Engineering 210 Electric Circuit Theory Spring 2015 Prerequisites: MATH& 153, MATH 274 (may be taken concurrently), PHYS 202. Textbook: Introduction to Electric Circuits, Dorf, R.C. and Svoboda, J.A., Eighth edition, 2010 Instructor: Mark Gorski Bldg 18 Room 114 Phone 533-3250 Office Hours: 9:30 – 10:20 M – F or by appointment e-mail: Purpose: This course is an introduction to the basic electric circuit theory that forms the foundation for the field of electrical engineering. Mathematical models of components including resistors, sources, capacitors, inductors, operational amplifiers, and transistors are developed. Solutions of first and second order linear differential equations associated with basic circuit forms are presented. Steady state sinusoidal excitation and phasors are also analyzed. Coverage: Will include the following but not be limited to: Ohm’s law Kirchoff’s current and voltage laws Simplified circuits using series and parallel equivalents Thevenin and Norton theorems Operational Amplifier Circuits Circuits involving capacitors and inductors Transient behavior of first and second order circuits Steady-state sinusoidal circuits Concepts of phasors and impedence Materials: Pencil and pen Three-ring notebook – required - containing this syllabus, all your homework and notes. Engineering computation paper Assignments: To be announced – see attached calendar Homework: Homework will be assigned weekly (on Tuesday) and collected the following Tuesday. Homework is viewed as practice of the methods and principles that are explained during class. You are encouraged/required to compare your work with your classmates. Homework is graded on neatness, format, effort, completeness, and accuracy. Work must be done in the correct format, (using the Given:, Find:, Solution: layout as used in other engineering classes) stand alone, be neat, and have step-by-step calculations. Problems are to be done on engineering computation paper, one side only and, generally, one problem to a page. You can be sure of a full 10 points if the problem is correct and laid out completely with the step by step procedure. No late homework is accepted unless you have previously called (emailed) telling me that you are sick or some other valid reason. If you do not do the homework you will not pass this class. Diagram Sample homework problem Problem and page number 10.8 – 24 (482) Given: 𝑣𝑠 (𝑡) = 8 cos(40𝑡) 𝑉 𝑣𝑜 (𝑡) = 2.5 cos(40𝑡 + 14°) 𝑉 Find: R1 and R2 Solution: Given: and Find: Labs: This course has five (or six) laboratories (see the attached calendar) that will be held during the lab period on Thursday. Labs will usually be done as two person teams. However, in order to ensure that each student obtains hands-on experience with building circuits and making measurements, everyone must construct their own circuits. Students within a team are expected to work together. However, each student must turn in their own report for each lab. Exams: There will be three one-hour exams over the course of the quarter – again, see the attached calendar. The exams will be held during the scheduled lab period on Thursday. Students will be allowed one 8½x11, handwritten note sheet (both sides) for each exam (turned in along with exam). Students may bring sheets from previous exams. Final Exam: The final exam will be comprehensive (over the entire quarter) and be individual. This is an instrument to assess your knowledge of the subject matter – it is not a learning tool. You will not get it back and we will not go over it. Your work must be neat, complete, and make sense. All answers must be supported by your work. It is scheduled for Wednesday, 17 June. Grading: (Tentative) Homework 30% Three exams 30% Five (or six) labs 20% Comprehensive Final Exam 20% You should keep track of your total points and percentage and I will try to give you your current percentage after each exam. As a general rule, there are no make-ups for exams, labs, or homework. Students are expected to attend each class. If you are sick, call my office (or email) and leave a message before class. Grades will be assigned based on the percent of the total points that you earn, as follows: 100% 92%... 3.6 84%... 3.0 76%... 2.3 68% ... 1.6 99% 91% 83% 75%... 2.2 67% 98% 90%... 3.5 82%... 2.9 74%... 2.1 66% ... 1.5 97%... 4.0 89% 81%... 2.8 73% 65% 96%... 3.9 88%... 3.4 80%... 2.7 72%... 2.0 64% ... 1.4 95%... 3.8 87%... 3.3 79%... 2.6 71%... 1.9 63% ... 1.3 94%... 3.7 86%... 3.2 78%... 2.5 70% ... 1.8 62% ... 1.2 93% 85%... 3.1 77%... 2.4 69% ... 1.7 61% ... 1.1 60%... 1.0 My Advice: This class can be a challenging and time consuming class. As with any science or engineering class, students should expect to spend 2-3 hours of time outside of class for every hour of class time. That means you should expect to devote an average of 10-15 hours per week to this class in addition to the 5 hours per week that we formally meet. In order to make the most efficient use of your time, please consider the following suggestions for how you might focus your 10-15 hours of study time: READ the textbook BEFORE the material is covered in class. Classroom lectures and demos will focus on concepts that have historically been most challenging for students. You are expected to come to class prepared with some idea about the basic concepts from the reading and some questions about what you found confusing or difficult. Take notes while you read the book. Identify key questions or points of confusion. Write in your book. Start homework assignments early. They are designed to take more than one evening to complete. If you are stuck on a particular problem for more than 30 minutes, take a break from it and plan on getting help in office hours or from your class mates. Form a study group – work with each other. Cheating: The definition of cheating is any unfair advantage over your classmates. Having copies of homework or quizzes from past years is an unfair advantage. Comparing homework answers and methods is encouraged. Copying another’s homework is cheating. Additional: The fine print: Turn off all cell phones before entering class. All material turned in for grading (exams, labs, homework) must be done in pencil - not pen. Homework is to be labeled neatly, with answers circled or underlined Any work that is not done neatly will be returned without being graded. If you have a handicap that requires some special consideration, please let me know so that you can be accommodated. Please, no eating during class. Drinking coffee or pop is okay as long as you clean up your mess. If you terminate your participation without officially withdrawing your final grade will be 0.0. Sun WEEK 5 1 – Chapters 1 & 2 Introduction, Systems of Units, Electric Circuit and Currents Voltage, Power and Energy, Resistors, Ohm’s Law 12 2 – Chapters 2 & 3 Mon April 6 3 – Chapter 4 13 4 – Chapter 5 5 – Chapter 6 6 – Chapter 7 7 – Chapter 8 8 – Chapter 9 RLC Circuits Natural Response Forced Response 31 9 – Chapter 10 10 – Chapter 10 14 11 – Chapter 12 Introduction to 3 Phase Circuits Y-to-Y and Y-to-Δ 13 20 26 27 HW Set #7 due Assign HW Set #8 May 1 2 7 8 9 14 15 16 21 22 23 28 29 30 4 5 6 11 12 13 19 20 3 Exam III 9 10 HW Set #9 due LAB #6 Take home Final 16 Dead Day 30 LAB # 5 2 15 25 Exam II HW Set #8 due Assign HW Set #9 Phasors Frequency Domain Review 24 LAB # 4 19 8 23 LAB # 3 12 1 18 6 HW Set #6 due Assign HW Set #7 25 Mem Day 17 Exam I 5 18 Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis Source and Response 7 29 HW Set #5 due Assign HW Set #6 RL and RC Circuits Response of a First-Order Circuit Unit step and non-constant sources 24 28 11 16 11 LAB # 2 HW Set #4 due Assign HW Set #5 Capacitors Series and Parallel Capacitors Inductors Series and Parallel Inductors 17 22 HW Set #3 due Assign HW Set #4 4 Sat 9 Fri 10 LAB # 1 21 27 Operational Amplifier(Op-Amp) The Ideal Operational Amplifier Nodal Analysis with Ideal OpAmp 10 15 HW Set #2 due Assign HW Set #3 Superposition Thevenin's Theorem Norton's Equivalent Circuit 3 14 20 Thursday Lab # 0 HW Set #1 due Assign HW Set #2 Node Voltage Analysis Mesh Current Analysis 26 7 Wed 8 Assign HW Set #1 Independent and Dependent Sources Kirchhoff's Laws Voltage/Current dividers 19 Tuesday 17 Final due 8:00am 18