
CH. 7 Advertising Media
7.1 Traditional Advertising Media
1. An important aspect of advertising involves choosing the appropriate ___________, which are
the channels of communication used to send a message to the target market. Traditional types
of media include ________________, _________________, _____________, and
_______________ media. The _______________ is quickly gaining in popularity.
__________________ is still the dominant medium for advertising; the ______________ has
surpassed radio as the second most common medium, and print advertising ranks fourth.
2. The average American encounters ________ minute of television advertisements and
promotions each day. Television advertising usually comes in the form of __________________
and _____________________.
3. Television gives advertisers the ability to convey their message using _________,
_______________, and ________________. It reaches a large number of people, making the
cost per viewer ___________.
4. ______________ - the middle of the evening – is when the greatest number of viewers are
watching television.
5. Give some examples of target markets found on pg. 183
a. Consumers between the ages of 18 and 49________________________________________________________________________
b. Retired Population ________________________________________________________________________
c. Children ________________________________________________________________________
CH. 7 Advertising Media
6. The cost per viewer is low, the overall cost of television advertising is quite _________.
Television advertisers have to pay to produce the commercial. They have to pay the networks
to air the commercial, which can be very expensive depending on the _________ of day, the
television show’s ____________ (number of viewers), and the length of the advertisement. The
average length of commercials is __________ seconds.
7. Radio station listeners can be segmented by _______________. For example, a Pop rock station
will attract _____________ listeners, while a classic rock station will attract ___________ adults.
Radio commercials are effective at using _______________ and catchy ____________ to catch
listeners’ attention. One of the biggest disadvantages of radio advertising is that it provides only
an _________ message because the product cannot be ________.
8. ___________ advertising is one of the best ways to promote a business and its products.
Creative ______________ and appealing visual ____________ are necessary. Print advertising
includes _____________, _______________, ______________, _____________, and
CH. 7 Advertising Media
9. Discuss the different types of Print advertisements and the advantages and disadvantages of
each. (pg. 184 – 186)
Direct Mail
Flyers and Brochures
CH. 7 Advertising Media
10. Outdoor advertising can take a variety of forms, including ______________; ____________; ads
on the sides of buses and at bus stop shelters; signs in _________, sports arenas, and
___________; and any other space designed specifically for ads outside the home. Billboards
are __________________ and provide around –the-clock exposure. The biggest drawback to
outdoor advertising is the limit on the length of the ____________. The location of outdoor
advertising has an impact on its ________ and advertisers must evaluate ________ to find the
most desirable ones.
11. There are several key factors to consider when selecting the media for advertising, including the
___________, ______________, ____________, and __________.
12. Discuss the following Media Criteria in detail:
Reach -
Frequency -
Lead Time -
Cost -
13. CPM=(cost of media/total audience) X 1,000. Calculate the CPM, if it costs $100,000 for an
advertisement in a magazine with a circulation of 3.4 million people, The CPM would be what?
CH. 7 Advertising Media
7.2 – The Internet and Advertising
14. ____________________________ is a form of promotion that uses the Internet and World Wide
Web as the advertising medium to deliver marketing messages that attract customers.
15. The following are Types of Online Advertising:
a. ________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________
d. __________________________________________________
e. __________________________________________________
g. __________________________________________________
16. ________________ is unwanted online communication that is sent out in mass.
17. A _____________________ is a small, rectangular advertisement that usually appears at the top
or side of a web page and contains a link to the advertiser’s site. Banner ads are also known as
___________________. A ________________ is an online advertisement that opens on top of
the current web page being viewed.
18. A ____________________________ is also known as a ______________________ because the
advertiser pays the search engine to place ads near relevant search results based on keywords.
Search engine ads allow a business to target people who are searching for ___________ or
______________ related to the business and its products. The main objective of search engine
ads is to increase ___________________________.
19. A _____________________________________ is one that has a physical presence, such as a
building or store, not just an online presence.
20. A _____________ (web log) is a website maintained by an individual or business where entries
(posts) that intended for public access are made on a regular basis.
21. Advertisers are realizing the value of ______________________ and have begun to shift
significant amounts of their advertising dollars into this technology. These are websites where
users ______________ and _______________ information. Research firms estimate that
Facebook’s worldwide advertising revenue will grow to $___________ billion in 2013, making
Facebook the largest seller of online display advertisements.
CH. 7 Advertising Media
22. Since its introduction in 2006, ______________ has grown by leaps and bounds. It is a social
networking and micro-blogging service that allows individuals to send short text messages of
__________ characters in length, called “_______________”, to friends and other followers.
The average number of tweets a day has grown to 140 million.
23. Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Advertising
24. __________________ is an Internet scam in which an e-mail falsely claims to be a legitimate
business or other organization in an attempt to get personal information. The personal
information is used to commit identity theft crimes. The e-mail asks recipients to update
___________________________________, such as _________________,
__________________________________, __________________________________, and
________________________________ numbers.
25. Cost-perclick___________________________________________________________________________
26. Impression______________________________________________________________________________
CH. 7 Advertising Media
27. Cost-per-action advertising (CPA) ______________________________________________________________________________
28. The effectiveness of Online Advertising
a. Hits________________________________________________________________________
b. Page view________________________________________________________________________
c. Visits________________________________________________________________________
d. Cookies________________________________________________________________________
e. Unique visitors________________________________________________________________________
7.3 – Alternative Forms of Advertising Media
29. ______________________ includes ads that appear on the interior or exterior of public
transportation (buses, taxis, subways) and other vehicles. _________________ are ads
consisting of pictures and graphics that completely encase the vehicle.
30. Advertising in the sky is known as ________________________________.
31. _______________________________ includes ads that run in movie theaters before the start of
movies. Over __________ million is invested each year in cinema advertising. Upcoming
movies are advertised using ________________ (previews) shown before the feature
CH. 7 Advertising Media
32. __________________________ is a form of advertising in which a business’s product, service, or
name is used in a television show, movie, video game, or other form of entertainment. Because
specific brands are being promoted, this form of advertising is also known as
______________________. Coca-Cola cups sit on a table in front of the judges for American
33. ___________________________________, also called advergaming, is a way to promote brands
using video games. Companies pay to have their brands featured in the games played by
millions of consumers every day. Brand names can be found on _________________,
________________, and racecars appearing in the game.
34. A good example of Directory Advertising is the __________________.
35. ________________ are video ads that run as a series of episodes on a website.
_________________ become popular through Internet sharing. Marketers create videos and
post them on video-sharing websites like __________________.
36. ___________________________ directs messages to consumers’ Internet-enabled mobile
devices, such as smartphones, MP3 players, and digital tablets like the iPad.