9th Grade World History Syllabi-2015-2016

9th Grade World History Syllabi
2015- 2016
Instructor: Mr. Michael Hunt
Contact: mhunt@dadeschools.net
Text: World History – Holt McDougal
Needed Materials: Binder, loose-leaf paper, black or blue pens
(notes should be written in ink)
Course Description: This course offers an in-depth study of history, geography
and cultures of selected civilizations from the Western and non-Western worlds. It will
also emphasize major turning points in the development of the modern world. The
course will also highlight map skills so students will understand the origins and
evolutions of many existing civilizations.
Assessment: Students will receive grades for in-class assignment, activities, and
homework. Selected homework assignments will be returned to you. You should keep
daily assignments in your three-ring binder. These assignments will make up a portfolio
that will help you to prepare for tests, quizzes, midterms, and ultimately the final.
It is your duty to get notes from a classmate, consult the homework board online and
handout table for missed assignments. Consult me if you need to make up a
missed quiz, test, or writing assignment. I will not chase you to complete
make-up work. It is your responsibility to schedule a time to make up work done
in class during your absence, and your responsibility to remember to show up if a
makeup quiz or test is scheduled.
Late Work: Late assignments will not be accepted. The only exception is if a
student is ill or on an approved school activity, or any other legitimate excused
absence. Late work will not be accepted from students without a valid excuse. I do not
give extra credit assignments to students who waste opportunities to do the work at the
appropriate time. However, I occasionally put extra credit questions into tests, and inclass assignments.
Expectations for this Course:
- Student
1. The student will be on time and on task at every session.
2. The student will complete the assigned readings prior to coming to class.
3. The student will complete the assigned written exercises prior to coming to class.
4. The student will bring the binder or notebook to every session.
5. The student will show printed progress reports to the parent.
Tests and Homework:
I will post all testing dates online. Test will always be given on Monday or Tuesday
depending on the time your class is scheduled. Please be advised I give two tests a month
within the nine week marking period. Homework will also be posted at the beginning of the
week. Students that are active in extracurricular activities or just want to start the work
early will have the opportunity to complete assignments before the due date.
*I do occasionally give pop quizzes so please do your homework.
Students and parents my goal is to ensure that my classroom will be a safe and productive
learning environment at all times. Therefore, the following behavior will not be tolerated:
Disrespect of instructor or classmate
Cell phone usage including text messaging
Eating or drinking (water is acceptable)
Cursing or using offensive language
Excessive talking that causes disruption
9th grade World History Syllabus
2015-2016 Academic Year
Mr. Hunt
Please fill out and return this portion as proof of receipt and understanding of
the course syllabus.
Period #______
Student Name (Printed)
Student Signature
Guardian Name (Printed)
Guardian Signature
Home Phone _____________________ Cell Phone_____________________
Guardian(s) email address: