Oedipus Rex Vocabulary and Definitions 1. Catharsis, or Katharsis (noun): The purging of emotions or relieving of emotional tensions, especially through art. 2. Hubris (noun): excessive pride or self confidence; arrogance 3. Dramatic irony (noun): The audience knows something, or understands something, that the characters in the play do not 4. Scepter (noun): a rod or wand held in the hand as an emblem of power 5. Divination (noun, from the verb “divine”): the practice of seeking to foretell future events or hidden knowledge through supernatural means, omens or signs. 6. Expiate (verb): to atone, make amends or reparation for, as in “to expiate a crime”. 7. Vexation (noun, from the verb “vex”): Irritation, annoyance or provocation. Chafing. 8. Brood (noun): a number of young produced or hatched at one time 9. Oracle (noun): shrine at which inquiries are made of a particular diety through means of divination 10. Chastisement (noun, from the verb “chastise”): punishment 11. Lamentation (noun, from the verb “lament”): an expression of grief or mourning 12. Abominable (adjective): repugnantly hateful; detestable; loathsome 13. Smote (past tense of the verb “to smite”): to strike or hit hard, with or as if with the hand, a stick, or another weapon 14. Parricide or Patricide (noun): the killing of one’s father, mother or other close relative 15. Exultation (noun, from the verb “exult”): the act of showing triumphant joy, or the state of being elated, jubilant or triumphant 16. Supplicate (verb), Supplicant or Suppliant (noun): to ask for something in a humble way. 17. Exhortation (noun, from the verb “to exhort”): an utterance conveying a need for urgent advice or recommendations. 18. Beget (verb) or Begotten (noun, or past participle of verb): to procreate or generate offspring 19. Tyrant (noun): a ruler who uses power unjustly or oppressively 20. Precipice (noun): Edge; steep cliff