
Hindi –Urdu Script Course
Department Of African, Middle Eastern and South Asian Languages
and Literatures
Rutgers, New Jersey State University
Fall Session I 2014
Instructor: Shaheen Parveen
Office: B 313 Lucy Stone
Office hours: 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m. and by appointment
Email: parveenusa@gmail.com
Class meetings: Tue & Thurs 9:50 a.m.12:50 p.m.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed for speakers of Hindi and Urdu who
wish to develop their reading or writing skills. The course will focus exclusively on
reading and writing. The Hindi and Urdu languages share basic grammar and vocabulary,
but differ in script and higher-level, literary vocabulary. After completing the script
course the students will then be prepared to take a language course according to their
level during the regular school year such as Elementary II, Intermediate I, II or
advanced I or II. Those who want to continue learning the language will be required to
take a placement test so that they can be placed in the most appropriate level. The script
course is designed for students to use the language for personal and/or professional
In addition to the textbook, we will use online resources as well as authentic audio-video
materials in the classroom. By the end of the course, students are expected to read and
write simple texts in both scripts.
Prerequisite: Proficiency in speaking Hindi or Urdu
Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of the course students will be able
to read and write in both Hindi and Urdu.
Learning Goals:
*To learn both the Devanagari (Hindi) script and Nastaliq (Urdu) scripts for reading and
writing simple texts,
*To enhance vocabulary
Required Course Material:
1.Elementary Hindi by Richard Delacy and Sudha Joshi
2.Read and Write Urdu Script by Richard Delacy
Other helpful resources:
1.Rupert Snell (2010). Beginner’s Hindi Script. McGraw-Hill.
3. A Door into Hindi: http://taj.chass.ncsu.edu/
4. http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/plc/hindi/alphabet/ .
naii dishaaeN nae log (New Directions New People). The video series and their
transcriptions are available at http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/plc/hindi/ and
5. A Door into Urdu http://taj.chass.ncsu.edu/urdu/
6. Beginning Urdu: A complete course by Joshua H. Pien and Fouzia Farooqui
7. Let’s study Urdu by Ali s. Asani and Syed Akbar Hyder
In addition to the textbook, supplementary material (text, online material and audio –
visual) will either be put on coursework at SAKAI, or handouts will be provided in
class. These handouts, along with links to audio and video clips will form the basis for inclass assignments and class activities. SAKAI will also be used for posting special
announcements, readings, structure of assignments/projects and other important
information regarding the course.
ASSIGNMENTS: assignments will be given in class and/or announced on SAKAI.
Homework should be prepared ahead of time and turned in at the beginning of the class
period in which it is due. Late homework will be accepted for a grade only in the case
of an excused absence.
It is highly recommended that you carefully go over your mistakes on homework to avoid
repeating errors. Points will be deducted for persistent mistakes. Homework should be
done individually, not in groups, unless specifically indicated. During the course of the
semester the instructor will introduce Hindi fonts and you will then be required to type
specified written assignments. Please save all assignments, quizzes, and exams until
after final exam grades have been assigned.
Expectations of the students:
Preparation for class- It is expected that you complete assigned reading and writing
(when asked to do so), and that you participate in class discussion actively with
meaningful contributions.
EXAMS: The final exams will consist of reading and writing components based on
coursework Make-up quizzes should be taken within a week.
STUDENT EVALUATION: Grading will be based upon attendance, class
participation, classwork, homework, lab projects, quizzes, and a final exam
The grades will be determined on the basis of the following criteria:
1. Class participation 15%
2. Homework 15%
3. Quizzes 30%
5. Exam 40%
GRADING BREAKDOWN : Letter grades will be given based on the aggregate score from
above evaluations listed above, according to the following scheme:
90 – 100%
85 – 89.9%
80 – 84.9%
75 – 79.9%
70 – 74.9%
60 – 69.9%
up to 59.9%
Attendance/class participation: Regular attendance and class participation are crucial to
your learning the scripts and earning a satisfactory grade.
Full attendance is a requirement. If you are ill or anticipate a problem that will cause you
to be absent from class, you are expected to work with another student to borrow their
notes or have them fill you in on what you missed. Don’t count entirely on the syllabus to
know what you missed, as the syllabus might be subject to change. Please be on time for
class, as coming late is highly disruptive to the flow of the course and to your peers.
Cell phone: You must switch off your cell phone in class. No e-mailing, or web
browsing in class unless you are instructed to do so.
Laptop: Please limit the use of a laptop in class activities. No e-mailing, or web
browsing in class unless you are instructed to do so.
Academic Integrity: You are expected to strictly abide by the relevant Code of Student
Conduct for Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Fall Weekly Class Schedule*
* Kindly note that the class schedule may undergo some minor changes based upon the
progress made by the class as a whole.
Week I
Introduction to Hindi
Devanagari script and phonetic
1. Familiarize yourself with the sounds.
2. Find and copy the letter that corresponds
to your first letter of your first name and
last name
3. Hindi: Read Lesson 1
Week II
1. Introduction to Urdu:
Nastaliq script / Urdu script:
the sound system; Consonants
2. Vowel symbols
1. Urdu: Read Lesson 1 Practice reading and
2. Circle the corresponding letter of the sound
that you hear in the text.
Week III
Week IV
Week V
Week VI
Week VII
1. Consonants (contd.)
2. Nasalization in Hindi and
3. Perso-Urdu letters in Hindi
4. Reading Text
5. Quiz 1
1. Practice reading and writing
2. Circle the corresponding letter of the
sound that you hear in the text
1. Conjuncts: special character
2. Reading Text and writing
1. Read the underlined words and phrases
Review and practice:
2. Hindi:special conjuncts and perso-Arabic
1. Read the underlined words and phrases
Review and practice:
2. Urdu : Practice aspiration and ‘tashdeed’
Perso-Urdu letters
Aspiration in Urdu
Reading Text and writing
Quiz 2
Reading and writing practice
Practice exam
1. Reading and writing
2. Final Exam
Reading and writing practice assignment:
Transcribe the text from Hindi to Urdu
Transcribe the text from Urdu to Hindi
Review for final exam