Social Media Examples and Case Studies Social Media – Where the customers talk back to the companies: United Breaks Guitars Taylor Guitars responds to United Airlines Uncontrolled Message: Dominoes on YouTube: _lesson_focus_on_standards_and_pack_your_own_lunch.html Transparency: Wal-Marting Across America Example Comprehensive Social Media Plan: Starbucks Starbucks on Facebook: Starbucks on Twitter: My Starbucks Idea: My Starbucks Idea Case Study: Starbucks: Starbucks on YouTube: Blog: Unofficial Flickr: Custom Cards: United Breaks Guitars Taylor Guitars responds to United Airlines Controversial Moms Motrin Commercial Chevy Tahoe Parody Dominos disaster Social Media in Plain English: Video: TOP 10 GUIDELINES FOR SOCIAL MEDIA PARTICIPATION AT (COMPANY) These guidelines apply to (COMPANY) employees or contractors who create or contribute to blogs, wikis, social networks, virtual worlds, or any other kind of Social Media. Whether you log into Twitter, Yelp, Wikipedia, MySpace or Facebook pages, or comment on online media stories — these guidelines are for you. While all (COMPANY) employees are welcome to participate in Social Media, we expect everyone who participates in online commentary to understand and to follow these simple but important guidelines. These rules might sound strict and contain a bit of legal-sounding jargon but please keep in mind that our overall goal is simple: to participate online in a respectful, relevant way that protects our reputation and of course follows the letter and spirit of the law. 1. Be transparent and state that you work at (COMPANY). Your honesty will be noted in the Social Media environment. If you are writing about (COMPANY) or a competitor, use your real name, identify that you work for (COMPANY), and be clear about your role. If you have a vested interest in what you are discussing, be the first to say so. 2. Never represent yourself or (COMPANY) in a false or misleading way. All statements must be true and not misleading; all claims must be substantiated. 3. Post meaningful, respectful comments — in other words, please, no spam and no remarks that are off-topic or offensive. 4. Use common sense and common courtesy: for example, it’s best to ask permission to publish or report on conversations that are meant to be private or internal to (COMPANY). Make sure your efforts to be transparent don't violate (COMPANY)'s privacy, confidentiality, and legal guidelines for external commercial speech. 5. Stick to your area of expertise and do feel free to provide unique, individual perspectives on non-confidential activities at (COMPANY). 6. When disagreeing with others' opinions, keep it appropriate and polite. If you find yourself in a situation online that looks as if it’s becoming antagonistic, do not get overly defensive and do not disengage from the conversation abruptly: feel free to ask the PR Director for advice and/or to disengage from the dialogue in a polite manner that reflects well on (COMPANY). 7. If you want to write about the competition, make sure you behave diplomatically, have the facts straight and that you have the appropriate permissions. 8. Please never comment on anything related to legal matters, litigation, or any parties (COMPANY) may be in litigation with. 9. Never participate in Social Media when the topic being discussed may be considered a crisis situation. Even anonymous comments may be traced back to your or (COMPANY)’s IP address. Refer all Social Media activity around crisis topics to PR and/or Legal Affairs Director. 10. Be smart about protecting yourself, your privacy, and (COMPANY)’s confidential information. What you publish is widely accessible and will be around for a long time, so consider the content carefully. Google has a long memory. NOTE: Mainstream media inquiries must be referred to the Director of Public Relations. Take a look at this page I found titled Social Media Demographics: Who’s Using Which Sites? / Flowtown (@flowtown). You can see this page at: Specific: Clearly define what needs to be done. If you are trying to increase traffic, followers, or subscribers intentially determine the number you would like to reach. To be even more specific outline the type of follower you are targeting. Measurable: Create concrete criteria for measurment, and determine how you will be monitoring the success. It is important to know current performance to have a baseline. Attainable: Ensure the goal is possible to achieve. Evaluate the resources available to achieve the goal against the resources needed. Results-Oriented: Outline action-steps that will be taken to reach the goal Timely: Set deadlines and milestones to check progress. Questions to ask: Who is likely to buy a product or service offering? What websites are they visiting? What devices are they using to visit websites? What are people saying about my business and competitiors? What tools and services does my target audience use on a regular basis? How does my audience want to interact with my content? Do I need to look at my target audience differently online? Case Study Adobe Case Study Library We’re a Lot Like You, A Little Different CHALLENGE: Insurance is a low interest category: people don’t like to think about it, and they certainly don’t like the companies that sell and service it. As a regional company, PEMCO competes against national players - with very deep pockets, and a nonstop passion for advertising. Our challenge was to cut through the competitive clutter to build brand awareness, favorability and interest in PEMCO insurance. INSIGHT: After conducting extensive consumer research we found that people really care about where we live, the people in our community, and the businesses that are part of the local fabric. They also believe that living in the Northwest is like no place else – filled with interesting people and ideas that make it interesting. And they support companies that are local. SOLUTION: Demonstrate PEMCO’s local-ness and invite the public to engage with PEMCO in celebrating the Northwest. A campaign was developed that featured unique Northwest Types (the people who are part of our community), with the marketing tagline “We’re A Lot Like You. A Little Different.” A key part of the campaign is a microsite where all of the Northwest Types are featured along with an opportunity to submit your own Northwest Type. GOALS: PEMCO’s goals were to build brand awareness and show positive growth in policies by March 2008. RESULTS: * Exceeded policy growth goal by 700X * 48,095 hits to the PEMCO site in the first month of launch, a 51.71% increase in traffic from the past year. * 100,000 visitors to * 90 blogs created that discussed PEMCO and the campaign * 1 obituary mention * National exposure on * Developed partnerships with local companies that share the same local values (Tully’s Coffee and Seattle Seahawks) * 25% increase in policy growth Intuit's Just Start Campaign Sparks an Entrepreneurial Revolution Seventy-five percent of Americans dream of starting their own business. Intuit’s Just Start campaign was designed to spark an entrepreneurial revolution by inspiring, empowering and guiding Americans to achieve this dream. While 4 million small businesses use Intuit’s QuickBooks, many new entrepreneurs are unaware of the need for financial software. Therefore, along with providing inspiration and guidance, the campaign was created to distribute copies of Intuit’s free entry-level QuickBooks Simple Start accounting software. Campaign Components With a budget of $1.2 million, Intuit, Access Communications and Grow Marketing developed the campaign to include the following creative components: * A contest to win a $50,000 small business grant: Intuit launched an interactive website,, where people could enter the contest, make a pledge, get how-to business tips and join an online community. For the contest, entrants submitted letters or videos describing their business dream and how they’d use the grant. * In-market events: Intuit launched interactive Just Start events in four busy commuter hubs across the country like Grand Central Station in New York. At each event, budding entrepreneurs drew inspiration from local entrepreneurs, obtained expert advice from local business experts and received free copies of Simple Start. * Viral buzz: Intuit designed to be highly viral. People could easily rate contest entries, post comments and send their entries to family and friends. The public was also called to select the grand winner, choosing among five finalists. To further maximize word of mouth, Intuit made extensive outreach to bloggers and selected small business bloggers as judges for the contest. Results * Received 2500 contest entries and pledges with 22,000 votes cast. * Over 130,000 people were touched by the events. * Distributed over 300,000 CDs and downloads of QuickBooks Simple Start. * Obtained over 80 blog postings about the campaign. Client: Intuit Inc. Agency: Access Communications; Grow Marketing Budget: $1.2 Million Date of Campaign: Oct. 15, 2007 - February 11, 2008 Case Study URL: