TK20 Presentation

Melanie DiLoreto
Planning Committee
◦ Spring 2008 – Summer 2008
◦ Internal & External Stakeholders – CAS, PCL, SoE, Academic
Affairs, Supervising Teachers, Faculty & Administrators
◦ Reviewed 3 systems - Interviewed several institutional
representatives across nation
 face-to-face visit with one institution
◦ SoE adopted Fall 2008; Educational Leadership Spring 2009
◦ Course Based Assessments – Courses common across
programs that meet accreditation recommendations
In Tk20, students can complete
applications for both program admission
and field experiences/student teaching.
Decreased Paper Trail
Reporting Ability
 Program
• Collect assessments used by candidates and
clinical faculty to determine areas that need
• Identify points at which students are dropping
out of the program
• Systematically study changes to ensure that
program improvement is occurring
Day to Day Operational Needs
•Eliminates data entry
•Reports that identify eligible teacher
candidates at each transition point
•Forecasting reports
•Collect comprehensive assessments from
admissions to student certification
•Demonstrate diversity of field placements
•Align assessments with professional,
state, and institutional standards
Benefits to UWF:
Tracking student progress
◦ How many students are in each stage?
◦ At what point do students drop out?
◦ How long does it take for students to get
through each stage?
Necessary for program improvement
and accreditation
Benefits to Students:
Visibility of Program Requirements
Informs them of progress
Allows UWF to collect specific information from all
users of our system in addition to our SIS data
 Provides data that can be compiled or aggregated
for accreditation, assessment, promotion, tenure
 Provides a mechanism of collecting information
that is not easily accessible
 Provides standardization of information
All of these contribute to effective data capture for
accreditation and assessment needs.
Examples of Faculty Artifacts:
Curriculum Vita
Dissertation Committee Documentation
Increases variety of measures at your disposal
Survey large groups
Access groups that do not assemble regularly
Aggregate results due to an identical instrument
Eliminate fields necessary in paper-based surveys
Convenient for respondents
Cost-effective method requiring fewer resources
 Rule
of Thumb: use surveys to collect
data that cannot be obtained through
other functionalities in Tk20.
Alumni activity surveys
Employer satisfaction surveys
Graduate exit surveys
Administrative/Non-Academic Department
Simple to send out, either to selected courses or all
No gathering of paper forms/no more illegible
Responses confidential and anonymous, yet you
will know who did not complete an evaluation
Instant access to data as it is entered, both
aggregate and comprehensive
A set of pre-generated reports is
available for use the minute course
evaluations are sent:
 People with Pending Course Evaluations
 People with Complete Course Evaluations
 Aggregated Results of All Responses
 Aggregated Results by Course
 Aggregated Results by Section
 Aggregated Results by Term
 Aggregated Results by Instructor
Collect evidences that document
students knowledge, skills, and
Generate reports for program
improvement and accreditation needs
Align assignments and assessments to
Disaggregate by program, campus (online,
face-to-face), course, section, instructor, etc.
Enrollment, recent graduates, active (not
Demographics (student and faculty)
Field Experience evaluations by course,
program, unit
FTCE, GRE, FELE exam tracking
Diversity of Field Experience Placements