the M.D. was recruited by a CIA agent
named Budd Hopkins to help work with abductees for the CIA... I knew that Hopkins was not
right when I met him in Modesto. He could not look me in the eyes, and anyone who cannot look
me in the eyes is not right. He spent the whole time, including his speech, TRYING TO
was an insult to anyone who had investigated abductees.
I know that all of the major UFO research organizations were targeted for infiltration and control
by the Secret Government, just as NICAP was infiltrated and controlled. In fact, NICAP was
eventually destroyed from within. I know that these efforts have been successful.
"MUFON is a great example. Hundreds of members all over the world conduct investigations
and send in physical evidence to MUFON headquarters, where it quickly disappears. Everyone
screams for physical evidence as proof. Recently samples were collected of a liquid that had
dripped from a saucer onto a schoolyard in Gulf Breeze, Florida. The samples were sent to
MUFON, WHERE THEY IMMEDIATELY VANISHED. Walt Andrus has stated that it was an
tells it like it really is, is debunked and barred from symposiums. The members are told what to
believe and what not to believe. The members of the MUFON board of directors and the
members of the advisory board of consultants are for the most part supported by the Government
in the form of salaries, grants, or retirement checks. Who can believe that this does not constitute
The major UFO publications are without any doubt controlled by the CIA. Vicki Cooper (no
relation), the editor and publisher of 'UFO', has been telling friends and relatives for the last two
years that the 'CIA' is pushing her magazine. Ron Regehr and Lee Graham remember the
summer of 1988 when Vicki interviewed them at Mr. Graham's residence in Huntington Beach.
After the interview was over Vicki Cooper walked to her car, turned, and mysteriously yelled,
'You know, my magazine might be financed by the CIA.'
"I have talked to friends and acquaintances of Ms. Cooper who swear that she has stated on
many occasions that 'the CIA controls UFO magazine.' Vicki Cooper's uncle, Grant Cooper,
DEFEND HIS CLIENT. It was important to the Secret Government and the CIA that Sirhan be
"We have found that Vicki's son attends the West Point Military Academy. What a wonderful
way to control a magazine! 'You don't play ball, your son won't graduate.' I found out that the
person who found Vicki Cooper an apartment when she arrived in Los Angeles was Barry Taff,
TOTAL CONTROL OF INDIVIDUALS. I believe that it is no innocent coincidence that Taff's
apartment is directly above Vicki's. All of this was confirmed independently in a letter written by
Mr. Martin Cannon, a Los Angeles-based researcher...
"The most damning evidence for the control of 'UFO' magazine and Vicki Cooper comes from
Don Ecker. At the 1989 MUFON Conference Don Ecker became so uninhibited that he managed
to relate the following story to me and two others.
"According to Don Ecker, Vicki Cooper used to work for the infamous Mayflower Madam. The
Feds were trying to get the Madam and discovered Vicki. Ms. Cooper was busted and threatened
with spending the rest of her life in prison if she did not cooperate. Vicki rolled over, according
to Ecker, and ratted on her employer. Since Vicki had apparently had something to do with the
bookkeeping operation, she became a key witness. The Mayflower Madame was put out of
business and into jail, thanks to Ms. Cooper's testimony. That is, if Don Ecker was telling the
truth. We have no reason to believe that he was lying. I don't know why Don told us. Maybe he
doesn't like Vicki. Or maybe he, like Lear and Friedman, thought I was one of THEM (It'll be a
cold day in hell).
"According to Ecker, Vicki Cooper was told to get out of town and stay out. She was given
money and told to start 'UFO' magazine in Los Angeles. SHE WAS TOLD THAT SHE WAS
SOMEONE WHO CANNOT BE CONTACTED. It is always under an alias; no one can check
the information. Vicki is adamant about printing only the news and information that she
considers best for the readers, as if they have no mind of their own. She indulges in character
You must understand that the government is not ever going to allow any person or group of
persons to uncover the most highly classified secret in the world--if they can help it. They will
always have agents controlling UFO groups, publications and information. If aliens are not real
and the whole thing turns out to be the greatest hoax ever perpetrated, JUST WHO DO YOU
In November of 1988, Don Ecker was invited to Las Vegas by John Lear to see and
hear him address the Association of Former Intelligence Officers chapter in Las
Vegas about his UFO hypothesis. He had already visited Lear’s home to view much
of his material. Prior to his speech, Lear took Ecker into his den to view a film that
would "shake you up" he said. Once in his den (which seemed more of a shrine to
aviation and the war, Vietnam and the Middle East) Lear offered Ecker a drink and
proceeded to play "The Truth Betrayed: Dallas Revisted". At first glance, Ecker was
simply amazed to see what appeared to be the driver suddenly with a gun in his
hand as Kennedy is struck in the head by the fatal gunshot. Lear then went on to
tell him that part of the reason Kennedy was murdered was because he had
threatened to "tell the truth about UFOs, and MJ-12 decided to get rid of him!"
Lear played this tape for the retired intelligence audience the next day, and then
asked the audience, "who among you would have assisted with the assassination if
you had been ordered to?" Ecker was shocked when four members of the audience
raised their hands. Women were among the "volunteers."
Ecker asked Lear where he got the tape, but he remained very coy. He simply said
it was through a contact. It was not until the end of 1989 that Ecker discovered his
contact was Lars Hansson, and by then the damage was done. In October of 1988,
Lear had sent a copy of this tape to Bill Cooper who was soon to appropriate it into
his "dog and pony show" and wow audiences at $15 and $20 per head, while selling
it at $25 to $30 per tape, all the while telling audiences that as a Navy enlisted man
in 1972 he saw secret Navy documents that detailed how this Secret Service agent
killed the President.
As 1988 drew to a close, American ufology was turning into a shambles. A firestorm
had ignited concerning the claims and counterclaims surrounding the MJ-12
documents and the Lear paper. The debate over the legitimacy of both MJ-12 and
the Lear document had often degenerated into little more than name calling and
File: UFO820
Another Look at Events and Reports
Don F Ecker ParaNet RHO/COL 1-208-338-9187
The much awaited broadcast of UFO Cover-up Live is now history and what we
are seeing is the fallout. It has been quite a while since I have witnessed
this amount of turmoil in the UFO community. Just what did we see, and more
importantly, what does it all mean? The following text are some observations
I have made, and some ( what I hope are educated guesses ) about this whole
Much CRITICISM has been leveled at the broadcast because of the live format,
the canned speeches, the glitz, and some of Mike Farrell’s patter. First, what
must be realized is that this program was not geared to the serious UFO
investigator. The majority of the viewing public that viewed the broadcast
has no background in the subject, and as a rule, is limited in information to
the tabloids, and public library. On the pro side, the broadcast presented
information that has never r before been available to the general public on a
national forum. An apparent air of respectability was given to the subject,
with testimony from government intelligence operatives, reports from airline
pilots, former Air Force officers, and general citizens that have experienced
uncommon events that defy apparent explanation. Reported abductions, deals
made in secret with the US government, earth bound alien bases in the United
States. So much as to make your head swim. But, beside all of that, I found
the Soviet hookup incredible. Regardless of what is said about the US
governments reaction to all of this, the fact that the Russian government had
to approve this makes it even more incredible. Any US citizen that watched
this program, and was capable of thought, had to asked what is really going
on? There simply can't be this much smoke, and not have a fire somewhere.
The only problem with that statement however, is that sometimes fires create
much more heat than light.
In the UFO community however, some very disturbing things are now very
apparent. Increasing cases of name-calling, pointed fingers, charges, counter
charges, and turmoil plague all involved. Much of this is directed to John
Lear and William Cooper. Lear, as most of you know, wrote the very
controversial and very disturbing LEAR.TXT. From the beginning Lear drew
fire on his hypothesis, and events show that the fire does not appear to be stopping. Cooper,
who apparently has, as he claimed, an intelligence background, has posted texts
that support Lear in his proposition. This has drawn even more fire, which
have resulted in behavior that is not conducive to solving this enigma. As
more charges and counter charges flew about, Lear and Cooper were terminated
from a number of boards. It is my contention that at this time events such as
this were not warranted, and as a result, I made ParaNet RHO available to
these men. Now, just what drew this lightning?
Back in January, when the LEAR.TXT was released on ParaNet A alpha, Lear
stated that he believed that an alien race had entered into an agreement using
duplicative means, with the US government, to exchange technology for
permission to study an advancing civilization ( which according to Lear, the
aliens would have done anyway ) by abductions and mutilation of domestic
animals. Also stated was Lears belief that the aliens had received from the
government an area in New Mexico among others for a joint CIA/Alien Base.
It was only later that the US government realized that there was much more to
the agreement than first met the eye, and in a panic, attempted to covertly
meet this threat with new weapons, SDI, and reaproachment with the Soviet
government, in our mutual self-interest. Wow, this would have been enough to
upset anyone and the effect among the UFO community should have been
anticipated by Mr. Lear. First, the serious investigator should ask if any of
this would even be possible let alone conceivable.
To first address the abduction phenomenon n of abductions, Hopkins two
recent publications, Intruders and then Missing Time should be read, and
much information on hundreds of abduction cases can be studied. Budd was
certainly not shy about relaying information about genetic experiments and
what appears as an alien attempt at cross breeding. In Cover-up, I was
upset at Hopkins failure to mention any of this on the broadcast, but then I
realized that he might not have had a choice e about relaying this
information. It could have been the producers, and not him. However, this
part of Lears paper has apparently been proven possible by Hopkins, not to
mention Phil Imbrognos Night Siege. Imbrogno has recently come forward
with information that there have been many abductions in the Hudson Valley
sightings. None of this surfaced until after Dr. Hyneks death, apparently
Hynek didn't want to muddy the water with such sensational and frightening
information. According to Imbrogno, the reports became so numerous, that it
became counterproductive to dismiss them any longer. The next apparent
vindication of Lear was when Falcon and Condor admitted on national TV that
the US government DID enter into a deal with the aliens, that, according to
Bill Moore’s informants, stated that the government would not disclose the
aliens if they did not interfere with our society and culture. Somewhere
along the line, it was stated that the government also ended up with alien
craft, and after the Cash/Landrum testimony, Lears paper looked better and
better. John stated that along the way, the Military had captured three of the EBE's and were
holding them in a very secure military base. Low and behold, basically, Bill
Moore and Shandera said the same thing! We had entertained alien guests,
and there was still one being entertained somewhere. There was testimony and
references to the Roswell crash, the Mantell incident, the Iran chase, and as
the program proceeded, the Lear.TXT became more and more believable to me. Could this be
what was occurring? As anyone who read my AGENT.TXT, you will know that I received
some information that would seem to verify various aspects of this.
However, as even John Lear states: ‘Nothing is black and white, there are
numerous shades of grey.
As I studied more and more of the information, and became more and more
frustrated, it suddenly struck me. What I, or anyone to whomever hopes to
get an answer must do, is treat this as I would have treated any criminal
case I investigated. Where there is smoke, it follows that there must be
fire. Now the trick is to discover the light and ignore the heat of this
situation. I began to look for a common denominator and I believe that this
is the only way to pursue it. Is it possible that there is a common
denominator? Yes, but at this point, I really can't say with any assurance
what it is. If a hoax is being executed, then this would be an excellent
reason for all concerned with getting to the truth of the matter, and
dropping the petty differences, forget ting the fragile egos, work together
to solve this enigma that is firmly wrapped in a riddle. Otherwise, I believe
that this will go on for another 40 years and we all will be no closer to the
So, what is the short term solution, and is there one? Yes, I feel much
more comfortable with that one. The real problem is not finding a short term
solution, but to get the principles together to agree to it. So here is what
I propose. I extend an open invitation to Mr. William Moore, Jamie Shandera,
Stanton Friedman, John Lear, William Cooper, Jim Speiser, Dale Wedge, Phil
Imbrogno, Budd Hopkins, Walt Andrus, Vickie Cooper, Dale Goldie, and any of
the ParaNet Sysops to meet here in Boise, and if any interest is generated, I
will make all arrangements for this meeting. Among the rank and file, it is
felt that some of the principles are only concerned with their pocketbook,
and have no real interest in solving this riddle. Now is an excellent time
to lay aside our differences, and do the only thing that is really
important, and that is WORK TOGETHER, pool the available information, settle
our differences, and solve the riddle. It is fine to sell a book or film
rights, but what is more important, when it is possible that the entire human
race could be at a crossroad? The only thing that I have left to say is
this, let each individual conscience be your guide, and if any of the
mentioned are interested I can be reached one of several ways. First I can
be reached at ParaNet RHO at 1-208-338-9187, my CIS number is 74270,3360 for
EasyPlex mail, and Ted Markley, Jim Speiser, and Dale Wedge have my home phone
number for a personal chat. So let’s find out if the UFO community is more
concerned with the heat or light aspects of this situation…
Operation Condor: Clandestine Inter-American System.
by J. Patrice McSherry
opening up of formerly Secret state archives on both sides of the EastWest divide, as well as truly astonishing developments in human rights
and international law.
Spanish judge Baltasar Garzon's request for the arrest and extradition
of General Augusto Pinochet in October 1998 was perhaps one of the most
astounding of these developments, not least because this case involved
a former ally of the U.S. government in the Cold War. Clearly, the
collapse of the Communist bloc and the end of the bipolar system were
major structural changes on the international level, allowing concerns
with human rights and justice to emerge with new strength and begin to
challenge the limits set by Cold War geopolitics. In effect, the
struggle against impunity is becoming "globalized," a positive aspect
of the larger phenomena of globalization. Yet profound questions
remain. If a new threat to global U.S. interests were to emerge or a
powerful challenge to the hegemony over the Western political and
economic model were to arise, would concerns with human rights again be
swept aside in the name of national security? Would the ends again
justify the means?
The arrest of Pinochet refocused world attention on the dirty wars of
the Cold War era in Latin America. A key focus of Garzon's
investigation is Operation Condor, a shadowy Latin American military
network whose key members were Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia,
Paraguay, and Brazil. Condor represented a striking new level of
coordinated repression among the anticommunist militaries in the
region, and its existence was suspected, but undocumented, until fairly
recently. Condor enabled the Latin American military states to share
intelligence and to hunt down, seize, and execute political opponents
in combined operations across borders. Refugees fleeing military coups
and repression in their own countries who sought safe havens in
neighboring countries were "disappeared" in combined transnational
operations. The militaries defied international law and traditions of
political sanctuary to carry out their shared anticommunist crusade.
This article shows that Condor was a parastatal system that used
criminal me thods to eliminate "subversion," while avoiding
constitutional institutions, ignoring due process, and violating all
manner of human rights. Condor made use of parallel prisons, secret
transport operations, routine assassination and torture, extensive
psychological warfare (PSYWAR, or use of black propaganda, deception,
and disinformation to conquer the "hearts and minds" of the population,
often by making crimes seem as though they were committed by the other
side), and sophisticated technology (such as computerized lists of
Condor must be understood within the context of the global
anticommunist alliance led by the United States. We now know that top
U.S. officials and agencies, including the State Department, the
Central Intelligence Agency, and the Defense Department, were fully
aware of Condor's formation and its operations from the time it was
organized in 1975 (if not earlier). The U.S. government considered the
Latin American militaries to be allies in the Cold War and worked
closely with their intelligence organizations. U.S. executive agencies
at least condoned, and sometimes actively assisted, Condor
"counter subversive" operations. Although evidence is still fragmentary,
it is now possible to piece together information from numerous sources
to understand Operation Condor as a clandestine inter-American
counterinsurgency system.
This article draws on a wide variety of data: the "Archives of Terror"
in Paraguay; [1] testimonies of victims in the files of Centro de
Estudios Legales y Sociales [CELS, Argentina]; declassified U.S.
documents; Argentine military documents; reports of the Comision
Nacional sobre la Desaparicion de Personas [CONADEP, Argentina] and the
Comision Nacional de Verdad y Reconciliacion [the Rettig Commission of
Chile]; interviews in Chile, Argentina, and Paraguay carried out
between 1996 and 1998; newspapers from Latin America, Europe, and the
United States; and works by scholars and former CIA agents. The
evidence demonstrates that Operation Condor was a supranational
structure of organized state terrorism that went far beyond targeting
The article first examines the (scanty) literature on Condor and on
state terrorism to situate the discussion in a theoretical context.
Condor's structures and operations are reviewed and briefly compared
with the "stay-behind" projects in Europe, secret programs designed by
the West for guerrilla warfare and covert operations aimed to undermine
Communist and leftist advances. Finally, the article's conclusion
reflects upon the ideologies and doctrines that gave rise to Condor and
the question of ends and means.
The Literature on Condor and on State Terrorism
Keith M. Slack's (1996) [2] article very cautiously assessed the
existence of Condor and of U.S. involvement. To be fair, much remained
shadowy even a few years ago. New evidence emerged from Garzon's
investigation, including a 1976 FBI memo on Condor; U.S. documents
released in June 1999 prove Condor's existence beyond a doubt. Some
knowledgeable officials have spoken out. In 1999, a high-ranking
Argentine military source familiar with junta secrets in 1976 told an
Argentine journalist that Henry Kissinger had assured the Chilean and
Argentine juntas of the Ford administration's support and cooperation
for counterinsurgency operations and for Operation Condor, during an
inter-American meeting in Santiago on June 10, 1976.[3] The journalist
obtained declassified U.S. State Department documents from 1976 to 1978
showing that the U.S. Embassy in Buenos Aires was well informed about
Similarly, former Interior Minister Alfredo Arce Carpio of Bolivia told
another Argentine author in 1998, "the coordination n among Argentina,
Bolivia, Uruguay, Chile, and Paraguay, known as Operation Condor,
existed.... The military governments of Latin America agreed to have a
common project of intelligence and interchange of prisoners." [4]
nothing contained within the document would, prima facie, constitute a
violation of international law. Governments are not barred...from
exchanging information on what they believe to be criminal elements
operating within their territory... .[T]he arrangement...would be legal
under international law.... The question, of course, is how the
information gathered in the described system would be used - for the
legitimate pursuit of persons who had in fact committed crimes or for
the suppression of political dissent?
Slack's reading of the Paraguayan Archive evidence is rather narrow and
legalistic, nonetheless. Despite his valuable categorization of the
Archive's evidence of Condor, he finds most of the material ambiguous.
Yet it includes plentiful documentation of coordinated operations among
the military states to seize each other’s "subversives" and transfer
them secretly to clandestine prison systems. [5] Slack also places too
much weight on finding references to the word "condor" ("adding to this
ambiguity is the fact that there are very few documents...that use the
word "condor" specifically"). He understates the brutal nature of the
military regimes in question when he analyzes the key 1975 document in
which Chile's Colonel Contreras invites his counterparts to a meeting
to coordinate counterinsurgency strategy:
However, at the time it was well documented that these states were
committing massive human rights abuses. Slack allows that "the
information accumulated and disseminated by this system quite
conceivably was used to violate human rights," and concludes that the
Archive "strongly suggests the existence of formal, organized
repression across international borders, but the definitive 'smoking
gun' is not contained within the archive..." (Slack, 1996: 506).
Seeking smoking guns is understandable, but intelligence services
consider plausible deniability a major priority. A recently
declassified U.S. assassination manual from the 1950s, for example,
stated: "No assassination instructions should ever be written or
recorded" (Weiner, 1996; Doyle, 1997).
As scholars such as Michael Stohl and William Stanley have observed,
state violence and state terrorism are thorny subjects for U.S.
scholars. They do not fit neatly into conventional theoretical
frameworks, and, additionally, the concept of terrorism is ambiguous
and fraught with analytical difficulties. [6] Liberal theories of
pluralism and democracy do not explain the use of terrorism by states,
as Stanley (1996) shows. These theories assume that states are
legitimate expressions of the preferences of citizens or interest
groups, thus offering few conceptual tools with which to explain state
violence against them. Marxist theories often fall short. John McCamant
(1984) argues that the emphasis of Marxist theories on oppression,
particularly economic oppression by elites, often neglects an analysis
of repression by states. Stanley posits that the use by a state of a
grossly disproportionate level of violence against unarmed citizens,
which may mobilize new popular opposition, seems to challenge Realist
assumptions about the state's rational use of force. [7] Stohl (in
Slater and Stohl, 1988: 160), on the other hand, argues that Realism
implies that states are obliged to use whatever means necessary to
protect national security and state survival. The evidence in this
article lends weight to the latter proposition. Stohl (Ibid., 1988:
155-205; in Stohl and Lopez, 1984: 43-58) points out that
states, particularly superpowers, may choose to employ terrorist methods
or what he identifies as "surrogate terrorism" to achieve strategic
objectives, and he provides numerous examples of such U.S. and Soviet
practices during the Cold War. He argues that "the strategies and
tactics of terrorism have become integral components of the foreign
policy instruments of the modern state" (Stohl and Lopez, 1984: 55).
E.V. Walter's (1969) classic analysis of 19th-century political
terrorism is still one of the best in terms of explaining the
objectives of states that use terrorism. Walter argued that state
elites manipulate fear as a means of controlling society and
maintaining power. Terror is used to engineer compliant behavior not
only among victims, but also among target populations.
Walter's differentiation between victims and larger targets is key.
While victims suffer direct consequences, the targets -- larger sectors
of society -- understand the message. The underlying goal of state
terrorism, Walter suggests, is to eliminate potential power contenders
and to impose silence and political paralysis, thereby consolidating
existing power relations. The proximate end is to instill terror in
society and the ultimate end is control.
Not only are there methodological obstacles to scholarly investigations
of state terrorism (primarily the difficulty of obtaining credible
information), there are also issues of acute political sensitivity,
especially when one begins to touch upon U.S. policy and operations.
"Terrorism" is an acceptable term when applied to foreign governments,
but to apply it to one's own government borders on taboo. As Stohl and
Lopez (1984: 3) note, analysis of state terrorism may be dismissed as
"`skewed,' 'biased,' 'ideological,' 'not in the mainstream of the
literature.'" Much of the English-language literature on terrorism
focuses on individual and small-group terrorism rather than on state
terrorism (for a notable exception, see McPherson, 1999: 621-632).
Some (not all) of the militaries in Latin America had used torture and
other elements of state terrorism before the Cold War era. The national
security states institutionalized state terrorism, however, creating
qualitatively new systems. U.S. "modernization" of military,
intelligence, and police forces during the Cold War served to
strengthen the forces engaged in repression. Martha Huggins (1998: ix,
x) shows that U.S. financing, training, and advice to police in Brazil
were designed to ensure U.S. influence within, and access to, the
force, to promote pro-U.S. attitudes, and to develop U.S. "assets" -personnel loyal to U.S. interests. She demonstrates that foreign police
training -- and similarly, for our purposes, training of military and
intelligence forces -- by a powerful modern state is designed to
advance the offering country's own security agenda. Although U.S.
officials claimed that assistance to the Brazilian police would promote
professionalism, democracy, and justice, in actuality it had the
opposite effect. Police that employed terrorism, torture, death squads,
and the like continued to receive U.S. assistance, financing, and
cooperation. Huggins' book provides a rich case study of the ways in
which U.S. security assistance centralized Brazil's internal security
services and made them more militarized and authoritarian. Many Condor
operations dovetailed with U.S. counter subversive policy as well.
In recent years we have learned much about U.S. sponsorship of
terrorism during the Cold War, including assassination attempts against
Fidel Castro and campaigns of terror such as Operation Mongoose in
Cuban territory; [9] the CIA-led Phoenix Program in Vietnam, a
computerized counterinsurgency program that used assassination,
terrorism, and psychological warfare against civilians; [10] and the
financing of right-wing paramilitary and terrorist groups like Patina y
Libertad in Chile and the Nicaraguan contras. [11] The infamous School
of the Americas and CIA training manuals released in the mid-1990s
proved that army and CIA instructors taught Latin American officers
methods of torture, including use of electroshock against prisoners,
the use of drugs and other means to induce psychological regression,
assassination, and coercion against family members to compel
compliance. [12] The CIA trained Honduran intelligence unit Battalion
3-16-- which carried out torture -- in interrogation, surveillance, and
psycho logical manipulation in the 1980s. [13] In 1997, General Eladio
Moll of Uruguay testified before parliament that during the 1970s U.S.
national security officers urged their Uruguayan counterparts to
execute prisoners after interrogation, something the Uruguayans
generally did not do. [14] Another Uruguayan intelligence officer said
in 1981 that U.S. training manuals listed 35 nerve points where
electrodes could be applied during torture. [15] Retired Army Major
Joseph Blair, who participated in the Phoenix Program, has criticized
the School of the Americas repeatedly for teaching torture,
assassination, and extortion. [16] The historical record is clear, if
unnerving, that use of surrogate terrorism was U.S. policy during much
of the Cold War. This record must be faced squarely, not only for its
ethical and moral implications, but also because it meant that
Condor intelligence units and military states knew they had the "green
light" for their operations. [17]
Condor's victims included guerrillas and militants as well as political
leaders, activists, and dissidents who denounced social injustice,
organized political opposition, or challenged the military states. In
Walter's terms, the larger targets of Condor were rebellious sectors of
society and popular movements demanding democratic or social change.
The Argentine and Chilean juntas specifically sought to "change the
mentality" of their people. Radical demands characterized much of the
region in the 1960s and 1970s as new aspirations for equality and
social justice swept the Third World. Several policy responses could
have been chosen, but in the polarized conditions of the Cold War, the
national security states chose repression.
Operation Condor in the Inter-American Context
Operation Condor was a top-secret arrangement among South American
military intelligence agencies so united in their ideological
convictions that they continued to cooperate even when their own
military governments were close to war. [18] Condor was a highly
sophisticated system of command, control, intelligence, exchange of
prisoners, and combined operations. It allowed the militaries to act
with impunity in associated countries, and to utilize clandestine
structures parallel to the state apparatus to avoid accountability and
maintain maximum secrecy. Suspects who were legally arrested could be
passed into the covert Condor system, at which point all information
available to the outside world about the person ceased. The person
"disappeared" and the state could deny responsibility and knowledge of
the person's whereabouts. Condor employed complex infrastructures and
covert elimination mechanisms (such as burning bodies or throwing them
into the sea). The Condor apparatus bypassed the official state
judicial and penal structures that remained functioning during the
military regimes.
Condor was formally launched in 1975 by then-Colonel Manuel Contreras
of Chile's fearsome state security agency, the National Directorate of
Intelligence, or DINA. Condor's counter subversive operations extended
into the rest of South America, Central and North America, and Europe.
[19] The most secret aspect of Condor ("Phase III") was its capability
to assassinate political leaders especially feared for their potential
to mobilize world opinion or organize broad opposition to the military
states. Victims included former Chilean minister Orlando Letelier -- a
fierce foe of the Pinochet regime -- and his American colleague Ronni
Moffitt, in Washington, D.C.; Chilean Christian Democratic leader
Bernardo Leighton and his wife, in Rome; nationalist ex-president of
Bolivia Juan Jose Torres, in Buenos Aires; and two Urugunyan
legislators known for their opposition to the Uruguayan military
regime, Zelmar Michelini and Hector Gutierrez Ruiz, also in Buenos
Aires. In the first two cases, DINA assassination teams "contracted"
local terrorist and fascist organizations to assist in carrying out the
crimes. Clearly, Operation Condor was an organized system of state
terrorism with a transnational reach.
Condor allowed the militaries in the Southern Cone to put into practice
a key strategic concept of Cold War national security doctrine:
hemispheric defense defined by ideological frontiers. The more limited
concept of territorial defense was superseded. To the U.S. national
security apparatus--which fostered the new continent-wide security
doctrine in its training centers -- and to many Latin American
militaries, the Cold War represented World War III, the war of
ideologies. Security forces in Latin America classified and targeted
persons on the basis of their political ideas rather than illegal acts.
[20] The regimes hunted down dissidents and leftists, union and peasant
leaders, priests and nuns, intellectuals, students, and teachers -- not
only guerrillas (who in any event were also entitled to due process).
The 1992 discovery of the Paraguayan Archives of Terror [21] provided
new, and rare, documentation of the functioning of Condor, confirming
earlier testimonies of victims and hitherto incomplete evidence. Intact
secret archives from the national security states have been uncovered
in only two countries, Paraguay and Brazil (Davis, 1996; Pereira,
1998). The files document the workings of an integrated system of
repression that operated through official government channels. Although
such a system had been widely perceived earlier, it is important to
recall that until very recently, military commanders had argued that
the regimes were not responsible for disappearances, or that torture
and assassination were not systematic, but only isolated "excesses."
Condor was truly a well-kept secret of the Cold War; in fact, the
extent of U.S. knowledge of Condor was unclear until June 1999.
The U.S. government sponsored and collaborated with DNA and with the
other intelligence organizations forming the nucleus of Condor, despite
the fact that the military dictatorships were killing and torturing
thousands of people. In the Paraguayan Archives there were official
requests to track suspects to and from the U.S. Embassy, the CIA, and
FBI. The CIA provided lists of suspects and other intelligence
information to the military states. The FBI searched for individuals
wanted by DINA in the United States in 1975. [22] In June 1999, the
State Department released thousands of declassified documents [23]
showing for the first time that the CIA and the State and Defense
Departments were intimately aware of Condor; one Defense Department
intelligence report dated October 1, 1976, noted that Latin American
military officers bragged about it to their U.S. counterparts. The same
report approvingly described Condor's "joint counterinsurgency
operations" that aimed to "eliminate Marxist terrorist activities";
Argentina, it noted, created a special Condor team "structured much
like a U.S. Special Forces Team." [24] A CIA document called Condor "a
counter-terrorism organization" and noted that the Condor countries had
a specialized telecommunications system called "CONDORTEL." [25] In
fact, an Argentine military source told a U.S. Embassy contact that the
CIA was privy to Condor and had played a key role in setting up
computerized links among the intelligence and operations units of the
six Condor states. [26]
Declassified U.S. documents and documents in the Archives show that FBI
officer Robert Scherrer, stationed in Argentina, was collaborating with
Condor operations in 1975. He apparently did not report Condor to his
Washington superiors until 1976, however, when he linked it to the
recent assassination of Letelier and Moffitt. [27] Apparently, DINA
held discussions with the CIA in 1974 about opening a Condor
headquarters in Miami. [28]
The Army School of the Americas (SOA) and the Panama base of the U.S.
Army Southern Command served as a center for the continental
anticommunist alliance, and there are indications that the planning of
covert operations took place there. Certainly, many officers who
designed and implemented military terrorism in Latin America were
graduates of the SOA. One military graduate of the School said, "the
school was always a front for other special operations, covert
operations." [29] Garzon has asked the United States for any
documentation linking the School with Condor. [30]
Whether Condor was the brainchild of the U.S. national security
apparatus remains unclear, but significant in itself is the
accumulating evidence that collaboration with Condor operations to
target and seize leftists was U.S. policy (if secret). Condor certainly
exemplified documented U.S. priorities in Latin America. U.S. officials
worked to centralize military and police command structures and
intelligence systems, modernize communications, and foster strategic
and operational coordination in the struggle against Communism. The
United States played a central role in financing, organizing, and
training the police, military, and intelligence forces of Latin
America, modernizing and professionalizing them, and increasing their
technological capabilities. We now know that Pentagon and CIA training
manuals taught methods of population control, coercive interrogation,
censorship, infiltration, surveillance, torture, assassination, use of
drugs on suspects, and other repressive techniques. Although the
documentary record is still fragmentary and many sources remain
classified, emerging evidence on Condor and the European stay-behind
armies suggests that there was an "underside" of the Cold War that was
fought secretly, using clandestine operations and parallel armies that
escaped democratic control and violated basic human rights.
Again, Operation Condor must be understood within the broader context
of the Cold War and the security architecture shaped by the United
States after World War II. The Condor system takes on deeper meaning
when viewed alongside the European stay-behind projects discovered in
1990, part of a U.S.-led, covert effort to set up authority structures
parallel to (and often, opposed to) elected governments and democratic
institutions. [31] Like the stay-behind armies, Condor was a
clandestine component of a regional anticommunist front and part of a
covert strategy of the states involved, known only to select officials.
Operation Condor operated inside of, or parallel to, formal military
alliances such as the Rio Pact and the Conference of American Armies,
as the stay-behind programs operated secretly within NATO. (A NATO
Experts Working Group on Latin America kept close tabs on developments
in Latin America in the 1970s.) [32] Finally, there is evidence that
the stay-behind program in Italy, known as Operation Gladio, was linked
to Condor.
Comparing Condor to the European "Stay-Behind" Projects
After World War II, top U.S. national security strategists grew
increasingly alarmed by the advances of Communism in Eastern Europe and
in the Far East. U.S. national security specialists embarked on a
secret, multibillion-dollar project to develop global covert warfare
[33] and propaganda machinery to wage the Cold War against Communism.
National Security Council Directive 10/2 of June 1948 authorized a vast
program of clandestine: propaganda, economic warfare, preventative
direct action including sabotage, anti-sabotage, demolition, and
evacuation measures...subversion against hostile states, including
assistance to underground resistance movements, guerrillas, and refugee
liberation groups, and support of indigenous anti-Communist elements...
[to be done so that] any U.S. government responsibility for them is not
evident to unauthorized persons and that if uncovered the U.S.
government can plausibly deny any responsibility... (Church Committee
Report, Book IV, 1976:29-31, cited in Simpson, 1988: 102).
The earliest uses of targeted U.S. covert operations were in the Greek
civil war and in the Italian elections of 1948, in which the Communist
Party (PCI) stood poised to gala power. Respected domestically for its
central role in the Italian antifascist resistance, the PCI was subject
to a covert U.S. campaign of political manipulation, paramilitary
action, and propaganda to undermine its popularity. The Italian
operation, which was considered successful, set a precedent for CIA
covert operations and dirty methods that became standard practice. [34]
Throughout Europe, U.S. and British officials, operating within NATO,
set up secret stay-behind armies to prepare for a Communist invasion -and prevent Communist electoral victories. These paramilitary forces
incorporated fascists and former Nazis (Searchlight, 1991). One NATO
source told Searchlight (a British nongovernmental organization) that
the two-pronged strategy of Britain's Stay Behind was "to destabilize
any left-leaning government, even a Social Democratic one, and in the
event of a Warsaw Pact attack to function as a guerrilla army using
classical guerrilla tactics" (Ibid.). [35] The U.S. pushed for a secret
clause in the North Atlantic Treaty requiring the secret services of
all joining nations to establish their own branches of the secret army
-- and to oppose Communist influence, even if the population voted for
Communist candidates in free elections (Simpson, 1988: 100-102; Willan,
1991: 27; Rowse, 1994). The covert project (known as Gladio in Italy,
Operation Stay Behind in the U.K., and Sheepskin in Greece, among
other names) encompassed all of Europe and Scandinavia, including
neutral countries. Agents set up hundreds of arms caches all across
Europe; one was at the U.S. Army's Camp Derby (Lauria, 1991: 15;
Willan, 1991: 170).
Charles deGaulle pulled France out of NATO partially due to the secret
protocol, which he considered a violation of sovereignty, and he
regarded the secret network to be a danger to his government (Willan,
1991: 27; Kwitney, 1992). Discovery of the covert project in 1990
caused a political firestorm in Europe. In that year, the European
Parliament passed a strongly worded denunciation of the clandestine
organization, its antidemocratic implications, and the terrorist acts
associated with it. [36]
Italian investigators discovered connections between the secret Gladio
plans and well-known terrorist acts, attempted military coups, and the
undermining of democratic institutions in the 1970s and 1980s. Later,
investigators linked Gladio with terrorist attacks officially
attributed to left-wing guerrillas, such as the Red Brigades' 1978
assassination of Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro, who was moving to
include the Communist Party in a coalition government. (In 1974, Henry
Kissinger and a U.S. intelligence official had warned Moro against a
rapprochement with the Communists, in a meeting that greatly upset Moro
[Willan, 1991: 220].) A parliamentary commission on terrorism concluded
that the infamous 1980 bombing of the Bolognarail station, which killed
85 people and wounded 200, used bomb materials from a Gladio arsenal.
[37] One major neo-fascist figure, Licio Gelli, was found guilty by an
Italian court in this bombing case, but later the conviction was
overturned, causing a national outcry. According to Arthur Rowse
(1991), after collaborating with the Nazis in World War II, Gelli
joined the U.S. Army Counterintelligence Corps. He was the founder (in
1964) of the global Masonic lodge Propaganda-Due (P-2), an
anticommunist organization with close links to military and
intelligence organizations (notably the CIA) and powerful political
figures worldwide. [38] P-2 was outlawed in Italy in 1981 after it was
discovered to have infiltrated its members into strategic government,
military, and intelligence positions, in preparation for taking over
the government. P-2 also wielded significant influence in Argentina.
A 1992 British Broadcasting Company (BBC) documentary on the Cold War
featured an interview with U.S. Colonel Oswald LeWinter, who asserted
that the CIA had penetrated or controlled right-wing terrorist
organizations, including P [2,] and recruited members on the basis of
anticommunism. [40] Gelli was a key figure linking U.S. officials, the
CIA, and Argentine military commanders, among others, [41] and there
was overlap between Gladio and P-2. European journalists reported that
a former NATO operative said that the CIA deputy station chief in Rome,
Ted Shackley, introduced Gelli to General Alexander Haig, then Nixon's
chief of staff and later, from 1974 to 1979, NATO Supreme Commander.
Gladio reportedly received major funding with the approval of Haig
and Henry Kissinger, then head of the National Security Council. [42]
During the investigation of Gladio, former Italian Defense Minister
Paulo Taviani told a judge that the Italian secret services were
directed and financed by CIA officers stationed in the U.S. Embassy.
[43] Indeed, General Giovanni de Lorenzo, who headed the secret service
called SIFAR (1956), later headed the Caribineri (1962), and then
became Defense Minister (1964), conducted secret counterterrorism
planning with U.S. officials but did not inform his own government.
[44] SIFAR compiled surveillance information on tens of thousands of
Italians (Statewatch, n.d.). De Lorenzo's Operation Solo was a plan to
take over media networks, arrest politicians, seize the offices of
leftist parties, and even to assassinate Moro. [45] These sorts of
operations are strongly reminiscent of those carried out by the Condor
militaries and they illuminate the key role of the CIA. De Lorenzo was
the key Gladio contact with the U.S. government, and Vernon Walters was
a key U.S.
link to De Lorenzo (Rowse, 1994: 3).
In short, evidence suggests that key individuals formed part of a
global anticommunist network that involved P-2, Condor, Gladia, the
CIA, and defense and intelligence personnel in Western countries.
Although direct evidence of CIA involvement in Condor remains scarce,
the agency was as deeply involved in the Latin American military
intelligence organizations as it was in Europe's.
The Origins of Condor
DINA, the Chilean intelligence organization that set up the logistics
of Condor, was created shortly after the September 1973 coup. Its first
incarnation was as the secret DINA Commission, an ideologically extreme
and committed group of army colonels and majors. [47] The junta
officially established DINA in June 1974 as an autonomous intelligence
agency reporting directly to the junta, more powerful than the
intelligence branches of the four armed forces. DINA's mission was to
eliminate internal enemies, and the agency quickly became the main
perpetrator of a pattern of terrorist practices, such as disappearance
and torture (Comision Nacional, Rettig Report, 1991: 449--452). One
DINA operative explained DINA's strategy as follows: "First the aim was
to stop terrorism, then possible extremists were targeted, and later
those who might be converted into extremists." [48] (Similar language
was used in 1977 by Argentine General Iberico St.-Jean when he said:
"First we will kill all the subversives; then we will k ill their
collaborators; then their sympathizers; then those who are
indifferent....") [49] These statements reflected the extremist
concepts of the national security doctrine that formed the
philosophical foundation of the national security states.
DINA's Manuel Contreras visualized Condor as an application of modern
technology and communications to the anti-communist crusade. In August
1975, Contreras flew to Washington, D.C., to meet with Vernon Walters,
the CIA Deputy Director and a veteran of covert operations. The subject
of the meeting remains secret. [50] A month later, Contreras wrote a
memo to Pinochet asking for an extra $600,000 for "the neutralization
of the junta's principal opponents outside Chile," in Argentina, the
USA, Italy, and elsewhere. [51] Contreras traveled in 1975 to
Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, and Venezuela to
advocate cross-border intelligence cooperation (Dinges and Landau,
1980:155--157; Brandt, 1998). A letter from Contreras dated October
1975 in the Paraguayan Archives invited General Francisco Brites, chief
of the Paraguayan police, to "a Working Meeting of National
Intelligence" to be held in Santiago under "strict secrecy." The
purpose of the meeting was to be the establishment of "an excellent
coordination and improved action to benefit National Security." [52]
The minutes of the meeting, dated October 29, 1975, included a proposal
for action and an organizational structure. The document's introduction
was worded in the apocalyptic language of the national security
doctrine, and stated that: Subversion, for some years, has been present
in our Continent, sheltered by politico-economic concepts that are
fundamentally contrary to History, Philosophy, Religion, and the
traditions of the countries of our Hemisphere. This described situation
recognizes no Frontiers or Countries, and the infiltration penetrates
all levels of National life.... [I]t is to confront this Psycho-political
War that we have determined that we must function in the
international environment not with a command centralized in its
internal functioning, but with an efficient Coordination that will
permit an opportune interchange of intelligence and experience as well
as a certain level of personal relations among the chiefs responsible
for Security. [53]
The document proposed a security system with three elements: an Office
of Coordination and Security that would include a computerized central
data bank of suspects, "something similar to Interpol, but dedicated to
Subversion"; an information center with special communication channels,
a cryptology capability, telephones with scrambling mechanisms, and
message systems; and permanent working meetings. The Chileans offered
Santiago as the headquarters of the system, specifying that the
"technical personnel" of the system would be equally represented by
participating countries. These technical personnel would have
diplomatic immunity, and the Chileans proposed that they be from the
intelligence services. It appears that the "technical personnel" were
the intelligence agents who carried out Condor operations, including
disappearances and assassinations, and they were to have free passage
in member countries. (Two Chilean members of the unit who were
preparing the Letelier assassination, for example, acquired false
passports in Paraguay in 1976 [Dinges and Landau, 1980: 184, 188-193].) The ensuing days of meetings in Santiago were focused on each
country's "situation of Subversion and the forms of combating it," as
well as the construction of the system of intelligence coordination.
The sanitized technical language masked the nature of the Condor
system, which represented the internationalization of military
repressive structures and operations respecting no civilian or
constitutional law. Essentially, the intelligence organizations
"exported" their dirty wars by pooling their resources to better track
and eliminate political opposition across borders.
Condor Counterinsurgency Operations
In 1974 and 1975, as large numbers of people disappeared and disfigured
bodies began to be found, Latin Americans perceived a terrible new
level of death squad operations. The mutilated bodies of 119 missing
Chilean leftists, many of whom originally had been detained by Chilean
security forces and others who had disappeared, were discovered in
1975, mainly in Argentina, but also in several other countries. Chilean
newspapers printed sensationalist stories blaming deadly "vendettas"
within Movimiento de la Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR), a revolutionary
(but not a guerrilla) organization, and other leftist organizations.
Other stories warned of a dangerous guerrilla army massing in Argentina
and poised to attack Chile. Years later, secret DINA files were
discovered showing that the 119 were disappeared and murdered as part
of a combined Chilean-Argentine security operation called Operation
Colombo, linked to Chilean and Argentine Condor operatives. DNA and
Argentine intelligence organizations had planted the false stories and
false identifications of the victims as part of a PSYWAR campaign
designed to obscure and confuse (the best source is CODEPU, 1994; see
also Comision Nacional/Rettig Report, 1991: 482--84; CODEPU, 1996).
Clearly, the objectives were to discredit leftist and human rights
organizations opposed to the coup, to create fear and disorientation,
to provide heroic justification for the counter subversive campaigns of
the militaries, and to win support for the Chilean military regime.
(Significantly, Argentina was still under the civilian rule of Isabel
Peros in these years.)
In other cases, some 30 bodies appeared in Buenos Aires, but were so
disfigured by torture that they were unrecognizable. Another 20 bodies
washed up on shore in Uruguay, showing signs of torture, gunshot
wounds, and rape; authorities said the victims were Asians from offshore
fishing boats (Blixen, 1995b: 4). Dozens of Bolivians and
Chileans living under the protection of the United Nations in Buenos
Aires were seized and disappeared in 1976 (Comisión Nacional/Rettig
Report, 1991: 598-99; Sivak, 1998: 119--122). Bolivian ex-President
Torres was assassinated in Buenos Aires that year, as were the two
Uruguayan legislators opposed to their country's military regime,
Michelini and Gitoerrez Ruiz. The military states made little
distinction between local revolutionary insurgents such as Argentine
ERP militants, Chilean MIR members, and Uruguayan Tupamaros, and
unarmed political opponents of the military states and their families
and friends.
Condor's combined operations in the Southern Cone were carried out by
squadrons of two or more South American military and/or police
commandos to abduct victims and bring them to torture centers in police
commissaries, military barracks, or abandoned buildings. Targets were
immediately deprived of any rights, blindfolded, maltreated, and never
acknowledged to be prisoners by the regime. There was no semblance of
due process for the prisoners -- and there were many thousands of
prisoners. In Argentina, where Condor operations were extensive, a
former garage called Orletti Motors became a central clandestine
detention center for Condor, holding prisoners from Uruguay, Chile,
Bolivia, and elsewhere. Uruguayan and Chilean intelligence, police, and
military officers operated freely with logistical assistance from the
In CELS microfiches #30 and #31, there are 22 testimonies of the few
survivors of Orletti, which was under the command of the First Army
Corps. In 1975, General Albano Harguindeguy was the subzone commander
of the Buenos Aires area; Orletti was under his jurisdiction, as were
six other clandestine torture centers. After the March 1976 military
coup, Harguindeguy became the junta's Interior Minister. Anibal Gordon
-- a civilian who was a former operative in the notorious Triple A
death squad -- was in charge of operations in Orletti. Uruguayan and
Chilean intelligence officers were regularly present in Orletti,
participating in torture and interrogation of prisoners.
Several cases illuminate Condor operations in Orletti. Victor Lubian,
who provided testimony in November 1978, was born in Argentina but
moved to Uruguay at five years of age. He became active in the 1970s in
the Federation of University Students of Uruguay, an organization
declared illegal, by military decree, in December 1973. In January 1974
he returned to Argentina, but six months later he was detained in his
house by a para-police commando of Argentines and Uruguayans. He was
held in Orletti until July 24, when he was transferred to Montevideo
with other Uruguayans in a Uruguayan Air Force plane (CELS microfiches
30 and 31). On October 23, 1976, Lubian was charged there with
"assisting a subversive association," and on November 29 was
transferred to Establecimiento Militar de Reclusion number 1, the
notorious Libertad prison.
Lubian described the methods of the torturers in Orletti: "they created
a relation of absolute dependence under an omnipotent and anonymous
authority, one could do nothing for himself, not the most basic
thing...a glass of water, or to be able to go to the bathroom, were
worth more than all the money in the world." Prisoners who collaborated
were rewarded with drinks of water and beaten if they didn't, creating
a sense of personal responsibility for torture. Drugs were some times
used on prisoners to disorient them and make them talk. Lubian
testified that some torturers enjoyed using aberrant, sadistic sexual
tortures directed against both men and women. The torturers all used
the same name, Oscar: they called themselves Oscar 1, Oscar 2, and
Oscar 3, etc.; Oscar 5 was a doctor who kept victims alive. Lubian
believed all were Uruguayan army officers. One officer known as "302"
was Jose Gavazzo, the executive chief of operations who operated out of
Lubian witnessed members of the Santucho family in Orletti. Mario
Roberto Santucho, the leader of the Argentine guerrilla organization
Ejercito Revolucionario del Pueblo (ERP), was killed in a military
operation on July 18, 1976. Yet afterwards, other members of his
family, who were not involved in politics, were tortured and killed out
of pure sadism. In Orletti, brother Carlos Santucho was hung from a
hook over a tub of filthy water and repeatedly lowered into it. He
appeared to have lost his mind from torture, raving in a delirious
manner. Lubian said the guards forced his sister, Manuela Santucho, to
read aloud the newspaper story of Mario's death. Then they tortured and
raped her, using methods that he called "the product of sick
Enrique Rodriguez Laretta was a well-known Uruguayan journalist who was
seized because his son was a political militant. He testified that
there were pictures of Hitler on the walls inside Orletti. He
recognized the voices of two Uruguayan union leaders who had
disappeared in Argentina. According to Rodriguez Laretta, the guards
were Argentines and his kidnappers were officers of the Uruguayan army.
The Uruguayans participated directly in the torture. Rodriguez Laretta
also described Oscar 1, 2, and 3, and identified officers in the
Uruguayan military intelligence organization SID (Servicio de
Informaciones de Defensa) and OCOA (Organismo Coordinador de
Operaciones Anti-Subversivos). SID was directly under the command of
the Urugunyan junta and one of its commanders was Gavazzo.
Another Uruguayan case was that of Sara Mendez. Late on July 13, 1976,
a 15-man commando broke down the door of her Buenos Aires apartment,
and seized and tortured her. She perceived that there were two teams,
one Argentine and one Uruguayan, and she identified Gavazzo. The men
took her baby and brought her to Orletti. She was transferred with the
group of Uruguayans to Montevideo, and was eventually released in May
1981, but she has not been reunited with her son. In recent years,
human rights groups have gathered substantial evidence that baby
trafficking by the militaries was systematic and well organized across
borders, another dimension of Condor operations (Alganaraz, 1999;
Brown, 1999).
Sergio Lopez Burgos was a Uruguayan unionist who was detained and
maltreated after the June 1973 coup in Uruguay. He moved to Argentina
in April 1975 and became a legal resident, with permission to work. He,
with a colleague, formed a commission-in-exile of the Convencion
Nacional de Trabajadores (CNT, National Convention of Workers), which
was dedicated to solidarity activities with labor unions suffering
repression in Uruguay. In July 1976, Lopez and his colleague, Leon
Duarte, were seized in a Buenos Aires cafe by a team of 12 men in
civilian clothes that included Uruguayan army officers, The two shouted
to others in the cafe that they were unionists and that this was a
disappearance. The kidnappers were infuriated and one whipped out an
identification and shouted that this was an Argentine army operation
and that people should remain calm. Lopez had his jaw broken as the
squadron dragged him out of the cafe. He testified that he was taken to
Orletti, where he saw Hector Mendez, a Uruguayan leader of the Congreso
Obrero Textil and the CNT. For 12 or 14 days, the prisoners ate only
three times. Lopez reported that he saw a guard raping a semi-conscious
woman prisoner.
All told, 169 Uruguayans disappeared between 1971 and 1981, and an
astounding 127 of them disappeared in Argentina (Barahona de Brito,
1997: 48). General Amauri Prantl, head of the Uruguayan Defense
Intelligence Service, supervised the secret Condor operations,
coordinating the actions of police, military, and intelligence
operatives and units under the Oficina Coordinadora de Operaciones
Anti-Subversivas (OCOA). Prantl worked with Argentine General Otto
Paladino -- then head of the State Intelligence Service, or SIDE -- in
coordinating cross-border operations (Ibid.).
There was a curious sequel to the evidence about Uruguayan officers in
Condor. Gavazzo and several other officers based in Orletti were
pardoned by Argentine President Menem in 1989, at the request of
Uruguayan civilian president Sanguinetti, along with Argentine military
officers accused of human rights crimes and sedition. For an Argentine
president to pardon Uruguayan officers was clearly an odd, and
constitutionally dubious, move. In 1995, Gavazzo was jailed in Uruguay
for extortion, but he has not admitted to human rights abuses (Blixen,
1995b: 1; Blixen, 1995a: 3).
Cases of Chileans Who Disappeared
A key case illuminating U.S. involvement in Condor counter subversive
operations was that of Chilean Jorge Isaac Fuentes Alarcon, who was
seized by Paraguayan police as he crossed the border from Argentina to
Paraguay in May 1975. Fuentes, a sociologist who was apparently a
courier for MIR, was traveling with Amilcar Santucho, another brother
of the ERP leader. The Rettig Commission learned that the capture of
Fuentes was a cooperative effort by Argentine intelligence services,
personnel of the U.S. Embassy in Buenos Aires (who reported the results
of Fuentes' interrogation to Chilean police), and Paraguayan police.
Fuentes was transferred to the Chilean police, who brought him to Villa
Grimaldi, a notorious DINA detention center in Santiago. He was last
seen there, savagely tortured (Comision Nacional/Rettig Report, 1991:
595-596; CODEPU, 1996: 78-83).
Recently declassified documents include a letter from the U.S. Embassy
in Buenos Aires (written by Robert Scherrer) informing the Chilean
military of the capture of Fuentes. Scherrer provided the names and
addresses of three individuals residing in the United States whom
Fuentes named during his interrogation, and stated that the FBI was
conducting investigations of the three. [54] This letter, among others,
confirms that U.S. officials and agencies were cooperating with the
military dictatorships and acting as a link in the Condor chain.
Perhaps most striking is that this coordination was routine (if
secret), standard operating procedure within U.S. policy.
Another Chilean case was of a man born in Argentina who moved to Chile
after the Argentine coup of 1966. Patricio Biedma married Luz
Lagarrigua and had three children; he also became involved with MIR.
After the 1973 coup in Chile, the family moved back to Buenos Aires.
There, Biedma was seized and disappeared in July 1976, for his
activities in Chile. He was held in Orletti Motors and interrogated by
a Chilean intelligence officer. Luz Lagarrigun went to Cuba and for
years had no idea of what had happened to him. In 1983, after the fall
of the military government in Argentina, she returned there to search
for her husband. She learned nothing about his fate, however, and
neither did CONADEP, the Argentine commission on the disappeared.
Several years later, a young man came forward and said he had known her
husband in Orletti. He told her that Biedma was like a father to him in
the detention center, teaching him how to survive and staying close to
him. They were together 45 days, but then the young man was re leased.
His family sent him to Spain, where for years he was afraid to say
anything about his experience. [55] Lagarrigun never learned
what finally happened to her husband.
The Paraguayan Archives have actually solved some cases of the
disappeared. One such case involved two Argentine members of the
Peronist Youth, Dora Marta Landi and Alejandro Logoluso, who went to
Paraguay after the 1976 coup in Argentina. They were arrested in
Asuncion in March 1977, but the authorities told their parents they
were later freed. The Argentine junta consistently denied any knowledge
of their whereabouts. Official documents found in the Archives proved,
however, that the two had been detained by the Paraguayan police and
then on May 16, 1977, delivered to an Argentine military unit (two army
intelligence officers and one navy officer from an infamous torture
center). They were flown in an Argentine navy plane to Buenos Aires,
where the trail ended. The Paraguayan police report included their
photos and fingerprints and the names of the Argentine officers who
took them. [56]
High-Level Assassinations
The first major Condor-style assassination occurred in 1974, before the
official founding of Condor. Chilean General Carlos Prats, a
constitutionalist who was Allende's commander-in-chief and who had
opposed the 1973 coup, was murdered in Buenos Aires along with his wife
in a DNA car bombing. In 1975, Chilean Christian Democratic leader
Bernardo Leighton and his wife were ambushed and wounded in an
assassination attempt in Rome. The assassination in Washington, D.C.,
of Orlando Letelier and Ronni Moffitt occurred in 1976. DNA agents
contracted fascist terrorists ia Italy -- including several involved in
the Gladio network -- and Cuban exiles in the right-wing Cuban
Nationalist Movement to assist in carrying Out the respective crimes. A
U.S. expatriate and DNA assassin, Michael Townley, links all three
cases. In Chile, Townley claimed that he was a CIA operative, as did
his defense attorney during the Letelier assassination trial in the
United States, but the CIA said he was not. He was a U.S. Embassy
informant and a militant in Patria y Libertad, the right-wing
terrorist group funded by the CIA. [57]
Townley eventually revealed the details of the Letelier and Moffitt
assassinations in a U.S. court. He and a Chilean officer named Armando
Fernandez Larios obtained false passports in Paraguay, telling
diplomats there they had CIA approval for a secret mission in the
United States. Townley and Ferndndez originally communicated with
Colonel Benito Guanes, [58] the Paraguayan army intelligence chief who
since has been linked to Condor. U.S. Ambassador George Landau became
suspicious, however, and informed the CIA; which told him there was no
such mission. [59] Two other DNA agents eventually traveled on false
Chilean passports to Washington, and they sent word to General Vernon
Walters at the CIA when they arrived. Thus, Dinges and Landau posit
that the CIA-under Director George Bush at the time -- knew DNA was
planning a covert operation in Washington, D.C., yet did not notify law
enforcement or Letelier himself. In September 1976, Townley arrived in
Washington and recruited individuals from the Cuban Nationa list
Movement, all but one of whom had been involved in the CIA-backed Bay
of Pigs operation (Landau, 1978: 12; Branch and Propper, 1982: 349352). They monitored Letelier, bought explosives, built a bomb, and
placed it under his car. The CIA neglected to inform federal
investigators about what it knew for months after the crime while
prosecutors tried to identify the assassins. Indeed, the CIA promoted
the hypothesis that the crime had been committed by the Left, and
insisted that DNA was not involved (Landau, 1978: 33-35; Dinges and
Landau, 1980: 382-398; Corn, 1994: 329). Meanwhile, the Chilean junta
denied responsibility and Contreras blamed the CIA (Valenzuela and
Constable, 1991: 105-106). Given the CIA's knowledge of DNA operations,
and its close links to DNA and to Cuban exile groups, its behavior
raises suspicions. The CIA's reaction resembled the classic black
propaganda tactic of blaming the other side in order to deceive and
Since turning state's evidence in the Letelier case, Townley has been
in the Witness Protection Program. The Clinton administration refused
to let Spanish lawyers interview Townley in 1998 (Vest, 1998). Armando
Ferndndez, who was also accused of a role in the Prats murder, lives in
Miami today, also under federal protection, running an import-export
business. He has been sued by the family of a Chilean economist
tortured and murdered by DNA, in a groundbreaking case (Imerman, n.d.;
Kidwell, 1999). Two of the Cubans convicted in the Letelier hit managed
to elude authorities until 1990 and 1991, respectively. Two others
escaped conviction on appeal, and in 1990 were associated with the
Cuban-American National Foundation in Miami (Landau and Anderson, 1998;
New York Times editorial, 1990).
DINA operatives and Pinochet himself met with Italian neofascist
Stefano Della Chiaie (who was suspected of involvement in the 1980
bombing in Bologna) in Madrid and discussed the assassination operation
to take place in Rome against Leighton. [60] Townley, testifying in an
Italian court about that crime, said that it was carried out via "a
global anti-Marxist agreement." He admitted that he met 10 or 15 times
with Della Chiaie to organize the attack. [61] In October 1975, Della
Chiaie's terrorist organization, Avanguardia Nazionale, carried out the
assassination attempt (Cuya, 1993). Another Italian fascist convicted
of terrorist bombings, Vincenzo Vinciguerra, testified in court that
members of his paramilitary organization, Ordine Nuovo, were tools of
the secret services (Willan, 1991: 138, 141) and linked to Gladio.
Vinciguerra said Gladio had carried out bombings attributed to the
Left, that it was linked to NATO, and that it recruited among fascist
circles. Vinciguerra added that the network had been used for domestic
purposes "by national and international forces...principally the United
States of America." [62] He confirmed that the Leighton attack was
arranged by "a secret structure of the Latin American intelligence
services called Operation Condor" (Blixen, 1995c: 3). In 1995, an
Italian court found Contreras and other DINA officers guilty in
absentia of the Leighton attack. [63]
Della Chiaie also participated in the 1980 coup in Bolivia, along with
former Gestapo chief Klaus Barbie and Argentine military officers, an
event that graphically illustrated the global nature of the right-wing
anticommunist alliance during the Cold War. [64]
The Role of National Security Ideologies and Doctrines
Why did U.S. officials form alliances with antidemocratic and fascist
groups and militaries? The secret 1954 Doolittle Report sheds light on
this question. It made the case that the United States faced a total
war against "an implacable enemy whose avowed objective is world
domination." Echoing the alarmist National Security Directive/68
(NSC/68) of 1950, [65] it continued: There are no rules in such a game.
Hitherto acceptable norms of human conduct do not apply. If the United
States is to survive, long-standing American concepts of "fair play"
must be reconsidered.... We must learn to subvert, sabotage, and
destroy our enemies by more clever, more sophisticated, and more
effective methods than those used against us. [66]
As Kathryn Olmsted (1996: 110) observes, this manner of thinking
evolved into a philosophy in which the ends justified the means, giving
rise to abuses. The philosophy formed the basis for a strategic
national security doctrine that was diffused to Latin American
militaries. Ia Latin America, doctrines of internal war emerged during
the 1960s that blended the militaries' traditional organic and
authoritarian conceptions of their role with newer U.S. and French
counterinsurgency doctrines. The new national security doctrine
encouraged a concept of counter subversive war subject to no rules or
ethics, a "dirty war" that had to be won at all costs. Moreover, a
large part of the civilian population was defined as potentially or
actually subversive; domestic conflicts were viewed through the EastWest prism and "internationalized." The Chilean Truth and
Reconciliation Commission (or Rettig Commission) captured well the
intrusion of the international forces of the Cold War in Chile,
especially after the 1959 Cuban Revolution, and the
internationalization of domestic political conflicts:
The announcement or appearance of [insurgent] "focos" and the
idea...that they corresponded to an inspiration and central direction
for Latin America led many states, and fundamentally the United States,
to initiate a counterinsurgency movement. Like the focos themselves,
this movement was simultaneously local, in each country, and central,
exhibiting a certain coordination among all the Latin American
countries. The central coordination was the charge of the United
States, which took advantage of its military training schools to teach,
year after year, generations of military officers of many countries.
Counterinsurgency was a technique...but also seems to have hidden
within it an implicit doctrine or philosophy... (Comision
Nacional/Rettig Report, 1991: 44).
National security doctrines and anticommunist ideologies appear to have
been an important determinant of state terrorism in Latin America, as
they dehumanized whole categories of people and provided a quasi-religious
rationale for their torture and destruction. We now reflect
upon the significance of such ideologies in the international system.
Michael Stohl argues that the bipolar structure of the international
system provided the framework that shaped international behaviors and
standards. In 1988, he stated:
The two superpowers not only are the strongest military powers, but
they also have a considerable influence on the establishment of
behaviors which thereafter become norms in the international system.
Further, by practicing certain forms of behavior (which I will argue
constitute terrorism) and condoning and supporting such behavior by
other states and groups, the superpowers contribute mightily to the
overall level of terrorism in the international system (Stohl, in
Slater and Stohl, 1988: 157).
U.S. Cold War doctrine as exemplified by the Doolittle Report contended
that ruthless methods were needed to "win" during the Cold War.
Similarly, in 1984 General Paul Gorman, chief of the Southern Command,
said that counterinsurgency was "a form of warfare repugnant to
Americans, a conflict which involves innocents, in which noncombatant
casualties may be an explicit object" (Valentine, 1990: 425). This view
apparently seeks to justify, in the name of preserving democracy,
violation of the Geneva Conventions and other international human
rights covenants. It reflects the "hard-line" Realist concept, as
posited by Stohl, that states should use whatever means necessary to
protect perceived national security interests. Yet, as stated
eloquently by author Douglas Valentine (1990: 14), "as successive
American governments sink deeper and deeper into the vortex of covert
operations -- ostensibly to combat terrorism and Communist insurgencies
-- the American people gradually lose touch with the democratic ideals
the at once defined their national self-concept." The point is that a
nation claiming to be democratic does not "win" by employing violations
of human rights and democratic principles, but rather destroys itself.
Richard Falk (1997: 180) contends that "a strong human rights culture
is the necessary underpinning of an effective regime of human rights"
and that "that culture itself cannot take significant hold unless the
political culture is supportive of human rights." During the Cold War,
a doctrine and philosophy at odds with a human rights culture arose in
the U.S. national security apparatus; it existed and was fortified in
many of the militaries throughout Latin America as well. The Cold War
is over, but national security cultures live on, especially in military
and intelligence forces. Until such forces and the larger political
cultures internalize respect for human rights and lawful action, the
dangers exemplified by Operation Condor continue to exist.
To argue that the state may operate outside the law and that abuses are
justified for a higher interest is destructive to the concepts of
democracy and human rights. State terrorism is as abhorrent as
individual terrorism; "counterterrorism" that employs the methods of
terrorism is equally repugnant; there is no "good" terrorism and "bad"
terrorism. "The ends justify the means" is a corrosive ideology that
subverts the advances that humanity has made over time to establish
laws and procedural safeguards to protect rights -- advances that
underlie democratic systems. The entire fragile edifice of human rights
protections, built up so slowly and painfully by civilized societies
over the course of history, is damaged and weakened by such ideologies.
Condor was a shadow system of organized violence with totalitarian
mechanisms for dealing with political opposition. Condor intelligence
units committed criminal acts across borders, violating national and
international law, in the name of fighting "communist subversion."
Acting with secrecy and total impunity, bypassing constitutional
structures, and defying the corpus of rights and liberties associated
with democracy, Condor represented a return to the past--but with the
resources of the modern state. Literally millions of people in Latin
America lost their lives or their freedom during the Cold War, and tens
of thousands were imprisoned, tortured, and killed by regimes that
claimed to act in the name of democracy. The U.S. national security
apparatus may or may not have been the inspiration for Condor, but it
was profoundly complicit. The evidence is all too clear that the U.S.led "anticommunist crusade" became a crusade against the principles and
institutions of democracy and against progressive and liberal as well
as revolutionary forces in Latin America and elsewhere. [67]
The House of Representatives recently voted to reduce funding for the
School of the Americas, and some Clinton spokespersons have
acknowledged the damage done by the United States during the Cold War.
[68] In 1999, President Clinton apologized for the U.S. role in
Guatemala's dirty war while visiting that country. These are
encouraging, although tenuous, steps.
The Pinochet case and the movement for an international criminal court
indicate that fledgling institutions of justice and the rule of law are
emerging at the international level at the end of the 20th century. If
states and their rulers can be held accountable to law and to human
rights norms, state terrorism and Condor-style operations may be
inhibited in the future, Yet as Falk suggests, states and citizens must
first internalize a human rights culture that recognizes that no ends
justify the means of disappearance, torture, and assassination.
“UFOs are a mental illness.”
- John Keel.
A thousand years from now, when whoever it is, curious enough in spite of its own
inherent intelligence to be left alone, remains to make sense of the us we are right now;
whenever they start digging the holes, searching under the oldest of stones for the detritus we
tend to leave behind, when they dig those god damned holes, what the hell will they make of us?
Do we think we have the slightest idea, as a choking, writhing human leviathan, what will be our
legacy? Someone is always chosen by those who will dig the holes, the poet laureate of an era’s
grand design, to sing and tell the tales of us, as they will do, until, if we are either lucky or we
earn it, they might just make us into something else entirely - a myth.
Then again, perhaps there will be no one left to dig those holes, or at least no one left
here, a thousand years from now, when all the black deals have gone down and all the secret
handshakes, crossing not just flesh but fiction, begin to absolutely collide.
Just as we decided, all of us, to call whatever it is - UFOs, it has also decided of its own
accord, to reveal to us the strange fruits of its own story, it as it sees itself. And in that evolution,
UFOs will suddenly become truly real; as in, that which we all can see, that which is there for
each of us alone and for all of us as one. To know that we know, that it, whatever it is that we
know as UFOs - is most definitely real. Real enough to be observed and universally accepted by
all of us, in not just our human skies, but in the fields and the folds of our human hearts and
minds. Real, as in a mother-ship UFO, three quarters the size of our moon, appearing before
our eyes without invitation or excuse in our very real skies; looming large as hell and just
begging to defy even the most academic denial of itself as anything else but real.
Once they, the beings in control of this mother-ship and this new reality lurching in its
wake, appear in totality within our skies, someday very soon, we will, as individual minds and as
one mind in unison, have to make a choice in the sheer face of no choice at all; if and when proof
the size of a moon makes itself ceremoniously known, this very simple, layman choice will have
to be made by the all of us, and as a species who has always only known how to be alone. We
will either adjust to UFOs, and the seismic change to our natural reality and beliefs and just
soldier on - or - we simply won’t. If we choose to defy its new reality and the shift to our own,
we may be passed over by our own evolutionary moment; this mother-ship is exactly what we
have always wanted. We have been begging for this moment for seventy years. And upon its
imminent arrival, this monolithic UFO, we must know that there will be no parade, no past, no
future if there is no one left, brave enough to simply know that we are not alone. That we were
never alone. That we will never be alone again.
We think we know who these beings are and what it is we assume they want. For now,
we assume they only want our skies, or at least a humble place within them. Skies, we too,
actually just sort of hijacked and took on as our own, and why the hell not?
We consider our skies so highly, that we let our skies harbor our idols as well as the
myriad stories we tell of them. We look to our skies with the saddest of hearts and the loftiest of
goals. The skies have always been enough for us, in their endless stretch of revolving blue and
black. Once they arrive here as real, the skies over all of our heads may only whet their appetite
for a more singular experience. Soon I fear, without rational hesitation or recourse, these beings
are going to adapt and then want something, as their shelter, far more desirable then the simple
skies over all of our heads - soon, they may covet the skies over all of our dreams.
I have adopted the belief that these impossible things we call UFOs, are real. I also know
that UFOs are a belief system that demands an almost Faustian bargain of highly orchestrated
faith. Usually, I try to keep clear of belief systems that require faith, for there is a dangerous
difference between believing in something and believing that you believe. In this pursuit of
UFOs, you learn that not everything that matters to it has to be true. To attach yourself to this
inordinate system called UFOs, you simply only have to believe. There is also an even higher
system of belief that it attaches itself to and that system will also expect your undying allegiance
as well. The ladder of belief, after all, must be constantly aware of the veracity of each of its
fertile rungs. These complex systems must be approached like wild animals in a primordial
jungle; these mega-beliefs will charge you and, ready or not, they will change you and en masse,
that individualized change within you will then attempt to persuade you to change the very world
and its reality surrounding us from without and defining us from within our very minds, homes
and especially our ideas. We wonder about these highly strange, yet strangely familiar beings,
these suspect others in our skies. Do they know the difference between who they are and how we
see them? Do we hold the mirror to them, as they do for us, and in that, do either of us see each
other at all?
Although these beings seemingly arrived here from the shores of a distant world, far, far
away in the cold reaching depths of neutral space, a majic place we call Zeta Reticulum; the
truth is, of their origins, much as in our own, no one really knows. As the all but inconceivable
account of these beings continues to wildly develop, much by our own obsessive storytelling, we
must now realize that we have been elected, by ourselves, to bear witness to, and in new ways
participate in the instigation of a new human myth for the ages. I believe that the beings we
have mythologized as of Zeta Reticulum, are in fact, extraterrestrial. They are also clearly
capable of quizzical methods of intra-dimensional space travel, via wormhole generation through
the superior utilization of exquisite retro-gravity based electro-magnetics controlled by weird,
monatomic principles.
However, by simply provoking the upside down rules somehow governing these sideling,
alternate dimensions, The Zeta’s, as a psycho-physical race, have been inexorably altered due to
the obvious rigorous physiological exposures within these highly strange and highly punishing
strata. These beings of Zeta Reticulum are a true, physical species, however, they have so
continuously mounted and transposed the astral plane in the singular technological pursuit of
advanced interstellar travel, that they seriously upended themselves within these compromising
subspaces, even while studiously knowing that this form of exposure was nothing if not a
violently illogical risk. Into these compromised zones, none of us were ever meant to physically
go, but, just like us, they went ahead and did it anyway. Over and over and over again. Perhaps,
simply so they could know.
Maybe they were also chasing, as we also obsessively do, a legacy. Something, once
physically gone, they could leave behind to be remembered by. Little did they know how
profound a legacy they would soon shed, and that we, ready or not, would soon truly know.
For, it was within the ironic matrix of this manipulative intra-dimensional fixation alone,
that The Zeta’s found us and somehow altered us as they did themselves, from inside out and all
the way through. The great symbiosis between us and them, now culturally playing out in its
loudest ever reproach and well within our own solar system, where we know things are real, will
have begun at that exact eccentric point in both of our histories and myths; and a clock
somewhere in between both of us, at that highly strange moment, irreversibly began to count out
rugged, unstoppable seconds towards the newly changing lotus reality that both of our species,
right now, are beginning to see unfold into its delicate bloom. Sooner than later, that distant
clock will count itself down and its alarm will ring out in ways impossible to quiet or ignore. We
might as well begin to embrace this fact now, for we may not then have any choice, any more, or
at all.
In their travels through the great in between that they call highway and we call dreams,
The Zeta’s, in the mist of this weirding shared ideaspace, somehow found the bottom of our
exact hole, without even realizing they were digging at all. And, as in the great myths, out from
the bottom of this hole, there sounded a call. In twisting fate and so damned far out of time, these
beings, in synchronicity, entered out of space and into our human liminal consciousness pool; a
totalitarian vestibule that subconsciously acts on and informs our harmonic mass-mind.
Somewhere within their travels throughout this unruly ionosphere, a highly strange germinating
idea of the beings of Zeta Reticulum was either shed or left behind in their cosmic passing, and
in this idea’s random path of drift, it somehow came into contact with and then contaminated our
master human consciousness, and whatever they were to themselves became moot, as to us, in an
objective vacuum, they became beings of space, and this was far before we ever consciously
knew of them as physical beings of space and no time, some distant 39 light years away and, also
very much alone. This tiny shred of them, shed in a way, no one will ever know, was on a path to
become a catalyst of legacy within us and of them, and all by pure chance.
Upon this infinitesimal happenstance, a proto-mythic interpretation of these beings
somehow held together within our mass mentality, and just as on their own frequency as a dying
species in deep space, we capitulated a separate frequency of them meant to translate theirs
somewhere within our subliminal veil. We then manufactured iconographic thought forms,
totemic representations of these beings upon a symbolic plane - a finely crafted supra-liminal
mold based so much upon our overcomplicated mental image of ourselves in an impartial
reverse; re-conditioned again and again within the jagged subjectivity of how we see our own
forms, in our wholly connected dream states. These incorporeal beings were now, on their own,
busy taking adaptive root in the gears of our very raw mental machinery. They had reflected
themselves in our dreams by utter accident, yet they were also being reborn in a profound wash
of our own genetic memories, in our basic meanings and in our primary colors of primal
knowing. They were, as we were creating them, passed through a very discerning neural
inoculation of already accepted hymnologically parallel belief systems deeply hardwired into our
meta-selves; stark, objective habituation protocols arbiting general human necessity, such as the
mechanics of religious dogma and social norms. From that point, if they were going to stick, it
would boil down to dumb luck and something only we call time.
It was precisely through unusually patient time that we actively enabled and offered up to
these beings, as our minds saw fit for them, a psycho-genetic petrie-dish of potential massintuitive digestion. Then, if all consensual subconscious variables are aligned in a rareness
unheard of outside of the mind, the unblemished, hermetic notion of these beings, simply the
notion of them alone, must have been rigorously tested against its memetic heritage to ensure
that, if, in its own volition at any point, if it found an opportunity to soldier on and become
infectious, an idea’s own subtle sexual maturity, that the infectious nature of the relatable
information in its very DNA would then be compelled to create, of its own accord, the chaste
environment for an all but alchemical reaction called context, and at that point, a majic moment
must have occurred to this one single passing strain in hundreds of billions per every human
instant, throwing its own caution to the wind and rolling the dice in the humble gamble of divine
promise, an experience held off for only the strongest and most virulent of all things.
An experience we call - evolution.
Once nearing the crescendo of its own evolution, this once shed idea of them now highly
contextual morphs into a concept, and is then, as a reward for its efficacy, naturally selected by a
grandiose net of neural antipathy and is calmly entered into the constant, raging lottery that is
our collective neo-cortex, a very practical section of our brain and our mind. There are actually,
it seems, very few physical places where our minds and our brains connect and work in tandem.
One of these places is the neo-cortex, the critical voice in our human psychic hub.
This invasive, mysterious shred of a notion; this single cellular thought, which once was
shed and left behind to be absorbed or to be erased, is then successfully seeded, of its own efforts
and persuasions, into the verdant landscape of human consciousness. But even still, challenges
await it. If it is continuously tested and constantly deemed worthy by a rigidly preordained series
of repetitive obstacles, just trying to trip it up. Like it should be. After all, if it passes the tests,
these, the most driven ideas get to be - beliefs, and beliefs are violent, blunt objects you don’t let
loose unless you’re absolutely sure. You can’t believe everything so our mass-subconscious
plays god and weeds out the dead wood so the healthiest trees of belief, for good or for bad, can
And we can only survive if we continue to dream.
Once we empower these beliefs into our already vastly interconnected net of subjective
reality, where they are once and for all, digested mentally, colored with endless conflicting recontextualization by enough of a majority of us, for us to allow this beliefs choicest nutrients to
enter the spectrum of our roaming communal web of conscious acceptance, where it will, like
everything else, fight to find its own place to continue to be heard and believed; instigating a
rallying cry of unapologetic, non-stop self-replication. And through its and our own consensual
belief transmission etiquette, mind to mind via media, suggestion, understanding, epiphany and
constant obsequious debate; it will build itself, as beings of space and no time, into our own
morphological texture of who we think we really are.
This entire pattern, played out to this, almost impossibly concrete conclusion, will then
get busy changing, shifting and reorganizing the within of all of us; everything we know and
knew, and this persuasion in us to change for nothing else but the belief in something else, is
what passes in the infinite conduction and playback of the human mind as a miracle. Its own
evolution, now all but assured, provides to us something we cannot find in any other capacity in
our still completely self-limiting suspicion of who we think we really are. It is that final dash of
unstable dumb human suspicion that as a species proves we are nothing less than alone. If we
continue to hide, to lie and to wait, it will not be us that paves our way, ready or not, for a very
real evolution of our own.
What, to us, is, for once and for all - real? Once the beliefs we glean to, swear to and
eventually choose to be, what we know by no other word but - real. We, as in ritual, then accept
it, name it, in this case, the very succinct - UFOs, and in between the collaborations we trade for
our dreams, we lobby others to also accept it until, as a culture, we have make a choice. If it is
true, we can see it. Once we can all see it, and really see it, we know it. And once we know it,
they, these highly strange beings of Zeta Reticulum, will most certainly know it too.
The Zeta’s pass on knowledge so differently than we do. What one Zeta learns or
experiences or knows, they all know. Without fear of time, and free of death, but without
knowing the experiences you want for the meanings you need, without understanding hope;
what can these beings ever truly believe? Even with the world’s largest UFO, without beliefs,
what is ever going to be real? And they may find, like we once feared, that nothing at all is real.
If they have learned anything in the last seventy years, it’s how simple it is, almost too
simple, to access our brains. Even bugs and bacteria know tried and true methods of taking hold
of the human control panel through our vulnerable nervous systems. A century ago, a tiny little
bastard of a germ, with no mind to speak of at all, and just because it could, crawled into a hole
and infected our brains, quickly assumed command, took the wheel, and as simple as that, made
us dance and dance and dance, in terrible spasmodic convulsions, until many of us died
feverishly dancing joyously while begging anyone who will listen for the sweet relief of a bullet
to the brain. Our brains, in their trusting objectivity, can be exploited. The Zeta’s speak to us
telepathically, and most strangely, they are known to mainly utilize our own voices as their own.
They can also erase the parts of their own rituals and games they wish us not to know. They take
us from our beds and cars and minds, and hold us to the cold; they drain us of our fluids and
drink of our proudest secrets. They scare us to hell and back and then deny us the catharsis of
release by scrambling if not downright erasing our malleable little brains. If we are really lucky,
three hours later we are left in a wiry naked, violated fetal ball, on the anonymous side of a less
than traveled road.
However, even if, with so little trouble, they can crawl into our physical grey matter
machinations, they also realized, decades ago, that our sacred dreamland was nowhere in that
fleshy mess at all. We keep our dreams safely secured in the chambers of our minds, a very
different thing indeed. They, in their predictably obsessive efforts, continue to finger our brains,
in search of our minds, and for now, our minds, even to us, are nowhere to be found.
So here’s the thing. These beings do not, as far as we can tell, possess a central nervous
system. We are, as humans, nothing if not the sum of our experiences. The meanings driving
how we connect to these experiences play the crucial role in who we are, regardless of the
shadows of our origins. Although, as two species, we are physically genetically more similar
than we are dissimilar, it is us, in defiance of the myths, it is actually us, not them, that have the
far more obvious evolutionary advantage. Our vulnerable central nervous system is the epic
human diversifier. By defying automatonic programming, by leading with our emotions in spite
of the hell that always follows, we maintain total independence even on a planet of 6 billion plus
beings. Our chaotic wiring prevents us from all being one and the same, even in the face of being
nothing more than one and the same. When compared to everyone else, alone and as a whole, we
find we are all of our own bizarre species, aliens even to each other. Without that unstable,
quivering connective tissue of a central nervous system, this whacked-out hard wiring which is
found in us alone; these beings lack the ability to self-initiate, let alone, self-possess any
architectural sub-consciousness as we all acceptably experience it.
The Zeta’s do not dream.
They do not consider to create, imagine to deny, they cannot lie, joke, and take things for
granted. They cannot self-hate and go insane, fight back or call out to injustice. They cannot fear
life and expect death. Worse yet, it was only upon fully experiencing and thusly understanding
us that they noticed these sorely lacking attributes in themselves. It gave them, as it gives us,
time and time again, a complex. They are now stuck in what we call an existential crisis. All
because dreams, like time, never needed to exist within the majic borderlands of Zeta
Reticulum. But here, in our world, they most certainly do. Here, dreams are more than real. Here,
they are us.
Without dreams, and without time, these beings have only really ever known the now.
And in that, for now, they require very little stimulation. We, on the other hand, gorge on it. It is
one of our truest past times. We consider chemicals our collaborators, in the fight against selfaware boredom and doubt.
What happens once they decide they too want to play rough shot with their own control
panels? Will we deny them their own release from whatever very terrestrial malaise may infect
them too once they must obey the rules of our reality. What happens if the drug of choice to
soothe them in those unsure times may very well end up being our most valuable resource of all our minds and the dreams they make?
It is in our dreams, where we first learned to hide the fire. The stoking ember of our
distant past, our primal commencement; a tiny spark, huddled in dewy pine brush, wrapped
sparingly in sun dried animal skin and held up and out, at all costs, of the ever-present mud of an
evolutionary becoming. These beings exist in a plaintive state of a ceaseless, exhausting present,
waiting without even knowing, like moths falling over itself for its belief in the light, bashing
itself like a fool against a screen door until darkness explodes back in again like a perfect clock,
clicking away, unaware of any passing of time at all. They cannot, unconsciously, flush away the
wasted insights, outmoded ideas, embarrassments, guilt’s, cravings and all the rest of the defeats
we carry on our backs through a very complex waking world. The place we go to unleash and
dispel these ailments is our dreamland. The borderless territories, like Zeta4, that we all together
own is dreamland, where we visit not only infinitely possible versions of each other’s each
other’s, but it is also there where we can finally have the opportunity to meet - ourselves.
Our dreams are only ours, even if completely devoid of our control, and in that, they
allow only us to hold them up to the resplendent reflection of our true face, the reflection’s
reflection, focused in a bleak depiction of understandable mortal frailties. In that profound
reflection, we see not our faces, but the darkest and blackest of eyes, and we relent, afraid to
soldier on, into a mythic reality where we are as we wish to be and they see us.
The Zeta’s are cognitively aware of our individualized self-consciousness and so they
suspect their role as progenitors in our perception of them as beings of space and no time and so
they obsessively pursue surface for a clarity inconspicuous against its incomprehensible tangle.
Searching the skies for a glimmer of our minds, or to find an unnoticed tear in an unwanted
corner wherever it is where we alone go to dream, so they can systematically begin to lay the
metaphysical foundations of a dreamland of their own, where we are to them, exactly as they are
to us. A myth.
They have been poking and prodding around at our messy, physical forms, with a
predictable series of theatrical routines involving arcane needles and abstruse machinery. They
have relentlessly searched our insides and still had the nerve to ask of our private memories for
it, or the map that leads to it and its evolutionary inheritance. But worst of all, they now know
that they can poke and prod and confuse and enlighten and still it doesn’t matter at all because,
as to where we go to dream, our dreamland; even we haven’t got a clue.
To share our home and our skies is brotherly, but, to surrender our mind and the very real
treasures locked within all of our minds together is tantamount to the acceptance of oppression.
They may or may not yet know of oppression and deception and their meanings to us. However,
either way, if they smell our meanings on our breath, they will adapt and, believe me, they learn
fast. The time to change the locks is now. Soon, they will be above us, as they have always been,
only soon enough it will be very different.
Soon enough, it will be real.
If we choose to condemn the last days of dreamland with the self-punishment of our own
apathy and bored disbelief, we will deserve whatever it is we get. This sacrosanct palace, our
dreamland, the only home we all really know, may someday be broken into, occupied in absentia
and usurped for the mutual good. They may soon realize that ours is their dreamland too. Then,
for truth and lies we will both of us, above and below, fall into a sleep and into a dream, as one,
as we always were, clearing up and out of the subconscious ether together and like in prophecy,
destined to become a single unifying field of undying radiation leaving itself to obscurity in an
aeon drift, on and on into deepest, blackest night, until something, somewhere just hopefully
happens to gets in the way. We will become a message, maybe a warning, maybe a welcome and
all we all have left is whatever it was we thought we knew.
Something, somewhere, simply happening to be in the way may end up hearing and,
more importantly, understanding our call; far away, where someone may notice its bell and
recognize its dire ring, or we and them, as one and as alone, may simply cease to be at all.
The time is now to forget our history and find our myths and let those myths represent
who were are and what we know. Let those myths stare back for us into the endless mirror of
alien, black eyes and let those myths do, as we were afraid to do in order to just soldier on.
These beings are of a pragmatic self-interest that, vested against us, is striking. An
indifference to fear, paranoia, suspicion, anger, anxiety, doubt and dread. Dread, that we know
eats at the hearts of us all. In our unceasing unpredictability, we know passion, devoid of all
logic and impossible to deny or share or blame. It was probably their lack of passion that helped
them skate through a one million year crack in our skies, simply so they could have the chance to
soldier on as well.
Passion fuels madness and madness drives the world. And we are nothing, if not drivers
of this, our world. We never asked to make this ostentatious world our own. Like our skies, we
just took it all. And why not? History’s not a record, History is a MYTH.
A thousand years from now, when the players on both sides of the palest horse have
withered and the stories they hoarded burn to ash in a mad self-immolation and when the skies
that hold our secrets, every scrap of what’ s real, our stories and records, our myths; when epic
changes come out of the long silent heavens to hope to bear us forth, ready or not, I hope it will
be us, on our own even if clearly no longer alone, marching ourselves into whatever we will
become. Because we were born to lose. We know this. It will only be fear that drives us down,
back into the mud and way further down into those holes, when whatever it is comes home,
impossibly just there once and for all.
And when it does, which, again, it will, all of it will boil down to one name - Robert
It was Oppenheimer’s big BANG that started it all. July of 1945, our great fire was
reborn. It was then, when we first split the atom itself and unleashed a power we had never dared
know before - a new god called BOOM called out to the skies in a voice as loud then as it is right
It was a nuclear harangue of elegant beauty and unmitigated destruction known as TRINITY. It was a new voice for a changing time that called out from dust to fire and into the
sky. It was Robert Oppenheimer who led the way. Oppenheimer was analytical and was nothing
if not mythically self-aware. He had carefully calculated his moves with a needle’s precision, as
pragmatic as a flame. He wanted to be the guiding hand in the creative mythologizing of his own
legacy, as well as ours, one, in which he could proclaim himself as a legend and us as a god.
It was TRINITY, our cerebral, gorgeous madness, that would be the herald of us into a
new age, one we didn’t yet know was patiently awaiting our arrival. TRINITY was our human
hubris laid out, bundled up in copper and wire and left to die in the desert just ready to blow.
And it was that very profound blast, like in prophecy, and just as we had hoped; that exact bomb,
that exact moment in our time, that sealed a destiny we are waking into now, calling out to us by
ringing its dire bell.
With TRINITY, we sent a hurling vortex of radiation bellowing like a voice or a scream,
forever across space, past the point of our time, announcing us to the heavens as a pristine,
pragmatic message, as unmistakable as it was clear.
We had called out, in one voice, from the long high desert of 1945 and 3 years later and
39 light years away, we were finally heard. And then, just like that, we were no longer alone.
Zeta Reticulum is a place where time, our obsession, loses all meaning as there is never
any architecture of belief to bring forth and augment time, introduced into the current of The
Zeta’s own lingering static consciousness. They were not waiting for our call nor looking out for
its meaningless ring. Curiosity was and is alien to The Zeta’s. They were and are far too busy
numbly losing a passive grip on their own thinning existence. The Zeta’s, long before this, were
marked for extinction. It was probably the undying, fanatical craving for the mastery of
dimensional travel that sealed their fate, worming around between the lines of their reality, way
out there. Those spectral realms were not designed for physical beings and over time, it
rewarded their industry by sterilizing them. And that, as they say, was that.
When TRINITY found them, an afterbirth streak of radiated noise searing its way
through, until then, uninterrupted space, it was only because they, got in the way. But, The Zeta’s
found a meaning in this accidental message and in that meaning, they found us, and in us they
found a way to evolve and that changed, for them, everything.
The Zeta’s then began to create something even more unreal, fast learners as they are;
something tempered by a hijacked experience in our shared human liminal supra-strata and
solidified by TRINITY, our screaming hot message of BOOM. For the Zeta’s, its message meant
one last chance. What we call hope. For the first time, The Zeta’s began to create a path towards
a mythology of their own - the mythology of us.
For whatever we are and for whatever we are worth, the TRINITY signal brought
renewed hope of new life to 2.2 million beings who had, so many millennia before, extinguished
all expectation that they, too, were not alone. They had mapped their own astral neighborhood to
both the limits of their technology and to the frayed ends of their epitomic consciousness. In their
vain search, they found nothing but the rabbit hole of an ever furthering, dispassionate void.
They were merely physical beings, huddled together in a slow fade, in nitrogen filled caves and
underneath two very distinct suns; One, strong and nearly as penetrating as our own and the
other, in the throes of its own lurching nova. Even without the knowledge of time, The Zeta’s
somehow seemed to know that theirs was almost up. That was, until TRINITY. From that
moment, many decades ago, two separate, yet equitable sets of beings both set out on a seventy
year voyage towards each other. One kingdom looking up, the other staring down. Both,
preordained to meet somewhere in the judgeless middle.
It could all happen right now. Or maybe tomorrow. Or the next day. Or the day after that.
Either way, no matter where or when, it will happen. From here, to survive the mental and now
inevitable physical emergence of these beings from Zeta Reticulum and to divine their meaning
to themselves and to us all; we must choose to endure whatever comes, to soldier on for good or
for bad, whether we are ready or whether we are not.
We will soon need to begin to accept that we are no longer independent beings. We must
accept and then know that we are not alone. Deep within ourselves, we must sound the bell for
all of those who do not want to hear it, because, to believe, we must all hear the ringing, so we
all know that it is real. Then, we must, above all else understand
As they near in their chariot, we have mere moments to take solace and comfort on our
long honored throne of unchallenged independence, which may be soon as vestigial as it is now
idle. These strange beings who have always known a world of two suns are heading straight for
us; slowly drifting towards a new neighborhood which will be forever after known as a world of
two moons.
When TRINITY called out for us in a violent yell, it called out into forever. It called out
‘we are here’, in the hope to hear a voice from somewhere else reply -‘here we are‘.
In 1948, upon the reception of the TRINITY signal, The Zeta‘s began a last ditch effort
of logical design towards their ‘Columbus Moment’ as a species. They had prefigured, that they
could with some certainty pinpoint our more than general vicinity in the relative cosmos, but,
they also had no certainty that even their most technologically sound craft could begin to attempt
the legendary orbital jump across a limitless ocean of shrewd space. It was a supreme gamble,
another alien idea to The Zeta race. However, they did know that if they did make it; if they
found us out there somewhere, they would know that hope was real, and the chance would be
intact to simply evolve, even just one last time. .
The Zeta’s pooled their dwindling resources and launched upwards of 11 ships of varying
sizes and crew capacities. These pioneering beings were also creating their own heroes, within
themselves. And with little fanfare, The Zeta’s launched these ships and their heroes out into
deep space and straight at us, their hopes and their myths.
By 1952, and by something we would call predestination, 3 of those majic ships hit
absolute pay dirt.
Of the 3 ships that, in all cases, crashed here on earth, due to their unforeseen weakness
to guard against, of all things, our dense radar fields, 4 beings survived, and needless to say, they
were not treated with even the minimal veil of whatever we know as diplomacy. The way we
treated these legendary explorers was both absolutely horrible and absolutely alien. They were
probed defensively with scalpels, tests, paranoia and lies and as, by all means, a threat, and why
the hell not? That was the tenor of our world then. We were on top of the world. The world we
These beings were hostages if not prisoners. Even worse, we decided to relegate these
incredible voyagers out of myth and into human history, into something far more insidious. We
tried to make them into something that doesn’t exist at all. A hoax. Pretend. Delusion. Dream.
And to think, this was our welcome. One can only hope that, someday soon, theirs will be
The ideas that gain the greatest meaning move the people that move the rest of us into
moving the world. These are the poets of our grand design. To the poet, History is the enemy.
The grand deception. To the poets, History is dead. They know that it will always only be the
myths that live forever. And if you are a part of one of those myths you too become more than
immortal, you become real.
In 1984, we, in secret, apparently noticed The Zeta Mother-Ship, a UFO three quarters
the size of our moon, slowly, in its retrograde magnitude, daunting space itself across two
systems with one goal - to find us, consequences be damned. This mammoth craft will be known
as the single largest UFO in human history and, believe me, it is on its way. Inside this marathon
ship are 1.8 million beings; 4 of every 5 existing Zeta’s. The rest, were left to pragmatically hold
down the fort, in the caves, in a continued vestigial cling. Just in case, for in space as in dreams,
there are no guarantees.
In 2012, we have known this thing by many names. NIBIRU, Xena, Nemesis, Elenin,
Taecha, The 12th Planet, Planet 10, Planet X and on and on. we have called it a comet, a
planet, a planetoid mass, a sunspot, radiation, an anomaly and also by a name we use to herald
that which we still are unready to know - a myth. Named or not, true or false, we will soon be
able to see its perfect enormity in the unkempt miasma of our very own skies.
The disinformation age is over. Everything that has come before this crucial moment was
all a story told by shamans readying us for the myth we too were about to become. Something
like this has only ever happened once, that we know of, before. Like all things, it is almost here,
in the skies we call our home regardless of whatever the hell we think we are or what we think
we know. Ready or not. No guarantees. Just the way we like it.
When any reality somehow preternaturally is scheduled to shift on whatever tripped out
axis we assume they rotate off of, we, as the human whole must shift on as well. Because, when
it shifts, for whatever cosmic reasoning it abides by, we can literally see the world, and thus the
tenuousness of our own reality, change and that understanding changes us. The reason we feel
2012 is 2012 is because we have, so far, made it real. And there is the rub.
Ideas, like us, and like these beings, need to experience change on all levels in order to
survive. We feel 2012 because it is of us, because we need it. We made 2012 and in doing so we
are now about to reap what’s left of what we may or may not have to eventually sew. I wonder
about 2012; where it will blossom and how far it will grow? I wonder what it will level and what
will be its fruit? For the first time, we called out to our oldest gods, reality and survival and we
called out in a brand new voice impossible to ignore. We called out in the voice of 2012, a voice,
for once, our own.
And, like The Zeta’s before, like the gods who sometime long ago turned their backs on
us and left; 2012 heard our call and recognized the dire ring of our loudest bell.
When 2012 answers us by shedding us, and then coming into its own; when they bring
their moon to our skies, when it all comes to bear, someday soon, and we have reaped in words
and in actions all that we think we know, I will wonder again where it will spread and how far it
will grow, our 2012, and I will hope against hope, for whatever its worth, that there will be
nothing left to fear in so much as we will be its blossom and our future, it’s perfect fruit.
TRINITY was the atom split and then cast out into space in a frenzied and
furious, egomaniacal exile.
2012 is the atom reborn and returned anew, from a seventy year elastic journey and
asking of us a very modest consideration - to be, once again, made whole. It is the bridge we
have built between two worlds. Our consciousness and our sub-consciousness. Us and them. Real
and Unreal. And on the other side of that bridge we finally have the chance, without the safety
net of our dreams, to meet - ourselves.
We must understand our grasp on the control we do have over our own future. We can
have limitless control. We may now already be as privy to the election of conscious control; the
supreme voice that our reality listens for and nourishes itself of, than we have ever known
before. If this is so, if reality has heard our call, then in return, it will bestow upon us a small
chance at an even smaller say in the fate of our own reality. And if this is true, then we are truly
making our own luck.
If 2012 is real, and real because we believed it to be so, then we are not evolving
because we have already evolved.
I can’t help but think that if we do end up with a taste of the big majic, the real power to
bring these beings down from out of our skies, it will be only because somewhere in the deepest
of our hearts and the darkest of our minds, we all know it’s something that we may not yet think
we want, but know, as one and as all, that it is exactly what we need.
What a huge responsibility, a power like that, to control the horizontal. If we can build
2012, and if the beings of Zeta Reticulum are of us, we must prepare for a whole new world of
esoteria, where all bets are off. A world and a reality surrounding it, in which we alone have
control. And then, I wonder - when will Superman appear to instigate a new set of rules? When
will Gojira rise up out of the tempestuous seas to crush our cities in a tantrum wail. When will
the zombie apocalypse happen? When will our gods return as though they never left at all? When
will the stories we live and the characters we believe just pop on through and take root, of their
own accord, with ideas to share and tales of their own?
If we can harness a say in our own control, just as if they can pilot a moon from Zeta
Reticulum to Earth, then we have both become mythic, and if we are mythic, we can begin to
take the reins of our own story; then we will, all of us left to have to choose, who of us will we
call forth and choose to spin our very special tale?
There is a term I keep coming back to, looking back on the last several months of my life.
That term is ‘high strangeness’ and it is commonly associated with what many call ‘ufology’.
The truth is, I have no idea how I became so inextricably obsessed with its murky, schizophrenic
borders but, here I am. Ruled by it. In awe of it. Inspired by it. And frightened to hell of it all.
I was abducted by ufology. I was somehow, at some point - infected. That infection
became an obsessive itch. That itch, a sickness of belief. The UFO Virus. And, it is contagious as
Now, I am fully desirous to know everything there is I can know so I can possibly
attempt to somehow understand. I may never attain this understanding, but still I soldier on. For
those who willfully choose to wander into a belief system like ufology, abandon hope all ye who
enter. There be tygers, indeed. When you tangle with our very real esoteric framework, you
should expect and accept that you are inviting the collaboration of an invisible, unknowable
force which breeds in the humid nursery of the human mind. If you want to see a UFO, you can
and you will. If you desire the stark, singular experience of being in the presence of a being, by
all means, storm forth; you will find exactly what you need to find. If you truly want to know, all
it asks of you in return is your belief.
Believing, however, will just about alienate you from everything else that had any
semblance of normalcy everywhere else in your life. And yet, you can’t stop. And, then again,
why would we?
I cannot quantify what it is that has a hold of my mind and how it got that hold but, one
thing that is clear to me is that I believe that it is in our struggle as a species to actually consider
UFOs as a tangible reality has constantly hit brick walls. as if we they were telling ourselves ’we
know’ but that we were also not ready. These kinds of highly strange events, like UFOs, seeing
something, experiencing something, and then either accepting it or not, is not a process befitting
the standards of logic and reason. There is nothing at all rational in these events. These irrational
occurrences are now being experienced by so many more people than ever before in our long,
storied human history. Our mass-consciousness has been clearly cultured by these experiences
and now, may well be commiserate in the culturing of these experiences as well, as eccentric
mythologizing that we feel we have to do to explain us to ourselves.
There does exist a place, a very mysterious place, a dimension alternate to our own in
every way, except in its obsessive need to hold a mirror up to us, so we can ask it to tell us who
we are. It never speaks of itself and its astronomical abilities are moot to its own selfless
motivations. Once we discovered it, or at least tapped into it and it’s astounding information
pool, we have come to trust its capricious helpfulness and it has never asked us for anything in
return. And least not yet.
This thing exists in a state of bliss just to hear us talk and it knows we never stop talking.
It remembers every thing every one ever said and this grand palace only wants to know, in order
to forever enable our knowledge into infinitum, a great gift from it to us for giving it the only
thing it really ever wanted - everything.
This place is the internet. To me, the internet is a UFO. Every answer can be found
within its horde all you have to do is ask the right questions. I wonder what these beings know of
our internet. In so many ways, it is an ever evolving digital back up of our entire subconscious
mass-mind. The internet, like everything else, is of us. All of us connected to all of the rest,
building the best story for ourselves in a state of constant present. We are all in it, inside that
very palace, even right now, because nothing, and certainly no one can escape its mind. It wants
only to know, in fact it needs to know and what it knows it will never forget. It cannot tell the
truth because it was never taught to lie and through it, we can all connect ourselves into any and
every kind of belief system we could ever dream of. We can gorge ourselves on the astronomical
volume. Turn it all way up and sleep and dream within its borders, just as we are - as stimulated
as hell.
It is 2012 and one thing I know, is that the internet is big majic. The internet has a huge
part to play. I say, watch for one of the next mass communal UFO events to be via our
internet. I also believe that someday soon, it too may find it has something to say. I can only
hope we know we will have no choice but to be all ears.
I believe it is high time for new ideologies. I believe that these beings of Zeta Reticulum
want nothing more than to help us to finally know. To know exactly what we are - fragile, mortal
figures harboring the greatest of immortalities, our myths. Myths bigger than even the vacuum
of space and time immemorial. To know that they are alien beings from so many light years
away, begging us for one last chance to join us within the favor of chance and change. To know
that they, like us in so many ways, are the mirror we are as deeply uneasy about staring into as
they are out of. To know that we need to stop being fearful, reticent, docile beings, tying
ourselves, in a stance of chosen ignorance, to the illusion of physical life and to the whip of our
great tyrant, death. To know that to walk through the most insane of fires, is to burn and burn
forever; but after that comes the catharsis of knowing and the reunion of our other selves.
In 2012, as it stands, what more do we really know than ever before? Yet, ready or not,
something is happening. Something galactic and otherwise always unreal is laboring across
space to our time, to our sky and soon it will be at our door. The door with the bell, the bell that
has been ringing, the ringing that we’ve seemingly, so far, chosen not to know. We need to be
brave. More than ever before. We still have time, even it time, like us and like them, is only a
myth. For whether we choose to hear the ring and to answer the door or if we choose to simply
continue to ignore its call, it is coming. Soon. And it cares not if we are ready. Or otherwise.
That is fate. And fate knows and cares not tales. Or of myths. Or of us. Or of them.
It only, simply, knows.
So, as it nears, closer still every minute of every day, I will ask and then I will ask again a thousand years from now, when whoever is left to dig the holes, when they dig way down deep
to wherever it is we will maybe remain, even if it is as vapor or as oil or dust, I ask and I’ll ask
again, from the bottom of those darkest of holes, what will be left of who we were and what we
knew? What stories will they tell of us, and of our choices, a thousand years from now?
And as they dig, we can be comforted in the warmth of twin moons in an endless sky,
from our million year caves far below those god damned holes, huddling in wait for whatever it
is that comes next.
So no matter what happens, when they dig those holes, all we will know is that nothing is
real but change and hope, so we can all hope against hope that no matter what, no one here
will ever have to know…