PAF 101 Module 3, Lecture 4 “Do not confine your children to your own learning, for they were born in a different time.” –Hebrew Proverb Class Agenda •Announcements •Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) We Want You To Be A TA! & Maybe Coplin Wants You Too! • Get Real Life Experience • Get three PAF Credits • Learn how to be a GREAT employee • Must have at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA and receive at least an A- in PAF 101 Apply by October 27th Interviews are October 30th, November 2nd, 4th Questions? Email Lauren Piefer at Competition Points Winners Losers As of 10/16/2015 Group # Points 14 20 12 14 1 13 2 13 15 12 8 10 11 10 17 10 5 9 9 9 4 8 10 8 18 8 3 7 13 7 6 6 16 5 7 4 For next class… • Paper due 10/26 • Email TA societal problem by 8pm tonight or lose 5 points • Module 2 regrades due Monday Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Presented by: Ben Wahl and Nate Birnbaum October 16, 2015 The EITC Law •“The federal earned income tax credit (EITC) reduces the amount of taxes owed, and refunds the difference if the credit is larger than the amount owed.” (Center on Budget Policy Priorities website) The Problem •Too few eligible citizens file for the EITC in Onondaga County Evidence Total Filers in Onondaga County in 2013: 211,656 Filers that are eligible for VITA services: 133,492 (63.07%) Eligible Filers that used VITA services: 7,249 (5.43%) Unknown Percent: Private sector filing of the tax returns, individual filing * Those who are eligible are files who reported an adjusted gross income of less than $53,000 **Data are based on last year’s tax return season Data are from the United Way, who received the data from the IRS •“VITA is a free, IRS-sponsored program to help low and middle-income workers have their federal and State personal income taxes prepared and filed electronically at no cost.” •“VITA also ensures that workers receive all the tax credits to which they are entitled.” (New York State website) Basic Facts • The tax helps the “working poor,” those tax payers whose limited work hours and low wages keep them in the low-income tax bracket • The refund depends on a tax payer’s: 1. Adjusted Gross Income (AGI), which is gross income minus specific deductions* that a tax payer is eligible to take 2. The number of (qualifying) children Basic Facts Eligibility based on AGI and Number of Children (Tax Filing for the Work Year 2014) AGI must be less than… (Single) AGI must be less than… (Married, jointly filed) Maximum Credit Possible Status No Qualifying Children $ 14,820 $ 20,330 $ 503 One Child $ 39,131 $ 44,651 $ 3,359 Two Children $ 44,454 $ 49,974 $ 5,548 Three or more Children $ 47,747 $ 53,267 $ 6,242 Example Family: Jessica Smith Jessica Smith works as a cashier at McDonalds. She is a single-mother of two children. FACTS: • Food-preparation sector employs 11 million people • Accounts for about 1 in every 11 jobs • Provided a median wage of only $9.09 an hour • Jessica, as full-time, year-round worker (at $9.09/hour) makes annual earnings of $18,180. (Center on Budget Policy Priorities website) Example One: Based on our example family, “Jessica Smith.” Federal Tax Withholding “Qualifying persons who file federal tax returns get back some or all of the federal income tax withheld from their pay during the year. Even workers whose earnings were too small to have taxes withheld can get the EIC.” Jessica had: 907.50 + 1365.75 2,273.25 in taxes withheld during the year. Thus her “extra income” is essentially: 5,387 ----> Full Amount she gets back from EITC - 2,273 ----> Amount withheld in taxes this year $ 3,114 How much Jessica gets paid an hour $18,180 ----> Salary During the Year +$3,114 ----> “Extra Income” back from Government $21,294 ----> Total End of Year Earnings 2,000 total hours/yr $21,294 / year ÷ 2,000 hours/ year $10.65 /hour Is this a valid substitute for increasing the minimum wage? Impact • In 2013, about 6.2 million people were lifted out of poverty, including about 3.2 million children. • Studies suggest that the EITC “increase(s) aggregate hours worked. Thus, EITC seems to promote one broad goal of welfare reform— encouraging work among single-parent families— without reducing overall hours worked” (Beverly, 2002). •“What research has shown, however, is that most EITC recipients only get the credit for two consecutive years or less. Many of them soon move up the income ladder and start paying taxes back into the system.” – The Washington Post •The EITC reduced federal tax revenue by $59 billion in 2012 whereas the cost of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps) was $80 billion (Hungerford, 2013). Federal vs. State • 24 states and the District of Columbia administered their own state EITCs (2014) •When you apply for the Federal EITC, you are automatically enrolled for the State How do citizens apply for EITC? For-Profit versus VITA Why VITA Helps • Individuals save by not paying for tax preparation • Electronic filing is increasing at VITA sites and allows workers to get their money faster • Tax preparation volunteers are well trained and reduce the error rate VITA in Syracuse Value of EITC in Syracuse Value of Federal EITC : All County: $ 3,097,509 CA$H sites only: $ 2,576,685 Value of Fed & State EITC: All County: CA$H sites only: Average Refund per Filer: All County: CA$H sites: $4,130,012 $3,435,580 $ 1,264 $ 1,620 *2013 data VITA in Syracuse: CA$H Coalition • CA$H stands for Creating Assets, Savings and Hope • A part of the United Way •The primary focus is to collaborate with as many Onondaga County VITA site providers as possible in order to expand the scope and the efficiency of the VITA efforts in our region. VITA in Syracuse: CA$H Coalition •There are three parts to the sites o Preparing taxes o CA$H Coach Volunteer gives Financial Education Literacy o Other providers of opportunities for low income citizens: health insurance navigators, credit unions, etc. VITA in Syracuse: CA$H Coalition These are the sites: • Shoppingtown Mall *P.E.A.C.E.* • Syracuse Education Opportunity Center • Assisi Center • St. Albans church • Beauchamp Library (Onondaga County Library) • Le Moyne College Library Causes of low EITC/VITA rates • Not enough VITA sites or tax preparers •Not enough awareness among those who qualify. •What is a policy solution to either or both of these causes? Le Moyne College Le Moyne: • Undergraduate students take a three credit ACT-301 Individual Income Tax •Requires: 8 hours of volunteer work as part of students’ grades •There are 56 students enrolled in the course this year. The rest of the accounting department is welcome to volunteer however it is not required. • Graduate student is the coordinator who organizes the site, 5 tax preparers, one greeter, and one quality reviewer Fall 2015 Goal: Increase the number of Onondaga County citizens who use VITA sites to get their taxes completed in the 2015 tax year Steps: Increase the number of Syracuse University students who volunteer at VITA sites • Train Tax Preparers by teaching one credit ECN 300 level class Spring 2016 and beyond…. • 1-credit class to get VITA volunteers class credit •Collaborate with Newhouse •SU VITA site Current Positions 1199/SEOC Greeter: Requires a quick 10 question quiz online (1) Greet patrons as they walk in. (2) Being friendly, saying hello, distributing the first bit of paperwork the patrons must fill out, and answering questions Current Positions CA$H Coach: Requires a quick 30 minute orientation. (1) Greet clients at the VITA site and explain the resources sheet (2) Help VITA participants complete the Saving Plan form (3) Potentially answer some basic questions about accounts, money, and ways to save Current Positions Tax Preparer: This role requires you to become IRS certified. (1) Process can take about 8 hours. (2) Reading information online and passing two "exams." There are sets of practice questions to help you. (3) Once this is complete, you volunteer at the VITA sites and help the low-income individuals file their taxes (4)This requires the most work, but it would look great on a resume Why should you get involved? •This is a real policy that can and has actually helped people •It is an opportunity to get quantitative skill experience that can be translated directly to a resume (ex. Tax Certified) On-Going Project • Interested students should contact us at: • • • Name and Email Address • What aspect interests you? Thank you. Monday’s Speaker David Van Slyke Louis A. Bantle Chair in Business and Government Policy Department of Public Administration and International Relations Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs Syracuse University For more information on David Van Slyke, visit:,_David/ For next class… • Paper due 10/26 • Email TA societal problem by 8pm tonight or lose 5 points • Module 2 regrades due Monday