DOC - Robotics Engineering CTE502

Robotics Engineering
DoDEA – Career and Technical Education
Simple and Compound Machines
Exercise 1a – Levers
Objective: At the completion of this exercise, you will demonstrate the effects of
mechanical advantage regarding the use of levers. You’ll build models of the different
lever classes and then calculate, test, and verify the results of your lever machines.
Copy and paste the required deliverables to another document for submission. All
deliverables must be word processed with the required student ID information in the footer of the document.
The header of the document should contain the title of the assignment. Both the question and answer must
be included in the deliverable with the answers highlighted. All work must be complete and accurate to receive
1. Detailed definitions for each of the terms found in the Nomenclature section.
2. Detailed answers to the queries listed in the Questions section.
3. Completed table from the Materials Lab.
Information: Archimedes of Syracuse was a Greek astronomer, mathematician, physicist, engineer and
inventor. He lived during the Classical Period between 287 BC and 212 BC. He is regarded as one of the leading
scientists of the ancient Greco-Roman world focusing much of his work upon the machines of warfare. In fact, he
was killed during a siege on his hometown. His greatest achievement in physics is probably his explanation of the
mathematical principles of the lever. He once said, “Give me a lever long enough, and a prop strong enough, I can singlehanded move the world.” The lever is the simplest of the simple machines. However, knowing how a lever works reveals the
principles of how other simple machines reduce effort and… Isn’t that the reason why we build machines to begin with?
The Math:
Terms Equations -
W = Work
W = Fd
F = Force
Load x d1 = Effort x d2
d = Distance
MA = Mechanical Advantage
MA = length of effort arm / length of load arm
We define work as applying force to move an object through to a
distance. Mathematically, we can express this as Work = Force x
Distance or… W = Fd. For instance: If a stack of books weighs 18
pounds and we lift them from the floor 3 feet up to a shelf, we will
have performed 54 foot-pounds of work (54 ft-lb = 18 lb x 3 ft). This
is also true when using a lever. When force is applied to the Effort
Arm, the Resistance Arm will lift the Load a specific distance. The
amount of Work performed is the product of the weight of the Load
and the distance the Load is lifted.
In physics and engineering, mechanical advantage (MA) is the factor by which a machine multiplies the force put into it. One
reason we invent machines is to multiply force (or make work easier). The mechanical advantage of a lever can be calculated
using the equation MA = length of Effort Arm / length of Resistance Arm. However, to determine the amount of Effort
required to lift the Load, we will have to incorporate this equation into the ratio Load × d1 = Effort × d2, where d1 represents
the length of the Effort Arm and d2 represents the length of the Resistance Arm. Algebraically manipulating the equation will
allow the solution of any single term in the equation.
Research Resources:
The WWW changes all the time. If the listed links do not work, first inform your instructor then use a search
engine to research information regarding the described subject.
Web Site
Math for all simple machines
Explains different classes of levers and how they work
Describes levers and how they multiply force
Applies math to levers with sample problems
Vernier Dual-Range Force Sensor information
Robotics Engineering – DoDEA Career and Technical Education
Simple and Compound Machines – Exercise Packet
Revised 21 March 2016
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Nomenclature: Research and develop a detailed (two to three sentences) definition for each of these terms. It’s important
to realize that many words have multiple definitions. Some of which may have nothing to do with this course of study. Make sure
your definitions fall within the context of this lesson.
 Work
 Force
 Load
 Lever
 Distance
 Resistance
 Pivot
 Newton
 Effort
 Fulcrum
 Foot-Pound
 Mechanical Advantage
 Levers of the 1st Class
 Levers of the 2nd Class
 Levers of the 3rd Class
1. Research and develop a detailed definition for each of the terms found in the Nomenclature section of this
2. You and a friend come upon a teeter-totter in a neighborhood playground. You weigh 135 lbs and your friend
weighs 220 lbs. Determine how you would have to change the location of the pivoting point so that the teetertotter is balanced with both of you on it. Show the math.
3. You’re helping your neighbor move 16 bags of concrete from the floor to the top of a workbench in his garage.
Each bag weighs 25 Kg and the surface of workbench is 1 M off the floor. You neighbor had already stacked
half the bags. How much “Work” did you perform? Show the math.
4. Create a table listing several examples of tools that fall into each of the three classes of levers.
5. What were the circumstances of Archimedes’ death? What were his last words?
Procedure: In this activity, you’ll closely examine the mechanical advantage inherent to the lever. You’ll build a study model of a lever and
then use lab equipment to measure the multiplied force of the simple machine. Finally, you’ll load your measurements into a Excel mathematical
model to compare and contrast the results between the measured and calculated values.
Required Materials and Equipment: Get these materials and tools from your instructor.
Lego NXT Mindstorms Kit
Vernier Dual-Range Force Sensor
Ring Stand or Other Support
Rubber Band
Steps: Complete each of the following steps in the assigned order:
1. ( ) Build a model of a lever similar to the one shown in Figure 1.
2. ( ) Setup the test apparatus as shown in Figure 2. For reliable
readings, insure that the connected components are tight
and stable. The rubber band applies a relatively constant
force to the Effort end of the lever. The Load end of the lever
is situated pressing up against the rubber cap of the Force
Sensor. More detailed photos are available on the website.
3. ( ) Connect the Force Sensor to the NXT Intelligent Brick using
the NXT adapter and can cable. You’ll also have to connect
the Brick to the USB port of the computer. Note: You may
have to download and install the Vernier NXT drivers using Figure 1. Lever Model
the Block Import/Export feature found in the Tools tab of the NXT
Programming program.
4. ( ) Launch the NXT Data Logging program and turn on the brick. Start a New
Experiment, Select the Vernier Force Sensor 50 Newtons and the
connected port (You may want to name the experiment.).
5. ( ) Start with lever’s fulcrum in the center of the bar. With the rubber band
pressing down on the Effort end of the lever, click the green “download and
run” button in the data logging software.
6. ( ) Move the fulcrum to the 4th hole on the Load end of the bar, setup the test
apparatus and click the “download and run” button to record the results.
7. ( ) Move the fulcrum to the 2nd hole on the Load end of the bar, setup the test
apparatus and again click the “download and run” button to record the
8. ( ) Record your results in the Levers Excel spreadsheet and analyze the
graphic model comparing calculated data to your measurements.
9. ( ) Use the course’s website and the parts found in your NXT Mindstorms kit to
build models of a wheelbarrow and pliers study models. Experiment by
moving the load closer to and further from the pivoting point of each
machine. Discuss your observations regarding the amount of effort required Figure 2. Lever Test Apparatus
to operate the model with the instructor.
10. ( ) Disassemble and properly store your materials and tools.
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Simple and Compound Machines – Exercise Packet
Revised 21 March 2016
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Conclusion: In completing this exercise you built models of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd class levers. You used an electronic
sensor to measure the amount of force generated with a 1st class lever depending on the position of the pivoting
point (fulcrum). By recording your results into a spreadsheet, you used a mathematical model to graph the
performance of your machine, and as a result, determined that when the load is closer to the fulcrum, the amount of
effort required to lift the load is reduced by a proportion determined by the length of the Effort Arm as related to the
Resistance Arm. Finally, you verified your results by “doing the math” and found that although the performance
pattern was similar, measured results are seldom the same as the calculated results. Welcome to the real world.
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Simple and Compound Machines – Exercise Packet
Revised 21 March 2016
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Robotics Engineering
DoDEA – Career and Technical Education
Simple and Compound Machines
Exercise 1b – Levers
At the completion of this exercise, you will demonstrate how lever systems can be modified to alter
mechanical advantage and you will be able to apply the use of levers in complex machines.
Copy and paste the required deliverables to another document for submission. All deliverables
must be word processed with the required student ID information in the footer of the document. The header of the
document should contain the title of the assignment. Both the question and answer must be included in the
deliverable with the answers highlighted. All work must be complete and accurate to receive credit.
1. Detailed definitions for each of the terms found in the Nomenclature section.
2. Detailed answers to the queries listed in the Questions section.
3. Completed table from the Levers Activity below.
Information: The Great Pyramid of Giza is built of approximately 2.3 million stone
blocks with the
largest among them weighing between 20 and 80 metric tons. How was it possible to move these massive
boulders over 5000 years ago? The answer lies in simple machines. One example of a simple machine is a lever.
Levers use significantly less effort to move large weights by placing the weight on one side and applying pressure
to the other while a fulcrum is positioned underneath to act as a pivoting point. See-saws, wheelbarrows bicycle
hand-brakes are examples of levers.
Research Resources:
The WWW changes all the time. If the listed links do not work, first inform your instructor then use a search
engine to research information regarding the described subject.
Web Site
Website showing classification of levers
M.I.T. Open Courseware -Search engine for high school level
physics/engineering information.
Nomenclature: Research and develop a detailed (two to three sentences) definition for each of these terms. It’s important to realize that
many words have multiple definitions. Some of which may have nothing to do with this course of study. Make sure your definitions fall within the
context of this lesson.
Research and develop a detailed definition for each of the terms found in the Nomenclature section.
Explain how levers allow people to lift heavy objects that they would normally be unable to lift.
Classify the three types of levers drawing a simple diagram of how they work.
List several practical examples of levers in everyday life.
From the data you collected in web based activity below:
a. How does a lever produce a mechanical advantage for moving the obelisk?
b. How did moving the fulcrum affect the mechanical advantage?
c. How did moving the object affect the mechanical advantage?
d. How did changing the length of the bar affect the mechanical advantage?
In this activity, you’ll conduct a virtual experiment regarding the simple machine known as the lever. You’ll closely examine
the relationship between the fulcrum and bar, as well as the position of the fulcrum in relation to the effort and load. Follow the instructions
Required Materials and Equipment: Get these materials and tools from your instructor.
 Computer with Internet Access
 Shockware Software Installed
1. Link to and navigate through the Nile Site Map showing how
scientists attempted to lever an obelisk. Use your Learning Log to record notes.
2. Now, go to and launch the lever simulation.
3. Before you begin, complete Table 1 below describing how you plan to raise the obelisk.
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Simple and Compound Machines – Exercise Packet
Revised 21 March 2016
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Put your plan into action and record the results in the cells provided, paying careful attention to the
calculations provided in the simulation. The goal of this activity is to understand the mechanical advantage
which levers provide.
Improve your plan in Table 2 and compare the results between the two tables.
Table 1: Plan for Raising the Obelisk
Mechanical Advantage Data
Work = Force x Distance
Lever Side
Obelisk Side
=, <, >
How did
obelisk move?
Table 2: Improved Plan for Raising the Obelisk
Mechanical Advantage Data
Work = Force x Distance
Lever Side
Obelisk Side
=, <, >
How did
obelisk move?
Conclusion: Were you able to lift the obelisk? This is a virtual simulation to what the Egyptians had to deal with
but they had to incorporate gravity into their solution as well. Used properly, levers can change the amount of effort
needed to a fraction or what would be required without using this simple machine. The amount of force applied
times the distance an object moves is equal the amount of work performed. In completing this exercise you can
now understand how levers used to build huge structures like the pyramids at Giza can be also be applied to the
miniature mechanism found in robot design.
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Robotics Engineering
DoDEA – Career and Technical Education
Simple and Compound Machines
Exercise 2 – Inclined Plane, Wedge and Screw
Objective: At the completion of this exercise, you will demonstrate the effects of
mechanical advantage regarding the use of inclined planes, wedges and screws. You’ll
build models of these simple machines and then calculate, test, and verify the results of
your inclined plane machines.
Copy and paste the required deliverables to another document for submission. All
deliverables must be word processed with the required student ID information in the footer of the
document. The header of the document should contain the title of the assignment. Both the question
and answer must be included in the deliverable with the answers highlighted. All work must be
complete and accurate to receive credit.
1. Detailed definitions for each of the terms found in the Nomenclature section.
2. Detailed answers to the queries listed in the Questions section.
3. Completed Spreadsheet Math Model for the Inclined Plane.
Information: The inclined plane is ancient simple machine. It was used for more
than a millennium before Archimedes and Heron of Alexandria first theorized its physical operations and discovered
how it provided for mechanical advantage. Over 1000 years later, inclined planes might have been used to place
the largest blocks at Stonehenge. Another 1000 years later, inclined planes in the form of ramps were used to build
the Great Pyramid at Giza.
An inclined plane is a flat surface (plane) that slopes at an angle (inclined) to provide a path to move an object from
one level to another. Examples of inclined planes include ramps, graded roads, or a playground slide. Wedges are
an example of double inclined plane and a screw is an inclined plane that’s wrapped around an axis. Examples of
wedges would be an axe, chisel or doorstop. Worm gears, screw jack, and a screw (duh) are examples of the
simple machine known as a screw.
Research Resources: Use your search engine to research information on Inclined Planes, Math and Simple Machines.
Web Site
Explains different types of Inclined Planes
Describes Inclined Planes and how they reduce force
Apply math to Inclined Planes
Nomenclature: Research and develop a detailed (two to three sentences) definition for each of these terms. It’s important to realize that
many words have multiple definitions. Some of which may have nothing to do with this course of study. Make sure your definitions fall within the
context of this lesson.
 Mass
 Thread
 Gram
 Centimeter
 Joule
 Slope
 Foot Pounds
1. Research and develop a detailed definition for each of the terms found in the Nomenclature section.
2. Who is Hero (Heron) of Alexandria? What do you feel were his most significant contributions to engineering?
Required Materials and Equipment: Get these materials and tools from your instructor.
Lego NXT Mindstorms Kit String: 1 Meter
Vernier Dual Force Sensor
Steps: Complete each of the following steps in the assigned order:
Inclined Plane: There’s always a trade-off when using simple machines to perform work. With inclined planes you
choose to lift an object a short distance using more force, or can use a ramp to lift the same object the same height,
but over a longer distance using less force. The mass of the object and the work accomplished stays the same it
just takes more time (distance) to get the job done. You should consider this relationship of proportions as you build
and test the Inclined Plane model.
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The Math:
Terms Equations -
M = Mass
W = Work
F = Force
W = Fd
MA = d2/d1
F = Mass/MA
d = Distance
MA = Mechanical Advantage
Joule = Newton-Meter
As before, we define Work as applying force to move an object a
certain distance. An inclined plane reduces the effort necessary to
move the load by distributing the force required to perform the task
over the distance of the inclined plane. Reducing effort is a good thing,
but we do sacrifice having to exert the reduced Force over a greater
distance. There’s always a trade-off.
If we wanted to lift an 80 lb. bag of concrete from the floor up to a
tabletop 3 ft. up we could calculate the Work required as W = Fd or…
The Work is equal to 80 pounds multiplied by 3 ft. for a total of 240
foot-pounds of Work.
When we use an inclined plane to do the same task, it takes the same
amount of Work to perform the task. However it takes less Force to get
the Work done because of the Mechanical Advantage provided by the
inclined plane. In an inclined plane, Mechanical Advantage is equal to
the Slope Length divided by the Slope Height or MA = d2/d1. If we
used a 12 foot long ramp to move a bag of concrete up to the same height of 3 feet, the equation for Mechanical Advantage
would be MA = 12 ft./3ft. or 4 ft. To determine how much force is actually required to move the bag of concrete up the
(frictionless) ramp we would apply the formula F = Mass/MA or… F = 80 lb./4 or… 20 foot-pounds. Here’s the sequence of
Step 1.
Step 2.
Step 3.
F = Mass/MA
240 foot-pounds = 80 lb x 3 ft.
4 ft. = 12 ft. / 3 ft.
20 foot-pounds = 80 lb / 4 ft.
Using an incline plane 12 ft. long and 3 ft. high, it now takes only 20 lbs. of Force to move an 80 lbs. bag of concrete.
1. ( ) Carefully examine the model of the Inclined Plane and Trolley
shown in Figure 1. Construct a model similar to the one shown
in the photograph. The trolley must slide easily up and down
the model of the Inclined Plane.
2. ( ) Tie one end of the string to the Trolley as shown and tie a loop
on the opposite end. Place the Trolley onto the rail of the
model of the Inclined Plane with the rollers facing down.
Secure a load to the Trolley in a way that won’t interfere with
its travel on the rail and route the string from the Trolley over
the pulley hanging freely off the edge of a table or bench.
3. ( ) Measure the dimensions of the Inclined Plane and use the
Excel model to calculate the Mechanical Advantage for the
first version of the Inclined Plane.
4. ( ) Attach the looped end of the string to a number of wheels,
gears and tires that (when combined) will allow the weighed
trolley to ride slowly and continuously up the Inclined Plane Figure 1. Inclined Plane Model with Trolley
without assistance.
5. ( ) Measure the amount of force exerted on the trolley by the string and counter weight with a force sensor.
6. ( ) Modify the Inclined Plane model making it a little longer by adding one more section of Studless Technic
Beams. Repeat the force and distance measurements. Operate the Inclined Plane in the new configuration
noting any difference in the machine’s behavior.
7. ( ) Modify the Inclined Plane model again adding one more section of Studless Technic Beams. Repeat the
measurements and then the experiment noting any difference in the machine’s behavior.
Wedge: The basic difference between an Inclined Plane and a Wedge is that a Wedge moves and an Inclined
Plane does not. Wedges can be either single-sloped like a doorstop or double-sloped like an axe or knife. The
mathematical analysis of wedges is essentially the same as with Inclined Planes. Instead of using the term Height,
we’ll use the term Thickness. The Mechanical advantage is determined by dividing the length of the slope by the
thickness of the wedge (MA = d2/d1). The shaper the angle of the wedge, the less effort is needed to operate it.
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The Math:
Terms Equations -
d2 = Slope Length
d1 – Thickness
MA = d2/d1
Let’s look at the cross-section of a wedge.
you’ll notice it is really nothing more than a
triangle. Applying the equation MA = d2/d1,
you should notice that the relationship
between the length of the wedge (d2) and the
thickness of the wedge (d1) are considered
inversely proportional because d2 is being
divided by d1. This means that the smaller
the thickness of the wedge compared to its
length, the more mechanical advantage it can
deliver. The opposite is also true. As d1
increases, mechanical advantage is reduced if
the length of the wedge remains the same.
Figure 2. Wedge Model and Test Apparatus
Figure 3. Long Wedge Inserted into the Test Apparatus.
( ) Carefully examine the model of the Wedge and the test apparatus shown in Figure 2. Construct a model
similar to the one shown in this photograph.
( ) Secure a load to the lift platform on the test apparatus in a way that won’t interfere with its travel on the
two vertical support rails.
( ) Measure d1 and d2 on the wedge and then calculate the mechanical advantage if the longest slope of the
Wedge is used to lift the load as shown in Figure 3.
( ) Measure d1 and d2 on the wedge and then calculate the mechanical advantage if the Shortest slope of
the Wedge is used to lift the load.
( ) Alternately push the long and the short slope of the Wedge through the test apparatus making note of the
difference in the force required to perform the work.
Screw: A screw is an Inclined Plane where the plane is wrapped around an axis like a cylinder. The threads of the
screw act as a single plane while the spacing between the threads form the slope of the plane. The greater the
spacing of the threads means the greater the angle of the Inclined Plane requiring greater effort to drive the screw.
The finer the threads indicate a smaller angle of the Inclined Plane and subsequently, the lesser effort to drive the
screw. The trade-off again… Although Mechanical Advantage increases, more turns will be required to do the
same amount of work with a screw with fine threads as the one with larger thread spacing. The relationship
between the number of threads and a specific distance is called the “Pitch.” The screws that come with the Tetrix
robotics kit are identified as #6-32 and #10-32 screws. Although both screws have a pitch of 32 Threads Per Inch
(TPI), the diameters of the screws are different as indicated by the first number. It’s important to note that these
screws are not interchangeable.
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The Math:
Terms Equations -
Pitch = 1/Threads Per Unit of Measure (TPI)
Π = Pi
FP = Foot Pounds
r = Radius
“ = Inch
MA = 2Πr / Pitch
The English and Metric systems of measurement are used to determine the specifications of
lots of things including hardware like screw, nuts and bolts. The Metric system is based on
the Meter as the standard unit of measure and is considered to be more logical because it’s
based upon decimal units. A Meter is divided into 10 equal parts called decimeters, 100
equal parts called centimeters or 1000 equal parts called millimeters. The English system,
also known as the inch system or the Imperial system is based on the Foot measurement. A
foot is divided into 12 equal parts called inches. However, when we consider threads on a
bolt like the one shown to the right we’re not talking about inches. We’re really talking about
very small measurements like 1/16”, 1/32” and 1/64”.
This bolt is a ¼” in diameter. It’s a course thread (UNC) bolt 1¼” long with a Pitch of 20 TPI.
To determine the Mechanical Advantage of this simple machine we’ll simple apply the
formula. Before we start, you’ll need to know that the radius is half the diameter. Since the
diameter of this bolt is ¼”, to find half of any fraction, simply multiply its denominator by two
or… 2 x 4 is 8 equaling 1/8” for the bolt’s radius.
MA = 2 Π r / Pitch
MA = 2 x Π x 1/8” / (1/20)
MA = 2 x 3.14 x .125 / .05
MA = 15.7
This means that this screw will multiply the turning force 15.70 times. So if we apply 14 foot pounds of force to turning this
bolt, the tightening force of the nut will be 14 ft lb x 15.7 resulting in 219.8 ft lb of energy. 14 lb of effort results in 219.8 lb of
force using this simple machine called a screw. That’s pretty impressive.
( ) Carefully examine the model of the Screw Machine shown in
Figure 4.
( ) To build the model of the Screw Machine you can refer to the
photographs of this model you’ll find in the photo gallery on
the course’s webpage.
( ) Take a closer look at the part of this machine that resembles
the threads of a screw. This is also called a worm gear
primarily because it sort of looks like a worm when it’s turning.
Now here’s a tricky question: How many teeth does this worm
gear have? Did you think it has ten or perhaps twelve teeth for Figure 4. Model of a Screw Machine
its entire length? Would you believe it has only one tooth? It’s
one tooth that continuously spirals around the axis of the worm gear’s axle. As the handle is turned
clockwise and counterclockwise it will drive the tiny non-spinning worm drive gear from one side of the
machine to the other.
( ) Use a ruler to measure the number of threads this worm gear has in one inch. This will be the screw’s
pitch or threads per inch (TPI).
( ) Now… How many turns of the handle does it take to make the little worm drive gear travel one inch?
( ) Do you see the relationship between the screw’s pitch and the turns needed for it to drive one inch?
( ) Refer to the Math section for the Screw and calculate the Mechanical Advantage for this machine.
Inclined planes, wedges and screws seem like they may be different types of machines but they’re really all the
same simple machine but in different forms. The math used to determine how they work is closely related to each
machine as well. That’s easier to see when comparing the math used to calculate mechanical advantage using an
inclined plane with that of a wedge. After all, a wedge is really just a mobile version of an inclined plane. The math
is a little harder to see when determining the Mechanical Advantage of a screw. The relationship in the equation MA
= 2Πr / Pitch is clearer to see if you realize that 2Πr represents the slope length of an incline plane for one revolution of
the screw or it’s circumference. The Pitch is the height of the slope or the thickness as it relates to a wedge.
Like in all applications of simple machines, there is always a trade-off between the effort made to make the
machine operate and the amount of actual work it performs. In simple machines, as the amount of effort is reduced
and the amount of work stays the same, then the distance must increase to get that work done.
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Robotics Engineering
DoDEA – Career and Technical Education
Simple and Compound Machines
Exercise 4 – Wheel and Axle
At the completion of this exercise, you will
demonstrate the mechanical advantage inherent to the wheel
and axle combination. You’ll measure the diameters of wheels
and axles and develop a mathematical model describing their
Copy and paste the required deliverables to another
document for submission. All deliverables must be word processed with the
required student ID information in the footer of the document. The header of
the document should contain the title of the assignment. Both the question
and answer must be included in the deliverable with the answers highlighted.
All work must be complete and accurate to receive credit.
Detailed definitions for each of the terms found in the
Nomenclature section.
Detailed answers to the queries listed in the Questions section.
Completed spreadsheet defining the mechanical advantage for
various wheels and axle combinations.
Figure 1 – Mechanics work at the axle as they assemble
and maintain a huge Ferris Wheel.
Information: The wheel… It’s been around since the dawn of man. It’s hard to pinpoint when it was invented or
what culture invented it. It seemed to simultaneously appear in Central Europe, the Caucasus and Mesopotamia
during the Copper Age (about 4000 BC) give or take a millennium or two. We’re talking ancient history here.
Figure 2 – Wooden rollers are swapped-out one at a
time as a heavy stone block towed along.
Figure 3 – Hundreds drag a stone sculpture that’s
secured to a sledge.
Before wheels, people would move very heavy objects using tree logs as rollers. They also used sledges (big
sleds) to slide stuff around. Sledges worked well on low-friction surfaces like ice, snow and sand but not as well on
grass and rock. When the going got too tough… When they couldn’t get the sledge to budge, someone had the
great idea to combine the roller and the sledge. They discovered as the rails of
sledge cut deep grooves into the rollers, they
didn’t need to use as many rollers to keep the
sledge moving. That was good, because it
wasn’t a lot of fun swapping-out rollers
every two or three second to keep the
sledge moving. Larger rollers were
heavier and more difficult to reposition
as well, but they also made it easier to
roll the sledge. If there was only a way
to reduce the weight of the larger
Figure 5 – By the courtesy of Fred’s own two
rollers and secure it to the sledge
feet. Even as a kid I always wondered how
Figure 4 – Stone grinding wheel with so it didn’t have to be swapped-out
axle for grinding grain or minerals.
all the time. At first they just carved that back roller just didn’t fall off.
out the center portion of the roller making it a single piece construction of the
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wheels and axle. The axle was pegged into a fixed position on sledge and thus… the wheeled cart was invented.
Later enhancements included spoke wheels to make them lighter and repairable. As new materials have been
developed, wheels and axels have improved significantly. When methods were developed to apply force to the
wheel or to the axle, mechanical advantage became part of this simple machines engineering importance. The
wheel and axle has become the most prevalent and significant invention in the history of mankind.
The Math:
Terms -
MA=Mechanical Advantage
C = Circumference
RPM = Revolutions Per Minute
Dw = Diameter Wheel
R = Radius
D = Diameter
Da = Diameter Axle
Lb-ft = Foot Pound
Equations -
MA = Dw/Da (Input at Wheel)
MA = Da/Dw (Input at Axle)
R = D/2
C = 2ΠR
One way to look at a wheel is to consider it as a continuous lever of the 2nd class. The axle would be the fulcrum and the radius at any point
would be the bar. Like the lever, turning the steering wheel in a car will multiply the force at the axle. The bigger the steering wheel, the greater
the leverage and the more rotational effort (torque) would be applied to the axle. An
automobile’s wheels are different. The effort is applied at the axle. Therefore, the effort at
the axle is divided as it reaches out to the road’s surface. Mathematically, this is
represented by the equation MA = Dw/Da if the input effort is at the wheel and MA =
Da/Dw if the input effort is at the axle.
Tire sizes for my Jeep Wrangler go from 27” to 44” in diameter. The size that came stock
with the vehicle are 28”. The axle that drives each of the wheels has a diameter of about
one inch. With the stock tires, the MA is 1/28” or .036. Slap on a set of 44 inchers, the
MA would be 1/44” or .023. So what does that mean?
If the engine applied 222 lb-ft of torque at the axle, I would lose about 2.88 lb-ft of torque
if I changed my wheels from the stock 28” to the oversized 44” tires. In essence, I would
lose power but my Jeep would look awesome! Here’s the application:
MA28 = .036
MA44 = .023
.036 - .023 = .013
222 lb-ft x .013 = 2.88 lb-ft difference
As with all applications of mechanical advantage, there is a trade-off. The smaller the tire, the more force is transferred to the where the
rubber hits the road. Since the tire is smaller, its circumference is too. That means the wheel will have to make more revolutions to acquire the
same speed using the larger tires. You’ll get more power at the wheels, but your top-end speed will be reduced.
The circumference of a 28 inch diameter wheel is calculated using the equation C = 2ΠR and results in 2 x 3.141 x 14” or about 88 inches.
One rotation of the 28” wheel would push the Jeep 88 inches down the road. Using the 44” tires, that application of the same equation (C = 2 x
3.141 x 22) would result in a circumference of about 138 inches. One rotation of the axle would push the vehicle over 10 feet down the road.
Although the larger tire would require fewer rotations to travel a specified distance and the vehicle would have a higher top-end speed, it would
require more torque to perform the task. There’s always a trade-off.
Research Resources:
The WWW changes all the time. If the listed links do not work, first inform your instructor then use a search
engine to research information regarding the described subject.
Web Site
Ancient Civilizations – Invention of the Wheel
Wiki on the Wheel and Axle
How to Use Calipers
How to Use a Metric Ruler
Nomenclature: Research and develop a detailed (two to three sentences) definition for each of these terms. It’s important to realize that
many words have multiple definitions. Some of which may have nothing to do with this course of study. Make sure your definitions fall within the
context of this lesson.
 Foot - Pound
 Caliper
 Wheel and Axle
1. Research and develop a detailed definition for each of the terms found in the Nomenclature section.
2. The drive system of a robot features drive wheels that have a diameter of 3”. If the robot’s gear box has rotated
the drive wheels 10 revolutions… About how far has the robot traveled?
3. The wheels of a drive system for a robot are 64mm in diameter. The maximum speed for the motor’s gearbox
at the axle is a 160 RPM. If the robot is driven at its highest speed for 30 seconds… How far will it have
traveled in meters?
4. Repeat the same calculations as in question 3 replacing the wheels with ones that are 128mm in diameter.
5. Calculate the maximum feet-per-minute for a robot that uses 8” drive wheels attached to a direct drive gearbox
with a maximum output speed of 400 RPM.
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In the following activity you’ll have to measure the diameter of an axle and various sizes of wheels. The best tool to perform
this task is a vernier caliper. These calipers come in dial and digital varieties but you’ll have to make sure your measurements are in millimeters
and not inches for this activity. Hopefully you have access to one of these nifty measurement tools. If not, you might also be able to transfer the
measurements using an outside caliper, but it takes some effort to make accurate measurements. As a last resort, you can directly measure
the diameter of the axle and wheels using a metric ruler, but you’ll also throw the concept of accuracy out the window. There are informative
links in the Research Resources section describing how to use calipers and rulers. The most important consideration is accuracy… Learn how
to use the tools, make accurate measurements, but verify your results. I understand that the precise dimensions of many LEGO components
can be found on the Internet if all else fails.
Required Materials and Equipment: Get these materials and tools from your instructor.
 Mindstorms Robotics Kit
 Mindstorms Resource Set
 Outside Caliper
 Linear Caliper
 Tetrix Robotics Kit
 Metric Scale
Steps: Refer to these figures as you take your measurements. Complete each of the following steps in the
assigned order:
Tetrix 3” Wheel
Tetrix Omni Wheel
Tire Ring
1. (
2. (
3. (
Small Tire
LEGO Tractor Wheel
Bushing, Grey
Groove Diameter:
Bushing, Small
Groove Diameter:
Balloon Tire
) Measure and record the diameters of each of the wheels ( and axel) shown above.
) Enter the measured information into the Wheel and Axle Excel
Model following the instructions posted on the model’s worksheet.
) Make a temporary mark somewhere on the circumference of one of
the larger wheels. Place the wheel with that mark positioned on a
flat surface. Making a temporary mark at that point on the flat
surface. Carefully roll the wheel precisely one revolution making
another mark on the surface at that point. Measure the distance
between the marks on the flat surface. Does this measurement
match the circumference the model calculated for that wheel?
Conclusion: In completing this exercise you discovered that the
Figure 4 - Digital vernier caliper used to
measure inside and outside diameters in
mechanical advantage of a wheel and axel can be determined by dividing
either inches or millimeters at a press of a
the diameter of the input by the diameter of the output. Driving this simple
machine by the wheel multiplies effort at the axle while driving it by its axle
divides the effort at the wheel. You also discovered that the circumference of the wheel and its number of rotations
per unit of time determines the distance the wheel can travel in a specified period of time. That’s speed baby and
speed takes into consideration this simple machine’s mechanical advantage when it comes to converting effort into
motion and determining the trade-offs needed to get work done.
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Robotics Engineering
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Simple and Compound Machines
Exercise 5 – Belt and Chain Drives
Objective: At the completion of this exercise, you will demonstrate the proper application of belts/pulleys and
chains/sprockets when building drives and transmissions. You will compare and contrast belt and chain drives while
experimenting with various sprocket and pulley wheel sizes. In addition, you’ll describe the advantages and
disadvantages of “slippage” in belt and chain drive design.
Copy and paste the required deliverables to another document for submission. All
deliverables must be word processed with the required student ID information in the footer of the document.
The header of the document should contain the title of the assignment. Both the question and answer must
be included in the deliverable with the answers highlighted. All work must be complete and accurate to
receive credit.
Detailed definitions for each of the terms
found in the Nomenclature section.
Detailed answers to the queries listed in
the Questions section.
Information: Think about riding a 10speed bicycle through the hills and hollers of
the wide-open countryside. The sun shines
warmly your face on a remarkable spring day. The
tall grass seems to whisper in the air as a soft breeze blows across an adjacent wheat field. You’re stopped at the
base of a hill studying the long and winding path as it gradually scales the incline that lies ahead.
You mistakenly start out in 5th gear pushing down with all your might just to get yourself moving. You quickly shift
down into 3rd gear where you don’t have to struggle nearly as much to peddle. As the grade of the road increases
it’s getting harder to peddle so you shift down again… and then again. You’re now in 1st gear and you’re peddling
like crazy. It’s certainly easier to peddle, but you’re just crawling along going nowhere fast. Panting like German
shepherd, you crest the ridge and start downhill, you shift up into 5th gear and now you’re rolling along at an
incredible clip, but your legs are moving like Wile E. Coyote chasing the Roadrunner. You decide to shift the front
derailleur to the outer ring and suddenly you’re peddling much slower while careening downhill at close to light
speed. Weeeeee!
What a marvelous machine a 10-Speed bike is. Although biking enthusiasts
know how to use gear combinations well enough to tackle even the
steepest hills, not many riders know how gears, sprockets, chains
and belts work to reduce the effort needed to get work done.
When effort is applied to a bike’s crank with the chain on the
smaller ring, less effort is required to produce torque, but you’ll
have to peddle more times to travel a certain distance. This setting
on a 10-Speed bike is used for gears 1 through 5. These are the low
gears typically used for climbing hills. When the chain is moved to the outer ring
on the crank, more effort is required to produce torque. It’s harder to peddle, but you’ll peddle fewer times to travel
the same distance. This larger outer ring on the crank covers gears 6 through 10 on a 10-speed bike and is used to
obtain some exhilarating downhill speed.
So… The mechanical advantage of any simple machine is the relationship between input effort and output force.
Mechanical advantage on the 10-speed bike is achieved by combining different sizes of wheels. Since (simple
machine) “The Wheel” also includes components like pulleys, sprockets, cogs, and gears it’s important to come up
with a systematic way to determine the size of the wheels we’re combining to more complex machines. We can us
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wheel measurements like the circumference, diameter, and radius but most often we simply count the number of
teeth on a sprocket, cog or gear to represent its size. The chain simply transfers the effort exerted on the crank ring
to the gear cassette on the bike’s back wheel. The relationship between the chain and the sprocket or cog is their
matching pitch. The pitch is the spacing of the teeth on the bike’s cogs and the links of the chain. On modern
bicycles, the pitch is ½”. The pitch of the chain and the sprocket must match for the drive train to work.
Belt drive systems are very similar to chain drives. The major difference between chains and belts is that belts are
designed to slip and they break easier than chains. Belts are also lighter and quieter, but again… The primary
difference is slippage. Belts slip… Chains don’t. In fact, many drive belts are designed with teeth to keep them from
slipping unless there’s a malfunction. Then they break. Engineers use belts in their designs as a safety precaution.
After all, it’s much cheaper to replace a broken belt than the components they’re driving.
The mechanical advantage in belt drive systems is determined the same as those using chains. If teeth are part of
the design, you can determine the gear ration by simply counting teeth. Otherwise, you can measure the wheel’s
circumference, diameter, or radius to obtain the information necessary to calculate mechanical advantage.
Understanding how to calculate the mechanical advantage of chain and belt drive systems will help you determine
the torque required to operate the system as well as the speed it will deliver.
The Math:
Terms Equations Application
Insert a table and picture of gear sizes here:
39 Tooth Ring
52 Tooth Ring
Research Resources:
The WWW changes all the time. If the listed links do not work, first inform your instructor then use a search
engine to research information regarding the described subject.
Web Site
Describes a system of pulleys and belts
Describes a system of sprockets and chains
Nomenclature: Research and develop a detailed (two to three sentences) definition for each of these terms. It’s important to realize that
many words have multiple definitions. Some of which may have nothing to do with this course of study. Make sure your definitions fall within the
context of this lesson.
 Belt
 Slippage
 Chain
 Sprocket
1. Research and develop a detailed definition for each of the terms found in the Nomenclature section.
2. Compare and contrast gears and sprockets.
3. Compare and contrast belts and chains.
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4. What are some advantages and disadvantages of slippage?
In this activity, you’ll conduct a hands-on experiment regarding this topic area. You’ll closely examine…
Required Materials and Equipment: Get these materials and tools from your instructor.
 Mindstorms NXT Trainer
 Tetrix Robotics Trainer
 Chains and Sprockets Set
Steps: Refer to figures as you construct… Complete each of the following steps in the assigned order:
1. (
2. (
3. (
4. (
5. (
6. (
7. (
8. (
) Refer to the first webpage above. Build a similar system of pulleys and belts.
) Determine, on your model, which is the driver pulley and which is the driven pulley and calculate the
velocity ratio. Repeat with twice with varying sized pulleys
) Record all calculations on the data table provided.
) Refer to the second webpage above. Build a similar system of sprockets and chains.
) Determine which is the driver sprocket and which is the driven sprocket and calculate the gear ratio.
Repeat with various sized sprockets.
) Record all calculations on the data table provided.
) Using what you have learned above, construct two vehicles; one with a belt drive and one with a chain
) Calculate and measure the mechanical advantage of each.
Gear (Sprocket) Ratio
Distance moved by the
driver (effort)
Velocity Ratio of Pulleys
Diameter of Driven
Pulley (A)
Distance moved by the
driven (load)
Diameter of Driver Pulley
In your vehicles, which system provided the greater mechanical advantage? Why? Would you use a belt or chain
drive in a full sized vehicle? Use your data to support your answer.
Conclusion: In completing this exercise you have demonstrated that you can apply the principles of belts and
chains when building drives and transmissions. By building vehicles using both belt and chain drives, you then
were able to calculate and measure the mechanical advantage of the vehicle’s drive train. Gear/Velocity ratios
give you the information you need to be able choose the mechanisms to help you move mountains.
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Robotics Engineering
DoDEA – Career and Technical Education
Simple and Compound Machines
Exercise 6 – Gears and Gear Ratios
Objective: At the completion of this exercise, Students will demonstrate
how gear drives are used to alter mechanical advantage in simple machines.
Calculating mechanical advantage, students will determine the effect that gear
ratio has upon torque and rate of rotation. Demonstrating their knowledge of
gears and gear trains, student will construct simple machines using gear,
compound gear, and worm gear transmissions. Using crown and bevel gears,
students will demonstrate methods of changing the angle of transmission. To
demonstrate their competence, students will design and construct a working 2speed gearbox using their robot trainer.
Copy and paste the required deliverables to another document for
submission. All deliverables must be word processed with the required student ID information in
the footer of the document. The header of the document should contain the title of the
assignment. Both the question and answer must be included in the deliverable with the answers
highlighted. All work must be complete and accurate to receive credit.
1. Detailed definitions for each of the terms found in the Nomenclature section.
2. Detailed answers to the queries listed in the Questions section.
Information: A gear is a wheel with teeth that mesh together with other gears. Gears change the speed, torque
(rotational force) direction of rotating axles. Different types of gears: spur, idler, worm, bevel, and crown. Always
remember gear ration is the ratio of the number of teeth on one gear to the number of teeth on the other gear.
Finding Mechanical Advantage with Gears: (Example) Take a 40 tooth gear paired with a 8 teeth gear the gear ratio
= 40 to 8 or, simplifying, MA = 5 to 1.
The Math:
Terms Equations Application
Research Resources:
The WWW changes all the time. If the listed links do not work, first inform your instructor then use a search
engine to research information regarding the described subject.
Web Site
Website click on Index page: click on Gears & Pulleys
Excellent resource of gears and geartrains.
Nomenclature: Research and develop a detailed (two to three sentences) definition for each of these terms. It’s important to realize that
many words have multiple definitions. Some of which may have nothing to do with this course of study. Make sure your definitions fall within the
context of this lesson.
 Gears
 Spur gear
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Simple and Compound Machines – Exercise Packet
Revised 21 March 2016
 Worm gear
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 Bevel gear
 Transmission
 Crown gear
 Gear box
Research and develop a detailed definition for each of the terms found in the Nomenclature section.
Explain how gears change speed, torque and direction of rotation axles.
Explain what is meant by a gear ratio? Show a velocity ratio problem to demonstrate gear ratio.
Explain torque or (rotational force) and show an example how we can change angle of transmission
In this activity, you’ll conduct a hands-on experiment regarding this topic area. You’ll closely examine…
Required Materials and Equipment: Get these materials and tools from your instructor.
 Mindstorms NXT Kit
 Tetrix Robotics Kit
Steps: Refer to figures as you construct… Complete each of the following steps in the assigned order:
) Go to
) :Use this site to help
calculate mechanical advantage for gear systems.
) Before you begin, write a plan for how you will create a two speed gear box using your Lego kit.
) Put your plan into action.
) Draw a picture first of your design before you build. Show how you will create two speeds?
) Show your work for all problems in Step two.
) What is the MA of your transmission (gear box)?
) What’s the difference between the automatic and the standard transmission.
Conclusion: At the completion of this exercise, Students will demonstrate how gear drives are used to alter
mechanical advantage in simple machines. Calculating mechanical advantage, students will determine the effect
that gear ratio has upon torque and rate of rotation. Demonstrating their knowledge of gears and gear trains,
student will construct simple machines using gear, compound gear, and worm gear transmissions. Using crown and
bevel gears, students will demonstrate methods of changing the angle of transmission. To demonstrate their
competence, students will design and construct a working 2-speed gearbox using their robot trainer.
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Robotics Engineering
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Simple and Compound Machines
Exercise 7 – Gear Trains
Objective: At the completion of this exercise, you will demonstrate…
Copy and paste the required deliverables to another document for submission. All deliverables must be word processed
with the required student ID information in the footer of the document. The header of the document
should contain the title of the assignment. Both the question and answer must be included in the
deliverable with the answers highlighted. All work must be complete and accurate to receive credit.
Detailed definitions for each of the terms found in the Nomenclature section.
Detailed answers to the queries listed in the Questions section.
Information: One of the problems that engineers…
The Math:
Terms Equations Application
Research Resources:
The WWW changes all the time. If the listed links do not work, first inform your instructor then use a search
engine to research information regarding the described subject.
Web Site
3-Speed Transmission with Clutch
Nomenclature: Research and develop a detailed (two to three sentences) definition for each of these terms. It’s important to realize that
many words have multiple definitions. Some of which may have nothing to do with this course of study. Make sure your definitions fall within the
context of this lesson.
 Vocabulary Words
1. Research and develop a detailed definition for each of the terms found in the Nomenclature section.
2. Explain…
In this activity, you’ll conduct a hands-on experiment regarding this topic area. You’ll closely examine…
Required Materials and Equipment: Get these materials and tools from your instructor.
Steps: Refer to figures as you construct… Complete each of the following steps in the assigned order:
1. (
2. (
Conclusion: In completing this exercise…
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Simple and Compound Machines
Exercise 8 – Pulleys and Pulley Systems
Objective: At the completion of this exercise, you will demonstrate how pulleys are used in simple machines.
You will apply the concept of the block and tackle, together with gears and levers to build machines that
significantly alter mechanical advantage to lift heavy loads. At the completion of this exercise, you will demonstrate
how pulleys are used in simple machines. You will apply the concept of the block and tackle, together with gears
and levers to build machines that significantly alter mechanical advantage to lift heavy loads.
Copy and paste the required deliverables to another document for submission. All deliverables must be word processed
with the required student ID information in the footer of the document. The header of the document
should contain the title of the assignment. Both the question and answer must be included in the
deliverable with the answers highlighted. All work must be complete and accurate to receive credit.
Detailed definitions for each of the terms found in the Nomenclature section.
Detailed answers to the queries listed in the Questions section.
Information: An urban legend circulated some years ago that describe the
insurance claim of a bricklayer after an accident occurred. The story goes like
“ I am a bricklayer by trade. On the day of the accident, I was working alone on
roof of a new six-story building. When I completed my work, I found I had some
bricks left over which when weighed later were found to weigh 240 lbs. Rather than carry the bricks down by hand, I
decided to lower them in a barrel by using a pulley which was attached to the side of the building at the sixth floor.
Securing the rope at ground level, I went up to the roof, swung the barrel out and loaded the bricks into it. Then I
went down and untied the rope, holding it tightly to insure a slow descent of the 240 lbs of bricks. You will note on
the accident reporting form that my weight is 135 lbs.
Due to my surprise at being jerked off the ground so suddenly, I lost my presence of mind and forgot to let go of the
rope. Needless to say, I proceeded at a rapid rate up the side of the building. In the vicinity of the third floor, I met
the barrel which was now proceeding downward at an equally impressive speed. This explains the fractured skull,
minor abrasions and the broken collarbone, as listed in Section 3 of the accident reporting form. Slowed only
slightly, I continued my rapid ascent, not stopping until the fingers of my right hand were two knuckles deep into the
pulley which I mentioned in Paragraph 2 of this correspondence. Fortunately by this time I had regained my
presence of mind and was able to hold tightly to the rope, in spite of the excruciating pain I was now beginning to
experience. At approximately the same time, however, the barrel of bricks hit the ground, and the bottom fell out of
the barrel. Now devoid of the weight of the bricks, the barrel weighed approximately 50 lbs. I refer you again to my
As you might imagine, I began a rapid descent down the side of the building. In the vicinity of the third floor, I met
the barrel coming up. This accounts for the two fractured ankles, broken tooth and severe lacerations of my legs
and lower body. Here my luck began to change slightly. The encounter with the barrel seemed to slow me enough
to lessen my injuries when I fell into the pile of bricks and fortunately only three vertebrae were cracked. I am sorry
to report, however, as I lay there on the pile of bricks, in pain, unable to move and watching the empty barrel six
stories above me, I again lost my composure and presence of mind and let go of the rope.
Pulleys and pulley systems can be used to lift heavy weights that humans would not normally be able to lift. What
do you think is the difference between a pulley and a pulley system? Pulleys and pulley systems can be used to lift
heavy weights that humans would not normally be able to lift. Block and tackle pulley systems are used to hoist
sails on ships and lift an engine from a vehicle. A block and tackle can have as many pulleys as you want as long
as there aren’t too many. Why do you think there might be a system of too many pulleys?
The Math:
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Terms Equations Application
Research Resources:
The WWW changes all the time. If the listed links do not work, first inform your instructor then use a search
engine to research information regarding the described subject.
Web Site
High School physics information
An applet with a pulley where pulley systems with various numbers of pulleys can be
studied and calculations of necessary force observed.
Clearly details the mechanical advantage of different pulleys and pulley systems.
High School physics information
Clearly details the mechanical advantage of different pulleys and pulley systems.
Details how a block and tackle works.
Nomenclature: Research and develop a detailed (two to three sentences) definition for each of these terms. It’s important to realize that
many words have multiple definitions. Some of which may have nothing to do with this course of study. Make sure your definitions fall within the
context of this lesson.
 Pulley System
 Newtons
 Pulley System
 Block and Tackle
 Block and Tackle
 Mechanical Advantage
 Mechanical Advantage
Research and develop a detailed definition for each of the terms found in the Nomenclature section.
What is the difference between a pulley and a pulley system?
How does a single pulley affect mechanical advantage?
How does a pulley system affect mechanical advantage?
What is the difference between a pulley and a pulley system?
How does a single pulley affect mechanical advantage?
How does a block and tackle affect mechanical advantage?
What happens if you have too many pulleys in a block and tackle system?
In this activity, you’ll conduct a hands-on experiment regarding this topic area. You’ll closely examine…
Required Materials and Equipment: Get these materials and tools from your instructor.
 Robot Trainer
 String
 Ring stands (chemistry) with rings  Weights that can be
hooked/tied to string
 Spring scales
 Computers with internet
Steps: Refer to figures as you construct… Complete each of the following steps in the assigned order:
1. (
2. (
3. (
4. (
Find the resistance force of the mass by attaching it to the spring scale and observing the gravitational
Attach a pulley to a ring stand. Run string across the top of the pulley. Attach the weight on one end of
the string and the spring scale to the other end.
Find the force required to lift the weight by reading the spring scale as it is being pulled downward.
Attach one end of the string to the ring stand and the other end to the spring scale. Position the pulley in
between. Attach the weight to the pulley.
Find the force required to lift the weight by reading the spring scale as it is being pulled upward.
Use the internet to find at least three examples of pulley systems.
Set up your model to match the diagrams. Draw the diagrams in your engineering journal or notebooks.
Measure the resistance force with the spring scale in each instance.
Create a table documenting your findings in steps 1, 3, 5, and 8.
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10. (
11. (
12. (
13. (
14. (
15. (
Go to and check your knowledge on pulley systems. Correct
answers will activate the pulley. Incorrect answer will show a “try again”message.
Discuss how pulley systems impact mechanical advantage.
Find the resistance force of the mass by attaching it to the spring scale and observing the gravitational
Create a block and tackle pulley system. Draw the diagram of the system on this handout or in your
engineering journal or notebook.
Measure the resistance force with the spring scale.
Discuss how a block and tackle pulley systems impact mechanical advantage.
Conclusion: In completing this exercise you will have a greater understanding of the effect of pulleys and pulley
systems on mechanical advantage. The amount of force needed to lift an object is varies with the number and
distribution of pulleys. In conclusion, how would you advise the bricklayer to set up his pulley system in the future
to avoid this type of injury reoccurring? In completing this exercise you will have a greater understanding of the
effect of pulleys and pulley systems on mechanical advantage. The amount of force needed to lift an object is
varies with the number and distribution of pulleys. In conclusion, if you moved into a two story home with narrow
stairways and big windows, what type of pulley system might you create to get your furniture up to the second
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Robotics Engineering
DoDEA – Career and Technical Education
Simple and Compound Machines
Exercise 9 – Transmission of Motion
Objective: At the completion of this exercise, you will demonstrate the various
forms of motion that affect the operation of simple machines. You will construct models
that change linear, reciprocal, and rotary forms of motion through an angle.
Copy and paste the required deliverables to another document for submission. All
deliverables must be word processed with the required student ID information in the footer of the document.
The header of the document should contain the title of the assignment. Both the question and answer must
be included in the deliverable with the answers highlighted. All work must be complete and accurate to
receive credit.
Detailed definitions for each of the terms found in the Nomenclature section.
Detailed answers to the queries listed in the Questions section.
Information: What good would a lever be if it didn’t move? How useful would this pulley be? Motion is an
essential part of all machines. You will deal with linear motion (motion in a straight line), reciprocal motion (also
called reciprocating motion- back and forth), and rotary motion (circular). Conversion from one type to another
produces mechanisms we have at our disposal every day. OK, let’s get a move on!
The Math:
Terms Equations Application
Research Resources:
The WWW changes all the time. If the listed links do not work, first inform your instructor then use a search
engine to research information regarding the described subject.
Web Site
Site providing clear definitions with moving images explaining types of motion and
conversions and transformations.
Physics information for high school students.
Concise information on Newton’s Laws of Motion
Details how sewing machines work by showing combined mechanisms
Nomenclature: Research and develop a detailed (two to three sentences) definition for each of these terms. It’s important to realize that
many words have multiple definitions. Some of which may have nothing to do with this course of study. Make sure your definitions fall within the
context of this lesson.
Linear Motion
Reciprocal/Reciprocating Motion
Rotary Motion
Rack-and-Pinion Mechanism
Newton’s Three Laws of Motion
1. Research and develop a detailed definition for each of the terms found in the Nomenclature section.
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2. Compare and contrast the three types of motion in the nomenclature above.
3. Identify at least four types of mechanisms. Describe their parts. Give at least one practical use for each.
4. Construct examples to explain each of Newton’s three laws of motion.
In this activity, you’ll conduct a hands-on experiment regarding this topic area. You’ll closely examine…
Required Materials and Equipment: Get these materials and tools from your instructor.
 Computer with internet access
 Robot Trainer
 6 similarly sized food cans
(preferably closed)
 1 L plastic soda bottle
 Aluminum foil
 Set of3-6various balls (ex.
Tennis, ping pong, wiffle,
dodgeball, baseball, basketball,
 Cork that fits plastic bottle
 Baking soda
 Stack of coins of varying
 Triple beam balance
 Vinegar
 Graduated beaker/cylinder
Steps: Refer to figures as you construct… Complete each of the following steps in the assigned order:
Lab A: Newton’s First Law
1. ( ) Bend your elbow with the palm of your hand facing the ceiling and your forearm parallel to the ground.
2. ( ) Take one coin and put it on your elbow.
3. ( ) Quickly straighten your arm and catch the coin.
4. ( ) Add a second, third, fourth, coin and repeat. Repeat with different coins of various sizes.
5. ( ) Have a team member watch the coin’s movement carefully.
6. ( ) Reverse roles and repeat.
7. ( ) Describe the movement of the coins. Were some easier to do than others? Why do you think this? How
does this represent Newton’s First Law? Give another example of Newton’s First Law.
Lab B: Newton’s Second Law
Safety Note: Be sure cans cannot fall on people’s toes.
1. ( ) Find the mass of each of the balls to be used.
2. ( ) Stack the cans of food in a pyramid.
3. ( ) Gently toss on ball at the cans and measure how far the farthest can moved from its original position.
4. ( ) Reset the cans and repeat with other balls. Measure the distance the farthest can travels. Record your
results in a table.
Note: It is IMPERATIVE that EACH ball be thrown in exactly the same fashion with the same amount of force.
5. ( ) Describe the difference in each toss. What is the variable in this experiment that caused the results to
vary? Give another example of Newton’s Second Law.
Lab C: Newton’s Third Law (best do do this on a hard surface outside)
Safety Note: Be sure the cork is not pointing toward anyone.
1. ( ) Pour 100 ml of vinegar into the bottle. Put the cork into the bottle
2. ( ) Make a small funnel shaped envelope out of foil.
3. ( ) Put 1-2 tablespoons of baking soda in the foil.
4. ( ) Carefully and quickly place baking soda pouch into the bottle. Do not agitate the bottle so the two don’t
5. ( ) Replace the cork.
6. ( ) Lay bottle on its side and quickly spin the bottle so the ingredients mix.
7. ( ) Observe the movement of both the bottle and the cork.
8. ( ) How does each of these elements (bottle and cork) represent Newton’sThird Law? Give another example
of Newton’s Third Law.
Lab D: Motion and Mechanisms
1. ( ) Go to Look at each of the mechanisms
identified. Using your robot trainer, build each of the mechanisms to observe the movements. How does
each of these mechanisms represent Newton’s Laws? Prepare a chart similar to the one at the end of this
activity in your engineering journal or notebook.
2. ( ) Construct a sewing machine according to the pictures on the How Stuff Works website.
Lab D:
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Motion conversion
Practical Use
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Conclusion: Now weren’t those moving experiences? Newton’s Laws are the basics on which the principles of
motion stand. Mechanisms are made of individual pieces that work together demonstrating Newton’s Laws. These
mechanisms exhibit the various forms of motion to make machines useful in our everyday lives. Can you develop of
a machine that uses several of these mechanisms on this list? What mechanisms would it included and what does
it do?
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Exercise 10 – Centrifugal Force and Motion
Objective: At the completion of this exercise, you will demonstrate…
Copy and paste the required deliverables to another document for submission. All deliverables must be word processed
with the required student ID information in the footer of the document. The header of the document
should contain the title of the assignment. Both the question and answer must be included in the
deliverable with the answers highlighted. All work must be complete and accurate to receive credit.
Detailed definitions for each of the terms found in the Nomenclature section.
Detailed answers to the queries listed in the Questions section.
Information: One of the problems that engineers…
The Math:
Terms Equations Application
Research Resources:
The WWW changes all the time. If the listed links do not work, first inform your instructor then use a search
engine to research information regarding the described subject.
Web Site
Nomenclature: Research and develop a detailed (two to three sentences) definition for each of these terms. It’s important to realize that
many words have multiple definitions. Some of which may have nothing to do with this course of study. Make sure your definitions fall within the
context of this lesson.
 Vocabulary Words
1. Research and develop a detailed definition for each of the terms found in the Nomenclature section.
2. Explain…
In this activity, you’ll conduct a hands-on experiment regarding this topic area. You’ll closely examine…
Required Materials and Equipment: Get these materials and tools from your instructor.
Steps: Refer to figures as you construct… Complete each of the following steps in the assigned order:
1. (
2. (
Conclusion: In completing this exercise…
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Exercise 11 – Steering Mechanisms
Objective: At the completion of this exercise, you will demonstrate…
Copy and paste the required deliverables to another document for submission. All deliverables must be word processed
with the required student ID information in the footer of the document. The header of the document
should contain the title of the assignment. Both the question and answer must be included in the
deliverable with the answers highlighted. All work must be complete and accurate to receive credit.
Detailed definitions for each of the terms found in the Nomenclature section.
Detailed answers to the queries listed in the Questions section.
Information: One of the problems that engineers…
The Math:
Terms Equations Application
Research Resources:
The WWW changes all the time. If the listed links do not work, first inform your instructor then use a search
engine to research information regarding the described subject.
Web Site
Nomenclature: Research and develop a detailed (two to three sentences) definition for each of these terms. It’s important to realize that
many words have multiple definitions. Some of which may have nothing to do with this course of study. Make sure your definitions fall within the
context of this lesson.
 Vocabulary Words
1. Research and develop a detailed definition for each of the terms found in the Nomenclature section.
2. Explain…
In this activity, you’ll conduct a hands-on experiment regarding this topic area. You’ll closely examine…
Required Materials and Equipment: Get these materials and tools from your instructor.
Steps: Refer to figures as you construct… Complete each of the following steps in the assigned order:
1. (
2. (
Conclusion: In completing this exercise…
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Exercise 12 – Compound Machines
Objective: At the completion of this exercise, you will demonstrate…
Copy and paste the required deliverables to another document for submission. All deliverables must be word processed
with the required student ID information in the footer of the document. The header of the document
should contain the title of the assignment. Both the question and answer must be included in the
deliverable with the answers highlighted. All work must be complete and accurate to receive credit.
Detailed definitions for each of the terms found in the Nomenclature section.
Detailed answers to the queries listed in the Questions section.
Information: One of the problems that engineers…
The Math:
Terms Equations Application
Research Resources:
The WWW changes all the time. If the listed links do not work, first inform your instructor then use a search
engine to research information regarding the described subject.
Web Site
Nomenclature: Research and develop a detailed (two to three sentences) definition for each of these terms. It’s important to realize that
many words have multiple definitions. Some of which may have nothing to do with this course of study. Make sure your definitions fall within the
context of this lesson.
 Vocabulary Words
1. Research and develop a detailed definition for each of the terms found in the Nomenclature section.
2. Explain…
In this activity, you’ll conduct a hands-on experiment regarding this topic area. You’ll closely examine…
Required Materials and Equipment: Get these materials and tools from your instructor.
Steps: Refer to figures as you construct… Complete each of the following steps in the assigned order:
1. (
2. (
Conclusion: In completing this exercise…
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Exercise 13 – Forms of Energy
Objective: At the completion of this exercise, you will demonstrate the properties of
potential and kinetic energy by building and launching model trebuchet made from materials
found in your robot trainers and rubber bands. At the completion of this exercise, you will
demonstrate the properties of potential and kinetic energy by building and launching model
catapults made from materials found in your robot trainers and rubber bands.
Copy and paste the required deliverables to another document for submission. All deliverables must be word processed
with the required student ID information in the footer of the document. The header of the document
should contain the title of the assignment. Both the question and answer must be included in the
deliverable with the answers highlighted. All work must be complete and accurate to receive credit.
Detailed definitions for each of the terms found in the Nomenclature section.
Detailed answers to the queries listed in the Questions section.
Information: In olden days, catapults/trebuchets were used as weapons in
defense of a kingdom or castle. Large rocks or other objects were hurled at an
approaching enemy. The various types of catapults all share common
characteristics. There must be a solid base on which to stand the catapult and
moveable arm with receptacle attached to hold, load and hurl the projectile. The tension produced when the arm is
pulled back will, along with the angle at which the projectile is launched, and weight of the projectile, determine the
distance the projectile will travel. This is a clear example of the relationship between potential and kinetic energy.
In olden days, catapults were used as weapons in the defense of a kingdom or castle. Large rocks or other objects
were hurled at an approaching enemy. The various types of catapults all share common characteristics. There
must be a solid base on which to stand the catapult and a moveable arm with receptacle attached to hold, load and
hurl the projectile. The tension produced when the arm is pulled back will, along with the angle at which the
projectile is launched, and weight of the projectile, determine the distance the projectile will travel. This is a clear
example of the relationship between potential and kinetic energy.
The Math:
Terms Equations Application
Research Resources:
The WWW changes all the time. If the listed links do not work, first inform your instructor then use a search
engine to research information regarding the described subject.
Web Site
Website gives step by step process on how to build a trebuchet. the different types of mechanical devices which function like catapults.
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 Nomenclature: Research and develop a detailed (two to three sentences) definition for each of these terms. It’s important to realize
that many words have multiple definitions. Some of which may have nothing to do with this course of study. Make sure your definitions fall
within the context of this lesson.
 Potential Energy
 Kinetic Energy
 Projectile
Research and develop a detailed definition for each of the terms found in the Nomenclature section.
Explain the relationship between the catapult and trebuchet as to their kinetic and potential energy.
Discuss the factors that affect the distance a projectile travels from the catapult and trebuchet.
Which do you feel does the best job at sending a projectile? Why?
Explain the relationship between kinetic and potential energy.
Discuss the factors that affect the distance a projectile travels.
In this activity, you’ll conduct a hands-on experiment regarding this topic area. You’ll closely examine…
Required Materials and Equipment: Get these materials and tools from your instructor.
 Materials from robot trainer,
Rubber bands, Projectiles
(Marshmallow, ping pong balls)
Steps: Refer to figures as you construct… Complete each of the following steps in the assigned order:
Construct model Trebuchet
Launch projectile. Plot data on paper (distance vs. trail)
Vary angle, tension, and load, re-launch.
Collect and report data that shows the comparison of distances traveled by projectiles.
Which does a better job catapult or trebuchet for launching projectiles from data collected.
Construct model catapult.
Launch projectile.
Vary angle, tension, and load, re-launch.
Collect and report data.
Conclusion: At the completion of this exercise, you will demonstrate the properties of potential and kinetic
energy by building and launching models of both catapult and trebuchet. Can you think of a battle where you would
use just a catapult? How about a trebuchet? In completing this exercise you will have a greater understanding of
the relationship between potential and kinetic energy. Energy can never be created or destroyed, only changed
from one form to another and the projectile initially contained more potential energy than kinetic energy as it was
pulled back and when released, the potential energy was converted to kinetic energy as it moved across the space.
Can you think of other examples of situations where potential energy is converted to kinetic energy?
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Simple and Compound Machines
Exercise 3 – Resistance
Objective: At the completion of this exercise, you will demonstrate how friction can be measured to alter
mechanical advantage and Students will demonstrate how to reduce friction and resistance when moving loads
using simple machines. Using their robot trainer, they will construct various types
of conveyor systems (rolling and belt) and then contrast and compare each
machine’s operation. Finally, they will construct an aerial cableway and modify it
so a load can be moved up a steep incline
Dragster racing friction or hook.
Copy and paste the required deliverables to another document for submission.
All deliverables must be word processed with the required student ID information in the footer of the
document. The header of the document should contain the title of the assignment. Both the question and answer must be included in the
deliverable with the answers highlighted. All work must be complete and accurate to receive credit.
1. Detailed definitions for each of the terms found in the Nomenclature section.
2. Detailed answers to the queries listed in the Questions section.
Information: Friction is a very common (and sometimes troublesome) force. How does it work? What does the
force of friction depend on? You will probably not be surprised to know that some aspects of the behavior of friction
are quite surprising.
The Math:
Terms Equations Application
Research Resources:
The WWW changes all the time. If the listed links do not work, first inform your instructor then use a search
engine to research information regarding the described subject.
Web Site
Click on Products Conveyors and Material Handling
Table Mountain’s Aerial Cableway
Heidelberg, Germany’s Funicular (Incline) Railway
San Francisco Cable Car Museum
Nomenclature: Research and develop a detailed (two to three sentences) definition for each of these terms. It’s important to realize that
many words have multiple definitions. Some of which may have nothing to do with this course of study. Make sure your definitions fall within the
context of this lesson.
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 Friction
 Rolling friction
 Resistance
 Fluid friction
 Static friction
 Load
Research and develop a detailed definition for each of the terms found in the Nomenclature section.
Explain how friction resistance is removed from a conveyor system?
What are the three types of friction?
Compare and contrast rolling and belt conveyors.
In this activity, you’ll conduct a hands-on experiment regarding this topic area. You’ll closely examine…
Required Materials and Equipment: Get these materials and tools from your instructor.
 String For Cable Way
 Lego Mindstorms NXT Kit
 Tetrix Robotics Kit
Steps: Refer to figures as you construct… Complete each of the following steps in the assigned order:
5. (
Go to
Before you begin, write a plan for how to build an aerial cableway.
Put your plan into action.
Demonstrate to the class your simple aerial cableway. Show how you can move a load from one
place to another. What is your limit?
Show a faster way to move your load along on the cableway.
Conclusion: In completing this exercise, you demonstrated how friction can be measured to alter mechanical
advantage and Students will demonstrate how to reduce friction and resistance when moving loads using simple
machines. Why use a cableway versus a train?
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