Energy - Mr. McCabe

Daily Questions #22
What would your “ideal” life look like?
What will it take to get there?
Name 1 way someone can save money around your house.
Name another way someone can save money around your
5. Name 1 way someone can save RESOURCES in their house.
6. Why would conserving resources be important?
Here is a formula:
[(watts x hours) / 1000] x .14 = cost per day.
How much does running 1, 60 watt light bulb for 8 hours a day
What would that light bulb cost me per year to operate?
• Take out the half sheet from yesterday…
• If you don’t have it…
• Separate your paper (half sheet)
• 1. find 4-6 words that go together and tell me why.
• Take out the half sheet from yesterday…
If you don’t have it…
Separate your paper (half sheet)
1. find 4-6 words that go together and tell me why.
2. Take ALL of the words and separate them into
categories that make sense to you. Must have an
explanation of WHY you placed them in those
groups, like a title/theme.
Daily Questions #23
1. What does it mean to say “If you don’t have a goal, you will
never reach it.”
2. What does it mean to say “The early bird gets the worm?”
3. Lets say you have 10 light bulbs in your house. They are all
60 watts. You use them 6 hours a day. How much does that
cost you per year?
4. Lets say you have 10 light bulbs in your house. You replace
them with CFL bulbs that use 14w. You use them 6 hours a
day. How much does that cost you per year?
5. Lets say you have 10 light bulbs in your house. You replace
them with LED bulbs that use only 8w. You use them 6
hours a day. How much does that cost you per year?
Formula! ([total watts x hours] / 1000) x $.13 x days = COST
Energy and Mineral Resources
*Resources are LIMITED!
There are (2012) 7.5 BILLION people on the planet. In 2050
estimates reach 9.6 BILLION people.
So we could take EVERY SINGLE PERSON in North America AND
South America and DOUBLE it, and even squeeze in ALL of South
America Again.
*Renewable resources can be replenished over a short period of time
(months, years, decades)
*NON-Renewable resources takes millions of years or does not
renew at all!
Energy Resources
Energy is all around us, it makes up everything…
BUT, what IS energy?
The law of conservation of energy says “Energy cannot be created or
destroyed only changed in form”. So what does that mean?
Define energy
Define work
Energy defined as the ability or capacity to do work.
Work is the transfer or transformation of energy from one thing (or
place) to another by force.
What is our greatest source of energy?
How can you trace everything you have encountered today back to
that source of energy?
- breakfast, lunch
- clothes
- homework YOU!
What are some examples of work that you have completed today?
Energy provides for us transportation.
- cars, trains, boats, airplanes, bicycles etc…
Energy makes cakes for us in the oven and cools our drinks in the fridge
Energy plays our favorite songs on our IPODS
Energy lights our homes
It allows our bodies to grow and our minds to think.
Energy is the ability to do work and humans have learned to change
energy from one form to another so that we can perform work easier
and more comfortably.
90% of our energy in the USA comes from NON RENEWABLE fossil
fuel resources.
They are called fossil fuels because
they come from the organic remains of
prehistoric plants and animals. (fossils)
Fossil fuels include coal, oil, and
natural gas.
We use fossil fuels mostly for
electricity, then secondarily to heat our
How does burning coal make
Describe Fossil
Daily Questions #24
1. Outside of your house you have 6 flood lights that
come on at night. They are on for 4 hours a night
and are 100 watts each. If the electric company
charges you 0.14 cents per kWh, how much do
these bulbs cost per year?
2. Change those 100w light bulbs with LED bulbs that
are only 23w. Calculate how much money you
would save per YEAR.
Watts x hours / 1000 x 0.14 x days = cost
Quiz on this tomorrow…
We have ALL kinds of resources that keep us alive.
Describe our fossil fuels
• Formed by heat and pressure
on organic material over
millions of years.
• Powerplants use primarily coal
to generate electricity.
• The world has enormous coal
We have ALL kinds of resources that keep us alive.
Describe our fossil fuels
• Pros
• We have a lot of it
• Its easy to manipulate (use)
• It produces a lot of heat that we
can use for power.
• Cons
• Releases tons of CO2
• High in sulfur (air pollution)
• Acid rain
• Dangerous to mine
We have ALL kinds of resources that keep us alive.
Describe our fossil fuels
• Petroleum (oil) and Natural Gas
• Come from plant and animal
remains buried under water
(ancient seas)
• Transforms into liquid and
gasesous hydrocarbons that we
call petroleum and natural gas.
• It gets “trapped” then we
“suck” it out.
Describe our fossil fuels
• Has a huge amount of energy
• Helps economy (buying and
selling oil)
• Releases tons of CO2
• Dangerous to mine
• Oil spills etc…
• There are limited supplies
• b/c its worth money, we fight
over it.
Daily Questions #25
1. An LED bulb lasts about 50,000 hours. If you have an 8w LED bulb,
how much will it cost over its whole lifespan if you are being
charged $.20 per kWh.
2. A CFL bulb lasts about 10,000 hours. How many bulbs would you
need to equal that one LED bulb?
3. A comparable CFL bulb is 14watts. How much would it cost over
50,000 hours?
4. An incandescent bulb lasts about 6 months or 2,000 hours. How
many bulbs would you need to buy in order equal the 50,000 hours
of the LED bulb?
5. How much would that 60 watt bulb cost you over the same 50,000
hours as the LED bulb?
Watts x hours / 1000 x $.20 x days = cost
Quiz next…
• Light bulb chart!
Energy (handout)
Lets put it into perspective…
Energy is measured in units called JOULES. Named
after James Prescott Joule. It is the energy
exerted (work) by one NEWTON needed to
move an object a distance of 1 meter. 1J=1Nm
Just like DOLLARS represents value to money.
Watts = a unit of power = joules per second. Its how
we analyze the “power” used. The more watts,
the more power, the brighter the light, for
So a 60 watt light bulb, uses 60 joules per second. So
if you have a light on for 1 minute (sixty
seconds) you have used 3600 joules of energy. A
20w light bulb uses less joules/s thus less power,
thus costs less to operate.
Calories are another unit of energy. The food calorie measures the amount of
potential energy carried by the molecules in the food you eat.
Specifically 1 calorie is the amount of energy it takes to raise 1 gram of water 1
1 joule = 0.239005736 calories
A double-double with onion is 670 calories (burger
only) French fries = 400 calories.
Coke = 198 calories
Double double meal = 1268 calories or appr. 5308 joules of energy. About
HALF of the total energy most people need per DAY!
So you could power (1) 60w light bulb for 1.5 minutes to equal the same
amount of energy as eating a double double meal.
What does that tell you about the energy you use in your house?
Energy is all around us, it makes up everything…
BUT, what IS energy?
The law of conservation of energy says “Energy cannot be created or
destroyed only changed in form”. So what does that mean?
Describe the 3 types
of light bulbs and how
they use energy/cost.
What is the formula to
calculate how much
money lights cost to run.
So Check it…
The energy you use in your house is measured in kWh (kilo-watt / hours)
or 1000 watts per hour. That is how you get charged, per hour.
1 kWh is about 3,600,000 joules and costs you about 0.12 - 0.18 cents
depending on what time of the day you use the energy and how much
you use. Peak demand (between 12-5pm) is more expensive because
more people are using at that time so they charge you more.
So Check it…
Running a 60 watt light bulb for 4 days (about 16 hours, about 4
hours/day average) would cost you between 0.12 and 0.18 cents. For
ONE light bulb.
Replacing that light bulb with a 13 watt CFL (60w equivalent) (sno-cone
light), for the same .12-.18 cents, you could run that light for about
19 days!
Replacing that 60 watt light bulb for a 8 watt LED light bulb will allow
you to run that light for about 36 days for .12 - .18 cents!.
This does NOT calculate the amount of heat put off by each bulb.
Regular bulb = 350 degrees (OUCH)
CFL = 80-85 degrees (better)
LED = 30-40 degrees (cool as ice )
Incandescent light bulbs
The first incandescent light bulb was created in 1800 by Humphrey
Davy. He used carbon attached to a battery to produce an “arc” which
gave off light. It only lasted for a minute or less but the idea had been
born. The light bulb had been improved and eventually patented via
Thomas Edison. He failed around 1400 times to find a proper
filament before he found a suitable material.
The Incandescent light bulb uses electricity
passed through a tungsten filament which
then heats up (to temperatures above 2,000
degrees) in an oxygenless atmosphere.
They are only 5% efficient viz. 95% of
the energy is lost as heat.
Governments have passed measures to prohibit the sale of incandescent light bulbs.
Brazil and Venezuela started in 2005, other nations planning phase-outs: Australia,
Ireland and Switzerland in 2009; Argentina, Italy, Russia and the United Kingdom
by 2011; Canada in 2012; and the U.S. between 2012 and 2014
Daily Questions # 26
What are fossil fuels?
Define work.
Define energy.
Who made the first incandescent lightbulb?
What are the 3 types of bulbs?
What are the 3 types of fossil fuels?
What fossil fuel do we use most for electricity
8. Put the 5 alternative energy sources in the order
that YOU think is the best to worst to use.
Flashing….lights, lights lights….
Answer these questions on the BACK of the packet.
1. What is the most common light bulb found in your house?
2. What is the most common WATTAGE of light bulb found in your house?
3. How many total light bulbs are inside your house?
4. Calculate the TOTAL watts of all the bulbs added up in your house.
5. If all the bulbs in your house were used on average of 6 hours a day for a year,
how much money are you spending in JUST light bulb energy? Use the formula
(w)(h)/1000 x $0.13 x 365 to figure the cost. (show your work/formula)
6. What is the average wattage of the bulbs in your house? (take the total watts from
#4 then divide that by the total number of bulbs from # 3. (show your
7. If you replaced all of your regular incandescent bulbs with LED bulbs (they cost
$10 each at costco) how much would it cost you? (show your work/formula)
8. How much money would you SAVE every year in energy cost, if you replaced all
of your regular bulbs with the LED bulbs from problem 7? LED bulbs are about 8
watts for a 60 watt bulb. (hint: add up your bulb wattages again, this time replacing
any incandescent bulb with the LED bulb at 8 watts (leave the CFL’s alone)
THEN put it into the formula and subtract your total from Q#4’s answer to get
your savings per year. (show your work/formula)
Compact Fluorescent Lamp CFL
The CFL was first invented in 1890 by Peter Cooper Hewitt, but
improved with the spiral design in 1976 by Edmund Germer. There
are different types of CFL’s. Tubular and spiral. The spiral is slightly
less efficient because of the phosphorous build up near the base.
CFL’s give off the same amount of visible light while
consuming less power (watts) and last more than
10x longer than incandescent bulbs. CFL’s are up
to 75% efficient while only giving off about 85
degrees of heat. CFL’s contain mercury (Hg) which
make them toxic if broken and require recycling.
All Fluorescent lamps have a ballast. A ballast controls
the flow of electricity to emit ultra violet light, that
UV light reacts with the phosphorus (white stuff)
to emit light.
Light Emitting Diode LED
The LED, or light emitting diode is a PNP transistor that gives off a color
of light if electricity flows in a single direction. The first LED
technology was used in the 1960’s. Depending the elements used, a
different color LED can be achieved. Gallium, Arsenic, and
Phosphorus or GaAsP or GAP were combined to create a red LED.
LED’s are used in many applications,
recently to replace regular light
LED’s are up to 95% efficient and only
get to be about 45 degrees. Cool to
the touch.
Comparing Costs
The best way to compare the three types of bulbs is to calculate their
costs over the same amount of time. Since an LED bulb lasts 50,000
hours (15 years) of usage, that will be our measuring guide.
Standard incandescent bulbs The CFL used here has a lifetime of
1,300 hours, so we would need 23 bulbs over the period of this study.
I was able to purchase a single incandescent of this type for $0.34, so
our total cost for bulbs over 30,000 hours would be $7.82.
As it uses 60 watts, over a period of 30,000 hours, an incandescent bulb
would use 1,800,000 watt hours, or 1,800 kilowatt hours. At the
current approximate price of $0.10 per kilowatt hour, you would have
to pay $180.00 to run an incandescent bulb over this period.
Thus, the total cost of a 60 watt incandescent bulb over a 30,000 hour
lifespan is $187.82. (energy + cost of light bulb(s))
So what are the drawbacks of using incandescent lights?
Comparing Costs
The best way to compare the three types of bulbs is to calculate their
costs over the same amount of time. Since an LED bulb lasts 50,000
hours (15 years) of usage, that will be our measuring guide..
CFL bulbs The CFL used here has a lifetime of 8,000 hours, so we
would need 3.75 bulbs over the period of this study. I was able to
purchase a single CFL for $1.24, so our total cost for bulbs over
30,000 hours would be $4.65.
As it uses 13 watts, over a period of 30,000 hours, a CFL bulb would use
390,000 watt hours, or 390 kilowatt hours. At the current
approximate price of $0.10 per kilowatt hour, you would have to pay
$39.00 to run a CFL bulb over this period.
Thus, the total cost of a CFL bulb over a 30,000 hour lifespan is
$43.65. (energy + cost of light bulb(s))
So what are the drawbacks of using CFL lights?
Comparing Costs
The best way to compare the three types of bulbs is to calculate their
costs over 30,000 hours (13.7 years) of usage - the lifespan of a
single LED bulb.
LED bulbs The LED bulb used here has a lifetime of 30,000-100,000
hours, so we would need only one bulb over the period of this study.
Unfortunately, that single bulb has a cost of $69.00.
As it uses 7.5 watts, over a period of 10,000 hours, an LED bulb would
use 245,000 watt hours, or 245 kilowatt hours. At the current
approximate price of $0.10 per kilowatt hour, you would have to pay
$24.50 to run an LED bulb over this period.
Thus, the total cost of an LED bulb over a 30,000 hour lifespan is
$93.50 (energy + cost of light bulb(s))
So what are the drawbacks of using LED lights?
Nuts and bolts
50,000 hours is about 15 years if you used the light bulb for about 6
hours AVERAGE per day.
Incandescent (60w) = $187.82 (divided by 13 years) = $14/year
CFL (14) = $43.65 (divided by 13) = $ 3.35/year
LED (7) = $93.50 (divided by 13) = $ 7.19/year
So times this number by the total number of lights you have in your
Homework = Go home, count the light bulbs inside and outside of your
house and categorize them as either regular, CFL or LED lights,
and the wattage of each light. Lets see how much your parents
spend per year on light bulbs alone. 
Water is Earth’s most precious
• Open up your notebook to an open “left hand” page
in our current energy section and label it “Water
• Write the questions down (from the next slide)
leaving a space for each answer based on the movie.
– Chapter 4.3 due TUESDAY (tomorrow)
• Words – point source pollution, nonpoint source pollution,
runoff, global warming.
• Questions – 1-6
– Quiz on energy packet and notes - WEDNESDAY
The California Water Story
Water is California’s most precious resource. Answer the following
questions based on the video you will watch.
1. When did the Europeans come to California?
2. How long was the irrigation ditch built by the spanish missionaries
in the early 1700’s?
3. What major river do we get our water from?
4. Describe what ground water overdraft is.
5. Where do most people live in California?
6. Where is most of the water produced in CA?
7. What was the plan to capture water for year round use called?
8. How many people lived in CA in 1960?
9. How long is the California Water Project aquaduct?
10. Water for 2/3 of California’s people is sent through which Delta?
11. What are 4 things you could do at home to conserve water?
• Pulling too much water
out of the ground leads to
the ground sinking.
Daily Question #27
Water covers 71% of the Earth’s ______.
What type of water is the most abundant on Earth?
Water pollution that comes from a known and specific location is known as
4. Less than __% of water on the Earth is usable fresh water.
5. Water pollution that does NOT have a specific point of origin is called
6. Define run off.
7. Besides the oxygen cycle, the _______ cycle is also important to life on
8. Carbon Dioxide, methane, and water vapor are also known as
___________ gases.
9. These gases absorb the _____ that the Earth gives off, keeping our planet
warm enough to sustain life.
10. True or false, greenhouse gases are bad.
11. Get out 1 sheet of paper, tear it in half hamburger style and share the other
half with someone, label it. 4.3 Quiz.
4.3 reading quiz
• Get out 1 sheet of paper, tear it in half hamburger
style and share the other half with someone, label it.
4.3 Quiz.
4.3 reading quiz
Water covers ____% of the Earth’s surface.
What type of water is the most abundant on Earth?
Define point source pollution.
Less than 1% of water on the Earth is _____ (1) ______ (1) water.
Water pollution that does NOT have a specific point of origin is called
6. When water runs over the surface of the Earth rather than seeping into
the ground is known as ____________.
7. Besides the oxygen cycle, the _______ cycle is also important to life on
8. __________, methane, and ______ vapor are also known as greenhouse
9. These gases absorb the _____ that the Earth gives off, keeping our
planet warm enough to _______ ______.
10. True or false, greenhouse gases are bad.
Renewable Resources (Energy)
Renewable Resources are resources that can…be renewed!
Non-renewable resources are resources that once used, will no longer be
available, like fossil fuels (gasoline, oil, coal etc…)
Why is it important for us to focus on and understand Renewable
What is Earth’s Energy budget?
What are the different types of
Renewable resources.
How do those resources work?
Solar Power!
• Solar power is the most attainable renewable energy
resource. Have you seen solar panels on houses?
• How do they work?
Solar Power!
• The sun emits all kinds of
waves and particles.
Photons are particles from
sunlight that act like
• Photons “knock” off
electrons from the silicon
bond of the panels. Those
lose electrons (-) flow
towards the P-type silicon
(+), through wires to the
• Then the unused electrons
(-) travel back to the other
silicon and stick ready to
be knocked off again.
• Disadvantages?
Solar Power!
– You have to have SUN to have Solar Power. STRONG
sunlight is the key so some areas of the world would not
be able to utilize sun power.
– Solar panels are large and expensive and have to be
positioned correctly to work their best.
Geothermal Power?
• Geo = earth, thermal =
heat so literally it is earth
heat power.
• The “heat” comes from
magma under the surface.
It heats ground water (or
water pumped in) and
turns it to steam
• The steam turns a turbine
which turns a generator to
make electricity.
• The water is cooled in a
condensor (like your A/C)
then pumped back in the
ground to heat up.
Geothermal Power!
• Disadvantages?
– It can only be achieved where ground water is close to
magma, close to the surface. Only in certain parts of the
– Does not produce a lot of power at once.
Wind Power!
• Wind turns a giant blade
that in turn turns a
generator surrounded by
copper wire and a magnet.
• As the motor moves it
generates electricity.
• These Turbines are
• Where are Turbines?
Wind Power!
• Disadvantages?
Wind Power!
– We can only produce power when there is wind.
• Some parts of do not get enough wind to turn turbines.
• Wind is mostly generated at night (because of the temperature
differences) but that is when the LEAST amount of energy is
being used.
– You need a lot of turbines to produce usable power.
Hydroelectric (water) Power!
• Hydro = water, electric =
• Water turns turbine that in
turn turns a generator
surrounded by copper wire
and a magnet.
• As the motor moves it
generates electricity.
• Wherever water flows, we
can create electricity.